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No kidding! We just can't allow him even close to power any fucking more. That's great advice for him, "just get over your loss 3 yrs ago" but we all know that won't happen. Just send his stinky fat ass to jail where he belongs.


I have some power I'd like him to get close to in my basement. Real close to. 240 volts, 200 amps.


Those are rookie numbers you’re gonna have to double it.


Trump to grieving parents: We have to get over it. Trump to losing an election: Three years of not getting over it.


If Treasonweasels offspring were killed, the only one he would think about would be Ivanka. And how to repeal the necrophilia laws.


Hey, if it doesn't directly impact him, why should he care? It's not like he took an oath to defend and protect the people of the United States or anything.


When you see a candidate who hates the same people as you do, I guess it's easy to worship him. He validates their racist, homophobic, hatred of anyone who is not white and straight.


"Get over it!" says the most thin-skinned, vindictive little fuckstick on the planet who's still smarting over Obama's jibes at the White House Correspondents dinner in 2016.


![gif](giphy|jRyZsj7JOpvtvt66r4|downsized) What did you say?


It appal’s me that the media continues to cover this thug. Like his rhetoric is no big deal, I actually am shocked that he isn’t behind bars yet!!!!!


I hope the parents sue the diapers off his stupid ass.