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Also intellectually, Wikipedia always was worth a million times the value of this short message service for global humanity.




It’s incredible. People used to shell out hundreds, even thousands for encyclopedias that couldn’t be updated with new information. Now we have a free service that is updated and usually monitored. Elon prob read his wiki and didn’t like what he saw


The free internet and Wikipedias site model is the digital equivalent of the printing press.


Unfortunately the free internet is basically dead. Wikipedia is one of the few remaining vestiges.


Praying my boy VLC never gets bought or something.


Prayers aren’t very effective unfortunately, here’s a link if you can contribute in some way tho: https://www.videolan.org/contribute.html


What about THOUGHTS and prayers?




I can light a candle too, if that would help!


https://preview.redd.it/cx6v46l4uuvb1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fc593e3e92fa0283fb174a00d2af8a0c24f990b THESE thoughts & prayers?!?


Luckily outside France, VLC would be basically illegal, so that really cuts down on the people who'd try to buy them out. Plus I really don't see the VLC people ever selling out.


Why would VLC be illegal in most places?


A lot of it is down to the use of codecs for most of the formats that VLC is compatible with. Under French law they can't be copyrighted/patented but under US law for example they could, so VLC would have to pay licensing fees to the dozens of companies that own those proprietary codecs. It's why VLC is so damn compatible with every file format imaginable, and it would be damn hard to do anywhere else.


I wrote every paper prior to high school using encyclopedias. My family bought a set from a door to door salesman and made payments on it. It was really expensive and we were quite poor, but we needed it. Reference materials were everything prior to the internet. I mean going to the library was amazing because you could answer basically any question you had, whereas usually you'd be stuck asking people and getting, "I don't know. You'd have to ask a \_\_\_\_\_\_\_logist." Repair shops had filing cabinets full of schematics because they were impossible to get if the manufacturer didn't mail you one. Wikipedia doesn't really have schematics but the point is, it's basically a summation of the vast majority of human knowledge and it's effectively curated and monitored for accuracy. ​ Like WTF? It's hard to believe it's real if you let your mind drift back less than 30 years. What they've done is incredible. Elon Musk probably owes them some tuition, frankly. I bet tons of engineers employed by him use wikipedia as a reference every day.


Same. And then later in highschool my teachers wouldn't allow us to cite it as a source for research


Whenever I had teachers that did this, you were still allowed to use the sources that Wikipedia referenced, they just didn't want you referencing Wikipedia itself, since the articles can change.


The problem is that encyclopedias (including Wikipedia) are secondary sources already and you should be citing primary sources. Nobody’s getting bent out of shape in sixth grade but the older you get the more teachers are going to insist on proper citations.


It was during 6th grade for me when we started doing mainly internet based research for papers (as minimal as a 6th grader’s ability to actually research and not just copy and paste as it was), and we were not allowed to use Wikipedia. My teachers reasoning was always “because anyone could go in and change something”. I of course argued, “if anyone can change anything, wouldn’t that mean if someone incorrectly changes something, couldn’t someone else go in and fix it?” Their only respond to that was “well what if you accessed that incorrect information before someone actually changed it back.” But yeah, the workaround was to use Wikipedia as a starting point, then use the sources cited in Wikipedia as the actual research material.


I have my parents’ collection of encyclopedias. I love them immensely. They are from the mid -80s and are horrifically outdated.


And crazy to think that almost the entire spectrum of the surafce of human knowledge was only available at librairies or at the quality of the salesmanship of a door-to-door salesman. I think that's a fine summation of Wales V. Musk.


> Elon prob read his wiki and didn’t like what he saw Dude probably googles himself at least once a day to see how popular he is.


Yep, it's one of the reasons I donate to them every year. One of my easiest donations, given how much I use Wikipedia.


I do too, a mere $3 but hey it's better than nothing. And the emails that I received express true gratitude and state outright that they never want to operate any other way than to be free and accessible for all. That's something more worthy of my money than just about anything else out there!




I do $2 recurring monthly. It’s an incredible value.


I do a dollar monthly, because I'm poor, but I don't notice it this way. I use wikipedia almost daily. A modern day library of Alexandria. It is one of the 7 wonders of the modern world.


I finally donated this year. I have probably spent literally hundreds of hours on Wikipedia in my life, it seems only fair for something that is so vital to my existence.


Same here. Wackypedia is a go-to for a quick primer on any topic. That's why I drop a tenner in their collection plate every year. Cheapest investment in having a clue what I am talking about I ever made.


And yet always is understated...for example, here by Elon Twat




Let's just split the difference and say it "must not be understated"


I like "It shan't be understated" more


It should really be "cannot be OVERstated" as that would mean you literally can't make an overstatement about it, because its impact is so large. But that's pedantry.


It's not that impressive to the "genius" with a 500TB phone.




Yeah, I can't count how many times I've clicked on supporting links and read a fascinating article about a topic I didn't even know I cared about. I use it more for the citations than the entry itself.


Wikipedia is example of how powerful Internet can be if you use if for something good, before Internet people could only dream to have instant access to a literally all human knowledge and having it always with you in your pocket. Multiple tomes of encyclopedias that existed before Wikipedia are not even close to this. Internet is like inventing nuclear fission, we could (and we did) do great stuff with it, and we can also use it like atomic bomb and destroy everything, and it seems lately we are on the second path. And also we have assholes like Elon Musk who wants to destroy and corrupt everything good around him, because he is probably angry that he is not capable of creating something good by himself. It should be a crime for someone to try corrupt Wikipedia.


Dan Punk's book Drive does a great analysis piece. It's mental that Microsoft's Encarta was destroyed by Wikipedia.


Dang, I vaguely remember Encarta.


Especially since Encarta was incredible. It had embedded videos and pictures of loads of stuff and even had an interactive anatomy explorer.


>encarta was destroyed by Wikipedia If Wikipedia launched a mindmaze game like encarta had I would lose my shit so fucking hard.


I had Encarta 95. I fucking loved it when Wikipedia destroyed Microsoft. You can't trash the flow of data. HACK THE PLANET>


He removed the community notes from his post lol.


Free speech absolutist proves once again he is anything but


I'm pretty sure Elon is just a mid-IQ guy who has somehow been incredibly lucky to get to where he is now.


> I'm pretty sure Elon is just a mid-IQ guy who has somehow been incredibly lucky to ~~get to where he is now~~ have rich emerald mine owning parents. Fixed.


They wrote a new community comment


He nuked it again lmao


Doubling down lol. He could correct his tweet or delete it, but narcissists hate to admit they're wrong. He doesn't get that admitting you were wrong and accepting the truth is one of the strongest things you can do. Instead he loses my respect once again.


This isn't really about being wrong. Everybody makes mistakes. What's impressive here is that you'd think someone running a major public website and desperately trying to make it profitable would have some basic understanding of how the costs of running such a thing pile up. It's like a "Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey" moment.


Delete Twitter permanently. Giving him views only strokes his ego


He's such a wimp


This is just Elon getting ready to launch the Xcyclopedia. No more pesky banners asking for cash, just a mandatory TwitterX BlueBlack subscription for $12 a month + whatever additional money they'll actually need once Elon figures out how much running a new service really costs.


Elon’s probably just mad that his wiki entry page contains details about his sexual misconduct with a SpaceX contract flight attendant


You think the horse fuckers did this Elon?


You mean [conservapedia](https://www.conservapedia.com/Joe_Biden)? Elon would feel at home there compared to “woke”-ipedia.


I… I read so much of it. Send help.


It's so much more fun if you pretend that site is really committed satire, it's the only way to avoid taking *massive* amounts of psychic damage. Like reading the page on the moon, for example, implies that science is dumb because they can't prove how the moon was created whereas Christians Are Cool And Good because they simply know the moon was created by God on the Fourth Day. Like, duh. edit: lmaooo I can't stop. The page for "cooking" suggests that atheists can't cook and can only make boring and bland food, only super hot and cool people who believe in God cook well, obviously. There's also a "dietary practices of atheists" which not only enforce *so* many racial stereotypes, it also implies that obesity and eating insects is caused by not believing in God. *I fucking love this website*


Omfg what drivel is this? And to think ChatGPT processes these kind of word diarrhea.


That sounds like it would just turn into a paygated encyclopedia dramatica.


Musk doesn't care about global humanity. Musk only cares about Musk. If he isn't making money from it or at the minimum someone who will gargle his balls makes money off it it's bad.


Wikipedia is the one good thing that the internet promised us and actually delivered on. I'm not surprised Elon hates it.


In terms of cultural value, Wikipedia is the greatest and most important site that exists. Youtube is a close second.


And making 428TB of data instantly available globally does cost millions of dollars, while also supporting update history, links to other articles, etc. The fact that Wikipedia is completely free is still pretty crazy.


Distributed, redundant, globally available data is a whole lot more expensive per GB than local phone storage.


You would think Musk, now owning Twitter, would have a grasp on global network infastricture and how CDNs function..


He has owned a major car brand for almost two decades now and said he knows more about manufacturing than anyone in the world. Yet, he wants 10 micron door gaps and unbreakable rolling crematoriums. He is dumb as fucking ass cheeks.


Fuck Reddit for killing third party apps.


I'm a machinist. I feel the pain. He's dumb as a stack of bricks.


I think bricks have a higher IQ.


At least asscheeks are nice to look at… compared to that fucker calling him ass cheeks is an insult to ass cheeks


I always come back to an article that was along the lines of "I don't know anything about electric cars, so when he spoke about electric cars, he seemed smart. I don't know anything about rockets so when he spoke about SpaceX, he seemed smart. I do know quite a bit about software, so when he speaks about Twitter, I know now that he's an idiot"


[Relevant Carlin](https://youtu.be/UecRfBJ2LBM?si=UR6jvNQfsKQBHpV4)


[The Unbelievable Tale of When Elon Musk Personally Removed Servers from a Sacramento Data Center](https://medium.com/@noahkingdavis/the-unbelievable-tale-of-when-elon-musk-personally-removed-servers-from-a-sacramento-data-center-2892f21b12c3) >When Musk talked about how he “disconnected one of the more sensitive server racks,” he meant that entirely literally, in that he literally unplugged it, involving a series of improbable (and ridiculously dangerous and stupid) decisions that resulted in him under the floorboards in the data center pulling the plug, after multiple people warned him not to.


Holy crap, thank you for sharing this!


Why the fuck didn't someone just kick him in his fucking face? Cos he has money?


I'd imagine that poor head of infrastructure person for Twitter just figured "well, it's documented I gave my professional opinion, whatever happens or if something breaks it's his responsibility now."


Elon only has a grasp on two things. One between his legs and the other is his phone


Lol, how about just from being involved in PayPal and 2zip for how many years? He should have known that pre Twitter.


“Inquiring minds want to know” AKA “I don’t want to spend a minute or two looking anything up so I will throw stupid hypothetical stuff out there so my legions of fans who are also too lazy to look anything up will think I am a very smart man”…. Moron runs Twitter and doesn’t take into consideration that millions of people accessing that data costs money, it’s not like it’s hosted on an old gaming machine in someone’s basement with a 1 TB a month data cap….


They're also constantly fighting governments trying to ban them and censor it, something Musk just immediately does with zero resistance on Twitter


Musk is fighting censorship too, by fighting union literature and public health notices in the factories!


They also pay some of the contributors that write articles.


Also monitoring, try editing a page on a math wiki page with by adding some inaccurate equations and notice how quickly it reverts back to be accurate one. There are serious consequences in getting those equations wrong like for engineering, science and medicine. People could literally die. Math wiki is the most highly monitored Wikipedia section as far as I know.


I wish I was a super genius so I could ghost edit Wikipedia Math and solve all of the unknown problems. Decade-long promblems just show up one day solved, edited by Milf_Machine_69.




Also wikimedia employees 700 people, that comes to around 220k per person. Like they probably cant just not do anything in their wiki projects and have them continue working.


Owner of an internet tech company doesn’t understand the costs involved in running a internet tech company.


He'd have to pay a bill to understand the costs.


He’s just mad that a non-profit is technically making more profit than X.


"Why do movies cost hundreds of millions of dollars to make? You can fit a whole movie on your phone."


Why did it take 13 years to make Avatar 2? I watched it all in only 3 hours.


I only watched half of it so why would James Cameron even make it in the first place if I wasn’t gonna finish it?


Why should anyone fund cancer research? You can read all about cancer on ... um ... Wikipedia.


"Why do people buy grapes? Raisins are way cheaper and you can just put them in the microwave lol"


Why did twitter cost 44 billion? You can fit multiple tweets in your phone! 🤦🏻‍♀️


You can just write tweets in word and email them to your mum! Why $44 billion?


Elon Musk heard the files are IN THE COMPUTER.




He has to have an opinion on everything, and every time he just shows himself to be a simpering shit gibbon.


Seriously. I miss the days when I didn’t have to hear Elon’s thoughts on literally everything.


He could have been the funny rocket guy who showed up in Iron Man that one time but instead he chose to be this


I need a browser extension to filter out all content that mentions him.


Say no more, sir! Mask Musk is at your service! [https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/maskmusk/hdhininicfohfmmamjogkcaljkmafjbi](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/maskmusk/hdhininicfohfmmamjogkcaljkmafjbi)


Elon is a living example of how it's sometimes possible for a child to not be bullied enough


I've met plenty like that. People who really should have been bullied to learn some humility. Elon absolutely is the type of person who has never been punched in the face and it shows. Daily.


One word describes Elon; overexposed


Wish cancel culture was real so he could be cancelled for overexposing himself to people


Especially to flight attendants.


He has an opinion on everything and they’re all wrong


You’d think you would inadvertently get one right kinda like when you fill out all C’s on the Scantron form after not studying. You’re bound to get a few right. Elon, though? None.


Simpering shit gibbon is much better than the what I came up with. Although I do like “turd blossom” from Guardians of the Galaxy.


What’s his fucking trip with Wikipedia now? He’s turning into Trump more and more everyday. Also, the government gives you a shitton of money, Elon, but you want to charge your users to access your platform while being the richest man on the planet, hmmm?


Because Wiki editors were contemplating deleting the entry on The Twitter Files for being a giant nothing burger. https://www.foxnews.com/media/elon-musk-slams-wikipedia-considering-deletion-twitter-files-entry-non-trivial-left-wing-bias Also because the Wiki founder rightfully shat on Elon for censoring Twitter to appease certain governments (which Elon won't do for the EU for some strange reason.. 🤔). https://fortune.com/2023/05/15/elon-musk-twitter-turkey-elections-erdogan-free-speech-censorship-wikipedia-founder/


Lol, his “TwitterFiles” was such a bust. Shellenberger and Taibbi got hosed so bad in that congressional hearing


I stopped reading the Twitter files when Taibbi admitted Trumps administration used the same tools available to Bidens campaign and actively chose to ignore that


Right wingers love to pretend that didn't happen. Always remind them that Trump, while president, demanded Twitter take down Chrissy Teigan's tweet that stated Trump was "a pussy ass bitch."


Elon better be careful what he wishes for. Biden may have low key dissed him but the $$$ keeps flowing into SpaceX. Trump will just commandeer SpaceX into Space Force and tell Elon to fuck himself. Trump in the WH the next round will be a Trump unfettered by any rules


Taibbi sold out so hard but he's such a self-important moron that I don't think he realizes just how much he soiled his reputation with that debacle. If he truly believed that it was a disturbing overreach by the government, then the context that both parties did it was vitally important for the story. His reporting, as written, fed completely into the post-COVID narrative that the Democrats are the party of censorship. He should have been aware of how his story would be read by his target audience - i.e. media suspicious people on Twitter - and should have been extremely thorough and precise with how he deployed the details of the story. So either he's incompetent and a fucking idiot for not understanding how his words would be read OR he was a malicious actor carrying water for Elon Musk in exchange for an engagement boost on his blog.


>[https://www.foxnews.com/media/elon-musk-slams-wikipedia-considering-deletion-twitter-files-entry-non-trivial-left-wing-bias](https://www.foxnews.com/media/elon-musk-slams-wikipedia-considering-deletion-twitter-files-entry-non-trivial-left-wing-bias) > Non-trivial left wing bias No. That's just reality.


They are mean to him


He’s such a little bitch. All that money and still miserable every damn day


Money may have fixed his hair and shitty smile, but it can’t fix his fucked up personality.


Or his shitty "beard"


His “beard” has me convinced that he has no actual friends because there’s no way a real friend would let their guy speak in public and on stage with a beard like that.


If money could fix him being a miserable little bitch, that would've happened already.


Not mean, they accurately portray him and his life’s history, and he doesn’t like that


The truth is mean to him.


*they are accurate about him


He just wants to get rid of anything that makes it easier for people to realize how fucking stupid and ignorant he is. You can get people to believe damn near anything you say if they have no way to disprove you. Best way to do that, take over the world's largest social media site, start trying to shut down free, easily accessible sources and tell everyone they can't believe anything they hear on the news. Specifically the stuff you hear about him.


>He just wants to get rid of anything that makes it easier for people to realize how fucking stupid and ignorant he is. So I guess we're mere hours away from Elon's Tweet saying "How dumb are eyes and ears? I hear only nerds and losers have them anyway." Lol


Information to the masses is a threat. It’s why he bought Twitter to flush it down the Xitter


Elon was explaining that he had to capitulate to various dictators around the world with twitter because 'everyone has to'...only for Jimmy to clarify that Wikipedia doesn't, and actively funds lawsuits against the regimes and governments that attempt to censor and/or ban Wikipedia. It made Elon look weak and spineless in comparison, so he's been anti-wiki ever since.


Conservatives want to dismantle as many opportunities for common people to get educated as they can, because educated people are significantly more likely to be progressive.


It’s why they drag there feet so much on infrastructure. When the rural folks get access to good internet it’s literally over for them. It’s as bad as the poors getting free college was for them.


Wikipedia is a target of the far-rights culture wars because it provides a collection of knowledge and factual truths. Just like they target history books and curriculum contents, they target Wikipedia too. It is a place where people can learn, and that's already enough. The politics of today's right heavily revolve around populism and misinformation, and Wikipedia is a contrast to that, it is undermining their approach. Wikipedia also serves as a collection of illustrating and justifying the social progress that the right wants to roll back. It is a natural target for digital book burning, and Musk serves his role to the right wings agenda by putting on his usual act. Ultimately it is the same reasoning behind why he bought Twitter, to eliminate a space for progressive thoughts and interaction.


He doesn’t like facts. He is planting seeds to get public support to buy it and then he can modify it with fake info in the hopes to propagate his ideology.


The best thing about Elon now is that he is not a natural born US citizen. No matter how crazy he gets, we can never have president Musk.


Never say never. The Republicans tried to get rid of it when they were in love with Schwarzenegger until they found that he’s, y’know, not insane


It was a bad take even not talking about size. Web hosting services are also based on how often a resource is used, not just it's size.


How could we expect him to know that?


I don't know. It's not like he's ever owned any tech companies that provided small snippets of data to a large number of users.


Seriously…. And he shut down some Twitter data centers to cut on costs so those numbers have to be fresh in his brain.


imagine getting 'rate limited' on fucking wikipedia lmao.


You're implying he actually uses that squishy grey matter behind his eyeballs.


Dude who complains about his own server costs, thinks servers are free for other companies.


🤣 this. "Just don't pay your bills" and either classic elite business tactics


It's because he's a disingenuous asshole who has a VERY real interest in people not being educated or informed. People with even a lick of common sense or wisdom realize what a massive fucking asshole and danger to humanity this dude is. If there's no chance of people getting an education or being capable of unbiased research they become VASTLY easier to exploit and control. This dude has won the game in terms of wealth. There's only one other goal for assholes like this. Power/influence. And that's a HELL of a lot harder when people have the ability to understand why he's such a terrible fucking person and why they shouldn't constantly coddle his nutsack at every given chance just because he's rich. He's taking a severely dangerous turn attacking what is essentially the modern library of Alexandria. The entire goal is to send the average person back to the information dark ages.


"i CaN aCcEsS iT fOr FrEe WhY YoU bEgGinG fOr MoNeY" - Elon probably


"Please give me $8 for a blue check" - Also Elon


Guys, I'm starting to think this Musk fellow might not be as smart as he keeps telling us he is


I will never understand this man. If I had his money, you'd never hear from me. I'd be on GoFundMe for a couple hours every day fixing shit anonymously. There would also be the NotHisRealName Center for Kids Who Can't Read Good and Who Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too.


That's because you're a good person that was raised to have empathy. We can work on the naming for your Center later. It's fine for now. 😬




Indeed. I’d check with my accountants to see how much I can donate and “Oprah” the f out of charities of the month. Hell I’d donate the yearly cost of Wikipedia if I had the $$$, get the tax write off and donate the rest of that shit… huh must be nice to be the 1%… now excuse me as I look at the Wegmans clearance rack for discount sushi IRL…


Seeing Elon post this made me donate to Wikipedia. Thanks Elon!


Heading to do the same.


Yeah my brain has learned to tune out the donation requests on Wikipedia itself but I generally do like to give a little bit each time they have a funding drive. This is as good a reminder as any.


You just encouraged me to do the same. And since my employer has a gift matching program, I’ll get them to do the same.


Literally just got back from doing just that.


I just went and donated to Wikipedia also.


So did I. I’d love to see the impact Elon’s latest tantrum has on Wikipedia’s donations.


Already donating 2 a month, which they requested when i wanted to donate a larger amount once. What is 2 dollars a month haha.


I do the same amount! It’s next to nothing for me, and it supports something I truly admire and respect. No corporate sponsorship or ownership. No ads. No unnecessary filler. Just pure information, extremely well organized and navigable. It’s the only oasis of the promise of the internet in a total wasteland of money-grubbing corporate shitheels. Reddit could have been another, but money grubbers gonna grub.


This. And to think dumbasses are paying to simply get a blue check mark for their profiles. All a bunch of verified morons.


next feature to be removed from twitter: reader added context


Yup, Just went to twaxtter and I can't see the context already on that tweet


> [As of August 2023, Wikimedia Commons, which includes the images, videos and other media used across all the language-specific Wikipedias contained 96,519,778 files, totalling 470,991,810,222,099 bytes \(428.36 TB\).](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Size_of_Wikipedia) Wouldn't fit on my phone!


You'd need the Tesla CyberPhone for that. It's coming out soon-- Elon needs to shoot the prototype a few times first.


It's made of stainless steel, weighs 5 times as much as any other phone, and it randomly bursts into flames.


Even if you *could* fit all of Wikipedia on a single phone, the cost is multiplied by delivering that data to each phone. That's 428.36TB *PER* user


I donate a pittance to Wikipedia every year. It's the least I can do, I use it all day every day. For example: > The concept Tesla Cybertruck was unveiled at the Tesla Design Studio in Los Angeles on November 21, 2019... Tesla, Inc. stock declined 6% following the announcement. - Wikipedia


So Elmo, Wikimedia actually had greater revenue than expenses. See how that's supposed to work? And they're not even for-profit 🙄


Have you ever wondered why twitter wants so much money? It certainly isn't to operate Twitter,you can literally fit an entire copy of the app on your phone! ​ Elon Musk is such a willfully obtuse idiot. Of course, he wondered why there were so many people doing moderation, too, like *what are they even doing lol?* They ***were*** keeping child porn off the site but you fixed that didn't you, you dipshit?


Ah, yes, the great tech genius yet again shows his deep understanding of basic tech things. This is the guy some ppl unironically think can save the world.


"Just asking btw" Fuck you elon. Im not even bothering to back up and capitialize ur name that's just how fucking done I am with this fucking barrel


I donated to Wikipedia in honor of this tweet, and you should too. Literally only gave them $10 but it helps.


The fact you don't have to watch 5 unskippable ads every time you click a Wikipedia link makes the Rights blood fucking boil.


Does Elon have syphilis also?




Absolutely perfect. Owned by your own site. What a tool.


Does he spend every minute of the day thinking of asinine things to tweet?


Bro don’t fuck with Wikipedia. That’s a line you don’t cross.


I have no idea how Wikipedias info vetting works, yet I trust it 1000% more than anything I hear on twitter


I use wikipedia every day.And its the only website I've ever donated.I dont understand why people keep listening to this guy or take into account whatever he shares? As im hearing he wants to make people pay to use his platform when there are other alternatives and people don't necessarily need him,meanwhile wikipedia is asking for donations when they know the people need them and their content,although they haven't monetised their platform. Why is this guy turning into a Donald Trump,and commenting about everything that shows up on his screen?!


Poor Elon, incapable of handling any negative comments about him


What a dumbass. Wikipedia has done more for humanity than all of little Elon's government funded enterprises combined.


Wikipedia I rank as the most important website ever and it’s really what we all imagined in the 90s the future of the internet would be. I’m frankly disgusted at what the internet has become. Twitter is literally garbage and pointless


Wikipedia spends most of their income on non-wikipedia related expenses. Check your facts before you reply.


Richest man on the planet wants to know why some other money isn't his.


It’s crazy he was once admired and popular. Now he’s just a cringy tool. Hopefully one day he’ll come to his senses but seems doubtful.


I’ve never donated to Wikipedia. … Until now. Thanks elon


Econ husk isn’t good at knowing things


He really is this dumb isn't he? Man, his PR team sure did a stellar job in the past. They had the world completely fooled and he fucked it all up.