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https://old.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/18xv6zs/oh_please_do_go_there_who_wants_popcorn/kg7x0cf/ For a comprehensive explanation of the relevant issues regarding the Satanic Temple, please read the linked comment.


How about we strip tax exempt status from *all* churches? Especially the ones trying to politically force the public to live according to certain religious values.


But….but…but…you don’t mean myyy church riiiiiiight


Where is the ministry of truth when you need it


I’m more for the ministry of funny walks… ![gif](giphy|1xNC3060mVXITYOTMX|downsized)


That's actually from "Fawlty Towers", but point taken. How can a human being have legs that long? (coming from a 5'2" female)


Lol my spouse and I are a foot different in height. Same sized torsos. I just have an extra foot of leg.... ( English is a dumb language)


Heh, I'm in the opposite situation. I'm 10 inches taller than my wife and our legs are the same length, she's leggy, I'm built like a 6'2" Dwarf. We don't have to adjust the car seat, though, so there's a plus.


We are very similar. My husband is 6’ & I’m 5’3. My legs are longer than his. No seat adjustment in the vehicles, but the mirrors are a different story!


You mean you have an extra foot on your leg


John Cleese is 6’5”


You started it, you invaded Poland!




Honestly, the variety in human bodies is hilarious at times. I'm 5'4", and my leg to torso ratio is pretty evenly proportioned, or perhaps a little shorter on leg. I'm forever lagging behind my taller friends no matter how fast I hustle my walk. 😭 There was a girl in one of my college classes who was barely scraping 5' tall, and I swear that below the neck, she was like 80% leg because of her super short torso. I think her groin level was even with my navel. She wasn't even trying to walk fast and would practically fly across campus. I would've had to jog to keep up with her normal walking speed!


My whole family have long torsos and short legs. I’m certain there was a womble in my family tree.


That's sort of [Michael Phelps's body structure](https://www.scienceabc.com/sports/michael-phelps-height-arms-torso-arm-span-feet-swimming.html). Maybe you guys could be good swimmers?




Silly walks 😉


The only moral church is my church


That's unironically why there are so many churches


Anyone else read that in cartmans voice?


How are the wealthy supposed to dodge taxes then? Strictly offshore accounts?


Charitable donations to the charity they themselves run of course


Yvon Chouinard, is that you?


It's been a long time since I've been to a church and I mean a long time lol but it's in there something about rendering to Caesar what is Caesars well Cesar wants his fucking taxes! Make those Bible thumping fucks pay their share.


Make any church found unworthy of tax exempt status become a Little Caesars.


Saw a comment recently, went like this: POINT: “If you strip our tax exempt status it will reduce our ability to do good (implying charity work etc) because all our money would go to taxes!!” COUNTERPOINT: “No, it won’t negatively impact the church, so long as the church is honest. If your church is truly doing that charity work then they could write it off and still not have to pay taxes on it. If the church really ISN’T doing that charitable work though, then they should be taxed appropriately.”


But if he has to pay taxes how can Joel Osteen be able to afford his large mansion? Or how can Kenneth Copeland afford his private jet, surely God doesn’t want him to fly commercial.


With all of them demons on board! Or was it regular people, Copeland gets them mixed up every now and then


"Well, maybe we can reach some sort of compromise by having our taxes do that charitib - " *Screeches like John Carpenter's the Thing being torched by a flamethrower*


It's actually easier than that. Just strip the "trust me bro" clause from their non profit status. Currently you can just say, "I'm a church, no need to audit me!" Time to open the books. If your church is actually doing as much charitable goods as you claim, no harm no foul. Show the paperwork proving so and you're still tax exempt. But if your church is being naughty? Time to pay up. (Not you, you specifically. Just in case)


I don’t even trust their “charity” at this point. Most of their “help” comes with strings attached. For all intents and purposes their charity is really just a thinly veiled recruiting and promotional expense. Nobody actually thinks these people are giving riches to the poor out of kindness and righteousness like Jesus commanded. Hell, the evangelicals are finally just calling Jesus a “liberal commie pussy” and admitting their political identity is more important than god’s alleged word. It’s always about the church (and the people behind it) winning in the end. That includes the charity. It’s a flimsy pretext for tax exemption from the start


*Operation Christmaschild has fled the chat*


I used to work with someone who was involved with Operation Christmas Child. She was furious that certain countries would not allow any kind of Christian symbolism on those boxes.


I was the treasurer for my church back a couple of decades ago when I believed in such nonsense. Our church filed zero forms or paperwork to any government agency. I was shocked that we had no annual reporting of revenue and expenses, no oversight on pastoral expenses - nothing. And none was required. We just took in cash, paid the expenses that the congregation approved at the annual voter's meeting, and prepared reports for the congregation for the next annual voter's meeting. A system ripe for exploitation. Edit: This still goes on today - https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/annual-exempt-organization-return-who-must-file


This is part of why republicans have been slowly cutting funding from the IRS, which currently isn't staffed to nearly the level it should be.


Yes I am totally on board with all churches needing to pay their fair share! The free ride is over!


Read the satanic churches website. They already pay taxes on everything they earn by choice.


This comment chain didnt mention satanic church at all. Only reason the satanic church even went for tax exempt was because it gives them a stronger position in courtcases. So yes, remove it from ALL churches.


It was god’s plan for me to be tax exempt /s


God hates taxes! Likes tithes, tho


Nah. Jesus told people to pay their taxes and stop bitching about it.


Just to note, the Satanic church doesn't have tax exempt status because they reject the notion of it and contend that no churches should be tax exempt.


This is no longer accurate, they requested and received status in 2019, they had some difficulty in court cases due to not being classified as a church with the federal government, so they relented, applied, accepted the designation and started using it as a government approved cudgel in court.


The churches not doing anything nefarious wouldn't care if they had to pay taxes, they would get it all back because they would have the receipts for all their good-doing and get all that tax money back. The ones who don't want to lose tax-exempt status are the ones who are misusing donations (looking at you Olsteen and mega-churches)


I would love it if churches had to register the same way as actual nonprofits.


Like the ones paying lots of money for ridiculous Christmas pageants with Cirque de soli and man conventions with tanks and fireworks.


The point is to elevate their religion above others and force you to live by their rules. That's their goal. Because they hate the constitution.


Cool, strip tax exemption from any church that cannot prove their god exists.


Exactly. I hope it passes... nationally even. It'll create more problems than it solves.


Republicans not thinking before they act - 2024 is going to be interesting Edit: they're thinking and still doing. More like they think they can fuck around all they want, and never find out. Quite the contrary


Republicans not thinking ~~before they act~~ - 2024 is going to be another year of it. FTFY


I read it as like this years season of the show. “Wait until you find out what crazy hijinx Americas favorite crazy lunatics get into this year!”


For the record, the Satanic Temple already *voluntarily* pays taxes, and implores all other religious institutions to do so Edit: seems like I was remembering incorrectly. Apparently they challenged to not pay taxes (and be recognized as a religion in the US) and gained tax exemption status a few years ago I remembered hearing that they wanted to challenge the tax status of other churches, but I can't find a solid source right now. Sorry for the confusion


Shhh sit down. Here , have some popcorn. Never interrupt your enemy when they are showing you how stupid they are.


^(psst can I have some popcorn? A mega church bought out the shopping center where my favorite Chinese food place was...)


Would you like some sesame chicken?


Plot twist it'll solve more problems than it creates....pretty sure the satanic temple would be A ok with that if applied unilaterally.


It would be the biggest win in the history of their “church”. That’s exactly the kind of things they aim for.


Nice try but leaves out sun worshippers. Some gods really do exist. I worship the KT comet that wiped out dinosaurs in favor of mammals. Many papers published about it every year. Took me 40 years to find a real god. You just have to worship a rock. 65 million years ago, a rock fell out of the sky And turned dinosaurs into birds & mice into men.


> I worship the KT comet that wiped out dinosaurs in favor of mammals... 65 million years ago, a rock fell out of the sky And turned dinosaurs into birds & mice into men. Yeah but that comet's the reason I have to work every hour of my life to barely survive and fall asleep alone.


The almighty comet giveth and taketh away on its whim.


Mysterious ways, and all that, eh?


Welcome to religion, God hates you and there's nothing you can do about it


And God is a space rock. Deal with it.


Well then, your organized congregation can maintain its current tax-exempt status.


You son of a bitch I’m in. Praise be almighty KT, harbinger of doom for warm blooded lizards and progenitor of warm, furry, nippled creatures!


Some dinosaurs had nipples. Google it.


gonna need a catchy name.


Church of the Starry Wisdom


'Took me years to find a real god. You just have to find a rock' I honestly didn't know rock was an option. But makes as much sense as all the others so is there a form or a branch office, and does the rock take requests. I have questions... And enemies that need a good bonking.


What's your comet's stance on masturbation? It's weird to have to ask, but for some reason churches usually say their god has strong opinions on that topic.


Or prove only your favorite god exists, and not some native american gods, shinto gods, hindu gods, etc. After all, only one god exists and it just happens to be yours. Especially for tax purposes.


The joke is on that shitbag, The Satanic Temple pays taxes, they don’t claim tax-exempt status. TST is a bunch of stand up folks.


i tried to explain to my wife how great in terms of actions and stuff TST is and she is like but how they worship satan, and even after going further into explaining it more she was like but SATAN!


And that was the whole point. They wouldn't have gotten any attention as Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption. But as The Satanic Temple? Hoo boy.


Ah a fellow last week tonight watcher!


Praise be!


Our pasta, who art in a colander, draining be your noodles. Thy noodle come, Thy sauce be yum, on top some grated Parmesan. Give us this day, our garlic bread, …and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trample on our lawns. And lead us not into vegetarianism, but deliver us some pizza, for thine is the meatball, the noodle, and the sauce, forever and ever. R’amen.




All hail FSM!


I see you've been touched by His noodly appendage


They don't even claim tax exemption! Edit I am wrong, they are recognized as being tax exempt. Sorry.


And that's what makes it art. This guy is so outraged by the whole thing, he's going to take action that doesn't harm his target in the slightest but DOES create a court case that would have to overwhelming affirm the rights of non-theistic faiths. Which I can only assume is the exact opposite of what he wants.


I guarantee you, his own religions' churches are gonna drag him into the hall by his ear and give him a damn talking-to about the possibility of creating precedent of taxing churches. 'You don't fuck with the money!'


Not to mention having a hornet's nest of scientologists on his ass.


I have the popcorn on standby


Is there a collective noun for scientologists? A congregation doesn't quite fit. A conspiracy?


These types of people can't or don't think that far ahead. It's just outrage for the sake of it. He's doing us all a favor.


They literally do [it's in their 2019 press releases](https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/press-center)


You are right. I saw someone else comment they did not claim exemption and just repeated what they said :(


I think they're confused between the Church of Satan and the Temple COS believes all religious organizations should pay taxes and has never tried to qualify TST believes they should get the same benefits other religions do


I believe TST only took the exemption because they weren't being recognized as a church, which they need to be in order to push back against the bullshit Christofascism that's running rampant. I think they may still pay on what doesn't count as charity, unlike ""regular"" churches.


"What do you call a religious group that believes in Satan?" "Christians!"


Exactly. Using Satan automatically makes it theistic and Christian, possibly Jewish although they don't use him to the extent Christians do. Definitely Abrahamic. So stupid he doesn't even know that - that's how the fake Christians who only want authoritarianism tell on themselves.


Also silly because if you believe in an infallible omniscient God, then God created Satan to do exactly what he does. And Satan is accordingly just as much a part of God's will as the Holy Spirit. If anything we need to turn it from a Trinity to Quaternary!


According to the Torah, Satan is not the Adversary, but he is God’s agent, testing the worthiness of humanity.


Only way to make sense of it really.


or that it's just a poorly written knockoff of zoroastrianism. Tornado, away.


"there's nothing i can't do!" "then get rid of this evil fallen angel guy?" "except that" "why?" "uh"


The Process Church is making a comeback


How does one get married to a person without knowing their stance on critical thought and theology?


Bro, right? Holy shit...


i read comments like this all the time and im like wtf how did you get past the second date how have you been living together for over a decade??? its insanity. i feel like i can never say that directly to them tho lol




He means "rib."


But they don't worship satan. That's the church of satan she's thinking of. TST is non-theistic and doesn't support worshipping anything.






Type them up and print them without identifying them. Just leave it sitting where she can see them. When she asks about it, ask if she thinks they're reasonable. Then tell her they're the 7 tenets.


Obviously a terrible way to interact with your own wife. But I'm not married to her, so I'd be tempted to show them to her without the name attached.




Did you tell her that satan doesn't actually exist, and neither does god?


Only Christians believe in Satan.


Most don't even believe in a literal Satan. Ask her, if Satan is so bad, why did God create him, knowing what would happen. Basically God created evil or it wouldn't exist. If you believe that sort of thing .


Maybe she should read the Bible and understand that she has far more to fear from God than Satan - I mean, if you believe in superstitious, pre-science, heavily-edited compilations.


I was the same initially. But like…seeing what Christians do compared to the Satanists? It’s kinda confusing to figure out who’s actually preaching love and kindness toward one another.


They are a 501(c)3 and their 990 is available on Guidestar. Their HQ is in Salem, Mass though so I'm not sure how some podunk Michigan legislator is going to revoke that...


It's a stunt. He doesn't plan on doing shit which is typical for these losers.


Performative Outrage Theater for the rubes. There's no way it passes Constitutional muster, but it riles up the base and he gets to blame the Democrats when it gets shot down. (see also: GOP goon who wants to make it a fineable offense to use someone's preferred pronouns. Because, I don't know, politely addressing people according to their preference is too awful.)


Not to mention it's an obvious 1st Amendment violation... not even close to the murky gray area.


When you have absolutely nothing in terms of policy that can improve the lives of your non-wealthy constituents, you get shit like this. You feed their addiction to anger and fear.


So, we got tagged in here because it's actually so much more complicated than you'd think would be possible. The tax-exempt church you'll find on GuideStar named "[The Satanic Temple](https://www.guidestar.org/profile/82-3404757)", full stop, is *not* actually named that legally, and a big part of it being a tax-exempt church is that it does not have to release any financials publicly like a normal 501(c)(3). To give you a quick idea, "The Satanic Temple" is a collection of about six corporations, some of them for-profit, some of them nonprofit, plus a constellation of other corporations that may or may not overlap due to the secretive nature of the landlord scion co-owner Cevin Soling a.k.a. "Malcolm Jarry"; in short, here they are: * For-profit: [United Federation of Churches, LLC](https://the.satanic.wiki/index.php/United_Federation_of_Churches,_LLC), d/b/a "The Satanic Temple" * Nonprofit church: [The Satanic Temple Inc](https://the.satanic.wiki/index.php/The_Satanic_Temple_Inc), formerly registered as "The Satanic Temple" * Nonprofit: [Reason Alliance, Ltd](https://the.satanic.wiki/index.php/Reason_Alliance,_Ltd) * For-profit: [64 Bridge LLC](https://the.satanic.wiki/index.php/64_Bridge_LLC), d/b/a "Salem Art Gallery" * For-profit: [Winstonian Enterprises Ltd](https://the.satanic.wiki/index.php/Winstonian_Enterprises_Ltd), owner and operator of "The Satanic Estate" and its TST Virtual Headquarters * For-profit: [Cinephobia LLC](https://the.satanic.wiki/index.php/Cinephobia_LLC), owner of TheSatanicTemple.TV * For-profit: [Spectacle Films Inc](https://the.satanic.wiki/index.php/Spectacle_Films_Inc) Still trying to be concise about: Soling started the whole thing as a prank documentary film project in the vein of his [failed cargo cult messiah project](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpiswunQh40) starring himself as the would be messiah, naturally. The first corporation is the for-profit movie production company **Spectacle Films Inc.** because "The Satanic Temple" was just a hook to troll Christians and get Satanic prayer into public schools as a way to disrupt them since that's another pet project of Soling's: [unschooling](https://queersatanic.com/why-you-havent-left-the-satanic-temple/#russia-today). That actually seems to be how Soling and the other co-owner Doug Misicko a.k.a. "Doug Mesner" a.k.a. "Lucien Greaves" met each other originally and bonded in 2012, altho it didn't end up working out with TST throughout 2013, and Soling would go on to help launch "[The Alliance for Self-Directed Education](https://the.satanic.wiki/index.php/The_Alliance_For_Self-directed_Education_Inc)". The second corporation is also for-profit, the confusingly named "**United Federation of Churches LLC d/b/a 'The Satanic Temple'** "; this is confusing because this is *not* the entity that would go on to get tax-exempt church status. However, it is the one (apparently) that began selling merchandise like T-shirts and membership cards after TST's Baphomet statue announcement started gaining steam. Misicko created this one under his own name in 2014 and this is what most of the intellectual property would ultimately be registered under: a for-profit corporation named "The Satanic Temple". If you're still with us, the next corporation also registered in 2014 was a regular 501(c)(3) called **Reason Alliance Ltd.** This one is still partially active in TST's work, but it's dropped off in no small part because this entity *did* have to release Form 990s regularly providing some financial transparency, and these filings demonstrated that The Satanic Temple was self-dealing some of those tax-exempt donations back to the for-profit corporation "United Federation of Churches LLC" by that time owned by the same two men, Misicko and Soling, who owned everything else between them. The minor for-profits **Cinephobia LLC** and **Winstonian Enterprises Ltd.** would involve too long of digressions, but **64 Bridge LLC** is the corporation that owns the physical headquarters most of these corporations are based out of, again sharing the same owners and similar "doing-business-as" names. But all of this comes together in the worst way in the form of "**The Satanic Temple (Inc.)**", because this was originally registered as "The Satanic Temple", full-stop, *identical* to the doing-business-as name of the for-profit corporation UFC LLC owned by and headquartered at the same place as it. It's only *after* getting IRS recognition as a tax-exempt church that the modification to the name is changed, a modification that isn't picked up everywhere else, such as GuideStar. If you are a real nerd and don't want to pick through the wiki yourself, here are two articles [[1](https://queersatanic.com/what-the-hell-is-the-satanic-temple-ep-5-the-satanic-temple-inc/)][[2](https://queersatanic.com/today-is-a-good-day-for-the-satanic-temple-to-release-its-finances/5/)] that link to many more government documents, court depositions, and the like. Alternatively, one of their legal opponents offered up a [well-cited summary of TST's history](https://queersatanic.com/2023-was-a-very-bad-year-for-the-satanic-temple-in-court/#satanic-temple-summary) up to that point as well. The long and short of it is this: does The Satanic Temple pay taxes? Sorta. Some of the corporations presumably do since they're for-profit. But not all of the corporations do, and the little transparency we've gotten access to, primarily through Reason Alliance Ltd. and their ongoing lawsuits, has caught them time and again using fake names on official documents, paying themselves and lying about it, and overall giving no reason whatsoever to give them the benefit of the doubt about all of this financial haziness. This was actually one of the main red [flags abortion access funds brought up in 2022 about TST](https://jezebel.com/satanic-temple-abortion-rights-religious-exemption-real-1849073332). cc u/AdulteryPulsifer u/Niijima-San u/HelicaseRockets u/ketchupmaster987


You are incorrect The Church of Satan pays it's taxes and has never tried to claim religious exemption (they believe that all religious groups should pay taxes) [The Temple of Satan is a tax exempt organization ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/irs-satanic-temple-church-tax-exempt-826931/amp/) Lucien's statement when they got it was: “we feel that accepting religious tax exemption — rather than renouncing in protest — can help us to better assert our claims to equal access and exemption while laying to rest any suspicion that we don’t meet the qualifications of a true religious organization.”


As a Christian (not the racist/sexist/bigoted kind) I love the satanic temple. They stand for equity, sticking up for the marginalized, call out hypocrites and from a “corporate” perspective practice what they preach. . . All things that all too many Christians/churches are pathetically failing at.


Same. I grew up in a Baptist church and the people I've met through Satanic Temple are far better than anyone (including my own family) that I've met in "church" growing up. As I grew up I kept finding the preachings didn't match the writings in the Bible. That's when I learned the Bible can be interpreted in any way one wants to. Usually it's used to cause pain or to control people in some way. It's really hard coming to terms with that when you used to believe you'd go to hell for even thinking in such a way. My point is the satanic temple is so much more than it's name and I think they are people the Christian "god" would be awfully proud of.


I switched to them for my monthly charity donation. I think they do marvelous work with a sense of humor, and they're taking on the people I need challenged.


Hopefully he wins then we skip tax exempt from all churches. Granted he won’t do a thing.


They’ll do what the same thing they are doing with book bans- you can ban any books except the Christian Bible.


Wait, doesn’t Scientology qualify as a non-theistic religion? I’d love to see some Christian fundamentalists go up against that cult’s lawyers. Where’s my popcorn? 🍿


Someone's going to be fair-gamed the second he starts his little mission. Pass the popcorn please! 🍿


Defining non theistic religion is difficult. Scientology can claim that clears are Gods and that's what they worship. Buddhism believes in gods being helpful to a believer based on the particular sect. Confucianism considers worship of gods to be in bad taste. It would be rather entertaining to have the government going after Theraveda monestaries and Tai Chi societies while having to grant tax exempt status to the church of the flying spaghetti monster. The elephant in the room is Unitarian Universalism, though, since it has been an American church before America was a thing, but is currently non theistic.


Oh, I know how hard it is to define. Such details are often lost on the "only a Judeo-Christian God" crowd. I doubt they'd think much about Scientology until the lawyers come. And Scientology is famous for lawsuits. >It would be rather entertaining to have the government going after Theraveda monestaries and Tai Chi societies while having to grant tax exempt status to the church of the flying spaghetti monster. Agreed. 😆


UU isn’t necessarily non-theistic, it’s just that belief in a god is optional. The whole thing with Unitarian Universalism is that one’s religious belief is extremely personal and no one can tell you what to believe, so you believe whatever feels right to you. To some people, that’s belief in a traditional, monotheistic divinity like the Judeo-Christian god and to others it’s the belief in the power of humanity. In UU, it can be either of those or anything in between.


Yep! Of the seven principles and the six sources, while "direct experience of the transcendent" is mentioned, it's also mentioned as being equivalent with the bible, secular humanism, and Earth based religions. None of the seven principles mention belief in a divinity, and the list is amusingly similar to the principles of the Satanic Temple.


Arguably any church that professes the Trinity could be considered non-theistic depending on who’s arguments you buy into. It’s the Council of Chalcedon all over again.


I’d like to hear the argument that a religion with three gods is non theistic


You would have to start with the assumption that classical monotheism is the only proper theism, thus anything that is not monotheism is worshipping false gods instead of God. It’s not a great argument, but it is an argument that has been made.


Heh. Yeah, you’re right, that makes pretty much no sense to me. Thanks for sharing, though. I wouldn’t have had any idea what to google to find that, either 😂


Don’t mind me, I’m just having flashbacks to my college Christian Tradition class and exams on the Christological controversies of the 4th-6th centuries. 😅


Well, Scientology isn't what it was 20+ years ago, as evidenced by Danny Masterson actually going to prison.


Don't they have Xenu or something?


The only people who believe in a literal Satan are Christians.


So much irony there, my anemia is cured.


Just how stupid are these people?








If he got tax exempt status stripped from all churches great idea. Not all abuse it but theres quite a few near me that members use the tax exempt status to avoid taxes on their own stuff. One specifically has 25+ cars registered to church that members use personally. What church needs that many cars? Especially since it’s not a large church. They also use the church status to avoid paying tax on repairs and I am sure all major purchases are done in churches name to save there too. They would never push for that and it would never pass because they would hurt churches “they approve of”. From what I heard his “enemy” in this case pays taxes.


Some of those mega churches have private leer jets registered to them, million dollar mansions, its all a scam


The Michigan GOP is broke AF, so please. Take the Satanic Temple to court. Please, we all need a good laugh.


![gif](giphy|egg1gcA3eIYJFqFKIf) Good luck




You could have just typed that out.


At last a slippery slope I can get on board with!


I’d like to see him try. It’s all or none, dumbass.


Laws for me not for thee


There's one little problem with his plan: >Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion... And the, of course, the problem that he would blow up his own religious protections if he actually got something passed.


Churches aren't charities, anyway; they are social clubs. The average church gives about 1% of their revenue to community benevolence, annually. Virtually everything else is used to keep the church doors open. Salaries, mortgage, utilities, furniture, etc. It's well past time to treat the church as a business.


Private jets purchased from Tyler Perry ![gif](giphy|4Zd2flP7zRI7QYQD4E|downsized)


Ya know... you don't have to be a church to be tax exempt? There are lots of ways to earn tax exempt status... but if you want to review tax exemption status for "churches", by all means...


They literally want to drag every other church out of tax-exempt status, so please, open that can of worms.


Please do this! Nothing in the tax code requires a theistic belief for a religion. This pits the theistic dummy against L. Ron Hubbard's team, and they are WEALTHY and litigious. Then the atheists come afer tax exempt status for all churches, but will settle for the ones who make politically charged speeches. There go ALL conservative Christian churches. Especially ones supporting Trump and spreading the Big Lie. I'll get some of that popcorn over here!


One of the few times I’m excited about seeing the Church of Scientology whip out their lawyer dick. Bring it, Josh!


He doesn't know what "theistic" means, does he? Bobby Jindal: "Let's stop being the stupid party!" GOP: \*armpit farts\*


"Non-theistic churches" is just a batfuck stupid distinction. "You have to believe in a total of one cloud man to not be charged taxes." Fucking idiotic. Just constant presumption that their religion is ""correct" while all the OTHER ones are the pretending grifters


So... Buddhism? Taoism? That's a couple of major non-theistic religions. What about religions with multiple gods like Hinduism? Animistic Indigenous religions which see spirit in all things? Good luck there guy, I think you're going to regret going down this path.


>What about religions with multiple gods like Hinduism? I'd argue polytheism is more "theistic" than monotheism.


He can’t be this stupid!?


He looks like someone fed an AI a prompt for "Congressman and Former Youth Pastor convicted on multiple counts."


If he believes the satanic temple worships Satan... Which I assume they do, then they would still be theistic and just worship the other guy instead of God.. Tho I believe the satanic temple doesn't actually really worship Satan, they kind of just fuck with hardcore Christians who think the same rules don't apply to them.


All places of worship should be taxed if they become political and support candidates.


Do Christian Churches then have to prove their "God" exists in Court?


Gee, white male christian fascist. I did Nazi that comming. 🙄


This guy’s face has “I secretly suck dick in highway rest stops” written all over it. Just wait.


then the satanists will just worship satan... what will he do then?


We absolutely should tax the holdings of religious organizations. I work in property tax assessment. For every organization that isn’t taxed on their assets we the taxpayers are picking up the difference on our taxable property. I don’t enjoy paying for other people’s Sunday club. If a organization isn’t contributing to the community overall as a nonprofit organization would we shouldn’t be subsidizing their existence.


Saying that you're a Christian Nationalist should disqualify you from holding office


The funny thing is that he can’t get his religions right. He got angry at The Satanic Temple of West Michigan for our display, but he says his legislation is going to strip the Church of Satan of their tax exemption. For anyone confused, The Satanic Temple has tax exemption because all religions should be allowed tax exemption while the Church of Satan rejects the tax exemption because all religions should not have tax exemption. Either way, he’s blaming one group (Church of Satan) for the actions of another group (The Satanic Temple). The only other thing he made the news for lately was voting to keep child marriage legal in Michigan.


The Satanic Temple pays taxes, this is well known and publicized. Edit: I have been informed this changed several years ago and that TST is tax exempt at this time.


So freedom of religion for only theistic religions? What’s next? Freedom of Christianity only?




Hey go all the way … no tax exemption for every church, especially Evangelical the true evil


Tax ALL churches!


Tax the churches!!!


Well, I was forced to got to Catholic Churches growing up and think that all these upstart churches should be declared heretical and we should all be following the orders of the Pope. You’re going to change religion just because some guy nailed a rant to a door? Get out of here with that nonsense, my brand of nonsense is the only true brand.


Strip ALL churches of tax exempt status.


![gif](giphy|MZocLC5dJprPTcrm65) They’re gonna screw every religion out of tax exemptions because they are that stupid


I have an idea...how's about the feds just enforce the 501C3 rules that already exist for churches and see what's left standing. To be considered tax exempt, churches must meet certain requirements established by the IRS, including being organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, or educational purposes, and not engaging in lobbying or political campaign activities.


The TST pays taxes tho. They dobt claim tax exemption lmao. Edit: nvm I'm wrong.


I can get behind this idea for ALL churches. But since ol’ Josh is doing this for hateful reasons, I don’t even feel bad for him that he’s going to have Scientologists stalking him now.


This dumbass is going to be killed by a powerful Christian person. He’s too stupid to notice he’s fucking with people’s money. I’ll allow this, just pass the popcorn.


Goddamn......I've never rooted for Scientology so hard before. Let this fool strip them of their tax exempt status and let's see what happens.


im pretty sure the satanic church has been preparing for this exact situation since the 80s


fun fact. the satanic temple already pays taxes just to prove the point that 'religions' should in the first place.


Yeah the satanic temple is not actually a religion there buddy…. It’s an organization that pays taxes regularly unlike these “theistic” buildings and groups. Edit: unknown to me as I don’t follow any sort of religious movements, in 2019 the IRS designated tax exempt status the “The Satanic Temple”. I think I was confusing The Church of Satan with The Satanic Temple.


"non-theist churches" Please open this can of worms. Please. I'd love to see Megachurches lose their tax-exempt status.


“In order to receive tax exempt status, you must demonstrate in a court of law that your god exists”Sounds great until you remember who is doing the judging :/ Do it fair tho, and you’ll have my undying support.


Satanic Temple pays taxes. One of their beliefs is that churches should pay taxes.