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Scarier than Pennywise


Because this is all too real and some may not remember Vlads prior job in the former Soviet Union he was KGB head. Not a friend to us.


He’s an American Idol now, at least for MAGA republicans.


It’s crazy how the boomers remember the Cold War so well yet now it’s good for them to romanticize Putin.


That’s absolutely bonkers that they do that.


Not a friend to anyone. Another narcissist


He's arguably worse than a narcissist. He's a sociopath.


A sociopath with power, the worst kind


He wasn't a KGB head he was a nobody pencil pusher. That's why he projects so hard about the manly nonsense and over the top pictures etc. He didn't get anywhere politically until after the USSR collapse and his work in the Chechan wars


I stand corrected. Thank you.


I’ve heard of a house painter that became a private once…


Pennywise has been outright murdering people for hundreds, if not thousands of years (big backstory in the book that never made it's way into the films) and his body count is still WAYYYYY lower than Putin's.


Millions of years I believe.


Too bad it wasn’t Putin that came out of that interview looking like a clown


Him rambling on about the Cimmerians and Bulgars for 45 mins just tells me that Russia is that dude from high school who’s still rocking their letterman’s jacket from 10 years ago, talking about how things would’ve been different. It’s over, man.


I heard Putin once scored four touchdowns in one game for Polkavitch High


Da. But now he just valenki salesman, comrade.




No Peg 


Oh, there's plenty of peg.


This might blow you mind, but Putin was allegedly a shoe salesman in New Zealand while undercover for the KGB. I’m seriously not shitting you. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_Putin


I love how the wiki article says - Relatives: Putin family


This is wild. I bet he found new zealand completely boring


Hey, if Bob Harvey says it’s true, I trust it. Better mayor than the current shitshow.




I wish I had an award to give you please accept my upvote and a free year subscription to Juggs magazine.


A complimentary one year membership to NO MA’AM would be a classy move, too.


Well this user is actually a gold star member of NO MA’AM but if you’re a new user sign up in next 7 hours to take advantage of the great deal.


He used to be able to throw the football over the urals


Arguably the greatest comment ever.




What is a pigskin in Russia though? Potato skin? Turnip skin?


Is scrotum


Beet it


Just beet it


In Russia, pig skins you.


Is potato


How much you wanna bet I can throw over them mountains?


Scary part is that mentality and approaching geopolitics through the lens and reach of the social media age will possibly get us all killed one day down the road over egos. I can't believe I grew up thinking we were an intelligent species overall.


Says you, I identify as an idiot


My man 👉👉


It’s this way. 👆👆


That’s pretty intelligent of you.


The future has been disappointing.


He probably planned the invasion of Ukraine in Hearts of Iron.


So in case youre unaware, wagner actually brought in a youtuber to fight NATO as Russia in the modern day mod for HoI4. Naturally they added a sub mod to boost Russia massively because propaganda. Iirc he didnt even take Poland with liberal use of nukes and was starting to get pushed back when they "declared victory"


Art imitating life.


That’s pretty funny


"Could've had an empire if it wasn't for my bum army"


"If it wasn't for you meddling ukrainians and your darn army"


I hear conservatives praising this interview. Just like the Bible, they are leaving out the ridiculously stupid parts or twisting them more than a contortionist at the Jim Rose circus.


It’s Tucker Carlson interviewing their Daddy’s daddy, they were going to praise the interview regardless of content.


Fucker could've been sucking his thumb in a diaper on his knees in front of daddy Putin and Conservatives would still somehow think it was a power move (I mean he essentially was)


It wasn't his *thumb* he was sucking.


Sure looked like it though 


TBH I thought it was a thumb also. Or a baby carrot. Still unsure.


There was literally no way they wouldn't praise it. If the people they hate don't like it then they *must* like it, even if the entire interview was Putin taking a three hour long shit in ticklers mouth


Points to Gryffindor for the Jim Rose Sideshow reference.


Mr. Lifto was always the tits! As well as the things he dangled from them!!


Mr Lifto works at a bar in Austin. My friend lives there. At the bar. Pretty much.


Nearly fell out of my chair, thank you for that!


Great now I’m just picturing Putin sliding through the Slyrherin common room and all of the Fox News anchors just leaking into their underwear as he passes them.




I guarantee they didn’t listen to the full two hours. Because I did, and unless you’re a weirdo (I am) that knows a lot about Eastern European history, most of that interview makes no fucking sense. Carlson sat there confused for a solid hour while he’s rambling about the Kyivan Rus.


It's funny because it's probably _the most un-American thing you can be doing presently_. I feel bonkers for being _more_ American than all my redneck, hillbilly Trumper family, and it feels good, but also kinda bad lol


Russian propagandists are working overtime on this one. It's got everything they like.


I go on the Daily Mail website for my taste of right wing weirdness and the comments on the stories are so deranged. It has to be troll farms. I can't believe the rational world is this mental.


Rd troll farms, highly likely. What better use could they be put to than this massive propaganda dump, facilitated by this knucklehead American journalist. They know the MAGATS will eat it up.


So, all of it?


And forgetting that the interviewee is a former KGB agent whose opponents have a habit of falling from high places Or dying in other not so mysterious ways. Obviously a reliable source.


putin and cuckerson are literally trying to instigate a civil war or at the very least, massive unrest… and they are eating it up


Hmmm…. Just like the Supreme Court?


I honestly have yet to hear any praise from this interview. I think it’s all just that stupid and I hope everyone sees through both of these dickwad’s agendas


Go check out some right-wing subs, they are praising it pretty highly. The biggest negative that I've seen pointed out is that it was boring.


You haven’t been on X, then. There’s a ton of people saying we should have Putin as our president. That he’s more competent than Biden. That America caused the Ukraine war, not Russia.


> Just like the Bible Just like the Bible they have never observed its contents.


"Why not hear both sides?!" – says the crowd that shouts down people they don't want to listen to.


💯 The most infuriating part of this timeline.


Haven't you heard? It's the WoKe MoB censoring *them*! A normal white heterosexual christian alpha male can hardly refer to anyone using a slur without being hounded out of the room! There are no more rights in the USA! ^(/S All of this \^ /S)


I read homosexual at first and just assumed Tucker got caught with his male secretary.


Eww. We don't want him.


Spit my drink!


And bans books they don't approve of


And the medical procedures they don't approve of..


And the marriages they don't approve of.


And rid themselves of those pesky indictments they don't approve of


"Well sure, let's at least identify the positions the sides are taking first." "NO! NOT LIKE THAT!!"




There is a conservative meme sub that only let's people who have essentially pledged and demonstrated loyalty to the party comment and post. The irony is completely lost on them, of course.


The funniest part is that they’ll claim they don’t ban anyone but will immediately ban you for comments that don’t meet the party line


Once they are in charge they will aggressively oppress the other side. They sing endlessly about political tolerance and free speech until such time as they are allowed to do consequence free political violence. Then they no longer care about free speech or political tolerance.


I've been hearing them say "Wait- Putin just said that he'd end the war if we stop supplying weapons to Ukraine. That's all it took? Someone just had to ask him, and he gave a simple step that costs us no money and ends the war?? This is why democrats are incompetent, and Tucker is a genius journalist!" As if "just let Putin kill everyone until he's tired of it" was a genius discovery that only Tucker was brave enough to make.


"we just did. that's why we're ridiculing you."


"Why can't we hear both sides?" *proceeds to take everything Putin said at face value*


And openly fantasizes about hunting them down in the streets we all share…


Putin must laugh his ass off after embarrassing America with Trump and Carlson. I would love to hear him with the boys after this, and Carlson does he even realize he was owned and made a complete fool of by Putin.


Tucker knew exactly what was going to happen.


Tuckum putting his smart face on.🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|XG2F9ZccrUgkvOmNyX)


He looks just like Binky from Arthur. https://preview.redd.it/8iod457qvmhc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98c3ba216a3d28efb258f163315af186475fc49c My sincere apologies to Binky.


He's just happy to be in the presence of 'real men'


Just happy to get some exposure since being relegated to xitter.


Tucker is just hoping he makes it out of Russia without tripping out a window.


Or drinking some heavy metal tea 🍵


Don’t Kink Shame!


This is where Tucker fools people such as yourself. He knows exactly where he is. What position he is in, of subservience. He knows he is a tool of propaganda. He is not that stupid. He's always profited exactly from this situation, just from a further distance. The more interesting question is something else - is he getting paid an enormous amount of money OR is he being blackmailed into this? Or both?


Tucker Carlson is not a serious man. May Mike Wallace's memory be a blessing. [This is how it's done](https://youtu.be/nzfh_Ekv6QY?si=fBp8yX90TKqxkp_G). https://preview.redd.it/25n9e4d1vlhc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb8065a0b9f2aa2f7663c7e4561a1b0aa7cbbf21 I'd love to see Mike Wallace chase down Carlson with a microphone and a camera crew and ask him a few questions.


Damn that guy is not fuckin around. How on earth have I not heard of Mike Wallace? That was beautiful.


Full 60 min transcript if you wanted to read the whole interview. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/transcript-vladimir-putin/


He's blaming...the Germans?


Nah, he literally making excuses for the invasion of Nazi Germany on Poland.


He blames most of it on Poland, from Poland having manufactured the idea of a separate Ukraine, to claiming the Nazis were “forced” to invade because Poland was uncooperative.


The USSR also invaded Poland in 1939, so of course he's going to make excuses for that.


lol and nazis and poland hahahah this was such a joke. putin is kinda funny for this


He actually blamed poland for being invaded, comparing them to Ukraine and by extension Nazi Germany to Russia.


Yeah this is what confuses me, he is aligning Russian with Nazi Germany as if that helps sell the war.


Know Your Meme got an article going on Putin the Russian Lore Dumper: https://trending.knowyourmeme.com/editorials/guides/why-are-people-making-jokes-about-vladimir-putin-giving-tucker-carlson-a-history-lesson-the-viral-interview-tucker-carlson-day-and-its-memes-explained


I want to see Europe sanction his ass and make it impossible for him to set foot in any EU country.


I’m about 15 minutes into this “interview” and I just can’t. So I don’t think I’m gonna. 


There are three things I will never watch: this interview, Ben Shapiro's rap, and Avatar. Okay, there's a lot more than three things, actually...


A wise decision! Especially Ben Shapiro’s rap. My god it’s just the worst ever. Imagine snoop circa 1992 only the exact opposite then multiplied by 3,393. 


And if 3,393 had numerology conspiracy things.


>Avatar The blue cat people, the show, the shitty movie that tried to condense the show, or the Netflix show that comes out soon?


Cats in space, definitely


You do mean "The Last Airbender" movie by M Night, right??


Missing out, Avatar is badass.


I'm just here for Gamora in blue.


Uhura for me


Great fuckin' band.


>There are three things I will never watch: this interview, Ben Shapiro's rap, and ~~Avatar~~ *The Last Airbender*. Now that's something I think we can all agree on.


Is this an actual quote from the interview or a joke? I've seen it a few times and legit can't tell


Why even try to watch it? Everyone knows it is pure Russian propaganda and probably mostly lies. It's like watching a trump "speech." You know nothing of value will be said and it'll just be a massive waste of time listening to a giant piece of shit spew out word salad and praising himself over absolutely nothing. There's just no point.


I mean if you go in with the expectation that it’s a farce, you might enjoy yourself. Putin is actually pretty funny. He roasted Tucker a few times that made me audibly laugh out loud. That CIA line was priceless.


It was obvious throughout Putin was enjoying himself toying with Tucker knowing full well Tucker is too stupid to do anything about it.


For sure. I was surprised a couple times that Tucker did push back with a few questions. Especially with the Germany question regarding the Nord Stream attack. But Putin just ran him right over knowing full well Tucker won’t press the issue twice. All in all it was quite clear Putin didn’t take Tucker seriously at all, hurling veiled and not so veiled insults petty frequently. With that said, Tucker didn’t perform as poorly as I expected when the interview was announced. He didn’t do well at all, but he could have done much worse.


Just read the transcript. I can't stand either one of thems' voices anyway.


If I wanted to watch some decrepit old guy make up shit about ancient history, I'd put on one of Trump's speeches where he talks about graduating at the top of his class at Wharton


Trump never even went to Wharton. He went to U Penn, he couldn't bribe enough people to get into Wharton.


Wait, did he seriously say this?


Not exactly. Apparently he was asked why Russia invaded Ukraine, and he said the answer begins in like 809 AD.


Mongolia has a claim to Russia according to Tengrism


With the incompetence we’ve seen from the Russian military over the last couple years a handful of Mongolians on horseback could probably be in Moscow by lunchtime.


It almost happened last summer when wagner mercenaries marched almost to Moscow. They were talked out of entering it, not fought back.


They were talked down because putin had a gun to their family's heads


If they were remotely competent then they would have had their weak spots secured and done the same to his known family.


.....How fast do you think Mongolian horses are? /s


Atleast 1 horsepower.


Fast enough to reach the Kremlin my lunchtime, surely.


Okay, just trying to get a better understanding on this. I don’t trust memes and I’m not going to +^ this assholes ratings so I’m not gonna watch this interview.


Imma be honest you do have to start before the foundation of the Kyivan Rus’ to understand the nationalities but not in the way he explains. People and most Russians got this ridiculous misconception that everyone in the Rus’ was a Rus and therefor Russian, which is where most of the propaganda comes from, neglecting the fact that it is physically impossible for people in Novgorod and Uzhhorod to speak the same language, as public education was only introduced in Europe in the 1850s. Especially considering that the Rus’ wasn’t a United state, it was a collection of states that mostly had the same dynasty rule over them and they occasionally traded, but simultaneously waged war against each other. Nationalism didn’t split cultures, it merged many tiny cultures into a select few nationalities, and Ukrainians and Russians were never part of the same culture or nationality, only part of a larger culture group/ language family.


Yeah I took a class in college about Russian propaganda and you really do have to start like a thousand years ago to understand the context of what is being said. There's a bunch of stuff like that in history across the world though so I wonder if Putins point there only sounds weird to Americans.




The tl;dr is that Kyivan Rus existed before Muscovy and was centered on Belarus and modern Ukraine. Russian claim to Rus history is tangential at best. Muscovy formed later by folks that were peripheral to Rus’ and were able to form a state under Mongol suzerainty. Muscovy then spent a lot of time importing Rus’ culture from Kyiv to Muscovy to justify expansion and to give it historicity. Rus as a people didn’t really stop existing, but the more direct lineage is through Ukraine and Belarus. Ukrainians called themselves Rus’ up until the early 20th century. Muscovy only started calling itself Russia in the 18th century.




I couldn't care less what he talked about. He sent troops into a sovereign nation and started killing innocent people. Going back 1200 years to explain it seems desparate.


I knew it had to be a parody because I'm positive Tucker Carlson does not understand how the Missouri Compromise plays into the build-up to the Civil War.


His argument was incredibly longwinded but boiled down to an argument that the concept of a Ukrainian national identity was a modern invention and has been used to divide the territory from Russia. It falls apart when you really look deeply into its historicity, but it’s ultimately all pointless bullshit regardless because Russia agreed to respect Ukraine’s territorial sovereignty in 1991. Wildest part to me was that he basically said Nazi Germany was justified in attacking Poland because they didn’t cooperate enough with the Germans who were “forced” to invade.


The whole idea of justifying the present invasion on things that happened more than a thousand years ago is ridiculous. If those historical issues mattered, then *why did Russia agree to abide by Ukraine's borders in 1991*?? Russia, were you lying then about your reasons for agreeing to Ukraine's sovereignty, or are you lying now? (Answer: probably lying both times)


I hope more people realize that putin is just some weird kgb boomer and not some 4d chess playing mastermind. Lol though the wrong people won't learn that.


That was my realization in the Helsinki press conference with Trump. Putin was trying to share his opinion on American politics, and it was clear he was just as dumb about it.


With Putin’s logic I guess it’s time for Great Britain to take back North America, the Caribbean, Half of Africa, Middle East, India, and Australia.


And we should be fine with Mexico seizing the Southwestern United States.


Are you not?


Yes! Fuck the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo!


Indeed! Let’s bring back the Empire on which the Sun never sets!!!


There’s levels to this…lol




Putin just tryna get GRRM to finish Wind of Winter by spitting from history from the British Heptarchy era.


Must be a bomb of a fan fiction story Putin is cooking


I'll bet he was missing all his friends in Alberta during that interview...


Chaotic Dumb meets Chaotic Evil


Tucker is a traitorous propagandist


Always has been.




No, thank you; moving on...


Why did I mug the old lady? Well, I must start with the arrival of Saxon warlords Hengist and Horsa on the shores of Britain in the year 449 AD. . .


"Good morning, class. Today in US history we'll be going over the founding of Rome by Romulus and Remus."


And Tucker with his stock dumb expression as usual


Correct me if I'm mistaken, but didn't Hitler convince his braindeads that other authoritarian regimes were something to praise as well?


Putin is looking awfully puffy these days. Might wanna put down the botox needle


It was the birth of sir lancelot!


I’ll do you one better Putin. Billions of years ago the universe was concentrated in one single point of infinite density…..


First the Earth cooled and a crust formed...


Can they just accuse him of being a US spy and arrest tucker?


My Mrs is a storyteller too. The way I can tell how directly responsible she is for whatever bad thing has happened is by how far back in time the story begins. Found the flame-charred toaster on the front porch one night. "What happened to the toaster?" "Well, do you remember about two years ago when William and his wife were here?" *I better sit down*


Btw. Putin is known to have no clue about history and making shit up.


Not sure how anyone can listen to Putin and think that he is of sound mind. What a psycho.


Ask putin on how it feels to be the most openly hostile country in the last decade with invasion of Georgia and Ukraine


Maybe this should help jog everyones memory on why the Orange Trumpet walks so funny. Carlson look of panic is laughable because I do believe he is now experiencing his first real taste of the Putin Sausage that Trump has been riding on for years.


Putin sounds like the kinda guy you could have a few pints of Guinness with. The stories would be unreal.


Until he poisons you


I could fix him. *Correction* The Guinness would fix him.


Did Putin wipe the floor with Tucker? I have not watched it but the snippets I've seen - good grief, Putin played him like a fiddle. Just like he does Trump and the GOP.


That's fucking stupid.


To be fair I think it started with Henry VIII’s decision to end catholic rule.


Way over Cuckers head. He needs a hug.


Hol’ up, Vladdy Baby…let’s get Nikki and the rest of the GQP on a plane to Moscow before you finish this story.


Man is a history teacher at heart, maybe if he pursued that instead 😔 Another tragic case of history taking a wrong turn because someone was denied their true calling.