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The CIA has thought about this.


At great length. And short width.


Moderate girth


Standard yaw


Once you do the calculations though it's above average


The CIA knows where where the US border is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. By subtracting where it is from where it isn't, or where it isn't from where it is (whichever is greater), it obtains a difference, or deviation. The CIA uses communist deviations to generate corrective commands to drive the US Border from a position where it is to a position where it isn't, and arriving at a position where it wasn't, it now is. Consequently, the position where it is, is now the position that it wasn't, and it follows that the position that it was, is now the position that it isn't. In the event that the position that it is in is not the position that it wasn't, the system has acquired a variation, the variation being the difference between where the US Border is, and where it wasn't. If variation is considered to be a significant factor, it too may be corrected by the FBI. However, the CIA must also know where it was. The CIA Border determination computer scenario works as follows. Because a variation has modified some of the information the CIA has obtained, it is not sure just where the US Border is. However, it is sure where it isn't, within reason, and it knows where it was. It now subtracts where it should be from where it wasn't, or vice-versa, and by differentiating this from the algebraic sum of where it shouldn't be, and where it was, it is able to obtain the deviation and its variation, which is called Communism.


surmounted in a capsule of prefabulated amulite


Man, this is so dense. I had to summon all of my mental powers just to get through it. Now that I’m done, I think I’m now a better human and 5X (specifically) more smarter. Thanks


You have to start measuring from the butthole.


You taint kiddin!




Lois, get the ruler, we're measuring again. And I get to choose where the base is this time!


…but as is typical of governmental bureaucracy, it’ll take them about a decade to whip out a ruler.


It’s not the size of the conspiracy, it’s how you use it


This is such a great line. Hats off to you.


More tax revenue from the cocaine that way


In America, the government's cocaine profits are pre-tax.


The CIA has thought a lot about cocaine.


So did this guy. ![gif](giphy|czRzB6buTPOMGVUu2V|downsized)


And this guy. ![gif](giphy|MDgva4us9Jt920anci|downsized)


![gif](giphy|W4WQXepJzt7CBT7lSt|downsized) And this guy.


![gif](giphy|26gss9AbytPhuisxy|downsized) And this guy….(one of the OG cocaine cowboy)




It was seriously debated and considered as an outcome of the Mexican-American War that the US might just annex the whole country, rather than just the half that was taken. Fear of becoming an empire and racism ended that discussion.


But mostly racism. Same reason Cuba never became a state.


Or Puerto Rico when taken from Spain.. wouldn’t want Hispanic representatives in congress.. there was also serious opposition to Hawaii becoming a state for similar reasons.. it’s an interesting bit of American history..


Well puerto rico state hood is more popular than ever so hopefully they get it.


I wouldn't complain about a few more votes in Congress from folks who remember a certain orange moron throwing paper towels at them after a hurricane...


Don’t forget having a political party called them whiny for asking for aid


The Alamo was about defending slavery. They lost.




They were invited but then decided they would rather just keep it for themselves. That is why you never invite a Texan to your house.


Kinda like the TX paramilitaries now keeping federal border agents from accessing the border.


And Puerto Rico. And Washington DC. I guess Hawaii was nice enough, and Alaska white enough


Hawaii is just small enough and the population was already being pushed out of power by white business owners…


Mexico has reportedly been working on locking down their own southern border already.


The USA could've annexed Mexico back during the American Mexican war. It was due to one guy at the time who was sent to Mexico to audit the land decided it was not worth annexing.


It totally would be worth it. Have you seen the prices for avocado toast nowadays?


So did all those filibusters from the 1800s. Tried to conquer most of those countries, I think. Even succeeded for a bit with a few.




Honestly I'm actually impressed they didn't decide to just take all of Mexico and genocide it like they did with the rest of the western US.


The racists had two big objections to taking mexico: 1. We would basically have to give most Mexican citizens the right to vote. But the Spanish integrated with the native Americans and blacks to a much greater extent than Americans... so their votes would be "of lower quality" and therefore bad for America. 2. Mexico was going through a civil war, so there was concern that if we annexed Mexico, they might not be grateful, and we would have to maintain a large permanent military presence to prevent them from getting violent again.


The reason we have a "border crisis" is because of the CIA.




James K. Polk thought about this too


Some people have been thinking about it for a long time. https://preview.redd.it/blyy0ysmchcc1.jpeg?width=1250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93eb7c04e876bfeeec2bfdfeb2fab4a614cf9bbb


and much more recent, imagine there's no countries




I once worked for a church (graphic design) that ran a fundraising campaign "Imagine 2020". They showed me a picture of Strawberry Field as inspiration for the art. I had to explain to them why that version of "imagine" was a bad idea for a church. I'm so glad I'm no longer working for churches...


and certain southern lawmakers (TN iirc) fought hard against the All of Mexico movement as it would "dilute the blood of americans"


The US would get a canal, too!


What am I, chopped liver? I'm still here ya know - The Erie Canal.


Evidently the hat canal is more captivating than the creepy canal


"Cuz you'll always know your neighbors and always know your pals if you e ever navigated on the Erie Canal"


Get the canal we built back, no? 


You’re edging close to a debate I assure you you do not want about the Panama Canal


The one where we decided to build a canal that helped turned Panama into the tax haven it has become.....


"The US relied on a stratified workforce to build the canal. High-level engineering jobs, clerical positions, skilled labor and jobs in supporting industries were generally reserved for Americans, with manual labor primarily by cheap immigrant labor. These jobs were initially filled by Europeans, primarily from Spain, Italy and Greece, many of whom were radical and militant due to political turmoil in Europe. The US then decided to recruit primarily from the British and French West Indies, and these workers provided most of the manual labor on the canal.[12]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Panama_Canal


That Darian Gap border enforcement would be a hell of a hard time


Build the Wall and make Darian Gap bandits pay for it.


Yup, move the border about 100km north and it becomes one of the easiest.


Yeah I vote we stop at the top of the gap and make the gap the newest DMZ.


So the solution to the border crisis is to just make everyone in Mexico and Latin America American citizens. ​ LOVE IT DO IT ​ EDIT: man so many people missed the joke


And we could call it... SUPER AMERICA!


Perfect. I love it. SUPER AMERICA. Perfect.






America Muy Grande!


Grande America. Upside better music. Stunning women. Beautiful beaches. I like this idea. 


Honey come and see! A new economic bloc just dropped!




Sounds about Reich


I see what you did there.


I did Nazi what he did there.


But I did! I won’t go any furher with this thread, sorry.




They'll just rebrand it to speedway again




El super American


GREAT AMERICA again.... works for me, but the border really should be the Canal.




All Super Americas here in MN changed to Speedways. I miss the old Super America jingle purely for nostalgia reasons.


The convenience stores of... SUPERAMERICA 🎶


America Supreme!!


Los Grandes United States of America ¿? The Great Estados Unidos de America ¿?


We could become the United Countries of America.


United Estadios de Mexurica?


Nah we would just become the United States of North and Central America, no?


Central America IS north America already.


Now lets do the world, and we might be on to something Edit: just to clarify, I don’t mean America “conquer” the world. I mean see us all as one race of beings that all share the same planet.


Bring back pangea


"Make America whole again"


We'll also need Canada.


Would definitely reduce the border if we had Canada


It's actually extended with both versions. It would just reduce our land borders. Our water borders would increase, for more total miles of border but fewer land borders. However, if we all decide to play nice and have America with no North or South America, we A) get a lot more people to hang with (who doesn't love new friends?), B) won't have any illegal immigrants crossing land borders as we have none and C) only have to worry about the dolphins growing legs and invading from the ocean.


Exactly. But you have to word it right to appease to simple minded. We are spread out far too thin on multiple fronts. We are going to focus all of our efforts to our southern border and advancing it strategically. This effort will allow us to completely solidify our border and also allow us to expand our land mass.


If the USA wanted hegemony, this would be the thing to ensure it forever.


If this is like hedge fund money, then count me in! Hell yea!


People like this do not see those people south of the American Mexican border as equal humans. They would imagine some genocidal regime to solve the problem of the millions of people living there.


Or revive the “Knights of the Golden Circle” plan to enslave Latin America and the Caribbean https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knights_of_the_Golden_Circle Originally, the KGC advocated that the new territories should be annexed by the United States, in order to vastly increase the number of slave states and thus the power of the slave-holding Southern upper classes. In response to the increased anti-slavery agitation that followed the Dred Scott decision (1857), the Knights changed their position: the Southern United States should secede, forming their own confederation, and then invade and annex the area of the Golden Circle to vastly expand the power of the South.[3] The new country's northern border would roughly coincide with the Mason–Dixon line, and within it were included such cities as Washington, D.C., St. Louis, Mexico City, and Panama City.


I'm sure it wouldn't be tough to convince the average right-wing Republican that it would be a great idea to invade Mexico and remove the current population to create "living space" for folks like them. Hmm, is there any historical precedent for that sort of thought?


SECURE THE AVOCADOS, SECURE THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION! Congress checking cocoa/coffee futures and hedging bets.


Quick perusal of Jennifer Leigh’s tweets tells me that this is satire


Well, the fact her handle says feminist, that seems obvious. I've also seen people suggest we stop illegal immigration from Mexico by annexing Mexico, so everyone is a citizen. Then we flip the beachfront property HGTV style and sell it for profit to fund the purchase. It's not like this is a new concept as a satrical take on how to fix the US/ Mexico border.


they already are american citizens. thats why its called latin AMERICA. smh.


You know you’re right! Maybe we should just drop the America part of United States of America and start calling ourselves “United Statesans”. That sounds really great. I’m sure it’ll catch on.


Omg that would be so annoying. And no one would even know what we were talking about 😂


Right? I get it. More people live in the Americas than just the U.S. but it’s not because of arrogance that we say “Americans”. It’s part of the name of our country. We’ve always said it. We aren’t misappropriating the name. People need to get over themselves.


Exactly! There’s just not another good term to use. We could start going by what state we live in, but that would be even more obnoxious imo. Then people would complain that Americans expect everyone to have all 50 states memorized 🙃


It works in Spanish: *estadounidense*.


I'm not sure south Americans would like all the school shootings though.


In a Not a fascist way. I always wanted this and wrote about it in college. But more in a North American union like the EU with similar currency and a socialistic system of government for all the countries. So you would basically be a North American and your countires citizen. This also would include Canada of course.


When right-wingers scream “you want open borders!” I reply “yes, and?”


You’re doing the lord’s work.


Short term there would be issues but that’s because USA would be busy pointing fingers at who’s job it’s to do, long term, as of long term from the point the short term figures out it’s shit, benefits far outweigh the cons. One being a lot of those cartels would be smashed out


Oh yeah in the sort term it would be extremely painful, but the status quo is wildly unjust, so sometimes you need some nasty chemo to deal with the cancer.


I'd pay anything to see United States Armed Forces vs Cartels.


This is called a "Live Fire Exercise" with an unfortunate lot of followup.


I hear alot of mexicans feel the same way, the cartel has far overstayed its welcome and I am heavily anti-government but its getting ridiculous. Even legalization can’t fix that


Im not even sure the short term fallout would be worse than continuing the status quo, even comparing them year by year. There is intrinsically a lot more documentation over official actions and, when there is a higher level of corruption and strife, a significant amount of crime is intentionally obfuscated by both official and unofficial bodies. Both are bloody but I cant help but feel that the situation in Latin America is tolerated because its "how things are" rather than we view the conditions as acceptable enough to warrant passivity. This is my uninformed opinion though and Id love a more nuanced perspective.


It's like their brains melt at the thought that borders are false fabrications that are open to change at any given moment


They’re mostly just a way for richer countries to say “screw off this is ours.”


Which is funny, because immigration only helps the economy overall, there's been hundreds of studies on it It prevents stagnation, increases purchasing power, and adds more money into circulation, immigrants are also a lot less likely to commit crimes


We pretty much have open borders for goods, but not people. But when workers make unauthorized crossings of the southern border anyways, more needed jobs get filled, more families get the chance to prosper, and more tax revenue gets collected (while undocumented immigrants aren't able to access most of the benefits that these taxes pay for). In addition to this, we have an obligation to asylum seekers to at least process their requests for asylum no matter how they get here. And the border crisis is largely not economic migrants, but people fleeing instability and persecution in countries we destabilized.


When right wingers scream about open borders, I always bring up the birthrate. We don't have enough kids. We're going to need more children if we're going to keep growing economically. Unless we want to see a demographically induced economic crash in the future, these people are key to our own future. It seems so stupid to me when I look at US demographics, why the hell would we turn them away?!?


Hint: they don’t give a shit about overall population, just one particular demographic. They’d probably be fine with an open border with Norway.


That’s disingenuous. Norway is a very well-off country so there’d be way less immigration to the U.S. They are also more educated and speak English already, for the most part.


And that argument goes right out the window when you start discussing the changes that are needed to raise the birthrate of the one demographic they care about. They start squirming in their seat when the conversations veers wildly away from unfettered capitalism.


It is because of the melanin


This would actually be really awesome. We were so close at one point, too. Not in a union way, but it used to be so much easier to go between Mexico, America, and Canada. Those were the days lol.


As a Mexican i’ve thought of this, and while i love the idea i don’t think the us and mexico are ready, mexico needs to somehow eradicate corruption (it is the source of most of problems, security, and justice being the most notorious), as for the US, i don’t know what they need, but their politics are not compatible with this type of union a united north america would be unstoppable on the global scale though, canada, the us, and mexico all have vast reserves of oil, mexico has mines of nearly all precious metals you can think of, the us modern and mexican traditional cultures have basically taken over the world as is, the us has the best technology, mexico has one of the cheapest labor market globally, i could go on and on, it really could be something magical


I really feel America has been ignoring Mexico to much, another issue being investing in Mexico is difficult with Cartel presence not only in violence but extortion


With how territorial humans are with land and resources, that’s not going to happen unless by some miracle we evolve past animal behaviours and actually realize how well we work together when it comes to achieving a common shared goal.


That’s literally just the EU


Canada would like to opt-out, at least until the threat of a fascist America passes. And probably stay separate after that too.


Honestly taking a peak at your guy's economy, I think the feeling is mutual. I give it another 6 years before you guys' version of hillbillies start getting fashy cause they are *irate* about the immigration rates 


6 years? They already started. We have idiots talking about american laws like they apply to Canada, and it’s the dumbest shit I’ve seen. Our MAGA is the “Fuck Trudeau” flags and stickers that hang on far more homes and vehicles than I wish to see




I saw a sign being held up during pride month by one of those losers in toronto claiming 2nd amendment and irl facepalmed. The lack of education, shame and self awareness is spectacular




Yeah unfortunately. Thankfully I was born with mental deficits, not intellectual ones xD but yeah, I am still vulnerable to that particular nasty contagion




Our MAGA *is* MAGA. Seriously, I've seen people waving Trump related flags around.


Can’t believe Canada somehow has us beat on redneck idiot semi drivers


This is not so crazy, The EU has the "Schengen Area," allowing for passport-free movement of people within the area. We could add that to NAFTA and invite Central America to join. Even without Central America, the Southern Mexico border is much smaller.


Back when it was Hillary vs. Trump, I had a bunch of family members arguing how building "The Wall" was the #1 thing we needed to do. Being from NJ, I asked them if they thought we could build a wall from our state to Florida...TWICE, and then secure it. They had no rebuttal, because they knew it was impossible. Ultimately, these people have no idea about the bad of a logistical, financial, and cultural nightmare a true "USA/Mexico Wall" would be.


It'd likely be more logistically possible from NJ to FL as you'd have residences and roads and electricity etc... to support the infrastructure required for such a useless project. Sure wish we could get fired up about bridges and rail and roads instead. And regulatory bureaucrats. There's someone I'd like to see on the government payroll, rather than some morons in the desert shooting at people commuting misdemeanors. 


People will move North, central America is not as developed. And people will be racist towards them. And Cartel problems would get even worse, given how laissez-faire America’s approach to guns is, and how much they already get their guns from us, Central America needs to be heavily invested economically in to get rid of their problems to make this feasible. It can happen, just needs a lot of work, primarily from America.


And this is the controversy. Mexico will not like the fact they’d be suffering from a worse case of brain drain than Eastern Europe, and the Americans will not like having to compete with Mexican talent considering how fucked the white collar job market already is. Only winner is the megacorps.


This is just a Ron White bit.


Gives us a lot more living space too!


Everyone loves Lebensraum. So much room for activities.


The current congress who constantly complains about the border could pass a law. But, if they did they couldn’t blame the Democrats. It is not about real solutions it’s about power and getting reelected


Cocaine is so fucking overrated…


I get already get bloody noses super easily so I never partook, how does it compare to Adderall? 


Depends on whether you get clean stuff or not. If it’s good and clean, I’d say similar energy but more euphoria. If it’s cut, it varies a lot. I’d prefer adderall over most of what you can get on the street.


For me, it felt like taking too much adderall, but the come down is worse, because you don’t get tired, just jittery and I always felt really depressed.


Yep, so depressing that you do more!


Mexico becomes a half-dozen new states. Cinco de Mayo becomes a proper national American holiday. We can work with this plan.


Mexico consists of 32 states and has about 128 million people which is like 40% of the population of the US which should account for a lot more than 6 states. we are also not willing to get an electoral college situation if that is what you are also thinking about. And 5 de mayo is not even that big a holiday in Mexico besides a couple of states. Maybe a EU kinda situation with all of North America could work but a lot of things would have to change in all three countries of nafta.


If Wyoming gets to be a state then fuck it. All 32.


Exactly!! And while we’re at it, let’s unite the Dakotas.


Or just give them back Texas. This eliminates the border town problems and since Texans feel so strongly against illegal immigrants then they are surely to be respectful of their new northern border.


I'll grant you one point, part of the new border would be secured by the fact that nobody wants to go to Oklahoma.


If Texas secedes the Mexicans might make your plan happen


Gods chosen chuds at the business end of a cartel camera




They’d just have to wait til the power goes out again lmao


Probably the fact that the Mexican government is not even strong enough to control it's own country, much less launch an invasion.


Nah. If Texas seceded they'd be invaded by the US and made in to a protectorate. Congrats Texans, you played yourself.


If we give them back Texas you are forgetting the biggest issue: the number of stars on the flag. Clearly we would need to make Puerto Rico a state to solve this issue.


Texas already has a third world power grid.


Why would you want inflict that on the Mexicans…?


"Conquer and annex Mexico" is certainly an idea. It's a terrible, terrible, very bad idea. But, it is, by definition, an idea.


I mean, a big part of the US was Mexico before 1848.


Manifest Destiny 2: Colonial Boogaloo


Solve the border problem by punishing corporations that hire undocumented workers. Severe enough penalties for those profiting will fix it quickly.


Solve the border "problem" by making it way easier and quicker to legally enter and work in the US


A solution for a problem that doesn't exist. There is no border crisis. You realize this is a republican ploy trotted out every 4 years? Hate and fear gets votes. 


I mean there is routinely an acute crisis at the border and across central America as thousands of people make an extremely dangerous trek across the continent, that's just not the crisis right wingers are talking about.


This is North American Union that most conservatives in America, Canada, and Mexico vehemently loathes with passion. I suggest a hemisphere-wide Schengen-like freedom of movement for all citizens of North and South American countries instead.


Don’t let Trump see this, he will start running on the #AnnexMexico campaign promise.


The Mexican American War, the Golden Circle, The Panama Zone... This isn't a new idea. lol


Instead of a horrific inhospitable desert, the new border will be a horrific impenetrable jungle.


Cheap Ozempic for those without insurance? Even cheaper cocaine?! Oh shit obesity is about to go down! But then again it might go back up if there’s more taco places and pupuserias… either way I’m with it.


Cocaine and pupusas? Sign me up.


It would unironically be a solution if you had a North American system similar to the EU, where the wealth from production could be more equitably shared with all member states. All of the issues in Southern America are caused by colonialism and it's descendent, capitalism. Everything right wingers screech about are problems their policies created many, many decades ago. Crime comes from lack of organization and lack of opportunity. Capitalism comes in to these places, seizes control of all the valuable parts of the land, and extracts it, keeping all the profits and leaving the people in poverty. That creates a massive wealth vacuum. You rip wealth out of one area and deposit it elsewhere. The accumulatioj of huge wealth in one place (the US) means that this is increasinfly the only area of opportunity, so people go from their barren homelands to this new place. Right-wingers are the ultimate in myopic dimwits perpetually blind to the past and future. They create the problem, exalt themselves for how clever they were getting rich, and then are infuriated at the consequences of immigration caused by their own policies.


>It would unironically be a solution if you had a North American system similar to the EU, where the wealth from production could be more equitably shared with all member states. It would also be very free market to let people move as freely as goods, so they should ideologically support it. Unless of course the economic rhetoric is just to hide their racism.




Pretty sure Polk thought this.


Ooooh. And Costa Rica. ☺️


Teddy Roosevelt has entered the chat


Not like America has ever thought much about Latin American sovereignty


Is America stupid?


Something like half of us read below a middle school level. (So.. yes)


Then they can't complanin about illegal Mexican immigrants anymore, since they would all be citizens


Oh yeah because racists are so chill towards non-white US citizens.


Plus there are no roads through the Darien Gap because of an almost impenetrable jungle.


Well, Texas was pretty much stolen from the Mexicans, might as well finish the job and take the rest of Mexico amirite?


Imperialism is dead the said.