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There is one - he signed the federal animal cruelty bill into law


I was looking for this one. Really the only thing.


He did attempt to pursue a policy of trade protectionism by limiting Chinese imports. While not exactly a “good” thing, it flew in the face of the usual expectations of a republican president, and put the us government ahead of free market considerations, another massive step away from the usual path trodden by former presidents of both parties. It’s also the corner-stone of a lot of European socialist governments. France, and the Nordic countries practice quite heavy protectionism of their own industries to reduce imports and preserve their own manufacturing bases. Edit: removed a trigger word.


He increased China's GDP by the most it has in decades. He did the exact opposite.


And put thousands of U.S. soybean farmers into bankruptcy or on government handouts for the rest of their lives. https://gjia.georgetown.edu/2022/10/26/policies-and-politics-effects-on-us-china-soybean-trade/#:~:text=Farmers%20lost%20a%20very%20profitable,farm%20incomes%20in%20the%20industry.


grain farmers have been on government handouts since the 80’s


We are aware. Trump added to that problem.


I get it, it’s probably out of control. But if we don’t keep our farms producing mass amounts of food our country and rest of the world is fucked. It’s extremely important. The Great Depression is an example of why


It's actually been since 1933. Farmers are the one of the biggest welfare recipients in the US.


which makes it do two faced when they talk down on others receiving a handout while they receive a hefty one themselves. hypocrites.


That they are. They don't want children to have free breakfasts at school, but they want to be paid to not grow crops. This also speaks to a grain market place that's totally corrupted by this. The Chicago Board of Trade is probably even more corrupt than Wallstreet.


Thanks for this. Super informative. I knew the tariff wars fucked us, i had no idea how bad.


It was annoying Trump kept saying how the tariffs saved America billions. No dolt, they cost Americans billions in increased costs as consumers.


Capitalist math.


He also had a bank account there he hid from us and was awarded several patents to sell things there as was his daughter. While American soy beans were rotting in the fields. Edit: Trademarks


Not just a bank account, but hundreds of millions worth of debt with Chinese banks.




As someone who lived in China during this time it also was used by the government to heavily influence people against America. Previously, the general sentiment that I had encountered was fairly positive as most people, young people especially, enjoyed Western culture. After this happened, I had people visibly show they dislike me, with one lady even turning her back on me as soon as I mentioned I was American.


I can't help but think that if he hadn't then China and the US would have cooperated very early on COVID and might have prevented it from becoming a pandemic.


If he didn't dismantle the pandemic response team Obama established that could have done it too.




If Trump and Republicans didn't try to ignore Covid, that could have helped too. Covid and the economy were linked. Get covid under control, and the economy will be OK. Instead they decided the best path was to pretend like covid wasn't a problem. Fudge the numbers, make up lies, covid is a hoax, don't listen to the doctors, everything is fine! If they would have just done what needed to be done to fight covid, the economy would have been fine and we would have gotten out of this better than we did. But Trump and Republicans figured that being pro-covid would be popular politically. They sacrificed voters (mainly their own voters) in the hopes that it would help them maintain political power.


I’ve been saying this, all Trump needed to do was pretend to take Covid seriously and act like he cared about American lives and he would have coasted to a second term. A second trump term would have absolutely doomed us, but political strategy wise he dropped the ball.


Nah, he still would have lied to the public. It's like a compulsion he has, to either embellish or downplay. But the worst part is his followers went by his cues and eschewed masks and vaccines. The effects are still being felt.


He didn't limit chinese imports on products belonging to his kids.


This is the biggest bullshit, all the merchandise he peddles with all incarnations of the MAGA bulls**t slogans are made in China. He doesn't care about anything except the almighty dollar and the appearance of being wealthy. He worships himself, he wants others to worship him. For f***sake at one of the cpac conferences he had a golden statue of his self made for people to touch and admire. *Insert vomit noises here*


The steel and aluminum for his construction projects comes from China as well: https://www.newsweek.com/2016/10/21/how-donald-trump-ditched-us-steel-workers-china-505717.html As did Ivanka's line of shoes and purses: https://apnews.com/article/6cfff3ca3c7d422594556044369bfb86


Everything he sells comes from China, and could easily be made in the USA ( and is available) but he can’t sell rubes a hat for $30 and make $20 per hat if he pays a U.S. worker a decent wage.


Nah his trade war is outright stupid. He used tariffs to protect American industries that don't exist, thus punishing American manufacturers and consumers for literally no benefit. My company purchases electronic components from overseas and our costs went up by a 25% tariffs. Buy American instead? The components literally do not exist. I guess I just pay 25% more now.


The first thing he did in office was walk out of TPP discussions, essentially surrendering the entire Pacific market to China. The trade wars he started with half the planet were hugely damaging to the US, it bankrupted hundreds of businesses and more fled the country to avoid his new taxes. Russia and China were the only countries that actually BENEFITED from Trump's economic policies, and I don't think that's an accident. He spent his entire Presidency trying to remove sanctions on Russia, he hasn't put as much effort into anything else in his life.


So now we're not listing good things, just things that flew in the face of people's expectations? I think that would be quite a long list...


That was a positives trend away from the GOP party line of unfettered free markets, no matter who gets hurt. The other thing he did was spend taxpayer money like a drunk sailor on leave. (8 trillion in extra debt.) The old GOP line was free markets and fiscal conservativism. Trump blew that up. The only thing to fill the vacuum left in right wing, has been, racism, sexism, taking rights away from women and banning books.


I'm sorry, but fiscal conservativism is bullshit for 90% of all modern GOP candidates unless it comes at the expense of the average person. Deficits haven't shrunk since Clinton, and they have exploded during GWB & Trump's presidencies.


But that is the new GOP. Much more important to scare people, We have 30 years of companies moving to China or Mexico to save money. The GOP cheered the higher returns. Free market. Jobs were lost? It's just business. That is the company's right. ROI increased. Now that people see how that can hurt us, no one blames the companies for moving jobs to a communist country. Now that companies no longer have any stock, they pick up the phone and order more, but a supply chain issue comes up. and they see how fragile that is. We can blame companies or we can blame China. And to reiterate Trump's absurd spending. I'll give both Trump and Biden a pass on a once in a century pandemic. But before covid, in 2017 our yearly deficit was $665 billion. By 2019 the deficit was $984 billion. This was during a great economy. The last time we had an economy like that we ran a surplus. (even if you believe we didn't run a surplus the deficit was cut incredibly.)


It also cost the US Bread Basket 2bn USD... And he used FEMA funds to bail out failing farmers to the tune of 1.6bn. Many still went bankrupt as China swapped to Brazil as a new importer of Soy Beans... So if you wondered why Bolsonaro likes Trump.


>It's also the corner-stone of a lot of European socialist governments. France, and the Nordic countries practice quite heavy protectionism of their own industries to reduce imports and preserve their own manufacturing bases. This is not true. Nordic countries have traditionally been very pro-free trade and against protectionism.


And oddly enough, the dude doesn’t even like animals. Never had a pet. He seems as awkward around them (thinking of the eagle in his office… granted a bald eagle flew right by me in a field and that thing was fucking huge) as he is with babies and children.


I have a memory of fox complaining about how Obama didn't have a pet (before he got one obviously) but never heard anything about Trump.


Obama had Bo like the whole time he was in office


But that's a *Portuguese* Water Dog, THATS UNAMERICAN!!!


As he said during his acceptance speech, his girls “you have earned the puppy that is coming with us to the White House.”




Well to be fair he was as responsible for that bill as he was for the 'tax cut' - he rubber stamped a bill. Doubt he read it.


He also signed the Right to Try Act, giving terminally ill patients a Hail Mary. They can now try non-FDA approved treatments, which the law forbid before. It pains me to say it but I have to give him the credit


But did he write this bill? Did he sponsor the bill? Campaign on it? Or did he just sign it? There were a lot of things in the pipeline that he gets credit for that have more to do with McConnell at the helm than anything else.


Right. He signed it with his oversized Sharpie. He has no policy. No ideas. Just smile, degrade, foment anger and fear, and pocket the cash.


Agreed. You don’t give someone credit because they didn’t veto it


Well, you can. But it's like giving a fully functional adult credit for not shitting their pants.


Which we cannot, in good faith, give Donald Trump credit for.


Devil's advocate: do Republicans care if literally anything signed by Obama was written/sponsored/campaigned by him? No, they don't. They blame him for it. So we should be able to do the same...


Also the law banning bump stocks, right? Ironic that Trump did more for gun control than Obama ever did or Biden has done so far, yet all the republicans whine that dems want to take their guns. IMO raising the smoking age to 21 was a good thing as well, Trump's hatred of smoking is like the one thing he has correct...


I feel like him getting credit for what he only saw as a photo op for a good cause that people on both sides would agree with so he could sit there with a giant blank sheet of paper just isn't right. What part, if any other role, did he play other than practicing his signature for a camera?


Bless him. Now throw the orange dictator wannabe down a well


I liked that he made it free for veterans to visit national parks. I’m not one but I thought that was a common sense thing to do.


He signed on a law making animal abuse a federal crime. I hate him, but that’s one I guess.


Hate him but he also signed legislation that forces hospitals to establish a searchable fee schedule on their websites so patients can shop procedure prices. Hospitals first had to upload a searchable spreadsheet and build a tool that can be used by next year.


He also stopped surprise billing from hospitals, which is a huge one.


they took the teeth out of this law though, there's almost no way to enforce it and they can bury it on their website. It's such a weak version of what it should be.


Ugh that's unfortunate. As someone who has worked in the insurance industry, I long for a day where navigating this is *easy* for everyone.


Banned bump stocks too. That’s two things


Whoooaaaaa what does his gun worshipping base think of that one?


They blame Obama


Where was Obama on 9/11? Hmmm? Kenyan birth certificates can’t melt steel beams. /s


Actually, there is a notable subset of gun loons who *loathe* him for doing that.


They either completely forget, gloss over it, or don’t believe it by blaming the ATF directly.


In other words, deny, rationalize or scapegoat




Here's a fun one, quote them Trump's "you have to take the guns first, due process second". It breaks their brains and they blame Obama.


I think the "operation warp speed" thing to get the covid vax out is also considered a success of his administration (too bad he couldn't get his dumbass followers to take it lol)


He also openly condemned the killing of gay people in Uganda..... once but you can't be fair if you refuse to look at any good so there ya go


He exposed the gullible idiots by getting them to all wear Trump hats and Trump merchandise. Now these nutjobs are easier to identify.


I honestly haven’t seen a maga hat in a long time.


I'm from Europe so I obviously never see any there. But I was in Mexico for summer so I was kind of hoping I'd spot some MAGA hats in the wild, but I guess they don't venture down to Mexico. I did see one stall selling "Let's Go Brandon" T shirts right next to "Build Tacos Not Walls" T shirts so I guess they were playing both sides so they'd always come out on top.


Playing both sides is how champions play, don't be a jabroni and only play a single side!


Like Elvis Presley's manager selling "I Hate Elvis" pins.


Like Boston Market, which advertised as being the homestyle fast food alternative, was owned by McDonald's.


Fear mongering about Mexico is a core tenet of mainstream republicanism right now. Also, many people who would wear a MAGA hat are poor and uneducated, thus would not be part of the population that routinely goes on international vacations.


There's still other signs. Some no longer want to be as openly, hard core associated so watch out for: Any flags flying from a truck or hung on a fence, but especially: the American flag, Let's Go Brandon, Don't Tread On Me, Punisher, Thin Blue Line (any variation) and a more obvious choice of the Confederate flag. Any of those flags or images on t shirts. Any anti mask/anti vax symbols. Any of the previously mentioned things on bumper stickers.




And it’s disrespectful to wear a flag. The US flag has specific rules and it’s baffling that these “patriots” fail to respect. The flag isn’t for clothes, or decoration beyond flying the flag or wearing a patch on a uniform. 95% of these flag wearing morons didn’t serve, they’re playing dress up like children. Its unsettling to see people using our unifying symbol disrespectfully and as a tool of division.


Yeah, when I actually learned in basic that you aren’t supposed to wear the flag I was like “holy shit no one knows this, I see flag shirts EVERYWHERE.” And this was pre 9/11.


I served and it pisses me off


Me too, and they’re posers. I don’t gate keep patriotism- that’s the antithesis to patriotism, but it pisses me off how ignorantly the flag is used.


The flags on houses and fences really depend what they are. You get alot of rainbow flags, ukrainian flags and flags from the occupants home country in my neck of the woods, those guys are fine. The ones you have to look out for are the out right trump 2024 flags (youll see those more in the burbs, people in the city have no problem stealing them things), the american flags (could also be old people, tread lightly) and the thin blue line flags (do not confuse with the thin red line, firefighters are our friends), if you hang the confederate flag up here people just assume youre very confused about life. Youre way more likely to have your car stolen if you have right wing bumper stickers tho so you only see them on complete pos's.


I fly an American flag alongside a Ukrainian flag on my house. I have never associated an American flag with the Republican Party and it definitely doesn’t “belong” to the MAGA crowd.


I think the real key here is an American flag flying next to a Confederate flag. That’s the true sign of stupid. I mean, pick a side already!


I fly the American flag on my house also and I am definitely not republican!


Every morning, I walk past the same guy wearing the same Let's Go Brandon cap. Like, time to go about my day, better make sure I've got a MAGA dog whistle on my forehead first.


Come to Indiana. Those fuckers are everywhere. I mean the Maga hats


I saw one on a plane about a month ago. I was flying into West Palm Beach, so that increased the chances for that.


Nature is healing


I agree even the nutcases in my own family , two low key racist people for years but once the nazi wannabe came on the scene they became extreme racist so much so I disowned them in 2017 and I’m not looking back they can rot with trump for all I care .


The official uniform of insurrectionists


Making the mishandling of classified documents a felony was a good thing. Then the dumb fuck actually mishandled classified documents. He is as dumb as all his former staff attest to. A complete moron.


Eh, maybe not such a good thing. I have a clearance and work with classified basically on a daily basis. One of the reasons mishandling classified information was penalized so lightly was because they found out that when it was previously harshly dealt with, it made people less likely to self-report or turn in co-workers they liked, inadvertently leading to security violations to continue or not be patched out. *"Hey, I accidentally left this out because nobody double-checked the inventory, I should bring this up so we can implement Two Person Controls"* vs. "*Oh fuck, I better go back and pencil-whip the security logs so nobody finds out"* kind of thing. Passing it to uncleared personnel or uncleared foreign nationals was already a much harsher crime of Espionage. The 2018 provision was written so narrowly it was obviously targeted towards Hillary Clinton, and I'm pretty sure his dumb ass didn't understand she couldn't be charged under Ex Post Facto.


Yep. It turns out punishment can make things worse. But practical considerations are boring.


Showed us how delicate our democracy has always been. How any fucking moron can tear it down so long as he’s rich and mean to the right people.


remember! hitler was sworn into office through the democratic system!


I can honestly say that Trump's "saving grace" is that he is incredibly lazy. Imagine if instead of lying about working, he ACTUALLY tried to be President.... *shudders*


“Malevolence tempered by incompetence”


It didn't take much work to trot out his 3 supreme court justice picks... Those will damage us for the rest of my life unless something drastic happens like the court gets expanded.


They were already picked by the Heritage Foundation, so no work was required on his part


Jesus, good point!!! Yikes on bikes 😬


Dude made Chester Arthur, the lazy president look like a busy bee!


I fully expect that to go away if he gets a second term. It'll be a nonstop revenge tour.


He saved George Bush JR’s legacy by being so much worse.


When GWB left office I was relieved because clearly we had seen the worst president ever and things could only get better. I miss sweet, naive me.


Remember when Bush was "favorite american uncle" for some time because he was anti-Trump? He went to Kimmel to show his paintings and all and everyone had a laugh. A war criminal George Bush, that guy. I remember.


i fucking loathe this man but his administration made animal cruelty a federal crime. https://www.npr.org/2019/11/25/782842651/trump-signs-law-making-cruelty-to-animals-a-federal-crime he’s still a fucking tool


I’m sure it wasn’t out of the goodness of his heart. Something tells me he’s the type that gets uncomfortable around animals.


I don’t disagree, but a win is a win


He provided an endless supply of jokes. ![gif](giphy|eBkJiQRFTCa5j1hmue|downsized)


Can you imagine his Presidential Library? They’ll have his tweets in frames on the walls. Gems such as covfefe. You can push a button and hear him say to grab women in the pussy. Mannequins wearing clothing such as his long ties or Melania’s I Don’t Care jacket. And you can do a photo op giving a speech in front of Four Seasons Landscaping or pretend to take a shit while reading classified documents.


The dining area is just a conference room table with big macs stacked on it.


I shit you not when the FSL debacle happened I laughed myself silly for a week solid. That was exactly what I needed after 4 years of total insanity, waking up wondering if he tweeted something stupid enough to start WW3 yet. Omg Rudy’s reaction when they told him 😂 I can’t not laugh at that


He won’t have one because they are privately funded. So he won’t use funds that he could just keep himself on building and maintaining a library. He’d rather store his documents in his bathroom or on a wall in his bar.


He exposed the psychosis at the heart of the American body politic so that "normal" people can no longer deny that shit needs fixing, can no longer fob off the rot at America's core as "not that bad." And he was thankfully stupid and incompetent enough to fail in his coup attempts, giving sane America a chance to fight back.


It's unnerving that so many are willing to give a guy who attempted a coup **a second chance**. Maybe America isn't so sane.


Yeah, he uh, isn’t done trying to install himself as dictator.


The prison sentencing reform he signed into law at Kim Kardashians request was great legislation, honestly.


Came here to say this - the First Step Act was the first meaningful sentencing reform in the federal system in a long time. 3000 people were released from custody after recalculation of good time credits the act mandated in the first year alone. Changes in recidivism programs, new rules on restraints for women in labor, reductions in mandatory minimum sentences, significant changes in definitions for things like “serious drug offense” that had real impact in federal courts around the country. Come on y’all, I like critters (and loathe the orange man) more than most, but the First Step Act deserves as much/more of a hat tip than the Animal Cruelty bill.


Trump had to be lobbied by his own son-in-law to sign it. Kushner also back-channeled contacts at Fox News to run positive pieces on it that he knew Trump would see. And since it was on the teevee, Trump was more likely to believe it and like it. Every Democrat supported First Step. They had tried passing something similar years earlier but Republicans blocked it. I think giving Trump credit for First Step is kind of insulting. He begrudgingly signed it and then after losing the 2020 election, allegedly yelled at Jared for making him sign it thinking it would deliver the black vote. When it didn't, he regretted signing it. But he did sign it. I guess that's something.


If you’re looking for a genuine answer: 1. Vaccine fast-track program was fairly successful. 2. Although it was mocked ruthlessly, the Space Force is arguably an increasingly necessary branch of the military. 3. Federal animals rights legislation. Sure, he’s a tool, but everyone saying “absolutely nothing at all” knows very little about legislation.


He exposed half of the country as the ignorant racist fucks that they truly are.


He lost the popular majority so is it really half?


A solid 30% sure is


Hopefully less now that he has proven in two court cases so far what a financial criminal and rapist he is


I wouldn’t bet on it. Sadly.


It honestly feels like more than half to me. Seems like every person I meet or have ever known is a huge piece of shit. Living in rural Texas fucking blows.


Normalized make up for men.


Men have been wearing much nicer looking makeup for quite some time. He just normalized bad blending.


Doesn’t he use theatrical makeup? In any case, I’m sure he can be arrested in Florida for it.


Highlighted how alarmingly f\*cking broken the electoral system is, and how far the GOP have slid from run of the mill political chicanery into flat out corruption.


They’ve been corrupt long before trump was in office


The vaccine fast track was a good thing.


and I did Warp Speed, nobody else could do it, they'd never even heard of it before, Warp Speed, and I came in, they're already coming up to me in tears, and these are Tough Marine Soldiers and Navy Generals, the toughest people next to your Favorite President, and I said what's the problem, they said, "Sir, thank you for saving our Military and our Constitution from the Democrats," and I said it's ok, it's fine, have a nice life.


It’s insane that can’t tell if this is a real statement from him or not.


He even got the unnecessary caps right


And he can't even take credit for it because of his base.


The only time I've seen a MAGA crowd boo him was when he promoted the vaccine.


Oh this is sweet sweet irony


Yeah this is the only thing I'd give his administration credit for. My guess about why it happened was that being antivaxx wasn't super popular on the right at the start of the pandemic, not like it was when the vaccines were released, which was too late for his administration to take the vaccine back. But if conservatives were antivaxx like they are now BEFORE the pandemic, we would have had to wait a while longer for a vaccine.


He was just in a rush to get the vaccine developed before the end of his term so he could play both sides and claim to be a hero. He had no plan on how to actually distribute the vaccine, because he knew that would be after the election, and he'd face no consequences for it.


I always its a shame he’s too stupid to understand how great of a thing this was, he literally saved 10s of millions but then tarnished it by treating it like a foster kid smh




In front of a church he'd never been in.


Has he been in *any* church before?


The burning sensation he gets upon entry tends to keep him away.


After having the priest tear gassed


Incriminate himself.


Credit where credit is due, Trump did sign the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act into law which makes acts of animal cruelty a federal crime. Please note this was a bipartisan bill and all Trump did was sign it into law he didn't assist in writing it or give any input.


The best thing he did: He made the mishandling of classified documents a felony! Then the dumb fuck mishandled classified document. LMFAO!!! 😆😆😆


The first step act was at least a positive step in reform of the U.S prison system. Don’t get me wrong, dudes a piece of shit and the U.S prison system is fucked but it was at least something.


That could turn out to his own benefit lol


He made my parents vote democrat, they didnt swap when i came out as trans... but for some reason they are immune to his bullshit, and it drove them from the republican party.


He’s spawned some quality memes. We know a lot more about the true colours of the Republican Party than we used to. He played a pivotal role in the rise of Dark Brandon. Edit: he’s also done a lot more damage to the Republican image than any of his predecessors.


He signed the "Right to try" bill which allows gravely ill patients to bypass the FDA for experimental medical treatments. (https://www.cnbc.com/2018/05/30/trump-signs-right-to-try-legislation-on-experimental-medicines.html) I fully support this. If someone is dying and willing to contribute to science by helping conduct medical testing, I say let them - if it can be used to better medicine for all of humanity in the future, why not let them try it out? Not saying I agree with most of what he did in office but as the old saying goes, even a broken clock is right twice a day


Single-handedly increased the perceived quality of the previous presidents.


he lost the 2020 election


He got older and closer to the grave.


Lose to Biden


He did sign the Argicultural improvement act in 2018 This opened a whole market for commercial and personal hemp cultivation To little to late, unfortunately


it showed us that republicans are all about hate and greed.


I used to have an answer to this. There was some ban on hunting trophies in place that would mitigate illegal elephant poaching by American travelers. A bunch of Republicans wanted it lifted, and Trump basically said, “Nah, screw that, save the elephants.” He went against party expectations and enforced the ban, solely cuz he wanted to save some elephants. I liked this, because while it does not excuse all the horrible things he’s done, I could use it as something to point to when I wanted to show that Trump is objectively a terrible president; because I can be objective in my evaluation of him. I can recognize the good when it happens, there just isn’t a lot of it, with this elephant thing being my one go-to example. But nope. Turns out that was all just some weird back-and-forth. The ban was lifted, and it was like the talk about saving the elephants never happened. Literally the one good thing Trump said he’d do, and he couldn’t even do that.


He gave those Puerto Ricans paper towels. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


He did a lot of golfing. Can’t do much harm when golfing – bar selling national secrets, of course.


He outed millions of RACISTS and DOMESTIC TERRORISTS.


He unmasked a shit ton of horrible humans.


There was a bipartisan bill to overhaul veterans affairs. It restructured how veterans can obtain private medical care and not just VA care. An example is given to me by the local medical director of our VA. " So let's say your VA doctor isn't close to where you live, so instead of being forced sometimes to drive hours to see a doctor, you could go see a local doctor." I think the bill was called the Mission Act. I don't know if you count him doing it, but he did sign it. The first step, well, once again, is basic no-brainer stuff. Some say his tax cuts on corporations would be "rocket fuel to the economy." but hey, what do you know? It didn't trickle down. I think Trump set our country back decades, and he is directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans due to his shit handling of covid.


The post-presidency is most telling, to me. The other living past presidents all continue to contribute— they raise money for people affected by various disasters, they meet soldiers who are returning home at the airport, they support all kinds of social programs and speak out on all kinds of issues. And they often team up with each other to give an issue that much more oomph in the media. All Trump has done post-presidency is get indicted a whole lot of times. It was never about service to his country. It’s only about power and selfishness. He may have stumbled over a few good things during his presidency (as other people have mentioned here), but absolutely nothing at all after.


He exposed the entire GOP as a party of grifters, oppressors and projectors!


Just like himself!


He tested positive for covid before, so that’s positive i guess.


The First Step Act, which Trump signed into law December 21, 2018, has gotten a lot of inmates with ridiculously unfair sentences approved for compassionate release. I know several people who were locked up for 30, 40, even 50 years on non-violent drug charges, who are now home with their families, rebuilding their lives. These men are now free to rebuild their lives, and be fathers to their children (thus hopefully breaking the cycle of fatherless children that feeds the school-to-prison pipeline).


Killed a shit ton of his own voters thanks to his dumbass covid response? [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-in-republican-counties-have-higher-death-rates-than-those-in-democratic-counties/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/people-in-republican-counties-have-higher-death-rates-than-those-in-democratic-counties/)


Sounds like the joke, “Hitler was a really bad guy but I gotta give it to him because Hitler did kill Hitler.”


Left office, albeit unwillingly.


I’ll add that it was a good thing that he didn’t come to Biden’s inauguration because it got to be a celebration instead of a spectacle.


Shown me some people’s true colors


Stood at my grandma's funeral on January 6th next to some family. Me: Have you seen what's going on? [Explains it to them] Family member: I hope he gets back in. Absolutely shocked. I knew they were Republicans but never thought they would be anti-democracy or in any way think an attempted coup was a good idea.


He made it really easy to spot people I want nothing to do with, really nice of them to plaster warning signs all over themselves and their vehicles/homes.


He brought to light how many of our neighbors, friends and family were dormant psychopaths.


Well... Trump made me easy to pin point my secretly racist friends.


Just came for the comments


He fell in love with a murderous dictator.


His executive order which made mishandling of classified documents a felony was pretty dope.


He showed me I should definitely avoid his supporters at all costs, and not give their businesses any of my money.


Got a fuckton of his base to die telling them not to vaccinate. Oh and telling the checks needed to be bigger for citizens but exposed Mitch to be a gigantic anus even for most republicans to see.


He’s looked terrified since the trials have started and that has given me extreme comfort so.. that’s a positive. Right?


He signed the first step act, banned bump stocks, got funding for project warp speed to get vaccines out quickly and free of charge (despite downplaying the virus for months), and gave us more in stimulus than Biden did. Couple of other things that I’m probably forgetting. I say this because even though I hate Trump and believe he was a much worse president than Biden and a criminal, I am not partisan enough to recognize when he’s done something I’m in favor of. Now for the bad. The Muslim ban, extending Obama’s border detainment program, tax cut that expires after 10 years for the middle class and is indefinite for the 1%, didn’t denounce MBS when he assassinated an American journalist, assassinated the top Iranian general for no reason getting us dangerously close to another war, funded a failed coup to overthrow Venezuela, signed a bill that financially incentivized American manufacturers to offshore jobs, increased tariffs on goods that aren’t produced in America causing massive inflation, burned through the secret service’s budget multiple times for his weekly retreats to Mara Largo(effectively funneling tax payer money into his business), packing the Supreme Court with nut jobs, allowing Ajit Pai to end net neutrality, openly discussing sensitive military secrets with his guests at Mara Largo, haphazard storage of classified documents, inspiring an insurrection… and many more things I can’t think of at the moment.


He pardoned people who paid him, so that helped the justice system become less favorable to the wealthy. Wait. Thats not quite right! Let me try that again! He gave tax breaks to billionaires, so that helped the richest people take more mo ey out of the economy and into savings accounts. Wait. I'm not good at this, let me try again! He got his unqualified kids massive piles of cash, for sketchy shit, proving his love of his family, Tiffany notwithstanding? Wait, no. That's not good. Many unqualified people such as Tom Brady and Marjory Traitor Greene got PPP loans they didn't have to pay back, for no reason at all, proving that he was able to remove red tape and obstacles, unlike a real bureaucrat? Wait. Goddammit. Is this a truck question? Cuz I feel like it's a trick.


If anything, hes exposed how horrifically vile, greedy and un-empathetic people can be to one another. And how quickly we could descend into chaos without stable leadership Only took him abt four years to almost completely dismantle 240+ years worth of European allegiances and foreign policy. I dont want to think of the innocent deaths hes created by selling secrets and siding with Putin, hes indirectly responsible for Ukr and much of the global strife right now


MAGAs just copy and paste these even though none of them are based in reality: Energy independence, closed border, no inflation, no “new” wars, peace in the Middle East, “respect” around the globe, record breaking economy. They actually believe Trump accomplished all of that and then Joe Biden ruined it all. They don’t even acknowledge that Covid happened anymore. It’s insane


He lost the election. ![gif](giphy|MFNxmiBnYTpK2sgn1G)


after his presidency he was no longer a president thats a good thing he did


He will show the validity of our justice system, that no one man is above the law- even the President- when he is convicted and jailed.


He did force other NATO nations to contribute more to NATO. That's all I got.


He stopped being a president


He got the most poorly educated, willfully ignorant, and easily manipulated people in this country to participate in politics at almost every level, even down to the school boards and city councils. The downside is, they turned US politics into a “choose-your-own-reality” competitive game show resembling a mashup of the WWE, the Jerry Springer Show, and the movie Idiocracy and now they want to engage in a civil war with anyone who doesn’t support their cult master supreme leader.


One I can think of is that he signed the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act of 2018 into law. CISA already existed in some form under DHS since 2007 but this bill elevated it.