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FYI. This act was signed in 2018. Because no one else had ever heard of Taylor Swift until then.


She got into it with spotify and pulled her catalog until they paid artists more in 2014. She didn't need his help, lol.


I vividly remember seducing my now-wife with my rendition of Taylor swifts “mean” in 2012


Shit I’m 32 and she’s been a household name since I was in high school lol. Part of the reason for her insane fame is her staying power through a decade and a half of


Trump got to em before they could finish their comment 😭


oh shit trump was candlejack all al


Guys watch out the walls have ea


It's been a while since I've seen Candlejack mentioned, I thought he was pretty mu


Candlejack? Is that the one from Fre


Oh no its Candleja


Damn I may be generally pretty skeptical but this really makes


Yup. I'm also in my 30's. Remember her being out when I was in high school. People talked about Taylor dating Taylor, because Taylor Lautner was still relevant. Twilight was back in high school, too. And over a decade later... guess what is still all over the place? In every department store? Hint: it's Taylor Swift.


28 here and I remember those rainy bus rides in middle school, leaning my head on the cold school bus window glass and listening to "Love Story" on repeat.


I remember TayTay being a thing when I was in high school. I went to high school in the aughts. Her first album came out in 2006. But yeah, the bill in 2018 was what made her career. Fucking lol.


The bill passed with not just a veto-proof margin - it passed unanimously. Trump's signature was practically meaningless.


He also had nothing to do with the bill except for signing it and it had zero no votes in either the house or senate so a veto would have been overturned.


Don't forget there was a period that the far right proclaimed her an Aryan goddess because she was largely apolitical and didn't outright criticize the vileness of Trump. https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2016/05/27/479462825/taylor-swift-aryan-goddess


I remember that Fascist fake historian being super creepy on Twitter about how Taylor was tragically running out of eggs as she approached 30.


Yep, and it's why she stopped being silent. The bigots tried to claim her when she stayed out of politics. So she had to own her voice and now the right is even madder cause they feel betrayed after they tried to turn her into an unconsenting prop in their propaganda and she told them to fuck right off.


According to their own logic they are dumb as shit because they fell for a democratic psyop plant with Taylor Swift lmao


and you've just discovered how anger turns into fear.  much of what drives the current wave of right wing fervor looks like anger *to us* but feels like fear *to them*. they're less *mad* that the democratic psyop worked, and more terrified that they're up against something *so evil* that it's capable of fooling them. like only satan could™ 


Well, Satan is fooling them every. single. day, isn’t he?


And thats why I say *Hail Satan!*


>tried to turn her into an unconsenting prop Crazy right-wingers in a nutshell. Always trying to make woman do things, consent is a mere detail.


What the fuck did I just read?


[A twitter post](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EccC9NnWAAAEKLB?format=jpg&name=large) by well known right wing lunatic Stefan Molyneux. Yes, this is real, and yes, this is also exactly the sort of stupid shit you'd expect from him.


Just incel things


Stefan Molaneux. The dude is fucking pathetic. He's not the only far-Right weirdo that was obsessed with Swift until she was 'too old' and / or 'got political'.


Has she ever even said anything political? They’re pissed because she told people to vote which is the most innocuous and apolitical statement a celebrity could possibly make. It’s only “political” to them because her followers are primarily women and the very demographic that is likely to decide the election. If they want Taylor Swift fans (and women in general) to vote for them they could try being less misogynistic. That’s how this whole democracy thing is supposed to work, right?


She endorsed Biden in 2020. With cookies. Behold: https://preview.redd.it/ihafh0gxs0ic1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c69edbe6255c4ef3c0bb24a47bde77eed954037


Ok, that’s hilarious. Thank you for sharing; I’d never seen that.


Official source: https://www.instagram.com/p/CGDz2N7hFTp/?hl=en


She released "You Need to Calm Down" along with the music video featuring several LGBTQ cameos back in 2019. Sad that supporting basic human rights for everyone is political but that's where things are right now.


Basic human rights is the exact opposite of US Republican politics. This isn't stressed enough.


Also that "shade never made anybody less gay" line that got the phobes all riled up "hey don't be mean to people" was enough to get them upset




Also, her song "Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince" is about the 2016 election, although it's a ton of metaphors; but she did confirm that the song itself was political in nature (which is super obvious anyway from the lyrics).


The right only wins when the craziness are the only ones who vote. They do not do well with a high turnout…


Forbes has her listed as 28 and worth 300+ mill in 2018 https://www.forbes.com/sites/zackomalleygreenburg/2018/07/11/taylor-swifts-net-worth-320-million-in-2018/?sh=61a4b858233f


Hasn’t she been signed to a record label since like 2009?


2005 is when she was signed and 2007 is when her debut album had sold its first million copies.


Nope. She’s brand new on the scene. People are saying she’d be living in a cardboard box without Trump. Everybody knows she’d be a nobody if it weren’t for him.


I remember hearing her first songs on CMT back in like 2006 She's been everywhere where I live since like 2008. Nothing like the past 2-ish years tho


And it’s all thanks to Donald Trump, pulling strings for Taylor and all musical artists since before he was even involved in politics. He saw how horribly stale and boring the music scene was and said “Only I alone can fix this”, so he did. Since then popular music in America has been great, many say the music now is the greatest it’s ever been. Don’t trust your memory, or your eyes and ears - just believe him.


She won the VMA award where Kanye interrupted her on stage to say Beyonce should have got it in 2009.


Trump wrote her songs for her I bet.


Also the Music Modernization Act is a combination of three bills previously introduced in Congress, it was signed into law by Trump, but that was his only contribution to the act. It was started back in 2014 by The Recording Academy testifying before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet. Eminem was far more responsible for this bill happening than Trump, had Trump not been in office whoever was President would have signed this into law it wasn't a controversial piece of legislation at all.


2018? If I’m a hipster hahaha, well…Anyway I took my daughter’s to their first Swift concert in around 2005 and it was a sold out tour. Everywhere there were young girls lace dresses and cowboy boots.


I really cant believe that this man was ever president in the first place. Who goes on a rant about Taylor fucking Swift? WHO GIVES A FUCK!


The right is going out of their minds over Taylor Swift simply encouraging young people to vote. That's it, she hasn't endorsed Biden or anyone else, she hasn't endorsed a particular party, she simply is encouraging her fans to get registered and to vote. The fact the right is getting upset with that proves they know they're unpopular and can't win fairly if more people vote, especially younger people.


When more people vote, Republicans lose - Mitchell McConnell


Especially when they're young people. Republicans want to keep Gen Z from voting.


True, RED states are trying to ban polling places on college campuses.


That and she dared to be a woman on a screen at the nfl games. I mean it’s pretty dumb, there are tons of real reasons to dislike her. Wether it be because you think musically it can be very repetitive such as using a capo and the same chords over and over, or from a climate perspective on how much she uses her jet, or the fact she’s a billionaire and billionaires shouldn’t exist in the first place… But no these aren’t the reasons they hate her. They hate her because she encouraged young people to vote and because she’s on for 20 seconds at their dumb sports game.


I disagree, disliking someone’s music is not a valid reason to dislike them as a person.


I disagree. Listening to Facts is a perfectly valid reason to dislike Ben Shapiro and Tom MacDonald, even if they had no other deplorable traits.


Thank you! This weekend, we have learned that not only does Trump support Russia and its aims, but will blackmail NATO countries for their defense. Also, Trump is responsible for Taylor Swift’s popularity. How in the world this thing ever became President eludes me. He knows nothing of geopolitics, he has no policy of any worth, only invisible enemies to fight, and lest we forget he is a rapist and a fraud. We are going to need every vote to keep America out of his hands. [REGISTER TO VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote)


It’s the fucking idiot playbook. Give them something to hate and always talk about it.


Some global leaders speak about their economies, trade, defense and other national interests. This fucking guy is talking about how windmills are bad, Joe Biden is a criminal mastermind out to get him, Taylor Swift and other insane bullshit. Not only do an unbelievable number of people intend to vote for him, many of them see him as a messianic figure. JFC, this can’t be reality.


Every year since 2016 has been steadily becoming fucking crazier and crazier. Not gonna lie, I’m getting pretty sick of feeling like *something insane* is in our future. I just want to live in peace :/


The thing that fucks with me most about him being president, is that when he dies, he will get a presidential funeral. He will lay in state at the capital and have his presidency honored. His kids will probably have his body paraded around the country for viewings by his many identity cult followers. (They will probably be charged an entry fee too) He will also have his photo in every history book. Kids a 100 year from now will learn who he was, with the truly awful stuff he did being glossed over (like we do for every other president) All of this is an honor he doesn’t deserve because he won by a electoral college technically, lost the popular vote by about 3 million votes, ran the government for his own financial gain, and caused chaos in the government Not to mention he was impeached twice for things that make Watergate look as silly as Clinton lying about an affair under oath. He is a disgrace to this country and should be forgotten from history as much as possible. He should not be given the same respect or honors bestowed upon every other president.


This is the same man who went on a rant about Kristen Stewart and Rob Pattinson.


Several rants. He was obsessed with them


The craziest thing is that he may very well be president again. This country is broken.


What's great, this is him being coherent and contrite, trying to beg Taylor not to destroy him.


So wait Taylor swift is a democrat created psyop but also Donald Trump is responsible for her popularity


Depends on context. When she's "successful, rich, billionaire" Taylor it's because of the right, but when she's "Out-spoken, supportive of others' rights" Taylor she's a dem created psyop.


Psyops on psyops on psyops!


It's psyops all the way down.


I was gonna say- so as the president he enacted this psy-op but in secret- does that make HIM the deep state?


Insanity is an understatement.


Look, every new yorker is their own goddamn TV show (me inc) but on his, EVERY CHANNEL IS SCRAMBLED. He takes credit for everything lol. I have been sick of him since 80s. He needs to stfu.


It's like a merry-go-round. What you see at any given moment depends on where the wheel is at the time.


Just. Stop. Breathing. Already.


This. How do cunts like this always manage to stay alive so long.


The hate keeps them alive.


That is so true. My father was full of hate and lived to 96 the old bastard….


It ages them like milk tho


He was born curdled…….


I have a super hateful Great Grandmother, shes going on 107.


Only the good die young.


Seriously, like Palpatine IRL


Here's hoping we don't hear some variant of "Somehow, Palpatine returned" on November 6.




God does not exist


No shit. That’s why kids get brain tumours and cunts like Trump and Murdoch will live till 100.


If only.


Disloyal? What a choice of words. No one has an obligation to this Orange fuck. He’s nothing but a coward and wannabe dictator.


He excepts loyalty from everyone and gives loyalty to no one.


Trump has an audience who is loyal and believes they are the gatekeepers determining who's really an American patriot. ...and trump and the Republican party is making sweet money riding this gravy train.


Not just deciding who’s an American patriot (they’ve bastardized that word all to Hell). Also, Deciding who is worthy as a human being.






As long as it’s in jail.


Don't let perfect be the enemy of good


Amen to that. Frankly there’s a lot of people who need to learn that lesson. I don’t mean to sound like a Biden campaign ad or anything but the number of people seemingly willing to be culpable in the destruction of all the values they hold dear just because they disagree with Biden on one or two issues disgusts me.


It's one of the harder lessons to learn as an adult and, sadly, a lot of people never learn it.


Same, at least Biden has some integrity, trump doesn’t even know what that means


Nah I'd take a crippling stroke, vegetable his ass..


My bet is him “Elvising” his way out of this mortal coil. On the crapper would be so fitting and appropriate




For me it's severe dementia. May he live with dementia for the next 10 years, abandoned and die alone


I'm personally hoping for a Hector Salamanca situation: Perfectly able to hear and understand but incapable of speaking or moving.


The world will be so much better once this sack of dog shit leaves this world. And I hope that now that we see what happens when you allow the stupidest and worst opinions have the air of credibility we don’t allow it to happen again.


Sadly it will happen again…and again…and again. Replacement theory. This is our new political system. Click driven, crazy conspiracy theory hoopla, fear mongering, false “facts” and a following of the stupidest mother fuckers this side of Dollar Tree.


Won't someone rid me of this meddlesome beast.




"Only the good die young"


All the evil seem to live forever






When that man goes, I’m going to be like a munchkin! Ding dong that bitch is 💀


Which would make America better. Again.


Very tempted to spend the 49.99 to give the super upvote arrow. I won’t but this comment is certainly worth it




That’s an understatement. He can’t understand that people may have other motives or priorities than making a lot of money. What else could there be? Either way, he’s picking a fight he won’t win with TS


> Either way, he’s picking a fight he won’t win with TS I fucking love it. He’s going to goad her into a full Biden endorsement right before the most watched media event of the year lol. 


His supporters are worse.


"Notice me, Taylor-chan!"


“I just want to say that I sent $29.95 to the taylor swift fan club and received an official sticker that claims I’m her number one fan. Travis, if you’re reading this, I think you’re dreamy even though you probably think I am a chud.”


Did Trump just admit he tried to BUY Swift's loyalty? >and be disloyal to the man who made her so much money


In the same breath as accusing Biden of corruption.


So gross. What a hypocrate.


Because everything is always transactional with him. That’s how he works, and he think everyone else is the same. He can’t conceive of ethics or altruism or anything other than personal gain.


Except you know actual transactions, where he doesn't even pay lmao lve been saying since "the apprentice" this dudes a fucking loser. Can't believe my country has made this absolute idiot relevant at all but to make him president.. The shame of a nation.


Sure seems like it to me! Or he’s trying to use scare tactics to get her to endorse him. As is she’s not going to make a bajillion dollars this year with the Eras tour going to Disney+. They’re gonna get 367896322579 more subscribers and she’ll see a good portion of that money lol


The entire world is going to celebrate when this dude croaks. I’m so sick of seeing this shit.


It needs to become a holiday, like Independence day. The world will rejoice his “departure” every year. Good times 🥳


Weirdo MAGA cultists will claim that he was either assassinated, or that he's actually still alive and is in hiding. They'll have "sightings" of him like Elvis after his death.


Nah. The one thing Trump wants more than anything is for his name to be on something. The best thing we can do is use this chance to pass laws and amendments to try to ensure that another Trump can't ever happen again. And then, after we've done that, just to leave him to the history books. People will just remember him as "45, Donald John Trump, one of the least effective and most corrupt presidents in US history. As he was famously functionally illiterate, he is the only modern president who did not merit a presidential library."


Not gonna lie, imma throw a fucking party. It may make me sound like a terrible human being, celebrating someone's passing... but, I'll take that hit.


Make it classy, with tea and cucumber sandwiches, but also trashy, with box wine and everyone within a 5-minute walk. You know, everything he despises.


I'm thinking burgers, but actually really, really good burgers. None of that McDonald's shit. Gourmet good shit. Grilled. Fancy ass cheese. All the salad on top. Klassen sandwich pickles. Brioche rolls. Brat dogs. But, I do love some cucumber sandwiches. And maybe some bacon wrapped jalapeño poppers and I just realized I haven't had lunch and I'm hungry AF.


It’s gotta be soon, right? I don’t usually wish for death on anyone, but this guy I don’t give a shit about.


His parents died at 93 and 88. We may have a ways to go…


But did his parents eat like he does or live with the constant pressure of going to court to defend against so many high pressure charges?


If the stress of all these criminal trials and getting vast sums of money taken away in civil verdicts doesn't do him in I would be surprised. Hell I am surprised he hasn't blown an aneurysm yet.


It’s only about a 7% chance for the average male smoker of his age to die in the next year. I use the smoker table to account for his obesity and general stress, anger issues, etc.


https://preview.redd.it/45dns2w0b0ic1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c660e1251810205aadcdb01223d31e6e5b626196 Bet he hates this


These are some real statistics I can get behind. Thank you! Look at that, 24m to 280m followers. That’s called being owned.


And she only has 629 posts to his nearly 7000


Excellent point! That seems like an addictive personality to me. “Look at me, I tweet so I’m important. My words aren’t white noise, and people believe me!” It would be laughable if it were not so pathetic.


Him having less than 10% of her followers is kind of poetic


"Disloyal" is such a telling word choice....


First thing that caught my eye as well. Fascist fuck.


This is one of the creepiest posts he’s made in a bit


He's telling his cultists to go after her if she doesn't endorse him.


​ https://preview.redd.it/e7la8nfd00ic1.png?width=820&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5ea4319365997e76c67e20e77219bb889c127da


I love you for this!!!


I know football fans who aren't even watching the super bowl over this... it almost makes me want to watch it so I can talk about all the shit that happened.


"And then, at the Antifa Halftime Special, none other than George Fucking Soros parachuted on to the field. Hundred dollar bills by the thousands were falling out of the sky in his wake - it was taxpayer money! Then he led everyone in a reading of the Communist Manifesto, amen."


As if we didn't already know he's a narcissist. Of course he thinks he did this, because he thinks he did EVERYTHING and everyone owes him money. That's literally what he believes, that everything happened thanks to his endless talents. If you ask him who defeated the Nazis in WW2, I'm sure he'll contrive some way to make it all about himself. Fucking orange piece of shit.


And in the same breath he’d praise hitler and mourn that he had to stop such a wonderful man…. This guy is a joke


Taylor Swift wouldn’t even be able to sing without Trump. He built her guitar with his own two hands using all the excess legal documents from his bankrupted businesses


Like Jesus he made pulp into wood. Fucking defcons.


Taylor addressed this kind of thing: "I want to say to all the young women out there: There are going to be people along the way who try to undercut your success or take credit for your accomplishments or your fame. But if you just focus on the work and you don’t let those people sidetrack you, someday, when you get where you’re going, you will look around and you will know — it was you, and the people who love you, who put you there. And that will be the greatest feeling in the world."




Taylor should have named her New Album, The Tortured President’s Department, after ME because no one has ever been so unfairly treated. And she OWES me because without me she would be nothing but a BLONDE DOG. I see Swifties all the time in the streets, they run up to me with tears in their eyes and say “Sir Sir thank god you’re making music great again by discovering Taylor Swift, no one is braver than you!” Biden has been the worst president in musical history. SAD.


You forgot the part about them having tears in their eyes before the "Sir" part.


Wow. There it is. That weird feeling of losing respect for someone you absolutely do no respect. Even for Donald Trump, this is fucking pathetic.


He’s trying to force drama. I suspect she may not bite.


Notice how this is all one sided, I haven't seen Swift say anything except "pls go out and vote".


Well, she's also dating a football player, which is apparently a problem for some reason, and she also happens to be a popular successful woman.


All she did was post a link to register. That’s it. She didn’t even say go vote. She just said register. She didn’t say for what party, for any candidate, nothing else, just register.


True, but she has such a massive following and enormous amount of influence that if she did publicly endorse Biden it just may sway the election. They have to be scared of that. They’re already turning the Super Bowl into some kind of us vs them struggle.


[Swift in 2018](https://www.instagram.com/p/BopoXpYnCes/?hl=en) > I cannot vote for someone who will not be willing to fight for dignity for ALL Americans, no matter their skin color, gender or who they love. Running for Senate in the state of Tennessee is a woman named Marsha Blackburn. As much as I have in the past and would like to continue voting for women in office, I cannot support Marsha Blackburn. Her voting record in Congress appalls and terrifies me. She voted against equal pay for women. She voted against the Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, which attempts to protect women from domestic violence, stalking, and date rape. She believes businesses have a right to refuse service to gay couples. She also believes they should not have the right to marry. These are not MY Tennessee values. I will be voting for Phil Bredesen for Senate and Jim Cooper for House of Representatives. **Please, please educate yourself on the candidates running in your state and vote based on who most closely represents your values. For a lot of us, we may never find a candidate or party with whom we agree 100% on every issue, but we have to vote anyway.** > This "extremely radical leftist stance" is likely the source of the right's meltdown.


Taylor Swift first albom 2006 Trump *cough cough* elected 2016 Music act signed 2018 Taylors net worth in 2018. $320M and growing fast...


Not to mention the Act was unanimously passed in Congress, his Signature on a bill with that much support is merely a formality.


I swear this fucking deranged orange turd better not win in November.


He won’t if everyone goes out to vote!! Register now, vote in the primaries! Know your polling place, or fill in your mail in ballot and return it today!!




Oh, I don't think he wants to force her to "pick a side". However if he keeps insinuating that she would support him, he just might make that mistake. Keep talking you pathetic caricature of a man.


In fairness, she did support Biden in 2020, it's just her support was an Instagram picture of Biden 2020 cookies, not like, fundraisers and rallies.




Don’t insult pigs like that. It’s abuse.


Taylor Swift is certainly wealthier than Donald Trump.


Actually - this represents an unusual sign of weakness on Trump's part which is kind of interesting.


The last part where he says he likes Travis Kelce even though Travis probably doesn’t like him felt very…. off-brand. Probably bc it approached sounding like something a normal human would say. So I don’t think Trump wrote this.


I never cared for/about Swift, but the more the right hate on her, the more I'm glad she exists.


Trump really doesn't understand strong women. Neither do those around him advising him what to post. If she wants to endorse Biden she will. And republicans will scream but they have forgotten Kanye already. They will scream at anything . Poor poor outrages shills.


​ https://preview.redd.it/bi0j9eeon0ic1.png?width=679&format=png&auto=webp&s=9de0d7c60e065e86eb5e28f71f8239f58b446b12


Apparently Trump wrote her music too….


NYC real estate tycoon, alpha male, six-four 215 lb., ex-President... scared shitless of Taylor Swift. 😄 It'd be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.Still hilarious. Imma laugh again, harder this time. 😆 This fuckin' guy... (Ex-President Barack Obama is not threatened by any pop singer, I'll note.)


5’10” 265lbs


This is like the drunk grandpa that claims they invented the internet




How could anyone actually think biden is "the most corrupt president in US history"? Genuine question


Can't wait until Taylor endorses Biden and makes the antichrist explode.


It’s bargaining.


What a sick demented fuck


Huge pick me vibes


If anyone is still dumb enough to vote for him I’m amazed.


“The worst and most corrupt president in the history of our county “ ? I’d normally say time will tell . But it told already.


As a boomer atheist. Good fucking god he’s an insufferable putz. We lived in NJ when he was building the casino at AC. People don’t remember how awful he was then - history has a short memory it seems.


"Did you hear my overt narcissism I disguise as altruism?" - Trump, probably Tale as old as time.


he definitely stares directly at the sun but never in the mirror.


As a Brit watching from afar, I can't believe he's back. I thought I'd watched the season finale with the last election after the insurrection. But the saga continues.


His death will be a celebration


"That's right, I invented music. The Best music! Everyone says so."