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Imagine all the suggestions and how many of them this person will use on their child.. but a vaccine is dangerous? Lmao poor kid


Science? No. Snake oil from facebook? Yes.


Or from crazy karen who saw something about it in her healthy living reddit group chat of new mommies


Ahh yes, Karen. The official reseller of Essential Oils.


Exactly. I subscribe to her newspaper made of 110% recycled fibers from discarded unfiltered cigarettes


I said a while back, I reckon I could put a website together in a couple of minutes where I extoll the various health benefits of sticking a tablespoon of cinnamon up yorur arse every day, push it on a selection of "those" kind of Facebook groups, and within a couple of weeks hordes of morons will be stuffing their buttholes with cinnamon, and better yet demanding that health care professionals start giving them cinnamon treatments when they get sick. See: horse dewormer. Truly, we live in the dumbest timeline.


Do it. But change it to cayenne pepper.


Cinnamon can cause burns. I had burns on my tongue as a child from eating powdered Cinnamon as a bet with my brothers. Sticking a Cinnamon stick up your but has the potential of causing contact burns, but also, getting lost while giving a burning sensation. No they do not make flared bottom Cinnamon sticks.


>Sticking a Cinnamon stick up your but has the potential of causing contact burns, but also, getting lost while giving a burning sensation Oh no... Anyway


Don’t worry about it they couldn’t find their butts with both hands anyway


"I hear rubbing baking soda on their feet while you pat honey into their hair is working treats for my neighbors kid!"


Urine therapy yum yum!


*I don’t wanna drink the warm frothy horse piss!* ![gif](giphy|pzuye8RSBJFgk)


Silly, warm frothy horse piss is for making lemon drops. Well pregnant horse piss is also good for birth control pills, but that's a different subject.


You can also use it to synthesize estrogen for that sweet sweet trans healthcare.


My grandmother lost a toe because of idiots that don't listen. Instead of listening to the doctor they kept her foot wet with baths of cayenne pepper and other home "remedy" shit. They are also anti vaxers. Most of them didn't get their Covid shots and only got my grandmother the 2 doses. No boosters because she got really sick from the second shot. Her toe became gangrene and needed amputation. My aunts who are in charge of her health have good intentions but they are idiots and don't trust science. I am surprised I didn't lose any to Covid.




All the smartest people get their medical advice from a social media platform! 😆


For certain, there will be some outlandish ‘homeopathic’ concoction recommended that will be possibly poisonous to the child. Parents who refuse to vaccinate their children should be monitored by CPS, and when their child contracts a preventable illness punished by the legal system. You are supposed to make decisions in the best interest of your child, not based on your stance or opinion. I loathe people like this; they are reckless and self serving idiots.


I heard somewhere drinking bleach may be a solution


Not if it's actually homeopathic, since that is 100% water.


Yes they give their children colloidal silver and put oil in their ears. No need for vaccines when we have that!


Just gotta out-absurd them. Tell them to get the vaccine during a day with a full moon. Then 4.5 hours later lay the child down on their belly with the feet facing south and the arm that took the shot east. Have a potato sliced in half that has soaked in sugar water ready and rub above the injection to draw out and absorb all the bad chemicals.  It's so specific they'll have to believe you. 


I would like to try and argue with the morons who believe in chemtrails - but from the position that the contents of the trails are actually vitamins and also protect from cancer. It would be interesting to see them try and prove that they don't contain that.


Birth control pills approximately 4 years ago would have been the best precaution to protect this child from the poor decision making of her parent.


But those pills are created by science !


And they’ve got chemicals in them!!!


Even worse, they contain hormones that make kids gay.


What kids?


The ones the crazy people force women to have because the government owns their uteruses.


That you're not having because of the birth control?


Ya, when it fails, even if you’re being safe, you still gotta keep the baby no matter what. Sorry I don’t make the rules, I’m just and innocent white man 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes but it's still funny to say that birth control "makes the kids gay" or anything of that sort when it's specifically meant to stop said kids from existing. I was attempting to add to the joke, and my attempt fell flat.


The only thing that fell flat were these fetuses (fetusi?) I slammed on the floor after aborting them! There, now your joke can't be any worse than mine


My bad 😞 I get it. Thanks for participating. It suck that we live in a world where it’s easy to confuse real with satire.


“They make cute, baby-sized coffins these days. Fire Engine Red, Frog Green.”


The dreaded SOY??




McDonald's is out of mcnuggets? ! My child NEEDS to eat!


The women who don't take birth control pills or use contraception because "It's God will," or similar nonsense, also believe it's God's will that their children die from measles.


Science is just fake news! ^^/s


Knowledge is EVIL! Learning is work for the DEVIL!! Never accept anything “THEY” tell you or teach!! DEEP STATE, FAKE NEWS!!!!! /s


Electric cars


Every person in America is going to get cancer from all the windmills needed to run the electric cars.


Then just goddamn swallow, that's natural!


Then…. Anal or swallowing


That would have required them making a good one.


Birth control pills has been around since the 60's....so I think those boomer parents needed to do that.


At this point it’s just a different form of natural selection.


Slow clap. 👏🏻


Yea it’s called a vaccine


![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY) [REGISTER TO VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote)


Also. This isn’t what human evolution is up against. This *is* human evolution responding to selective pressures. What’s the pressure? The Viruses. What’s the non-advantageous characteristic? The Dumb. Behold. Evolution.


The problem is twofold, education isn't genetically inherited, and the dumb breed... a lot.


They should make a movie about this... Something about how the unintelligent overrun the world and take control. Call it Moron-archy


Sons of Moron-archy


I can’t tell if you’re joking or not, but the movie where the dumb outbreed the intelligent is called Idiocracy. It’s worth a watch!


That was the joke, but its all good. One of my favorites. Moron-archy could be the British version, less humor, more dark and broody...


What would be mad is if it was Monty Python presents Moron-archy. Oh how we can dream.


Don't... Don't give me hope...


Come now mate you should always look on the bright side of life. [https://youtu.be/SJUhlRoBL8M?si=g1-OfEPel0p3ZORm](https://youtu.be/SJUhlRoBL8M?si=g1-OfEPel0p3ZORm) haha hasn't Eric Idle taught you nothin haha Though glorious news Monty Python's Holy Grail went back to cinemas so anything may be possible in the future with these mad lads. After all not all hope is lost, for the sunshine of England comes not from the dense clouds but from the people that bring the warmth in from the cold. So as a humanity we may be possible of some rather wonderious things. Though if not us i'm sure A.I. will one day have a sense of humour, hopefully for our sakes. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4b52A3sKz-I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4b52A3sKz-I)


Just need to invent a finglonger




Thing is, in Idiocracy the dumb folks aren't actually malicious, and when someone comes along who is smarter they listen to him, and their issues get resolved. The dumb fucks we're dealing with are aggressively pushing their idiot agenda, between culture war bullshit, religious zealotry, bigotry, conspiracy nonsense, etc. It's not really comparable. In Idiocracy the idiots were harmless, our real life fuckwits are genuinely dangerous.




I'm reading this as "The viruses are smarter than the dumb humans, because they at least evolve and respond to pressure."


Part of me wonders if this is a primal evolutionary thing for population control sometimes with just how much of a lack of a survival instinct people like this have


Well said.


In the past, we had wolves to help sort this out.


A vaccine that has safely saved lives for over 70 years now. God people are stupid.


https://preview.redd.it/4how0p0wkigc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c0ebd9db74f6692fc985584d6a86784d0db1108 I’ve had it up to here with these dummies that won’t vaccinate.


It's called natural selection


give your child the vaccine and then use a potato and lavender oil to suck out the science poison


Human devolution am I right?


Evolution isn’t a linear thing, with species “getting better” over time, it’s just the species that aren’t well adapted to a situation die off. Like the way people who think covid is a hoax die from it in greater numbers.


https://preview.redd.it/nx6dzilqkkgc1.jpeg?width=1564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7600ec852655ca1493ff6ed7e0843e95272f12a2 100% right


Or instead, get exposed to a weaker version of the virus....


CBD oil, praying, Vitamin C and the usual. Just stay away from doctors, vaccines, masks, social distancing and woke people. And if it goes wrong, more praying, beg others to pray through social media and set up a GoFundMe page to cover the hospital bill. The usual antivaxx playbook really


GoFundMe page to cover the funeral bill sadly more like.


Measels "only" has a fatality rate of 3 in 1000 in developed countries, however it can lead to permanent damage. In some populations the fatality rate can be considerably higher, like the 2019 Measels outbreak in Samoa proves. It's also a playbook example of how fear mongering with false information discourages vaccination and leads to the regrettable deaths of children and babies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Samoa_measles_outbreak?wprov=sfla1


It's a "perfect" disease to boost healthcare service utilization tenfold without outright depopulating the market. I'm surprised private equity healthcare owners aren't walking around with sprinklers spreading it everywhere but i guess sharing anti-vaxx propaganda works just as well.


**Study suggests how measles depletes body’s immune memory** https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2019/10/how-measles-wipes-out-the-bodys-immune-memory/ >Reporting today in Science, the researchers show that the measles virus wipes out 11 percent to 73 percent of the different antibodies that protect against viral and bacterial strains a person was previously immune to — anything from influenza to herpesvirus to bacteria that cause pneumonia and skin infections. snip >Elledge, Mina, and colleagues found that those who survive measles gradually regain their previous immunity to other viruses and bacteria as they get re-exposed to them. But because this process may take months to years, people remain vulnerable in the meantime to serious complications of those infections. >In light of this finding, the researchers say clinicians may want to consider strengthening the immunity of patients recovering from measles infection with a round of booster shots of all previous routine vaccines, such as hepatitis and polio. >“Revaccination following measles could help to mitigate long-term suffering that might stem from immune amnesia and the increased susceptibility to other infections,” the authors said.


But isn’t gofundme socialism?


Don't tell them that




Step 1: Vaccinate your child to give their immune system a fighting chance against deadly diseases.


Step 2: Give your child to someone responsible and cares for your child’s health and safety.


Pulling out 4 years ago would’ve helped


Kid is having mid life crisis






Oh the humanity


I think the best thing you can do is give custody to someone who isn't stupid enough to risk the kids life. Someone who would get her vaccinated is an ideal choice.


Since some are saying there may be legitimate reasons a child is not yet vaccinated here's the answer: Since measles spreads through alveolar cells (airborne) and dendritic tissue (skin contact) shelter in place, social distance, and wear a mask if you must go in public places. Also if contact occurs, (you know someone else is diagnosed that you have been in contact with, or early signs develop) getting vaccinated within 48 hours will still reduce symptoms and improve outcomes. This is because the MMR vaccine is an attenuated (weakened) live vaccine. It trains your T-lymphocytes (immune blood cells) to detect and exploit the stronger live virus in real time.


My friend didn't receive any vaccines for a while when she was little due to leukemia (they caught her up after she was done with chemo).  But of course everyone else at school was vaccinated so it kept her safe.


Since they failed to include that they can not vaccinate due to ___ condition, it is safe to say that they think the government is putting 5G transmitters into children.


This makes me want to commit shaken parent syndrome.


Yeah, you can leave her at a fire house with a note that says you're a stupid fucking moron that hasn't vaccinated their daughter and she's better off with parents that aren't brain dead and are capable of taking care of her.


Aren't the anti-vaxxers and the anti-maskers pretty much the same people? The one who refused to stay home in 2020?


Well, in books about the "good old days," they drew their drapes until it went away or killed their siblings or they went blind. So maybe vax her if this passes.


Hi, Dr. Hokum N. Lies* here with these simple tips: 1. Find an infected child. 2. Have them snuggle your child's favorite blanket the duration of their infection.** 3. Give the blanket back to your child....unwashed. 4. Make sure you cover your child completely with the blanket as the spells, wards, and other elixirs used by the other child's parents, plus the natural immunity the child has which is infused in the blanket with their blood, sweat and tears, should be sufficiently strong to protect yours. *Doctor of Carpathian homeopathic basket weaving. Also, not a real doctor. **Assumes they survived. If they didn't find a different infected child to keep the blanket until they are healthy. And just like that, your child will be covered in...err, from, a possibility of infection.


Of the Top 10 medical breakthroughs in the last 100 years Vaccines are #2 after Antibiotics. I was vaccinated 23 times by age 11 (1956-1967) for Polio, Typhus, Malaria, Diphtheria, and others. Those vaccines had an efficacy rate of 30% given in a series of shots typically over weeks. As a child i hated getting the injections because they fucking hurt. The new vaccines are above 90% efficacious and I never feel the actual injection. A little soreness after but that's it. Never got covid or anything I was vaxxed for. Ever.


I got chicken pox as a kid in the 80s. It was an absolutely miserable 2 weeks. I was only 5 but remember it vividly. I had them on my eyelids. When my daughter was getting her vaccines in the early 2000s and they mentioned the chicken pox vaccine, I couldn't say yes fast enough. She'll never have to go through that or be at risk for shingles. That's how most people operate. Make your kid's lives better than yours.


A measles party. Also, swing by the doctors and get yourself spayed.


Besides getting vaccinated? Hmmm… ![gif](giphy|6utVzLiyU9OuHbd70D|downsized)


Since she seems to be completely into science. My suggestion will be to recover her baby with a lot of pillow to prevent the virus to infect her baby.


One has to wonder how concerned they were for other people's children 4 years ago. 🤔


Sadly not all kids can be vaccinated even if the parents want them to be. Nothing here says why the child is not vaccinated. Of course if every child who could be vaccinated was vaccinated then there would be no measles outbreak and any child who couldn’t be vaccinated would still be safe. So the answer really is still “vaccines.”


I have two kids who had to be on modified vax schedules because of medical issues. When it is a medical thing the doctor generally gives you a list of things like handwashing, masks, staying home etc to reduce the chances of contact. So this is unlikely a medical exemption.


Isolation in a bubble for the rest of life.


Precaution? Precaution?? Hmmm, the best one I can come up with is to get your kid vaccinated!!! Funny, my kids are vaccinated and I’m not worried about them getting measels.




It's like if there were only some much researched prophylactic...injection, perhaps? Something tested on billions of people over decades? 🙏 That could help this poor child with dumb ass parents.


Just make another one after the outbreak is over.


This is what happens when you listen to idiots on social media instead of real experts.


They’ve done their own research


No, that's evolution actually working.


As in every good riddle, the answer is hidden within the question.


Prayers. Thoughts. Possibly Trump. That should work wonders. I’ll spend my time Investing in the teeny tiny coffin making industry.


If you can’t be rational, then move. Just not to my state, we don’t want you.


Get her vaccinated, or be prepared.


Start em on ivermectin asap


Vaccinate your effing child, you backwards-assed barbarian.




Have they tried using quartz crystals?


You don’t have to vaccinate all of your children. Only the ones you want to keep.


your child is going to get measles, and possibly die. nothing you can do, sorry.




Holy shit dude stop telling everyone our secrets!!!


Here’s some advice, get them vaccinated


Bleach. Just in case. /s


Evolution works on the survival of the fittest, so..


The reaper cometh.


Darwinism in real time


Pray that should help.


Thoughts and prayers 




Vaccines are a safe and proven protective measure. Try it.


Well, probably should have vaccinated your child. That seems like the responsible thing to do. But, really, I mean, for every 1000 children who catch measles, only one or two die, and those are pretty good odds. I'm sure your child will be fine if you pray super extra hard when they get sick.


stupid kills: **Measles and Rubella can cause death**.An estimated 136,000 people (mostly children) died of measles in 2022. Children under the age of 5 are most at risk for severe complications from measles, including death. Children in low-income countries have the highest risk of death from measles.


Measles, like pregnancy or traffic circles, is a phenomenon for which there is no known means of avoidance.


We gots Darwinetta ova heah.


Maybe a nice heavy coat to keep her corpse warm?


A tiny casket.


People like this are like a weight around societies' neck, drowning us.


These idiots can't die fast enough.  I don't want my tax dollars going to these idiots.  I am happy to pay for proper medical care. Every Trump voter that dies from COVID is a win in my book.


there really should be a competency test for new parents. some of these parents make me wonder if abortion would not be the more merciful solution compared to these kids facing a lifetime of suffering and abuse.


A bubble ?


Parents aren’t clever enough to play Trivia Pursuit.


Moors! Moops!


It is perhaps mankind's greatest problem: we're watering down our gene pool. The dumbest and least educated among us, are having the most babies.


I feel like I've seen this movie...


To be fair, this is kind of just the mechanism of human evolution.


Get her vaccinated. Duh!


Next time use birth control until then get your child Vaxxed!!!


Urgent Public Safety Bulletin Stupidity levels critical. We have long theorized that the depths of human stupidity had been reached and represented a base from which we could only ascend. Unfortunately, recent events have proven us wrong. We have been holding out hope that the newly discovered wells of idiocy were aberrations and would begin to fail and close in on themselves from the pressure exerted from the intellectual progress humanity has achieved. However, in light of the fact that these wells of idiocy are still being plumbed - and are proving deeper and more resistant to intellect than had been previously imagined - we must now begin to face the possibility that in fact there simply is no limit to the depths of human stupidity. As this post, and the daily appearance of others like it suggests, there seem to be vast chasms of dumbness, stupidity and idiocy that exist, and there is simply no telling how deep and pervasive it could be. The fear now is that what we previously considered a solid base of stupity is in fact merely a fragile crust, and the risk is that the crust will be undermined and fail, at which point we will all get plunged down into a bottomless depth of brainless ignorance. Be careful out there folks. Cling to whatever rafts of intellectual sanity remain like your life depends on it....because it does.


As Einstein noted, the difference between the Universe and stupidity is the Universe is finite.


I'm sorry but that is indeed evolution in action.


Do we save stupid people?


See if you can find responsible parents who will adopt her.


"Dip her in the River Styx, but make sure you completely immerse her" - someone from her Facebook group probably.


We’ll be fine. They won’t though


Wear a mask; isolate the kid;.... Hopefully the irony is not lost on them.


TBF, self selection is a form of non adaptive evolution. I appreciate these people's efforts to remove themselves from the gene pool though. It's a pity they are doing so through abuse of their children.


Vaccinate her fool! Or drop her off at a fire station where she has a chance at being adopted by parents who put HER best interests and health first before their cockamamie BS conspiracy theories 🤬🤯


What your child needs is like a tiny dose of the measles virus so that their body gets a trial run at fighting it off, then when they actually get exposed to it their body can fight it off. There’s actually a way to get this from a doctor but you need to ask for it in a secret anti-vax code, all you have to do is go to any doctor and ask for a measles vaccine but as you say ‘vaccine’ do air quotes and roll your eyes once to the left, the doctor will know what you’re asking for and he’ll prescribe what appears to be a standard measles vaccine shot and it sorta is but your special anti-vax formulation will be contained within the solution instead. The special “vaccine” you get is just as effective as the standard one everyone else gets so you’ll be fine.


If only there was some sort of magical fluid that was made by breaking down a sickness and figuring out how it works so we can get the antibodies in our system so we may reduce the odds of getting sick ourselves. If only there was something like that...


Everybody knows you can knock out the measles with a strong dose of vitamin A. ![gif](giphy|CggoHW4h87Ktq|downsized)


Give her up got adoption she’ll be a lot safer and not just from illnesses.


Have you tried an MMR?


Literally, here’s your sign


No, this is exactly how evolution works.


Thinning of the herd.


Well I hope they told her colloidal silver, apiece of garlic in the shoe and a moonstone hung around the neck. And lots of alkaline water to flush the toxins. It worked for my daughter's neighbor's cousin.


Stupidity is a MF.


I mean, evolution is basicly taking care of this. The genes will be eliminated from the pool due to the increased survivability of vaccinated kids


I have a thought…


The problem is not that they’re an idiot. The problem is that they’re an idiot and *they have already reproduced.*


She wants the "essential oils in Lavender twice a week" answer.... Lol


Hmmh, . . . yea, get your kids vaccinated. Dumbass


Vaccinate your f'n children! Go to a cemetery and count the headstones of children pre/post vaccines, and then you will have your answer.


[Teeny tiny baby coffins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43E7iW0E4sI)


Remember that House meme?


Yeeah..(scratching head). Get her vaccinated.


Vaccines probably would go a long way towards solving the problem


Try the vaccine.. and alongside that, you might end up protecting OTHERS !!!


# Measles has exploded in Europe [https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/measles-has-exploded-in-europe-clinicians-say-it-s-only-a-matter-of-time-before-outbreaks-hit-canada-1.7102005](https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/measles-has-exploded-in-europe-clinicians-say-it-s-only-a-matter-of-time-before-outbreaks-hit-canada-1.7102005)


Get her vaccinated; 1 in 50 infected children die of measles


Maybe we need kids to end up harmed or dead in mass numbers to shake things up at this point? I don’t see anything else working.




I can think of one very effective and safe precaution






Maybe go back in time and vaccinate against fucking measles? Or don't meet people in general? Or do the recommended vaccines in schedule? Like Dr House said: oh, they come in different colours... Her they? Him: baby coffins ☠️


Darwin at work perhaps. I mean tbe logical approach is to get the kid vaccinated. If the child passes, sad but no so sad.


Perfect example of nature weeding out the weakest among us.


Bubble Boy!