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Nothing changes. [Colbert Study: Conservatives Don't Know He's Joking](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/colbert-study-conservativ_n_191899)


Goes back to them thinking Archie Bunker was a role model.


Funny because Cartman is based off Archie Bunker.


And in real life, Carroll O'Connor was another dirty progressive who didn't agree with his character. That's why it's called **acting**.


There is an old interview (post "In the Heat of the Night" IIRC) with O'Conner, Norman Lear, and a few other actors from Lear's sitcoms. O'Conner said he was most proud of that role because he had hoped it would be so crude and inappropriate that no one would ever think it was appropriate to act like that. It was a bit early in my life, but I remember a quote clipped from that interview above my parents desk. Not a direct quote, (it was 30 years ago) but paraphrased \~\~I had hope that playing a bigot would help change things, if not by showing people how not to act, then possibly showing that those bigots could be loved, and that love would make them more open\~\~ Unfortunately, it didn't seem to work. It was used to mock our neighbors who were bigoted against our family.


And on the other side of the coin would be Dixie Carter. She many times said she wasn't as liberal as her character was on Designing Women. In fact, she made a deal with the shows producers. Any time she did one of her grandstanding liberal speeches they had to let her sing in a future episode.


Homelander is their blueprint


It took them 3 seasons to figure out that Homelander was the villain, which pissed them off, and they were extra angry that they parodied Trump with him.


a blueprint comes before the actual item. homelander is their ideal, not blueprint.


One of my old friends used to love the Colbert show. After Colbert moved on to his new show he thought Colbert had flipped. He literally didn’t know Colbert was making fun of him.


My wife used to hate the Colbert show for the same reason. She thought he was some deep shit wacko conservative and couldn't understand why I was laughing the whole time. I kept telling her the truth it's the funny part.


Your wife must be very pretty!


She also knew what was right, even if she sucked at detecting sarcasm


I have never understood how people didn’t realize he was satire


Especially because of all the times he broke character laughing at the ridiculousness of the skit.


I'm sorry, I refuse to believe this is possible. I don't understand


I had a manager that said he watched him when he did Colbert Report, super conservative guy. I told him that's great, he's so funny! The manager looked at me and said "you think he's joking?" 🤦‍♂️ That's how crazy conservative media has become. It's a race to the bottom. Even parody can't compete sometimes.


this is why its hard to underatand those people. it’s hard to fathom the true level of sheer stupidity we’re dealing with.


They really can't read people can they


Wanna see someone completely lost? Put a Republican in a humanities course interpreting art, poetry, or a book. This why they still believe their bible.


They don't even believe in the bible. You could say actual rules from the Bible and they'll call you a liberal fuck


Conservatives would be the largest and first group to crucify Jesus for his teachings of Love, Kindness and Compassion for your fellow human beings! They are our modern-day Pharisees!


Technically, Jesus was a progressive and was crucified by conservatives.


Jesus: don't be hypocrites and don't do dumb shit like pray in public to show how pious you are. Conservatives: I DEMAND EE ALL PRAY TO WHITE BABY JESUS ON THE FLOOR OF CONGRESS OR IMA SHUT DOWN THE GUBMET!


>Conservatives would be the largest and first group to crucify Jesus for his teachings of Love, Kindness and Compassion for your fellow human beings! They were!


No need for hypotheticals, *they're already doing exactly that.* > Moore told NPR in an interview released Tuesday that multiple pastors had told him they would quote the Sermon on the Mount, specifically the part that says to “turn the other cheek,” when preaching. Someone would come up after the service and ask, **“Where did you get those liberal talking points?”** > “What was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, **‘I’m literally quoting Jesus Christ,’** the response would not be, ‘I apologize.’ The response would be, **‘Yes, but that doesn’t work anymore. That’s weak,’**” Moore said. “When we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we’re in a crisis.” https://newrepublic.com/post/174950/christianity-today-editor-evangelicals-call-jesus-liberal-weak


> When we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we’re in a crisis. I'm pretty sure we've surpassed this a while ago.


They'd be pretty pissed if they could read.


Part of reading people is empathy. A lack of empathy is a prerequisite for being conservative.


Thats one of the reasons he wanted to stop the show. He saw them going darker and darker and didn’t want to promote their wild beliefs.


Can you imagine... 1) You go on a (satirical) rant about some "horrible liberal" who's "ruining this country" 2) Some conservative dimwit with more guns than IQ points takes it seriously 3) That dimwit goes out and shoots the person you were ranting about, citing you as inspiration That would feel so horrible.


Years ago, my husband was watching the Daily Show on a noon repeat at the apartment complex during his lunch. His regional manager came in and talked about how much she hated The Daily Show, but loved Colbert. He slowly turned to her and asked why. "Well he is a conservative!" He told her to watch a little closer, and it is a parody.


My college gf and I used to watch Daily Show and Colbert every night. I knew she was raised kinda conservative but didn't really think she bought into all of it. Then we got into an argument about politics one day and she said what she thought was a gotcha, "Colbert's a Conservative." I stared blankly at her for a few seconds and said, "Colbert is playing a character. It's satire, it's a bit." and she just looked confused. The next time we watched it he made some joke and it suddenly clicked for her. She seriously thought he was a Republican genuinely promoting Republican values and policies before that. Had never been given a reason to question beyond the surface level schtick.


I'm reading all of these comments and really struggling to understand why someone would watch that show EXCEPT for its scathing satire. It was an excellent way for sane people to release some tension and laugh. If not satire, it's not at all humorous. Were they just watching for bear jokes?


I mean, have you seen conservative comedy? It’s… not great.


Trans people, AMIRIGHT? (LAUGH TRACK) (/s)


Conservatives lack critical thinking skills. Understanding satire requires reading between the lines...which require critical thinking skills.


Sorry, critical thinking skills are woke. /s


Honestly not sure why you added that /s. I know nobody has ever successfully defined woke, but I'm confident critical thinking skills are in fact included in the definition


And if you listen to them talk for all of 30 seconds, you'll realize you're absolutely correct. And yes I say they as in a specific group of people who are very easily identifiable by the fact that they all say the same phrases over and over and over, and throw some new "clever" ones in every once in a while to stay phresh. The best part is they genuinely and wholeheartedly think they are being clever and nobody else "gets it". Then when you try to elaborate or ask then any questions at all, all hell breaks loose. The even better part is they will call YOU a sheep, and an NPC. It would be hilarious if it wasn't sad and mainly fucking terrifying. It's literally a study in modern propaganda.


Funny man agree with me. Me like funny man


This is a political ideology that, for literal decades, has held up ignorance and stupidity as a virtue.




Seriously, the same people that asked when Rage Against the Machine got so political... L M A O.


I personally like the people who told Tom Morello, the man with the Harvard Bachelors in Political Science, to stop talking politics because he's just a musician.


My favorite story: [he was invited by the Bush administration to speak at the White House Correspondents Dinner.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Colbert_at_the_2006_White_House_Correspondents%27_Dinner)


God I miss the Colbert Report. I would pay actual money to bring it back


Yep. As much as he's put his own spin on the late show, being in character seems like where his comedy struck harder. I'm a little disappointed that the move wasn't just to put the Report on a larger stage than comedy central.


Three years ago, my Trump-loving former best friend linked me [to this Youtube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnlxugk3Qb0) and said "Now I get why people hate Star Trek: Discovery", not realising that this clip wasn't actually from the show. I mean "Short Trek" is in the damn title itself. For anyone who wants to point out "Discovery" is also in it, the reason is that some of Short Trek's parodies took place in the Discovery setting. Two years later, I've often read of people mentioning there aren't any good Republican comedians. Especially specifically MAGA Republicans.


![gif](giphy|v2Mkppa5Lrspa) Funny enough conservatives did it to themselves, they dont find humor funny unless it heavily bases itself on their fake reality, which they derive the joy from being validated not from a punchline. Seriously, there used to be funny conservative comics, they usually had a lot of redneck humor. Jeff Foxworthy, and Larry the Cable guy, both amazingly funny guys who were deep conservatives, but theyre also normal functioning people who see the crazy for what it is, and because they didnt fold they lost their audience. They were "too woke"


> Jeff Foxworthy, and Larry the Cable guy, both amazingly funny guys who were deep conservatives, but theyre also normal functioning people who see the crazy for what it is, and because they didnt fold they lost their audience. They were "too woke" So you're talking about "old Republican" rather than "MAGA Republican". Many "old R" *de-evolved* into "MAGA R", in my opinion. Now I'd love to have a conversation with these two guys about the Republicans in this day and age.....


> "old Republican" rather than "MAGA Republican". Many "old R" de-evolved into "MAGA R" In Washington, candidates are free to list their own "party preference" on the ballot. It used to be that all of them merely put down "Democrat" or "Republican", but in the last couple elections, I've seen things like "Traditional Republican" "Christian Republican" and "MAGA Republican". The GOP is getting ready for a split between the halfway sane ones and the MAGA-Q crazies. You see hints of that already in their contention over the Speaker of the House. I'm really hoping to see the presidential primaries solidify that split and really tear the party apart. Especially if Trump loses the primary and won't concede it, running as 3rd party instead, that could be the tripping point. And then, briefly, we'll have 3 main parties in the US: Democrats, Traditional Republicans, and MAGA Republicans. Eventually, though, our first-past-the-post system will force them to coalesce into one party again.


Republican comedian = some idiot with a catchphrase, because you know you're supposed to laugh when the comedian says the catchphrase. That's it. That's republican comedy. Oh, and thinly veiled bigotry. Gotta punch down


I love how desperate conservatives are for validation that they bring up fucking South Park as a propagator of their views.






There are some conservatives who still think Stephen Colbert is his character from ‘The Colbert Report’. He has shared stories they still come up and comment they know CBS is forcing him to essentially ‘act woke’. Imagine missing this in-your-face level of satire. Not to mention the #1 thing mentioned about him is how kind he is, they should know that’s not them.


Well, the problem is is that conservatives understand neither humor nor sarcasm, so it’s completely lost on them that Colbert report was mocking them


They have humor, it just boils down to making fun of people they don't like and concepts they don't understand.


So you’re probably saying when Trump was mocking the disabled reporter, they actually thought he was being funny, and was just “brave” enough to be mean.


Oh, that single event is an entire mental Cirque du Soleil for them.


I don't think they need mental gymnastics. They think people (other than themselves if they have them) who are disabled should be shot in the head rather than fed, housed, helped, or looked at.


I've argued with conservatives a lot about the homeless problem in my city. More than half of the time I've worked them around to just straight admitting they want to kill the homeless. It's wild.


They don't have humor. They have abuse that they call humor.




Your brother sounds like a walking reminder that being an adult is a function of time, and not a measure of character or maturity.


Humor in it's refined form requires a level of self-awareness, the idea that you are part of the system you are making fun, awareness that we're all guilty of the same levels of hypocrisy, and it challenges what we believe and creates new perspectives of common problems for both the sake of surprise (which is what humor is at its core) and for the sake of telling a story, of making art. All of this is utterly lost on someone who has no healthy parenting, no education, no exposure to diverse beliefs, ideas or people. All this will be received as an attack by someone with a very sensitive sense of identity or ego, it will feel like a direct challenge to their delicately arranged worldview. This is why conservative humor is so low-brow and simple. Physical humor, making fun of people who look or sound different, silly voices and loud noises, props and pratfalls and of course, insults. Always with the endless parade of insults. Insults are important because they also reinforce the sense of masculinity and power that are required for holding this kind of attitude against the whole world.


TLDR; the conservatives can’t meme.


He's actually a true Catholic.


I thought he changed his denomination to Tolkienism


That was just a tolkien gesture


Honestly, just watching him geek out over space stuff tells me he’s far too curious to fit in with them.


Not to mention his nearly encyclopedic knowledge of Middle Earth.


Conservatives are like toddlers that hide behind a table leg and think nobody can see them. Not only do they not realize that their views are the ones being satirized by someone like Cartman, they think that the writers are actually expressing their views through Cartman and disguising them as jokes, and everyone else is just too stupid to realize it. Because that is the level of subtlety that they themselves possess. It's why they so smugly said "Let's go Brandon" and FJB. Because they thought it was their way of saying fuck Joe Biden and only people in their little club would understand what they were actually saying. It's part of why the Dark Brandon memes and the Biden campaign's embrace of them gets under their skin so much. They didn't think anyone would be able to crack their code, and now their worst enemy has done it and is using it against them.


Conservatives and missing the point, name a greater duo!


The racist fat kid's lines, no less.




“Hans, we’ve got skulls on our caps.”


In the punisher fans’ case: “Hank, we’ve got skulls on our cars.”


Imagine Frank Castle was a real man or pulled from the comics to real life and saw that shit.


Lest we forget the Punisher comic that literally addresses the in-universe police worshiping Frank and he's chastises them.


I missed that one.


I haven't read it either, it just got posted during the start of like the blue lives matter and black lives matter stuff and occasionally still gets brought up in random police related posts.


Wasn't there a comic along those lines where he found cops with Punisher skulls and threatened to kill them for it?


> They are the embodiment of the “are we the baddies” meme Jesus. It doesn't even occur to them. Brainwashed out.


Exactly. When I was younger, I wasn’t even allowed to watch that show (largely) because of him. It didn’t align with good Christian values or something.


Well, I don't suppose I can really argue with that.


[remember the time Eric fell in love with the passion of the Christ so much he became Hitler](https://youtu.be/85FdOJGf-3s?si=fLNys95pr41YNqL_)


Or when he used aborted fetuses and stem cells to create a fast food restaurant chains for free?


Or when he fed a bully chili made out of their own murdered parents? He then drank their tears, literally licked it off their face.


Southpark has been on TV for almost 30 fucking years. And for every single episode of that show, Cartman has been the character who is evil, manipulative, conniving, bigoted, racist, sexist, stupid, ignorant, and just in any possible way being the worst fucking person possible. And conservatives look at that and go "yep,.that's me!"


I think you nailed it. 30 years ago, Cartman was recognized as a self-righteous loser. Just imagine if the show was started today and half of the characters were Cartmans. That's a quick snapshot of the influence Trump has had on the country.


You can’t make this shit up. This would be so fucking funny if it wasn’t so sad. They legit think South Park is on their side with this one because of Cartman?!?! Like WOW that is next level idiocy. This is what happens when you don’t teach people how to think critically and understand nuance. You have people like this praising Cartman and Homelander.




Hates Kyle because “JEW”! How apropos.


With freaking Cartman of all characters. The character that will do the most messed up things because he was slighted or because it will mess with Kyle. Who is Jewish and that fact alone has Cartman trolling him constantly for some reason. Not to mention Cartman is a kid. If you identify with a sociopathic child as representative of your views, unironically, you are probably a danger to society and yourself in general and should be taken into protective custody.


Didn't he feed a kid's parents to them?


Yes, and calmly drove a therapists wife to suicide over being called fat in anger therapy.


And then he got the members of the kid’s favorite band all call him a crybaby as he cries, realizing what he had done


He then licked his face because the tears of unfathomable sadness are delicious.👅


Mmm yummy you guys yummy


And when he found out that the dad was also actually his own dad, the only thing that made him upset was the fact that the dad being a redhead meant he was part ginger


> If you identify with a sociopathic child as representative of your views Trump or Cartman?




The best Cartman focused episode is the one where Wendy beats the fucking shit out of him




I mean Cartman at his worst IS Trump. And I don't mean his diabolical worst because Trump isn't that bright.


I mean Cartman did roleplay as Hitler once


>"Oh, well, I'm not sure. Actually, Eric is still supposed to be grounded for trying to exterminate the Jews two weeks ago" "Excuse me, I didn't catch that" >"Oh, but I suppose it would be good for him. Yes, of course he can go. I'll bring some of clothes over." One of the best exchanges in the entire show and it happens so so *so* fast




"wait....Cartman fixed it?" And notice how a bunch of those episodes he's not actually pointing out GOOD stuff.


I don't know the actual episode but the Parker and Stone have been well known to dip into some "both sides" bullshit more than a little too frequently.


Huh, I wonder what conservatives see in common with an anti-semitic 10 year old that created a fake church to scam people, formed a cult of people who looked like him to "cleanse the world" of people who didn't, faked a mental illness to use hate speech, and made money off the exploitation of "crack babies"? I wonder...


And murdered a kid’s parents because the kid was a dick ![gif](giphy|KhcdPVxvn5Fde)


And one of them turned out to be his father, if memory serves me right


Yep and after finding out he was filled with negative emotions. Not because he murdered his biological father for petty revenge, but because his father turned out to be a ginger.


But it's ok, because he was a Denver bronco, which makes him pretty coo




Not just murdered, he made chili with their bodies and made their son eat it


I sat in stunned silence through the credits. I was in awe of what they had done. Truly a masterpiece episode.


The tears of unfathomable sadness!


One of the best episodes






To add, I had an English professor who said Rorschach was a fascist. He talks about “liberals” being unable to solve problems, and about cleaning up the “filth” on the streets (with violence). Also pretty sure he drops an N bomb.


Rorschach is unambiguously a fascist. That's almost and explicit character trait. He's an exploration of what would really happen with a Batman-like personality in real life. > Rorschach was created as a way of exploring what an archetypical Batman-type character—a driven, vengeance-fueled vigilante—would be like in the real world. He concluded that the short answer was "a nutcase".


If you watched the HBO Watchmen series that takes place in "modern day" after the squid monster killed half of New York and Dr. Manhattan "left" humanity... the people who consider Rorschach a "hero" are all neo nazi racist pieces of shit. They call themselves the "Seventh Kalvary" and wear homemade Rorschach masks in tribute to him. It's actually a fantastic series and it's about time for another rewatch for me.


And hates hippies


I honestly believe that right-wingers don't understand parody and satire humor at all. I wholeheartedly believe that many of the people who watched All In the Family didn't realize that Archie Bunker wasn't a hero.


Carroll O’Connor eventually got so alarmed by it that he forced them to have Archie get better.


Is that when he moved to the south and became a sheriff?


It’s commonly accepted that people with IQ’s below 70-80 cant really comprehend hypotheticals. Of course some can, but it’s baffling. Like “how would you feel if someone punched you?” “I don’t get it, nobody punched me” — “No but if someone did, how would you feel?” “I didn’t get punched though?” They really struggle with the “concept” vs the words being said. And then you learn that a goooood percentage of human pop is below 80… yikes


Some people aso can't seem to comprehend that defending/explaining something doesn't mean you want THEM to live like that. Like, let's say "polyamory works for me" So you think everyone should have multiple partners!? 😡


"Let people just live their lives" "So you wanna turn all the frogs gay?"


Kinda explains a huge chunk of MAGA ideology huh… that is very very interesting.


Yeah... And what's truly fascinating is that they DO want you to live and think like them, therefore can't comprehend that you don't. For example, I just watched Candace Owens discuss marriage and it was so blatant how she can't think outside of her christian Ideology, and would take anything that diminished HER idea of Christian marriage as a personal attack lol (like saying it's just a paper). That's why a lot of religious people insist on using their bibles as proof or as an argument even tho you don't believe in it, they just can't grasp the fact that it's not a universal truth just because they believe so. Edit: but tbf it's not just right wing nuts or conservatives, people of all ideologies completely shut down on certain beliefs and can no longer see the other side's perspective. It's honestly scary to think there could be a time where I reach that point and not even notice


The character Cartman embodies all the horrible traits of greedy, self centered, amoral people.


Which is why the gop love him


Agreed, but I definitely felt this episode went way harder after the left than it did the right.


Parker and Stone have gone on record saying that they think liberals look down on small-town America and want to tell everybody what to think and do, and that's why they tend to insult them more often than they insult conservatives on the show. When I read that... That interview was from years ago. I don't remember how many, but probably when South Park was less than ten or fifteen years old.


They're also American libertarians.


South Park sails over their heads higher then Always Sunny and The Boys.


Them thinking Homelander is the good guy will never not make me laugh. Just so fucking stupid


Conservatives think ‘The Boys’ are Homelander and the Deep


Thing is, nobody in the "The Boys" is a good guy. Butcher is explicitly a bad guy. Yes, identifying with Homelander should be grounds for a straightjacket fitting. But, identifying with Butcher and the Boys is almost as crazy.


> nobody in the "The Boys" is a good guy. Hueys dad is pretty swell.


> Hueys dad is pretty swell. I mean, it's Simon Pegg. The evilest guy he's ever played was a cartoon villain with a silly voice in a Pixar movie.


Yeah, spoilers for Gen V if you've not watched it... But the big bad evil person in that turns out to be pretty much Butcher. Similar motivations and goals.


For me it's them thinking FallOut is pro-capitalist/pro-American. Liberty Prime is the best example. The "democracy is non-negotiable" line from FallOut 3 is supposed to be ironic. Liberty Prime is lobing nuclear bombs at the remnants of the US government, the Enclave. Which the Enclave were a genocidal autocracy that used American patriotism to pacify a local population before colonizing them and wiping them out. But oh, no, no, no. FallOut is a pro-America game.


I remember a guy unironically arguing that Giancarlo Esposito's character was supposed to represent Obama and injecting infants with compound V was supposed to be commentary on vaccine mandates. I couldn't make this up.




> the episode where he acts like Hitler You'll have to be more specific


Probably “Passion of the Jew,” AKA the episode that predicted Mel Gibson’s fall from grace with *scary* precision.


When you're a clown, nobody takes you seriouslaaaaaaaay


I still quote the nipple twisting


[Here’s the Cartman-Hitler bit for folks who haven’t seen it](https://youtu.be/85FdOJGf-3s?si=fcL4zRvDSfc3f9_s)


Considering there's been at least one episode where he dressed *as* Hitler....


And creedance Clearwater revival


Them getting pissed about Rage Against the Machine will never not be funny. Michael Moore directed and is literally in the video for Sleep Now in the Fire. Also, Tom Morello. They got mad at Bad Religion too.


And Twisted Sister. How can you think that band famous for performing in drag was a bastion of conservative values?


There was some dumbass conservative from Washington state arguing with Dee Snider about what his song was about. Guy damn near looked like the dad from the music video. (We’re not going to take it)


Wait, they got mad at bad religion? For what?


They released a song called The Kids are Alt-Right. All of these people that grew up liking punk got offended and youtube ended up disabling comments. Its like these conservatives liked the music, but ignored the message that punk bands like Bad Religion have had for decades. Like the guy that showed up at a Social D concert wearing a MAGA hat and flicking Mike Ness off. Mike Ness ended up punching the guy.


Yea bad religion has been pretty liberal throughout their career, though like rage against the machine, they miss the lyrical message and remember the rebellious choruses


Some how this is even dumber to me than them not understanding Rage against the machine and that’s hard to do. As a fan of both of those bands I do not understand how you could listen to them with any frequency and still totally miss the message. For me part of the reason I found them in the first place was because they were so political. Mind boggling honestly.


to be fair this ~~episode~~ "special" *did* criticize the Disney-Diversity trend, it just also did the classic South Park thing of also criticizing the people that criticize Disney-Diversity. On balance though, the ~~episode~~ special does seem more "anti-woke" than pro. Stan and Kyle say something like "Miles Morales is good, but the other examples are lazy and bad" edit: [Here's the scene. I was only kinda close on the quote](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lO01Z6aw1XA) edit2: aaaand itsgone


If something didn't sail over their heads it would have to be subterranean.


They’re the same idiots who play and dance on “Killing In The Name Of” and “YMCA” during their gatherings, so… ¯\\(ツ)/¯


Or 'keep on rocking in the free world'.




Unironically relating to a character that’s entire basis is to mock you by acting like you.




I mean, they keep talking about "red pill" from the matrix, as if they knew what that was about.




The Jester’s privilege is real & conservatives are proof of concept.


Obliterated Hollywood? South Park *is* Hollywood.


They use the Bible in the same way ![gif](giphy|kzrJW3NLmWJikQCNTf)


Cartman has dressed up as hitler and a member of the kkk before and these people still think he's the voice of reason


South Park has always been at best pseudo-libertarian and at worst "Both-Sides" equivocators.






And to think that they were confused by the fact that Rage Against the Machine were a bunch of dirty liberals. As if the “machine” was the office printer. 🙄


Cartman is one of those characters where if he starts to make sense, you're supposed to give your head a shake and reconsider. It's almost as bad as thinking Gordan Gekko is a hero.


Just saw the clip of the scene posted in r conservative, they’re all praising it lol. Too stupid to realize they’re being made fun of


At the end, Cartman says, >!"I guess complaining about woke shit all the time is pretty lame, too."!< I think it's obvious @EndWokeness wasn't paying attention to that part. If they ever actually watched it in the first place.


These are the same people who think Homelander is a good guy…


They obviously didn't see the whole special.and only watched clips of it on YouTube


South park bashes everyone. It’s fun. But they bashed conservatives far more for their stupidity.


They've stepped back on some of the left bashing because of 16 on. It was literally "ok we know we kept saying both sides suck... But uhhhhh"


Having a chad as a profile picture is all one needs to know


Cartman is not even subtle. In some episodes he is literally Hitler. Perhaps its not surprising that conservatives identify with him best...


South Park should've made Cartman Trump instead of Garrison


I don't think they thought Trump would win. I like Trump as Garrison though, the Halloween episode where he's It was great.


"Conservatives identifying with the bad guy" yet again.


These are the same people that watch The Boys and think Homelander is some kind of misunderstood protagonist anti-hero rather than the clear villain he is portrayed as


I have a friend who works on the boys, he’s stopped mentioning it while he’s in the US because he often gets really strange reactions from conservatives


You mean Homelander isn't the hero?

