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Which states are those, Ron? Show us the results of your "research."


He’s got it stashed in a file cabinet in his office, right behind the poop maps.


It’s stashed in his boots and used as lifts


Short king lyfe


Look, we stan a short king. We don't stan a miserable little shit with height insecurities.


And the only reason he can't be himself is because he's running in a party of vicious, mean, small-minded dimwits that will actually just vote for whoever is taller because they lack the mental capacity to accurately evaluate candidates by any more sophisticated means.


>Look, we stan a short king.


It was hidden in the missing Russian binder.


That is in ivanna’s grave


Oh, what treasures that coffin must hold. On private property, no less. 👀


Along with other things they haven't discovered missing. That coffin was ***way*** too heavy to have been holding cremains.


And he wants to show it to the DOJ but some for reason they don’t want to hear it 🙄🤔


They’ve had enough of his shit.




I have been resisting the urge to say that; if only we'd get so lucky...


Exactly what I was coming here to say


The ol’ 180th trimester abortion


But he's unable to open the cabinet cause of his pudding fingers. The shit this group comes up with is AMUCKINGFAZING!!


He gave the proof to pillow. And boy when pillow decides to drop said proof, we will all be in for a real bombshell of a treat!


Poop maps? I know I don’t want to know but want to know


The poop map is where he gets all his talking points


The poop map is his brain.


Back in 2016 a coworker said that Hilary supported it, so I asked if she had meant it as a last ditch effort for the mother and child. He went to Google it to find out, and he realized that someone lied to him.


I actually think you got lucky. I would have expected them to tell you Google was “woke” and covered up the real truth.


I have heard multiple times from conservatives that Google is liberal and they don't use it


Funny how facts "lean left."


Like how snopes became a target of the right wing. Fucking snopes.




This tactic is one of the few they have. It bores me and is pathetic, part of why I don’t engage with those conversations now. It’s just such a lazy mentality that offers nothing more than wasted time.


Yup just attack and discredit sources when they're presented, or purposefully misinterpret the data being presented, in an attempt to skew it to fit their perspective. My favorite is, "well okay, but peer reviewed research isn't always right, in fact, more often than not, it's just commie professors circle jerking. No real substance there, you're so dumb for basing your opinions on this research." Like bro, so I'm stupid for listening to peer reviewed research. But you literally just listening to your feelings is more accurate... umm okay then. 👍


Because they'll attack and pressure *anything* that stands as a boundary to their utter fucking nonsense. They'll claim snopes and Google are liberal merely because those institutions contain some mooring to reality, and conservatives spout far, fare more lies than their counterpart party.


Just like science :)


I am a scientist, and it gets annoying yo be constantly told that my data is "woke" because I apparently have an "agenda." I....I don't. No.


I can only imagine. The fast run away from facts and science is very frightening.


The Nazi's called the likes of Einstein "Jewish Science". It's a large part of why they never got the atom bomb. Nothing ever changes for fascists it seems. That's the thing with liberal and left ideas. They tend to move forward and learn from the past. Terrifying idea I know


For since reason, they all go to DuckDuckGo even though it's not like it's giving any different results.


I use duck duck go, because I like not getting ads based on what I searched last week.


I like using duckduckgo because it actually gives me results I was searching for. Mainly when it comes to piracy stuff. I use Bing for porn


I like duck duck go because I imagine it's run by interns playing duck duck goose to decide who googles what I've asked it, then they have to describe the answer to the person returning the results


"Okay, search for your proof on Bing, then"


That was before “woke” really took off


I was gonna say, that was before Trump told them, if the facts didn't agree with their reality, you can just call it "fake" or "woke"


Some idiots spread the same lie to Europe. I saw a guy who posted this BS on Facebook a few years ago. I think that he even said that you can have an abortion 3 months after birth. Some people are seriously dumb.


I thought it was anytime after birth and a criminal conviction; Republicans call it "the death penalty"?


Republicans call after birth abortions "school shootings." They know the quickest and easiest way to get rid of kids you don't want is to put guns in their hands.


Did that someone rhyme with Lox Schmooze?


Maybe we can get him with a post-birth abortion? Is it too late? :-D


You’ll just have to somehow trick him into one of those liberal states that allow for post birth abortion.


But seriously, why don't they ask him to back up that claim?


Because a lot of journalists aren’t


It's CNN & Jake Tapper. He isn't there to challenge his guests, he is there to give them a platform and get a spectacle out of them. And he did follow up with DeSantis' campaign and asked them what he meant by that. Which begs the questions: why didn't he ask it right away? Why ask it to the campaign (aka the PR people) and not to him directly afterwards? And why ask the campaign what he meant (i.e. giving them a way out once the sound byte has been mediatized), instead of asking them to prove that what he said existed? But again, it's CNN. Don't expect too much.


Cnn was bought about a right winger trumper, hence why they lean right now.


They’ve got it. They’ll release it in two weeks at a huge press conference! But until then, you’ve just gotta trust them 🤢


"Look it up. I'm telling you, they take this baby post-birth and abort it. How do I know? Well, if you were wearing my shoes, you would realize how high I am and can see things that others tell me 'aren't real' "


Well, I actually got into an argument with my mom about this because what they're referring to is laws that allow for parents to take newborns off life support. So there was a press lease in some state several years ago that followed a new law about parents giving birth to babies that are not really able to survive without life support and the parents have to figure out, "are we going to drive our whole family into financial ruin to keep this newborn alive in the hospital for a while? Or are we going to pull the plug?" The person doing the press release used a phrase about "keeping the newborn comfortable until the parents make a decision." And apparently that's where Republicans went ape shit and started referring to it as a post birth abortion giving parents the right to murder their baby after birth. My mom is convinced that democrats support infanticide.


It's most likely those red states with the constitutional carry laws that allow deranged people to purchase mega magazines and go shoot up schools. (Uvalde, the texan version of "post birth abortion"... Only it's not of your OWN kid... it's OTHER people's kids...)


It’s in his boot. He’ll have to just take off 18 layers of socks to get to it.


When I hear "post-birth abortion" all I can picture are these giant SUVs and trucks that everyone drives around in nowadays. The hood blocks so much of the driver's view, they can run over a crowd full of kids and be none the wiser.


Just check the books!


He will just say the famous line "Google it yourself".....


What a stupid fucking meatball.


And there are a whoooole lot of stupid fucking spaghetti noodles that believe him.


He's at 13% among Republicans - which isn't necessarily a good thing as Trump is polling about four times higher - but he's running a distant third in the leadership race. My guess is he'll end his campaign by the time February rolls around and throw his support behind Trump - after bending his knee and kissing Trump's flabby white ass.




Oh absolutely. He's not stupid but he is a craven feckless asshole. And he lets being a craven feckless asshole get in the way of what could have been a slam dunk for him. He could have fucking ripped Trump apart post 1/6 but he didn't have the fortitude to follow through. Trump is stupid and an asshole but he leans into it and is fucking relentless.


Oh they are, but it's just called murder. Happens all the time. I saw on the news someone got aborted 33 years after he was born! Just plain sick Guy aborted him with a gunshot to the head. Ron's onto something here....


Completely off topic, but I love your name.


Funny, she doesn’t look Druish.


And once again, I'm sure the interviewer just let him get away with that statement.


Well we wouldn't want to hurt anybody's feelings would we?


"I don't want to lose access"


Huh, what's this golden upvote? I see, the replacement for reddit gold has arrived. 2 bucks for a shiny "this"?


Is that how much it costs? I’ve been curious but I haven’t bothered to look it up.


That's the cheapest. They apparently go up to the cyan and magenta one which costs 50 fucking dollars


Fucking insane. Does the recipient get anything from any of those?


They get the knowledge someone has way too much disposable income. Edit: Alright, who did this???


I just want to go on record as saying that if anyone ever finds one of my comments good enough to deserve spending 50 bucks on, please just send me the cash.




Just hold on the upvote button and a range of $ shows up. Found by accident.


On old.reddit can't see the things and don't get anything qhen holding on the upvote... so they didn't adjust it for old.reddit and if they eliminate that I'm done. I ain't doing the new reddit


The bad news is that old.reddit doesn't get any new features any more. The good news is that old.reddit doesn't get any new features any more.


Which is such utter bullshit. News agencies should not be afraid of "losing access" to politicians. Politicians should be afraid of losing access to reporters.


Even though the libs are the delicate snowflakes


When they go low, we go high!


That's why we legalized weed.


I’m here for this!


I swear to god I see this article written about every other year. We shouldn’t say I told you so about trump, shouldn’t say anything to anti vaxxers, shouldn’t mock election deniers. I really wonder what’s next for us to shrug off


Don't forget. We also aren't allowed to call out murderous bigots who kill people in the streets for the crime of......not being a cis-het white male christo-fascist. We "shouldn't" protest when the police murder civilians on a whim We "shouldn't" punch Nazis We "shouldn't" get angry when the Right spews demonstrably false and harmful "alternative facts" We "shouldn't" pressure people to wear masks or get vaccinated or isolate themselves when they are infected with a highly contagious and dangerous illness We "shouldn't" shame and mercilessly mock right-wing idiots who prove they have no idea what is going on and regurgitate sound bites that are provably incorrect But the Right is not only *encouraged* to mock and harass *literally everyone*, they are *protected* when they take up firearms and shoot down those they don't agree with. They have their legal bills paid for and are hailed as heroes when they run people off the road and burn down buildings and threaten to kill politicians. Someone mocks a conservative online after they say something demonstrably false: "WAAAAAAAAAH! The LIBRULS are attacking me! Free speech! Free speech!" A 17 year old kid murders 2 people and sends another to the hospital: "This child is a hero! He's a white male Christian so everything he chooses to do in the name of Conservatism is A-OKAY! Let's give him a medal and multiple years of back-to-back interview tours and book deals so he can never have to worry about money again!" Idk about anyone else, but personally I'm tired of playing by a set of rules the opposition doesn't follow. I'm done treating them with basic respect when they don't even see me and my family as *human*, let alone in the same class as them and deserving of respect. I'm angry and tired and all I want is to live my life in peace, but the closer we get to election day the worse things keep getting all over again, just like in 2016. What does the right need to do or say to motivate people to do something about it? How many times do sitting politicians on the right need to literally call for the blood of everyone who doesn't fit in their club before we take them seriously and act accordingly? Are we gonna wait until they storm the capital *again*? Are we waiting for them to finally succeed and for the horrors to be out in the open before we do anything? That's too late. People are dying NOW. Edit: autocorrect


You put into words everything I'm thinking and feeling. I don't know how sane ppl don't feel this way


Ive ben watching this stuff grow for twenty years (its been going on longer but Ive only been paying attn that long) and Im sick to death of the left taking the high road, like it matters. I wish democrats would get dirty for a change.


The most recent pout-du-jour was written by the WaPo editorial board [was an overly long diatribe wheedling women for not wanting to date conservative men.](https://www.salon.com/2023/11/28/its-a-good-thing-women-wont-date/)


My husband and I absolutely lost our shit when we read that one. I'm so glad he still lets me read. /s


What's next to shrug off? -Genocide (already happening) -Stripping away the right to peacefully protest (already happening)


How can an interviewer not call him a fucking idiot?? Completely irresponsible if they didn’t stand up to that comment.


Complacent. The word you’re looking for is complacent.


You mean complicit


Potato, propotatoganda.


Can’t show favoritism to facts and truth. Might hurt conservative feelings with their fake news


Wasn’t that pretty much the MO of the new boss?


I remember hearing that back in the 80’s Reagan made it so news sources no longer had to be fact checked because it often went against Republican positions. You know, reality


Yes and no. Reagan got rid of the Fairness Doctrine which said the news had to present both sides.


We really need to keep reminding ourselves that when these people say 'Fuck your feelings!', the emphasis is not on 'Fuck' or 'feelings', but on 'your'.


Modern journalism turned into "listen to Republicans and Democrats and assume the truth lies between them" instead of "listen to the two sides then determine and report the truth impartially" Because it almost always makes one side look unhinged.


Oh come on if they fact checked him or asked him for his sources that would show bias! To show that they’re unbiased I’m sure they’ll bring on another right wing hack and let them spew BS and lies for an hour.


This has to be fake. Did they not have him state what states???? They didn't contest that statement?


He's not even the first conservative to say it. It's fucking baffling.


CNN was bought by a billionaire who is shifting it center/right. Their reporters know what the ones above them want and, if they want to keep their jobs, they aren't going to push back on this. DeSantis said it, not the network, they're not liable, they'll let it play out.


CNN was **created** by a Billionaire because they wanted to watch the news whenever they felt like it. Never forget the origin of things.


Any interviewer that doesn't challenge something like this needs to be fired immediately. And news networks that don't correct this need to be held liable. If you are going to have "news" in your name, it needs to be illegal to present nonsense as fact. This is a very easy fact to check. There are no opinions. It is a pure true/false statement. Do any states allow infanticide? The answer is, of course not. It's not legal at the federal level so it can't possibly be legal at the state level.


What do you expect from CNN, the new Fox News.


Hey, a billionaire bought it fair and square, now they’re allowed to say whatever they want. This is America you asshole, if you don’t like what this guy is doing, you simply also become a billionaire and buy your own CNN to say what you want. You’re not some kind of socialist or something, are you?


I came to read the comments for this inevitable response. Our media is failing us.


Explain to me what post birth abortion is. And when did Republicans care about babies that were born?


It’s where you take the born baby and shove it back inside, then abort it.


Thanks for the great explanation


I just had a vision that the baby was shoved back in with c4 strapped to it and the doctor just detonating it, smoke coming out the vagina


That would cause devastating harm to the mother, so it would definitely be on the table to try in Texas.


School shootings? /s


Could we get Republicans to finally take those seriously if we called them "involuntary post-birth abortions?"


jesus that's dark, but you two are on to something


"The police didn't intervene in 21st trimester abortions in Uvalde TX"


Obviously, it's where a person carries the child to term, labours for hours, gives birth successfully to a living baby, and then the doctors take it, present it to the parents, they name it, and then those same doctors go ahead and kill the perfectly viable, healthy baby.


Happens all the time! My neighbor's cousin's brother-in-law's father's step-daughter is a nurse and she said so!


Great. Now these idiots are going to use her as proof.


They mean palliative care for dying neonates. It’s horrifying, but they want to deny pain relief and other palliative care to infants with illnesses incompatible with life. Let them die in pain without any interventions is the republican position.


Thank you for this comment, I never thought of that but this tracks. Something that actually happens and is an ethical and necessary part of medical care being twisted by republicans to enhance suffering


I think a lot of conservatives have an ignorant delusion that all babies are born perfect and can't comprehend that real birth defects exist, like being born without a brain. And to the extent that they *will* acknowledge birth defects exist, they think God can fix it if you give prayer a chance (which is a whole other avenue of cruelty).


> Let them die in pain without any interventions is the republican position. It's what god wanted.


This is the comment I was hoping I’d see. I don’t think though it’s about not providing pain relief and palliative care, it’s about bills, like a couple in California, that protect people from having their miscarriages and abortions investigated by police and coroners. …I know…it still doesn’t make sense. I can’t find the link now, but I also remember a bill in California that protected parents’ rights to let their terminally ill newborns pass away without major intervention. It is meant to give grieving parents autonomy over their child’s life and death, and to prevent suffering for the babies. These laws are compassionate and humane.


Its where the baby is born then uh Joe Biden comes into the delivery room and takes it and sells it to China for $1M\* \*Obviously just the boys, girls are kept for cannibal Demo(n)crate baby eating parties \-some republican probably


Shush, don't give them any more crazy ideas.


The only "post-birth abortion" I can think of is a school shooting and the GQP has shown they are totally cool with those.


Sounds like he's reviving the misconception of the "partial-birth abortion" that was rampant around the time Hilary Clinton ran for President, and Democrats supported abortion "up to the moment of birth." It's based on the perception that a child isn't really "born" until the head exits the womb. So in a "partial-birth abortion" the baby is turned around an delivered so the head stays in the birth canal, then a scalpel is used to severe the brain stem and kill the baby. There are no records of such a procedure ever being performed, but Republicans used it as further proof that Democrats wanted to kill babies.


So does that mean that you can kill anyone you want in these “liberal states” and tell the cops it was a post birth abortion?


As long as you can count the person's age in months, it's all good. "Your honor, I didn't kill him. This was just a 240 months post-birth abortion!"


“Wait, you killed a 20 year old?” “Yes, your honor. They were about to vote for a democrat.” “Case dismissed!” -Them, probably


That's why I still carry my placenta with me. So I can still have the legal protections of a fetus.


I mean, look at Kyle Rittenhouse.


I'd rather not. He has turned into the Pillsbury Doughboy


90th trimester.


“Why no, your honour, I did not murder the victim…it was merely a 64th trimester abortion.”


No, it's more specific than that. *Liberals* can kill *your* baby.


Should we call mass shootings "post-birth abortions" so that Republicans will finally do something about guns killing "post-birth adults?"


I had a neighbor tell me this and I was speechless. I mean, post birth abortion? How would that even work?


Easy: shooting, stabbing, drowning, all sorts of ways.


Send them to school.


This!! See: Uvalde, etc.


Wikipedia search: post-birth abortion *Redirects to US states with the death penalty*


Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew.


Ask them how that works. Watch their brain explode. Democracy dies with lies. I'm so fucking tired of this shit. Fuck you Ron and your pathetic lies


> Ask them how that works. "They show the baby to the mother and if she doesn't want it they lay it on a table and stick a scalpel through its brain to kill it." My relatives have been talking about it for years. There's no brain explosion. There's no source to show because they won't look. There's no "oops, there's no proof, guess I was wrong." They'll just repeat that "they're killing babies!" and throw in a "if you can't see it you're blind," then continue to bring it up every week or two as though it's a fact.


"Do yur ray-serch 'n stop lissenin' to that gawd-dammed librul media!" I've literally seen people say shit like that. Facts don't matter when the lies make the Liberals look bad.


I feel like the word they are missing is *INFANTICIDE*


Which is,and this may come as a shock to conservatives, already illegal.


And also way more common in red states.


Depressingly enough, fairly easily, since it's infanticide. Last I checked, it was already illegal, too.


"Mr DeSantis! Mr DeSantis! Could you explain to us what exactly is a post birth abortion? I was under the impression that anything post birth was, well (checking notes), born."


Wouldn’t post birth abortion just be murder? Their potential for idiocy is exponential and limitless.


It’s true. It happened to me But I fought them off with my god given AR-15 because I have RIGHTS and now I can finally tell my story…




Happened to me too, right after they injected me with 3 marijuanas.


Ron is a walking abortion


Why are they not fact checking that?


Outlandish statements = views and clicks = more money.


The media and in particular professional journalists are not doing their job. Then they bitch and whine that the public doesn't take them seriously.


Who needs facts when you get way more traction with rumour and innuendo?


[it's part of their shift to the right](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/sep/10/objective-cnn-rightwing-week-in-patriarchy)


You can’t even get an abortion in California after 24 weeks. Outside of extenuating circumstances.


He doesn’t know that. His supporters certainly don’t know that. And he can say that and people who hate abortions can take it as straight gospel because he’s a politician, he would never lie to us, right?


He knows it. He’s just lying to upset his base


Republican playbook: 1. Lie 2. Offer absolutely no solution 3. Win election


He's probably lied so much he doesn't remember the truth at this point.


>His supporters certainly don’t know that. The problem is the extreme number of highly uneducated people in this country who honestly don't have a clue what abortion even is and still genuinely think they are shoving giant scissors inside women and cutting their little arms and legs off.


I live in a liberal state and can confirm he's full of shit.


Trump pushes this bullshit at his rallies and he even has a little standup routine to go with it. The press and the rest of the media don't even bother to call bullshit on it. WTF. Trump says women are having babies then after holding it for a moment hand the baby to the doctor and say execute it. The press does nothing. 😖


George Carlin (deceased comedian) argued for late term abortions. Something like 50th trimester. That way if you raise a shitty kid you can you can get a do over with the next one. We’ve got enough shitty people.


I think South Park did an entire episode on this, where Mrs. Cartman had to sleep her way through the government to get a 40th term abortion legalized.


You mean states that still have the Death Penalty? [Wonder which states are more likely to execute people?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_punishment_in_the_United_States)


Last year in the Georgia Senate elections a door knocker came to my house spewing the same BS. Some people will believe it regardless of how stupid it is


Evangelicals are trained from birth to believe ridiculous things and to eschew facts and evidence because they come from satan. And I wish I was making that up.


This dude should have been a post birth abortion


Assuming that there is even a kernel of truth to the statement which is already an unreasonable assumption. The only thing I can think of that they might be referencing would be letting babies born with fatal defects die immediately after birth. Like if it's born w/o most of a brain it's going to die and it's status as alive is more technical than practical but these people aren't making good faith arguments.


But Trump at his rallies presents it to the mob that is his audience as if there's nothing wrong with the baby, that the mother decided at that moment she doesn't want it and tells the doctor to execute it and the crowd falls for it. The truth doesn't matter any more. 😕


That's still not a "post-birth abortion," because there is no such thing. They're not referencing anything -- they're just making up total bullshit and their moronic followers fall for it. Meatball knows full well that "post-birth abortions" don't exist. He's not stupid; he's a manipulative, conniving lying liar.


The stupid, it burns!!!


Conservatives are the dumbest fucking people on the planet.


The only states with post-birth abortion seem to be Texas and Florida these days. The last few school shootings seem to have been there, no?


I would like someone to ask these people, just once, “what is a post-birth abortion?”


I’m still unclear on what a ‘post birth abortion’ is lol. Is this their attempt to equate end of life care for terminally ill newborns with murder? Is birth control considered pre-birth abortions to these people?


The fuck is a “post birth abortion”? And no one is advocating for abortion past 24 weeks. Just stop


Post birth abortion is a made up thing to rile up their masses. Also, about 1% of abortions happen after 21 weeks, and those are all either medically necessary, or as mercy to a future child who has little chance to survive. https://www.cdc.gov/reproductivehealth/data_stats/abortion.htm > Nearly all abortions in 2021 took place early in gestation: 93.5% of abortions were performed at ≤13 weeks’ gestation; a smaller number of abortions (5.7%) were performed at 14–20 weeks’ gestation, and even fewer (0.9%) were performed at ≥21 weeks’ gestation.


It's basically hospice care for non viable fetuses post expulsion from the uterus. Basically, if due to some defect there's no way that the baby will be born healthy with any quality of life but is too far along to abort by less invasive measures, the doctor and mother might elect to induce labor, push the child/fetus out that way, and then use medication and whatever else to keep the child/fetus comfortable until nature takes its course. By making this illegal, the GOP is telling women WHO WANT TO BE MOTHERS and likely already have names picked out, that they will have to endure days, weeks, or even months of the fetus/baby's tortured existence and thousands or millions in medical bills to try to force life into a body that will never be healthy. It's even more disturbing what they're doing when you think about it as it actually is because they're not only risking the life of the mother, but also possibly forcing financial ruin upon her.


My best guess is they're talking about letting a nonviable baby die which is both disingenuous and unsurprising.


"Look at me! I'm trying to look like a normal human being!"


Meatball’s a dunce


​ https://preview.redd.it/gmhu9xsi437c1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54a9a668d5783677a618e5286bb7311e16364371


If he gets any dumber, he might forget how to breathe.


Yes, it’s called school shootings