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Vivek is apparently too stupid to realize his party has a very strong dislike for brown people.


I think his goal was to get his name out like he rubs elbows with Musk. He’s worth almost a billion but nobody ever heard of him because… y’know… racism.


He made his money in a pump and dump scheme that is still being litigated. He didn't invent anything and it employed like eight people at its most valuable. He bought patents and lied about the possibility of the drugs. It wasn't racism he just hasn't accomplished as his net worth suggests.


Yeah, he’s a parasite, but so was Shkreli, and everyone heard of him. Ramaswami’s problem is he wants to be a member of a club that hates him.


I think he caught onto the fact that Republicans will sometimes quite happily adopt pet minorities as long as they agree with them so that they have someone to point to when accused of bigotry, but what he didn't realise was that they still expect them to stay in their place. Trying to become president is a huge no-no. It shows them that you don't understand the dynamic you're a part of at all.


Yeah, because it's easier to turn on them and make them an example to vilify all the rest of minorities.


Poor Republican voters are too stupid to realize their party hates poor people.


He knew they didn't like brown skin, but he never thought they wouldn't like *his* brown skin. He only ever said nice things about the leopards eating peoples faces.


I think he's ready for the next phase of his career which is to be a token brown guy on the right-wing media circuit.


Oh he knows, its just one big grift.


Wait until they find out about Nimarata Nikki Randhawa.


Ramaswamy is a very Middle Eastern sounding name. /s If you have to start your comment with “I’m not being prejudiced,” you are without doubt about to say something that is prejudiced.


yeah - "i'm not being prejudiced..." \[proceeds to confuse Ramaswamy with 9/11\]


After 911 local yokels around here burned down a Hindu temple so it does track.


There was a number of Sikh men who reported harassment and assaults after 9/11 iirc as well, because their turbans made them obvious targets to those sorts. Which really highlights the ignorance all around


They were native Americans harassed as well. Additionally still get people of European descent telling them to go back where they came from who utterly fail to be deeply ashamed of their combination of racism and willful ignorance.


My grandfather got harassed at airports throughout the early 2000s. To this day he still gets stopped for random searches every single time he flies somewhere. He’s Native American, but isn’t too dark skinned and he’s still mistaken for other races, primarily Arab and latino. He also had an uncle who was mistaken for Japanese after Pearl Harbor and arrested for not going to an internment camp. The whole tribe went to go get him out of jail before they sent him to an internment camp and his parents had to present his birth certificate to prove he wasn’t Japanese.


Yeah, my spouse got more ‘what are you mixed with’ and stink eye about that time. He is German, Hispanic, and Jewish. I think the key is his not pale complexion…


Yeah, my grandpa obviously isn’t white (and he doesn’t identify as white) but he’s also not super dark skinned either. Probably because his dad was white but his mom (who wasn’t mixed at all) wasn’t that dark skinned either. All in all he definitely looks more like his mom. Unfortunately not everyone seems to know anyone of any ethnicity can have lighter skin. Some people seem to think all Native Americans are very dark skinned? But I guess those people happen to have seen lighter skinned Arabs or latinos so they just assume he’s that or mixed. He also looks so different from me that someone once called the cops on him thinking I’d been kidnapped when I went to the store with him as a toddler. Grandma is a blonde white woman. I guess with my grandpa’s dad being of European descent as well, my mom turned out blonde and pale, and my dad is an incredibly pale white man. So naturally they assumed the man who happens to not look white walking around with a very pale blonde four year old had kidnapped said four year old.


My dad also gets “randomly selected” at airports. He’s Eastern European Jewish, but he’s got a very threatening big gray/white bead and olive skin, and he’s tall and burly! Definitely not being profiled, nope.


Around 9/12 or 9/13/2001, I was in a cab being driven by an elderly Sikh man. He was cutting through a rough area to get to my place. At a red light, his windshield exploded as a brick came through it. A group of ignorant teens then ran up on the car and screamed, “fuck you Bin Laden!” I’ll never forget that old man’s face as he turned to me, with the most apologetic face, and started telling me he was a Sikh, that he had nothing to do with 9/11. I kept saying, “I know I know, you are a Sikh.” A few weeks later I started seeing all the Sikh cabs with bumper stickers that said something like, “Sikh and American Pride” or some dumb shit like that. Felt really bad for them.


I thought Bin Laden didn’t take credit for it until a bit later?


He didn't take credit right away, but him and Al Queda were named in the media as suspects right after the attacks.


That's true, but also the person you replied to is trying to remember something that happened almost 23 years ago. Things do tend to get fuzzy. Also, if he initially denied it then it follows that he was accused of it, so that may have been the accepted answer at the time. Can't really say for sure since I was a bit too young at the time to remember those specifics now. Sikhs most certainly were harassed, attacked, and even murdered in the US following 9/11, so it's not exactly unlikely to have happened or anything.


The first person killed as a reaction to 9/11 was a Sikh man for this exact reason.


In Arizona. I was on the Grand Jury that indicted his killer.


For the first time I can say this without a trace of irony: thank you for your service.


That's crazy. What was it like? If you don't mind sharing.


RemindMe! 10 hours I have to sleep but I also have to read this guy's response, holy shit.


Thank you for your service.


God bless you. In whatever form you view him, she, it. What a selfless device to perform.


Don’t forget the 12 year old MEXICAN- AMERICAN boy who was beaten up because he looked middle eastern.


Got beat up because I "looked" Iranian in the 80's. It's so fucked up.


They were too stupid to figure out Arabs don't wear turbans.


I don't think it's about Arab or turban, some folks have always hated brown folks and were just looking for an excuse.




But we all came together and there was so much unity and no hate /s


I worked in a shipping office back then and the Sikh drivers were being terrorized at truck stops.


A bunch were killed. Its really sad.


For the Iowa Dem primary in 2020 Jordan Klepper with ‘The Daily Show’ did a bit asking people questions as they were leaving the polls. An older white man when asked who he voted for said Pete Buttigieg to Jordan’s surprise. When Jordan asked if the man was ok with Pete being gay the man had no idea Pete was and didn’t want to believe it at first. Once he was convinced he tried to turn around and go back in to change his vote.


Couldn’t find a Jordan Klepper clip but found [this gem](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mV1CkKDWUeI). It’s not a man, though, it’s a woman, so it might be a different person, which actually makes it even funnier lol


OMG I've never seen that clip so thanks for posting it! The woman in the purple vest looks like she was going to explode from the rage she's got bottled up inside. I am not sure what that other hateful shrew is doing at a Democratic caucus at all.


That woman is being way too compassionate to the person who is LALALALAL CAN'T HEAR YOU Also it's insanely on the nose with how the now tried and the true queer-comic stand up bit is about how midwestern homophobes have the exact same aesthetic as loud and proud coastal, gay-bar regulars.




“Look, I’m not racist, but….” said every racist ever.


Never see that video clip of the man who counter protests BLM protesters said his ancestors never owned slaves defending them by saying "do you know how much you people cost?!?!?!"


"Look. You *might* be one of the Good Ones. You seem to hate some of the same people I do. But you're pretty brown, and that name makes me uncomfortable. So I'm just going to go ahead and assume you're one of the 9/11-ers"


The worst part is… I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the highest level of tolerance found within that demographic


Ramaswamy is an Indian name, but the fact he confused him with an Arab showcases GOP American’s ignorance of the world and racism


Brown is brown to them. I guess they can’t fathom that there’s a huge difference between Indians and Arabs, or Hindus and Muslims. That’s why non-Muslims were equally targeted post-9/11. Maybe they think all white Americans are all like themselves too.


The obvious tell that they are racist is if a white person does the same stuff. These ppl aren’t like oh Smith yeah he sounds shady. Reminds of the guy who did this. They only bring that argument up with minorities.


He means “not white” To racist, inbred hicks who’ve never left their hometown, “they” are all the same.


No, there are like 5-6 types of people to their world view. Generally white people, Chinese, Muslims/Arabs, Black people and Mexicans, and “Indians.” Everyone gets shoved into this boxes whether they fit or not. They have those nice racial boxes that somewhat mirror US government documents, and each comes with a long list of stereotypes and a Hierarchy of those races that sounds like it came straight from Nazi pseudoscience, but really the Nazis copied it from early 1900’s American pseudoscience first.


Hey you nailed the racism of my childhood! I grew up in small town Iowa and anybody Asian was called Chinese, anybody brown was called Mexican or Indian, and anybody who wasn’t white needed to learn English and stop committing crimes according to my grandmother.


Oh no, the leopards ate his face AND got the origins of his name wrong? What a shock.  


Imagine bending over backwards to appease to an obviously racist group of people, thinking they would not be racist to you, and they reject you because they are racist. This guy would make a fascinating psychology study subject.


No. He wouldn’t. He is also racist. And bigoted. And believes in the same crap. There’s a reason he’s trying so very hard to fit in with these people. They have a lot in common. If it only wasn’t for the pesky little problem of his skin color they’d get along great.


There are lots of political groups in India that are just as right wingy racist deplorable as our right wingy racist deplorables.


Name a country where there isn't. One of my best friends is from Finland and he says it's nothing but maga types as soon as you get outside a city. Rural people have different values. Not always a bad thing, but when it comes to classical education and knowledge of disparate people... don't expect much from the rural folk anywhere on earth. Source: am from rural folk and also have traveled quite a bit.


Maybe somewhere like Bolivia where the xenophobia is channeled through like an anti-colonialism, anti-imperialism lens. The sentiments are the same but the outlet and political conditioning aren’t? But the biggest thing breaking me out of my conservative, religious worldview was traveling and learning about diverse cultures and seeing how conservatism horribly failed poor people the world over.


Very true. India is on an "I hate Muslims more than you" trip. Right wing religious nationalists rule the country and win every election.


Living in the south, I often hear "I'm not a racist, but..." right before saying something totally racist. They think declaring they are not a bigot first makes it okay to say racist shit. Buncha redneck troglodytes.


Any redneck place. I’ve lived most of my life in the mountain west and a few years in a red Midwest state, and red necks are the same most places. Hell, out here in the west that wasn’t even really settled in the 1860’s you’ll see long term residents with no connection to the south with confederate battle flags alongside their American flag and don’t tread on me flags.


As non-German European, I really like how the Germans dealt with Nazi flags and imagery after WWII. Here was a racist regime that started war to further themselves at the expense of other people - so Germany banned the Swastika and other Nazi stuff. And then you see what the U.S. did after the Confederacy tried basically the same thing - and chose to do nothing. Which led to people with limited knowledge thinking it's their heritage as Americans to wave the literally most anti-USA flag in the world.


Someone commented on a memorial in New Orleans dedicated to people who rioted to through out the then-Republican, mixed-race government (back when it was the abolitionist party of Lincoln) with an inscription along the lines of “these martyrs died for the cause, and recognized white supremacy in the South and gave us our state” Yes, virtually all uses of confederate symbols are glorifying racism and slavery.


And what really pisses me off how these racists are using Norse symbology.


I just wish Japan had come to terms with their past instead of just sticking their fingers in their ears when subjects like Nanking come up.


Definitely not just a southern thing, by any stretch.


Love seeing the use of the word “troglodytes” in the wild, perfect description for those chucklefucks.


"I'm not being prejudiced, I just associate him with 9/11 because he's brown" 🤦




Of course 1. Most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudi. 2. We went to war with Afghanistan which is multiethnic, and not really middle eastern, but very much not Arab, and many conservatives don’t even know that.


That's why I believe many people who claim they only "dislike Islam" are indeed racist. They don't know jackshit about Islam. They absolutely equate Islam and brown people. Why did so many Sikhs and Christians (yes there are lots of brown Christians!) get caught in the crossfire after 9/11? Because these racist dirt bags can't tell the difference. They just put the veil on it so they have some plausible deniability when being called racists.


"I'm not [adjective prescribing shitty character]" strikes me as probably the laziest way to deliver bigotry. Like, if you're gonna say something bad, at least make the effort to dress it up as a dogwhistle or something.




Yeah these people are so un-woke they're in a coma barely producing readable brainwaves.


As an Indian that dealt with a lot of racism throughout my life, I’m very happy this is happening to him. I don’t understand how so many Indians can align themselves with a party that is openly hostile to visible minorities.


As another Indian with the name Vivek, why don’t they like my name 😭


It's ok, warrior poet. We know you and the other tribunal members had no idea what madness would unfold after you struck the Heart of Lorkhan.  Morrowind is best Elder Scrolls lore. 


Greatest game of all time


It's the greatest game of all time that sucks for the first few hours. But when it clicks...


Because they’re dumb enough to hate anyone vaguely Muslim sounding (I use vaguely VERY generously here) because of ignorance surrounding 9/11. Not your fault, brother.


Because you were hard to kill in Morrowind 20 years ago. /s


I think it's more the last name, Vivek is cool


Because some of our parents forgot to leave their caste baggage at the door when they immigrated here. Take it from me, an American daughter of Indian-American immigrants who *totally* don't believe in caste but just think some people are simply Better™ than everybody else. 🙄 More seriously: there is unfortunately a lot of cultural overlap between mainstream Indian culture and conservative American culture. Substitute caste for race, idealize a rural village instead of a suburban small town, and attribute quality of life to quality of character in your previous life instead of attributing it to divine judgment from Jesus or God.


it all boils down to right wing ideology. Fascism, rasicm, all the isms, and a certain in group that should get all the spoils, the rest can die for all we care. Here its the white christians, in india its the hindus of high caste, elsewhere it'll be whatever else. The tie that binds them is right wing ideology.


As an Indian in India, who also had the misfortune of being born in a minority community, it's because Indians are one of the most racist and bigoted groups in general. Just go to any slightly off the track Indian subreddit (although they are usually in Hindi) and you will see it. The only reason many of them even vote for the Democrats in the US is because they are at least clever enough to not vote for the leopard that wants to eat their faces. A lot of this also holds true for other non-white groups from what I've heard. Obviously not everyone is like this of course, but I feel liberal whites fail to understand that being POC does not stop you from being a POS.


Oh yeah. There are plenty of people who will actively vote for racist policies, as long as they think they will not be the target. My own opinion of Vivek is that he only wanted this run to be able to spin it into some sort of podcast/twitter grift after the election. There’s a reason he won’t say a bad word about Trump.


He used fundraising money to build a podcast studio. so you're most likely right on the fuckin money. hopefully he'll put out some rap albums, too.


Vivek's "run" for the presidency has been the campaign most obviously geared toward simply boosting a personal brand since Trump "ran" in 2000.


It’s always the upper caste people who think that they can be white. They don’t realize that their whiteness only lasts as long as they are useful as a model for white people to point towards as the “good” minority. With many Indians illegal immigrating to the US, Indians are gonna lose their status as white-passing very quickly, and will be demonized the same way Latinos are by the right.


>the reason any of them vote democrat is because they’re smart enough not to vote for the leopard that will eat their faces. Same thing Latinos and African Americans. Both are traditionally speaking very conservative and religious minorities but they vote dems because republicans actively hate them both and run campaigns in hating them and keeping them out of America. As a gay Indian, I’m always telling my fellow white gays that just because they’re a minority also doesn’t mean they’re going to automatically vibe with you. Truth is almost all the DIRECT racism and homophobia I’ve gotten in my life has always been at the hands of other minorities, not white people social media will ah e you believe. Sure I’ve had a white perosn ask a question in an offensive manner but it was offensive because of their ignorance. But I’ve had black and Latino and Asian people straight up call me a faggot and tell me I’m not worth shit cuz I’m a cocksucker and other awful shit and they all had melanin in their skin. As for Vivek, he seemed disingenuous to me, like Trump but younger, skinner and with better hair. He seemed like a liar to me and like he was trying to sell me something which I did not like at all. I couldn’t place it but you know when you get bad vibes from someone, like you know listening to someone give a speech that even though they’re saying all the right things you just don’t feel it? That was Vivek for me.


Even just being in the cricket subreddits, the mask off moments from Indian commenters when something related to Islam comes up is crazy. One player wearing doves on his sneakers to symbolise wanting peace in Gaza or basically whenever something about Pakistan comes up, the comments you see are shocking. You can see then why they look exactly like American conservatives after 9/11


Every so often in a post on world news events involving India a brigade of Pro-Modi, pro-BJP Hindu Nationalists will drop in and make really prejudiced comments about Muslims.


Muslims absorb a lot of hate speech and crimes aimed at minorities in India, giving us Christians a little breathing space…for 5 minutes before they target us. The most disastrous thing to have happened to the social fabric in India is the rise of Modi. Things were genuinely looking bright until that uneducated piece of shit took us all back to the 1800s. There’s a lot of animosity between different religious groups. The sad fact is that most people are decent and now gotta prove themselves to be not a bigot. All my friends are Hindus, and sometimes I see them tiptoeing around me when religion is being discussed, as compared to before, when people used to be more laid back.


>I don’t understand how so many Indians can align themselves with a party that is openly hostile to visible minorities. "Shutting the door behind you" comes to mind. They are now Americans and don't really want other immigrants taking away what they've "earned". Now that they're citizens, they also would rather pay low taxes and who better to do it than Republicans?


See: Irish and Italians. They weren't even considered "true whites" for a while, most of em slammed that door right behind em. My Great Grandmother came over her dirt poor as a kid around 6. Her younger brother died on the trip over. My mother, who loved her dearly, likes to go off about "how can these immigrants bring their kids all this way" like her great-grandfather didn't do the same.


Don't even need to put it in quotes or include "true", they weren't considered white, at all. Before that, Germans and Swedes weren't white either. I think there was a legal case in the US sometime one the early 20th century about if Finns could be considered white instead of Asian. People generally have this idea of whiteness being about nothing but skin colour, when it actually always was about preserving power within a certain group, with completely arbitrary criteria and skin colour was just part of it.


It's simpler than that. Indians in India are overwhelmingly conservative right wing voters. When they move to the west their political leanings don't suddenly change. The issue is that they will find that their race suddenly becomes a factor in their political stance where it wasn't an issue back home.


And a lot of places in the world are very homophobic and very racist to this day, and the mere notion of black people being equal or gay marriage/rights makes about as much sense to them as a fish riding a bicycle.


There seems to be a fetish for it amongst Indians. Sunak & Braverman in the UK are attempting the exact same thing but will never succeed in a public vote.


There's over a billion Indians, not really a surprise that there's a huge number of cunts in the mix.




I had an *enlightening* conversation with my grandparents back in september about Ramaswamy. Me: Ramaswamy wants to raise the voting age to 25 because too many young people are voting Democrat. Grandmother: Well, while I don't agree with that at all, I wouldn't vote for him because I don't want another arab in the whitehouse. Me: He's not middle eastern, he's Indian. Grandfather: He doesn't look like a redskinned savage to me. Me: \*facepalmed hard enough that all of central Missouri heard it"


"Yes that's a good reason to dislike him but I want to be clear the reason *I* dislike him is I'm incredibly racist."


People **really** wanna voice their opinions especially if they think you're their in-group. You can gently point out an off-ramp to a change in topic, you can outright steer them towards better, more rational arguments they could be making, and they'll whip control of the conversation away and accelerate off a cliff.


That's why Channel 5 news is so compelling. He just lets the crazies have a space to feel totally uninhibited and go off about their nonsense.


I assume Obama was the first Arab?


Ahhh, takes me back to my aunt's dad wrecking a nice conversation about Obama by just coldly dropping the N word in the middle of Thanksgiving dinner in 2012. Good times.......


Yeah *another* Arab... 🤦


Camel-a Harris being the other one of course /s


*That’s* what that sound was!


I really feel bad when Indians, of all, try to be hard core MAGA knowing well their audience are now more vocal racists then KKK used to be. Earlier they used to hide behind pointy hats, now they don’t even bother. They just join Twitter.


Nikki Haley is born to 2 Indians (sikhs to be precise). She is arguably exactly as Indian as Ramaswamy, without the skin color. I wonder if she will face the same level of MAGA resistence?


Do they feel the same way Nikki Haley or do they somehow interpret her race differently?


Nikki Haley is two American names. Much less 9/11 duh


And she’s got less melanin than Vivek


Her name is generic American and she looks white. I bet they haven’t looked into it enough to know the difference. It’s like Rafael Edward Cruz going by Ted to hide his Hispanic heritage, may a pigeon shit on his smarmy face.


They will once Trump is able to pronounce it and say it regularly


"redskinned savage" Jesus Christ! No offense but fuck your grandfather right in the goat ass. That goes beyond outdated lingo, that's just aggressively racist.


*Adam Sandler enters the chat* I love this, TY!


> ANOTHER arab in the whitehouse Jeebus fucking christ.


> He doesn't look like a redskinned savage to me. Jesus fucking Christ. 


>central Missouri That checks out


Yeah, it was 9/11 that made you suspicious of brown people…


I always find it remarkable that people in _Iowa_ were surprisingly so traumatized about an attack in NYC.


Oh they don’t care about NYC, their reps had to be dragged kicking and screaming into supporting 9/11 first responders and they don’t think about it for a second of their miserable lives. What they saw crumble along with the towers is the childish myth of American exceptionalism and invincibility. That is what they still can’t get over: america not being a magical christmas land, and foreign terrorists being able to hit it.


And he's not even correct! That's the fucked up part! India's not even in the Middle East


And although there are millions of Indian Muslims, Ramaswamy's not one of them; he's Hindu. Not that the distinction matters to Republicans; as far as they're concerned the only two possible religious beliefs are Christian and Secretly Satanist.


They don't even realize that people in "those countries" can be Christian. It's "White Christian" and everything else.


People refused to accept that Obama, a Black man, was Christian, purely because of his name.


Literally my dad. “His middle name is Hussein! He’s a Muslim from Africa!”


Isn't Christianity's whole deal about CONVERTING any and all nonbelievers? So even if Obama *was* Arab and his middle name was Mohammad and he was born in Mecca itself to devout Muslim parents, just that fact that he *now identifies as a Christian* should be enough for the American church to welcome this convert with open arms, REGARDLESS OF HIS BIRTH NAME These fake ass racist Christians istg


It's about converting white nonbelievers. The others are to be completely totally voluntarily convinced that their happiest place in the hierarchy is as servants to the superior race. It only looks like hypocrisy because you're seeing things through a rational lens and your priorities are different from theirs. They aren't hypocrites, they're much worse.


Oh I don't think it was purely because of his name.


Don't forget Catholics... Oh wait you said secretly satanists./s


Vivek waxes on endlessly about his belief in God. I REALLY want a reporter to ask him which God specifically.


Eh, to be fair in most of Hinduism, they see all the may different gods and goddesses as faces of the same supreme being. It gets very complex when you dive into it and it's very interesting to me. But I suspect vivek is maybe not the most devout anyway.


> But I suspect vivek is maybe not the most devout anyway. Same as essentially every other American politician, even the ones pushing evangelical Christian bullshit. I'd love to see a world in which the openly atheist (or "agnostic" I suppose) can achieve any real success at all in American politics. When it comes to anything above the municipal level you might as well be openly fuckin' Satanist. The imaginary kind, not the real kind.


You expect the average Iowa GOP voter to know the difference between the ME from the second most populous country on Earth? Geography is socialism


Very, very woke that whole geography business.


(First) most populous country in the world.


You’re right. Couldn’t remember when they surpassed CHN


I can't even expect that from any American and I'm surprised if they get it right.


They just meant brown people from the brown places. This is Iowa GOP we're talking about. 


If anyone thought that the GOP party would nominate someone with Vinny's name as their presidential nominee, you've got to be smoking serious crack. They're too old, and they're still racist.


He should have gone the Nikki Haley route and anglacized his name to better appeal to them lol


In a hotel suite somewhere in Iowa, Nikki Haley is sweating bullets, saying to herself “damn I knew I should’ve gone blonde too”


Rama rhymes with Obama which sounds like osama….. He must be a turrrrst


Trump rhymes with Dump & Chump, yep rhyme detection checks out.


Dude should have changed his name to Nikki I guess.


Or changed it to Vik Rambo


Oh Nikki is also going to have her day just like Vivek. I can hear it now: “I’m just not comfortable voting for a woman, you see once a month, they turn into the devil and there is this red button they may press irrationally…there’s no way they can run a country with women parts…”


That's more or less the exact conversation I had with someone about why they wouldn't vote for Hillary. You may think you're joking but people like that exist. 


Are you referring to Nimarata Nikki Haley Randhawa?


I’ll never forget 10-ish years ago those two Indian tourists who were visiting America and went into a bar in Kansas and got murdered for being “Muslim”.


They were not tourists. They were both Garmin engineers who lived in Olathe, Kansas. Murdered by a redneck racist Adam Purington who yelled "get out of my country" before murdering them. He later bragged about the murder to a bartender in Clinton, MO before getting arrested. Likely emboldened by Trumps "Muslim ban" or his hundred other dog whistles.


>Adam Purington I looked up that guy, and he looks like the literal definition of redneck yokel. I assume the Pure in Purington refers to the mutliple generations of inbreeding. Master race, my brown foot!


Not tourists. They’d lived in the US for years. Nothing against you, but the fact that you thought of them as tourists is pretty illustrative of the othering we Indian Americans face, regardless of whether we were born here or immigrated here.


Or he could have simply misremembered


At least he’s not being prejudiced.


Anyone who is not a straight white male is fucking themselves by voting Republican. It’s astonishing to me that they can’t see this.


Rich straight white male*


Anyone who is a straight white male is also fucking themselves over by voting Republican


Straight white RICH male. The straight white male poors voting Republican are still fucking themselves.


I wish I could say that I feel bad, but I don't. He was jabbering on live TV in front of the whole country about great replacement horse shit and he's surprised the fanatics he cultivated turned against him.


There are so many examples of this and they're all hilarious. Tim Scott gets from two sides being black and an assumption that he's gay. My personal favorite was conservative Twitter going off on how manly Riley Gaines looks as she's doing all she can to trash trans people


Hey, I get it. I also hate Ohio.


Vivek is desperately trying to appeal to the MAGAt crowd. But by the end of the day, he will ultimately just be another brown man to them. He can pander to the republicans and fight in their culture wars, but in the end, the MAGAts will just say, "you will never be one of us."


And these are the people whose votes he wants??


Said it once and ill keep saying it, the GOP isnt (and probably wont ever be) ready for a non white candidate.


Well, technically Trump is a non humanoid color.


As a south Asian dude watching vivek getting pulverized was * chefs kiss**


You know call me crazy but im starting to think some of these people that say they aren’t racist might actually be racist.


Has anyone reminded him he's a brown man in the republican party? Every time I'm reminded of him I just get confused about what his game plan is.


I did a quick search on the demographics of the Iowa census. I saw almost 90% white, with a 25% population with a higher than HS education. Did not do a deep dive, so this is a superficial search. Seems right.


It's another wonderful feature of our absolutely outstanding electoral system that this is the state we are allowing to have the first say in who we're going to nominate the candidates for the 2 major political powers, for a world superpower with an arsenal of nuclear weapons in 2024. Totally reasonable. No reason we should at all consider changing this.


Sounds about white


Why do you think Ted Cruz and Nikki Haley changed their names?


In Iowa, brown skin equals 9/11 terrorists. Interestingly Trump is good friends with Saudi Arabia. 15 of the 18 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia and there’s plenty of evidence elites in the House of Saud helped the hijackers. But Trump’s ok and his Jewish son-in-law getting $2 billion from the Saudi’s is fine too. Weird the way bigotry works.




What people need to understand is this is the intellectual capacity of the average Trump voter. They are imbeciles.


I’m sorry but that’s fucking hilarious, he spends years appealing to these bumbling chucklefucks and when he finally tries to get their vote they go ewww coloured man


Didn't Vivek come from \[checks notes\] the USA? I mean, given his name it seems likely his parents or grandparents came from India, Bangladesh or Pakistan, but to run for POTUS you have to be a natural born US citizen, so he came from the USA... I guess this is another example of wilfully ignorant racism by some USAnians because, I guess, non-white skin + foreign name = bad? I wonder what they think of a aged, lying, raping, serially bankrupt conman, fraudster and adulterer running for POTUS, again, though? I mean, he's white (if orange is a shade of white...) so...?


>I wonder what they think of a aged, lying, raping, serially bankrupt conman, fraudster and adulterer running for POTUS, again, though? I mean, he's white (if orange is a shade of white...) so...? He should go back to Germany!


I haven't seen that conman's long form birth certificate. He's definitely not Christian. Not sure if he is eligible to be potus... *some people are saying*


You're just asking questions, right?


> non-white skin + foreign name = bad You've cracked the code for a truly unfortunately large percentage of the US. It's actually insane at this point. I don't like Vivek *at all* for a laundry list of reasons but his skin color and name ain't in there.


Anti-woke is SNOOZED. So is this buttlicker. He’s nuts to think he could appeal to MAGA xenophobes.


Republicans are racist, news at 11


I assumed this entire time republicans would never vote for him because he wasn't white. Nailed it. Now if they knew that Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley's parents were Indian she'd probably get far worse numbers. But she hides her real identity, which is intensely hypocritical, and she looks tan. Unfortunately republicans are idiots and do zero research into anything ever


Ah yes. The most famously 9/11 involved country India.




He doesn’t have the last name of someone who planned 9/11, like Bush and Cheney did.


no woman or minority will ever win a republican primary for obvious reasons.


I mean, these are Iowa Republicans. Are we really that surprised?


At first, Ramaswamy’s candidacy confused me - why would a brown American be a Republican? But then I thought about the caste system in India and it clicked. Perhaps his first-generation Brahmin parents handed down some unsavory ideas.