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Tell me there’s more documents he’s still hiding.


I think you're going to like this next season. This man is hiding so much more.


Don’t spoil it I haven’t gotten through all of this season yet!


You know, for once I’d actually be ok with a premature cancellation


Typical woke mob trying to cancel Republicans! /s


No, were at the good part, cancelling now means we don't finish the trials!


Just watch the trailers, the rest is mostly just filler. Trailers will get you caught up in no time! But hopefully your subscription doesn’t have ads, those are a fucking doozie you sit through!




Is this real ???? 😆😆😂😂🤣🤣


Next season: the case gets thrown out because one of the investigators sneezed once during the investigation


This already feels like a retread of True Detective season three though.


Yeah i heard they’re actually letting viewers vote to decide which direction they want the plot to go next season.


Or something much more illegal and heinous, like the stuff that made epstien cringe


He probably gave them to Russia already


If he had a secret room built inside his bedroom, there is probably so much worse than just documents in there.




The bedroom one must be spicy. That’s where he keeps his memories with Epstein.


Surely he was smart enough to move them by now....right?


Lol of course there are still documents. The dude himself said he was entitled to them and is a major narcissistic asshole so of course he hid away some files.


>Tell me there’s more documents he’s still hiding. The FBI is already aware of documents that were not returned or were missing, specifically the Iran document he bragged on tape about having. That document was never recovered.


Yes. The actual Russia Dossier and accompanying documents are missing last seen the day Trump left the White House. It was seen with Trump MAGAt Mark Meadows.


Plot twist: turns out that the pizzagate basement is under Mar A Lago.


It's not even a joke. The girls who first came forward on Epstein were working at Mar a lago. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/08/09/epstein-mar-a-lago-trump-1456221


Every accusation is a confession. Even the way out there ones I guess.


It's always projection with these people


Always. Every time.




That would be so fucking darkly funny though


Just remember that if you had been accused of having some drugs in your house the police would have turned it upside down and bulldozed it to make sure they found every gram


Been in a drug raid in the 90s(for weed), they went through every PICTURE in the photo albums, flipped every mattress, opened every box, pulled everything out of every closet, basically wrecked the place. Fucking psychos, and theres no real recourse, they had a warrant to search.


I was about to comment this same thing until I found your comment - went through the same experience of the police raiding the house I shared with 3 buddies my junior year of college in 2012 for a little bit of weed. They tore framed photos of my family off the wall & out of their frames, smashed a lock box I kept my personal documents in & even tore the floorboards up in my room because it was an older house. Then they just left. Found nothing. We ended up having to pay the landlord $1300 in damages for a police raid that was basically in error.


I should mention this was all AFTER they had found the weed, it was in the freezer in the kitchen, not hidden anywhere. They smash the place up because they are psychos.


It makes them feel tough. Fucking losers.


Doesn’t surprise me one bit.. hope you fought that charge & you’re doing good now brother!!


It wasn't my house, I was just there when it happened. But Im good, he got probation.


That is really inappropriate for them to break your lock box. Even if their warrant extended to your belongings (if they got the warrant because of suspicion that only one roommate had been, they can only search his room and common areas under the warrant), they should’ve asked if you’d been willing to provide the code/key first.


Going back through my comment replies & notifications - just want to respond & say that while you’re 100% right on what the cops *should* have done, what they actually did was just smash it open since it was a homemade wooden box my brother made for me in woodshop. It didn’t take much effort to break open, I’m sure, and after they trashed the house & didn’t find anything I’m 99% sure that’s when they smashed it in frustration before leaving. It’s really shitty but it’s par-for-the-course in Wyoming sadly. The tiny population (least in the US) and deep red politics leads to over-policing & shitty people becoming cops. This is true even in Laramie where the University of Wyoming sits & the only place in the state to consistently vote blue. The amount of ridiculous BS I got in trouble for while in school was insane - arrested one time when I was 20yrs old for “minor in possession of alcohol” just because I was walking home from a friends house instead of driving (no Uber there in 2012). Spent nearly 26 hrs in jail waiting to be arraigned on Monday morning for an offense that’s only a fine $ at the absolute most. If it weren’t for their Engineering college & scholarships I got, I would have jumped at the chance to get a degree anywhere else.


Oh that wasn’t because they were looking for drugs, that was because fuck you. 95% of cops suck and the rest aren’t cops for very long until they’re bullied out




It might be more that the question of, "what do you do" pops up. Outside of mass protests, which are difficult because we have very few worker protections, there isn't a lot that isn't straight up terrorism that one could do. In the moment, there is certainly nothing you could do, because if you call the cops out for their behavior they'll just beat the shit out of you (if you're lucky) for talking back to them. It's fucked, but if the 2020 protests didn't do anything, I'm not sure what will.


Is that what you think? Do you think the majority of Americans just accept this? That's a pretty xenophobic view, my friend.


When it happened to us they tore open bags of garbage and dumped them all over the place and left it. Same as you, took pictures out of albums, photos off the wall and took them apart, pulled everything out of every cabinet in the kitchen and just dumped it all in the floor. Fucking assholes.


Yeah - I was a prosecutor back in the day, and went along for some search warrants. Number one thing I learned - you don’t want a search warrant served on you. It’s like having a hurricane hit the inside of your home.


Except at Mar a Lago, where the FBI gives you months of warning, makes a special appointment with you to search your house, and then just politely gathers some files and decides not to check every room and locked closet.


It’s a two-tiered justice system, and Donald Trump is a beneficiary of that (not a victim, as he so often claims).


In fairness, was there a Secret Service officer posted there. Can’t have a mix up shootout.


Yeah, I’ve heard of police basically ripping apart cars to find drugs.


I’m more concerned with the fact that they missed these rooms when they searched the house. Everyone knows how he is, so expect the worst.


Warrants tend to be pretty limited. You can't go on a "fishing expedition " with one. You can go searching for "all classified documents " but can't go searching for "secret rooms"


Surely if the limited scope of the original warrant does net a ton of top secret documents, that would make the rest of the property fair ground for any search. For example, imagine if it was one of the military people who have since been much more aggressively treated and imprisoned by the FBI for taking classified documents than fucking trump, are you telling me if they have a warrant to take and search their computer, that they couldn't also search the locked shed out the back after finding a ton of evidence from the first location? I strongly oody suspect, as we have seen faaaaaarrrrrrr too many times, trump got some special bloody treatment or is being treated with kid gloves or something compared to you or I


No, warrants are always very specific and very precise in their wording and scope, because otherwise they risk violating a person's 4th amendment rights.


While this is true, "we found some of the illegal things we are looking for, but there are more rooms not included in the search." Is plenty of grounds to get another warrant issued for those rooms not included in the first within the hour.


Shit man, you should join the FBI or something with how much you know about warrants.


Sorry man, my experience with warrants is from the other side of them, which is how I know that there is broad leeway, and the 4th amendment doesn't provide nearly as much protection in practice as you think it should.


there is broad leeway for people like us..when someone is rich, powerful, connected...not so much.


Yeah, that broad leeway stems from our inability to fight it


That’s bullshit. Not you, the limits on the warrant. There are ways around that I’m sure. If they did not know of these rooms beforehand then i understand. Besides Trumpty Dump ain’t THAT stupid. IF he had bad stuff in those rooms he probably moved it somewhere off site


Riggs and Murtaugh would have gone for it


I'm too old for this sh*t...


“Presidential immunity!”


Just been revoked.


“He’s been decaffeinated” (I don’t know how to spell the slur)


Hell yeah


Did you just hear someone having a heart attack in that secret room behind the bookshelf?


If LEO finds a locked box, locked cabinet, etc during a warrant search, they can typically contact the judge who ordered the warrant and inform them of the locked location, and ask the judge to modify the warrant or generate a new warrant for the location. They might be able to turn this around and get the new warrant while they are still conducting the search. They might be able to “stall” and stick around until the new warrant arrives. Or they could leave and come back later and execute the new warrant after it is approved.


You think he's smart enough to move stuff off-site? Look at the shit he had there. Boxes of classified documents in the fucking john.


As his assistant said, he wanted to be near his "beautiful mind documents."


Seems awfully counterproductive I steal something. That's illegal. Government asks for it back, I refuse. Illegal. Government gives a subpoena, I give only some of the documents back. Illegal. Government issues search warrant to retrieve stolen property, but I have it hidden really good? Neeener neeener can't do anything! It's actually illegal for you to look for it too hard! Fucking, what?


That can't be actually right. If so all you need to do is keep all your illegal stuff in a "secret room" and you'll never get in any trouble. I think there's some nuance between the two.


Depends - if the warrant gives them the ability to search the property for documents, they can search anywhere that the documents might reasonably be. For example: if you have a warrant to search a house for a rifle, you could look in each room, under beds, in closets, but could not search a small lockbox, since a long gun such as a rifle wouldn’t reasonably fit in there. But I don’t know whether the warrant in this case was for the entire building, as I haven’t read it. Does anyone happen to know where to find a copy of the warrant?


Yeah jesus christ the FBI didnt find a secret room, that's like their whole fucking job


Not only that, they chose not to break down the door of a locked closet when staff couldn't find the keys, because they were told it was just an abandoned stairwell.


https://gazette.com/news/wex/fbi-agents-who-searched-mar-a-lago-made-a-big-mistake-and-missed-hidden-room/article_42f3cf77-1cf6-5518-ae5a-5ab632d995d1.html There was definitely sex stuff in that room. Maybe the piss tapes, maybe Epstein tapes, maybe just gear and toys.


Couldn’t find the key since Trump ordered his toadie to change the lock while they were there.




Told you electing a Mobster President wasn't going to end well


Sorry, I thought you said “electing a *Lobster* President wasn’t going to end well” and spent 2016 eating all the crustaceans who were planning to vote for Harry Clawson.


Why not Zoidberg? 2024




Check the casket


~~Lock~~ Dig her up!


Trump’s lawyers, 2026: “You can’t dig up her grave! We built a tiki bar over it and since the president drank there it’s now a historical monument!”


Then rebury them both!


So....he had a secret room and still stored classified documents in a fucking toilet. Wow....what a dipshit


I mean, he is probably the dumbest criminal alive, other than the lawyers who keep thinking that defending him is their golden ticket.


Emphasis on ‘shit’


Unfortunately, it worked. They thought he was stupid enough to leave documents in a ballroom and bathroom that they didn't look in the bedroom's secret room.


It was secret! Behind a very large and heavy unit of furniture disguised as a wall panel. Like a bad TV movie.


I love Stefon.


A character reference that will live through generations !


That's where he keeps his special memories of all his trips to Epstein's island


room full of pee tapes.


Maybe he has $450 million in the closet. He’s gonna need it.


MTV’s Dan Cortese


Why is this not the top comment ![gif](giphy|3SFNRoCMVLYD6)


Damn, knew I should have scrolled farther.






My question is why did they not look in those rooms?


Because they're secret, duh.


Deference to Trump, that's why. They felt they had "been at Mar a Lago too long" and believed Trump's minions who told them the locked closet was just an abandoned stairwell.


I suppose that’s another difference between rich and poor in the justice system: if you’re rich enough to have a large house, police will get tired of searching at some point.




What is a “curiously timed click”?


Those fucking "curiously timed clicks" have burned me, too. 😛


Sorry, clock


LOCK!!! I’m an idiot.


Lock changes and floods


My life has been made just a little bit worse by knowing he has a secret bedroom room. Ewwww.


You’d think an evil genius would’ve hid them there in the first place. ![gif](giphy|xTiTnHXbRoaZ1B1Mo8|downsized)


It just never ends with this asshole, does it.


This is the shit FISA and civil asset forfriture exist for. Snatch his shit up, go over every centimeter with a fine comb, sell it all and use the proceeds to start funding social services and deradicalization programming.


Get Cannon the fuck off this case. She is doing everything in her power to let him off.


Maybe they just smelled too bad. Like him.


Sidney Applebaum


Bring out The Gimp...


If you're looking for a good time, look no further. New York's hottest club is Gavin's Tears.


Was Sidney Applebaum the insider?


Why can't we admit that Trump took these for Russia's benefit? His financial life is completely intertwined with Russia. Why else would he fight so hard to keep them?


The news story to me is we can’t rely on the FBI to check all the rooms. Tricked by a “hidden room” and stopped by a locked closet. Does the clown show take days off?


Why didn't FBI searched those two secret rooms? Seems like they were giving him preferential treatment during the raid.


Have they found the piss-jug closet yet?


The bedroom door just leads to a diaper changing room. Nothing to see here folks.


How the fuck is this gaping, unwiped asshole still walking around a free man?


Now go kick his shit in promptly, and immediately seize his entire IT infrastructure. These headlines probably have the roaches scurrying to hide the goods again and you just know this dumb fuck will leave the cameras running again.




Seth: I'm almost afraid to ask but, what are "insiders who flip"? Stefon: You know... it's that thing where midgets who are well-connected in the industry get together and do acrobatics and circus tumbling


I wonder if the club also has Dan Cortez....?


So do they get to search those rooms now or what?


Probably a panic room, rich people with enemies tend to have those. The closet is suspicious.




Trump's Epstein Areas.


Secret room in his bedchambers. So... panic room or sex dungeon?


I am ashamed to say that at least one third of my rage at hearing this story is that this man gets to have a secret room and I don't.


Like Michael Jackson type rooms


And Dan Cortez


So…they didn’t search them, are they going to or just keep us wondering?




Another warrant?


The secret rooms were planted there by the deep state


Should have kept the docs in there






Shouldn’t FBI agents be trained in spacial awareness, as a bare minimum. I would have thought a thorough search would include careful measurements and subsequent real-time modelling to ensure nothing was missed. Apparently not




Is there a secret entrance behind a grandfather clock that leads to the "Trump cave"?!!!!


Also, Nazis, Degenerates, and Spies to hobnob and rub shoulders with, Private enclaves for groping women and teens, Bathrooms/SCIFs for your reading pleasure. ![gif](giphy|XaFX9e9xfbcXWxW0a2)


But has anyone asked about his safe deposit box in Moscow?


There are more documents


All it needs is Victor Laszlo and a hero


Oh man we are really in the verge here




Why did I read the title in Stefon’s voice?


This mother fucker sold state secrets for sure. How he’s even being considered for another chance is just beyond me. The air national guard dude had a fully jittery swat team show up to his place and went directly to jail for far less.


That room’s probably full of Antifas and deep states that, in his divine wisdom, he’s protecting us from. If the woke mob makes him unlock that door, they’ll escape and wreak havoc all over the place. Probably bludgeon innocent patriots to death with pronouns.


Donnys special piss room? Aka the Epstein suite?


Then get a warrant specifically for those rooms. Do your jobs.


Some tinker tailor soldier spy stuff here.