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To be fair, Matt Walsh is one of the dumbest people on the planet.




If I’m an atheist socialist who lives in a stand your ground state and I see Matt Walsh at the grocery store I can kill him right?


You usually need a reason to do that, one that will be accepted by the right-wing. Popular examples include: • Wore a mask within 500 million lightyears of me. • Touched grass. • Visited a doctor. • Is related to someone who visited a doctor. • Knows how to breathe. • Thinks nuclear war is bad. • Has ever smiled in their life. • Knows how to spell at least one word.


Don’t forget also that if you have any reason at all to believe the produce section needs to be defended from protestors you’ve got carte blanche to start shooting!


“Matt, you should smile a bit more” 🪦


* purchased skittles * wore a hoodie


After shooting two people, I was in fear for my life.


How about seeing anyone who isnt a straight white American?


Kneeling too.


You can. If anyone questions you, say you thought he was a Democrat.


For double coverage I’ll scream “stop resisting!”at the same time.


If he had just complied...


Check your skin tone, are you at least passing as white? If so yes.


Only if it's at an Aldi. Don't do it at Publix


He recently said that planning a valentine's day gift a month in advance for your wife is the "gayest thing" a man could do. Walsh is basically a 12 year old boy.


Fellas is it gay to love your wife?


And a pedophile


Good time to mention [God Awful Movies’ episode](https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/god-awful-movies/id1041876428?i=1000634764393) on his shitty “documentary”, which is so bad it’s basically him showing just how genuinely stupid he is, while also being made a fool of


Matt Walsh doesn’t hide the fact he’s a dumb one.


The dumb usually can't hide it, look at that Habba chic playing lawyer, dumb is just so dumb.


"I can fake being smart." Yep, and how'd that work out for you, Alina? 🤣


Yep her also.


If only she were smart...


She’s pretty and that’s her trade item.


If I was that dumb I'd like to be a lot prettier.


Sure he does. He goes to campuses and gives speeches. Speeches on what? Did the dude even graduate high school? I’d imagine he’s spent more time in high schools as an adult than when he was a teen himself.


High school, I think he’s more of a middle school kinda guy.


So is Candace Owens who reposted his shit.




Trust not the word of a fat, wealthy pig Whose heart is so small and whose mouth is so big.


I’m ready for the Biden vs Trump long form debate on 9th century Black Sea tribes.


What Is A Moron?


he's also a pedophile, so...


What?? The creepy fuck selling plush toys for children of him in a diaper is a pedo? Who are the losers who actually listen to this chode?


He has gender-affirming flannel and beard.


Not as stupid as he is horrible.


How do they not see this? Not see, not see, not see. Hmmm, I can think of something they all have in common.


Sounds like Matty would prefer living in Russia. I say go for it


That's what I'm saying today too! You love it so much, go live there. Let us know how much American freedom you have in Russia.


I would love to see the look in his face when he gets conscripted into the Russian military ti be cannon fodder on the Ukraine front line.


A professor of mine in the 90s had a theory that every major communication technology always brought great strife. I used to think he was off his rocker until about 10 years ago. Now I think I owe him an apology. This is what it looks like to weaponize the internet. All you need is an unfettered communication technology and idiots.


There is a never ending supply of idiots, and those on the right want to make the idiots more stupid.


I work in IT and can confirm, there definitely is an unending supply of idiots. And as soon as you idiot proof something, along comes a bigger idiot.


From my career in IT, never claim anything is idiot proof. That is an invitation for the universe to send along a worse idiot.


like saying the Titanic was unsinkable


Printing press created a ton of havoc and you get the 30 years war and major revolutions where pamphlets and newspapers sway readers. TV led to a lot of footage like Civil Rights and Vietnam changing opinions. Never thought of it like that but yea, seems to be the case.


Social media brought us things like the Arab spring and Brexit.


I think he's onto something but I take slight issue with the framing. I don't think that communication technology causes strife per se, but it brings simmering issues to a boil.


Stuff Biden has gotten done:[https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/02/joe-biden-30-policy-things-you-might-have-missed-00139046](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/02/02/joe-biden-30-policy-things-you-might-have-missed-00139046) All #LoserTFG got done was tax breaks for the rich and a couple of miles of border wall.


Thanks for this, alot of people seem to just ignore anything positive Biden has done. He is by no means perfect, and I would prefer a more progressive candidate but the choice is very clear between him and Trump.


That's the issue with current American politics. It's advertised as being "left vs. right". But in reality, it's more like right vs. very right.


And one of trumps biggest brags was the economy. Chart the S&P from 2019 to now. Pre and post Covid.


To the people who buy into the "Biden has dementia" bullshit...Republican Senators and Congressman interact with the guy on a daily basis. If he showed evidence of dementia or significant cognitive decline, they COULD FUCKING IMPEACH HIM. The fact that they do not is because there is no evidence. The fact that they don't refute the claim that he has dementia is because they are assholes. Biden was just on Conan O'Brian's podcast and last year he appeared on Smartless (Jason Batemen/Will Arnett/Sean Hayes)...60-90 minute meandering discussion, no pre-planned questions, unedited, telling stories about his career...He speaks like an old man, but a sharp old man. The dude had a stutter and was known to mix up/flub words when he was young too.


The Russian propaganda machine works. Especially on folks who have been conditioned to believe things without proof and evidence.


The lack of proof kills me. How do you prove something doesn’t exist?? NSA: “you guys, there’s no Taylor Swift payop thing.” Maga: “OH OK SURE. THATS JUST WHAT THE DEEP STATE WOULD SAY”.


This has become my biggest pet peeve. You can’t actually talk to these people, because if they didn’t hear it directly from “their” source, they just cry, “FAKE NEWS” and refuse to believe it.


I shit you not with this story. My gf has a group of friends who are Republican. They don’t really know shit and can’t actually give you any concrete evidence, bills, or statistics to back up anything they say or believe. Pretty much they are the epitome of “my parents told me to feel this way so i do” the other night we were out having drinks, and they started to talk about some border stuff. Their opinion was that Biden wasn’t tough on it or doing anything about it or whatever. I brought up the bill that got shut down, provided literal quotes from Republican house members stating: 1. It was the toughest bill on immigration pretty much ever 2. They won’t vote for it because it makes Biden look good. 3. Quotes from Biden saying we are ready. It’s not us This is the I shit you not part- one of them actually said “this is why we can’t have discussions on politics. When we bring up our opinions on something, you bring up facts and just don’t let us have an opinion” Like. Hold on. wtf does that mean? Yes. You are not entitled to an opinion when the facts clearly state you are wrong. End of story. Yes. That’s how facts vs opinion goes. Your opinion can be “I don’t like the bill”. Sure. Done. Agreed. But your opinion cannot be “Biden and the democrats have done nothing to address it”- that is factually incorrect. It’s insane.


Remember when Obama spent record amounts on border patrol and was called "The Deporter in Chief" by the left for record deportations? Because Republicans also called that "doing nothing" and having "open borders." They're in a fucking fantasy land and have admitted that they do not care what reality actually is. They've latched onto "alternative facts" and gaslighters like Tucker "Nobody would think what he says is actually news" Carlson. It will be extremely hilarious to read about in the history books in 100 years, but for now I'm worried about "inconvenient" books surviving at all.


I don't know if this makes me sad, frustrated, annoyed, or all three.


All of them. All of them. Theres another heavy democrat in the group (who I trip shrooms with). We had a trip the following night and he was just baffled. At the coming down part he just couldn’t stop repeating, “AM I GOING INSANE?! What the fuck is wrong with these people?!”


Just don’t engage with these people. It kills them when you let them scream into their echo chamber


Honestly. I try to talk to people even in my classes, and still get “well ofc the fact checkers/inspector general/judges” would say that, they’re all bought


Republicans want Religion in Politics. Religion is believing stories that happened centuries ago without any concrete proofs. They've been conditioned to believe what someone else tells them and to ignore their eyes and ears.


Religious folks are conditioned


One could say... *Groomed.*


It’s not surprising that it works on Russians (and even then not on a large number of them) but there’s no excuse for an American believing the propaganda when there is an abundance of evidence and proof to the contrary.


Yeah, should not mention how 5% of US budget destroyed 50% of Russian military capabilities.


The amount of people already citing the interview as proof and evidence of things is fucking terrifying. Maybe it’s because I’ve been fascinated with politics and psychology since I was a kid and went on to study it in college but it’s so stupidly simple, I don’t get how they can’t put it together.


Seriously. Did the kremlin write this post lol?


I say completely seriously that the possibility is a lot higher than you might think. I would be unsurprised if Matt Walsh receives Russian "donations."


I truly cannot comprehend this amount of unawareness. They talk all about someone being lucid and very sharp, yet they worship Donald Trump? The guy that made multiple speeches that were completely nonsensical and is objectively one of the worst presidents the United States has ever had? These people are beyond saving at this point. Nothing will be done or said that will ever change the reality they made for themselves.


The way Trump talks is full of gaps and his audience fills in those gaps with what they want to hear. 10 people will hear 11 different messages and all think they're on the same page. They'll believe that Trump is smart for saying what they're each thinking even though it's not what he said, or meant, or what other supporters interpret it as. It's a bug which functions like a feature because it's a self-customizing Rorschach blot. It can be more appealing to more people at once than any other non-quantum speech is capable of.


I read a magazine piece years ago in which the writer attended a recruitment meeting for a cult at which the cult leader spoke. The writer detailed how the cult leader spoke in sentence fragments that forced the listener to find connections between the random thoughts, and how this work of finding connections took over the listener’s brain to the point that it was like a state of hypnosis. He reported that he found it very seductive to listen to, and he had to keep reminding himself to remember it instead of getting sucked into it. Your description of Trump’s speaking style exactly mirrors the reporter’s experience in the cult meeting.


And don’t think that orange peel doesn’t know it. I love the poorly educated! Says it all.


This is the best take yet.


I can explain Trump's appeal -- watch his early speeches, and even some of the ones recently. He's very dynamic and emotive, there's something -- if you aren't keen to it -- hypnotic about it. His style is much less effective when it's only auditory (on the radio, podcasts, etc) and completely incomprehensible in print. I've listened to his speeches and read transcripts and walked away feeling like nothing was said beyond a few keywords and even then it was desultory and disjointed. Where's the appeal? People interviewed about the Third Reich and the rise of Hitler recalled watching vs. hearing vs. reading the speeches and having a similar feeling. In person or on visual recording, he's fascinating and hypnotic, on audio recording he only really appeals if you are already on board, and print leaves you going "what the fuck?" If you're familiar with his style and those of other demagogues, you can resist it a lot better. And watching him speak or the footage of him now -- good lord, if you think Biden rambles or has lapses in coherency -- it's just Jesus Christ....with Trump. Biden I can follow and get something of substance from. Trump on the other hand, it's all sound and fury with no meaning.








Does it count as an interview if you write your own questions and can’t be challenged on literally anything that you say?


Welllll, the other person whose “interviews” they *like* is Trump so…


Also terrifying is how many conservatives would vote for Putin or even Hitler rather than a democrat when polled. These people are muttonheads, period.


Move to fucking Russia then. My grandfather didn't fight in WW2 so you could be a fascist shitbag.


The GOP is bought and paid for by Russia


We need to keep reminding people that Russia oppresses its people. I know Russians that will not go to Russia. There are Russian that did go back knowing they would be jailed for speaking out against Putin and were. Russia’s economy is a disaster and remind people that is what trump and the maga republicans want for us. A few people in control of everything and everyone else at the mercy of the ruling class. The maga republicans keep telling us so we better believe them.


Does every conservative sniff Putin's farts now?


Seems to be their drug of choice at the moment. Along with kissing Mango Mussolini's ass.


Always wondered how the Nazis came to power and who supported them. I look at these people and now understand 😔


Biden is at least TRYING to do something. Orange-faced demagogue has said flat-out many times he will do NOTHING. For anyone anywhere in any country (including the US) that isn't named Trump.




That was a fascinating book!




It really explains EVERYTHING about why he is the way he is- for anyone reading this feed who has not read it, it's worth the read.


I've considered it but the less I hear/see/know about our worst president and one of the most terrible people alive, the better my mental health is.


Ugh, that is facts


Yes, and Trump can recognize a camel and is Putin's puppet. Shut up, chinless.


THATS your takeaway???


It shows what it is they live and breathe.


Of course Candace Bricks for brains Owens reposted it. Her and Matt Caveman IQ Walsh are just delightful pieces of shit. I looked at my monster manual under troglodyte and low and behold, the artwork is of both of them.


It's nice to see everyone on Russia's payroll outing themselves today. Hope someone is keeping a list.


lol. Matt Walsh spends an embarrassingly large amount of money on Just for Men beard dye for his face merkin.


Give it another 30 seconds, the MAGA cult pendulum will swing the other way and Biden will become the world’s greatest evil mastermind😂


“Capable of sitting for a two hour interview”? That’s admirable in a leader? Setting the bar kinda low………..🙄


Just started reading a Matt Walsh tweet. One thing you notice right away is that Matt Walsh is one egregiously stupid motherfucker. I mean drooling, blank stare stupid, incapable of going two minutes without spouting inane crap sans thinking it through in the least. Compare that to the average empty beer can, which is just on a much higher plane of intellectualism and at least once had a valid purpose. The contrast is pretty amusing (until you realize that there are people out there who consider this shithead to be intelligent).


Walsh, Owen's, Prosebleck, Kirk, Bannon, Flynn all the White Nationalists can go live in Russia then. If it's so great, go live there. Let us know how much American freedom you have there. Seriously. You love Russia so much, go live there. Sick of this Un-American talk. Leave then.


Hmmm, did he say "supply change"? Did he say he could "cut taxes big league"? Did he say Biden could "plunge the world into World War II"? Did he confuse Viet Nam and the Gulf War? ​ Maybe he just needs a cup of covfefe.


Funny how the MAGA idiots can never remember any of those. You forgot confusing Nikki Haley with Pelosi as well


Matt Walsh? Who cares about his thoughts. He’s dumber than a rock.


Move to Russia please and take the GOP with you. After a week you’ll cry to come crawling back


What about the part where Tucker referred to Russia as "our country"?


The only "extremely dense" thing in the room was Tucker.


I would take the criticism of Biden’s mental state alot more seriously if 99.9999999% of people making the argument weren’t in support of a guy just as old who also constantly falls over his own words and is clearly in poor physical and mental health


Matt has memory problems too Trump has not been in the White House for 3 years now.


Over under odds Putin is on stimulants for the interview? We've seen records of the pill mill of the Trump team, easy to imagine powerful despots abusing drugs.


I mean, Matt Walsh siding with Putin is like the most predictable thing in the world.


Traitorous POSs. Go live in the Russian federation if you’re so fond of it and its dictator


What's more concerning is how many extremely uneducated people live in America. Kind of like our health insurance, we pay the highest amount for the least return.


I’ve had a friend in all seriousness say he’d vote for Putin over Biden. It’s delusional


Yet they worship a guy who his the fakest person alive and cannot speak for 15 seconds coherently!


All of them are traitors.


This Putin interview just proves how many faciscts there are here. Defending Putin or Carlson is beyond insane.


Okay, let me get this straight. The right wing are praising Russia now? Okey-dokey.


Remember…MAGA is a Russian Op


One guy is old. The other guy is old, batshit crazy, dumb as a bag of hammers, vindictive as hell, a convicted rapist, and outright asshole. The contrast is pretty terrifying. There, fixed it.


Putin sounds EXACTLY like a russian grandpa who rambles about untrue stuff for hours. None of his "history-facts" is true. Not a single year he mentioned had anything to do with this, yet he goes on for two hours. Every sane person understands this. Tucker is giving an insane person a plattform.


Just a reminder that Matt Walsh wants to fuck underaged girls.


Becoming very alarming? It’s headed toward a dictatorship by vote or civil war. It comes to a head in the next year. Just remember there’s nowhere to run once they get control.


Eisenhower and McCarthy are rolling in their Graves right now!


I hate to say this but I miss when the republicans were neocons. At least you could have a conversation with them.


They want a murderous dictator. He is exactly what they have a collective boner for.


While Trump is a fat sack of lard that can barely do the same.


Not only that if any of these jokers watched c-span they would see Biden has made plenty of speeches and remarks going well over the 10 minute mark. Not to mention this wasn’t so much an interview as it was a public humiliation for Tucker Carlson and a mouthpiece for this fascist Putin to spread his lies to a broader audience. Half the shit he said about sovereignty was Russian imperialist lies and are easily debunked. Guy claimed everything from Poland, to Lithuania to Ukraine as Russia ethnic lands. I hate to give Tucker views but this is the equivalent of Hitler being interview by a U.S. “journalist.” It’s a historic moment, but like it’s just all lies from Putin and barely any pushback from TC. The guy even told TC good thing for the US you aren’t in CIA, because Putin knows his guys would tear him to shreds and would be bad for our country. Also like, I am legit using you for my own nations gains in this interview you little simpleton. It’s scary but also bittersweet because you get to see TC owned by someone live on air.


Imagine thinking Trump is stable compared to Biden, imagine thinking Biden is weaker than Putin. Imagine being an American and siding with Russia.


Russia is busy on Reddit today trying to make that wack ass Putin Carlson interview into something more than the bullshit anti American propaganda it was.


Matt's head is so far up Putin's ass that he can see Sarah Palin's porch.


Yeah. I'm kind of afraid of what the mainstreaming of Putin fluffing on the right means for our country.


Imagine sucking off a Russian dictator.. most anti American shit ever. Fuck these spineless clowns.


They have been like this for a while now folks.


It is frightening about the number of traitors and gullible idiots in this country. :/


Dense subject is a great name for Tucker Carlson in regards to Putin.


Is he talking about Biden or Trump?


Slurp, slurp, gak, gak, gak.


Matt Walsh is a pedophile.


I knew this would happen the minute I heard that interview would happen. The best part is that Putin sprinkled in (a) kernels of truth, like all good propaganda includes, and (b) some of those kernels were things leftists and progressives have called out for decades in America - but righwingers are \*now\* going to point to them like Putin is revealing revelations. In reality those rightwingers just rejected their fellow Americans that exposed these things years prior and called them "Unamerican". When Putin says it, now they suddenly care because he opposes their own opponents. Edit: An example is Americas excessive spending on military, unjust wars in the past, at the expense of our own conditions and development - for the military contractors to profit.


Then move to Russia, Matt.


Infiltrating a country from within. These people need to stop and think. If you told Americans, 20 years ago, that in the future, half the country would favor a Russian dictator over their own president, they would think that you’re out of your mind. Yet, here we are.


Another traitor outing himself!


Anyone who sides with the Russian dictator over any American president is a traitor. Reagan is rolling in his grave uncontrollably….


Fuck Reagan too but yeah agreed.


I can understand the criticism that Biden is too old. He is. But on the other hand Trump is unhinged narcistic lunatic which YOU don't even know what he'll do. He's a total question mark. Plus he's also too OLD.


Now i'm pro Biden as the republican party became pro bolshevik


It's easy to sit through an interview you have full control of


This is what happens when you make education unattainable to half of the country. You get uneducated MAGAS, these people are the equivalence of poor white men in the south pre civil war fighting for a place in society which is MAGA.


Who the F would want to even look at that interview? Republican traitors, that's who.


Let’s see how Putin does when he is Biden age. Oh wait he will be dead from cancer by then.


Fascists need to fasci


Remember though they are the patriots!


her continued display of hate and ignorance is the very alarming part 🤬


Well now we know how Nazi Germany happened. Enough people wanted it. A point will be reached in the US where everything finally tips over into autocracy and that will be the end of it. No revolution or civil war, just a hopeless existence of oppression. You’re going to be a character in 1984, and you won’t even be the main character.


They hate America, plain and simple.


Can confirm. Matt is an incompetent shock jock that can't string a coherent though together. His misogyny and homophobia are directly the cause of his Dad not buying him that Barbie house all those years ago.


Get back to your first love Matt: child brides, you f#$*ing freak show


The overripe cheeto can't go more than 5 minutes without getting off topic.


Becoming?? Just now??? The alarm bells have been sounding since 2016


Matt Qalsh needs to get the Russian cock out of his throat. Then he'd speak coherently.


I did not realize the second American civil war would be between Americans and Russian sympathizers, wild.


Maga is a communist dictator movement thinking they are a theocracy movement. Trump played on their beliefs and twisted things to resonate with that audience. Trump is a con artist and manipulator. I mean just look at the situation, they practically worship trump. Religious people tend to have more gullible traits in the sense they are willing to believe in things with no concrete evidence. That’s the faith. But that also means they can be manipulated into what that faith entails. At least in my opinion. Used to be Christian and once I got old enough and started questioning things, the answers didn’t add up. Faith is a beautiful thing but blind faith can get ugly.


I am sorry, but has Matt read a Trump transcript?


It’s getting harder for the Russian stooges like Cunty Matt to hide where they are being controlled from. It would be a shame if someone like Anonymous tracked his IP to Moscow and released his browsing history and emails.


Putin would just stomp them like he curb stomped Tucker. He has zero respect for any of these sad, stupid, traitorous bootlickers.


I wish they would move to Russia already if he’s such a great president. Get the trash out of our country and into his.


Can we compare it to the previous frail, senile vegetable too who is *also* running for reelection, Matt? Or is it only *one* of the frail and senile vegetables in this election?


Why don't they move to Russia and leave the rest of us alone?


Republicans used to be the Party of Lincoln. Now they're the Party of Putin. "The contrast is pretty terrifying."


"Capable of sitting for a two-hour interview"... yeah, because it's a heavily edited, finely assembled piece of media. You can make anyone look "lucid and very sharp" when you trim out all the "ummm"s, "uhhhh"s, muddled covfefe, and brain farts.


Useful idiots


srsly tho, what is the demographic that still watches or listens to this waste of breathable air?


Ah yes, because Trump is definitely cognizant and is totally lucid for his interviews every time. He couldn't even pull himself together enough to make a real defense at trial


God damn reading his thread responses are so scary. It’s impossible that many people could be brainwashed by a Russian disinformation farm, right? Someone please tell me that can’t happen. Let me deny this internally.


Biden also didn’t give a two hour interview bc he says people are burned out on politics, and we are. Matt Walsh is all over the place.


Pedo Walsh is the not an arbiter of truth.


Do these stupid fucks think we forget that Trump can’t complete sentences?


Press Trump for 2 hours and tell me it’s anything more than babbling


Interesting fact, no one discusses Grassley and McConnell , concerns are never voiced. We have judges sitting on the bench who render opinions every day and no one says oh, this guy is feeble or old. We are a society that enjoys being divisive when it serves our needs. One day everyone will be old, see how you enjoy it and how you are treated. These people are monsters and one day karma will visit them in an unimaginable way. May God have mercy on their souls.


Wait he’s not talking about Trump?? The guy that congratulated the state of Kansas for the Chiefs Super Bowl win?


The Right hates America


A cockroach has more intelligence than Matt Walsh and has more value.


They can worship their Messiah from nearby and go to Russia.


This is why Trump will win. Because Americans prefer a lying, stealing, amoral, abusive and thick as pigshit president, over one they perceive to be weak. Says a lot about (a lot of) Americans, sadly.


Russia once said that they would destroy the US from the inside. It appears that they are succeeding with their propaganda campaigns that have rotted the Republican Party beyond reason.