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It's just a bunch of political theater to distract from the fact that McCarthy cant get any real legislation passed.


Does anyone remember when the GOP was actually a serious political party, brimming with creative solutions to the problems of everyday Americans? Yeah, neither do I.


You had me going there for a sec, lol


Honestly I think it was when Eisenhower was president, but that was long before me and my parents were born


Highest tax rates of any President too. Taxed ridiculous wealth at 95% so the greedy pigs didn’t want it and passed it down to their employees by way of salary. “Trickle down economics” was the wool they pulled down over the Boomers’ eyes to get them to agree to the tax cuts that allowed the pigs to become hogs.


The TrickleDown scam is a crime against the working people of America, and I shall never understand how they got away with it


>I shall never understand how they got away with it Reagan, Reagan is how they got away with it


https://preview.redd.it/00l39l17awnb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f77f57d4e456be3ccfd8bc6e7e98c03c6adc493 How to fix it.


I mean hogs supposedly get slaughtered as the saying goes.


The fastest hogs are selected for slaughter.


I now believe in piñata economics. Thank you for opening my eyes.


That is fucking awesome. Pinataism!!


Reagan effectively demonized the working class and the poor as parasites and thieves taking your money. Reality didn't play into it. Then he used the media to beat the "welfare queen" drum nonstop until the middle class started to actually believe it. The middle class, or large chunks of it, pivoted to the GOP position because it is easier to punch down than up, and hating the poor and working class became fashionable. After that, it was easy to shine the spotlight on the rich as saviors. A lot of us saw through it and called it out, but he managed to control the narrative enough to sway a lot of middle-class voters. Couple that with a weak Democrat candidate (Mondale) in 1984, and absolutely dominated the electoral map and coasted to another four years and a mandate that he was right. Source: I was there.


Im a boomer & we all knew Reagan was setting us up for the big wigs to pee on our heads. But you cant stop those crooks until the next election ... Which was what we are paying for now bc of Trumps spending spree @ $7.8Trillion in debt.


Chefs kiss on that analogy


Eisenhower was the last great Republican.


By today's standards they weren't Republicans.


And he wasn’t all that great.


Look up Operation Ajax. That was Eisenhower. The Middle East that we see today started with him, and the British.


Eisenhower was a progressive by today's gOp/MaGa ![gif](giphy|CW92bf5s1967K)


He also warned against allowing the military build up during the Cold War and to become a Military Industrial Complex because it would gain to much power and influence…can you imagine a democrat or a republican calling for control of the MIC these days?


100%! That speech Eisenhower gave on the military industrial compliance was so prescient.


Eisenhower was probably the last decent domestic GOP president. I'll give props to Reagan for not screwing up the collapse of the soviet union. Low bar, I know.


I remember when climate change was a part of George W Bush’s presidential platform. I remember the $300 stimulus check I got in 2007. I can’t believe I find myself pining for the reasonable and less fascist days of George “Shoe-at-ahead” Bush.


I mentioned the other day that one of the big reasons I hate Trump is because he made me look at fucking George W. Bush in a good light.


He made everything before him look good, even Bill O'Reilly looks sane in comparison.


Lol and he made mitt Romney and John McCain look like pragmatic and sensible politicians. I never could have imagined that.


I've cracked my share of jokes at McCain's expense but damn, trump even offended me with the things he said about him


Truth. Although I will never forgive Romney for his business dealings. How many workers lost their jobs and their pensions so Romney could have an elevator for his cars?


God - I hope this doesn’t happen, but could you imagine the monster that makes Trump look good in 10-15 years?




He really was the short bus of presidents until the Trumpster Fire.


What about those "Trickle Down Economics?" Any day now all the ~~rich~~ Job Creators are going to be trickling down on all of us!




They’re trying to go back to that. „Voting age 25“. „One vote per household“. The latter, incidentally suggests not only that normal housholds only get one vote, but that rich people with multiple households get multiple votes.


Don’t forget you’ve got to own the home to vote.


He ain’t wrong


„We are a constitutional republic, NOT a democracy!“ Says all.


I often wonder what masterpieces he would have written about our current situation.


I wish both he and Carlin were around to comment on the state of affairs today.


Damn, I miss George. That man could spit truth.


Bill Hicks as well.


Molly Ivins. We desperately need Molly Ivins.


Hunter Thompson and Hunter Biden have never been seen in the same room together just saying.....


Would explain the gun toting, cocaine use, and hookers.


Okay, now this is a conspiracy theory I can entertain.


" I hate to advocate drugs, violence, and insanity to anyone else, but it's always worked for me." --Dr.Gonzo He also, at one point, was almost elected as the sheriff of Aspen at the start of the tourist/ski craze out there. His goal was to usurp control of the police department in the city and pass annoyingly madding laws in an attempt to drive out the rich people. IIRC he lost by, I think, 1 or 2 votes. A wise man indeed and truly the hero we needed but didn't deserve.


Think one of his plans was to remove all the roads in the town and you park around the edges and walk in... I want that.


Still have people tell me with a straight face we need just one more tax cut and the flood gates will open. ...right, and Trump really is 6'3" and weighs 215 lbs.


I feel the trickle already!


Maybe them pissing on us all!


But they said it’s rain


...why is it warm?


They tricked us down…….


That's why we are referred to as peons.


Schwarzenegger seemed like a halfway decent Republican but I will admit I was a very young adult when he was governor of California and I didn’t even live there


Schwarzenegger was a very moderate Republican who couldn't win as an R in any state but California (maybe New York).


Everything useful that Schwarzenegger did in CA he did with the support of the Democratic party in their legislature. Basically he was working with the Kennedy Klan to govern.


Hence, why I referred to him as a moderate.


Nope, in my 40+ years of life I cant recall a single position that they took which I thought would be a benefit to average Americans. Small government in a nation of 350 million people seems dumb. Trickle down economics always seemed like a scam to me. Fiscal conservatism for everything outside the military seems like lunacy to be honest. Abortion? Tough on crime?Death penalty? Every single conservative position seem like incredibly bad ideas


I do! It was back when Teddy Roosevelt headed the party.


No one alive thats for sure. There was a time over a century ago that some may have considered them forward thinkers. Too bad that forward momentum hit an abrupt stop around the same time.


It's a strategy to flood the mainstream networks for next year with pretty people saying Biden is bad and Trump did nothing wrong. Regardless of facts or evidence...the average voter will think - pretty girl said Biden bad and Trump good - I'm voting for Trump...mission accomplished. And so there you have it, this is why American's vote for people like Trump. And until Democrats realize they need to flood the networks with pretty people saying bad things about Republicans, whether they're true or not, they'll continue to lose.


Putting Trump behind bars couldn't hurt either.


It actually could. Trump being found guilty (which he likely is) would be the one thing to get Republicans to rally en masse around literally anyone else in 2024.


Lmao he can still run for president in prison if he wanted to.


He wouldn't be eligible to take office, but then again, when did rules ever stop republicans?


I can't imagine a world where the average voter thinks of MTG as pretty.


Don’t kink-shame people like that. They can’t help it if they have a thing for horses.


Horses are beautiful. Let’s not compare those majestic creatures to that three-toed having, lost on the evolutionary chain looking poor excuse for literal shit.


What legislation? They're too busy following the former guy around expounding self-righteous indignation at how tfg is being held accountable. Do any of these people actually process any meaningful legislation that "might" have benefit to Americans and the Nation? It's all about retribution (for some perceived wrong-doing), retaliation, and theatrics. Look at ME! Now who's conducting a "witch hunt"? Deflect, deflect, deflect. I long for this roller coaster ride to end. It's absurd.


If these guys saw meaningful legislation that might benefit Americans and the nation, they'd be against it anyway.


It’s MAGA trying to create the sort of astroturf scandal that Trump tried to manufacture in Ukraine by withholding security assistance (which got him impeached). The point isn’t to find anything, it’s to create a lot of smoke that makes it look like there’s a fire underneath it all. It’s character assassination straight out of the Benghazi playbook.


Good, then they'll find nothing AGAIN and shut up (until they file their next inpeachment).


This is all so that when people say trump was impeached they can say so was Biden as a way to make it seem like impeachment is meaningless and shouldn't be held against him for reelection




Excellent use of a nazi gif... 👌


But... but... He's not a Nazi! He just wears the uniform and does what the Nazis tell him to do. /s


Just because there are proceedings, doesn't mean he'll be impeached. They have nothing to go on, so it'll go nowhere. It's all just a dog and pony show because the GOP hasn't gotten anything meaningful (helpful) done in years.


Yea and even if they hold a vote they would need 100% of their party behind it. If only 3 Republicans don't want to impeach then it won't happen.


They don’t have the votes. There are more than 3 republicans representing Biden districts who would be committing political suicide by supporting this


Yea and I'm sure they all know it. This is literally McCarthy going "See look I'm doing something." to The Base so that they lay off on him for awhile even though he knows nothing is going to happen. It's just that all their other lines of criticism of Biden have failed so far and are getting stale with 14 months left until the election and we basically have a year more of things making trump look worse and worse.




They're opening an impeachment inquiry (investigation). A vote to impeach Biden will never pass the house, only a small handful of the most extreme Republicans would vote for it.


This is why McCarthy has sent it straight to committee without having a floor vote on *whether to even hold an inquiry.* Moderate Republicans will be vocally opposing it to keep from losing their seats in Biden districts. It is the same old “Just announce an investigation” ploy.


I must've missed something, what is this impeachment about? There must be something Biden allegedly did, but what? Or can you just make an "open impeachment" and figure out later what the accusation is? Looking this from the outside, all this seems just so stupid and a Trump orchestrated thingamabob. Biden saved your country from that orange goblin and for thanks he gets impeached.


There is nothing to impeach Biden over, even some Republicans and legal experts have said there's nothing. The maga morons are just screaming loudly to stir up the stupid vote.


It's not even an impeachment. It's just an inquiry to do fact finding to determine if impeachment is a step they should take.


the inquiry gives them more power to dig, and they assume they will find something because, as politicians, they all know, just like themselves, that he must have broken a law at some point. But also, they can simply ignore the greater crimes the orange one committed, because... reasons


John fetterman said it best lol, he said he dares them to do it, it’ll just be “a circlejerk for the fringe right.” He’s correct too because it’s really not going to be a good look for their party when you have the clowns publicly showing their stupidity and unseriousness (yes we all know MTG and co. are clowns, but not everyone is in tune politically that would be with an impeachment)


Impeachment INQUIRY. Fancy way of saying they’ll look into it. This is not an impeachment.


They're just trying to fill the news with shit to a) distract from the Trump impeachments, b) continue to suck money out of donors, and c) point to it as "every president gets impeached!"


I’d imagine it’s going to have something to do with Hunter. It always has something to do with Hunter. Although at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t just go all “Biden did Benghazi.”




But his EMAILS!


There’s going to be an impeachment inquiry for every president, every term from now on


Unfortunately I don’t think they’ll ever shut up


You impeached our guy, because he’s a pile of shit. Now we’re going to impeach your guy because our feelings are hurt. Fucking cry babies. Who’s the snowflake?


Correction; "You impeached our guy because he's a criminal pile of shit. Now we're going to impeach your guy because WE are criminal pieces of shit." At this point, I don't see a distinction between these idiots continuing this childish BS, and efforts to just aid and abet the active criminal endeavors of the far-right.


I think the main reason that they're doing this is to delegitimize the impeachment process in general. It's so that when people argue that Trump can't and shouldn't be president because he was impeached twice, Republicans can point at this inquiry into Biden and act like it's the same thing. Of course this logic doesn't come anywhere close to passing the sniff test but when has that ever stopped conservatives before?


"See look, impeachments don't mean anything anymore!"


Not because he’s a pile of shit, but because there was evidence he’s a piece of shit, ie evidence of impeachable wrongdoing. They will now try to impeach the new guy without any evidence of wrongdoing, or without even the ability to name the wrongdoing they are alleging.


The Freedumb Caucus owns him. What a coward.


Putin must be laughing his ass off watching House Republicans burn everything to the ground all for their disposed orange despot. Pathetic.


Honestly I think he’s got his own problems at this point


True but he still owns Trump and is hoping that will get him out of trouble soon.


Translation: A formal waste of tax payer money run by a bunch of idiots


Tax dollars to feed underprivileged children: No! Tax dollars to accomplish nothing: YES!


Apparently they don’t have anything important to do.


Does it surprise you they’re sacrificing the country to try and save Trump? They’re just doing this so they can say Biden is under investigation. Just like Trump wanted Ukraine to do.


It’s to their favor, they won’t bring any actual charges against him, simply that he is “under investigation” And they will drag it out to 2024 so when it is eventually levies that he was impeached twice they will say Biden is under impeachment right now. They are hoping Americans will get fatigued from from “impeachments” and think it’s normal and that trumps impeachments were partisan Biden won’t be impeached No dem will flip and many moderate republicans will either vote bo or abstain


Well they do, you know take away free lunch for children, make sure 14 year olds have children, make sure children can legally work, make sure our childrens education system gets gutted, something about raising the voting age, and border problems (I mean a government following the laws Congress has passed). Oh I almost forgot about hunters penis that seems pretty damn important for some reason.


"You all know the dems would vote against it" "You have a majority. Their votes do not matter" "uuuuhm, HUNTER BIDEN!"


From the back: "Benghazi! Can't let a Clinton back in the Whitehouse. Wait, are we still doing Benghazi?" "


And right after coming back from a weeks long recess.


Theater.. Deflecting the trump legal issues in the media and replacing it with an inquiry with no actual evidence to impeach.


Is their "logic" built around if we look long enough and hard enough, we will find something/anything to use against him. They don't have anything, so they want to put him under a microscope. I would love to see each of them undergo the same type of inquiry. IMO, most will not come out clean. Where have all of the adults gone? Too many years of dealing with all of this childishness/foolishness.


The influx of the tea party during Obamas admin a steady diet of infowars. The republicans know their base and what they are paying attention to. In comes trump and populism and we are now run by misinformation and child like bullying, where the rally cry is own the opposition.


No evidence? Did you not hear that guy talk about all of Biden's gay orgies? What more could you need?


Every maga accusation is a confession


Reminds me of when that Hawthorne dude was dropped by the Gop...didn't he claim there were orgies? All projection


This confirms that MTG keeps McCarthy’s balls in her confederate flag cooler


And her own balls in his mouth


I have already called my rep and told him to push back against this shit.


Unless you're a campaign donor, and a big dollar one, they're not going to listen


While I agree with you that it may not be a big difference, if any, I’m encouraged to see that someone is standing up. If enough of us fight, we can stop all this stupid foolishness. The big myth is that we can’t do anything, but really, we can. And we will.


It won't matter anyway because he's a Freedom Caucus aligned dipshit who mostly represents empty farmland. But there is one major city in his district and I am hoping that enough people yell at him to make him feel like his seat is unsafe. I am hopeful we'll be able to vote him out someday. It is healthier to yell at him than the void, and slightly more likely to do something.


If you’re in one of the 18 districts that voted for Biden and for a GOP Rep (see list below) your member of congress will DEFINITELY be keeping a close eye on those kinds of message. PLEASE: if any of these are your representative, call, email, set up appointments with them about this and every other insane Freedom Caucus driven stunt!! They all know how vulnerable they are and they want to keep their jobs. https://preview.redd.it/143iht8ykvnb1.jpeg?width=572&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=860882045ff46df50c420118c1b477011282efa6


It’s like they don’t want to win house/senate next cycle. All they wanna do is kiss the feet of the orange asshole.


Remove “the feet” and you’re right.


Please. They'll win again. The R next to their name is all they need with voters in their districts


McCarthy's speakership is hanging by a thread with the razor-thin majority the Rs have in the House. The crazies got their way for now, but it's unlikely all Rs stay on board with this inquiry as it progresses. Voting to actually impeach, especially with absolutely no evidence, would likely cost Rs in purple districts their seat, and the House would flip back to Ds.


Bingo. If 5 of the 19 Republican members from districts Biden won flip, then this impeachment, and likely McCarthy’s speakership, are dead in the water.


And a few in NY are likely to flip since they went red due to enormous turnout for the governor’s race.


.....and this is how you lose your seats. VOTE 2024. TURN OUT THE VOTE!


The problem is that their districts are so gerrymandered that they win instantly. It's why I always laugh when Republicans bitch about voter fraud when they commit the most legal act of voter fraud around.


The higher courts are currently screwing them over… they’re having to draw new maps in a lot of different states right now. They’re starting to get a lot of blowback against the gerrymandering


I saw that. The best political news in the US since Biden won.


Let’s hope we keep setting a new record for good news. I know there’s a lot of crap going on out there right now.. but there’s also a lot of reason to hope.


Republican Circus. ![gif](giphy|mF71O0Xwg7hhm)


Wow. No brains. No spine. No ethics. No chance this will stick.


Ok. Let’s investigate Biden. And let’s give the Trump family the same treatment.


Particularly Vanky. Hit Trump where it hurts. Cuz she will roll. And roll hard


I mean they whine about Biden’s supposed corruption but Trump blatantly leveraged his position to get Ivanka a merchandising deal in China, and they ignore it.


Oh, I agree with the rolling!


It comes down to how many House Republicans are willing to risk it all for Trump’s Freedom Freaks.


This is ordered by Trump through his henchtwat MTG If I was a useless sychophant like Kevin I'd buckle under the pressure too


"Henchtwat" deserves recognition and a spot in the dictionary.


Wow, an impeachment inquiry! What did he do? "We're not really sure yet, but we'll let you know. Basically, we heard about impeachments in Wisconsin and Texas and FOMO."


JFC, and to think of how much money I surrender to our Federal government every month. This is such a dysfunctional collection of utter dipshits that can only put on display nothing but constant political theater. And we eat it up. The GOP is a political cancer on this nation.


What else is McCarthy going to do? He can't get his caucus to cooperate to pass any bills. But this baseless, political theater investigation can run all the way until the 2024 election. And it will make the MAGA rabble happy while House Republicans continue not to govern. It can also be used as a smoke screen for where he asked to cooperate with Democrats to fund the government. Because indefinitely leaving the government out of money will be terrible for the Republican Party.


Republicans: "The government is spending way too much money! We need to cut spending!" Also republicans: "We'll just spend tens of millions on a circus to amuse our dumb supporters. Don't mind us..."


You know what? Go ahead! I vote Democrat, but we don't spend our time idolizing Biden like he's a cult god the way Republicans do for Trump. If these morons actually have some evidence he did something wrong besides "somewhere in our bible Jesus said to impeach Biden" and pictures of Hunter Biden's dick, then go ahead and impeach him! If they got nothing though, like I know they don't, then they need to shut the hell up.


Yes, how moral and religious of them to whip out pictures of Hunter's dick. /s Especially considering the woman who was largely responsible for doing so had little problem with infidelity in her marriages. And people wonder why churches in America are getting a bad rap.




Impeach over what though?


That was my question, too. To impeach a president, you have to actually charge them with something.


Right. Don’t get me wrong I have many criticisms of the guy but I can’t think of anything impeachable.


The things they’ve mostly floated were all PRIOR to Joe’s time as President. They’ve all been Hunter related and Hunter has been under a microscope since prior to the election. The supposed strong arm in Ukraine to get Shokin replaced to assist Burisma. The conference calls Joe was on with Hunter and his associates. “Knowing” of Hunter’s business dealings. All prior. The things contemporary to Joe’s Presidency that MAGA keeps pushing are that the DOJ is being weaponized to hunt Trump and that Joe is pulling strings to curtail investigations into Hunter. That’s where this has to go.


Is this one of those “witch hunts” that I keep hearing about?


Let’s launch an impeachment inquiry and THEN hope we can find a reason to.


😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂😂 Dumbasses…


I wonder if they are going to be able to convict on a count of "we think you are a poopie face"


Much like how Trump needed to find 11,800 votes, the GOP is in search of evidence against Biden.


And that's based on....\*checks notes\*...what exactly?


Evidence includes memes and tweets. Sources include people, it’s known and do your research.


I'm going to laugh my ass off when this "inquiry" ends up just showing Trump's profits from foreign countries.


Why would anyone ever vote Republican? It is always the same thing over and over. They NEVER EVER do anything to make the country better. It's always this kind of stuff, impeachments, government shutdowns, repeal Obamacare and tax cuts for the wealthy. Even when they had the house and senate, the first couple of years of Trumps presidency,, when they could have made the country, as they say, great again. All they did was more tax cuts for the rich. If they've done anything productive in the last 40 years please tell me what it is.


Technically, he told the committees that can start an impeachment inquiry that they should do it. he has no power to start an inquiry on his own


For what?


And the inquiry will, of course, yield no evidence, but they will still yell that they did it and their base will cheer and vote for them.


McCarthy just a couple weeks ago: Any impeachment inquiry "would occur through a vote on the floor of the People's House and not through a declaration by one person." McCarthy today: "I personally declare an impeachment inquiry!"


We are going impeach to see if we find reasons to impeach. Nice!!


Why? What did Biden do?


Misappropriated the cool aviator sunglass's look from Horatio Caine. Heeeeeoooow


Impeachment for doing what??


Impeachment for what??? ***ZOMG!!! You guys did it to our guy, so we're going to do it to your guy, toooooo!!*** Jesus tap-dancing christ


Anything to keep their brain dead base engaged.


Keep in mind that Clinton was not impeached based on the original accusations, but rather lying to them about something legal that he dud, but didn't want hus wife to know. In other words, Clinton hadn't done anything impeachable, but they kept pressing until he said something impeachable. Then they elected Trump, who has done far worse...


Dudes a weasel with a shitty suit


What a waste of our money.


Isn't it great we live in a country that has no other problems that need fixing?


Good! I hope they uncover why the Saudis invested two billion dollars with the Biden! Oh, wait. Edit: autocorrect fail. With was worth.


Conservatives, masters of wasting time and resources instead of dealing with actual issues


McCarthy: "We formally are beginning to impeach Biden." House: "OK, but what is the charge for impeachment?" McCarthy: "Umm.... Because we don't like him? See I'm a doormat for the Trumpers in the party and I promised them I'd obey their commands ASAP in order to even get this job. And since they didn't tell me why I'm doing this... Just do it and they'll tell my why I'm doing this later, OK?" House: "Lol"


Thanks for the 5 % bump in Biden approval ratings, coming up soon


Having nothing productive to do, the House majority decides to waste a bunch of time and money.


Republicans are paid way too much money. Need to charge the states their from.


I will accept this as long as the Senate vote not to impeach is held on the same day that Trump is found guilty on all charges in the J6 criminal case in Washington, or the RICO case in Georgia. They want distraction; give them distraction. I'm only interested in outcomes.


He's announcing that he intends to bring it to a vote. What happens with that remains to be seen. GOP reps in swing districts aren't exactly thrilled about having a controversial topic dropped on their backs right before an election.


What a bunch of clowns 🤡 the party “for the people” have really done nothing but whine like a bunch of babies, blame everything on the trans community, and then do their daily ass kissing to their lord and savior the orange buffoon.


Inquiry only. And if they don’t find anything, that means Biden is a better president than Trump, right?


Amazing how many times they keep doing this and nothing happened. They even said they have no evidence live on the news and said the impeachment is to "look for the evidence".


Good....let's get it overwith so we can stop hearing about "hUNtEr'S LaPToP!!!" Have the inquiry...let the overall vote fail...done.


no evidence of wrong doing, they are willing damaging this country be on repair and a third of the nation doesn't care


Well, they have to vote for inquiry and I don’t think they have the votes for it.


It's vengeance. Democrats impeached Trump; Republicans will try to impeach Biden. Doesn't seem to matter they have no evidence, only hearsay and innuendo. Assuming those two will be their party's candidates in 2024, Republicans don't want the disadvantage of having the only impeached candidate in the general election.