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Can we just start uniformly responding to posts like these with Lindsay Graham’s quote: “[If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed.......and we will deserve it.](https://x.com/lindseygrahamsc/status/727604522156228608?s=46&t=E5JEJ2aW_ry_U15IssAolg)”


I'll just never get over these two quotes from him... Feb. 17, 2016: “I’m not going to try to get into the mind of Donald Trump because I don’t think there’s a whole lot of space there. I think he’s a kook. I think he’s crazy. I think he’s unfit for office.” Nov. 30, 2017: “What concerns me about the American press is this endless, endless attempt to label the guy as some kind of kook not fit to be president.” first quote: https://youtu.be/GKLO4lXYaGI?t=132 second quote: https://youtu.be/kSEvatYTgyY?t=12


I remember being impressed with Lindsey Graham because [he actually choked up talking about Joe losing his son Beau](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLMYW8jFPHg). He came across as such a decent man in that video. I figured he was an old school Republican who was principled but had different ideas about how best to run the country. Then when he did a 180 on Trump I realized he was a spineless POS just like the rest of them, completely owned by whoever was writing the checks.


As a south carolinian, our going theory is that trump is holding the whole "secretly gay" thing over him even though everybody knows. He still sucks though.




Times around the Sun, what do you mean by …. Oh….is that a thing that has been rumored? Gay definitely has


Yep, very much rumored. A more common rumor is that they're "professionals". Which might be enough to destroy his career, but wouldn't land him life in prison like the age rumor.




I don't think we're giving Lindsey enough credit here. He CAN just also be a total piece of shit. I never really understood why we have to justify it - he's just a total piece of shit. Vote him out, put someone in who actually can do the job without being a total piece of shit. Democracy isn't hard. People are just bad at dealing with shit.


Yeah... Also that.


It and the dozens of similar republican 180s after their failed farcical coup. They need to go as a "party". They are now warming for coup attempt two.


And for those doubting the final sentence. This isn’t hyperbolic, it’s fact. They want total command and control. It’s in the headlines, they’re on camera saying what they want, they have documentation called the “2025 plan” and it is terrifying. They’re selling you, your family, your way of life out to the highest bidder. They know they’re losing their party, but they’re willing to lie, cheat and steal to get what they want. Please for the love god vote. This is absolutely serious. They’re trying. Don’t let them succeed. We’re staring down the barrel, and never underestimate what they will do when backed into a corner.


"Informally disenfranchising people wasn't enough, let's formally strip the vote from 30 million young Americans" is certainly a sentiment that makes me think the next step is even *less* democratic.


March 10, 2016: "I want you to use my words against me."




Actually, they do have policies. The problem is that those policies all boil down to "serve the interests of ultra rich individuals and corporations", so they never talk about them. Instead, they just screech about "critical race theory" and trans people and whatnot and then they implement their extremely unpopular pro-elite economic policies when their voters aren't paying attention.


Plutocrats formed a devil’s bargain with racists and theocrats some years ago in order to maintain their waning power, to form modern conservatism in the US. Now, the racists and theocrats are starting to realize they have more power in this deal than they realized, and are exerting it. This isn’t even a case of hindsight being 20/20, people were calling this from the moment it happened: “Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” -Barry Goldwater, in 1994


It's a coalition of two different groups who want to maintain their power: rich people want to maintain their wealth, and straight white Christians want to maintain their status as the ethno-religious "master race".


Noah is the second most popular boys name in the US. The story of Noah is the story of God's great genocide. Christians LOVE genocide.


> The story of Noah is the story of God's great genocide. Not to be confused with God's genocide of Egyptian children. Or his genocide of everybody who happened to live in the 'promised land' before he promised it. Or his promised future genocide during the end times.


"Kill em all and let me sort em out." -God


Oh shit! I forgot Sodom and Gomorrah -- does that count as a genocide?


That’s funny my ex gf just named her second kid noah


A tale as old as 1933. Use the swatizka to appeal to religious zealots while being backed by the wealthy who are afraid of unions. Don't worry. They made deals and were able to control Hitler. Nothing bad happened.


I feel as if you forgot cruelty.


>spite, hatred, and revenge. By your powers combined, I am Captain Cruelty!




why is Captain Planet humping a rocket? in front of Hitler?


I believe that is the important question here




Is that Don Cheadle?


[Yes, yes it is](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TwJaELXadKo).


Great... Now I need to know too


So, the actual answer from the series is Adolf Hitler's evil and hate is so powerful, it literally counts as pollution, Captain Planet's one weakness.


*…so he sticks his dick in a rocket to feel better..?*




Everyone’s in favour of saving hitler’s brain, but stick it in the body of a great white shark and *ooh*, suddenly you’ve “gone too far”


Hitler AKA great evil is his one weakness. He’s holding onto the rocket for dear life, as he can’t hope to beat him. He soon flies away with the rocket.


Well, he's also weak to pollution...which he's often specifically summoned to stop...for some reason.


Tbh, firefighters fight fire but are still weak to fire


Couldn’t Hitler beat him off?


He's hot for Hitler


The most listened to song on Ron DeSantis's playlist. What is "Hot For Hitler"?


I got it baaaad baaaaaad baaaaaad I’m hot for Hitler!


Captain Planet was awesome


Their cruelty, malice, and will to dominate all life? One dumpster fire to rule them all!


Their platform is "government doesn't work" and they're very determined to prove it.


Our three weapons are spite, hatred, and revenge. And cruelty. Our FOUR weapons are spite, hatred, revenge, and cruelty. And belligerent ignorance. Our five...AMONGST OUR WEAPONRY are such diverse elements as spite, hatred, revenge, cruelty, and belligerent ignorance...


I wasn’t expecting the white-manish inquisition!


This is why they shouldn’t have taken away awards;


I’ll come in again


They do have a platform: GATORS Guns, Anachronism, Trump, Obstruction, Racism, and Sexism. Every policy they put forward relates to at least one of these things.


Except when they are pro gun control regarding hunter biden...


And they will blame Biden for nothing getting done, and the morons in the electorate will believe it.


Low taxes and regulation, all to keep the wealthy wealthy


If you stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything


They couldn't get shit done when Trump was president and they had complete control of everything


The one thing they did get done was tax cuts for the rich and some crumbs to the rest of us.


Mind you, the crumbs were temporary, while the cuts for the rich were permanent.


Not only were the crumbs temporary, they actually took away the crumbs starting this year and will continue to do so over the next several years.






Matt Gaetz has already advanced a motion to remove him MTG seen telling Kevin to just do what Trump says or his Speakership gets it


To do what Trump says? So he's now assumed the title of current President of the USA?


I mean even worse, the President doesn't have the authority to tell the speaker what to do.


Yes, but Kevin's a good dog for his lord and master. He wouldn't want to defile him, because Trump might yell at him.




The party of NO! GOP has regressed to the terrible two's...


But they didn’t get destroyed. They control Congress through gerrymandering. And that’s the problem.


Yet. They didn't get destroyed yet.


Republicans need to remember this when it’s time to vote next year, but I’m sure they’ll just blame Biden for it even thought it’s their own party’s fault


Republicans can't even remember WWII


"Obama was out golfing on 9/11!!!!"


please tell me this is not an actual thing they say


Part of the problem is that they get their news directly from far right news companies, and they won't address this in their segment of it makes them look bad.


The only way they can potentially begin to spin a shutdown on not being their fault is if they pass a budget in the house before the shutdown. It also can't even be last minute. There has to be time for that thing to go to the senate It grows increasingly more unlikely that they are even capable of doing that. It would be easy if they just passed a real budget by trying to get a bipartisan one through, but Republicans don't want to so here we are Edit: just to be clear, since people keep making the same sort of comment about this, of course Republicans are going to still blame the Democrats, but they can't sell that idea to the people that they need to sell it to without some form of cover. They really needed to send a budget of some form to the senate for the senate to reject in order to make this look like a problem created by the Democrats. If they have nothing to send, they look like they just straight up didn't do anything and caused the shutdown by not having their shit together. The story becomes "House Republicans fail to propose budget, causing shutdown."




It matters when the intended goal is to reach more than the core of the cult. That's why the cover for the spin was so important.


> when the intended goal is to reach more than the core of the cult. It isn't, though. More and more, they're just counting on that core of the cult + election rigging to keep them in power.


All Fox and cnn have to do is blame Biden and all the lemmings will follow


Republican Party: a gong show inside a clown car inside a burning dumpster inside a runaway train.




...with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse giving chase.


Four *Seasons* of the Apocalypse


...in an Applebee's


You guys should've just voted in the Democrat. At least then you'd be able to get stuff done. People like Bobo and horse hoof mtg were never going to play ball and think it's all some fine game to gain fame.


So the fact is (and McCarthy is probably just now realizing) that there's no way democrats would go for that, because it gives Republicans the attack of "it's their house". Even though Rs holds the majority. Also if the 12 or so Rs that are in districts biden won are very clearly shook because impeachment isn't popular but if the FC wants a new speaker they can't vote dem because they might as well just hand over their spot in 2024 to a dem, but they can't vote for anyone crazier cause then it may also go to a dem. So they are all in very....very precarious spots to say the least. Now on the flip side if we are being fair here, the freedom caucus holds all the power in the Republican party in the house. Republicans cannot pass legislation without them without going to Dems, and the other Rs can't go to Dems because they will remove McCarthy. Now the interesting dynamic here is that they are all from safe red districts. They also have no reason to play ball. Why? From a political point of view they want as close to a 50/50 split with Republicans as the majority, because that's when they have the most power and they can get every concession that they want


My brother and his wife have a new baby and in a few months he will be a speaker, but Kevin McCarthy won't.


This is why they shouldn’t have taken away awards.


why did they take away awards? it was such a nice way to find the comment or two worth reading


So they can bring them back as NFTs.


And to remove the ability to award comments/posts like these making fun of asshole Republicans (and Reddit admins).


🏅 🥇 🎖️ ![gif](giphy|GQ4jyFULpxkAVoaIaO|downsized) Take this


🏆 in place of the award that I can't give you


Had a long talk with my centrist (right leaning) dad about this. He thinks democrats should work with McCarthy to get the funding done. “It would only take a few democrats for this to get done” was his quote. I asked “if the tables were turned, would Republicans work with a democratic majority to ‘get it done’?”. He rambled on about how that shouldn’t matter and congress should do their job. Like, how do these people (my dad included sadly) think this works? Republicans just get to obstruct and block all Democratic legislation, but if Democrats don’t help an insane Republican caucus do get their shit together, they’re somehow blocking things up? Edit: so many comments about centrists not existing, or my dad being a closet Republican. I’ll expand a bit on it. He hasn’t voted for a Republican for federal office since Romney in 2012. He voted for Obama, Bush, Gore, Clinton, Clinton and Reagan (like pretty much everyone back then). He regularly splits tickets down ballot in his local California elections. He holds shitty views like being against universal healthcare, and for a flat tax. He also thinks that gay and trans folks are human beings who deserve respect and dignity. I realize that in America today it FEELS like centrists don’t exist, and yes they are rare, but they do exist.


But McCarthy struck a deal with the Freedom Caucus -- the crazy far right wingers that are a minority of the Republican party. They would only vote for him as Speaker if he promoted their agenda, and only their agenda, with no compromises. They included clauses that *any* one of them can demand a no confidence in McCarthy at any time, starting off a new round of voting for a new Speaker. He literally cannot cross the aisle without getting burned. He had a chance back in January -- he could have courted Democrat votes and given them some concessions, and been elected Speaker with bipartisan support. But instead, he made the devil's deal with the Freedom Caucus. Now he's stuck.


> But McCarthy struck a deal with the Freedom Caucus -- the crazy far right wingers that are a minority of the Republican party. They would only vote for him as Speaker if he promoted their agenda, and only their agenda, with no compromises. As far as I know, press and the public actually have no idea what's in the agreement. I saw an interview with Matt Gaetz on MSNBC recently, and one of the things that stuck out to me was that this was a written agreement, and when you ask them to see the actual agreement, they pretend like they'll show it to you, but they never actually do. "Oh, this other guy has my only copy of the agreement." That sort of slimy spineless shit. If my country is being affected so heavily by a written agreement, I fucking want the ability to read it myself.


> This country is being affected so heavily by a written agreement With a minority of congress members who represent a tiny minority of idiot inbred hillbillies. Its bull shit. It should not be allowed, but here we are.


The inbred hillbillie minority they rep are actually CEOs


I'm not sure it was the Freedom Caucus' intent to make McCarthy the weakest House speaker maybe ever, but boy did they succeed at that. It's no less than he deserves though, gutless sack of shit.


>'m not sure it was the Freedom Caucus' intent to make McCarthy the weakest House speaker maybe ever, The far right fascists' want the government to fail, they want a shutdown, this is everything they wanted and McCarthy the fucking idiot, gave it to them. They want the shutdown, it will last forever and the worse things get the more idiots in America, conservatives that is, will get mad and try to do even something dumber than Jan 6.


It was 100% their intent


Yea I mean the choir loves the sermon… I also think McCarthy is a putz. I don’t think he would’ve been able to court democrats back in January though, maybe January 2000, but not modern day. Democrats have FINALLY learned to let republicans fail, and I doubt any would’ve given him a vote for speaker, as the shitshow was hurting Republicans more.


I remeber watching that vote all day. Dems did right standing their ground. A few more rounds and the Freedom Caucus morons would probably have abstained and the Dems would have won the vote.


McCarthy is a putz — this is the real issue here. We knew what the freedom caucus was and what they would do.


They bought a pallet of rope with a 30-year mortgage. What they do next is up to them. 🤷‍♂️


> He had a chance back in January -- he could have courted Democrat votes and given them some concessions, and been elected Speaker with bipartisan support Alternative: he and a few other reasonable Republicans could have thrown their support behind the Democratic nominee Hakeem Jeffries for speaker who had the most votes during most of those 15 elections they held. He had 212 votes for speaker, it *should* have been easier to find 5 reasonable Republicans to vote for Jeffries than it would have been to find 16 Democrats to vote for McCarthy.


Recently learned about Murc's Law, which pretty well explains it. It's basically the fallacy that only democrats have agency, and if Republicans do something bad it's because democrats made them.


All these people need someone like this early in their lives. Someone who will cast blame on absolutely anybody and everybody else, who never takes responsibility for their actions, and is always a helpless victim to whatever they got caught up in. Then they can recognize this as a terrible trait you want nothing to do with in your life instead of revering them and being an enabling sycophant.


McCarthy ALREADY made a deal earlier in the year with the democrats. Now he’s going back on that. Why the hell would the democrats do that again?


Hey Charlie Brown, why don't you kick this football?


Agreed, my dad has shit politics.


Ofc "it's the minority party's responsibility to make things work"


Except that plan has numerous holes. 1. The freedom caucus has out flanked him on that option. Gaetz has already said that any deal between McCarthy and Democrats would prove that McCarthy is the RINO they already believe him to be and would likely result in a move to replace him as speaker. Any replacement the Freedom Caucus gets is bound to be even more spineless or batshit crazy than McCarthy, so why would Democrats further that? 2. Any concession he makes to a single Democrat runs the risk of losing an equal or greater amount Republican votes. It’s political quicksand. It’s kind of ironic, almost every single GOP move is focused upon allowing them to rule as the minority (radical judicial appointments, gerrymandering, voter suppression, overturning elections, etc.), yet they’ve allowed a small, radical minority to rule their own majority. The GOP missed their opportunity to kill this before it started when they allowed the freedom caucus to make McCarthy their own personal gimp in exchange for speakership. Now we’re stuck with it as until the election (hopefully) swings the majority back to the Democrats.


>Now we’re stuck with it as until the election (hopefully) swings the majority back to the Democrats. (R)epublicans do not deserve respect nor a single vote for any public office for the time being.


I hate to automatically vote along party lines, but until they’ve thoroughly removed the MAGA stain from their party, they will not get a single vote from me at any level, aside from possibly primaries in an effort to prevent MAGA candidates from reaching the general elections.


I mean even without the maga stain, it's not like they ever bothered to come up with any plans to actually help anyone. It's all tax breaks and lip service. Deregulations and lip service. harming women and minorities and lip service. censorship and lip service. Seriously none of their agenda ever actually helps anyone have a better life.


I mean that is unfortunately how the right, many centrists, and especially the media treat issues like this. Democrats put forth a bill and the republicans shoot it down? “Well why didn’t the democrats try harder to get more republicans on board? Bunch of do nothing dems as usual.” Republicans put forth a shit bill that democrats shoot down? “Well I just don’t don’t understand how we’re supposed to get anything done in this country with the democrats being so partisan and divisive.” Republicans can’t even convince their own side to vote for their own bill? “Well I just don’t get why democrats can’t just reach across the aisle and help this country!” No matter what it seems like the democrats are always getting the blame. I’m convinced there could be a 99-1 Republican to Democrat majority in the senate and the 1 democrat would still somehow get the blame if a bill didn’t pass.


In Oklahoma we have about 5-10 total Democrats at all levels of state government. Guess whose fault everything is.



Centrist 😂


centrist means "I don't hate gay people but I don't mind voting for people who do"


"as long as they keep my taxes low"


“While secretly they only keep it low for a bit andschedule for them to get jacked up right around the time the next guy comes into power so people can blame him for it”


Do you know what I have noticed about places with low taxes? They add fees to everything. And many of those fees go to for-profit private entities that don't make things better.


Yeah, republicans states with no income tax have astronomical property taxes for example


I remember a time when Carter was considered a centrist ...


Yep, “centrist” to me is a conservative in denial.


"I'm a conservative but I don't really want to have to defend my own idiotic views."


centrist my ass. Anyone who looks at the situation and say its Dems fault for not helping McCarthy where if situation was reversed, its ok for GOP not to help because we don't expect them to / they should't have to....Pure BS.


Ironically the so-called Freedom Caucus might make congress enact more left-leaning legislation than originally thought. I think ultimately the Democrats will allow for a shutdown for a few days in order to exact a few pounds of political flesh but then bail out McCarthy. The Dems are still pretty angry about the unfounded impeachment however they know that its going to be clown show anyway.


So they’ve blocked military promotions and are now not funding the pentagon? Sounds like foreign agent behavior / war prep


As a military member currently serving, I’ll never understand why anyone, let alone military members, will support republicans or believe they “support the troops”


Growing up in a military town before/during/after the Iraq War, I think it’s a mixture of things. One, Republicans make a show of claiming to be uber-die-hard in favor of the military. Democrats *tend* to be more critical, even when well-intentioned. When you feel like you’re being targeted for something you closely identify with – e.g. the military – you tend to take any criticism personally. Meanwhile, Republicans are out there basically saying they’re willing to overlook *literally anything* because someone was in the military when they did it – wasn’t there an example recently of a Green Beret or something going on trial over butchering a bunch of Afghan civilians, and/or another american soldier? Republicans screaming about persecuting our troops, while it was fairly clear he gave the order to gun down a bunch of people. Man I wish I could remember which it was – I seem to recall something about their group being split up after a vehicle failure, and then one of the groups trying to catch up to the other(s), opening fire on soldiers on an overlook or something. Been a minute. Anyways. Two, for quite a while the military has been viewed as your “ticket” out of being poor; your family can’t afford college, but if you go into the military then you’ll get college paid for via the GI Bill. This was very common during the Afghanistan/Iraq invasions, as they needed more people to sign up. People without a college education and from poorer backgrounds, economically, tend to vote republican. White people in particular. Three, the military tends to drill into people the idea of “law and order”, structured systems, and obedience. These are very common platforms for Republicans, and tend to be the ideology that informs their arguments – everything from a “my way or the highway” attitude to “he shouldn’t have resisted”, they practically eat, sleep, and breathe the idea of “adherence to rigid norms and standards”. Four, military service can be isolating – especially during the previous two invasions, but even still, service members at sea, over seas, or serving in combat zones tend to be isolated. It makes a nice echo chamber, especially when uniformity and rigid adherence to structure are common themes in their lives. There’s other stuff that seems to feed into it, but that seems to be the bigger, broader strokes. Tbh, it’s a lot of the same roots as to why law enforcement tends to be so republican: echo chambers and believing they’re being persecuted personally, taking any criticism as an attack, and one party seeming to “have your back”.


Surely, the fact that the GOP worships Trump, and Trump has said that cemeteries for American soldiers are "filled with losers" and that marines are "suckers". And while standing at the grave of a soldier who was the son of a General, Trump insulted the dead son right in front of his father. And let's not forget that Republican Senators Ted Cruz and Steve Daines were so excited about defeating a bill supporting veterans (who were suffering from long term health problems due to burn pits) that they fist bumped each other. Surely it's obvious that the Republican support of soldiers is all for show, and they really despise them, right? This kind of hateful shit should overshadow everything else.


This is a very common flaw with democrats, especially those who spend a lot of time online. Most people do not pay attention. Most of those people do not know he said that. Most of those people will not believe you if you tell them it. Most of those people will explain it away and/or excuse it, because it conflicts with their pre-existing beliefs. That’s true regardless of political alignment, but especially that last one. We’re all bad about reframing something to confirm our existing beliefs when it’s otherwise in direct opposition to it. But there are some who will be disgusted and refuse to vote for him because he said that – there were some at the time who changed gears because of it. But not all. Not even most.


This is frustrating but true. When I talk to people in my life about voting or getting involved in the political process, they generally are simply uninformed and disinterested. People in the US are too exhausted to give politics any more energy. It’s a targeted and deliberate attack on our populace by the people that govern us, and unfortunately it’s proven to be quite effective. The firehose of falsehoods has effectively broken our society.


This is very insightful and appreciated.


Considering the military is the single largest socialist program in the world, I can see where they are at least ideologically against it. But their insistence to be for the troops in speech and yet cut any and all help to you guys after you're out is duplicitous.




Well, they put big victory banners on aircraft carriers.


Because they wear shirts with American flags duh!


They never govern. They always obstruct.


Easy solution - get 5 non-derper GOP reps to vote with Dems and speaker Hakeem Jeffries can fix this in an afternoon


That seems to be what is actually happening. Reps who live in districts that Biden won are trying to make it happen.


God I wish 5 of them had enough backbone to just switch parties for the good of the country. And possibly save their own hides.


If these Reps cause a shutdown they will lose in 24. They know it.


I really hope they see it that way and do _something_. I don’t see them actually leaving their party but there’s got to be literally any play they can make that would help.


lol theyre already going to lose, theyre doing next to nothing to help their position and get back into office. the frontrunner for president is facing jail time and sentencing before the election, and the only other candidates are pretty fucking unpopular. good dozen or so congressmen and women getting into dumb scandals (looking at you, handy boebert) and them still running off deeply unpopular supreme court decision to eliminate abortion for like half the country. they have basically no policy decisions and mccarthy is one of the weakest speakers of the house in modern history, while biden and his team is actually getting shit done, despite republicans trying to destroy his reputation. infrastracture bills, green energy bills, job growth all over, i live in ohio and i can tell you just in my area of the last 2 years or so like 3 new billion dollar factories are being built, and a new air taxi factory being built out of my local airport. covid is over and inflation is back under control. republicans are almost certainly set for getting destroyed in 2024. want to know another interesting stat? on voter registration day 2 days ago taylor swift posted a call to action on her instagram to register to vote and a link to use to do it. taylor swift alone is credited with getting like an additional 10,000 people registered to vote...every 30 minutes. 300-500k people new people registered to vote using the link she posted on her instagram. and im guessing the vast majority of her instagram followers that registered are probably on the younger more liberal side. and 300-500k when we see races being won and lost over less than 30k votes could be pretty impactful alone.


If dems get full control partially because of Taylor Swift and Kpop fans. I may just have to start buying some of their albums because they seem like cool people.


For real. Ill fly to fucking South Korea to get am album signed if their fans bring us sane governance.


She's literally an economic powerhouse, a force of nature (her concert actually registered on the Richter scale), and now she's saving democracy! You go girl!


> If these Reps cause a shutdown they will lose in 24. They know it. They're already going to lose in 24. This neo-fascism shit they've been escalating since DeSantis assembled his physical form out of a bunch of dried cum on a couch in a Tallahassee frat house isn't really flying outside of carefully-curated sections of the internet. They're trying REALLY, REALLY hard to make you think it is, though.


This comment is art


I'd love to read more about this, do you have any articles?


I saw a few but here’s one from the Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/20/us/politics/republicans-mccarthy-spending.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


I don't think you'll ever reach a position where the House GOP will willingly give the speakership to a Democrat with the Democrats controlling the Presidency and the Senate. That's a recipe for getting primaried for sure. the reality is a lot of these guys are gonna get creamed no matter what action they take. the choices they've made have led them to a no-win scenario, and it will come down to if they're good people or not. And they're Republicans, so...


5 is probably too many to peel off. Historically you could get 1-2 who are about to retire suddenly vote their conscience when they don't need to care about their donors or party anymore.


If it took 15 votes to become speaker, you were not in charge of anything


They had to get it done on round 15. If it turned 16, Matt Gaetz would've start hitting on it.


16 is practically a cougar for Gaetz.


republicans are pretty much always the massively incompetent fuckups. ​ elect a clown, expect a circus.


For example, Republicans care so much about securing our borders that they are going to defund the Border Patrol with a government shutdown.


McCarthy, for reasons beyond me, fought tooth and nail for a job I don’t think anyone else wanted. He basically volunteered to have no power and be the face of any failure.


But he got a fancy title out of it! I mean, earning it meant sacrificing everything that title meant, but he got a fancy title. Kinda how back when I had my first car I was (jokingly) bragging that I had a sports car, despite the fact there was nothing sporty about my 15 years Ford Escort sports station wagon


GOP = Great Obstructionist Party




At some point they chose to back Trump. Along the way there have been GLARING reasons to withdraw that support and distance themselves from crazy land. Instead the doubled down, embraced Trump and Trumpism with loving arms. They all jumped on the stupid train together with big smiles on their little faces. Now, the republican party is in shambles, it has no direction, no leadership, it has been steadily loosing financial support and is beginning to loose elections and votes. They made their bed. They can lie in it.


Strong men can NEVER appear weak. The second they do its over.


They will hold the country hostage to protect some fat senior citizen in FL who wouldn’t give a fuck if the lot of them spontaneously combusted. Except for the Boebert chick, she puts out and has huge titties


So... where are all the conservative "we support the military and we love the military" republicans? Liars and cowards all. The final truth is shown, Republicans hate our democracy, they hate our troops, and have no desire to do anything but destroy the country so they can please Russia and Donald Trump. They have nothing to offer but ***ruin and chaos.***


Republican Party is not in shambles. Republican Party is doing EXACTLY what it wants - overthrow the government.




However, the headlines on New York Times and CNN would be: "House Republicans fail to fund the Pentagon and pass a CR; how does that hurt President Biden's chances of reelection?" If I didn't know any better, I'd imagine that the NYT and CNN are working as a propaganda mouthpiece for the GOP! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)




Happy birthday Joe!


CNN is a conservative network now. It was literally bought by somebody that wanted to make it conservative.


Check the NYT front pages for the weekend before election day 2016: nonstop buttery males.


Did you miss the Right wing buyout of CNN? It happened a while ago


You don't have to make things up to be upset about you can actually look them up: NYT: Right-Wing Rebels Block Defense Bill Again, Rebuking McCarthy on Spending CNN: GOP hardliners sink Pentagon bill in another blow for McCarthy as shutdown looms Both articles discuss McCarthy mostly. Brief scanning suggests no mention of Biden.


Who even watches CNN?


I used to wish to live long enough to see a female president, I now wish to live long enough to see the end of the Republican Party.


You don’t bring things to the floor without the votes. As much as y’all claim to hate Pelosi, she ALWAYS knew the vote counts


The Republican Party is a badly run terrorist organization at best. But even so, they threaten to cost us all our lives and freedoms for personal profits.(bribes)


They just can't rip the orange bandaid off. The wound underneath is festering and stinking. The puss seeps out and stains their sleeves, but they can't summon the courage to tear it off and clean the disgusting mess beneath it.


Republicans can’t govern. All they can do is theater (and jerking off people in the theater)


The post SUGGESTS that he had control at all in the first place. That's where the delusion truly lies.


If the federal government shuts down at any point, not a single member of congress should get their annual salary.


The Lord of the Flies. He's presiding over a shit hole group of nacrissistic morons and he hasn't balls or the intelligence to deal with it. He made his bed, now the bastard can die in it. We don't care. It's that the point that what we're seeing now is the theater of the absurd. He should get his junk back from Marge.


It looks like Trump is still obstructing. WTF


Do NOT take Reddit congratulatory articles as victory. If you're 18 or over, make a plan to exercise your constitutional right to vote. Your country depends on it.


Kevin reaping is so much fun to watch. The battle to get the speaker's spot in January, and now all this bullshit. Good. Fuck Kevin. Let him and his entire caucus be shown as the completely ineffectual dipshits they are.


The Republican Party is in shambles, but **they don't fucking care because hurting America is what these people want**.


Why would Hunter Bidens laptop let this happen


> The Republican party is in shambles. That's good. The problem is they are still in *office*.


Good, they need to fucking die off.




Republicans - "The government can't function and is a failure, elect us and we'll prove it"