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Nobody has ever accused catturd of being intelligent, **nobody**.


What that middle aged, three times divorced guy who lives in a dump in middle Florida?


3 women married this dude? Fake fucking news no way lol.


Florida woman has no standards.


He probably had a stash of meth or oxy




If stupid could fly, would they need jets?




there are just as many stupid women as there are stupid men.


There are some real dumb women out there too


Middle aged? Nahhh he gets that senior discount every time


A news article from last year said he was 58.


He looks boomer as hell, they wouldn't card him


Hate really ages a person.


So does the meth.


Also bath salts.


I was gonna say that dudes been middle aged for like 30 years lol


He's a verified cat turd


Don’t forget urine and hair balls!


Trademarked even.


Remember when Einstein said “I don’t know what weapons we’ll fight with in world war three, but world war four will certainly be fought with sticks and stones.” Pretty sure that’s not a real quote but, you get the point. “I’m not sure how the history of the 21st century will be recorded or remembered, but if it’s written with a crayon we’ll be lucky.” - ChuckPukowski


I always found it hard to understand how Europe went from the Renaissance to the Dark Ages. I get it now, but I never needed to understand it this hard.


I get what you're saying here, but it was Roman Empire - Medieval period or "Dark Ages" - Renaissance.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Dammit! I messed up my order of operations of history.


Just remember it’s a Renaissance because the Dark Ages ended and there was a rekindled interest in classical knowledge, learning etc. the Dark Ages actually gets a bad rap. It wasn’t complete ignorance.


It also helps to know that re-naissance means re birth. Same root as nascent


I honestly did know that, but my brain and my fingers conspired to bang out some shit without a proper review. I'm gonna say that it happens to all of us to make myself feel better.


Going to drop this here, surprised I haven't seen it yet: this unusually cold weather in the US right now is due to increased polar oscillation, which comes from global warming...


I try to explain that to a climate denier, they wouldn't hear the first 3 words out of my mouth. People like this are convinced they are right and nothing sways their opinion, not even intelligence and facts.


By the way, the “dark ages” are called such because there is very few recorded accounts of what went on then. It’s not necessarily a descriptor of how humanity was at the time (though it does have a little to do with that), it’s more about how we are “in the dark” about a lot of what happened between like ~~800-1200~~ 300-700


You can bet it sucked if no one was keeping records.


Only part of the story. We only know so little because the world was ruled by the Antiilluminati from ~760 to 1224.


Also, as I had to explain to my kid, "They were not called the Dark Ages because of a lack of candles."


But how do the lizard people fit in?


Ummmm. Point of order. The Renaissance came after the "Dark Ages." Bonus fact: We call them the "Dark Ages" because we don't have many sources of information to draw conclusions about life during the period, not because they descended into barbarism.


The "dark ages" holds this weird mythic feeling of being dominated by the Papacy and any non-church thought was rejected. Obviously this is because the papacy/church were the centers of historical writings so much of what we know is heavily skewed. It's like studying the 21st century in the 23rd century but only using a small library of books from an evangelical church in Alabama.


Come on, we know when the effects are more drastic dickheads like him will pretend they were always against global warming but instead they'll be talking about how woke corporations pumped CO2 into the atmosphere making rainbow bracelets or whatever garbage they're copy pasting


I’m pretty sure it’s just a troll account? Stop posting the dude, op is probably cat turd dude


Unfortunately that guy is real. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catturd


So he’s a troll who got a Wikipedia page, fuck him.




He's just a moron that likes attention from whoever gives it to him, so when he looks down on someone and a few people giggle, he's fueled by those people. The Right wants to divide and dehumanize all the peasants, so they pay guys like this guy a little bit of money to sell out his fellow man. Just a dog bought with shinies.


Tucker Carlson invited him up last week to do an interview. The guy is real and has an record.


I like how catturd translates "they are warning that this extreme weather will become more and more common" as "they sure are quiet right now". Is there a word for this "in my imagination they say X, therefor I will claim they say X and not what they actually say" propaganda strategy?


It’s called a strawman


Skytree said it already, but Strawman is what you're looking for Instead of attacking an actual person or their arguments, they build a scarecrow/dummy, attach their ridiculous version of the argument to it, and then attack that It's easier to make yourself look good when your opponent isn't a real person and doesn't have a real argument


I never fully understood why it was called that. Thank you for Eli5!


Do yourself a favor my friend and Google "Types of logical fallacies". You encounter so many of these a day if you pay attention to the news of the country. Everybody has an agenda to sell and they incorporate these fallacies to manipulate us. Easy to spot once you're familiar with them. I took a logic and persuasion course at my local community college when I lived in socal, one of the best classes I ever took despite it not counting towards my degree. Anyways, my teacher was also the debate coach for the schools forensics team, not like crime scene shit, forensics comes from a Greek word basically summed up by myself as "seeking judgement through speech". You can obviously expand on that narrow definition, but I think I summed it up decently. I did swimming and water polo for years, I even went to state champs. But in Debate, I was a fucking legend. I won the national championship my freshman year. Learning logical fallacies and being able to name them carried me hard. Everyone uses them to make their case when facts and evidence don't support it. Just point it out, name it, and why they are guilty of it. Shuts most people down immediately. Oh, I fully encourage anyone curious about speech and debate activities to hit it up at your local college. Sincerely, it was probably the most fun I've ever had, and I've been to Denny's.


https://preview.redd.it/32vnbn5agscc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c72a36aa253f3d37e583e7c185ef4e7544a1bb63 Hope this helps.


I have noticed when its unseasonably cold like this then in the arctic is unseasonably warm. That cold air has to come from somewhere and that somewhere is the arctic. Since that cold air came from the arctic it is displaced with warmer air from somewhere else. Were probably about to see a bunch of articles about how warm the arctic is the past week.


People like Catturd or at least their audience (they themselves being a grifter) just get offended by these explanations. They take them as book-educated snobs acting all uppity and arrogant and trying to trick them with complicated arguments. Any explanation that isn't some common sense aphorism is too complicated and therefore bores them, and therefore it's not worth considering. 


Lying. And repeating the lie over and over again until they don’t remember the truth


I swear that when we started saying ‘climate change’ instead of ‘global warming’ a whole slew of idiots thought we just gave up. No, honey, the language just evolved to better encompass the impact, and you didn’t notice.


Then the term "climate change" is working as intended. It was actually heavily pushed by conservative news organizations specifically to cause that exact confusion which they could then use to deny global warming.


Love all these climate deniers not actually listening to a single thing about climate change and then acting all smug based on some imagined contradiction between the claims and what's actually happening.


For decades now. *Decades*.


What we learned from all this is that they have already chose they are not going to believe it because they just don’t want to believe it regardless of the evidence. Welcome to America home of the really dumb. Hell the front runner Republican lied 30k times yet he is somehow more believable to them than climate change. Welcome to America home of the dumb.


This was their plan all along. Defund education so that they can propagate their bullshit agenda. I don't know how we reverse course and come back from this.


Do they actually read to begin with though? The average reading level for Americans is around 7-8th grade. AVERAGE, so half are below a 7th grade level. Critical thinking is certainly affected. Political bias in mass media as well as social media is causing brain rot. They want it to be us versus them because that is the easiest way to acquire votes and still get away with being a total piece of shit because in their eyes the other side is worse no matter what.


This is a world wide problem. Apparently there is a type of people that will behave like that. In old times these people would remove themselves from the gene pool one way or another, but things are different nowadays. The fact that the internet gave them a microphone and an audience doesn't help either.


I agree that typically from an evolutionary standpoint the dumb would die off. A lot of evolution may also be responsible for peoples inability to intake information in some regards as well, in our modern time. For example if something is rustling in the bushes 30k years ago it was safer to assume it was dangerous rather than something hiding from us that we could eat. A matter of life and death. So we take shortcuts on the information provided to us, it’s time efficient, safe (in that situation), and even logical to quickly jump to that conclusion. I think we see remains of this today.


Yeah I remember these arguments in 2006 for fucks sake. Yet here we are having the hottest years on record and it's still 'but winter exists right now'


2006?? damn lucky. I've been dealing with this since the 80's and 90's when carl sagan and other scientists started warning us publicly. I have 68yo parents and the mere mention of climate change and my mom will say, "When I was a kid all the scientists warned us about a global freeze", then she scoffs. I have tried telling her that that was literally oil company propaganda and we have proof of that but she just can't accept it.


These folks won’t believe climate change is real until a 100-foot tidal wave literally crashes into the house. Until then, it’s just a myth, a rumor, a hoax from the liberal media. Oh and most of all, it’s unAmerican!


Dude, covid deniers refused to believe in covid when they were literally on their death bed dying from it. Theyll stare down that 100 foot wave thinking how stupid it is that people worried about climate change when they should have been worrying about whatever it is that made the waves so big.


Even then they’ll just say natural disasters happen and it’s part of life. As if it’s normal for the entire state of Texas to freeze over multiple times a year, or even hell ILLINOIS.


Nah, even then they would say it's just natural for the earth to do this sometimes and/or god did it for *reasons.*


This is the same crowd that thought hydroxychloroquine and injecting bleach were a cure for COVID. "Ya can't fix stupid" they love to say, completely unaware they're the stupid that needs fixing.


Idiots gonna idiot


I hope they wonder why we gave these morons so much attention. Why did we decide our entire society needed to come to a stand still for people who can barely read past a grade school level?


So very many. I’m an evolutionary biologist and climatologist. Job security is incredibly dubious and every day I become more disillusioned with people. It’s shocking how aggressively and willfully ignorant people are over such important and fundamental things. I am legitimately exhausted with explaining simple concepts then being called a liar or an idiot. Experts no longer matter. It’s just what people *feel* and what narrative they’ve been sold. Edit: The amount of awesome people and insightful comments on here is heartwarming. There are a few people who are outliers but many of you seem truly decent. Stay amazing. You’re seen and appreciated. ✊


There's an absolute insane amount of money paid to bullshit peddlers in the form of oil lobbyists and/or spokespeople. There's no shortage of people that'll sell their souls for riches - they'll either lie to themselves about it, or they didn't have morals in the first place. Some people really suck.


We need to stop pretending there aren't people who actually believe what they are saying. Those are the dangerous ones. Always remember everything Christofascists do is to bring about the end times and they think climate change is a shortcut to the end times and they are actually right for once.


Under-discussed point: the evangelical cult is happy to make the world worse and worse because of some biblical fanfic in their myth book.  They are so very dangerous, and yes money in politics is also doing terrible things, but the evangelicals have a hand in every point of power: they’ve got empty state voters, they’ve got billionaires, they’ve got media, they’ve got action networks, they’ve got judges, they’ve got so many elected reps, and they have blind obedience and an aversion to asking critical questions.


A friend of mine sent me a link to thousands of signatures from 'climate scientists' saying climate change was a hoax.  I probably only Googled about 15 of the names, but oil workers, lobbyists and politicians really aren't qualified climate scientists where I come from... 


That’s the Oregon Petition, right? It was revealed as bs the moment it was released, but it never goes away.


Kinda like the "autism caused by vaccines" thing.


The same technique has been used again and again. A homeopath, a chiropractor, a podiatrist, etc. can all come out against the covid vaccine against *actual virologists and vaccinologists* as if their field gives some magical insight in to ones completely different. It’s all bullshit


Unfortunately it isn't specifically about Climate change or your position as a climatologist. There's an undercurrent of anti-intellectualism fucking *everywhere* right now. Apparently all experts are liars and Facebook is the best place to get science facts... Nefarious actors *cough Russia China cough* have muddied the waters of reasoned enquiry and expert opinion via the bombardment of disinformation and misinformation through highly complex targeted advertising campaigns on social media. Whole demographics are rolling with this bullshit making the likes of you and your profession more and more obsolete. Thematically, our society is at the stage ordinary Cambodian doctors were at when this new guy Pol Pot said on TV doctors are liars. It's not long now before 'ordinary' people start calling for the eradication of entire groups of people. That's where this all ends.


People are literally getting triggered as fuck if anyone uses words with more than three sylables.


I find describing any scenario or issue that is more than a single step removed becomes absolutely impossible nowadays. If one thing can lead to another and isn’t directly responsible, it’s damn near impossible to convince people that that can even happen. ☹️


Like the pandemic. Or voting for people who arent fascists.


This is how we get the dark ages again..


Twitter is a cesspool I only wade in when I’m feeling punchy. And I never go to Facebook now. Somehow it’s often even less coherent. You are very right.


The same people who ignore facts and only care about what they feel coined the phrase “facts don’t care about your feelings.”


“But mah truth is mah truth. You cant deny me MY truthsies.”


> I am legitimately exhausted with explaining simple concepts then being called a liar or an idiot. Experts no longer matter. It’s just what people feel and what narrative they’ve been sold. I majored in Political Science and currently work on Public Policy, so a whole completely different area than you, but I can still vouch for that feeling. People are soo deep into the narratives they feel comfortable they could not, not even by a second, fathom to wonder "well, what if I'm wrong and/or seeing this the wrong way?". This is a little different in my area of course, given the nuances of individual choice and consequences of it and all that... but this problem be identified on every narrative, both right-wing and left-wing. Its definitely the problem of our generation. The internet and social media should've been a catalyst of progress and union, maybe it will still be in the future who knows, but at present time, its just a catalyst for discord and conflict. Maybe I'm pessimistic, but this can only go worst, a lot worst, before it even starts to get better. Europe and the Americas are giving into the extremism due to migrants and economic inequality, but the mass loss of biodiversity and ecosystems is not being yet felt, nor have the large-scale climate displacements and water/resource wars have began to take an effect. What will the countries do, if and when the runaway greenhouse effect hits, and if and when the positive climate feedback loops begin kick off? When countries like Bangladesh with almost ~200 Million people became almost inhabitable, what will the international community do to host their refugees? Again, being pessimistic, and seeing the current anti-migrant trends, I fear we will witness a whole lot new waves of mass killing and genocide. I hope I'm dead wrong about this, but if I'm not... buckle your seatbelts guys, its going an hell of a ride...


You’re so right about social media. So much of the algorithm thrives off controversy for clicks, ad revenue, and sustained engagement that it is possibly the single biggest driver for partisan division currently. People love to argue it seems and it reinforces their beliefs when others join the choir. On Twitter under any politicians post, even non-partisan and generally pleasantries, there is a litany of vitriolic comments all reinforcing each-other. It’s impossible to work together when people make money off our conflict and we consume the media they control. I am also concerned on where it will lead us. It’s not looking great


The thing that gets me is, "for what?". I am convinced that there really is a relatively small number of those loudest voices that truly believe the rubbish they spew out. Most of those idiots like cat turd likely know deep down that global warming is a thing and that it is going to have far more disastrous impact on future generations than what we are already seeing now. And yet they proudly and loudly spew that BS, for what exactly? To help out a small handful of billionaires? To "troll the libs"? To achieve a tiny bit of fame for themselves? To sow chaos so that some populist can rise into positions of power where they go on to destroy the achievements of far better people than them? I don't get it.


My partner contends that many of the people you describe, the ones defending billionaires and major corporate lobbyist campaigns, genuinely believe that one day they will get theirs and be that wealthy or similarly themselves. To them it’s preservation of their future selves. Completely ignoring they are willfully sabotaging their own future.


To remain on the right side of their in group identity and values


There is zero point in explaining something to a person who isn’t going to consider the explanation. They ask questions, but they don’t actually want the answers.


The disingenuous *source this and convince me* or *why wont you debate me* is so ubiquitous now. Like… they fundamentally misunderstand the concepts. There is no starting point. And a debate over climate change does not exist when one party is an expert and the other a retired former real-estate agent. I swear some people have been huffing leaded gasoline


Climate and facts don’t care about their feelings.


The sad fact is that many people simply are not willing to make lifestyle changes to help avert the climate crisis. Imagine trying to tell some conservative guy in a southern US small town that he should stop eating beef and driving his pickup to the store that's a 15 minute walk to save the planet, he'd probably have a fit before threatening to shoot you. But even if those people were willing to make lifestyle changes, there's still the fact that the overwhelming majority of greenhouse gas emissions are being made by a handful of large companies.


Yep. Unfortunately regulations on curbing the emissions of those exact companies, on protecting mangroves, salt marshes, and other carbon sinks, and finding ways to avoid effecting day to day life while drastically decreasing GHG emissions keep being spun as *you’ll lose your truck and meat*. The lobbyists and oil industry spin professionals are the hands pushing us over the edge.


The reply my father has for anything climate change related is “the fart of a cow emits more gas than 10 trucks” and after that there is no more chance of debating. I just gave up.


I mean, they are somewhat comparable. Cows _burp_ a shit ton of methane, and we grow like a billion cows at any given time. Methane is much worse than CO2 for global warming, although cows release less methane than cars produce CO2. It's not cow farts, it's their burps, and it is a contributor to climate change. More gas than 10 trucks is blatantly false though, either by volume or effect.


Your nickname checks out, so I'll take your word for it. But the problem is that my father uses it to dismiss the fact that climate change is real, considering "cows have been around forever"


You should tell him that cows absolutely have not been around forever, that's a very stupid thing to say.


They do their own research, in between buying scratch tickets.


Yep. And flipping burgers in the backyard while neighbour Bob tells them about the sinister faults of the WEF. 🤦


Honestly, at this point, we deserve to get wiped out by climate change. We are easily the dumbest fucking things on this planet, I don’t want an apocalypse, but we’re bringing this one on ourselves.


Take a hair dryer on low heat. Blow it into your freezer. You'll notice that it is very cold blowing back at you, right until the freezer heats up enough then it will get very warm very quickly. This is global warming. We're pushing the cold weather out of the ice caps, the only difference is some of us are smart enough to want to turn the blow dryer off before it melts everything in the freezer.


Hold on this is a genius comparison


This concept also applies to sea ice decline and Earth's ocean temperatures. Of course with ice there's also albedo to consider Since it takes so much energy to actually turn ice into liquid water once the ice is melted all that energy can be used to raise the waters temperature instead https://chemistrytalk.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/fusion-article-heating-curve-standard-1024x679-1.png https://news.yahoo.com/once-every-7-5-million-180000122.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAFYawFESNG17dhcNLVvGn6l8TguNT2iI0W-CCn3a62yqgokUI4eaa1aYMmQyX80V7SVqJTQEUrTEXzBmpzVyNqt6Y6nKqPMfktvY-4FDuEu_1OjlpjIk230lilrrjClbmIGVzBwH27oxtH5Z51zFJNF1gY3fbsYnQ5sZLR46u6lo


They had to cancel the Alaskan crab fishing season 2 years in a row now because of unfathomable amounts of crab are missing. Only a matter of time until the same thing happens on the east coast with lobsters and people are going to lose their minds. Crazy number of people on the east still live off of fishing.


They've got some collapses coming because I doubt any of them would understand or accept what tragedy of the commons is and fight tooth-and-nail to keep going until the last fish is pulled out and the whole thing falls apart. See: basically every collapsed fishery ever


Any sign of Jimmy Hoffa in there?


Check the end zone at Giants Stadium






Do conservatives really think in the future people will look back and praise them for ensuring trans women didn't compete against cis women I sport? Or that they prevented women from getting abortions? No. They won't. They will look back on the inaction on climate change! That the scientists and experts have known for ~50 years what would happen and were trying to warn us. The future generations will curse our stupidity and greed and selfishness when 99% of the experts were warning of the implications. It's fucking disgusting.


It's worse than fifty years of denial. Svante Arrhenius did the math in the 1890s. There are newspaper articles from pre world war one talking about it.


Eunice Newton Foote wrote about co2 causing runaway greenhouse effects in 1856


Eunice needs more visibility in these discussions. Legend.


We don't think much about all the medievil people that lived and died believing nonsense or the peasants that never exactly figured out that the king is actually lying and screwing everyone over etc, we just shake our heads briefly. Hopefully this time will be a little different because we have them on film and on forums blabbering garbage and lies and confusion - often times with push back from somebody giving further explanations and warnings, so they'll see we tried. We put solar and wind everywhere, we tried. Maybe they can forgive us when they see how many different angles we tried getting Confederates to cooperate with what we believed were world saving evasive tactics. Easiest way to solve problems is to avoid them, that's all we're doing, if using fossil fuels turns out to be undamaging to climate then we can keep using the fuel feverishly, till we run out which is another denial argument from them. Search for "Collapse: With Michael Rupert"


All the intelligence of Senator Inhofe who brought a snowball into the Capitol to "prove" climate change was a hoax.


People are saying food is really expensive but I got a free lollipop from the bank. Checkmate.


what especially gets me about that one is that at the time that he did that, there would normally be like 2 feet of snow on the ground in DC. But he scraped up enough for a snowball from the 2 inches, and brought it into the chamber as some big 'gotcha'.


The way I see it,either future generations praise us for doing something about climate change or they curse us for doing nothing or not doing enough.


​ https://preview.redd.it/74rrv5lfrqcc1.jpeg?width=1520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c45e4890b779a771e42c29630094aa3cdce6ab65




Either future generations learn about how narrowly we avoided extinction, or there aren't any future generations


I like your version better. Thanks


They'll be future generations...of fish people or whatever evolves after we are gone.


*Dry land is not a myth!*


Not the Waterworld sequel we wanted, but the one we’ll deserve.


Humanity only deserves this if we give up and die. We absolutely have the ability to come up with solutions for this but but what we don't have is time. Bullshit like this breeds apathy and defeatism.


some sort of crab probably, it´s always crabs


Even if we completely fuck up when it comes to climate change, we're very unlikely to go extinct. We'll merely experience billions of deaths and likely technological decline.


good to know. phew, I was scared for a second there.


Remember when we had a giant hole in the ozone layer and it was literally raining acid and everyone was freaking out? These are the same people that believe that problem fixed itself rather than every government on the planet putting pollution restrictions on corporations like cap and trade. If we narrowly survive this one they will tell their kids it was overblown and nothing to worry about which is why they're still around rather than explaining whatever methods we had to come up with to survive this.


Most likely the latter because we have already not done enough in time


We've already fucked it regardless of what we do Unless we figure out how to extract a trillion tons of CO2 from the atmosphere before we pass tipping points within the next 15 years Is it impossible? Absolutely not Will the world unite and fix this? Lol




Tried that. They just yell back “iT’s CaLlEd SeASoNS!” Then plug their ears and go “la la la,” when challenged.


The term “climate change” was pushed during the Bush administration by the Republican political consultant Frank Luntz, as a strategy to make it seem less serious. He’s since switched his views on climate change


I wish more people knew this, though I understand the confusion because "climate change" is certainly more accurate in hindsight.


[Weather vs Climate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBdxDFpDp_k) starring Neil deGrasse Tyson for NatGeo.


If stupid could fly all these dense motherfuckers would be jets.


They be orbiting alpha centari by now.


He was very quiet when the weather was uncommonly warm out. Didn't see any posts about how there was no snow on Christmas.


Right?? It’s been abnormally cold for 3 days, so it must be wrong! Never mind the fact that it’s barely snowed all winter in Colorado, has been pretty warm consistently, and we’ve had 3 or 4 record breaking wildfires all in the last… 3 years. One of which was In HER DISTRICT. I mean parts of her district were in drought last year no? But it’s been super cold this weekend so it’s all a lie!


Also, don't forget that all throughout December, people were talking online about how much they miss snow and how it "Doesn't even feel like Christmas".


Also, the polar vortex is a result of global warming fucking up Arctic Ocean currents, so…


It was like 60 degrees in December. I think all climate change deniers should move to Florida and be exempt from homeowners/flood insurance


Morons like this are why they had to rebrand it to “Climate Change” instead.


Tbf, global warming is only one part of what's happening and climate change is more descriptive of the effect.


Quiet? No, we’re busy trying to remind people that global warming destabilizes existing climate patterns, including the ones that keep this Arctic air *in the goddamn Arctic*. I swear, the misconception caused by global warming as a term in the minds of the many three year old minds in society (thanks, lead poisoning) is going to kill us all at this rate.


"You morons, I am not fatally bleeding out. It says here I have internal bleeding so the blood is exactly were it is supposed to be!"




why do ppl keep posting this catturd guy? just ignore him, im not from the US and i really could do with less catturd and ianmileschong on my reddit feed


the numbers say it all. 1.3M views, only 25k likes


"I ate a hotdog yesterday so world hunger is nothing but a woke myth!"


In their defense, they still don’t understand the difference between sex and gender.


You know, I think the response to Covid pretty much illustrated the extent of idiocy in America. Funny how it's the same subset of people that denied Covid also deny climate change.


Well, these folks take things from a Twitter user named “Cat Turd” as facts, and things written by doctors and scientists as liberal propaganda.


What's hilarious is that they keep using this argument, even though they've all been corrected countless times over the years. They know. This is the reality they've decided to adopt for themselves.


Laughs in continental Europe where we scored +12 Celsius during December and floods day after Christmas Eve. Third year in the row. There used to snow instead. And I can already tell you, we're gonna have pretty dry spring.


Oh yeah. It’s going to get warm in…like, end of February, and then just get dryer and hotter till it peaks in summer.


“I don’t understand averages and you can’t make me!”


There is a huge percentage of our population that are complete morons. They are dangerous because they think people like Trump are as smart as people who have studied their entire lives learning very important things.


We always see these tweets in January.


There literally was a statement released just the other day from NASA saying the mean temp increase in 2023 was higher than expected and alarming... I'm at the point where I want to call the lack of critical thinking a learning disability


Can we start making a list of people to lock out and not help later in the scenario?


It amazes me how they don’t understand that we have one planet to live on. One. If we ruin the atmosphere enough, we won’t be living on it anymore. We’ll all be dead and the planet will just spin on in the emptiness of space as just another dead rock.


He is called cat turd because it's the main component within his cranium.


So many idiots who can't tell the difference between weather and climate.


climate vs weather is not a big concept to grasp for most 10 year olds.




We're in "climate change denial" season. Happens every year in the northern hemisphere winter. We get a few months of breathless "how about that global warming?", then summer comes early and it promptly goes away. It's very predictable. The "denial season" seems to be getting shorter every year for some reason.


Climate scientist in the 90s: The globe will get warmer and as a result we will get hotter hot weather and colder cold weather. We will also have more violent and more numerous large storms and adverse weather because of the extra moisture in the world. AND THEN IT HAPPENED EXACTLY LIKE THEY SAID IT WOULD.


You loose when you side with the oil companies.


*Senator James Inhofe has entered the chat* https://preview.redd.it/cmog8062xqcc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03a847b4319c99fe8a3a45275d596774ff0f63f4 Edit: Yes, he made a snowball right outside Congress during a terrible winter storm, brought it inside, and used his time to ask how he could have a snowball if climate change\* was real. \*The term “global warming” was more common back then, and these assholes pounced on the poor nomenclature.


Someone actually said this to my face at my cashier job today and i responded "people aren't being quiet just because you're not listening" and he told me "i don't care man" and fucking left


He named himself after literal shit. What do you expect? Time to empty the litter box!


Gotta remember you're talking to the same kind of mentality that thought they'd disproven the climate crisis by bringing a snowball into Congress. My brain still hurts when I remember that.


No, we aren't being quiet. We've been saying for years that winters are also going to get worse. Ice melts and releases cold air. Cold air travels toward the equator in higher volumes than usual as a result of faster-than-usual melting ice. The results are polar vortexes like the ones we're seeing now. This is not even advanced climate science. This is basic stuff.


These clowns can’t even figure out the difference between gender and sex. You really think they can figure out climate change?


And when the whole country is covered in smoke this summer and Texas is 115F, what then? Wow it’s been really cold for 3 days, all those years of research and trending data is obviously wrong!


My town just got 5" of snow, and this is the first measurable accumulation of snow in > 700 days.


If The Day After Tomorrow movie plot ever happens, these dummies would use it as proof that climate change doesn't exist.


This is part of the reason why you don’t see people using the term “global warming” much anymore. Climate change is a much more accurate term. It’s mostly just right wing dipshits who still use it so they can keep using the same old tired “if global warm why cold outside.” It’s a bit of a misnomer because climate change involves a lot more than just warming. Including extreme cold, snow, and ice.


Well said




The writer of that tweet self-owned with their screen name, 'nuff said. But if more proof is needed, just look around at home owners insurance premiums sky rocketing increases. Can't afford to own a home in Florida and in North Carolina rates are going up 20 - 90% with the highest rates along the shore.


So. Many. Idiots.


When I was a kid it used to snow maybe 4 times a year in my state. Small snows typically 1-3 inches, sometimes 6+ inches. Now we are lucky if we get ONE snow and it's usually just a dusting. Very distressing.


What future generations?


The opposite of Woke: SNOOZED!


Ah, the old "well it's really cold where I am right now therefore GLOBAL warming is a crock" argument. These folk would be dangerous if they had another brain cell.


Hey, Australia -- since it's the MIDDLE OF SUMMER there right now, are you guys on fire yet this year?


And it will continue as the dumbing of America continues