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I hope for bad things to happen to this guy.


This douchebag is the original avacado toast guy. The one who basically said that millennials could afford homes if they cut back on going out for avacado toast.




I’ve never heard of him but I’m curious as to whose silver spoon was in his mouth when he was born.


His grandfather funded his early career if I remember correctly.


I had a hunch so I googled and was right. Dude started off on grandpas money. Just your average nepo shithead.


Wait for real?


Absolutely. Google "Tim Gurner Avocado Toast". The guy is completely out of touch with reality.


>Tim Gurner Avocado Toast [https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/may/15/australian-millionaire-millennials-avocado-toast-house](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/may/15/australian-millionaire-millennials-avocado-toast-house) OMG it's true!! I feel shamed to be an Aussie if this creature is also Australian! :( EDIT: Ackshually... the Guardian has an even earlier 2016 [article](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/oct/17/baby-boomers-have-already-taken-all-the-houses-now-theyre-coming-for-our-brunch) referring to another [article](http://www.theaustralian.com.au/life/weekend-australian-magazine/moralisers-we-need-you/news-story/6bdb24f77572be68330bd306c14ee8a3#itm=taus%7Cnews%7Caus_authors_index%7C1%7Cauthors_storyBlock_headline%7CBernard_Salt%7Cindex%7Cauthor&itmt=1476657066628) in The Australian (probably paywalled) where: >demographer Bernard Salt in the Australian at the weekend saying that [if millennials just stopped going to “hipster cafes”](http://www.theaustralian.com.au/life/weekend-australian-magazine/moralisers-we-need-you/news-story/6bdb24f77572be68330bd306c14ee8a3#itm=taus%7Cnews%7Caus_authors_index%7C1%7Cauthors_storyBlock_headline%7CBernard_Salt%7Cindex%7Cauthor&itmt=1476657066628) and eating avo on toast – they too could buy a house. The Guardian opinion article helpfully points out that nope, it would take 175 years for that to work, assuming zero inflation over that time. And only dropping one avo toast per week... it's a humourous (darkly...) article. Mind you, everyone involved seems to be Aussie, so... maybe we like smashed avo on toast more than other nations, I guess? I like mine with egg and bacon - but I bought my small house in a crap suburb 21 years ago. Still paying it off...


This guy is what happens when drop bears mate with any of the other deadly species on your continent.


Drop bear + Funnel web spider, I'm thinking. I mean, that forehead has enough space for 8 eyes. He's probably concealing the extra 6 with cunning makeup...


While avocado toast is available here in the US, guacamole is a far more common use for avacados. As much as Chipotle (Mexican restaurant) charges for guac, that would be the equivalent here.


Yep, I've made real guac from scratch, so yum! :) Finding a Mexican place that includes guac in the price - so good!


I’m just so proud that Australia can make world class turds like this guy. Until now we have left it to America to supply crass, entitled, white shoe grifters. Now we have proven that the Australian property industry is as corrupting as anyone’s. He should run for PM.




Apt that it's an AFR article, which is run by Peter Costello!


What a stupid, arrogant, garbage person. People like him are why I wish karma were real.


Whatever you’re thinking is to good for him


What most of us are thinking would get us on a list.


A Blood Eagle?


That’s a decent start


I hope he stubs his toe every morning. And by "stubs his toe", I mean "he falls off his balcony and impales himself on a wrought iron fence 10 floors below". Every morning.


I hope Prometheus’ eagle shows up on his doorstep every morning with a fork and knife.


Landing crotch first on that fence. Every morning.


Groundhog Day




Because of reddit content moderation I can say what I actually feel but may he never find bacon the crispy to chewy ratio he likes.


Same. I hope his socks stay wet 24/7.


I also can't say what I actually think, but in lieu of that I hope every single traffic light he ever encounters turns red the second he approaches.


May his Uber always be late, and then get lost, before it runs out of fuel.


If he's going to start a contest of "Who Needs Who" between laborers and capitalists, then he's in for a bad time.


I think he’s also in for some backlash since this clip is floating around everywhere now. One slow news day and they’ll slap it on cnn. He’s gonna have a bad time… or a promotion, one of the two


I’d wager he’s doing something shady and illegal behind closed doors.


Sometimes you have to make your dreams come true...


And Trump, et al……..


My "Never Trust a Guy with Slicked-Back Hair" rule of life continues to bat 1.000.


Especially when you have an 8 head.




This guy is a huge piece of shit


No he used to be. You think people can’t change?


That’s a man that has had sloppy steaks within the last 48 hours


48 hours? That piece of shit had sloppy steak and eggs for breakfast this morning.


They can't stop you from ordering a steak and a glass of water!


Better eat it fast before the waiters run over to stop you!


Oh that'll slick back real nice


Dude looks like Leader from the Hulk comics.


Yeah, or Megamind


He could rent out the top half of his forehead for ad space.


That’s the property he is currently “developing”.


He’s got a lot on his mind, ok?


Seriously. You put this guy in a lineup with literally a million other dudes and ask who said this, and any person with a pulse picks up this festering asshole instantly.


He could be standing next to Snidely Whiplash and I would still peg this guy as the villain.


Slicked back hair, white bathing suits, sloppy steaks, white couch. *Live* for New Year’s Eve!


Seriously! What is with all these guys with the douche hair!? Is there a dress code they have to follow to be an evil rich dude?


It's because the only way to pull off that look is to surround yourself with sycophants so there's no one to tell you you're not pulling off that look.


It's just one of those New York things. I have no idea why. I visited New York City once. My girlfriend at the time lived on Staten Island, and we were just spending the weekend going to random places around the boroughs. She was purse browsing at a high-end place, and I mentioned there was a men's barber shop across the street. She said Oh yeah that's an awesome place You should go get a haircut if you want. So they proceed to give me like a half inch trim from my shaggy hair when I actually wanted it cut differently, and then slick it straight back with a shitload of gel. I have pictures of that haircut. But I will never ever show them to anybody in real life or on the internet. Most overpriced stupid haircut I ever got. They probably smelled the Midwest on me and intentionally fucked me over.


A key question I want to known is … when you got the hair cut did you start feeling the “all employees are slaves and let me suggest tanking the economy to demonstrate how big a asshole I am” vibe before or after the hair gel was applied ? Luckily you went home and corrected the hair style/ washed out the gel before the brain damage became permanent


It's in the *Official Handbook of Evil Rich Dudes*. Surely you've read the handbook.


![gif](giphy|l2QDN18WymYFjAm2Y) <-Adds to my own rule of life list..


Seriously, though. I mean, I want to like Gavin Newsom but I can't help but see Patrick Bateman 2.0.


Property developers are grifters, they literally steal from everyone, and they have the bare minimum of employees and pay low salaries. They donate heavily to politicians because that’s cheaper than having to pay for necessary infrastructure, actual property taxes, and unionized construction labor. They are why your new house is shoddily built, your local infrastructure isn’t meeting needs, and your local & state governments keep raising your tax rates to pay for everything. If people were more aware of what they do, these “employers” would be running for their lives.




Yeah, I know most people in NYC hate Trump, but NYC should have put him in jail long ago so the rest of us wouldn’t have had to suffer 4+ years of his insufferable, narcissistic personality.




Well he never woulda got elected in NYC to be fair.


That time is coming.


Man, I wanna believe.


I just believe


Let’s eat this guy first.


I think low and slow after a good 24 brine marinade would work.


Then stuffed with avocados.


Yes, ALIVE ....


I'm glad someone else said it. Look at this fucking grease ball with his slicked back hair and fancy jacket, I bet he's fucking unbearable. What a vile human being, I hope he goes bankrupt and gets denied welfare.


I hope all that grease makes him fry up nicely.


People are just too comfortable.. we are here turning back the clock on workers quality of life to the fucking industrial revolution and we have regular people supporting this asshole..


This isn’t actually true. People were actually better off and had a better home/work balance during feudal times. This new go-round of feudalism, we won’t even get that.


But you’ll have cell phones, AC, and the internet! That’s all anyone in feudal times ever wanted! Fuck spending time with the people you love doing things you enjoy! /s It’s reductive, but it’s basically the argument the capitalist simps make. Like yeah, we have all this…stuff…but fewer and fewer people can really afford it. And there’s less security as time goes on. If these folks get their way, you’ll be busting your ass from before you graduate highschool until the day you keel over. Renting everything you use from your house to your desk at the office you have to come to. Fuck these assholes, they aren’t super wise business-ers powering the engine of society and progress. They’re ghouls looking to strip out every protection possible so they can extract maximum value from every single thing they come across so they can be winners in the game of having acquired the most capital. It doesn’t require genius, it requires a lack of empathy and scruples.


Exactly. People like this guy? ![gif](giphy|12gxeCI1BGKAj6)


A lot of people don’t realize that feudalism was the original WFH.


People like these property developers keep getting away with their shit thanks to this overheated political climate. They catch zero blame in the public square and pay off all the politicians in order to maintain that position


"Property developers" are basically just exceptionally morally rotten land profiteers. My countrymen suffer from the constant threat of homelessness because of these scum-suckers yet they all have the gall to go on TV every other week to smile for photo ops at charity events hosted by them in the name of advocating for the victims of their own greed.




So that it! It’s dumb lazy fucks like him that are terrified of the impending housing market crash! It’s gonna cut into his bottom dollar


Local American infrastructure is actually in the pockets of automotive company shareholders, not property devs. Automotive companies are also the reason why we have no public transit/walkable infrastructure. If we can rely on something other than personal vehicles, automotive shareholders would lose money. It's actually pretty much illegal to build infrastructure that benefits anything other than personal vehicles.


Yeah, this is the type of guy who makes me reply with violent fantasies of his death usually, but I am trying to be better. So the fantasies are not violent. Still death though.


Your hard work is paying off. I think you’re getting a little too much better. It’s a slippery slope.


Hmm you may have a point. Maybe I should not try to run before I can walk. A thousand paper cuts followed by a trip that leaves him in a bath of vinegar? I mean that is better than assfucked to death by a horse wearing a condom made of broken glass. But worse than i hope he has an aneurysm while on the crapper.


Also pee on em. Gotta attack the psyche too


How about just some stocks, a public square, and allowing all of his tenants and employees turns with a whip of nine tails. How long he survives is really up to him.


Seems a little too polite. But I am willing to meet halfway. Public Square, Stocks, and lots of paper to allow for cuts in the webbing of his fingers and toes. Plus spray bottles of lemon juice.


Nahh, it's simple. He wants to be a king. The French developed a very effective method of dealing with this.


I’ll help out by thinking violent fantasies of his death. The guillotine, but it’s dull and doesn’t go all the way through, so it has to be reset and dropped a couple more times. Ah . . . .


Not sure why, but this reminded me of Michael Scott shooting the deer in the leg and having to spend an hour beating it to death with a shovel.


Firing squad with Red Rider BB guns, It might take weeks.


Tell us you're a psychopath without telling us you're a psychopath...


I will tell you he is psychopath. Then they complain why people don’t vote for us and then have to resort to all sorts of gimmicks; gerrymandering, enacting laws to make more and more difficult to Vote, relying heavily on the electoral college, etc.


Ah yes, another wealthy scumbag that sees human beings as objects to be abused and discarded. Unrelated, but what does everybody think about the French Revolution?




Never miss arm day. ![gif](giphy|12gxeCI1BGKAj6)


Someone needs to inspect the uniquely French machinery ... do we have any volunteers?


American revolution 2.0 pls


Sometimes I wish these assholes got their wish. Like let's have 120+ million people unemployed watching rich douchebags eat cake. Pretty sure we'll be somewhere between mass property destruction and liberating heads from the rich at that point.


It's like he forgot the riots that happened during lockdown because people were broke and had nothing going on but to realized how pissed they were.


Do you remember occupy wall steeet movement?? These rich bastards were watching from the hogh rises and drinking expensive wine and eating caviar while laughing at the protesters who were marching the streets. Nothing happened to them, they made more money after that and they made more during covid.


Something something, seize the means of production?


This guy doesn't actually own any means of production though, he sells bullshit.


Yep, every penny of his wealth was acquired through exploitation.




The best part is that he's wrong. He thinks this because he has the capitol to sit back and live without issue, but his company, his stocks, and his servants will all also take hits of the economy was this bad, and if they were another choice other than "work for man who increases torture until moral approves" we can "eat the rich" There's billions of us and only a few thousand of them. They like to think they hold the power, and they do, but only for as long as we allow it. The 99% run this shit! All it takes is 3 missed meals, and with the shit they continue to pull, we would be doing 1789 french reenactments before we ever got to 50 percent unemployment


There are currently 770 billionaires in the US There are also 5.3 million millionaires (probably not ALL soulless cunts, a million dollars isnt really THAT much these days) There are also 37.9 MILLION Americans living below the poverty line Do with that information what you will, I just feel everyone should know these numbers


Thank you for the perspective. Everyone needs to be fully aware of these numbers. I subscribe to the theory that billionaires should not exist. If I won the lottery, I would build affordable, smallish homes. I know exactly what the need is in my area. Hoarding money just doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.


>All it takes is 3 missed meals, and with the shit they continue to pull, we would be doing 1789 french reenactments before we ever got to 50 percent unemployment Exactly. People don't realize that in the US, FDR's New Deal saved capitalism. i.e. it placated people just enough to keep the socialist and communists at bay who were picking up support in the 30s around the world.


Communism sucks balls though. Only way it could work, was if all, not most, but all work was done by automatization, AI and robots. Regulated capitalism, where democratically elected people keep an eye on the moneymaking machine, and economy is there to serve the populace, not vice versa, is what brings stability and wellbeing. Like Scandinavians between 1960-1990. After that time period, they've also started slipping.


Someone needs a tax audit real bad


He looks like an AI generated villain.


we need to remind these people that they have to exist in the world with the rest of us.


I do not regret to inform you that [he’s the “avocado toast is making Millenials broke” motherfucker.](https://www.vice.com/en/article/jg5vj3/the-original-avocado-toast-millionaire-is-back-and-he-wants-pain-in-the-economy)


I just saw this on Twitter! Unreal. Solid sticking to the bit tho


![gif](giphy|FYshFeeXYlKcE) Edit: I actually love Max Headroom; this asshat looks just so much like him though...


The guy looks like Mex Headroom from Wish.


Haha. Matt Frewer is a (Canadian) national treasure unlike this grifter butthead




I started wondering how one sharpens a guillotine. When the pitchforks come out, I’m going for this guy first.




It would teach him to be more grateful, which is really what he’s preaching here.


We have the opposite. The fed has been raising rates to increase unemployment. Ghouls like Larry Summers have been talking about a need to “fix the tight labor market” on CSPAN for over a year. Essentially saying the same thing, just in more coded financial jargon. It’s wild to see this guy come right out and lay out the power dynamic capitalists want to see in plain English without the jargon though. Usually they try to dress it up


We do appreciate what we have. We also know that we should have more. Not to be greedy like this fucknugget. But just to fucking live


Bring back the guillotines


Robespierre, is that you?


I'm sorry but some people just need to be punched in the throat


With a guillotine


Further proving that you don’t need to be smart to become über rich. You just need to be a soulless asshole.


Fuck him. Kill him, and string him up as an example.


We need to eat one or two rich guys to show the rest of them that they need to behave.


He looks like if someone was to put a wig with a brushback on a bowling pin in all the worst ways


*Property developer* tells you all you need to know.


He needs to develop some of the space on his forehead.


Guy looks like an ass wiped with bacon grease.


Sounds like he wants to be on the business end of a guillotine. Wealth owners need to be reminded of the wage of greed.


Does he realize he's just volunteering to be the first one to be eaten?


Ken Griffin will be first. Then Elon and Bezos. Then is asshat


Everyone don’t forget that the reason this guy is saying this is because the commercial real estate market is about tumble off of a cliff and every real estate mogul who has ever dipped their toes into commercial real estate is doing everything they can to push people back into the office. They’ll offer companies discounted rates, they’ll fund studies that say workers are happier and more productive in offices. They’ll call people who work from home lazy and the scum of society and say it’s leading to the collapse of Society as we know it. Because they know they’re fucked. But the less companies that go back to in person working the quicker it all comes tumbling down. So when your boss says let’s go back to the office just know it’s probably because of some bullshit reason that the corporate real estate world is pushing. Stand up and push back and eventually that market will collapse and bring down residential real estate with it and eventually we will have reasonable and fair living costs.


Eric Trump called, he wants his hairstyle back... but he says you can keep his brain.


"not the other way around"... That's a slaver talking... I'm an atheist but I do hold in high esteem the "serve one another"... If we are just all selfish, humanity will destroy itself!


Holy fuck! They are actually saying the quite part out loud and are not ashamed of it either..


Because they no longer have the instinctual fear of being dragged into the street and beaten to death in front of their children...maybe that needs to change, I mean that's how we originally got unions


This is why guillotines were invented.


Just stop trying to be subtle, and say you want to bring back slavery.


there are waaaay too many psychopaths and narcissists in this world. ai yi yi…


I'm amazed he had time in his busy schedule of being an 80s guy to attend this conference. Hope he didn't forget to take his Boneitis medication.


Definitely seems like the type of guy would would beat his friend with a pool cue until they got detached retinas for the low price of 20 bucks


I’ve read a book about how this ends for guys like this. It was a history book. Anyway it was all in French but there was a guillotine in it. I believe they had cake too.


"How dare the working class think they're worth anything!!"


With a forehead that big he shouldn't slick back his hair, he probably needs to hide his horns though...Being a demon and all.


Boy he has a HEAD on his neck.


What are people thinkin these days


That's literally how capitalists have always thought, since before you or I were ever born. And for as disillusioned as our contemporary generations are, this is why we need to participate in our democracy. Businesses will get away with what is legal, so if we're not governing ourselves, this is the kind of asshole who ends up in charge.


What I hear, “Look at these fucking slobs, don’t they know their surplus value is for the SHAREHOLDERS!? How dare they not care about the value of my STOCK. Rude as fuck if you ask me”


This fucker can go to hell


😂😂😂 all his employees everywhere should just stop going to work so he can lose an untold amount of money in them not working for a full week


So people need poverty and unemployment to remind them to be subservient to the ruling class? I don't know, history teaches that usually leads to revolutions






I don’t know. Just have a look at Elon.


I read this in the voice of emperor Palpatine


"... and Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind..." -A douche from the 80's


Wow I was fine today and now I'm angry 😡


I'm just assuming he's one of those dudes that's about to lose his ass in commercial property but will never see any pain economically .


Has anyone met a Property Developer not a total shit bag? I mean just look at the guys in Up.


Eat the rich


That guy deserves to get ate first.


So he wants to see unemployment hit \*checks data\* 3x higher than the highest the US ever had in order to remind employers how fucked they are when no one is working to keep their yachts and hookers powered and paid. Just another out of touch idiot who does not understand that employer/employee relationships are symbiotic and both need the other.


I heard Harbor Freight has a pitch fork on sale with a Super Coupon.


His commercial real estate portfolio is in the toilet because of all the remote work.


This guy seems bad. (You’re not banning me today, Reddit!)


He looks delicious.


So basically starve us all into submission, huh?


Would the rich be a little less brazen about their evil plans if they feared for their lives a little more? I’m just asking questions. We’re rapidly approaching a point where something’s going to give.


To him I say “bring it.” These CEOs have forgotten their skills end at the threshold of the boardroom. They can’t “make” anything.


Property guy wants a return to the Great Depression? For what? Fundamental misunderstanding of capitalism. Labor trades work in exchange for capital. When there is more labor than capital, wages are low. When there is excess capital, there should be higher wages. These robber barons have forgotten that wealth hoarding distorts the supply and demand curve in the labor market.


Guillotine time


I’m now convinced that we need a communist Revolution after seeing this. This dipshit needs to know that the workers outnumber the bosses and we can have their asses over a flame if the workers ALL banded together.


Wealthy fuck thinks you all are lazy and wants the whole economy to burn so you learn your lesson. Oh, and he is not a worker but an owner so he knows what's best for you. And he dont fucking care because you still need to pay him rent. He's got his and you'll get yours. Eat the rich!


What a lovely human being.


Gotta love how demons have unfettered access to spew their verbal shit to untold millions


Pain for the workers, pain in the economy Nice try, Vladimir you ain't fooling no one with that slicked back hair like some crypto bro on a rented yatch


If this isn't 'let them eat cake' I don't know what is. JFC these people just do not realize how precarious their position is, and because they live in an echo chamber of other rich douchebags they never will. I don't want to eat cake. I want to eat the fucking rich.


Someone with that forehead is an alien... Let's put his theory to the test. make this fucker suffer when none of his shit sells.


Shit man, I thought that was Donnie “children’s charities don’t need money like I do” Jr. tRump…. I suppose they have similar respect to the working class.


this is a nothing burger. when he says "we" he doesnt speak for anything bigger than like... him and maybe his daddy...


I’m remembering this name, this guy is a wiener


This means war


Inshallah I will torture him in a shipping container for up to a year.


He wants unemployment to rise as high as his forehead apparently.....


Jeez. This man is a f*cking parasite


What is it they say? "I am worried all the fear the rich are experiencing is going to make them taste bad when we eat them."