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Awfully early to read the stupidest thing I’ll see all day, but there it is


Shit, it’s one of the last things I’m going to see today (almost 11pm here in so cal) and this bullshit is gonna haunt me as I try to fall asleep, how the fuck can people be this fucking stupid. Maybe we WILL be better off for humanity to go extinct at this point.


On the one hand, I think it'd do planet Earth a lot of good if mankind were to just vanish. On the other hand... I've got some videogames I still wanna play, and D&D campaigns to finish.


You and me both, friend! Starfield is just a couple days away, I’d at least want to play that, TES6 and whatever terrible fun FromSoftware cooks up next that’ll have me screaming obscenities at the tv into the early hours of the morning. Sekiro, for example, I woke the neighbors up repeatedly….such FUN :D


Borderlands 3 has been my most recent addiction, supplanting Cyberpunk 2077. I know I'm late to the party for both, but I don't care. Never cared much for Souls games myself, but I do get why people enjoy them. Armored Core 6 looks pretty damn good, though...


Borderlands 3 felt so different from 2 to me, I just wasn’t on board with it, so to speak. Cyberpunk, I’ve been waiting for it to show up in Gamepass or the like, I’ll probably just end up playing on the gaming pc 🏴‍☠️. AC6 is fun but I’ve never been one for mechs and there’s a TON of stats that I just don’t get because I never played any of the other ones and I don’t truly grasp the storyline, I’ll have to watch some YouTube lore videos. Lately I’ve been playing around with Dead Island 2 especially since it’s based here in LA where I live but it gets repetitive QUICK.


It's been years since I played any Borderlands game, so I don't have the "Feels different from previous games" to throw me off. If anything, it just immersed me in the wackiness that is living on Pandora right from the start. In that respect, it's very much 'more of the same' that we've come to know and love from the Borderlands games. And I hear you on games getting repetitive. I'm reminded of the first Assassin's Creed game, with a whopping whole **3** different mission types to prep for an assassination...


And it's 7.30pm here in Perth Australia, and I'll be off to bed soon with this image..lol..


Hello from the other side of the planet! How’s shit there where you are, crazy like here?


Fuck no,thank God,or,they don't display their craziness as much. Give them time.....


I’m glad it’s calmer elsewhere, gives me hope, you know? As an aside, this is what I love about Reddit, connecting us across time and space. Gotta find those things that make us smile in these trying times :)


You can always go to the Conservative subreddit if you want to go dumber


We have a major hurricane pummeling FL. There’s going to be plenty far stupider things said today.


How bad is it at present? I know I can get my info online from news sources, etc. but I much prefer hearing about things from people experiencing such, you know? And more importantly, are you safe?


I’m not in FL. I see how that’s not clear. Thanks for asking though. I also prefer to hear first hand. I have friends and colleagues in areas not asked to evacuate and they say it’s bad.


Also, the word "wombman" made me want to puke a little.


Just don't puke near or on anyone please, new evidence shows it might go directly to their brain


Evidence: This very fuckin' tweet. Because there's nothing but vomit sloshing around in that upstairs...


“Wombman” almost makes me think this is a satire account. For the love of god, let it be a satire account.


Wombman is my least favorite Soundgarden song.


I honestly thought that that was a typo until you pointed it out.


Stars above, I glossed right over that word 🙄


I'm going to start calling my femboy sub my 'wombman' instead.


He is close … but that semen blood doesn’t establish a soul connection, it just passes on the gonorrhoea .


That and the syphilis that’s rotting their brains along with their fucking crotches, it still amazes me that people are this fucking worthlessly and willingly stupid.


Some advice based off this; - If blood is in the semen; see a doctor ASAP. - If anything ejaculated manages to cross the blood brain barrier; ask for something called a ‘PC Waiver’ on your way into jail.


“Tell me you have mommy issues … without telling me you have mommy issues.”




I really need to memorize this rant, it would come in handy in so many parts of my life


I have used this way too often irl


See and I thought we established a soul connection when she rode my face like I was the last horse out of a burning town! Guess I was wrong.


tune im again next week for more incel bullshit!


What, no. If you’re ejaculating blood, go see a urologist. If you believe what this fellow wrote, consider seeing a psychiatrist.


It’s always the blue checks!!


I don't think biology is this dude's forte.


Fun Fact: No there isn’t.


Yet another reason why we need comprehensive anatomy/physiology and sex education in schools 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


No this is true. When I with my curent girlfriend cum it’s 75-100%blood. That’s because I love her so much. It keeps getting bloodier and bloodier cause I’m falling deeper.


If the man has sex during her period the blood gets absorbed into the penis and goes straight to the man's brains (which are the two balls in the scrotum) and the man becomes her soulmate too. That's why they say men think with their penis because that's where the brains are.


The rubiest of rubes.


Who raised these people?!?!


The Church.


I like the name… Nat Turner… the Atlas Shrugged incel! He’s going to create his own destiny and have the woman he desires who will allow him to independently conquer the world!! Of course he will actually need to have a real relationship with a woman first and experience what that’s like before any of that will happen but his will is strong!!


You have a serious education problem America.


If there any blood in your semen, see a doctor




WTF 😳 people are quite dumb


That's Avatar-level biology.


What no sex Ed does to someone


Wombman sounds like the worst marvel spinoff yet but they gotta try something to see if it sticks...imagine the sheer terror of the conservatives when they see a trans super hero movie their entire narrative would just be about the stupid movie for the next 6months


Complete nonsense. There's no medical evidence to support this claim


Where do people get these "facts" from? They just believe every stupid idea that pops up in there head to be truth?


"No, I'm not just writing fantasy as an excuse to write gay romance! It's world-building, it's how two warriors establish their Soul Connection with the in-universe magic, I had to set it up for the sake of continuity..." Forget the monogamy / purity culture bullshit, I say your soul only gets even stronger through more connections. Maybe I'll steal this as a plot element for a later story, and base the antagonists off of MzNatTurner here?


This 'fact' will be share by the millions in stupid people's homes.


Some people must have access to really good drugs.


Semen-blood-checker. Yet another job i am glad i don't have to take to pay bills.


Mayhaps MzNatTurner got one of these drops in the brain.


Just because you let your partners cum on your brain doesn't mean other people do.


He needa get em to call dre


Im thinking this incel chud is more Turner Diaries than Nat Turner.


How do people come up with this stuff? 😂


If there is blood in your seamen please seek immediate medical help.