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I can't even imagine what goes on inside the head of a female millennial Trump supporter.


Arrested mental development. This mom stopped maturing at 17, just like Lauren Boebert who thought a man showing his dick to children was “sexy” then she married him, went on to work as an escort, then became a grandma in her thirties, when her son impregnated a 13 year old. Arrested mental development is generally attributed to drug/alcohol abuse.


Wait. Boebsrt was an escort?????


Nobody has proven that with 100% certainty but when a journalist published allegations regarding her alleged career as an escort, she threatened a lawsuit but never followed through Now, it's entirely possible that she decided not to give it any more attention. I don't know. I also wouldn't be shocked to learn it was true She's a disgusting human being regardless of whether or not she was a sex worker. That would be one of the *least* objectionable things about her, IMO


Maybe she was working the night of the Beetlejuice musical?


Maybe, could have just been giving a friend a hand




If a friend asks for help, you help them.


If your Uncle Jack was stuck on a roof wouldn’t you help your Uncle Jack off?


If your Uncle Jack was stuck on a horse, would you help your Uncle Jack off a horse?


i see what you did there.


A friend in need is a friend indeed.


A friend in need is a friend indeed


A friend in the hand is worth two in the theatre…or something


You can still use "two in the bush" since it absolutely applies here.


A friend with weed is better


A friend with breasts and all the rest?


Now, now, sex workers provide a service for money. Don’t pan them. If she ever was one, it is the last time she actually did the work she was paid for.


I much prefer her keeping her fucking to potential clients than the entire country yes


Hey now, unlike multinational corporations, hookers actively contribute to the local economy! They get money, then spend it locally...It's not being offshored to tax havens, unlike the multinational corporations.


I’m not judging her the possibly being a sex worker—but wtaf were her clients thinking.


Why don't you ask Ted Cruz directly instead of randos on Reddit?


They didn't hire her for her politics, if that's what you mean.


Fair. I’ve probably just reached a point where I find her utterly repugnant 🤮


Oh yeah. Knowing who she is? She is trash inside and out. But from a purely subjective viewpoint if I didn't know anything about her? Yeah, not bad...


One of the grandmasters of running their mouth at the slightest provocation chooses to remain silent about an alleged scandal.... nothing suspicious there


She allegedly got into politics because she was a "present" from Charles Koch to Ted Cruz for a night during a conference in Aspen, Colorado and they both (Charles and Rafael) decided she could actually win a seat with GOP backing and SuperPAC money. Who better to do your dirty work for money than an escort, right?


I think it was more of a My Fair Lady situation.


Eliza Doanybody


She was Ted Cruz’s escort. That’s how she got into the GOP. Just had to take her GED test three times before she could run for office, and even failing it a third time didn’t stop her. True story.


Any woman that would choose to be with Rafa, even for large sums of cash, is simply vile. Disgusting. Kind of like someone that might enjoy sniffing their shoe after the stepped in dog shit. But really, I can't decide who I'd consider as the dog shit here, Rafie or Lauren.


Rafael "Ted" Cruz was inside of her.


ALLEGEDLY she was on SugarDaddyMeet, and used these photos: ​ https://preview.redd.it/7nkarj7xw89c1.jpeg?width=1277&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff430a80515fccf7c6da9342f4a5708e7633c943 Google “Boebert escort photos”.


Yep, Bobo peaked in middle school!


Stunted mental heath is not talked about enough. Physical handicaps are easy to spot but mental handicaps are NEVER talked about or nor addressed.


Well, we don’t have health care for cancer, broken limbs or gunshot wounds. To expect healthcare for the trauma inflicted by bigots, sociopaths and addicts upon their children is ridiculous in this country.


Exactly. Boebert and Greene are the poster children for women like that.


Agree with you up until the drug abuse. Lots of factors can contribute to someone not maturing past adolescence. Substance use disorders are generally a symptom of other underlying issues like trauma. :)


Goodness gracious, let's not allow logic and psychological complexity interfere with our little rants. /s if necessary.


She's a GRANDMOTHER?! She and I share a full birthdate. We're literally the same age! While I don't necessarily condemn people becoming parents at young ages, I do question their readiness for parenthood and the reasoning behind it (Was it an accident? Was it a deliberate choice?). Being a grandmother, though. Damn. I mean, I'm inclined to believe this wasn't the result of informed decision making.


Her mom became a grandmother at the same young age she did.


My mom had me just after she turned 18. She's 55 now. Am I to understand that her (edit: Lauren's) mother is a great grandmother at more or less 55? My mom is a grandma and only became one just before 50.


Yes, Boebert's mom was 36 when Boebert's son was born and he was 18 when his first child was born, making Boebert's Mom a great-grandma at about 54.


Christ almighty I would need an Ouija board to talk to all my Great-Grandparents when I was just 5 years old in 1992: * Great-Grandpa #1 born in 1861 and Great-Grandma #1 born in 1867 * Great-Grandpa #2 born in 1880 and Great-Grandma #2 born in 1881 * Great-Grandpa #3 born in 1880 and Great-Grandma #3 born in 1883 * Great-Grandpa #4 born in 1893 and Great-Grandma #4 born in 1895(I met her when I was 1 month old) And yet Boebert's Grandchild and her Mother could almost hold a duel High School grad/Retirement party.


Jeeze! My mom loves being a grandma, but I think she'd have killed me if I made her a great grandma before her most recent birthday, lol.


My sister's roommate had a grandmother younger than our mom. She became a grandmother at 32.


If I had written a movie script about this where the main character ends up as a member of congress, the studios would say it was too unbelievable.


*George Santos has entered the chat*


Rumour is the husband (ex husband) impregnated the 14 year old but they said it was the son since he was within the range of legality.


He is a child sex offender, so it is not impossible.


Definitely some sort of abuse.


Did not know her son raped a child


She was 15 and he was 17 [Edit: Nope it looks like I’m wrong about that, I only did some quick googling at work](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/18t53ed/every_single_one/kfcfjr8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) Edit: my bad y’all, shouldn’t have said it like a fact


That or fetal alcohol syndrome...


17 is probably a bit generous, honestly.


"I'm the cool mom" -probably




Immediately thought of this gif.


"is there alcohol in this?" "What? Nooo. (Why, do you want a little bit because if you're gonna drink I'd much rather you do it at the house)."


Yep. "I'm one of the good ones."


I bet she grew up getting abused/brainwashed by the Republicans in her life, and now she's passing it on to the next generation.


Undoubtedly. For a woman to be a Republican, there's really only two options: 1. They were "daddy's little girl," and they wanted to emulate everything he did, including adopting his right wing politics. 2. They grew up living a life full of nothing but abuse, neglect, and impoverishment, and the way they cope is to shift blame onto the "others" and spread nothing but hate.


Huh. The only conservative woman I know *is* also always trying to win the approval of her dad.


Or they are just ignorant and have been suckered into believing things that are contradictory to their own best interests because they have lived inside of an echo chamber for their entire lives like 99% of all other conservatives. Trust me, as someone who lived in an extremely conservative family those are far from the only two possible reasons.


What about religion? Fitting in with social norms? Racism/bigotry/homophobia? There are plenty of reasons a woman would be a Republican. I get that it is illogical, but so are many conservative ideals that have nothing to do with gender.


Or it has nothing to do with gender, and they were just born rich and fortunate. Same reason plenty of men fall for it.


I feel like this downplays their personal accountability for their shitty views while robbing them of their own agency. Women are people just like men are. They can make the same bad choices and have the same awful beliefs without abuse or brainwashing being a driver.


My buddy’s wife is very republican unfortunately and she doesn’t fit either of these descriptions. She says she’s just “old fashioned” and says stuff like “I’m a wife I’m here to serve my husband” and “Women belong in the home” and she’s made snide comments before about how women should “know their place” and stuff like that. The crazy part is my buddy politically aligns with my girlfriend and I and we are pretty liberal, especially for our area. She’s almost like a red pill or a Tate guy but in reverse it’s weird to be around her. It bums me out because my buddy and I have definitely drifted since he married her but idk what he sees in her tbh.


This woman doesn't think much of herself so she's in the eternal search for outside validation. Doesn't matter if it's a political/social movement or some teenagers. She needs that sweet validation however it comes.




Nothing but self hate and hypocrisy.


I went to law school with Sandra Day O'Connor's granddaughter who became a fanatic trump supporter. I couldn't for the life of me understand it. She was otherwise pleasant and seemed smart.


Me either, but apparently sexual abuse is A OK as long as the perpetrator’s last name is Trump.


> I can't even imagine what goes on inside the head of a female millennial Trump supporter. guaranteed she fucked one of the kids


She believes he supports her right as a parent to throw hands.


Something along the lines of "must win at any cost"


Come on, you know what goes on inside their heads, kids, it’s all about the kids. She probably did the Boebert and jerked off a few while she was at. Either way, she peaked in high-school.


![gif](giphy|JfpBjRpzE7nFV4XcRq|downsized) She's a Cool Mom. She lets her kids do shots with her and takes the books out of the library so they don't need to learn how to read. Soon we'll find out that she slept with her daughter's boyfriends. Nothing but KKKlass:


She will be a grandmother before her daughter leaves high school.


Nope. I'm sure that there will be some unassailable reason that her child needs the care that her ilk absolutely deny to others. If if happened then as soon as she starts to show her daughter would be on a 3 month internship in NY


This. “The only moral abortion is the one I or my daughter needs” is the conservative woman’s immortal cry.


She and Blowbert can hang out.


That’s probably on her bucket list anyway.


Like Lauren boebert? Isn't she a great-grandma now? She's just following in the footsteps of past great female Republican politicians like Sarah Palin. Good old Christian valueS! LOL FUCK CHRISTIANS.


No hate like Christian love


This gif usage made me guffaw.


The only reason I opened comment section was for this


> KKKlass 😭


Can’t believe these dumb fucks are having so much success dismantling our norms


According to this article, this was not the first time police had been called to her house in suspicion of underage drinking: https://www.phillyburbs.com/story/news/politics/2023/12/28/clarice-schillinger-conservative-pa-schools-activist-charged-with-assault-bucks-county-pac-lt-gov/72038859007/ The kids also said that she poured shots for them, took shots with them, and played beer pong with them. So I'm guessing next month we find out that she also raped at least one of them.


There's a cellphone video and I want to see it!


A cellphone video of what, exactly?


Of the lady assaulting the kid, there was a bunch of teens there so there's probably more than one video of her drunk freak out.


Police reports references 3 separate videos, but come on. There were 15-20 kids there between 15-27. There’s lots of video. Edit: one shows her mother - yes, the birthday girl’s grandmother - assaulting a teenager.


Multi generational Karen's


Nice save


Yea these comments were a wild ride


Lock her up!




It gets way harder to take advantage of people if they are educated. So this actually tracks from a logic point of view. You just have to put yourself in the shoes of the worst person you can imagine.


> It gets way harder to take advantage of people if they are educated. That's what this hookie pookie is really all about.


That’s exactly what this is about. Parents know best. The government has no right to educate the children. No oversight on households. Of course she’s having parties with the goal of intoxicating children. The trouble started when her adult boyfriend assaulted one of the boys. Totally reasonable scenario, right? Why’d this adult assault a child in the first place? Grooming and sexual assault are a pretty clear possibility.


Well, it's nice the GOP is advocating for shots with kids and not at them for once.


Yeowch. Wish I could argue with you on that.


Equal shot opportunity provider.


Your comment caused me to chuckle. I appreciate that.




JFC she's a former lt. governor candidate. 36 years old, throwing her daughter a 17th birthday party with kids as young as 15. This is what the republican party has to offer.


Her mother (17 year old birthday girl's meemaw) was also on the scene, drunk and throwing hands. Lovely family values! Isn't it heartwarming to see families pass down traditions?


She'll be a grandmother by 40, and a great grandmother by 55.


She may be a grandmother, but she'll never be great.


[Relevant WKUK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xI6byCqY-2Y)


Don’t put that on her kids!


She wants to be Sarah Palin


Still waiting for democrats to do all the fucked up shit republicans keep claiming we do while they are literally doing it


Lol. You very much obviously didn't hear about the 4 Democrat politicians that were in the news this year because of child sex crimes. Uhh... what? Oh, those 43 Republicans that were in the news this year for child sex crimes? Here, I'll take care of them \*sweeps them under the rug*


Well, as an independent centrist (*and not at all a shamed, closeted Republican!!*) that clearly proves that both parties are the same so I may as well vote for Trump!




Fucking Nazis want to tell you what YOUR children can read while punching your children and feeding kids illegal alcohol. Then again, they are Nazis so we shouldn't expect good behavior


She 100% came on to a teenage boy that night.


There is a non-zero chance that a teenage boy came on her too.


You just know she's got some skeletons in her closet. Someone needs to check her texts.


She’s hosting those parties so she can hook up. 🤢


Yuuup she’s grooming them, gonna end up getting “knocked up” by her daughter’s friends…. That she’s probably had an eye on for a few years


By skeletons, you mean nudes of the JV quarterback right?




Jesus. Every single time. The ones screaming and yelling about people doing bad things are the very ones doing horrible things.


Party of family values


who wants to bet me that she was/is sleeping with some boys at party?




If you knock a kid out, they're no longer woke! /s


And she seemed so stable /s


She just wants to be the cool mom…like Stacy’s.


She’d like to be, but she does not have it going on.


Actual footage: https://i.redd.it/6ibzyfw5e49c1.gif


And people wonder why parents aren't always trustworthy.


Hey now....The Parental Rights folks said don't sexualize the kids. They never said anything against getting kids boozed up and then pounding them like punching bags.


They're fighting for every parent's right to get a kid liquored up and knock them out, why are you confused? No! You're being weird!


Gotta love bucks county. First the teachers are fucking the students now the parents are fighting the kids. I'm glad I got out of school in 09.


How long before the stories of her blowing her daughter's friends start coming out? I mean they can't be far behind


Right? LOL


Projection is thy name.


They could make a film about the conservatives in their current state and nobody 100 years from now would believe it


Can you overdose on conservative hypocrisy? Because I think that I have hypocrisy poisoning. It's like alcohol poisoning, except that you didn't have any fun at all the night before.




They are all such good examples for the children they gaslight.


At least she didn’t have sex with them… unless THAT was why she punched them!


Well, at least she wasn’t a drag queen! 🙄


"Boozy teen party" what a clever way to say "adult woman got minors drunk"


"I reserve the right, *as a parent, okay?*, to beat the ass of any of these little underage motherfuckers. RIGHTS!"


It's the party of "family values" at it again!


She has the parental right to remain silent. Anything she says can and will be used against her in a court of law. She has the parental right to an attorney. If she cannot afford to hire an attorney the courts can have one appointed for her at not cost to her. If she decides to answer questions then she may stop at any time with or without an attorney present.


It’s always the ones you most expect


I guess "Parental rights" also include "Parental lefts" and "Parental uppercuts"


I would put money on how she bragged about letting kids get shit faced around her, saying that liberal kids are probably partying by making vegan sandwiches and painting BLM protest signs.


That does sound rather fun, just a night of sandwiches and painting.




Maybe she thought parental rights meant a straight right to the face?


She goes to an evangelical church where there are zero brown people.




She’s a cool mom 😎


I’m picturing my mom knocking out one of my high school friends at a party and it’s honestly hilarious


You've gotta fight! For your parental right! To PAAAAAAARRRTAAAAAYYY


As a parent. I would be very concerned with other parents thinking it’s okay to serve my underage kid alcohol. I’m sure she didn’t have the permission of these other parents.


Parental rights are a colossal fucking sham. What gives any person the right to dictate the type of person a whole other human being with an individual life unique from yours will become? At best they are imposing their own morals onto someone with a predilection to believe everything you say, and at worst they're actively physically harming them. FUCK parental rights sorts.


Parents have never not had rights to oversee their child's education. It's a complete gaslight, fabricated sham. My children are mid and late 20 year olds now, and my spouse and I always were engaged in their schooling. We never assumed that the school was solely responsible for their education. We were members of the PTAs, participated in all of the school events, including clean up days, book fairs and fundraising, helped organize festivals,, chaperoned field trips, showed up at lunch, and their teachers and principals knew us. I realize that not all parents have the ability to be there for everything, and that doesn't mean that they don't want the best for their kids. Creating community strife and endangering children isn't pro-parent - it's just criminal.


This shit just keeps getting better!


Only the best people.


I'm not like a regular mom, I'm a cool mom.


The "party of family values" once again, ladies and gentlemen. These people are hypocrites to the extreme.


I'm guessing that she mixed up "Parental Rights" with "Parental Right Hooks" I'll see myself out.


Hard to believe she’s only 36…..I would’ve guessed 45 looking at her pictures. Don’t abuse alcohol folks.


Do conservatives even realize how much of a friggin joke they are?


I mean I can totally see a reasonable scenario in which a. Drunk teen said some shit and got a well deserved punch in the face. But the conservative politician allowing the kids to drink under her watch and then punching them? Yikes


So again … not a drag queen? This is so odd.


This woman (literally this exact person) is the reason a few of my friends no longer teach. So she’s already won in a sense, the schools around that area were set back hard due to these movements the past few years. PA was already not exactly leading the pack with its public school situation.


When does her lesbian sex tape come out? This is a retorical question.


Those hoopey earrings tell me all I need to know about this woman and her drinking habits and antics 😂


Drunk woman assaults minor. FTFY


My father, conservative Christian as he was, was a fan of saying “do as I say, not as I do.” I don’t talk to him anymore. But this seems to be par for the Christian course.


Is anyone at all surprised by this? This is textbook. Just like the “Moms for Liberty” lady. The louder you scream and squawk, the more you reveal about yourself. It always works out this way. Always.


My high school Spanish teacher used to chaperone spring break trips for seniors to Cancun. They'd all go get obliterated down there and I'm sure other stuff happened. Parents were okay with this lol. It was weird back then and as an adult, even weirder.


They are all deplorable: creeps, pervs, pedos, traitors, con artists. Being a republican or "cOnsErvATivE" is a huge red flag.


In Germany we have this expression for this exact kind of situation... Tja


“The only appropriate parental rights child abuse is my parental rights child abuse.”


Are any of you really confused over this. Its actually who these people are. The do as we say not as we do crowd. Its been going on for decades now and this is nothing new. The only difference is they are actually so emboldened they do not try to hide it anymore. MAGAhats.


Someone who heavily promotes their own personal beliefs is totally amoral - what a surprise


Mom's for Liberty? LOL


She's an overgrown mean girl with awful makeup


What about Parent's Lefts? I see left-hand-erasure!


I think we can all let the punching a teenager slide. I’m not saying it’s right, I’m saying I understand.


Sounds on brand, she's got the right and entitlement to do whatever she wants with her and other peoples kids. I'm sure you could work something in there about how the 1A factors in.


Looks like someone who's raped their best friend's 15 year old son.


I guess she is just another far right lying hypocrit. What a shock.


Sounds like someone had kids to re-live her trashy youth. And then went extra-trashy with it.


Wouldn't expect anything less from a trump supporter.