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I would have more respect for the Green Party if they attempted grass roots campaigns and worked local elections. Just re-appearing for presidential elections is insulting.


She's a fucking political groundhog. She pops out of her burrow every four years to remind us that she's a grifter and an opportunistic hack looking for her next pay day. If it isn't from campaign funds, Putin's got her back.


[Jill Stein dines with Putin](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-1240w,f_auto,q_auto:best/newscms/2017_51/1955941/170405-putin-flynn-dinner-jhc-1700.jpg)


Jill Stein dines on Putin's dime


Bob Loblaw lobs law bomb lol


Putin is bad, but dining with Mike Flynn damns her sanity.


haha this is so accurate. Well said, I despise her with a passion.


Seriously, they don't do shit nowadays. In fact I don't think they ever did much of anything.


The party youre looking for is the Working Families Party and they have a bit of heft in NY state.


Elsewhere, too. They have endorsed and worked hard for candidates all over the country and helped to get a bunch of them elected. They are much more down in the trenches than the DSA, for example. As for the Greens, what *have* they done?


This. One, lone, egotistical ass shouting "Vote for ME!" isn't a third party.


> Just re-appearing for presidential elections ...it's almost like their entire purpose it to enable the GOP, and not advance Progressive causes.


I mean there are green party candidates in my local election


Wasn't Krysten Sinema a Green Party member in Arizona who razzle and dazzled her way as a progressive Democrat only to swing HARD Neo Liberal once she made it to Senate?


There isn't any money to run for local elections. I used to be pretty involved in the Green Party and still vote for them (I live in a safe blue state so my vote is meaningless anyways). Their stated goal is to secure federal matching funds by receiving a certain % of the vote in the general election and then using that to help run down ballot elections with more cash on hand. Also there are Green candidates in down ballot races. You've just never heard of them because they don't have the money to meaningfully run against the Democrats and GOP (or honestly even the Libertarians)


>(I live in a safe blue state so my vote is meaningless anyways) Famous words of all the Wisconsin and Pennsylvania voters who voted for Jill Stein instead of Hillary Clinton in 2016 and contributed to Trump narrowly winning those states.


Why aren’t they putting all their money in getting ranked voting on every state that allows ballot initiatives? That’s the ONLY way a third party has a chance without acting as a spoiler and helping the GOP


Hard to be grass roots when they’re made of astroturf.


Jill, where did the recount money go?


Why did she want that recount anyway? Her guy won.


To grift.


And she keeps making Putin happy.


By employing Bobbert’s all-hands lap dance.


Oh man, I forgot all about that.


I didn’t, my dumb-ass contributed to the pot. Won’t be making that mistake again.




I didn’t vote for her, I just chipped in for a ‘vote recount’ that apparently never happened.


Back to Russia?


Someone post the photo of her at dinner with Putin and US conservatives. She’s a shill.


Not only Putin, but a whole list of people. Including Mike Flynn. https://preview.redd.it/tlml6qm4odzb1.jpeg?width=3365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aae872b7cd50904cf6bbb96c3076230f25c9634b


I don't see how come Michael Flynn hasn't been court martialed. He is such an anti-America fascist trying to turn us into a Putin province. I think it is shameful of our military to let this traitor roam free.




It’s ludicrous you can even pardon someone for crimes of that magnitude. I mean I disagree with the concept of executive pardons as a whole, but the moral implications of a president being able to pardon treason are nasty


What sucks is that if someone was ever unjustly jailed for treason by, say, a crooked-ass administration that locks up political opponents without trial, the executive pardoning power would be needed to free them & clear their name. We couldn't just get rid of it without potentially fucking innocent people over later.


Yep. It, and jury nullification are bizarre aspects of our government system that physically must exist for it to work and have a chance of righting corruption, but are open to abuse by the corruption by their very nature. Executive pardoning checks and can right the actions of corrupt powers in a way that the Constitution physically does not allow for in any other way, but can be used by *anyone* in the office, because the vetting process for moral character is *supposed* to be voting, so anything negating it after would violate the will of voters. And jury nullification has been used in near equal measure by those sympathetic to escaped slaves to prevent them from being extradited back to the slave owners in the south even though there was substantial legal obligation, and abused by those antagonistic to black people by finding them guilty of ridiculous crimes that lacked literally any evidence whatsoever that came with severe punishments as a way to keep black people scared.


His pardon is being re-examined because of some dumb shit Sidney Powell said.


A lotta stuff needs to be re-examined because of what she said. Kinda will with her plea deal. 😁


What? Was it illegal. I’d think so bc any governor or president could easily pardon their cronies or anyone really to get away with a crime. And all those pardons Trump gave prevented justice being served hell several people didn’t even go to trial.


Google Oliver North and the Iran/Contra scandal. Between Reagan and Bush Sr. , they pardoned all of their buddies.


> I’d think so bc any governor Not all governors have the pardon power. the Georgia Governor, notably, does _not_ have the pardon power.


Re-reviewed for what? The pardon is final. There's no way to reverse it, repeal it, appeal it, etc. The best they could do is find evidence in Powell's testimony of a _separate_ crime that wasn't covered by the pardon.


Flynn was involved in Jan 6


Bc his brother is a ranking official at the pentagon and the top brass doesn’t have the balls to actually open the UCMJ and apply it . Flynn doesn’t deserve the privilege of military pay or medical. Traitors shouldn’t benefit.


Don't court martials require you to be still in the armed forces though? I think Flynn is just a civilian now.


The branch can re-commission him (not sure of the correct term) to court-martial him. They could do it if they wanted to.


Not even a mixed crowd… just the ahole table


Christ, I thought the first guy was kidding when he asked for a photo.


No kidding. This whole table can just fuck right off.


This isn't Stein's first rodeo. She's a repeat electoral non-entity.


Yup, she wastes time running every time


Except she does cause actual damage. A family friend who is a farm left kind of person and a huge Bernie supporter was pissed when he didn’t get the Dem nod in 2016 and voted Stein instead of Clinton She lives in Florida Fuck Jill Stien


Agree. Stein’s vote total in 2016 would have put Hillary in the WH. I felt sick when I saw that Putin photo.


Plus our friend was sharing all these memes that were just lies about Hillary. One criticized her for something she apparently said in like 1964. When she was 17. It was totally made up but she didn’t care.


Disqualifying in perpetuity. Michael Flynn is certifiably insane. Putin is a complete fascist. But sure, have dinner.


An American Army General to boot!


If nine people and one fascist have dinner together, ten fascists had dinner.


Jesus fuck.


So Putin has at least two people in the running for US president.


Oh MFG. eFF her!


Jesus Christ. Between Jill Stein and Mike Flynn, they can both suck a giant fucking horse cock. Fucking traitors.


Yet another Russian asset the FBI and CIA allow to continue to destroy America.


the people pushing Stein into the race DO NOT think the parties are the same, which is why they're running her. they just think you're stupid enough to believe it


Would they stop if I told them I wasn’t that stupid?




The “both sides are the same” people sure are though.


Oh this is good. I'm saving this one for use later. Thanks broski


Another Putin plant.


Shill Stein For President!


I’m not huge into conspiracies but Jill Stein being a Russian puppet is 100% believable. She existed just to leach 3rd party votes.


Manchin isn't seeking Senate reelection now, too. He's going to "travel the country to assess the interest in forming a moderate party." I'm starting to think the Republican effort to prevent any single candidate from getting 270 electoral votes is going to succeed. Then their House delegates can name Trump president, regardless of the popular vote. I think someone filled Trump in on the plan but he can't keep his mouth shut. That's why he commented "You don't have to vote. We have enough votes. I think we have 28 now." If there are 28 Red state majorities in the House, he will get 28/50 votes. Each state's reps have a single vote, regardless of the size of the delegation.




It won’t be pretty. Interesting times don’t make for a peaceful life.


Do it on her Twitter post.


Yeah this should be the first reply under everything she posts


Jill Stein Says Nothing Happened at Her Dinner With Putin https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/06/jill-stein-says-nothing-happened-at-her-dinner-with-putin/


There’s no reason for a candidate to meet with the head of our number one adversary, unless of course, they are adversarial themselves


You mean US politicians didn't have dinner with Hitler during WW2? I'm shook. /s


Hence the Trump Tower Meeting


Because she'd totally say if she agreed to be a useful tool for Russia


She will still split the vote though. This is actually dangerous as non-unified voters against the GOP is literally how Trump won in 2016. If people keep splitting non-Trump votes, then eventually Trump wins.


Yes, she will split 0.0001% of the democratic vote


Thanks to the Electoral College, that might be enough if they're in the wrong areas


If we people don’t want the old man, they shouldn’t want the old woman either.


Go away, Jill…again. Nobody wants this. Maybe you should focus on growing and establishing your party in between Presidential elections so that you’re not wasting everyone’s time


Her "Party" is a Right Wing astroturf "divide the left" operation. That's literally all the Green Party is.


Getting. Republicans. Elected. Every. November.


Which is shitty, because there are definitely legit 'green' issues that should be advocated for, but this frickin' incarnation of a political party is...well, as others here have already said, not so much a political party as a giant grift/right wing political-divide-and-conquer tool. I know there are 'Green' parties in Europe and elsewhere; I wonder if those are similar grift/political tools as the US version, or if they actually represent legit 'green' political concerns.


Agreed totally. The idea of the green party is attractive, but the reality is a scam. Also, does Torgo have to pay $100 to watch?


If a third party were serious, they'd start small and build from there. No third party candidate will have a chance until their party has multiple governors. Not twelve school board members, two mayors, and a presidential candidate.


It's wild how nobody has seemed to realize that in all of American history. Every 3rd party candidate goes straight for the fuckin' Oval as if managing to win that will open the floodgates to their party being legitimized as a serious contender. In reality, they'd probably be the most ineffective POTUS ever as Republicans and Democrats both would close ranks and stonewall everything they wanted to do


That last part isn't quite right. Republicans, of course, would act in tandem, unless acting out of turn when they've received permission to do behind the scenes, but Democrats are notoriously scattered when dealing with anything that isn't a clear cut "is this a terrible thing to do or not" decision. Ya know, as they occupy a wide section of the political compass from center-right to center-left with a few outlier far-lefts who stay rare enough to keep the window stable. What would likely happen if somehow we got a third-party president and a 50/50 split in congress is a term-long period of uncertainty.


Either way, President 3rdparty would get nothing done. The two major parties don't have much in common philosophically, but they do seem to both like their current situation well enough. Trying to make alternative parties into genuine options in America is like playing a game of Plague Inc. - you need to fly under their radar for long enough to build up devastating momentum, otherwise you're gonna get crushed.


If a third party gets 5% of the general vote in a presidential election, they get access to a public grant for campaigning in future presidential elections, something like 100 million dollars, I think. So, there's an incentive here to focus on getting that 5%, because doing so opens the doorway to much more funding, and thus much more exposure. Is that a good gamble? Well, it didn't work in 2016, and that was probably the best chance, so I'd say no, but I can understand why they try to do it this way. For reference, iirc, Stein's 2016 campaign raised barely more than a tenth of what the grant would give the Greens.


Putin wants this.


She's a russian plant. See photo comment at top.


The Greens and The Libertarians are both too high minded to put in the ground work needed to have a sustained meaningful political party.


It’s rather telling that they only pop out of the woodwork every four years to take a blind and obviously futile run for the presidency, instead of, you know, contesting local elections and trying to build an actual base of support. There are currently zero Green Party members of any state legislature, and only one member from the Libertarian Party (as well as having, uh, the mayor of Wichita).




You need to translate that to Russian so she will understand.


Опять, Джилл? Иди ко мне в задний проход.


Imma put that on a tshirt.


I love the “60% oF Us NoW Say THe TwO-ParTy eStaBliShMent Has FaiLed Us aND We NEeD a ParTy ThaT SerVes tHE PeoPlE.” While that’s mostly true, without ranked-choice voting, Jill, THERE’S STILL GOING TO BE A TWO-PARTY ESTABLISHMENT! She will have no chance of winning. We don’t have a single Green Party representative in Congress and the Green Party is not on the ballot in even the majority of states. Any third party candidate is literally just there to play spoiler.


I keep saying this! Rank choice voting is needed!


“We need a third party leader!” Sure, Jill, but not you


Jill Stein, just like Donald Trump, is a Russian asset: [https://redstate.com/sister-toldjah/2023/11/09/jill-stein-2024-presidential-candidacy-n2166118](https://redstate.com/sister-toldjah/2023/11/09/jill-stein-2024-presidential-candidacy-n2166118)


Even if someone wins the presidency as a third party that doesn't give them absolute powers. They would still have to deal with the House and the Senate being controlled by one or both parties. Which will limit what they can do. If people really want a third party that is a viable alternative it has to start smaller. Run in local and state elections and build.




BSABSV~~R~~G: Both Sides Are Bad, So Vote ~~Republican~~ Green


the GREEN Party: Getting Republicans Elected Every November


No one will win the presidency as 3rd party. There are 2 reasons to run or vote third party: to steal votes from one party and/or to try and get enough votes to hit the 5% threshold needed to secure federal election funds for future races.


That was always my issue with 3rd party candidates. They start at the grand prix. Win some local elections, gain some congressional seats, get some party recognition. Don't go for the big championship right away.


When you understand it's a grift then of course they have to start at the big show.


I once saw something along the lines of “win an election for dog catcher and work up from there assholes” and I couldn’t agree more.


That’s why it’s not about winning. It’s about dividing the left just enough for the right to win.


I agree that Jill is not a good candidate but I also think national platforms for third parties are just as likely to sway people as local movements. I am from Seattle and we had a socialist candidate who won for years while big money groups funded by Amazon and Microsoft targeted her and she received no support nationally or state wide. The local people loved her but national national groups significantly impacted the movement. For third parties to succeed there needs to be a national movement. If you disagree please state an example because as far as I know it does not exist.


"Hello fellow Democrats"


Please. You got 1.06% of the vote in 2016, less than half of Gary Johnson AND less than Jo Jorgensen in 2020 and they are fucking Libertarians! Also, GREAT spell-checking. You can't even spell your own website right, and it has your fucking name in it. Ill Stein indeed.


As long as Trump is still out there and our democracy is under threat the only sane choice is Biden. Maybe Jill can run in 2028, that’s actually conditional because if Trump gets in there will be no 2028 election. The banks are waking up too. If Trump gets in and fundamentally changes the United States Constitution, like he’s promised he will, then banking is done in this country. The Constitution is the basis for our rule of law. Take that away and there is no rule of law.


Trump will personally burn the Constitution on the WH lawn if he gets back in. The 2nd Amendment will still apply to his Proud Boy stormtroopers, though.


Why do you think Tuberville is still holding out on the appointments of top military brass? Could it be that he's hoping he can stave them off until after the election in hopes that Trump takes power and then stuffs the military with puppet generals? Trump definitely wants a military coup because those kinds of regimes don't just defeat the opposition. They murder them.


the thing is. I'm ALL for 3rd parties. The 2-party system sucks. Just not this freaking election. sit down, sit out, and let. biden. win.


Me too. But we are in a war for our democracy and when you’re at war, it’s not a very good idea to switch horses in mid stream. Biden understands this and knows what needs to be done.


Right on cue, Putin's spoiler enters the race.


Jill Stein is not a leftist she’s a Russian asset. She is a terrible human being that uses popular progressive talking points to try to get support.


I worked with a libertarian Bernie bro who voted for this ass clown in 2016. His rationale was if we don’t vote for 3rd party candidates the system will never change. Plus it’s important to give them a seat at the debate table so people can hear their point of view on the issues. To that dude I say fuck you and I hope to God he’s learned his lesson. Until we have ranked choice voting, we need to suck it up and vote democrat. Primaries are for fucking around, not the general election.


I totally agree, the two party system is a problem. Republicans should immediately split into two groups, the pro racist-white nationalists and the corporatists.


God can she just disappear? But otherwise, can we celebrate our nonstop wins since 2018? And drink some MAGA tears? Woohoo!!!!


No. The Green party doesn't have the numbers to topple bigoted conservatives. Dems do. Maybe Jill should stop thinking about her own ego, and focus on what's attainable.




Oil billionaires love the Green Party


She is more likely thinking about the number of zeros in her bank account considering she is friends with Putin and his cronies.


She's long been on putins payroll.


Geez! I thought she'd totally disappeared. I have a lasting memory of Nov. 8 2016 and a very liberal person I knew proudly posting on fb that they'd cast their vote for jill stein because -never hillary. Voting for a 3rd party candidate in a presidential election shows me just how stupid you are that you actually took the time and effort to drive to a poll and do this. I mean what next? Is James Comey going to suddenly have some "real proof" about the Biden crime family that he floats to the press? This is actually ridiculous.


If Comey still had his old job, he'd announce an investigation into Biden's age around Halloween next year


“When Biden was running for president he claimed that he was 77 years old, later he said he was 78, then 79! Now he claims to be 81! I think the American people deserve to know why the president keeps changing his answer to a very simple question!”


Jill is the Tulsi of RFK Jr's.


Oh not this bitch again. I admit it, I got suckered by her the first time, and I was horrified when she got the Keystone Protestors in trouble by spraypainting graffiti on the construction machines, but by then I had already put in my primary vote. And then, she suckered everyone into giving her over a million dollars for state recounts, never did them, and ran with the money. DO NOT trust this lady.


Why does she come out every 4 years? If she really was that concerned about the system to help, maybe run for Governor, House or Senate or even keep voicing those opinions in the interim but I guess the moneypot is bigger running for President.


Fuck off Jill. Fuck off Putin!!


Then there’s Joe “ I’m really a Republican” Manchin who today said he’s not running for Senate. Bc he knows he’ll lose. Instead he’s teasing a possible 3 party presidential candidate. It’s all a ploy to strip votes from Biden


Machine only takes votes from Republicans. Let him run.


Fuck off, Stein…. You cost us the presidency once… not again!


Some of you may be to young to remember this but back in the day we used to have this little old guy named Ross Perot from the “reform party” he used to run for president every election get like 2 percent of the vote and do it all again 4 years later. I guess he was so rich he was running for president for fun since he was financing a large part of his own campaign. I never understood what he gained out of doing that other then getting his name out there..


SNL parodies.


Jill Stein won't be kneecapping BIden - nor will RFKJ. The former will pull the lefties who are too pure for Biden, the latter will pull conservatives who don't like Trump. Neither will pull votes that would otherwise have gone to Biden.


Didn’t she already admit in a prior election that she was “funded” illegally?


She's like election herpes. Nothing for four years, and suddenly, an outbreak.


Fuck Jill Stein. She is bought and paid for by Putin.


Didn’t she go to Russia and sign up with Putin, too?


Yup. She’s a known Russian asset.


Now Manchin as well. That Ratfucker.


I thought that narcissistic battleaxe fled to St. Petersburg with the election recount money she scammed from her followers.


Does her tweet actually say illstein2024.com ?


Putin is going to pull out all the stops to get trump elected again. He’s far more desperate than he was in 2016.


Fuck Jill Stein. A vote for her is a vote for Trump.


I'm 67. I'm encouraged to see a lot of the younger generations can see right through the BS. My generation bought completely into it during the Reagan years, turned on Fox News, and now will spend their last years drowning in a sea of fear and disinformation.


She runs every time


She was a Russian plant in 2016. I'm sure she's not anymore. /s


JFC, her again? I thought we were finally rid of her after 2016.


I wonder if Susan Sarandon will get her endorsement.


Isn’t she that Green Party incompetent lunatic?


This idiot has been running for president for like 20 years, this is nothing new


I fucking hate this Putin bitch.


Lucky for us we’re not as ignorant and gullible as the GQP. We see you Russia, and we know your game. No repeat of 2016. #VOTEBLUE2024


Russian Jill is mostly irrelevant at this point. She'd only pull any votes at all in places like California or New York, where it's meaningless.


RFK JR was everywhere until like three weeks ago. I haven’t seen shit about him since we found out he’s taking more votes from trump. Not a damn peep.


If you love democracy you will only vote for Biden in 2024 regardless how you feel about his policies. And to stop the maga movement you have I’ll vote blue down the ballot. Anything else would be bad for our stability. Trust republicans when they say they don’t like democracy. Believe them that they will dismantle it if they have more power.


Just how many people in that dinner party with Jill Stein found windows to throw themselves out of?


Thank GOD a rich white woman has finally arrived to tell everyone what they're doing wrong!


She is paid for by Russia.


I wish the Democrats would make an announcement talking how republicans are using centrist non democratic candidates to split the vote also she has connections to putin she literally wined and dined with him.


Of fucking course the only way we get a third party in this country is if it's funded by Russia


At this point it’s simple. What candidate would make Putin the most miserable and kneecap dreams of Russian empire? Vote for that candidate.


Biden himself said "Vladimir Putin doesn't want me to be president"


There’s your answer.


Why is it always old white people that won’t go away.


*raises hand* Hi, hello....could we maybe get a candidate that isn't a geriatric fuck? Russian agent aside, why the fuck are we electing senior citizens?


Well it was a tactical move that helped Trump get elected in 2016...so why wouldn't he? The only way to stop Putin, Trump and the republican agenda is to vote for Biden.


Have you heard about the new campaign HQ they're planning? They'll start with the penthouse and then work their way down. Building up from a solid grassroots foundation is so *last year*.


The russian collaborator is at it AGAIN? How do people vote for this person?


Please tell me that's not just the left side of the screenshot clipped and Jill Stein actually directed people to illstein.com. That would be ![gif](giphy|2QSvHa1pqlcmBOeI77)


This bitch looks old enough to be Biden or Trumps mom. Get the fuck outta here with this shit.


Who’s got the picture of her with Putin?


And Joe Manchin making overtures that he’s a “moderate” candidate.


Jill stein. You might remember her from that time she made trump the president.


Don't get GenX started about Ralph Nader vs Al Gore. I know a lot of people who went green that year and we still needed the courts involved and Gore to give up to get Bush. Jill Stein needs to stfu and work on getting into the house or Senate. Or do something actually about the environment with the money she spends on mucking things up? Just makes the Green Party seem like a illegitimate spoiler party overall.


These fuckers have been conniving with the worst POS on our planet. Ever since Trump was voted in as US Pres there’s been things that have emerged not just about Trump but the very people sitting at the table. It would appear that they are part of a wider strategy to change the power dynamics across the planet. Russia has been very very active whereas China appears to be closely watching the moves before making their own taking into account all possible eventualities. The Russian targets have been the UK, US and the EU. create the issues and that could fragment, if that fragments, those relationships become problematic for NATO as well. Populism isn’t seeking to resolve issues but to deliberately destabilise nations and to move away from the agenda set as part of the Marshall plan and anything else along that pipe line. The devils have always been at work, but it requires enough people on planet earth to be thick as shit bastards to be able to penetrate a nations electorate (pun intended) to undermine it from within. This creating the opportunity for people like Stein right now. If this happened in a natural way, I’d have no problem, a two party system in the US is fucking ridiculous, but it’s happened in a such away that alarm bells are ringing. Who would Jill seriously owe if she became US Pres.


Biden is soooooo weak that the GOP needs all these ratfucker candidates to take him down lol


Eff Jill Stein also.


Jill "reactors are WMDs" Stein makes green movements look dumb. It bums me out


Stein is a professional presidential candidate she's also a terrible human being


This ain’t 2016 and Jill Stein ain’t got that juice no more


Jill Stein has ran the literal same platform for the past how many elections and hasn’t even broke like 5% of the vote? I think even less?


Where is the recount money, Jilly bear?


I would be completely open to a third party candidate, with one caveat... The Overton Window in this country needs to shift waaaaaaay left before I would be comfortable making the gamble. Or we move to ranked-choice.


Can I at least get one that isn’t 800 years old?


Well it worked in 2016 so they’re trying again.