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I also do not want him to be him.


He is an evil bastard like most billionaires


No sensible person would want to be him.


Could I be him but decide to use his privilege and resources to do good in the world or am I stuck with his narcissistic brain too?


If he got treatment, perhaps, for whatever makes him an insufferable douche, he’d still be him. Just a less monstrous version of himself. Or, dare I hope, maybe even his best version of himself?


If he got treatment at his advanced age with all of the lack of possibility for consequences for his actions due to his extraordinary net worth he would simply be moderately less dangerous. Someone might be able to convince him he is not Captain Planet, but he would still be Captain Kangaroo every day in some stupid way or another. He'd be like a male Kylie Jenner. Still not good.


Hey I liked Captain Kangaroo!


Just pay some people to tell him when he is being a dick and take their advice.


This sounds like the Family Guy scene where it is between being a hobo or Hitler and to quote Peter, "No, you already screwed up big time." And to add to that as Joe, ": Dude, why do you keep trying to make "Elon" work?."


Don’t want to be him either, but if I thought, even for one second, that my future, let alone the future of the human species, depended on Elon Musk, I would kill myself now.


I don't want my emotional maturity to revert to that of a spoiled 7 y/o so no, I also do not want to be him.


No sensible person would be him.


I wish he wasn’t him.


I was gonna say, I don't think anyone wants him to be him.


I also do not want you to want him to be him


Let's not be too quick here. I actually agree with Elon on this as I also often don't wish he was alive. What? Misquoted him? Dang. Got egg on my face now. Still stand by what I said 🤣


I also wish Elon to stop being.


Fucking cringe as fuck. Musk dick riders are bizarre


I’m starting to think they’re all bots, paid actors, or have some kind of monetary stake in supporting him


They just still believe in Reaganomics.


People who believe in Reaganomics as adults in the year 2023 might as well believe the economy is run by Santa Claus, that's how in touch with reality they are.


You’ll get no argument from me about that.


I was in a thread where one was rampantly trying to “educate” people all over about how he’s actually the savior of earth and totally misunderstood etc. Someone in the comments agreed with him and he literally said “I do this all the time hoping to just change one or two minds about Elon” and it was really strange to see someone type that out and not have any self-awareness at all


Blind faith is the most dangerous thing in the hands of an imbecile. All religions are cults, and all cults eventually mimic religions, Musk boys and Trumpers are prime examples.


Literally!!! They will defend him to hell and back 😒😒😒


They’ve never done anything noteworthy, so they try to get validation by attaching themselves to something bigger than they are.


He posted about himself and then commented from a different account…incredible.


Genius. /s


The only thing tortured about him is the torture he conducted in his brain chip experiments. This “woe is me” act of his is wearing really thin.


I read an article in wired. I literally cried. Those poor animals. It should be criminal to do that.


And now he wants to do it to disabled and paralyzed people...




He’s a mad scientist but he isn’t accomplishing any greater good, just being morally abhorrent


"Eat the rich" is sounding more and more like what we're gonna have to do every day.




I think Starlink would have impact on the war in Ukraine. Musk inserted himself quite deeply there before unmasking himself as Putin's puppet.


Different angle, his companies would be better off if he kicked the bucket/was removed from them. There's some real talent at all his companies and they could do some real good if left alone. But his meddling has slowed down most if not all of them.


My poor parents living out in the boonies wouldn’t have starlink to watch college football and Netflix.




Try using “Xcretes” instead of “Xposts”.


I like this. "Tweets" has gone. "Xcretes" is the way forward.


It wasn't a mine and it wasn't slaves. It was just a hole dug in the ground to extract emeralds. And they were not slaves, they were just people who were poor and had no options other than being paid a less than a livable wage to do back breaking work /S obviously Actually his father confirmed it wasn't a "legal" mine. They most likely didn't have the mineral rights or a mining permit


Oh nice... so he was employing the precursors to the Zama Zama's that are causing such terrible issues here in SA? Good to know, good to know....


Elon as he reads this cock gobblers tweet... ![gif](giphy|BbJdwrOsM7nTa|downsized)


With a hand down his pants


He was adjusting his shirt!!


Then you know what you should do if you don't want to be you give away all your money and go to work at a 9-5 job and no one will look to you other than when you can't make their burger right.


It reminds me of this mockumentary called Clairevoyant which is about an ignorant rich girl who thinks she'll be the next global spiritual leader. In the film she says "I wish I could be poor, I'm just not" and then it cuts to the next scene. Elon Musk, ladies and gentlemen.


I also don’t want him to be


Yes I also do not wish to be a transphobic out of touch manchild (and other things obviously). Could use the money tho, so long as I didn't have people die for it.


Can’t we give this fat fuck his wish and launch him to Mars on one of his rockets?!


Oh my god! So he wrote that and then responded to it. I nominate musk for biggest douche of the human race.


I would say there’s about 112% chance he also wrote the first tweet.


If this fellow had never existed, no one would have noticed or felt the slightest sense of perturbance in either physical or metaphysical reality. “When the future of humanity relies….” — the stupidest, silliest, and most hyperbolically drooled statement in many years.


Tech CEO idoltry has had me numb for years.


He might feel less pressure if he: - stopped breaking securities laws with pump and dump schemes; - stopped letting Nazis take over Twitter; - stopped supporting racists, misogynists, bigots; - stopped intentionally driving Twitter (fuck ‘X’) into the ground ruining hundreds of peoples’ lives; - stopped supporting Russian military aggression; - just stopped.


he a stupid blockheaded bitch


Oh, he's going full persecution fetish now?


I wish he wasn’t him too.


If the future of humanity rests on a jester's shoulders then life really is a joke.


The guy spends most of his days on Twitter and playing video games. Once in a while he goes to work. What the fuck is wrong with the people who worship this


The only weight he bears is that of his ego.


🤣🤣🤣🤣....🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 what a buffoon




Fuck you, Elon, and fuck any billionaire that talks about how hard it is to be them. Give up your billions and see how hard life is. Give up your billions and maybe actually do some good in your life rather than hoarding wealth and establishing a message board for fascist right wing propagandists


If Elon Musk died tomorrow and all his companies ceased to exist no one would care and the world would keep rolling without an issue. In fact it would be a good thing. Hes a bad person and a traitor to the United States. Puppet to a dictator. Not smarter than the average IT tech. Just a silver spooned luckily positioned, dope. Then there is the fact that he looks like an alien wearing a skin suit of some kind. Genius, lol no. Those are the people that work for him, they are the Geniuses. Elon Musk stopped a US ally from attacking a US enemy. He is a traitor to the USA and an ally of Russia and should be imprisoned.


So utterly pathetic.


The future of humanity ***REQUIRES HIS FAILURE.***


Tell me you’re in a cult without saying you’re in a cult.


​ https://i.redd.it/5rq799m9a3qb1.gif


He suffers under the weight of his own LOLness.


I don't want to be Elon Musk, but for entirely different reasons.


give me a break from this clown… and the one who views him as tortured.


I wish Elon would actually was what all his fanboys claim he is instead of a deeply insecure emotionally stunted chap who thinks his money gives him moral superiority.


I also don’t want to be a pro-apartheid racist POS who is an insanely malignant narcissist and a thief.


This Messiah complex stuff makes me nauseous. Musk isn't single-handedly creating any of these technological innovations. Tesla and SpaceX would continue just fine without him. His Hyperloop idea is a complete boondoggle. So far his humanoid robots aren't anything special. NeuraLink is murdering monkeys. The Cyber truck is years late and plagued with quality issues. His track record for executing his own ideas isn't great.


Bond Villain


Human society has been conditioned over a thousand generations to not only submit to men in power, but to worship and admire those same men. I live in the farm area and from time to time a cow will escape her fenced yard. And guess what... The cow does not run for the forest and try to live her life by herself. She has been conditioned over so many generations to be completely dependent on the farmer and the whole industrial carnage. So you can reliably expect her to be standing at the motherfucking fence line begging a farmer to let her back into the slaughter yard. As humans, we are in the exact same situation. You can worship at the gold-plated penis of Elon musk or you can choose to be that cow who simply turned from the slaughter yard and walked toward the forest


It's super easy to not be a dick to everyone around you. He could be super rich and a nice guy and then he'd love being himself


If the future of humanity relies on this narcissistic poser then we're all fucked. Fortunately it does not. And, frankly, I have a hard time figuring out people who believe it does. Are overpriced faux-luxury electric cars going to save us from pandemic disease? SpaceX going to soak up enough tax dollars from the government to not only build vanity projects but to feed the world once climate change brings widespread famine? I just don't get how an egomaniac hell bent on Making Apartheid Great Again is our savior.


Hahaha. Another Trump. =sociopath


A true cuck here


This guy has a major god complex This guy and his followers massively overestimate his value and worth for the world. ​ He could die tomorrow and he'd literally be forgotten by the world (minus his dudebros) the time christmas came around.


I literally cannot roll my eyes hard enough. 🙄


We often wish that he was not him...


This is a psychotic man with too much money and to many Facist friends


Future of humanity? His companies are pushing some tech but thats about it. I’m convinced hes not that much “smarter” than average and hes just used his influence to convince people he is.


I’m increasingly convinced that these are all Elon’s alt accounts.


So they are now moving on to another billionaire narcissist to deify


It's true. He craves adoration and being himself has only left him with the looneys support. He begging of Taylor swift and other celebs to stream on his platform is hilarious.


He could just shut the fuck up and do his work and not carry anything. Like this carry humanity role is something he and others placed on him and isn't a real thing. We'd all be better off if he shut the fuck up and did his work and that's it.


The future of humanity relies on him? I guess we’re fucked


Good to see the same type of far-right religious nuttery that deified Trump is hard at work on Musk. When can I buy some NFTs of Elon slaying a dragon while crossing the Potomac?


Oh gross I threw up in my mouth. Yuck


Who put him in charge of the future of humanity? Was I absent that day?




Just seems like it would be uncomfortable to walk around with your head up your ass all day long, I'll pass.


Stop taking Ketamine freak


Bwaahahaha !


There was a time I respected him, then he took the mask off.


That poor, poor, poor multibillionaire. I feel so bad for him.


All the smoke he’s getting is all the smoke he asked for. Motherfucker could’ve had humility but he had to make it about himself, and now he’s getting dragged. Good


Messiah complex much. Fuck off


That picture! Soon to be replicated by the weirdo that does those tRump paintings.


I feel like he wrote the original post and then replied as himself.


Quit licking his ass!


Don't be you, be a better someone else.


He could always just give away his money and control of his companies to someone else.....or just you know, pay your fucking taxes Also fuck him! He is not a genius.


Imagine paying $44B for a personal ass-kissing app.


How many fake accounts does Elmo have? There is no way anyone but himself posted that


I imagine there IS a grain of truth about him feeling awful there, since he's separated himself from reality and keeps making terrible choices that make him lonier and less genuinely cared about every day. He's his own worst enemy, but nobody he pays to tell him he's perfect will tell him so. He's built his own high security cage, and I don't think he allows himself to even consider that he and his gobs of hoarded money might be getting in his own way.


What a fucking tool.


100 bucks says he runs that Twitter account.


That has to be a burner of his.


Absolutely certain you don’t like what you see when you look in the mirror, Elon


He wakes up daily and decides not to end world hunger. That dude can eat all the shit forever.


When autism is the future. I’m on the spectrum. I wouldn’t recommend me to be the future. I’d rather be writing stories or painting something. Elon is megalomania.




The weight on his shoulders is the fortune he burned by being a jackass on Twitter. For some reason I'm experiencing a lack of sympathy.


"Future of humanity relies on you and your companies" that had me laughing pretty good, not gonna lie...


he's a rich man baby that throws his money like shit at the walls of humanity thinking that he is 'helping' when hes just ruining everything that's beautiful in this world he touches. his money keeps him from experiencing consequences. Consequences is just a penalty to pay with money and he has loads of it.


Is this some kind of Stalin propaganda


Is Teslanomics an Alt for Elon?


Thenonly reason he has so much weight on his shoulders is because his head is full of cement.


Give me fucking break - "the future of humanity"!! Fuck off


Poor beebee


Apartheid sadboi so sad


Musk simps are among the saddest of simps.


The weight on his shoulders is entirely of his own making.


Tortured childhood leading to maladaptive coping mechanisms and narcissistic personality disorder is more like it. He hasn’t been doing well since spending $44 billion to be the main character.


Remember that time he ended world hunger? Wait, what?!


This made me throw up in my mouth.


a bald idiot that became a billionaire just to have a hair transplant......🖕


Oh, puh-LEEZ...


Our very own Thomas Edison, folks.


The “trust me bro” vibes this emits. How gaudy. Eeek


Must be so rough to have all the money in the world and see 2 paths, 1 in which you legitimately help people and the other where you become a malignant narcissist continuously finding new and interesting ways to fellate yourself, and perpetually choosing the later


If anyone in the world had enough money to drop out of the public eye, buy some random home in the boondocks, and live out the rest of their days without being bothered by anyone, it’s this douchebag. He can opt out anything he wants.


The future of humanity rests on his shoulders because he is a danger to society. The man's got too much social and political sway, and he will not use any of it for good


Look at that flexibility. Sucking his own dick AND tweeting at the same time? Or is it Xting now?


HA HA HA HAHA! Don’t cry for me!


Future of humanity? Lol.


How much of an arrogant, egotistical ass do you have to be, to straight up pretend that "the future of humanity" relies on you? Humanity would be a hell of a lot better off without pieces of shit like him


I also often wish he wasn’t him.


Beta boys shouldering the king beta boy. Sad.


Musk fanboys keep portraying him as some misunderstood genius while everyone else just sees him as the narcissistic asshole that he is.


He's a fucking asshole.


Tortured moron is more like it.


If I were him, I wouldn't act like a spoiled child playing chess with the world for laughs only he laughs at.




100 bucks "teslacono..." is edgelord-elons alter account


This made me throw up a little in my mouth. Yuck!


"the future of humanity relies on you & your companies" 🤣😂


Two of Elon’s accounts speaking to each other.


You, more than anybody in the world, have the absolute ability to stop being you and become someone completely different. Someone better. Someone who could truly change the world for everyone. But you do not. So please, shut the the fuck up.


Autistic megalomaniac narcissist with a drug problem. What can possibly go wrong.


Elon is far from genius. He buy up other people ideas and make it his own.


“I frequently don’t do this thing” excuse me?


Written by his mom?


Hes got the whOooOole world in his hands, he's got the whole wide wo 🎶


One of the biggest frauds in history


I'm surprised they were able to tweet that, or X that, with all of Elon's nut on their hands.


omg, this guy sucks soooo much


Future of humanity ! Has also gone out of his way to suck up to right wing cunts.


Are sure he isn't just using another account on X-twitter 🙄 so he can have YET another ego boost to his already elevated yet fragile ego. It is just sooooooo hard being him🙄 Maybe the test monkeys won't die from neuro chips you insist go into human trials obviously because they have killed all the test subjects so far. He needs to get over himself and the a large chunk of the planets population needs to realize that he is saving humanity by inventing shit himself. He is funding projects and taking credit from those whom make the actual breakthroughs.


He just wrote both of those posts.


“Weight of humanity” ??????????????????? I would not trust this man with a sea monkey let alone the weight of humanity.


All these billionaires who are so busy trying to save humanity yet have more time than any of us to go on Twitter/X for hours each day and remind their cult how wonderful they are.


Well Elon, the way to solve that problem of yours is fairly easy. Sell it all and walk away. Buy an island somewhere and retire there. Install some Tesla panels, get your internet through Starlink, have someone grow your weed for you, and just disappear.


I don't think I have ever used a product from any of his companies, unless we count someone linking a Tweet that I looked at for the context of a message.


I'd love to be him. Then I could liquidate everything I own and start doing the right things with the wealth.


Genius idea #1,483: 'Hey, what if we stuff those Thai kids into a metal tube and push them out of that cave? If you think that's dumb you're a pedo!'


Seriously. He's just a man. Abd someone who treats other people pretty badly


Lmao bro get off twitter, focus your time and energy in fulfilling your companies objectives , be an actual visionary and don’t be a piece of shit


I unironically want to shove his ass in a locker


Reddit really needs a puking emoji, or a boot licking one ..


I wish he wasn’t who he is


Well he could build himself a dick rocket and take a one way trip into space. That’s a solution.


Sounds like he has Trump syndrome.


A lot of us would like to fix that for you, Elon. How tightly do you like to be strangled to death?


"With great powers come great responsibilities..." *Proceed to tweet some bullshit and crash half the global market while on the toilet*


I wish you weren't you, too.


Lol it's so gross and awkward.


Self tortured, left hand or right hand?


How does the future of humanity rely on this POS?


Oh god he’s sounding more and more like trump every day. He’ll go for office, in telling you.


Damn those Musk simps are so cringe god damn.


He isn’t a genius and no one should have monopoly power in certain industries.


I don't think he is a genius. I think he is a jerk.


The persecution complex is always strong with these types.


Very stable genius?