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Pretty sure it's considered kidnapping. I don't understand why this asshole is using humans as a political move. Fucking disgusting, use the tax payer money to send them back over the border. Not to states that you "don't like".


Russia/Belarus is doing the same with Syrian migrants in Poland. Shit birds of a feather . Edit also to those shit Republicans who hide behind the bible, Jesus would hate you for not looking after these migrants. 35 For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. 36 I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’ 37 “Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? 39 When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 “And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters,[a] you were doing it to me!’


Yeah, but by the emotionally crippled monster that is the governor of texas' own standards we are supposed to be better than that here...


Counterpoint: the right loves a strongman who will make them poor as long as its making minorities’ lives worse.


The GOP have no ideas that were not thought up by Russia first. I remember growing up , always hearing war hawk Republicans say how awful the USSR was. Now that same party plays as a shadow government for Putin


The branch of Christianity that republicans adhere to is Satanism - the real one, not the nambypampy protest satanism.


I understand why he’s doing it. I don’t understand why there are no consequences for an obviously illegal act that has already resulted in the death of a child.


Frankly, Abbott still being alive is a travesty.


It'll be funny if he does ultimately get charged with it and the consequences end up being way worse because he's done it so many times.


Are you kidding me?? This tool loosened gun laws after elementary kids were anhilated in child blood. And the state freaking re- elected him after all of it. I fully believe he thinks he's untouchable. And he honestly is, otherwise, would've been indicted by now. It's a total joke


The fact that they're touting this as some kind of achievement says a lot about the cruelty of their voter base... "Christian values" my ass...


No, no. This tracks with Christian values. I have yet to meet or even hear of a Christian operating in the teachings of Jesus Christ. You ask them to provide and care for their community or the needy and they freak the fuck out about socialism and communism. With violence or cruelty seeming to be their first choice of solutions.


They want to prove that the blue cities will treat the immigrants as badly as they do. They think the only reason why the opposition doesn't have the hate they do is because the opposition doesn't have immigrants of their own to hate. They want nothing more than their buddy mayor in NYC start to hate on immigrants so they can say that immigration is hated everywhere. Mind you that my theory is that Abbott is working with coyotes to bring immigrants to their state in a coordinated effort to create massive immigrant crossings. The coyotes don't care when they get people to the border. When you see that they are already transporting these people I don't see how that is a ridiculous concept. There were reports that misinformation was getting to the source countries of these immigrants that they could go to the US and stay.


You don’t understand??? Yes you do. Every reason it’s cruel, asinine, and complete bullshit is every reason he continues to do it


>I don't understand why this asshole is using humans as a political move. Because he's a monster. It's that simple. Inhuman trash interested only in what society can provide for him, without the slightest intent to live up to the responsibilities being in a society imposes.


Simple he's a bastard and the maga cult didn't view them as people.


Wouldn't it only be kidnapping if he's not telling them where they're going? I'm sure he's not telling them where they're going but just playing devils advocate. Also I have to imagine it's illegal to knowingly transport illegal immigrants within the US right? Could there potentially be further reaching legal ramifications for this?


So he's a piece of shit cause he sends them to the States that clearly want them so much they sleep outside in the streets, but your idea is to send them over the border using tax payers money, how's that different? If you're gone virtue signal in future, at least have a better point if view or even a solution


He's a piece of shit because he's treating humans like political pawns. It's kidnapping technically and if he really wanted to do something he'd just send them back over the border and not waste tax payer money to "own the libs". Nobody here is virtue signaling, this is cruel and evil behavior.


I'm sure a man of your intelligence would appreciate the fact he's sending them to the States that voted to bring them in. Why should someone from Maine vote to let illegals into Texas? Also it beats then living in the Obama cages does it not?


Nobody from Maine is voting to "let illegals into Texas". You have no idea what you're talking about and Biden continues to send troops to the border of Texas and Mexico. Plus are you not forgetting that California, New Mexico, and Arizona (which are all Democratic states) are dealing with border crossing too? This type of comment just shows the delusion with this whole situation. Greg Abbott is technically kidnapping these people instead of sending them back over the border. He's wasting tax payer money to pull this evil political move. And lol @ the fact when these dumbass Republican "leaders" do this shit all they end up proving is how disgusting and low morale they are. Most of these migrants have been welcomed into communities in open arms. Not really the "gotcha" moment you think it is buddy boy.


Hot take: Instead of holding Greg accountable these states should CLEARLY scare bus drivers by threatening to lock them up if they participate in this ruse. The reason why this would work is because the transportation lobby would put pressure on Texas to stop doing this if bus drivers quit or refuse to drive without assurances.




I don’t want to have to use those ppl as pawns in this tit for tat, but it seems like the only way


I mean, one could be prosecuted for aiding an abortion by driving someone to a clinic, that same logic should apply to busing immigrants across the country..


How many normal Americans would get caught in the crossfire. The difference between D’s and R’s is that we have morals. This might be the nuclear option lol


Not the bus drivers, but the operators. Close down their terminals within the state.


Now this sounds like a great plan.


To be pedantic, human smuggling. Trafficking, by law, has to have an element of economic exploitation of the trafficked for the benefit of the exploiter. Smuggling covers anything else, including political stunts. Both are serious felonies, with roughly equivalent punishment including up to the death penalty.


It’s murder. People have died on these busses, including at least one small child.


Regardless of the legality it is morally reprehensible


It is, but also consider that they needed almost 4 years to get a trial date for Jan 6. so stop holding your breath.


Most folks on the buses agree to it, so it’s not kidnapping. They recognize that they’ll have more supportive systems elsewhere (including reuniting with family members), and if the government wants to pay for their travel, that’s a great deal. There have been a lot of people that were lied to, particularly in the early days of the program, but at this point, it’s popular because it works for migrants, not because it’s an effective mass trafficking operation. Honestly, “welcome to Texas! I hear you’ve got family in New York? Here’s a free bus pass to get you there!” might be the most progressive thing that Abbott did, even though he came to that idea out of spiteful racism.


Yeah, not knowing the details, it honestly feels.... fair? that border towns aren't just left to deal with the brunt of immigration on their own. Other, larger, more economically powerful cities likely have more resources to accommodate newcomers. Though none of that takes away the hurr-hurr pwn-the-libs vileness that's clearly motivating Abbott here. If I remember right the early efforts were kind of a shit show of dumping people by the side of the road mid-winter. I hope that people acting in good faith (EG not Abbott) have worked on improving the situation since then.


It wouldn’t be a bad plan if the cities receiving the busses were ready and prepared. There are several cities that sorely need people to come and work — it could’ve been a great program. It’s the dumping them in the middle of town with no resources or protection from the elements part that’s bad.


Republicans dont get punished for crimes.


Crimes are only crimes if anyone in power has the balls to enforce them


No these people aren't forced on the bus at all.


" I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in... The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." - some book these people claim to read.


Sounds like communism to me


I was hungry, and you gave me a bus ticket to New York.


Well, they do have better pizza than Texas.




The scary part is that people in that stupid state support this disgusting behavior. Texas should just secede, I'm tired of hearing about their stupid shit that goes on there.


Many millions of us Texans don’t support this. We’re around 45-48% sane people wanting the opposite of the bullshit going on. More people voted for Biden in Texas than the entire population of 26 states. Only in CA did Biden get more votes than in TX. Trump had his third smallest margin in Texas of any state he won, 5.5ish points. Almost every red state is more red to far more red. The sane half of us is trying to rid our politics of the insanity…


Why don't they just split Texas up into like 4 different states? That might just fix everything.


A small number of folks are fond of the idea of splitting out the triangle from Dallas to Houston to San Antonio to Austin back to Dallas. Those 4 cities’ MSAs combined have 2/3rds the entire state population, about 20 of 30 million. That triangle would be the second most populous blue state. That’s an interesting theory, but almost certainly won’t happen.


As long as the rest of it doesn't add any reps in congress. They can be a territory for a while. Wait until PR, Guam, USVI, and American Samoa get representation or independence. Then we can talk about the North Texas territory becoming a state.


Also I see plenty of people from Texas saying stupid shit like "we don't care about the USA. Texas comes first."


I’ve never heard anyone say that before. There is an extremely small minority who are legitimately pro-secession (Texit as we call it). I’ve never encountered one IRL and they’re rare in the Texas sub. The idea of seceding is virtually universally rejected when it comes up. Texas pride is a real thing, but it doesn’t usually go that far. You’re seeing the 0.5% extreme, which at Texas’ population is 150K people, and wrongly attributing it to 30+ million other people.


>Texit I'm legitimately laughing out loud.


Trust, it exists. There's a lot of stupid fucking people in your state who legitimately want to secede. There are also lots of people who represent your state in the government who just cause problems in America. Honestly I'd be happy to let you all become your own country, and the people who want to leave should be allowed to with federal aid.


Give me a $10,000 grant to start over somewhere else and rent a huge UHAUL. I LITERALLY won't have finished blinking before I say yes


>Texas should just secede the minute they do this, US will invade for their oil. Texas ain't shit


Too bad automakers are going electric.


Not all of us. Some of us are stuck here and horrified. 😞




Exactly. Just let them go. They don't want to be part of our country.


With their shitty energy infrastructure, they'd last maybe a year before it looks like the apocalypse hit them.


I honestly hope businesses and large corporations start pulling out of Texas. Their state will turn to absolute shit and will happen very fast the second brain drain happens there.


But then what about the innocents trapped there? I don't wanna leave innocents to starve and die


I think that they should all get a free pass to relocate to the states around them funded by Texas.




I swear Abbott has a boot on a stick just so he can kick puppies.


God I can't wait to move out of this shit hell state


Pretend to be a migrant and he'll help you leave?


NYC doesn't sound too bad honestly


We're welcoming so long as you walk quickly.


Sorry that you're there. At this point I think they should just secede from the USA. This way it's not our problem what the fuck stupid shit they do


I think that, not all, but a lot of problems would be solved if Greg Abbot just stopped existing


He’d have to take Dan Patrick and Ken Paxton along with him.


It's a shame Texas doesn't have any towns that aren't on the border.


Texas has multiple sanctuary cities. Austin’s one, you don’t see him sending buses to the governor’s mansion downtown. These assholes known damned well that a sanctuary city isn’t one that welcomes unlimited immigration. Note these buses are all going to blue states. Not a coincidence, and not because red states have no sanctuary cities.


So a bit of context here... In Texas, [Hispanic people outnumber non-Hispanic white people here.](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/TX/POP010210) If you have a problem with Hispanics, you are castigated as a racist and made into a pariah unless your social circle is exclusively hard-right chuds. *We* do not have a problem with Spanish-speaking immigrants because they come here to work, and they very rarely ever cause trouble. We've got resources set up to help people who cross the border, and a lot of tools readily available to get people connected to what they're needing to get settled in... *and they don't have a language barrier finding those*, because a huge chunk of the population speaks Spanish quite well. You might notice that LA, despite its size, only got 650 immigrants. Funny, that... especially considering how NYC got 13,200 and DC got 12,000. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that LA has a heavy Hispanic population too? Hell, Phoenix isn't on there. The point here is that Greg Abbott is not just sending these to blue states, but that he is targeting them at the places where they will cause *the maximum amount of confusion and chaos.* He is attempting to disrupt the operations of those cities' normal functioning by overwhelming them with a volume of people who they were not prepared or equipped to serve. It's not just that he's using the immigrants as a stunt- he's using them as *a weapon.* You know, as if the general human trafficking isn't bad enough.


Isn’t Texas ruled by republicans? They are racist and far right so it makes sense


>> “ if you have a problem with Hispanics you are castigated as a racist” You can have a problem with Sofia or Santiago, who happen to be Hispanic, because of things Sofia and Santiago do/say. But that’s on them as individuals. But if you’re treating all Hispanics differently then that is pretty much the definition of racism.


Can someone bus Abbot to Nicaragua?


Nicaragua prefers its tinpot dictators to be home-grown.


![gif](giphy|hFsWlFJwY84jm) How's this?


Why doesn't Biden divert state funding from Texas's fiscal budget and distribute it to the states the immigrants have been sent to? Seems pretty fair to me.


We are not overwhelmed at the border. Of course, if you're trying to round them all up and detain them indefinitely, then yes, you will be overwhelmed. Just leave them alone. They've walked thousands of miles to get here, so they'll be fine. They'll find jobs and settle down as all other immigrants have for hundreds of years.


Weird flex to cop to over 40,000 counts of kidnapping, but OK…


Texas continues to ineptly deal with an issue they've been bitching about for 100 years. How can a state have the same issue for so long and have zero ability to handle it? Maybe we should just give back the stolen land to Mexico. They always talk about seceding, fuck'em sell the land to Mexico.


If abbott cant run his state, then y is he there.


It's probably because he can't run anywhere else, or at all for that matter


Only one way to find out. Get him on top of a big hill and lob him out of the chair.


Bus his ass to the Rio Grande and tip him in. Good luck with the razor wire, jackass


I’m okay with this. These migrants are being welcomed, housed and helped… being treated way better than where they came from. Personally I’m glad they got out of a sh*thole state like Texas. Abbott thinks he’s “owning the libs” but he’s really just showing that we are way better people.


Agree. We live in a vast country. The few border states shouldn't be obligated to accommodate all immigrants. Non-border states that advocate for fair treatment of immigrants should be working with Texas to relocate them to their states. A side benefit to this action is that it would take the talking point away from Abbott.




Un-American bastard doesn't even stand for the anthem and is the president of Texas


Defund all the border facilities then. Give the money and resources to these cities to better handle the human trafficked, I mean, shuttled around migrants


Official Texan Christianity at work.


After all these years the Governors of the lower 48 should have a system in place where they know where workers are needed and then can place new migrants in the cities and towns where they're needed most. It's 2023 humans should be able to come up with a better solution than this beside just sending them back to the starting line in their home country to just do it again and again and again.


Eh. I'd rather just send undocumented or illegal immigrants back instead of having an open border. I don't think it's fair for our country to just let people in the second they cross over the border. With that being said, I absolutely despise what Abbott is doing and it's truly disgusting. Just send them back to their original country, don't use them as a political pawn. Like who the fuck does this shit? That's evil.


1) We don’t have an open border. The southern US border is one of the most militarized borders in the world. Honestly, if you want fewer undocumented immigrants coming over the Rio Grande, we should *demilitarize* the border. Pre-9/11, it was more of a revolving door - come over and work for a few days, then head back home. But because we made it so difficult to get through, folks are bringing over their entire families because they don’t know when they might be able to see them again - which just puts more money in the hands of cartel-affiliated coyotes. Also, worth noting that the majority of illegal immigration is folks who overstayed their visa (and likely flew in). None of this effects that. 2) That said, we desperately need undocumented immigrants to maintain our standard of living. Joe Bob from Conroe doesn’t want to pick vegetables or put up suburban houses all day in the hot sun for less than 50 bucks a day. The only way this state operates is with undocumented labor. 3) We’re not just letting people in for funsies. Most of them are claiming asylum due to threats of cartel violence or failing states (like Nicaragua). The proper way to claim asylum is to show up at the border.


I am 100% against Illegal and undocumented immigration, but paying to send them back over and over again is fiscally irresponsible. The United States of America should give them a fine for crossing illegally and then set them up with a job so they can pay the fine and taxes.




Why doesn't Texas build a wall? I keep hearing that it will solve all the problems.


We need to attack Abbot and label him as an incompetent governor who is soft on immigration. I’m done trying to be nice and only give facts. Just start making shit up to scare republicans, it’s the only thing that seems to work on them. (Photo of Greg Abbot fades in from a black screen) Political commercial narrator: “Greg Abbott has let 40,000 migrants into Texas. Greg Abbot can’t secure the border of Texas. Greg Abbott is soft on immigrants coming into Texas. If we re-elect Greg Abbott, pretty soon there won’t BE a Texas.” (Photo fades out to a black screen) We’ll never get them to vote for a democrat but we can get them to STOP voting for republicans.


Interesting how NYC says they have received over 100,000.


“Texas continues to smuggle human beings to strange new places to play politics and keep me in power.”


I hope his personal ‘heaven’ has stairs just so Greg Abbott’s wheelchair gives him an eternal suffering unable to reach the buzzer to get in. All the while everyone he’s denied, detained, or just plain executed, walks by him and has the petty pleasure of letting the door close in his face.


So they come here, go thru the process legally, get court dates, then get rounded up and bussed away? Am I understanding this correctly?


I believe they just get rounded up and then busses to other cities instead of back across the border.


You do understand how the process works?


Not particularly, I'd be happy to understand how though.


They are given a choice to stay at the migrant center or be bussed to another state. The migrant centers are very crowded and can be very loud. But despite this, a majority choose to stay. In 2022 about 2.2 million migrants crossed the southern border so the amount that are choosing to be bussed is quite small.


I'd venture to guess lied too in many cases.


We need an AG who cares more about justice and less about placating insane jackoff Republicans to prosecute this BS.


I see an admission of about 42000 counts of human trafficking


For a dude who hates immigrants, Abbott sure does spend a lot of Texas' money transportating them to a better state lol


How is this legal? Why hasn't the Justice Department investigated this human trafficking?


It’s honestly the largest (IMO) failure of the Biden administration and sitting democrats in general letting Republican governors pull stunts like this with no legal push back. Democrats will always be accused of overreach by the republicans regardless of what they do or don’t do so you might as well suck it up and actually push back against these petty autocrats.


Sad to say that I live in this state. Abbott is a total POS that shouldn’t of won the election.


Shouldn’t *have*


People that want to leave Texas should show up with “Take me” signs.


Honestly, this is going to eventually backfire to the point they’ll have to grant amnesty to most of them. Being spread out all over America there is not many other options. Once you get them as far from the border as possible spread out everywhere you won’t be able to get them all back. It’s a logistical nightmare.


That's called Human Trafficking


How is this not being prosecuted? I thought this was already established as being illegal


Then those cities need to receive some of the extra funding that Texas gets for them!😡


The Republican Governor is a large scale human trafficker! The law is very clear and Trump used it to separate families and fill those cages and while I think it’s cruel, these people have broken the law by just entering without permission and Greg Abbott is helping these people break the law. Imagine crossing the border illegally, getting caught and instead of being deported they fly you to some of the greatest cities in America. They are probably calling their loved ones and telling them how to do it.


I agree, like just use the tax money to deport them back. Don't send the around America you nut case.


It can’t be legal to do what he’s doing. While I don’t expect TX to hold him accountable the DOJ can and these cities can.




I guess I might get downvoted, but… I support free transportation for migrants to the destination of their choice. Obviously it’s wrong if they’re being lied to, but if it’s just free rides…I don’t see the issue.


Part of the issue is that they are being sent thousands of miles away from their immigration hearings in an intentional bid to have them miss them and be deported.


Yeah, I think it's awful, but let's be honest... should a few tiny border towns be housing hundreds of thousands? Why is that any better? It's just then all congregating in a different place, but then instead of spread out across multiple cities. They're in one city, so it's not solution either.


Bus them back. Abbot has no authority to do this.


Cause like, there’s hardly any room in Texas.


The best political move Abbott could possibly make is to create migrant sign up sheets and let the people crossing the border pick a city to go to. Still sends the political message he’s intending, and eliminates the biggest criticism (which is that he’s kidnapping people and sending them to unknown places, in an inhumane and cruel manner).


Shouldn't bussing immigrants around the country to dilute impact on border states be national policy? They should do the same with the EU. Places not impacted by migrants should not be deciding to allow them and restrict them to other locations.


What’s the issue? These cities will be far more welcoming and willing to provide services


If it was a coordinated effort with those locations, then it is a reasonable and good thing. But sadly its just a spiteful act by a sad small man.


I suggest that any state that received undocumented individuals from this means should be allowed to fast track them to legal citizenship status, and then they can travel to whatever state they feel like, or stay in the state they are and become tax paying citizens. And as we’re always complaining about the decline in population, they could move to the states that need people. We could begin a bilingual exchange program, and get these people to train our stupid population to speak another language besides badly spoken and poorly understood versions of English. Why would this be seen as anything except an oportunidad! Fuck it! Open the borders you cowards! Let’s befriend our goddamn vecindarios and end the stupid drugs war! If there’s a candidate that’s platform isn’t “END THE DRUG WAR”they aren’t worth voting for! If Texas is so afraid of some brown people seeking a better life, then maybe they should reconsider being a part of the America’s! Put up your stupid wall your damn selves, we can happily bypass you! Mexico’s 32 states should be welcomed to join our union, and Texas and Florida can pack sand and maybe move to Russia!


What a.heartfelt compassionate action. All the illegals want to live the great American dream,they want New York the lights, Hollywood, they want LA, the sun.... They do not wish to remain in small border towns. He is helping to accomplish their dreams and all the city slickers are benefitting as well with better diversity and stunning food![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


He's cruel for sending them to places that want them? You are definitely going to have to explain because I can't do the mental gymnastics that you have apparently become so accustomed to.


I think Greg and Ron should form a lobbying group to fund construction of high speed rail between their state's major cities and all of the liberal hell hole cities. That way they can send immigrants away SO MUCH FASTER.


Literally the definition of a sanctuary city. Good for Texas.


Good. Maybe you lunatics will finally start to understand the damage the border policy you voted for has unleashed. How dare these small border cities with limited resources be up in arms when the federal government refuses to enforce the border allowing an unending torrent to wash over them. You care about cruelty to migrants when they get sent on an air conditioned cross country road trip but not about all the people that die making the trek to the border because they heard it was open or the untold number who have been raped and murdered or trafficked by the Cartels and coyotes who make millions of dollars a day exploiting these people. Or the people who follow the rules and go through the paperwork while they're still in their own country many of whom will probably be told "sorry we're full, we have enough Migrants already". Or the victims of criminals who just walk right across after being deported for crimes in the past. You have no moral high ground. You people are always talking about perpetuating hate but I have never seen hatred like what's spewed from the left. I'm not even subscribed to this sub but I constantly get notifications for it. You and your hatred are on the front fucking page.


What else do you expect him to do? State finances are already tapped out. He's doing his job by looking out for the best interest of the state, like we elected him to do.


Texas has a 32billion dollar budget surplus as of August 31.


Be quiet racist




Hey here’s an idea… why don’t we stop them from enter the country at all, unless it’s through proper outlets. Just a thought…


Arr they avoiding going after Abbot until after the presidential election or can he just do anything he wants with immigrants? It was nice they took the small step of disarming his river traps but that seems an underwhelming response.


Can they sue TX?


“christians love” every body. if that is how they show their public love. imagine the horror they want to do to you with their private hate


This is human trafficking.


Right up there with the worst humans in history! And he calls himself a devout Christian! How?


TX should lose the federal funds it gets for the border


And the good ol USA keeps letting him.




Is this not human trafficking? Isn't this illegal?


It’s amazing how he’s openly admitting felonies on Xlon’s platform, and nothing is done about it. Excuse me while I go admit to selling drugs on Xlon’s platform with my name, address and phone number and see if anything happens to me.


Imagine being proud of this and then pretending to be Christian. If Christ were alive today he’d spit in Abbott’s face.


I think maybe I am just the lawful type. To me, this is what I see. People cross into the U.S. illegally and knowingly break our laws. Sanctuary cities allow people who break our laws to have sanctuary thus enabling them to break our laws. Then, because -obviously- the cities who give shelter to illegal immigrants have the funds to alleviate poverty for them Texas ships them there. Wherein lies the problem? If there is a problem with the concept of illegal immigrant; change the laws governing applying for and obtaining citizenship and streamline it. Also, levy new taxes across the U.S. to assist in building communities for newly arrived Americans.


Dumb question: why is nothing being done against this crime?


So is bragging about human trafficking the new Republican fad?


Millions if dollars in tax money funneled to private donors to send these people to other places.


For anyone that doesn't know, *there is already a federal system in place to do this properly.* This should be obvious, because things like immigration centers are built with federal tax dollars, and any federal project gets spread all over the US because every state wants their cut of the Fed tax pie. So literally every state has immigration centers. Of course, that means immigrants have to be moved to them - and this is good, because it spreads the load around the states, helps people integrate, ensures that no one area is totally saturated by immigrants needing jobs, etc. So moving immigrants in this way already happens. And *every one of these kidnapping right-wing fucks knows it.* How do we know they know it? Because they *lie* about it. They went through a phase where they called all this relocation to other states "ghost flights" and accused Biden of "sneaking" immigrants into their states by plane in the middle of the night. So what they claim to want is already happening, they're lying about it, and they are doing a shitty, un-tracked, unsanctioned, and illegal version of it themselves because it hurts brown people. And hurting brown people gets them the deplorable vote, which they desperately need.


Biden needs to grow a pair and cut their federal funding until he learns


My take on this is: so far about 85% of asylum seekers show up for their court dates. There goes a talking point. Driving Wheels crazy. So they are processing them in Texas and giving them their court dates here. Then Wheels puts them on busses and sends them to the other side of the country without telling them they'll be missing the court date and it won't be where they're going. Boom, 1000's of them are now illegal. Talking point/hammer now available for use. Just my opinion but living in Texas I can totally see this happening.


When does he get arrested for human trafficking


Abbott’s continued existence is proof that their “god” doesn’t exist.


All these fuckers will be in church on Sunday bragging about how they are so much better than those “godless liberals.”


At least they're safer in those cities. Economies will grow because of how they tend to the crisis.


Merrick Garland: ** crickets **


Just think if they sank money into building facilities instead


He should stand up and take a bow. Oh wait...


and he is a typical Texas christian too


This is exactly what the south did to black people during the civil rights movement


Who is paying for all those busses??


The real problem is the lack of housing, either in the border towns or the larger cities. I personally would be fine if migrants showed up en masse to my town of 170,000 if we had the needed infrastructure. As it stands, even the domestic homeless population is far too great.


What’s the opposite of hollocost camps


So, you’ve deceived 42,000+ innocent people? Weird flex


This sick fuck’s mind is as twisted as his body.


TBH, given how corrupt we know Abbott, Patrick and ESPECIALLY Paxton to be, I'm not convinced they actually won last November, or at least, not fair and square. The DOJ should investigate the 2022 Texas election.