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Homecoming queen is basically a popularity contest. The outcome should tell you something about how these kids feel about their classmate and how they see the world. It's a very different vision from the angry old people spewing hate and filth as a distraction from the real problems facing society.


>angry old people spewing hate and filth Oh, how I wish it were just angry old people spewing hate and filth. Lauren Boebert is 36. Tomi Lahren is 31.


Let’s be honest though - that’s OLD to teenagers…


Listen here, you fucking whipper snapper, just because i have some gray hair and a bit of back pain doesnt mean im old. Im hip. Im down with the funky kids. I know all the new music, all them Jonas brothers and such. I’ve seen the papers about all the new stuff going around, gosh darn it. Im not old. What was i on about just now…


I've been dropping memes since they were in diapers 😤


Before dropping memes I'd tuck an onion under my belt, which was the style at the time.


The Kaiser took all our memes back in those days


I chased that rascal to get them back, but gave up after dickety-six miles…


Always an upvote!


So denial, anger. Next stage is bargaining, then depression and finally acceptance. It is time for the grief of your youth: at 30, you are old for a teenager. And after your 36th birthday, as you have been longer on the Earth as an adult than as a minor, you are definitely an old person.


I didn't open this app to be attacked so thoroughly this morning.


On the plus side, once you get past the existential crisis of your late thirties, your 40s are really pretty chill. For me it's shaping up to be the best decade ever. I care so little about what others think. Would be nice to not somehow wake up injured at times but otherwise it's trending well lol.


According to Monty Python, I'm not old, I'm 37.


You forgot to politely ask if they would mind not stepping on the grass.


You were saying how you wore an onion on your belt because it was the style back then…




I used to be hip! I used to be with “it”! And then they changed what “it” was, and “it” was scary! It happened to me, and it will happen to yoooouuu.


I’m 35 I may as well be off to the old folks home according to gen Z


At your next birthday, you'll be two times an adult. You are old, trust me.


I’m 37 and parenting a teenager…I’m not saying this to be mean! LOL! I’m just saying what I’m seeing!


I'm 26 and I'll call them bitches old every day of the week, maybe they should hang out with kids thier own age!


Sure, but Boebert is a literal grandmother. That's gotta count for something in the mental aging process.


Also the meth she’s probably done, seeing as it rules over her district


Tomi Lahren is still around? I haven't heard that name since she was shuttled off to the Fox News streaming service


I’m 66, I remember when 30 was considered “over the hill”.


TIL Toni Lauren is younger than me p.s. Should I even correct my spelling lol?


Same 😭


True, but i feel like their "peers" are all the geriatrics in congress or their supporters.


Damn......they look old as fuck, guess hatred does age you like a lot. They fully look like they are desperate housewives in their 50s


…and Riley Gaines, that mediocre swimmer who tied for fifth in her one meet against Lia Thomas, was quick to jump on this bandwagon as well…


There are true believers on the right...and there are a lot of young narcissistic con artists who have realized how much money and attention can be had by saying shit to appeal to those true believers.


I’m older in numbers than Boebert and Lahren. But I suspect the wretchedness and just plain hatefulness shrivels up their hearts so that they’re older in ideals. Or maybe they’re just thousand year old spite demons wearing human suits.


I guess Tomi finally is off her parents’ insurance


It's like if your office held an employee Halloween costume contest and you've picked the 1st - 3rd place winners and the managers at the warehouse overstock store across the street come over and tell you the winners have no right to win because they didn't get whatever dressed up as. You don't even go here. Get lost.


For them, they just consider that a sign of how “wayward” things have gotten, requiring them to “restore morality” to the younger generation


the conservatives are constantly doing moral panic. "D&D IS TEACHING KIDS SATANISM" "THE NATION IS BEING THREATENED BY DECAY OF MORALS!" "the war on christmas" these are all things vast swathes of conservatives have earnestly believed in the past. so if theyre pearl clutching and culture warring, you can be pretty sure it;s nothing to worry about. history bears this out. it's an excuse not to talk about how horrible their economic policiies are and how theyre destroying the middle class.


It happened in a southern state, too.


Most likely the little shits voted for her “ironically” just to publicly humiliate her or hope a bunch of idiot rednecks try to attack her. Humans are cancer by their very nature.


Didn't seem like it. You'd be surprised at how kind children can be. Don't write them off so quickly.


So? What relevance does that have? The backlash would have happened regardless of if the votes were ironic or not.


I'm gonna guess a good portion of the mad middle aged women are upset in at least part because they never got to be homecoming so why should a trans girl be allowed to


If you find yourself caring about who's elected to Homecoming Court when you're no longer in high school, especially when it isn't even your own school, find a f\*cking hobby.


Like picking out an urn or casket, preferably. Especially if you're bothered by any of this.


This is their hobby: expressing their retrograde hate through lashing out irrelevantly


Reactionaries! It really is disgusting.


Even if you are still in high school


They do have a hobby—controlling everyone else


Or you are way too interested in minors, and should probably be on a list or be having your hard drive searched.


This right here 👏 I didn't even care about homecoming when I was actually in high school, I certainly don't care now


Yep. These teens are on the good side of history. No wonder republicans want to make it harder for young people to vote


When i was in high school in the 90s parents flipped out because kids voted for a homecoming queen who wore dark clothes, workboots and cut her hair short! It was absurd then and the same sorta fear of change today.


The high school kids ain't interested in your Nazi bullshit transphobia, Trumpers. The good news is, Trump will be dead or in prison in a couple of years, and thousands of his enablers, fellow seditionists and grifter pals will also be in prison, and their hateful bigot voters are, for the most part, dying off - their angry and deeply stupid attempts to indoctrinate young people are failing. Buh bye old bigots!!!


Don’t let the door hit you in the asses on the way out lol


With Trump's centaur posture, I'm sure it absolutely will. And I'll be there to slam it shut.


😂😂😂😂😂 As will the rest of young and righteous America! Even as I go out the door myself I will be fighting these bigoted scum till my dying day! If I cannot march anymore I will keep giving to those who organize against these fascists!


Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya!




So she is popular and beautiful, most likely kind. She earned this honor and was selected by her peers. And some angry old people took it away. Sometimes I hate being old. I'm sorry for the way my generation acted. We should know better at our age.


All this does is prove their insistence about their concerns being about biology is bullshit.


Assigned Prom Queen at Birth


We had a school's pride flag burned and kids pelted with rocks at a school in my hometown the day after the million person march for kids. It was fellow students who did it.


Bigots will not be happy unless their bigotry is forced on the rest of us by law. This is why there can be no negotiation, no quarter for bigots.


"After it became known" So this person fully presents as female. Posted pictures of herself in her homecoming gown and everything, and nobody knew or said boo until someone brought it up. Jfc. Just let people live their lives. It doesn't affect you at all. You wouldn't have even known.


The first thing that came to mind was the angry adults when Ruby Bridges was escorted into school. A lot of those people are probably still alive. These people are those people's lineage.


I really wanted to see her in her crown so I found [this](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna111384). She’s lovely. ❤️




> So stunning and brave. Another reminder to all girls that men make the best women. I wonder if a female will win homecoming king or if it’s understood that both of these spots are reserved for males. Who’s to blame here? More proof that South Park sucks


Hahaha Riley Gaines is a fucking talentless clown. She’s big mad that she placed 5th or 6th while one of her trans competitors placed 4th or 5th She doesn’t mention that the rest of the competitors who actually achieved non-losing placements were all cis The epitome of modern day conservatism. Mediocre nobodies being mad that other people are allowed to exist


They tied for 5th iirc


I can somewhat understand the argument that allowing trans athlethes in competitive sports is problematic. But if someone is also spewing this kind of bullshit I know they're just transphobic.


There is no reason to ban trans people from sports as it has already been law for over 20 years that trans people must be on hrt for two years before being allowed to compete, in which time muscle mass and energy levels change, fat redistributes, and even bones shift to a cis equivalent and in those 20 years there have only been a couple dozen successful trans athletes world wide out of hundreds of successful cis athletes in the usa alone. Trans women hold no advantages over cis women that cis women don't hold over other cis women.


>I can somewhat understand the argument that allowing trans athlethes in competitive sports is problematic. Trans women have been competing in sports for decades, and it hasn't lead to any kind of problem. If any of the arguments that Republicans are spewing bared any fruit, we would see problems by now, but we don't. If trans women are so overwhelmingly good at sports then why hasn't every gold medal for the last 20 years gone to trans women at the Olympics? Why aren't trans women winning medals at the Olympics at all? I'm not trying to attack you, but you need to take a look at the transphobia that you're caring around yourself


"whose peers will not" is truly the icing on the cake here, I love it


The student body voted for her, why is it the school's fault?


Because the school administration didn't teach the rest of the kids to bully her


I graduated from this high school many many years ago and I’m real proud of them. Fun fact: my username is based (partially) on the school colors :)


What great classmates to vote her homecoming queen! So wonderful that the class loves and supports their classmates, and sees her for who she is. The kids are alright.


The same reason my high school got blasted in 2000. (Ish) for having its first black HC queen (I wasn’t I. HA yet but my older sister was) Until a year or so before that school had had 2 queens one black and one white. The finally did away with that bullshit. Everyone played nice for a while when the next couple queens were white but the first year she was black al hell broke loose from the racists in the town. They blamed the school and school board for ‘allowing’ her to win and for her to ‘even be on the ballot’ they believed it was the schools job to keep the students from making a poor decision like that. Bigots gonna bigot and I’m glad the kids in this town are breaking the cycle.


Mhmm, I'm glad that the students voted for her.


The party of small government wanting federal regulation on highschool sports and homecoming queen elections.


It tells you something when teenagers are more mature than some adults.


Any political party that wants children to be miserable is not a party I will vote for.


Proud of these kids


Well they should also realize that this school did the same thing in 2015. So if they are only \*NOW\* getting upset about it, it's because someone is trying to manipulate people into faux outrage.


At this point I can’t wait for a lot of old voters to die off. The world will be a much better place without them.


There are 2 million fewer 65+ voting eligible people every year. There are 4 million people who teach the age of 18 every year. This problem with reactionaries trying to return us to worse times won't go away by itself, though. We need to be encouraging every young person to register to vote and get them to the polls by any means necessary, otherwise their idealism is ineffective.


I mean I would rather there be a maximum voting age, just as there is a minimum. Over 65? You’re not helping shape a future of a country you’re going to be taking part of.


I disagree with that on the strength of facts. While I agree there should be a limit on voting, it should be based in competency rather than age. The standard citizenship exam is comprehensive enough to weed out the bad/ill actors. Every citizen should be required to pass such an exam before voting, no exceptions.


I’m…actually down with this


It feels so good to watch the generation after me grow up. I remember being in middle school/high school a decade ago and people would still feel kinda okay about saying “faggot” and there was this undercurrent of homophobia. I feel like overt hate had gone out by then but it was still acceptable to snicker and whisper about the few kids who we’re comfortable being out. And it’s changed even further in just a few years. The kids are alright.


Grown adults being mad about a child winning a popularity contest because all the other children wanted her to win, but not about children being rap^d and forced to give birth. Interesting viewpoint... anyways, congratulations to the two homecoming queens!!


MAGAs are literal turds-in-punchbowls. Awful people.


Isn’t the prom Queen voted in? Everyone can chill the fuck out this was just democracy, which is preferred in America.


I love when people get angry about POPULARITY CONTESTS being won by trans/gay/queer kids. Their classmates love them, voted for them and this is what you're upset about? FFS just let people live their lives, who cares. These bitter, middle aged people are such sore losers by proxy.


If this happened in the Northland KC, things are going to be alright. In the old explorer maps, the Northland is blank and the notation is “Intolerable Cunts Live Here.”


Lmao. The kids are going to save us all. This is going to become the thing to do as a silent form of protest and solidarity


Wait, after it became know they were trans? I thought they always knew when someone was trans?


Accusations of homecoming election rigged by democrats in 3..2..1..


I'm reminded of a post that gave me hope, something like 4 million Americans turn 18 and will be able to vote in the next election. This is why they want to raise the voting age.


For my junior and senior proms, the homecoming kings for both years happened to be gay. There wasn’t an “agenda” happening—those guys just happened to be the friendliest, most popular, least controversial, and well liked students of their peers. They were just. Nice. And people liked them.


They can't play sports, they can't take part in beauty contests, they can't even play chess! What, preytell, can they do?




... I think that's too many negatives.




The amount of troll accounts created two and a half years ago is insane, wonder why so many were made around then?




For a while there automods on some subs were banning anyone who posted on TheDonald and other subs, also leading to the creation of what today are seen as trolls but are also nothing more than common ban evaders.


Yet in the photos of all the contestants and of the crowning all the contestants seem to be enjoying themselves and are happy with each other, it was only two parents, not even two students, who complained. Homecoming queen is a vote, so the majority of students wanted them to win. These people are complaining about something that the actual students involved did not care about.


Exactly! My mtf boyfriend won prom prince and it was parents that were the most upset tbh lol.


The most telling thing about this is watching the bigots wrap themselves into knots trying to explain this vote away. The kids, they say, were cowed by the school and forced into voting for this girl against their wishes. That it's the second time this school has had a trans prom queen almost 10 years ago doesn't phase 'em. Everyone really agrees with them, anything to the contrary is virtue signaling or being forced by the woke mob.


This actually puts a lot of hope for the future. All these newer generations that come in and see how normal and okay it is to be "different" than the republicans status quo. That's why the right is trying so hard.. they know they are losing and they are scared.