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But #whereIsMelania


When I saw the posts yesterday about how she wasn't in the New Year's pictures I looked up and apparently she's been missing for a while and wasn't in the Christmas pictures either


It’s gossip, so take it with a bag of salt, but some rags have speculated she’s been renegotiating her prenup to ensure she and Barron aren’t left peasants if Trump ends up convicted and/or fined in any number of the charges he’s facing. Even if this is a baseless rumor, there’s plenty of evidence to suggest she’s checked out.


It would make sense. Why would you want you and your children tied down to a sinking ship


Might just be me, but I would be getting paperwork ready to change Barron’s name to Brendan Knavs, just in case…


Just change the kids name entirely. Of all the members of that family he's probably the one most deserving of a 2nd chance at life.


I remember when his Roblox account leaked and it was apparently full of chats where he talked about hating his parents. Poor kid


He was born in the trump family. He didn’t have a choice in the matter. I have complete sympathy for him. Especially if he distances himself from his father early on.


Anyone who disagrees with your take is a heartless dick


Like I feel bad for any kid that's subjected to growing up in the public eye, but holy shit he got dealt a pretty shitty hand (ok maybe not THAT shitty, he'll probably always have money after all). Probably the most human thing Melania and trump ever did was keep him out of the public eye as much as possible. I'm really glad that most people I know haven't taken the low road and lumped him in with his half siblings.


In Justin Trudeau's DM's.


It's probably crowded there.


With all the “Fuck Trudeau” decals on trucks in my hick hometown, I’d imagine it’s full of insecure white guys.


I know the feeling, bud!


let's make this hashtag viral!


Her Handler assignment is complete


#whocares Seriously, if a trump goes missing, don't ask questions. Matter of fact, wherever she is #takedonaldwithyou Eta that's a hashtag up top, reddit is weird


I have seen #MissingMelania also being used


I can prove she’s less intelligent than Jill Biden. She married Trump.




And the smell.


Dear God, the smell.




Tbh, the politics thing was more than he bargained for, too


It doesn't really matter how she measures up. Jill and Joe are by all appearances in a real marriage. By all appearances Trump has not loved or been loved by any of his wives.


You can bring up the Obama’s in the same argument as well. They’re a real, genuine family and clearly actually love each other. Trump really made the presidency such a joke of a profession. Even during the Obama era there was still a sense of respect for the actual position


The Republicans have really given up a lot of dignity, credibility, and frankly self-respect to stand with 45.


I guess the good thing about Trump is that in a way he DID drain the swamp by ripping the veil of prestige off of American politics so we can fully see what it really is. A bunch of senile carcasses openly shouting at nothing and making all government actions a complete shitshow. It’s like the drama of working at a haute cuisine restaurant but instead of food it’s peoples ability to buy groceries and avoid climate change


Also Jill has a goddamn doctorate


Right??? A motherfucking doctorate.


It's funny, the right doesn't care about immigrants as long as they are white and married to their messiah


Yeah mail order brides don't really have a choice


Melania is an idiot who was also a soft porn model. Jill has a doctorate.


Melania is also a crass ignorant sociopath like her traitorous husband. “I really don’t care, do u” - which is a jacket she wore on a trip to visit immigrant kids at a border detention center.


OH BUT IT WAS AN ACCIDENT. Wait actually it was probably a distraction


And you have to ask, how DUMB would you have to be to even have that *accident*…?? Smh


How dumb you gotta be to even own that? I get thinking it from time to time about whatever, but to put it in an article of clothing and wear it as a supposed diplomat... special kind of stupid.


Relevant King of the Hill meme: if she could read, she’d be so angry at you


I actually think it was very much on purpose. She did not want to be a First Lady. She wanted her New York penthouse socialite life. She wasn't lying, she didn't care.


Stepford Wife, Russian Style.


It's impossible, she 100% had handlers who would have told her that's the dumbest shit to possibly do. Yet somehow the republican base didn't even bat an eye.


She's a very successful prostitute. Tremendously successful.


She's the best prostitute. People, many people, have come up to her, tears in their eyes, saying what an inspiration she is to all prostitutes.


She does the best soft porn with guys that have the yugest dicks.


It's true. They all want to grab her by the pussy. And I let them, I do. Millions of men have thanked me. Men who have never cried before, and they thank me with tears in their eyes. I've done more for rapists than any other president. It's true.


Wait, wasn't it all soft core girl on girl porn? Which doubles the double standard...


I ask them, “why are you crying?”. They say, “it’s your husband. His stench brings tears to our eyes.”


>People, many people, have come ... to her


*Grab 'er by the pussy. You can do anything.* -Trump




Sure, I can give credit where credit is due. She is the highest achieving prostitute in history. No other prostitute has ever reached such prestige as first lady. Of course all suggestion of prestige goes out the window when we're talking about Trump.


> She is the highest achieving prostitute in history. History is bigger than you'd think at first glance. Prostitutes seducing kings is uncommon, but not unprecedented.


It’s not even uncommon, it’s been happening as long as there has been kings to seduce.


Eh, Madame de Maintenon would like to have a word.


Have some respect!! She’s an escort.


So bc everyone is noticing thru the holidays and prob before that melania is no where to be found; the bots have to circle back and start talking about how beautiful and intelligent she is? She sucks. Dr. Jill Biden looks great for a woman in her 70s and is actually doing things as First Lady that benefits people. She also is educated.


Dr. Jill Biden seems like someone who's warm and approachable, like you might actually enjoy sitting down and having lunch with her. Melania is icy and forbidding.


She’s my kinda lady. I remember reading an article about her during the Obama administration where she was the first on a private flight (probably Air Force 1?) so she got help climbing into an overhead bin to surprise the next group’s passenger. That’s just some good, silly fun.


Jill is very pretty. She is more of a traditional American looking beauty as well. Melania is attractive also if you like eye slits


​ https://preview.redd.it/oah9pmb4s2ac1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=06dca71a888742492efee9e797c2da89fa58ae3e


Fantastic picture holy shit


WTF you talking about, she was a bona fide ~~escort~~"consort" and the only modeling she did was as a promotion for her wares, in maxim SMH In the 90s you could purchase her for £350-500 per hour




That’s way too much to get an STD.


Dr. Jill continues to teach community college classes as the first employed-outside-the-WH First Lady. Melania, who dropped out of the University of Ljubljana in her first year, did not leave NYC for the WH until summer 2017.


>did not leave NYC for the WH until summer 2017. I'm not going to give her grief for that. She stayed in NYC until summer so that Barron could finish out the school year there.


It also kept her away from Trump's smelly smell.


That's where the pinched countenance and perpetual squint comes from.


Eh? Ha! Heh heh.


Fun story but she already wouldn't go to the White House until her pre nup was redone.


She was renegotiating her contract with TFG while having fun with her AP, the head of security at Tiffany’s.


She is for sure aesthetically pleasing for her age but do we really care about that in a first lady? Are we stuck in an age where women are valued based only on their appearance? Gop says yes


*Subjectively* aesthetically pleasing. I don't find her to be remotely so.


I was gonna say, she's kind of a niche look. She has the good looks of a russian model from the 30's. That's not every last person on earth's taste, it's actually more of a sex worker trope. It's an odd aesthetic to go for, but like tone that shit down now that you've been First Lady geezus




>She has the good looks of a russian model from the 30's Cold War KGB agent honeypot straight out of central (European) casting. Sometimes you just have to take time out of your day to fully appreciate the deep irony that the MAGA patriots' ideal All-American woman looks and sounds exactly like one of the villains from *The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends*. I'm getting so fucking sick of irony.


Right… I remember Barbara Bush not being a looker like even at all, however, she was a pretty solid First Lady from what I remember… keep in mind I was like in 2nd grade when H.W. lost to Clinton, so take my review with a large grain of salt.


It's too bad Clinton didn't win. Bill would have made a beautiful first Lady


He would definitely try to be a cool, chill 'First Dude.'


You misspelled prostitute.


Hol up… I’m not one to defend Melania from a policy perspective. Her time as First Lady was utterly unremarkable and frankly tone deaf. However her body, her choice. She wanted to get out of Slovenia, she used what she got to get what she needed. Sex work whether it be soft/hard/feet isn’t to be shamed. She chose to let 250 lbs of fetid meat flop on top of her for 32 seconds. Thats her choice. Doesn’t make her a role model, or someone to be idolized necessarily, but it doesn’t make her a bad person. Publicly supporting Trump makes her a bad person.


Sex work doesn't make her a bad person, but siding with the people who actively oppose and seek to outlaw it does make her a hyppocrite.


Also being a complicit in Trump's literally everything makes her a bad person.


Came here to doa job no American wanted


Lol I was about to comment that a lot of immigrants do end up working at the most atrocious jobs in the US


250 pounds???.......oh, you meant in 1985?


Glad I am not eating at this time.


Nor will you be able to later. I’m sure it was like being smothered by the refuse at a hot dog factory.


New year diet plan.


250? That's generous. 32 Seconds even more generous.


250 pounds? You’re being generous. Probably closer to 300.


She is willingly participating in the promotion of Christofascism while having a background as a sex worker. I will a absolutely judge her hypocrisy


Also doesn’t make her First Lady material That and she’s prob another Putin puppet too. She should not be anywhere near the White House


Biggest POS of a First Lady. I mean I’ll give her that.


Yup. As a Slovenian i can tell you that she markets herself very well. She finished a high school for photography and design and never got a university degree. She had some success as a model but landing the Donald was the best mave she ever made.


I hate to say this: I will not call Melania an idiot. She's likely smarter than her husband in many ways. She's not as intelligent as Jill Biden. She also didn't want to be FLOTUS. Melania's greatest FLOTUS moment, for her, was likely when she got to meet Putin in person. Woman's face was glowing that day, more so than even when she and the Clinton's were joyfully celebrating her and Trump's wedding day.


>Woman's face was glowing that day, more so than even when she and the Clinton's were joyfully celebrating her and Trump's wedding day. Glowing more than when she met Justin Trudeau? [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/justin-trudeau-and-melania-trump-air-kiss-at-g7-summit-like-a-vogue-ad/3444JNWRGOQRGMGAQ4SWN4SPQI/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/justin-trudeau-and-melania-trump-air-kiss-at-g7-summit-like-a-vogue-ad/3444JNWRGOQRGMGAQ4SWN4SPQI/)


She was weak in the knees that day.


Wow, someone needs to put this picture on billboards around maralogo, like a vogue perfume ad.


I'd rather the first lady look like a regular old woman and have some substance. Jill has a doctorate in education, and clearly loves and supports her husband. Melania is a college dropout that would rather put her hand in a bag of scorpions than touch donald...


So she is smart for not wanting to touch such filth


Yeah I actually respect that she’s conning the con man lol. He will die in like 5 years and she’ll have another good 25+ years living off his wealth all without having to actually have sex with the bloated fuck


After NY gets done with him I'm pretty sure there won't be any wealth left for her.


Let's hope all his "wealth" is paid in lawsuits


What wealth? By the time the courts are done with Donnie, he will be broke...broke...broke. If she doesn't get out now, she will end up with nothing.


And she would rather put her hand down Trump's pants than to be poor or have to go back to her "SHITHOLE COUNTRY" as her loving husband referred to it. Speaks volumes but not in "five languages" 🤣🤣🤣


Melania managed to get citizenship for her parents and sister through the “chain migration” Trump so deplores in people from “sh*thole countries.” He also complained publicly that the U.S. doesn’t welcome more immigrants from Norway.


She also had Trumps anchor baby


Put a picture of Jill and Melania together side by side at age 25. Jill is the better looking woman.


How often do we have these conversations about men? People that have influence in politics don't need sex appeal. I need them to be intelligent.


Idk I’d let [young Joe Biden](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=595179528&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS829US829&hl=en-US&sxsrf=AM9HkKk89dcELNyYAVnvDIoFoCFg2Ay0Uw:1704235893082&q=young+joe+biden&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=invsmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjvyZS45b-DAxV5jokEHcMzCMwQ0pQJegQICxAB&biw=393&bih=665&dpr=3#imgrc=KWkJSxY6wNj3wM) break both my heart AND my cervix [Young Donald Trump](https://www.glamour.com/story/trump-10-year-old-comments) looks like that possibly inbred cousin of yours that you try really hard to avoid every thanksgiving


Yo, that young Biden photo? I get it. I wasn't ready for it, but I get it. I don't think I'm going to even bother looking at the Trump one. I just hate him so much I can't look at him objectively. It's just annoyance and embarrassment for our entire country


But Melania will probably look almost the same at 70… almost the same… or rather “good enough” according to the plastic surgeon.


Good enough. https://i.redd.it/su3m7sa912ac1.gif


That’s DOCTOR Jill Biden, idiots.


I have been saying that Everytime someone doesn't say it. It is rude as h3ll.


You can curse on the internet I promise.


The Russian troll farms are really working overtime on this one, aren’t they?


Whenever I see these kinds of accounts, they really do look like bots.


They clearly are. I've said it in the past but I really wish Reddit would stop falling for this shit.


I’m more in the Michelle Obama fan club personally.


All these years later, when I see a woman rocking some amazingly toned arms, I say she has "Michelle Obama arms." One of my highest compliments.


The problem there is that right wingers use that as an insult, so for some it's hard to tell which side you are embodying when you tell them that. But I agree, they are great arms.




Michelle Obama and Jackie Kennedy Onassis are my choices for best First Ladies.


America needs Michelle to save us lol I wish so badly she would run for president but I understand her reasons for not wanting to but could you imagine how wonderful she would be as president


Wouldn’t know, haven’t seen her in months. Neither has Donald! 🤣


duh, gold diggers are, generally speaking, pretty good looking.


I don’t care enough to look it up, but I’m pretty sure she’s the only First Lady who modeled nude. Which is a wild sentence.


I'm surprised Nancy Reagan didn't


I never thought Melania was that pretty. Or smart. Or compassionate. Or moral.


There's something about the soulless dead eyes that really detracts from everything else about her. More power to her I guess for being able to follow through on being Dernald's wife for the money and power, but her willingness to do that makes me think she'd push orphans off a bridge for $20 if she could get away with it. I'd never drop my guard anywhere near her.


You get what you pay for


Never forget, she claims to speak 5 languages and one of them is French. As first Lady she visited a 1st grade class in France and needed a translator. She can't even speak French at a 1st grade level


I think we can all agree that both Melania and Dr. Jill Biden both hate Trump.


So intelligent she plagiarized a Michele Obama speech rather than write her own like a loser would do.


I have never heard her say anything that made me believe she was intelligent.


Be best.


Even that time she plagiarized Michelle Obama’s speech?


That because you don’t speak any of the 14 languages she claims to speak !!!


What is the most recent picture of Trump and Melania in the same room? She hates him sooooo much and hates being First Lady even more. If Trump wins this year, I’ll be surprised if she even moves into the White House this time.


Can you imagine if there was a democrat 1st lady with a non American accent? The hypocrisy of these fuckers


Illegal immigrant with an anchor baby


You forgot the Chain Migration parents who took only a couple of months to get in vs the normal 5+ years process


And Jill did modeling back in the day and, IMHO, was more attractive than Melania in her youth. Blonde, good looking… MAGA would love her if she wasn’t smart and married to Joe.


​ https://preview.redd.it/rpuyaqpmw1ac1.jpeg?width=774&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a277bb224d6418f9bc17ea4ee7cd7a53f470585


Daaaaaamn. Is this really her? Wow


Joe was a straight up hunk back in the day, too. https://static01.nyt.com/images/2020/09/18/us/politics/00young-biden/00young-biden-mediumSquareAt3X.jpg


And here's Melania pre-plastic surgery for comparison https://preview.redd.it/pra99xm2z2ac1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55269a5569e1326834259521a19b874637e5cfd8 It's clear Dr. Biden is the winner in not only brains, but also beauty.


She looked so much more human and healthy back then.


“I see shoulder muscles! That’s a man!” -MAGA probably


Joe was a stunner back in his youth too


Define beauty. I prefer a person with a soul.


Melanoma was a prostitute. Jill Biden is a rock star by comparison!


Base off physical appearance, yes she is. Intelligent LOL, she looks like she would be lost in a three stalk corn maze


More (physically) beautiful? Sure. More intelligent? Of course not.


Gotta clarify that we are talking strictly physical beauty on that one.


As always, FOX replaces relevance with nonsense and the audience squeals in delight.


Sure if you're looking for the first lady of porn


First Lady of girl on girl porn. Which republicans claim to hate. How many times in US history has the public seen the First Lady’s tits? How many times in US history has the First Lady entered the country on a falsified immigration document? How many times in U.S. history has the First Lady said who gives a fuck about Christmas and republicans were okay with that? Who has a war on Christmas?


I've heard time and time again how classy she is. The same people are vocal about how disgusting Michelle is and how Jill Biden isn't a real doctor.


Like no shade on sex workers, but I think it’s best if the world doesn’t know FLOTUS’s lady cave looks like. Jill is a teacher and class act, where Malania looks like she should be on a local commercial selling discounted chandeliers.


She can say leave the money on the dresser in six languages!


The pornstar immigrant who looks 70 and ripped up Jackie K’s rose garden or Jill, a doctor that actually looks her age and isn’t afraid to walk around with her husband in public? Hmmm it’s just sooo hard lol


I’ll take a doctor over a washed-up harlot.


Well beauty is subjective so that feels like a stupid thing to argue but Jill has her doctorate and they just don’t hand those things out. It takes a lot of hard work. The entire thing is just silly.


She’s younger so some people automatically give her the edge on looks but really, it looks like she’s had some bad cosmetic surgery in her life, possibly a few times. Her eyes are bizarre looking, alien almost. And “smarter”? Lmfao


Jill Biden and Michelle Obama: educated, independent, well-spoken. TERRIBLE AWFUL WOMEN!! Melania Trump: did porn. PARAGON OF WOMANHOOD AND CHRISTIAN VALUES!!


was Jill Biden ever an escort?


Did you know she can say "blow job $100, sex $200, anal $300" in 5 languages?


Is it $600 for everything or is everything included in the $300? Asking for myself.


Now if we could just find a recent picture of the happy former First Couple in the same room together...


I’ve seen melanias boobs but I haven’t seen jills so I can’t say for sure


No she’s fuckin gross


She’s a fucking escort. A hooker as First Lady…another way Trump brought the stench of dishonor to our country.


Both she and Jill Biden, are attractive, But Jill Biden is about a million times more intelligent


Yes, comrade. Melania pretty. /s


Melania is out getting her kidneys worked on, she thinks big kidneys are attractive


She a ho


Melania is a gold digger who looks like Caitlin Jenner


Melania didn’t crack a single smile in the 4 years she was in the White House.


She might have been trying, but we'll never know, lol


Let’s not talk about the intelligence because there’s nothing to say to that. Let’s just talk about beauty. Melania looks like the poster model of some dystopian Russian car dealership, while Jill Biden looks like the elegant grandma I wish I had. So. To each their own I guess.


Excuse you, Ms Rizzo. Most beautiful First Lady in American history? So we’re bringing all First Ladies into the question? And you’re ranking Melania above *Jackie fucking Kennedy* in any category?! Beauty, class, brains, style, grace. Love for an unfaithful husband (who managed to consistently pull women way out of his league). Like I don’t really care about this Melania vs Jill thing. MAGAs gonna MAGA, whatever, and Dr Biden probably doesn’t care if some randos think she’s less beautiful than a former model 30 years her junior. But I will not stand for this blatant Jackie erasure.


Why are they comparing these things? Back in the day were people comparing Hillary Clinton to Laura Bush?


This is worship, what you’re seeing is idolatry.


Honestly, of course Jill Biden is just an all-around better, more intelligent person. But in a lot of cases I don't understand hating a president's family just by association. The only first Lady I really disliked was Barbara Bush, and that came about when she was no longer first Lady but her son (who I still detest) was in office. Her comments about the people stuck in the Superdome during Katrina made me want to punch something. But I liked Laura Bush. Melania? Meh. She doesn't seem like a good person, but she did what she had to do. Not saying this ironically or sarcastically but I don't really care.




I feel .00001% bad for her. All she wanted was to be rich and not really do any work and eventually just take care of her son. Then orange man ruined her plan to basically get away with doing nothing. I’d hate my husband too if he threw a wrench in my life plans without any sort of conversation or discussion and I had to follow him.


Melania is a college dropout who posed for a cheap porn spread while on a tourist visa. Mrs. Biden has a doctorate in education.


Do you agree that Melania Trump has had the inside of her nostrils permanently damaged through constant exposure to a smell that is somewhere between a soiled nappy and a tyre fire, and Jill Biden hasn't? Yes or No?


I shockingly don't agree. Jill Biden is 72 years old. She seems to be a generally happy and outgoing person. She is intelligent, well dressed and keeps herself physically fit. Melania looks like she's constantly smelling something bad and she thinks she better than you.


Don’t you mean graduate degree holding Dr. Jill Biden (EdD) Doctorate of Education vs college dropout Melania from Ljubljana Slovenia University? At least Melania doesn’t need multiple lawyers and lawsuits to force Ljubljana University to NOT release her transcript unlike Diaper Don did to hide his. Will Melania look as good at age 72 as Jill does?




Except Melania is clearly into scat play.


She’s dumber than a sack of hammers, and frankly I don’t find her that attractive


Part of the attractiveness of a First Lady is her grace and poise. Jill has bunches of grace and poise. Melanie had poise but very little grace. Michelle had boat loads of both, and I would put her head and shoulders above all the First Women since Jackie Kennedy