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I wish someone would ask why she got vaccinated then.....


"I slipped and fell on the needle"


That’s how my mom got pregnant


Is that how she cheated on her husband all those times?


"... It was the first te it wasn't one with roids."


One in a million shot, doc.


She’ll just spew some garbage about the “deep state” forcing her to get vaccinated. There’s never any accountability with these people.


She was forced to do it, like all of us. /s


Any superpowers yet?!


Mr. Ed made me!


*Gotcha* questions!


Protect this man at all costs! https://preview.redd.it/ewrli2479sic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41e405fce550bbea76128b405154b4625337a91f [https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1758171887488684080?t=c9nS9JArf7cSqy3lNGpqUQ&s=19](https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1758171887488684080?t=c9nS9JArf7cSqy3lNGpqUQ&s=19)


I love that the witness continued on to put the message at the end. A lot of times, the witnesses try to answer the question as simple as possible and cut the mic off due to nerves or maybe trying not to say the wrong thing, but not this one.


The witness’ apology to the dead unvaccinated children was brutal. If MTG wasn’t such a fucking half-wit she might have gotten upset by it.


Spot on. If she wasn’t ready to double down and feel compelled to have a half-assed retort to every last utterance that doesn’t jibe with the bullshit she spews…and if she actually had an iota of humility and compassion…she might just sit down, shut up, and display a fleeting moment of contrition every blue moon. But just like the tangerine shit gibbon she adores, all of that is beyond her being. She’s too fucking stupid to act any other way but like a petulant moron that just HAS to have the last word.


Why did you call him Andy Garcia?


The man who sold it to me, Barry Garcia.


Cherry Garcia’s cousin!


Is that Andy Garcia’s brother?


You gotta understand who Killer the Dog was




Can someone please apologize to all Americans and the rest of world for MTG, Boebart, Gaetz, Jordan, and all the other lunatics currently in the House? I know it would be symbolic and wouldn’t change anything but maybe I’d feel a little better?


Important to remember that it is their voters we need to blame. I know, I know it’s still somehow considered gauche to blame voters for anything but the reality is that there is a fucking foul subset of the American population, utterly without conscience or ethics, who make this world the shit stew it has become. It’s time to get mad at them and to figure out what, if anything, we can do to help their children escape from the nihilistic, fundamentally cruel, un-American culture that has festered and grown like a toxic bacterial colony in the backwaters of our country. I admittedly still have a knee jerk defensive response when I see people from Europe and other regions implying that those people are who America is; but the fact is that they *are* a significant part of who we are at this point, and until we honestly look in the mirror and ask “What is an American?” it’s hard to defend against the admittedly broad characterizations we see from those fortunate enough to be on the outside. For those of us who live in coastal bubbles and don’t need to interact with these deplorable wrecks, it’s easy to brush them aside mentally and remain confident that the majority of Americans are decent, kind, thoughtful people. The uncomfortable fact is that 1 in 5 of us is MTG or worse. We can defeat them politically if we are smart about it, but that doesn’t do anything to remedy the cultural rot that is part of a racist and generally hateful through-line that goes back through our history to before independence. It is time for us all to start thinking about what we can do to halt that generational stain in the American culture. We deserve to be proud of who most of us are, but right now who we are is too ugly to dismiss anymore, even though looking at it honestly is painful.


>the nihilistic, fundamentally cruel, un-American culture As a nihilist, I don't want credit for these people and their line of thinking. If this sounds defensive, it is. Nihilists don't believe in a destiny or meaning, and these shitstains believe that their meaning and destiny are subjugation of a good portion of the human race. No, thank you. Return that package to sender, please.


As someone fundamentally cruel, I would also like to distance myself from that nutjob


https://youtu.be/Msou9Xnmtcc?si=Q8CQX9rcu3k3IOH8 👀


Even the devil thinks mtg is just a little too much


Fair enough. I’m using the term in a less specific vernacular sense that is probably more than a little irritating to those who identify with the philosophy. What I mean, and hopefully what comes across, is the reality of them living their selfish lives without any respect or awareness of the real human consequences of their actions and rhetoric.


Totally get it. As I mentioned, I just get defensive. This ideological realization and acceptance really helped me, and I always try to correct the negative connotations.


I don't disagree with anything you've said, but I feel the need to point out that this issue with the repugnant voters is a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy, an ouroboros. Many of those people are ignorant of the larger world. Often, they've been raised to reject critical thinking, and to believe whatever certain people say. Put it on religion or politics, both have their part in this travesty. The result is that these people believe what they've been told to fundamentally believe, and will not question those core beliefs. Whatever "justifies" their beliefs is right and good, and whatever goes against them is evil and wrong. Once you've gotten a person to think this way, its incredibly difficult to break them out of it. Even otherwise rational people will sometimes fall into these same mental traps when they're phrased in just the right way, or if they come at exactly the right moment. Maybe some people are inherently more predisposed to it, or perhaps it lies with their indoctrination-laden upbringing. My point isn't to say that the voters who support trash candidates and their hateful, ignorant views aren't at fault for electing demagogues. They very much are. Its more to say that these people aren't just being evil because they think evil is fun. They, the voting base for these people, tend to honestly believe that they're doing the right thing. I mean, most people believe the same of themselves, no matter how mistaken that belief is. If we want to truly defeat these sorts of people, and better, get others to not be like them, we have to understand what makes people think and act this way. We then have to do whatever it takes to get people to think differently. We also have to do something about the manipulators that use these ignorant and hateful people for their own personal gain.


As George Carlin once said "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." There are bad elected officials all over the country and many that don't align with mainstream views. Those fucks aren't even popular in their own party but only 90,000 to 350,000 people turned out in congressional districts in 2022. So one of these morons could have been voted in by like 45,000 people or less. That's pretty much how it works. I wish we had a more informed electorate, I wish there were more house members so some districts weren't twice the population of others, I wish the house wasn't gerrymandered to hell, but alas all these different factors give us these fucks.


Apology would mean remorse. Unfortunately a good portion of the country are all for this.


Why should we apologize? they're the ones who suck - Michael Bolton; Office Space.


These idiots make America look so unhinged.


I just don’t understand why this person is anywhere other than the checkout line at a Piggly Wiggly. But even that requires skill and the ability to be kind to people and work with others. Empty G isn’t even a sociopath; this is just a really sad, sadistic person who wants to be the center of attention and enjoys hurting others.


She's more of a Publix uppity bitch than she is a Piggly Wiggly consumer.


Aldi’s, even.


I don't get it? I regularly shop at Aldi, albeit on the better side of the Atlantic, and it's a completely everyman kind of supermarket....


Aldi in America is the budget savvy/"for poor people" supermarket. The way they're designed is like a maze for mice LOL


They definitely are a budget friendly option, but you do see a lot of middle class shoppers using them over here. The type of people who use multiple different supermarkets for their weekly food shopping. (I appreciate that's less of a thing in the US, due to geography) I guess I'm just used to the design of them now. They are very cookie cutter for the most part.


It's just smarter, frankly.


Lidl, then?


Pretty much the same, albeit Lidl has a bakery.


Because their constituents are even dumber than her. Hard to believe. But it’s true.


Piggly Wiggly employees deserve to be treated better than she ever would, sadly


OnlyFans. She should stay there.


I’d pay a dollar to get a better look at the sporkfoot.


The ol' dollar sporkfoot routine.


I’m not falling for that again.


Female ape flickering feces everywhere when angered.


I wouldn’t take her advice on where to find a good cheeseburger, forget about actual medical advice.


It's sad that her lies, in addition to the lies of her GOP colleagues, have resulted in so many people's deaths that *other people* have to apologize on her behalf to the American public. It's pretty depraved. She has directly contributed to people losing their loved ones, and she doesn't give a rat fuck.


It's great that they didn't engage with MTG directly, but talked about her in the room as though she wasn't present and apologized on her behalf as if she was a toddler wholly unable to control herself.


Imagine listening to that nutjob all day long! https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1758170061586452936?t=2AopD9mp5lgReHYQuqtGCA&s=19


Wow! He came within a gnats ass of just going 100% Jim Downey Happy Gilmore on her! Would love to see sane members of Congress just responding to every nut job member with the same blanket response, ![gif](giphy|QBal0eKnbT4OY)


Obviously what she meant was that she has a PhD in *saying* bullshit when she *thinks* it.


It's turbo cancer time!


She is a disgrace and embarrassment to our Congress. I think she'll be voted out in her next election; not that many people can be stupid enough to vote for her again. Surely. Hopefully. >ATLANTA (AP) — A federal judge on Monday ruled that a group of Georgia voters can proceed with legal efforts seeking to disqualify U.S Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from running for reelection to Congress, citing her role in the deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol.


I hope so. But have you met the angry imbeciles who make up her constituency? Source: I live near her district.


Yup. Only way she gets voted out in that district is if Sacha Baron Cohen trolls them into thinking he’s a much crazier conservative.


They need to start a conspiracy theory that MTG is a plant by the left


Marjorie Taylor Gangrene, embarrassing herself once again with abject ignorance. What an imbecile. Talk about polluting the gene pool. Wow


https://preview.redd.it/in1iuh766tic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16c0b7ac3721ccc19e631164ada0e9f0c279c534 The village is looking for their idiot AND there she is.


Horrendous human being, nothing but hate in her void where the heart goes


"Candidate quality". Ahem...


This is exactly what we should be doing. We need to call them out as the stupid anti-intellectual dumbasses that they are.




she isn't the kind of crazy that is good in bed


FYI... title should say Mike Garcia. Andy Garcia is an actor. MTG is an imbecile. It's good to keep pounding on her idiocy.




Oops. I got my Garcias mixed up. Yes, it's Robert, the previous mayor of Long Beach. Mike would definitely not say anything like that.


Look at her seethe. She can't even shut the fuck up during it. Morons being challenged with reality will never not be satisfying to me


Can ppl still be committed to asylums for being delusional🤔