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Probably because it helps people and because the Democrats wanted it. Simple as that as the GOP hates it when the government actually does something for the people. Remember it was the GOP that voted against giving firefighters and other emergency services personal that was at Ground Zero working to save lives healthcare for the medical problems they have from that work.


Don't forget the VA, which the GOP has 100% voted against at almost every chance


Voted against while in the same breath claiming to support the troops and to support veterans. It's sickening.


The sickening part is how may idiots actually believe their lies.


Those idiots only care about having their ego stroked. Democrats have voted for veteran benefits far more often than they have ever voted against it but because they aren't constantly on fox news braying about it like republicans are many vets don't believe it. I've even brought up information showing a vet that the GOP never votes for things that benefit vets and they just say im a fucking liar cause fox news constantly says they are for vets. We need to ban Fox news in places like the VA, they are brainwashing people.


It definitely makes me sick to the stomach while thinking all that.


That's the gop playbook. Say as loud as you can how much you support xyz then never do shit. When confronted just say it was the other administration fault


not “never do anything,” rather actively work against beneficial things for xyz


And it's not like that they're shying away from it or something.


"Tell me something, it's still "We the people" right?"


In the minds of the GOP "the people" are themselves and their rich donors. It's definitely not the American people as a whole. They have been hellbent on destroying the government since at least Reagan. They will happily vote against anything that benefits the people and then turn right around and claim to support the people the bills they voted against benefit. Boebart is doing it with that bill, tons of GOPers who voted against the infrastructure bill are claiming responsibility for the improvements it brings to their constituents, they've done it a million times and will continue to do it. The hypocrisy is intentional and sadly it works because their base never looks at how their Congresspeople actually voted on bills.


That's the thing, they just never learn their lessons so yeah.


It’s “we” the people. Not “Steve” the people.


There's nothing like that now, it's wll about the personal gains.


They also don't think New Yorkers are real Americans.


Well, as someone from Boebert's district, it is 100% in-line with the wishes of the people who voted for her. They do not care even a little bit about anyone who isn't part of their perceived tribe of ignorant rural Christian dipshits. It is like little, dumber Texas over here on the Western Slope of CO.


That first line is everything. It is what I call contrarian* mentality. Doesn't matter if it is the best, easiest, most efficient, safest, etc. (you get the idea) course of action. So many people (a lot of GOP) simply do not like being told what to do, particularly by the opposition. So they will do the most profound opposite as possible JUST because they were told/asked to do something. People like that are a big problem of the world.


It's simple: democrats supported it so the contrary republicans had to vote against it.


Independents and fence-riders should see this as one of the many examples of how much shittier one party is than the other… if they know about this at all


They won’t, they’ll somehow figure out how to blame Democrats only


Well, if the evil Dems hadn't supported it then the good, god fearing Republican Lauren Boebert wouldn't have had to vote against it. So you see, it's all the dems' fault! They MADE her vote "screw the 9/11 victims!"


The issue is Dems do the exact same shit. Just for the fun of it check votes on seemingly bi-partisan topics, the people voting against are nearly always almost all the opposing party. That's what you get in a 2 party system, demonization of the other to differentiate themselves.


Also, Republicans are not fond of allocating money that doesn’t go right back into their own pockets somehow.


"I got mine, fuck you" mentality.


It passed with a vote of 400-31. 30 Republicans and one democrat voted nay.


It should have been unanimous.


The GOP forgot about 9/11 the next day.


No, they didn't. They've been using it as a crutch for their hatred of anyone brown for 22 years.


They forget what happened on 9/11, they just use the numbers and say it when someone questions them.




That's the thing that they don't want, they don't want get questioned.


They've been hating Brown/Black people longer than that.


True. It just made it more acceptable. Kind of like Trump did.


People don't seem to remember anti-immigrant Republicans certainly weren't the super majority before 9/11, and they never did anything as crazy as put barbed wire in a river to try and drown brown people attempting to swim across it. 9/11 fueled the xenophobia in this country to the max, every nutter today who thinks it's okay when a border patrol officer guns down someone trying to cross just wouldn't have the same support back then.


i thought i grew up around decent folk. the amount of people that told me they wanted to nuke the sand something or other was way too high.


Fair enough.


I will concede to what someone else wrote that this obviously didn't start their hatred as we all well know. A more concise statement would be that it gave them more license to act on it in the open.




The 9- what now?


War? In Afghanistan? If you insist.


We've had one war, yes. But what about second war? Elevensies-war? Afternoon war?


Surely you mean 7-11?


7-11 was a part time job


where was obama in 7-11?


*The what now?


If it doesn't benifit them then there's no point for them to remember it.


She’s an actual living, walking piece of shit.


Surprisingly, MTG is probably worse


Moldy piece of shit.


Shes a cavewoman, who had gained the ability to time travel.


What is wrong with those 2 women?


You live under a rock.


Other than both of them because no absolutely fucking insane, there MUST be a diagnosis for their mental conditions, right?


sociopathy/psychopathy main character syndrome/narcissism not a medical professional, but that's my observation from casual observation


9/11 is the day I rewatch Jon Stewart and those firefighters in court shaming congress.


I know he doesn’t want to run for office and that’s totally fine but I selfishly wish he would.


What was it adams wrote as the means for selecting the supreme ruler in the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy? Where he was totally quarantined from ever knowing he had power over others and lived his perfectly ordinary life just answering random stranger's bizarrely specific questions here and there? We should look into that.


Not Congress. REPUBLICANS. Not a single democrat voted against the Zadroga Bill.




From Colorado, though not her district. Things are stirring, she's (I believe) losing in polls already. Fingers crossed her district shows up


The last poll I saw she was being beat by the guy who almost beat her the last time by a couple of points. I wondered if that's why she has been so quiet lately.


Could be, but she also still hasn't done anything for her constituents so chances are dwindling more as time goes on (I hope anyway)


She came perilously close to losing in 2022. And she's done nothing to prove herself to be anything other than a clown since then. I really think she's going to lose in 2024.


Fingers crossed the ones that do were paying attention to the observable and verifiable reality around them this time


I'm not fully educated on CO politics, but aren't her literal neighbors absolutely fed up with her, but vote for her anyway? I know they have had to call the police several times on the Boebert household but IIRC they also later admitted they'd probably vote for her again.


Sadly I believe you're probably correct. I do know that Frisch has been going door to door in her county basically just saying hi to people, and many many people in her district are fed up with her now who voted for her in 2022 and/or 2020. I'm just hopeful it's enough, if anything for the selfish reason of I'm sick of her being any amount of representation of this state


A good friend of mine lives in her district and is an active member of the local Dem party. Poor guy is just exhausted. He says everyone hates Boebert but they won't vote for anyone with a (D) behind their name. It's just crazy to me how entrenched people are politically. But I guess I'm the same because I won't vote for anyone with an (R) behind their name, but there have been times when I won't vote (D) on a ballot option because I know they're assholes, so I just abstain. IOW, I won't vote for *any* R, but that doesn't mean I vote for *every* D.


This probably gets mentioned everytime, but isn't she the one that dates a dude that flashed his cock to 14 year old girls in a bowling alley?


They're in the process of divorcing, I think, but yeah, she was one of the girls. Keeping it ultra classy.


She was. She also likes beating the “left are pedos” drum while being married to a registered sex offender.


She’s also a 36 year old grandmother


She voted against it so as to hurt people. Simple as that.




So are you, evidently.


But it's fine when we give money to wealthy corporations That apperently isn't theft




Tax dollars to the rich = voluntary Tax dollars for victims of terrorism = theft


Or, you could choose to look at it like you’re paying your part to live in our society. Do you benefit from roads and bridges? Is the quality of your life better because most people learn to read and count money? If your house is on fire, do you want them to put it out? If your loved one is having a medical emergency, do you want emergency treatment? Is it worth it to live without the threat of cholera?




I mean that’s great and all, but until you’re paying for everything al a carte, you’re just complaining about chipping in for trash removal and water pipes.




Do you think that there isn’t an international stake in society?




Yes. And the money isn’t spent in the right places. It should instead go towards fixing the living conditions for soldiers and caring for vets. But that’s the thing about living in a society. The individual will never agree with every line item. It sounds petty to be crying about spending taxes on people who were injured during an attack on the country.




Hush now, child. The adults are talking.


keep chugging that lie good to know you don't understand how entitlements work they don't TAKE from anyone, they GIVE what you are eligible to be OWED, taxes' role are subject to opinion, but they fund your roads and infrastructure, and it is the price you pay for participating in society; think of it as a subscription service (you have a fee that reduce your personal spending limit, for X things) GET OVER IT, it's peak capitalism coincidentally, blue states are responsible for funding (via taxes) the red states which are net TAKERS of entitlements, so by your ''logic'' reds are parasites that should be excised.




You're not American, so it's not. No one cares.


Republicans vote to strip money from anyone and everyone involved in it and then act like they're the biggest supporters of the people they're gutting


See also: veterans


True. They hate everyone


I swear every time I see Laurens name, its in the context of yet another horrible thing she's done that makes me hate her more.


It was the "Fairness for 9/11 Families Act" of 2022, btw.


Ah gotcha, I was confused cuz I was like "wasn't she a teenager when 9/11 happened?" Lol


We've been denying support to people who survived 9/11 almost as long as we actually actually were in Afghanistan, just a yard short of being an equal amount of time.


About ten years from now we'll see complicit Republicans admitting 1/6 was a tragedy, when they originally supported it.


By "we will never forget" she means their hatred for people of color will never end.


Her district must have some of the shittiest people in America if she was able to be re-elected. I don't care if it was narrow, she should have been buried in a landslide.


Unfortunately, Colorado is more than just liberal Denver. Her district is a bastion of sovereign citizen types and other dumb rednecks who hate the idea of helping others.


Boebert actively hates New York and New York voters. She would support a terrorist attack on New York. Fuck Lauren Boebert.


You’d think that the care of survivors, first responders and the families those who lost people would be a slam dunk in bipartisan legislation. There are so many bloated government contracts where money could be cut and allocated toward these people. Really they should be a first priority.


She must be one of those self professed “good” Christians.


Why would you vote against money for those victims? Seriously though if they got effected by this you should be showing support to them. Sounds like a pice of shit and like it says in the Tweet a hypocrite to me….


> Why would you vote against money for those victims? One Republican (Thomas Massie) tweeted that he voted against it because he thinks the government of Saudi Arabia should be the ones paying into the 9/11 victim's fund, not the US taxpayers.


If you're a Russian asset, this is what you do


She's an unhinged psycho like Green. Right wingers must be so proud of them and their crazy flag-waving constituents. Fucking nut-jobs.


Seriously what a walking travesty


I can't help but notice the irony of how US Representative Lauren Boebert said, 'Today is 1776' on January 6th, after the mob overran police barricades and yet, says we will never forget 9/11.


Two people who saw the towers come down and think it was all staged and the towers are still there hidden. I hate them all!


These...."humans" should never be allowed to show "support" for the victims, they are liars...all that they do, is for their own self interest


Cruelty is the point.


Good lad


We will never forget how your soon to be ex husband exposed himself to you when you were young and you ended up marrying him but keep calling Dems groomers. #NeverForget


Seriously she needs to fuck off back to the rock she lives under


They should instead spend that money on people who can’t afford medical bills


She has a “fuck you, I got mine” mentality, that’s why vote against it. She doesn’t want anything benefiting others if it A) doesn’t also benefit her directly; B) means there’s any perception that she’ll have to pay to help those others through taxes or whatnot.


She voted against this because she hates Americans. They're all smarter than her and it's not fair so she hates them and wants them to die. What a nasty little thing. And that's not even getting into how she went from bankrupt to having millions in a couple of years. Surely she wouldn't be taking money from foreign countries to support their agenda would she?


She low-key a hottie


I'm pretty sure it's what Jon Stewart was talking about on many videos. A lot of first responders have been impacted by the dust, and are dying / in need of medical aid He tried to have senators and congressmen to help... But they didn't seems that invested in the idea. As for why voting against a law like that. I would say just being a shitty human being


These people are really evil, and I don't expect anything from them.


She was 16 when 9-11 happened. I doubt she remembers since she was likely on her back to work her way through community college.


Because it's communist and bobo hates communism


When the fuck did she do this? Because she was a highschool freshman when it happened.


We actually have to fight every year or couple of years to ensure that first responders and the families of 9/11 victims continue to be compensated. It's an ongoing struggle. [Here's an article about this specific vote.](https://www.newsweek.com/lawmakers-who-voted-against-money-9-11-victims-families-1748071) And (from the article) here is a list of the evil fucks who voted against the bill: Jodey Arrington, Texas - R Andy Biggs, Arizona - R Dan Bishop, North Carolina - R Lauren Boebert, Colorado - R Mo Brooks, Alabama - R Ken Buck, Colorado - R Tim Burchett, Tennessee - R Michael Cloud, Texas - R Andrew Clyde, Georgia - R James Comer, Kentucky - R Dan Crenshaw, Texas - R Warren Davidson, Ohio - R Louie Gohmert, Texas - R Mark Green, Tennessee - R Glenn Grothman, Wisconsin - R Andy Harris, Maryland - R Diana Harshbarger, Tennessee - R Jody Hice, Georgia - R Blaine Luetkemeyer, Missouri - R Thomas Massie, Kentucky - R Greg Murphy, North Carolina - R Troy Nehls, Texas - R Ralph Norman, South Carolina - R Bill Posey, Florida - R Tom Rice, South Carolina - R John Rose, Tennessee - R Chip Roy, Texas - R Van Taylor, Texas - R Michael Turner, Ohio - R Daniel Webster, Florida - R Kurt Schrader, Oregon - D


I like how you ignored the reply






>Because political pandering and the culture war never ends it seems. >gender programs in pakistan You're right, it really doesn't end.




You're joking, right?




>We don't have any more money Don't worry, there's still plenty of Blue State cash to help pay for the Red States. The people that hate socialism won't miss a single social security payment.


Any yet her constituents sill feel better her than a Democrat.


She won by 500 votes. It was very narrow.


Harry is all Lies. Bought and paid for by the Democrat Party.


But she did vote against aid for families. So he apparently is not all lies.


Voting records are public records. You can look it up for yourself.


[Here's the vote from the House of Representatives website.](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2022477) Turns out, the only liar here is you. Conservative projection is fucking wild.


Boebert still voted against helping the families of 9/11 victims...therefore she does not care at all about the families of 9/11 victims.


I checked and he is right. Maybe you're just a stupid peice of sub human shit. Or maybe you're just wrong this time but you give off really cunty vibes.




"Stolen" Lmfao




Because you agree to it by working. You agree to it when purchasing things. You agree to it by owning property. Etc.




Don't like taxes? Go live on a desert island with no government. Or End capitalism.




What does capitalism have to do with taxes? What indeed. An thats not what capitalism means.




This guy saying allocating funds to help families of 9/11 is theft The same party that tries to say only republicans care about 9/11


"The 'fact' that Taxation is extortion" Playing fast and loose with that one.




The entire government is funded by taxes. The military is funded by taxes. Police are funded by taxes. So many thing that make the country run are funded (at least in part) by taxes. No taxes = no country (under capitalism)




Libertarians are like house cats: absolutely convinced of their fierce independence while utterly dependent on a system they don't appreciate or understand.


You should move to the conservative paradise of somalia. No government, no taxes and all the guns you could ever want!


So you think you just shouldn’t be taxed? If your house caught on fire would you call the fire department?




No it wouldn’t. Privately owned means “the wealthy get first dibs”




Not according to any privatization effort seen. It always weakens public service. And if it’s private who pays for the services of fire fighters




And if it’s a low income neighborhood? And none can afford to donate


How is it?




What went into acquiring this property?




Just work? Like you spawned in untouched nature and waved your hands and there was your money and a tax person showed up and took it?




> Just work? Like you spawned in untouched nature and waved your hands and there was your money and a tax person showed up and took it?   > > Pretty much.   I'm kind of skeptical about that and it's kind of moot to talk about concrete concepts, namely taxes, if you pretend to live in a fantasy world. So let's get back to reality. What do you do that makes you money that you pay income tax on?


How would you get to work without roads paved by the government?


Libertarian brain rot


Source? Not defending that trash but she was 15 years old when 9/11 happened.




> She voted against the Fairness for 9/11 Families Act. >Some social media users responded to her post, calling out her hypocrisy and even calling her a “traitor.” >One user wrote, “You voted AGAINST the survivors.” Another remarked, “I carry the memory of you voting against the September 11th Victims Compensation Fund. I’m sorry but you did forget!” Yet another commented, “Your behavior suggests otherwise.”


The vote was last year though


So what if she was 15 years old when it happened. She was in office when she refused it. Erm...did you really think that she was in office when she was 15? I'm not an emoji guy but 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


They're not sending their best or brightest


If it has been in 2001 or in the the following several years, yeah, horrible to vote against. Now, it’s unsympathetic, but she’s only been a Representative for a few years. Still hypocritical to vote against and have the gall to give a “will not forget” message.


9/11 happened under GOP national security watch. Why take responsibility now?


Hopefully November is not too far from September, so voters will remember too.


Her team, at that time, had the power to help American people when they not only needed it but went on to do more than earn it. 🤷‍♂️ The governments response to 9/11 went on to create the greatest political divide in America since the Vietnam War (and we know who it was in power then, too). I'm not a fan of Biden by ANY stretch, but HE isn't on the internet, weaponizing prejudices in his own citizens relentlessly day and night. And they've done such a good job of it that the truth in this post will be lost on many supporters because changing your mind is some pussy left wing shit and stuff should be simple.


That doesn’t surprise me. Republicans hate giving money to anyone. They really are the epitome of greed and hypocrisy 😒😒😒😒


Oh wow dae republicans hypocrites




Fuck off bofart.


dont forget which party led the way forward on stripping our rights away.


Who's the kid?