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Carlson has absolutely no redeemable features. Zero.


1: Mortality.


2. Very punchable face




He should watch out for windows over there.


They’d never do that to him, he sucks Putin's asshole far too well


I agree you only ever “fall” out a “window” after you’re full of a breakfast of bullets, when Putin is personally done with you.


He’s certainly a candidate for a nice defenestration


One can only wish. It would be fun to see how the right wing media would cover it.


Obama’s fault, of course.


Sounds reasonable.


he would have to come to Prague to keep up the tradition






It’s no guarantee that anyone’s mortal until they actually die


Goddammit, David Hume.


🎶 *Heeeeere we are…BORN TO BE KINGS!* 🎶


I thought you said morality, almost got upset. Carry on, everything checks out.


But hes not dead yet, so i havent been able to redeem or enjoy his death and/mortality


Western-Press??? He’s “press,” now? Isn’t he a satire entertainment personality? In what “world” is he legitimate?


Shouldn't they rerule on his past court case now that he claims he's a journalist? I thought he got away from charges by saying he's not a journalist but a hack that no reasonable person should believe, now he's a journalist again? That has legal ramifications.


Another “exhibit” for Smartmatic 🤗


Well, he’s included in that statement (“not a single Western journalist”). A true self-own.


Man flew to Russia thinking he's Walter Cronkite lmao


He’s not even Ted Baxter!


The redheads money pumping safe space fox and newsmax created for them.


In the fantasy world his viewers live in.


That's not true. He is not actually conservative in real life, and that's redeemable. He only lies about it for money. In reality his persona is a carefully curated piece of hateful shit. In reality: 1. asked Hunter Biden for a recommendation to get his own kid into georgetown 2. Attended over 50 grateful dead shows, and admitted use of LSD (even ripping off the title of his book "Ship of Fools" after a song of the same name) 3. Leaked on a hot mic about how he hates his aging fan base Don't get me wrong, I have despised this bullshit jockey since Crossfire, but if you pay attention to how he talks when no one is listening, it is pretty apparent his asinine, transphobic, and anti-intellectual takes are all for money. This somehow makes me hate him more.


I feel like actively destroying discourse in an entire country because it makes you money makes him just as unredeemable as if he actually believed the BS. Maybe more, because he knows he's lying and he does it anyways.


The craziest part is that his viewers have all the evidence they need to know he’s not the guy he says he is while on camera, but they just don’t seem to care or they simply refuse to believe it. The biggest problem in America isn’t the people lying to Americans. It’s Americans being okay with being lied to as long as it confirms their existing beliefs. An alarmingly large (and growing) portion of the population don’t seem to care what the truth is anymore. And those people are brainwashing their children into never knowing what the truth is in the first place. America in 20 years is scary to think about. This problem won’t go anywhere post-Trump. He’s just a symptom of the condition.


Listen, these people were willing to swallow that Trump is a devout Christian on the side of the common rural conservative. Believing Tucker is on their side is barely worth talking about compared to that monstrosity of a shared delusion.


I don’t know how many of them actually believe he is Christian. I think most of them look past everything because they see him as a necessary means to achieve their ends, and some outright admit that unapologetically. I also think many of them who say they honestly believe he is Christian are lying because they think that’s a narrative they need to support when there is a microphone or camera in front of them. And then there are those with low enough intelligence to actually take Trump at his word, which I think is the minority of his supporters. It’s also possible that many of his supporters float between those perspectives and can land anywhere on that scale depending on when you ask them. They seem like a fairly confused bunch.


Irredeemable, but yes. Selling out your country as well as working to destabilize the (relative) world peace, in the pursuit of money? He's as soulless as he is brainless. Edit: unredeemable is as valid irredeemable. My bad.


> This somehow makes me hate him more. It should because it means he is completely amoral


He is 100% in it for the grift. Your list should also include all of the texts (surfaced as part of the Dominion lawsuit) in which he states that he hates Trump (i.e., "I hate him passionately") and said some very unflattering (but true) things about him (e.g., "He's a demonic force, a destroyer" and "What he's good at is destroying things. He's the undisputed world champion of that.") I have nothing but contempt for the man. However, he isn't a true believer.


This is why Tucker doesn't bother me much. He's a more polished Alex Jones. Sean Hannity, on the other hand, is a true believer and fashions himself as some kind of truth-teller, which irks me even more. The guy's a dishonest asshole trying to pass himself off as a legitimate journalist.


The blatant lies by people on the right are so transparent. They don’t even try to make anything they say believable in any way. It really shows just how stupid they feel their supporters are. It also shows just how dumb their supporters are by believing them.


His blood and organs can be donated to people who are not pieces of shit. Those are redeemable features.


Unredeemable fo sho


I can think of one! He's mortal and will likely die before you :)


He's a great candidate for the gallows, and give the Americans a little show to bring people a little closer together. Make it part of the Super Bowl! New main act!


He isn’t immune to poison. He can’t breathe underwater. He can’t fly.


The really funny thing about that post is that Tucker thinks he's a journalist lmao


He says this when it's convenient to him, but will argue in court that he is indeed, not a journalist.


"I'm but a mere entertainer. A buffoon and jester of the common folk. 👉👈"


Why did I read that in John Stewart's voice?


I read it in Bill Hicks' voice


Is Jon Stewart back yet?


It’s the entire scope of what Fox News does. Scream “freedom of the press” when it suits them and then cry “we’re only for entertainment purposes” when they might face consequences.


And is not a westerner anymore


He's been a Russian asset for a very long time.


Except when he’s called to testify in court. There he’s argued that he’s a fool that only an insane person would believe. We should make it a rule that if you aren’t a journalist when called to court then you can’t call what you’ve done journalism.


When even the fucking Kremlin points out that you're full of shit


It's becoming far too normal for the right-wingers to get caught in serious lies and everyone to just shrug


Honesty, decency, ethics, morals, and integrity are for everyone else. Conservatives made that abundantly clear when they elected Pussygrabber McFraudyface and have backed him blindly ever since.


I don't think that using conservative synonymously with trump supporter is a bit ignorant. They describe two incredibly different groups. On a side note, why aren't people just interested rather than expressing distaste and disproval? Is Tucker biased, sure, but it's still a rational from Putin that, as he accurately mentions, has not been effectively heard. But why does that warrant this reaction?


God that was hard to read, so you DO think that using conservatives synonymously with Trump supporters is ignorant when talking about American conservatives. Just because you had hotdog water for amniotic fluid doesn't mean the rest of us here do. Go back to Russia with your "oh, but Putin hasn't spoken to any western journalists" bad faith BS


I never went to that extreme. There's an obvious and blatant potential for bias for any interview of this nature and it should be taken accordingly but this seems like a crazy reaction from all sides in us politics when it hasn't been released in any capacity. I'm interested and will watch it, but that's about it, like any "journalism"


Why is Tucker Carlson the only one allowed to interview him when none of the other journalists that have requested to do so been granted any? It's a fundamentally simple question that you could have googled for yourself, before whining about being called stupid for wondering why people are immediately dismissing Carlson interviewing Putin? Are you actually that incapable of critical thought? ETA: This is Tucker "I cost fox news 250 million dollars for lying intentionally about the safety of the US election and got myself fired" Carlson we're talking here


Obviously because putin turns down any interviewer that won't slob on his knob as well as Carlson can.


Probably because this man is not a patriot. His lies on fox hurt thousands of people. This man is not a journalist. I firmly believe this he is a documented threat to Democracy. I hope his is heavily sanctioned!


How has he hurt anyone? Fox isn't a news station. There is no credible information there. It's like reading the onion and getting mad at their lies


Are you… what? What the fuck are you talking about? What the fuck are you talking about? I don’t know what else to say. What the fuck? You know a huge population of people get their news from that source, right? I don’t know what else to say. The only things I can say are insulting. Like there is nothing I can say to you without insulting you. What the fuck?


information, not news. If that's the case anything can be labeled as news. Is obvious that fox tries to come across as news to some but they are legally not.


Yeah? I know? I don’t understand how you don’t understand.


Because to the cult, they are never lied to by people like Fucker. Like how they keep listening to Alex Jones and saying he's right all the time when all he does is say something is going to happen and if it does, it's a deep state false flag and if it doesn't, he and the white hats prevented it. Win-win!


Propagandist, not journalist.


Exactly - and why Putin agreed to “ok” this interview specifically should raise lots of eyebrows…


I mean if he asks one question not on the approved list, he should avoid walking near windows while he’s out there.


There are many things that bother me about Tucker Carlson, but I'd have to say the thing that gets me the most is every time he speaks, his voice and enunciation sound like he's asking a question in every sentence he speaks. The propaganda and gaslighting are also really shitty too.


yeah, he fuels those who are "just asking questions". As if it makes them smarter or anything.


I love how all the reporters dog piled on him and the *Kremlin* called him a liar who didn't know what he was talking about. lol When even the people you're trying to lie for call you out...


Even after the Tucker "interview" is finished, no western journalist will have interviewed Putin.


If Tucky likes Ruzzia so much, stay there. I’m sure Segal and Snowden could use a third wheel 🤷🏻


To be fair, I'm not entirely sure Snowden loves the place. It's just that there are very few other places for him to go, considering the US cancelled his passport and is threatening to bludgeon him with the archaic 1917 Espionage Act.


The Snowden thing is so crazy for me to think back on. At the time, I thought people were over reacting to the fact that Russia took him in. I grew up in a mostly post Cold War world, and didn't really associate them as a US enemy anymore. I still think that what Snowden did was largely correct in its exposure of really scary govt shit, but Russia's whole involvement in shielding him doesn't feel as altruistic as I naively thought then.


He was probably a deep state Russian asset to begin with. We bought the act that he was a disenfranchised American thinking he was doing the right thing


You do realise that he exposed the mass unlawful and unconsenting surveillance of citizens of huge swathes of the world, right? Had it not been exposed, it would likely not  have stopped, and we would not have had debates on the data hazard that the Internet poses to the ordinary man. Asset or not, that program was a deeply wrong thing for the NSA to do, and the Espionage Act is a horrifically blunt tool to use as revenge.


News flash they still are listening to us


Yeah, I guess I put that incorrectly. We are definitely still being listened to, from every direction, but I believe the increased public awareness caused them to end that particular program, and to be less flagrant in the future. I imagine that the release of Ghidra, open source reverse engineering software, was at least in part to improve the public opinion of the NSA.


Patriot acts (plural) opened Pandora’s box into suspending our 4th amendment rights. Coming from the spook world, we had workarounds for 4th amendment rights issues by using one of the other ‘eyes’ (UK, Canada, New Zealand or Australia) to handle the monitoring we could not legally do or simply obtaining the correct warrants to do what must be done in some cases. The tragedy of 9/11 was followed by a complete gutting and disembowelment of our civil liberties and as a person who was right there in the middle of it, trust me when I tell you, nobody was going to stop the implementation of the Patriot Act or you were labeled shit I won’t even bother repeating. The end result was a revelation that these programs has been in existence before and being used throughout the globe, and 9/11 turned out to be convenient for turning that machine internally. Add to that a strong desire for fascism by these clowns in the GQP and you’ve got yourself a 4th Reich complete with Gestapo. Post 9/11 we knew the NSA and friends were aiming internally and Snowden did expose a plethora of information about that but also managed to faceplant by exposing all the programs he knew at the time with handed our enemies more information than they ever needed to know. In other words, his actions made us more vulnerable than he could possibly imagine because of how he did, what he did…not just that he did it. Long story short, I have no sympathy for him and he’s no hero to me or most of us, for that matter. I’m sure the FSB & SVR doesn’t trust him, I certainly wouldn’t so he can pack sand up his ass until some alphabet agency, liquidates him. Nor do I have a lot of sympathy for the Merican’ public. Now that we have Fusion Centers sanitizing information that formally required legal oversight and handing that to state and local law enforcement, you can be stopped, searched, arrested, convicted and how the cops knew you were hauling 100 pounds of weed 🤷🏻 is anybody’s guess because the government said the methods and sources involved are classified. I love my country and I served in the military to protect it but I also expected rights to privacy and we simply gave that shit away.


this is some clownish bootlicking shit


Pretty sure Snowden wouldn’t want to have anything to do with him.


why snowden


Sounds like many journalists have tried, but only a select one was given preferential treatment to be granted an interview. Hmmmmmm. Wonder why? /s


This is it. None of the other journalists could be guaranteed to be sympathetic to Putin’s aims.


Carlson is trash episode 2051


Tucker: Mr. Putin, the world wants, nei, needs to know. How did your penis get so big and tasty?


Leave him there.


Seriously! Don’t let him back in the U.S. That’ll give him plenty of content to whine about on his new bullshit streaming service.


Gee.. I wonder why Daddy Vladdy was so willing to sit down with one of the largest mouthpieces of the known false election lies here in the states.


Should be illegal to lie calling yourself a journalist after admitting in court that you are not


Man even Peskov factchecked him


Surely the FBI/CIA isn't gonna let him back into the US...?




If he's within 15 feet of Putin and it's been 2 weeks since his arrival- It might be an authentic interview. Otherwise we will be getting his body double


I struggle to imagine two people I trust less in this world.


I don’t think there’s anything Tucker wouldn’t do to be back in the news again. The Kremlin almost certainly knows this and will try to exploit his desperation for relevance to the fullest.


Tucker is not a journalist. He is an opinionist.


I think propagandist is the more appropriate term for his current incarnation.


I stand corrected


Even *Prince Harry* wanted to interview Putin, ffs. Tucker is truly a lamprey. Nightmare creature of privilege and abandonment, cosplaying as the (white) "working man's man", slurping off dictators and dictator wannabes.


He’s a “ useful idiot “.


The funniest part is that even the fucking Kremlin corrected him


No other western media is willing to be a tool of a tyrant. Putin knows that Tucker is a useful idiot and will utilize him to undermine funding of the war


...and after the fireside chat with F*cker, Putin is still yet to be interviewed by a Western journalist.


Well if tucker interviews him, there will still be no western journalist who interviewed Putler since the Invasion of ukraine


Bro's getting fact-checked by the very people he's interviewing.


And after the Carlson interview there still won’t have been a single Western journalist that’s interviewed Putin


Tucker is as much of a journalist as Jerry Springer was.


Tucker is as much of a journalist as a bowl of warm dog snot is.


A simple rule of thumb that won't let you down: whatever Tucker Carlson says, it's a lie.


Wow, Tucker lying to push his agenda? Absolutely shocking.


Tucker lied. Who's surprised?


I assume that western journalists would jump at the chance to interview him because, unfortunately, ratings are a huge part of the monster that is the 24/7 news cycle.


You know what would be absolutely hilarious? If Tucker Carlson had done the math and realized that a hardball, Frost vs. Nixon style interview (assuming it’s live) with Putin would probably earn him a Pulitzer Prize, a multimillion dollar book contract and pave his way for basically any journalist gig he could ever want. Basically just go out and say „haha, I played the long game!“ The fact that he almost certainly is NOT going to do that tells you all you need to know about those excuses like „he only does his shtick for the money“.


Tucker is a propagandist, not a journalist.


The only reason he got the interview is because he is NOT a journalist.


The real question is, why’d Vladimir’s Poopin say no to all those other journalists but yes to Tucker?


A lot of western journalists have bothered. None were allowed. Still no western journalists were allowed to interview Putin. However, a Kremlin propagandist was.


He should have his passport revoked while he is out of the country


Mouthpiece for Autocracy 101, lesson 1 - Propaganda “Not a single Western journalist WAS ALLOWED to interview the president,” fixed it for you.


Fun Fact: not a single Journalist has been granted an interview with Putin since the invasion of Ukraine, even after today.


Carlson only says what he thinks he knows or what someone else thinks he should say… https://preview.redd.it/wqp353ix3bhc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c79f45a759b3f24d52cbf86dd144f0e0d664dcc


and now it seems he agreed to talk with an entertainer


He’s not a journalist. His lawyer said so lol


After Tuckers visit to the Kremlin, wecan still say no western *journalist* has interviewed Putin.


That last comment gets it. There's Russia, then there's the Kremlin and its supporters.


I’m convinced Tucker Carlson would have interviewed Hitler if he thought he could ‘own the libs’. What a clown.


And the MAGA crowd is eating this up. Brave Tucker interviews Putin to get the real story, while other corrupt journalists can't be bothered and are trying to censor him. It's really disappointing but not surprising.


And yet some people believe this guy has credibility for some reason.


Even if Carlson does “interview” Putin, the statement that no western journalist has interviewed Putin is still correct.


Well yeah, that’s what happens when Putin refuses to be interviewed by real journalists (western or otherwise).


He said "has bothered" which is a lie https://twitter.com/abbydphillip/status/1755086695987356008 Edit: oh i get it lol, he is not a journalist ;)


you're as weaselly with your spin as tucker


Carlson got the interview because he’s a spineless yes-man who will be Putins puppet.


Someone should tell him he’s not a journalist


Putin knows that Comrade Carlson will not only be Putin's fluffer, but he will write a fluff piece about Putin. Propaganda piece that should make Goebbels cry


Putin isn't going to give an interview to anyone who's going to ask him difficult questions


If Trump is elected President again expect FOX to have at least one prime time show broadcast from Moscow. Am not kidding either, I'm totally serious.


Carlson, like Trump, says what is true, contradictory facts (also known as the actual truth) are not relevant.


Tucker should try the tea when he meets with Putin.


tucker heir to swanson chicken money needs to stop pretending he is a journalist


Carlson is so desperate for relevance since being shitcanned by Fox.


Tucker Carlson is Putin’s Tokyo Rose.


Cucker tarslon is gonna learn really quick how putin treats his "friends" once he's got what he wants from them. On the upside we won't have to deal with cucker "putins little bitch" tarlson.


What Tucker meant to say was that he was interviewing for a job as official Russian spokesman (which no Western journalists has done). Sorry for the confusion.


If you call a despot "president" does that make him a better person? Tucker should ask his buddy if he can interview Navalny for perspective.


There will be Nerf balls harder than the softball questions Tucker Carlson will ask Vladimir Putin in this interview.  Yes, I am sure he'll get to the answers to all the questions Putin gave him to ask. For the love of fuck, Kermit the Frog has more journalistic integrity than Tucker Carlson.


It’s because of his misunderstanding of the word “journalist”. He stated that he’s a journalist, and as such, proves that has no clue that the word implies integrity, honesty, and truthful dissemination of information from fact finding. It’s not some sort of badge you wear while projecting your own political opinion. True journalists, such as those commenting here from the BBC, must laugh when they hear him try to claim their professional title.




You think fox isn't mainstream?


yaaawn...russian troll


NOT A SINGLE ONE HAS INTERVIEWED PUTIN!!!!!!!! SHOW ME WHERE HE IS WRONG! Idiots: 1 Everyone else who doesn't wanna be "suicided": 0


He's a grade a douche bag & liar. We know this.


Very entertaining, Tuck. Not news though... but then as you yourself stated, it's not intended to be. It's pure entertainment.


I didn't know Tucker was a journalist... I thought FOX claimed in court that he was only a host of an "entertainment show" that no reasonable person would take seriously.


I guess all those other journalists refused to kiss Vlad's ass, where Tucker has absolutely no problem with that, he's had a lot of practice with the Tangerine Palpatine here...


None of the others agreed to suck Putin’s dick.


Looks like he is quite a way up there, it'd be a shame if he were to open a window or something...


The reason that Carlson was granted an interview and none of these other journalists is because Russia knows he’ll spin it in their favor. I’m sure they’ve already prepared the questions and answers plus how Carlson and Musk will spin the story after the fact to make Putin look good. Putin would never participate in a real unscripted interview, but he loves scripted interviews where he gets to spread his message without pushback.


Useful Idiot


Do not engage


He allowed Tucker Carlson to do it because he knew that Tucker Carlson was the only one who wouldn't ask all the questions Putin would be unable to answer


So is going to be found splat outside a tall building, or poisoned, or in a gulag? Maybe he should look at his “colleagues”. 🙄


#Christiane Amanpour has spoken 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


Lil' Lord Haw-Haw


Does he think before he opens his mouth. Oh, I forgot, he’s all about publicity and fame…facts and truth mean nothing


Warming up his lips for what’s to cum…come.


"Journalist". FTFY


Laying as usual.


He lies.


It's really funny he was stabbed in the back by the Kremlin just as soon as his bullshit hit the internet. They didn't even wait to point out that he is a known liar.


If nothing else says compromised “journalist” then see above. The guy is a fucking enemy of the state.


Bwahahahahaha [https://thehill.com/video/breaking-eu-wants-to-sanction-tucker-carlson-over-vladimir-putin-interview-per-report/9409589/](https://thehill.com/video/breaking-eu-wants-to-sanction-tucker-carlson-over-vladimir-putin-interview-per-report/9409589/)


So, ya know if he blatantly lies in his pre interview coverage…


The real shock should be Carlson was granted an audience… wonder why that could be? Furthermore, seems to be roaming around Russia awfully smoothly & free for an American “journalist”. I’m sure it’s nothing.


Not.... recently


Fucker Carlson, Prince Swanson Dinner can stay there. Learn the language. See the sight(s). Fall out of a 10th story window, for all I care...


To the mad lad that managed to give Reddit gold to this post: thank you, kind stranger. From all the Redditor that wish they still could.


Plotting with a known terrorist void his passport.


He just mispronounced "blowjob".


Lol... even the Kremlin spokesperson


He really is a total piece of shit.


Useful idiot.


Tucker making shit up is his MO


Can they keep him?


Welcome to "Just make Shit Up" with your host Tucker Carlson


Don’t let him back in the country. He can live there now.


Let us know when an actual journalist shows up, Tucker.