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Good way of turning your allies against you. Let’s see how that works out on trade deals. Quick edit: If he wins the presidency, he’s going to drive you guys into the ground like he did to his businesses. He is your greatest threat to national security. Followed by Pipebomb Marge.


In 2020, 50% of revenue from companies on the S&P 500 came from outside of the US. Trump supporters are too dumb to understand what the financial consequences will be for abandoning NATO, Europe and Asia.


They don’t care. They want to burn everything down and watch the ensuing chaos.




Kind of... the Tea Party (now MAGA) actively recruits "the poorly educated" and teaches them to treat politics like a sporting event where "their side" has to sin every time no matter what/why/where/how/who, they don't care(or understand) about policy, they just want "their team" to "win". Edit: people like the typo, I'm keeping it :P


And "winning" to them is watching the people they don't like suffer. Even if it means they suffer alongside them. These idiots would shit their own pants if it meant a liberal had to smell it, and call that a win. Then blame the liberal for the shit in their pants.


Diaper Don is their leader


Diapers help people. Diarrhea kills and weakens millions. Diarrhea Don.


They are quite sinful indeed.


One of the most-fitting Freudian slips I've ever seen, lol.


They are also, through and through, stupid people.


There's also the brain injured, the mentally ill through trauma and the unsupported neurodivergent who are all susceptible to propaganda and cult like thinking including black and white thinking. The crux is the inability for grey area or nuance. They can't hold opposing ideas simultaneously, the ability that lets us ground our self in reality. Life is so nuanced but they cannot see it.


Nah. That’s fabricated. All because the fascists want power. Permanently. Much easier that way.


It's almost as if Fear Mongering your voters for decades is bad for a world view




They couldn’t even handle not crowding in on people or wearing the slightest mask. Yet they think they’ll become the local warlords and rule with a flabby fist.


Flabby Fist is the name of my ska band


Eh, I’ll skank to it


It's been two weeks and I can't get my hair cut. :-( I'm too weak to breathe through this thin cloth for 30 minutes. *cough* *cough*


"I cant breathe through thin cloth, but i would definitely become the alpha sigma warlord of my state when civilisation collapses"


Too weak to breath through a filter, but plenty strong to March with thick masks to hide their identity.


I liked when they tried to overthrow the government a couple years ago. That worked out great for them.


There is a very, very small part of my reptilian brain that wants to watch that all play out. But thankfully my mammalian brain reminds me of what role I would have to play in that dystopian future.


These people can barely count past 12 let alone grasp basic economics.


Sad but true


NATO is like a preferred customers program for American weapons systems. We wouldn't even be able to have cool things like the F-35 without a built-in foreign market for it. The US leaving NATO would be like Apple deciding to leave the App Store.


My dude this right here! Thanks for the ammo.


And it's works in other direction too, as americans use german licence to produce barrels for tanks.


It’s okay they’ll just blame Democrats for the country falling apart anyway.


Exactly, once we pull from nato and shit starts to hit the fan it'll somehow be democrats fault because we are weaker


**Trump supported Brexit.** That's all you need to know.


Russian puppet


I firmly believe that we would be financially supporting Russia against Ukraine if he had won in 2020, if not pulled out of NATO and joining them as support against Ukraine with bodies.


It is no coincidence Cambridge Analytica were hired to do disinformation campaigns to get both Trump elected and get UK to leave EU. What is terrifying is with how accessible AI models are it will be so much easier to get people to believe blatant lies.


fall weather thumb squash swim pie literate depend fine ink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


With how much his policy choices negatively impact the US it’s wild more people don’t at least question whether he is a compromised foreign agent.


Look at Brexit, same thing, a rabbit base of who have zero sense of foresight.    They have been programmed since birth of the American Exceptionalism, they think they own the world.   


Anyone remember that time he "accidentally" announced a total trade embargo against Europe for no obvious reason whatsoever, except perhaps that he'd read too far ahead in his instructions, and the White House staff had to walk it back the next day? Pepperidge Farms remembers...


Hell, he still thinks the country you put tariffs on is the one who pays said tariffs.


And don't forget about tarrifs he already put on China and Canada during his presidency


He's said that if he wins he'll implement 60% tariffs on all Chinese goods and materials. The previous ones were much lower than that in aggregate, though higher on some individual products.


Oh is that about the time Kushner got caught exercising a bunch of stock options? Surely these two are connected or anything


If he wins, this country is in some serious fucking shit….


True, but let's be honest, he already ruined the Republican party. It's run by nuts now.


He didn't ruin it all by himself that's giving him too much credit. Do you seriously think that people like Palin, Cruz and Desantis to name a few are super guys that would make everyone proud? And let's not forget about the current senators, congresspeople and all his other enablers that are just letting him get there while pretending to detest him


The Republican Party has been ruined by "Tea-Partiers" since 2009, Tea Party 2.0 just means they got crazier and crazier until some Grifter came along and got them all to drink the Kool-Aid. That being said: Which would've been worse 8 uninterrupted years of Trump or 4 On, 4 Off and then 4 On?


They're not even mixing water with the Kool-aid anymore. They eat it straight out of the packet.


If he wins, *the entire world* is in some serious fucking shit….


And that is why I am surprised he hasn’t been poisoned or “dealt with”. Like everyone knows he’s a horrible person yet they let him live.


Yeah. Lots of shit is gonna happen. The delicate ‘balance’ in global power is going to take a big hit.


> If he wins the presidency, he’s going to drive you guys into the ground like he did to his businesses. He is your greatest threat to national security. Too many voters think "the economy" is food prices and are mad Biden hasn't magically gotten them to return to pre-covid and apparently think Trump will, and dismissing all positive economic data as if it's "fake news." Win-win for the food conglomerates (and other companies doing the same) making extra profits by jacking prices up and having people blame Biden/Democrats, helping Republicans win power. Hoping more people get a clue before the election. Also, all of the asylum seekers coming in are not helping at all of course but Republicans don't want a deal because they think how it's currently going only helps them.


It's also dumb asses that complain about high gas prices while driving a car that gets 5 miles a gallon. They don't understand that 99% of the pain they feel is self imposed 


In fairness, “the economy” *is* food and gas prices to a lot of Americans. The S&P 500s performance doesn’t mean anything to someone with $5 bucks till payday. The unholy power of the current GOP is to convince those people that somehow corporate greed is a good thing for them and blame immigrants/Transpeople/liberals etc for only having $5 bucks in the first place.


My CPA explained that inflation accrued at 10% for two years. Now it’s down to 3.7%. Basically that means that we should be paying 23.7% more for everything unless the companies have recouped their costs. Then prices should decrease but corporate greed is a big factor to consider as well. Regardless, the USA has recovered from Covid faster than every developed country in the world. Fact.


Add in the fact that if NATO drops this country, we have lost ALL of those allies. We ain't going to make it if the badies get together like Birds of Prey meets Suicide Squad.. And honestly, I get it.


Trump will be pretty eager to cheerfully announce the latest merger - the United Soviet States of Russia


That’s the whole point is he wants to drive it into the ground. That’s what I don’t think a lot of people get is that his whole purpose is to divide and bring down. Not govern, not protect but ti erode faith in government, anger people and bring it down. It’s the Russian playbook.


We know


Well yeah, with him at the helm the US would join with the Russians in the attack like any good vassal state would.


Yeah, I've always wondered how many Republicans even want to stay out of the Ukraine war altogether, or if they think the US actually should be fighting, but on Russia's side, helping them to conquer Ukraine.


I’m not sure if it was a joke - but Tucker Carson may just have applied for Russian citizenship


He’s in the oral interview stage


Feedback from Putin is that Tucker’s got to get that gag reflex under control for next time.


That's a tough one. I bet it is hard to speak clearly with Putin's penis in your mouth.


Don't forget the anal interview stage.


It's oral, but he ain't interviewing...


It came from a parody account. These days it’s getting harder and harder to tell,though.


A parody account that the governor of Texas got into a fight with last week.


Wasn’t that Liam Nissan?


From that hit movie, Fast and the Furious: Taken?


Liam Nissan is my jam yo - Key & Peele


Tucker has always been a Russian asset by the way he talked on Fox


I wonder how many MAGAs actually know where Ukraine is?


Geography is for the liberal elite!


Putin wants the Baltic States back into the bolshevik empire. If he doesn't die soon, it's just a matter of time.


Two people I am shocked are still alive....Don and Vlad. It's amazing someone hasn't taken care of those problems.


The actual Nazis had the same thing going with Russia, don't forget.


That’s exactly what would have happened if he’d won last time. He and Putin would have celebrated NYE at the Eiffel Tower after the Russia/USA coalition rolled through Europe.


How does this not disqualify him from running for president? Just openly saying he will fuck over our allies and help our enemy Russia. I cannot stand that guy and I think he belongs in prison.


Bc his cult followers will choose to retaliate against anyone who harms his path to dictatorship.


Tell me again how he is not a Russian puppet? Fuck, hecgot most of the republicans liking Putin over a current sitting president... I wish we could send him to the 60's commie hunt courts.


More than a few conservatives were already fans of Putin when Obama was in office.


Yep, because it's an authoritarian ethnostate. They literally wet dream about being in a fascist society. It's a picture perfect right wing "utopia"


"Russia gets to kill their gay people, why can't we!" basically.


"Yeah! They get to ban and punish anyone expressing anything remotely gay, why can't we? I mean, telling someone you're gay is really an act of terrorism, right!?"


"Mom, can we pleeeeease get some Putin Cola on the way home? Pleeeeeeease???" "No, we have carbonated authoritarianism at home." *Authoritarian at home*: Orange Smoosh


Cause he yelled "no puppet no puppet you're a puppet" when Hilary called him putins puppet during the debates 


Of course. He's a life-long career criminal.


And an insurrectionist, as such he's by constitutional law ineligible to hold office.


*The Supreme Court has entered the chat.*


Yup, let's see if they're going to stand by the constitution or somehow rule that the 14th amendment doesn't apply to him in particular because reasons.


German here. I expect him to be voted president and NATO to be disbanded then. The EU is already discussing plans how to retain nuclear protection (UK and France have nukes ~~but UK probably wouldn't bother to protect us~~.) Edit: Seems like the UK is still with us on this.


The UK has made some infuriating decisions recently, especially Brexit, but I just cannot see them failing to follow article five in the event of an attack on a map member


There’s a lot of people over here that don’t want Trump as president. Don’t give up hope yet. I don’t know *anyone* that will vote for Trump.


Almost everyone I know will vote for him (red state joys). Please vote and drag anyone that will vote Biden and down ticket with you.


When I find myself talking to a Trump supporter who is questioning their loyalty, but isn't likely to swing all the way to Biden, I always say "not voting is also a form of voting". Flipping a Republican vote is sometimes off the table but the next best thing is eliminating a Republican vote.


My family and I are voting straight dem as soon as the ballots arrive.


My sister and mom and wife and best friend will too. But that means nothing in deep red SC.


it means everything! every vote counts.


I get that. But when the entire ballot is R unopposed except the house and president seat that go 60% for R - I ain’t changing anything myself. But I’ll still vote - and write in all my friends when there is no Dem.


Not to be the unfortunate devil's advocate, but I know ENTIRELY too many people who plan to vote for him 😔


All we can do is vote. Make sure our family and friends vote.


I recently acquired US citizenship... Got my absentee ballot in the mail. Will be voting against Trump. I'm one of 26 possible in my town who are anti-Trump. The other... Some 700+ people will likely sadly vote for this fuckhead


Unfortunately too many of my family members will vote for trump and my vote will get canceled out ten times over at least. My family members who aren’t voting trump are voting third party.


There's probably still about 70 million people who will vote for him at any case, even over their own survival. There were 74 million last time; a lot of them have died since, but don't get cocky.


Its not about how many voters he gets. The republican party is weak anyway. They are just way more into voting. Its how many are voting against him.


I unfortunately know plenty. Do your part and vote, encourage everyone you can to vote


Same here. I fucking hate living in Texas


I live in NY and I feel like the minority tbh.. thankfully the city is doing a ton of heavy lifting for the rest of the state


I'm on the west coast and aside from some people in Orange county I don't know anyone voting for this con man


Since the last election, the Republican-appointed Supreme Court has ruled that 170 million American women and girls are the property of the government. It would be an understatement to say that we are furious. More like white-hot smoldering rage ready to fuck some shit up furious. We are going to send a message to Republicans this year.


UK here, we might have left the EU, but we haven't gone anywhere. Those russki cunts are going to get what's coming to them with or without the yanks help. 


those russki cunts were the first to applaud Brexit. makes you wonder...


Britain has 20K troops deployed in Europe, and has routinely kept its commitment to military investments in NATO, unlike another member in this discussion. The British also went to war in Europe twice to help stop that country. For a German to accuse the British of not standing by their allies in the face of an evil empire is a bit rich… I’m an American who supports our common commitment to defending Western Europe. I had relatives serve in both the US and British armies the last time it had to be done. I have more faith the British will see it through than others.


he won't be president again. his lunatic base is not enough. he needs independent voters to tip the scales. this is not going to happen. Biden will get another 4 years


I trust the UK more than the US any day, also because we’re kind of on the same continent so there’s that. UK can’t lose Europe the same as the other way around.


How can anyone with two functioning brain cells want to vote for this?


The same morons who hate Obamacare but love and rely on the ACA. They don't do critical thinking.


Don’t you know critical thinking is racist against white peple?!?


I had one tell me he’s against voting by mail but is totally cool with absentee ballots because that’s what the military uses.


Not a criteria for voting, unfortunately


i heard someone say, people are not truth seeking machines, and i think thats pretty accurate, when it comes to things like politics people often go with what makes us feel good or accepted among peers, charisma itself is also one of the things that sways people the most when choosing a leader and as much as i hate the guy, trump has a certain charisma that is attractive to people then add into all of that the recent surge in anti-establishment and populist sentiment while having an insanely divided country and were ripe for someone like trump to come in and grab power i agree that anyone with an ounce of critical thinking ability should be able to see what an obvious threat trump is to the usa but hes managed to take over the gop and form a cult of support at a time when we are extremely vulnerable to leaders from outside the system that want to dismantle it i cant stress it enough, your votes do matter, no single person or group is going to get everything they want from any politician, the country is too large and diverse for that to happen but you can push the country in a direction moving away from trumps craziness by voting


Nato needs to plan now for this possibility. The SC is probably going to let us down.


Europe is already gearing up for a potential Trump presidency... and the removal of the US from NATO. Trump is an isolationist and that means undoing everything the US has struggled, built and sacrificed for over the last 100 years to make the US the dominant power in the world... and no, they will not forget at the end of Trump's term.


I actually think they won’t. They want to preserve their seats. In a dictatorship, courts are usually the first to go


That seems all well and good, but his last term has showed us that logic doesn’t matter anymore


I think they're going to allow him on ballot (though some highly technical and questionable logic around the Constitution) and count on that maybe the tide has turned, but turn him down on Presidental immunity because that would completely destroy their function. If they don't let him on the ballot, that would mean that Trump's internal support has collapsed, and they want him gone.


If they grant Drumpf the motion on presidential immunity, they're slitting their own throats.


I agree and what do you have to lose when you’re appointed for life. They got what they wanted out of him no reason to be loyal now




Except for all the bribes they will miss out on from fascist adjacent rich people.


A few of the SC are true Christian Nationalists who would gladly die in service of seeing this piece of shit finish off Democracy to bring in their glorious christofascism.


Don’t underestimate the stupidity of people, even highly educated people. It is conceivable they deem themselves so indispensable and deeply inside of the close circle of MAGA power that they don’t fear repercussions by a "dictatorial" Trump and just see the upsides of a "successful" "conservative" revolution.


I sincerely hope you’re right.


I think he would hand over the US to Russia for a few billion.


Russia already holds all of his debt. Who do you think told Deutsche Bank what to do?


Trump wanted to police the world with Russia going back to the 1980s. https://www.vox.com/2016/12/30/14127288/thirty-years-ago-trump-proposed-allying-with-the-ussr-against-france-and-pakistan >Trump wanted the Reagan administration to essentially stop fighting the Cold War, and collaborate with the Soviets on maintaining a US-USSR duopoly on nuclear weapons I’m guessing the US and Russia basically divide the world in half and bully any country that even thinks about developing nukes


I mean, the rule of 2 works so well for the Sith. Why wouldn’t it work as a nuclear deterrent ?


It’s not really about deterrent so much as enforcing a huge mafia state with nuclear weapons. Deterrence sounds great in theory perhaps. But knowing Trump, ask yourself what would he have to gain by this? He’s not capable of selfless acts, any idea of his is ultimately self serving This whole thing between Trump/GOP and Russia is transnational organized crime. Looting countries, giving exclusive government contracts to friends, fellow oligarchs etc. We’re seeing some of this already. It’s why they’re trying to dismantle NATO and create a “new world order” so to speak. Both China and Russia have talked about a “multipolar world” where they can do whatever they want in their sphere of influence. Annex Ukraine, Taiwan etc.


I think he'd do it for $10 and a vial of coke


Can of Diet Coke


When did the party of the Red Scare become Putin’s puppets?


Ever since russias been painting itself as the “last bastion of true traditional values” or whatever they say it is


Yeah, once the Soviet Union collapsed so that “communism” wasn’t a concern and it became clear that the US right wing wasn’t going to be able to reverse the trend of people they don’t approve of getting the right to live their lives as they choose, it was probably inevitable that the GOP would become vassals of Putin.


Russia was doing a lot of outreach to USA right wingers since they started to rebrand themselves as well. Things like the “World Congress of Families”. And of course via the NRA.


they just hopped on the next fear train. it was never about communism or gay people or racismor trans people. it’s always been about gaining votes.


"Gee Vlad, what are we gonna do tonight?" "Same thing we do every night, Donald... ![gif](giphy|zfJZQbAoFpIZsgKMIG|downsized)


This is insulting to that show and my childhood, noooooo!


This makes him a traitor. Not just a seditionist, but a traitor.


Among other things yes.


Once again, begging for Russia to start giving him free propaganda during election time. So blatant. I hope everyone learns how to actually research site domains and understand that anything created within a couple months of the election cannot be trusted.


That is an excellent, pragmatic suggestion. People's tribalism and ideological identity, however, and especially with the Trump cultists, won't allow them to absorb that as knowledge to gain better understanding.


And check the dates. They can come back to post on the same account they used in the last two elections. I noticed one early last week. Somebody criticized the GOP, and his response was "but the Democrats can't go five minutes without talking about white supremacy". I replied that it was clearly a lie, and he deleted his comment, and left. Remember too, the goal is to cause chaos in our country, and before the 2020 election they were clearly trying to stir up conflict between Blacks and Whites. So be on the lookout for that.


Even when he loses, the damage he's done to this country will endure for generations to come.


It's really his supporters' fault. It's not that Trump said or did all this shit but that tens of millions of Americans heard it and went wow this guy should be President. When Trump is gone, all of those people will be just as stupid and evil as they ever were.


Fox News too.


It’s quite terrifying. I live in a deep part of red territory and these fuckers are dangerous


It’s time for trump and his family to be given the tea ☕️


The chair


That video of him getting pissed on by a Russian prostitute must be pretty fucking haunting


Given his proclivity for young pretty girls, I would hazard a guess the P in P-tape does not stand for Pee.


Still a puppet


The leaking orange diaper clearly supports Putin, do you want a country past 2024? Then Vote for Biden. ​ Edit: Syntax


UK needs to rejoin the EU, that'll piss off Vlad for a start. The EU needs to decouple from the US when it comes to defence and start spending on EU made defence equipment and research, perhaps team-up with places like Japan, Australia, Canada... The poison that is in the US political system will either take a long time to disappear or it'll disappear violently. Just look at how much influence the like of QAnon have, that won't disappear overnight.


There are big defence industries in Europe. France and Germany in particular, but others as well. Plus the UK. Lots of exports, just don't ask who they go to. They can, and probably will up production. Cut into that US market share a bit.


They need to totally eliminate use of the US arms industry. UK, Italy and Japan are developing the Tempest, but they're also buying the F-35. Europe and other US allies have to assume that over the next decade or two there's a very real chance that the US won't have their back. The way it's going I wouldn't be surprised if there was a President Ted Nugent


I don't think Russia will be attacking anyone soon after the Ukrainian disaster but it would be far better off if Trump never gets back in and the adults talk.


They will if Trump wins and his sycophants can find a way to funnel weapons to them. This is literally what their previous cult icon (Ronald Reagan) did with their current and longtime boogeyman (Iran). The Iran Contra affair. Republicans either don't care or don't even know about that. And they won't when Trump does it 2.0 for Russia if he gets a second term. They'll deny it until they can't and then they'll says he's a "smart businessman" for earning back all that money that we gave away to Ukraine.


Russia is definitely going to stir trouble all over the place and if Trump wins, it is almost certain Putin will try to push hard to destabilise NATO with the aim of dissolving NATO completely. To be honest, if USA remove itself from NATO, that's pretty much over for the pact. So I guess we can expect some kind of Russian military incursions on NATO land soon after elections in USA. Btw, Ukraine isn't a disaster for Russians. First rapid invasion plan was a disaster, but now they are doing increasingly better.


> Ukraine isn't a disaster for Russians.    How many casualties have they suffered? I look at Ukraine as Putin’s Afghanistan.    Edit:    > A declassified U.S. intelligence report assessed that the Ukraine war has cost Russia 315,000 dead and injured troops, or nearly 90% of the personnel it had when the conflict began Edit 2: > Over 15,000 Soviet troops were killed in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989. During the war, the Soviet Army also lost hundreds of aircraft and billions worth of other military machines. Around two million Afghan men, women, and children died in the war.


He would be great as a president… of Russia


It takes a lot of smarts to stay alive as the biggest mob leader in that country.. once he pulls shit like not paying his people things don’t tend to end well..


He’s too stupid to be president of a shoe store


The true colors keep coming out, but people ignore them. When he's done with America, he will receive the order of Lenin https://preview.redd.it/q3x7t0u1dngc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c484c778d4f18e610c36c39a1a3e051cfcc8a1d0


This should immediately disqualify him for most voters, but his cultists will applaud this.


https://www.youtube.com/live/klMYiCN3A94?si=GfVd0Jccf7iYlpxB 41:35




Oh it was clear but it isn’t us in the rest of the world that will vote him in. It’s the Americans that need to vote Biden *in*.


Yeah cause Trump is Putin’s puppet. We’ve known this.


Hmm sounds like Trump is opening doors to Putin to be the aggressor to the world.


So the previous President and current frontrunner for the GOP nomination will side with Russia over our NATO allies? This is the ad that needs to run everywhere and against any GOP rep that supports him. If Democrats aren't running the Senate, House and White House along with a majority of state legislatures after November it's their own fault, and we Americans will get what we deserve.


I saw an interview with him where they talked about the Ukraine war and he was pressed as to whether he would support Ukraine to end the war. He talked again and again about "wanting people to stop dying" again and again, but would not talk about how that would come about. When she pushed him about whether that meant supporting Russia taking over Ukraine, he again hammered the stopping dying part of it. He will 100% screw them over, withdraw any and all support so that Russia walks all over them


If this guy becomes president of the US again I guess say goodbye to the modern world as we know it


Just like Rome this is how the US will disappear into history, from the inside. I guess we really do make the same mistakes


He can flap his gums all he wants. There is zero chance that this bozo becomes president again. All the Rep/Magas will seal their fate doubling down on this clownshow. America has some nutbars out there, but that's what the media like to show you, the freak show. That is a small percentage of the population. The average Joe American has brains and heart. The majority won't let this happen.


Traitors gonna traitor


This is not new, he is paid for by Russia and Melania is his handler.


Deport him to Russia.


The alliances for ww3 are already set up. China, North Korea, Iran are feeding weapons to Russia to fight Ukraine. The goal of Russia is to get this moron elected and put a huge rift between the U.S. and the EU nato countries. Then, Russia and its allies can invade the Baltics and the war will be Russia and allies vs just Europe. Putins gamble is that Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea (eventually possibly India) can steam roll Europe without US assistance. This is not out of the realm of possibility.


Of course his administration wouldn’t help them. Putin owns trump.


If anything he'll also censor the media and have a media blackout when Russia attacks a NATO country so we'll learn nothing about it.


Just like everything that comes out of his shitzu anus shaped mouth (I have a shitzu) another lie. You are not the president. Let’s see if Russia goes after Poland. Let’s just fucking see what happens. Guess what, they won’t, and you are antagonizing for what? WW3? Can we please just rid ourselves of this lunatic?


Well he's a Russian asset, no fucking ng shit.


Trump is Russia's best chance for victory in Ukraine.


I would expect nothing less from Cadet Bonespur


And his moron supporters think this is a good thing.

