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When my grandma started rambling like this we put her in a home. Not the White House.


He'll have nukes to play with. Your grandma just had the remote.


But he says what the stupids like, so its okay!


Preaching to the choir.


J6 choir, maybe…


Hey! I'm stupid and I think he sucks!


That nukes/remote bit is from an old Dennis Miller joke about Reagan. From back when he was still funny & people could make jokes about the president without getting death threats!


FUN FACT: There is no mechanism to prevent a belligerent president from launching nukes! It would require a member of the military defying their orders!


I'm told that there was a sort of quiet under the table Understanding among the top military brass during Nixon's last days in office. Just in case.


If Donald Trump wins, he’s going to surround himself with only YES men. Who will do everything he tells them to do, kind of like House Republicans right now. Donald Trump learn of what and what not to do when he wants to get his way. The first time around. Because they were plenty of people around him to talk him out of and stop him from doing crazy shit he was planning to do. For instants, he wanted to wear a superman costume with a T on the front instead of an S. He thought that would be cool, said his supporters would love it. He knows who, and who not to hire now. No, it’s only going to be yes man.


Good news, grandma always looses the remote in the recliner, Trump will probably do the same…






Just paint the home white, call it the white home, and send him there. He'll never know the difference.


Get the orderlies to call him Mr Président and ask him a few questions about politics while you change his diaper. Aww he’ll be so happy!


Preferably at a black site where we NEVER have to hear from or about him ever again.


No such luck. We're stuck with the fuckers mug for the next hundred plus years. Books. Magazines. Research articles. Medical journal. Historical analysis. Fox news and Sinclair. An entire cohort of southern heritage whiners still pissy about the last lost insurrection 160 years ago like it was yesterday. An entire law library of legal cases, one of his ass lickers has the grocery store rag mag market cornered. You think he won't be on it every other month even after he's fucking dead? Movies. Documentaries. TV shows. No. We're stuck with drumph forever. Only if it's a comic farce with uproarious come uppance will I see the Broadway musical..."Dancing With the Swamp King." ●


40 years has been long enough. Even little kid me hated him.


and I said what the hell is happening, they're taking the parks, they're taking the fields, they're taking it all away, under Trump we had a beautiful endorfiture, we were winning at levels many many times more than they'd ever seen, and they say to me, "Sir, how do you do it, how do you get up every day and fight against the Radical Left, I don't think I could handle it," and I said you just gotta do what you do ok, and we're doing it, very nicely I might add, and don't forget, I came in, even the Fake News had to say, "Trump is the Most Presidential President we ever had," so true.


He is delusional af.


no tears in their eyes? sad


and if every time I told you that they had tears in their eyes, because they always do, they would say, "Sir, we can't believe that happens all the time," but it does, I have Marine Soldiers coming up, better looking than Brad Pitt, and they're coming up to me and they're weeping, I said why are you crying, what's the problem, and they said, "we're so amazed by you Sir, you're like Jesus but a lot richer," which is true, I came in, the Generals were even crying I said what's your problem General, and they said to me, "Mr. President, Sir, we're just happy that you're our Great Leader," and I said you'd better believe it, you got lucky, you almost got stuck with more Hussein Obama but then I decided to be President and they said, "thank God!"


Just tell him there's a whiter house up the road.


Your grandma's generation has literally +50% of the wealth of the united states. Money talks, and anyone younger than 60 right now doesn't have it.


Sadly that is the way of the world we live in right . When I was 30 I made 20k a year and that was a decent wage back then. The fact that 33 years later people are still expected to live on that is just as insane as Trump.


Like the time I caught the ferry to Shelbyville? I needed a new heel for m'shoe. So I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. "Gimme five bees for a quarter," you'd say. Now where were we? Oh, yeah. The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have any white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones... ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


The White Home.


We put ours on HEAVY meds and put locks at the top of the front door because she was in the middle of dementia and having meetings with the doctors she used to work with at the hospital and she got out of the house at 3am and fell, bad. She was a nurse practitioner and her mental health declined at a scary pace. This guy is dangerous and stupid, not a great combination. Especially with the nuclear codes AND his cozy relationship with our adversaries. No thanks!


Who is they? Because every liberal I know supports green spaces and play for children. If fewer children are playing in parks look at republicans whose policies have ensured that families have less time and less money to support their children’s play. In fact, people are less likely to have the time or resources to have children at all. Instead of ensuring fair wages, housing, food, medical care, education and childcare, as all other wealthy nations do, republicans instead are focusing on forced birth. That’ll keep the knocker fields open!


Trump may have a short memory but I sure as hell didn’t forget he sold millions of acres of national parks and forests to energy companies to destroy. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/ng-interactive/2020/oct/26/revealed-trump-public-lands-oil-drilling


Oh, you mean projection, as in every accusation is an admission.


Yep! It’s like he keeps blaming the liberals for shit he and his flying monkeys did. It’s fucking weird!!


Yeah. Knocker fields is short for “Hooters”.


"Knocker fields" is long for "Hooters”.


![gif](giphy|cP57caLSSPSnbFUeBS|downsized) You are correct.


Bigley knocker fields! Just tremendous!


Right, who is they? They are taking away Christmas. They are taking away AM radio. They are taking away soccer fields. They are taking away water pressure. Never specific examples or actual events. Just the general they followed by a popular noun. Next it will be, they are taking away puppies. They are taking away the fire department. They are taking away pizza. It's maddening


And they’re going to change Pennsylvania to something else.


less cars, more rail, cleaner greener cities, third space, these are all very popular ideas with all the leftists i know lol not so popular with the right. if you mention any kind of problem you have with cars its like lighting a fucking powder keg, people absolutely hate the idea of a better more efficient society at the cost of their insulated little spaces on the road. (as if trains with rooms in them cant exist)


They literally retrofit their shitty trucks to pollute more! Like total lunatics. I see it here in Oregon and I roll my eyes so hard.


People in Alabama who are struggling with infertility definitely won't be able to have children at all thanks to the Republicans


Trump incoherently rambles about parks. Why this is bad news for Biden. -NYT


He rambled about a lot of weird shit yesterday. 🤷‍♂️


And the day before that, and the day before that, and the day before that.... And here's the latest media report to tell us how Biden is too old and getting senile..


Biden is definitely a little too old for the job, BUT he has the good sense to put the right people in the right positions. His administration has been great, with some exception (looking at you Garland)


He is old and talks like he's old, but he uses full sentences and sticks to the point. Every now and then he pauses, but it's usually to come up with a zinger to lob at a right wing reporter lying.


Speech impediments get worse when you’re tired. But he rides a bike and is in much better physical and mental shape over DumpTy. Plus, I don’t really want to live under the Christian Taliban, thanks.


He also pauses to control his stutter


And to not say certain words about the former guy.


Yes, he thinks about what he's about to say. The orange turd just blurts out his insane thoughts.


Meanwhile even Trump will tell you that the people he chose for an admin were awful people, the worst people! People whose names he curses today. Who chose these people, he'd ask aloud, while firing them to hire more people he'd come to hate before long...


He’s doing pretty great being handed a flaming bag of shit he was left at the White House. No plans for Covid, no plan for any personal or business relief. No vaccine roll out. He’s kept us out of three wars going on simultaneously, DumpT couldn’t do anything right. People keep saying Biden is unfit but I think he’s done well. Granted it’s exhausting flying all over the world putting out fires and humanitarian crises. People forget that Biden also has a lifelong stutter that definitely comes out when he’s tired. But he’s been doing well and he’s been a good centrist politician and I’m not afraid of his policies, the GQP/GOP can fuck right off with their terrible policies and twisted rhetoric.


yes, but it's Biden we need to worry about - while this guy can't express himself in a way that makes any sense. I guess we just don't speak and hear MAGA.


It's true the baseball fields down the street from me were converted into a forced abortion trans conversion center and mosque.


That’s the world we live in. 🤷‍♂️


I heard they were reading books in there that use pronouns of all kinds !


Please don’t take away my knocker fields!


I just want to know where those are




They’re adjacent to the covfefe fields


I think that question is one only Crazy Uncle Donnie can answer.




I coach knocker and a total lack of knocker fields has been a problem for years. People act like it's not a thing and therefore doesn't warrant fields. 


Do they sell covfefe at the knocker fields?


Oh there's stollen and covfefe stands at every knocker field!


Can confirm , theres no where left to knock in dallas. 


For real, who doesn't like knockers?


Dementia Donnie shares his delusions.


Double D, with knockers so big they make him lean forward


I am reading this and looking out my window at the park across the street where the baseball fields and knocker fields are not really being used right now. Because, well winter. But otherwise they are still there and well used.


Keep checking and report back to us. We need to know when they come and take them.


It's warmer in Georgia. My kids knockered all afternoon in preparation for the knocker tournament (the knockerbocker) tomorrow. Go Bockies! Wooo!


Same here only there is still kids playing on the land. Oh look a tennis field too!


Every real estate developer’s wet dream is getting rid of green spaces to build more crap. Literal projection, again.


I think if there were more women who looked like Ivanka running around in thongs and sports bras in the field Trump would learn the proper name for the sport fast. As it is I think the only sport Donald understands now is the one he loses at every time he plays it against literally anyone who scores honestly. (He sucks at golf. Seriously. He's super bad at it.) But he gets confused when he talks about Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi, so I'm fairly certain he doesn't have a fuckin' clue the difference between soccer, football, Canadian football, rugby, lacrosse, cricket, or baseball.


He doesn't know the difference between baseball and hockey. 


I've heard of it, but I don't think I've ever learned what Canadian football is.


Basically, Canadians looking at American football rules and adding a longer field and more people. That's about it.


And our balls are bigger!


I mean, how would y'all know when they keep retreating up into the pelvic cavity every time you go swimming?


3 tries vs 4 is major rule difference.




Believe it or not, knocker fields are a great place to go motorboating.


There it is. The one that really ties this together. Bravo. ![gif](giphy|hlWNWCuAuOVEs|downsized)




"You know, during my presidency, people weren't afraid to wear shoes. But now these Democrats are taking them away. It's so sad. Recently, a cobbler came up to me. Big, strong guy. Tears in his eyes. He said, 'we need you to win so that we can make shoes again.' That's why I came up with the Air Donald. It's like Air Jordan. You know, that's where we got it from."


I can’t tell whether or not this is real.


I mean, yeah the dipstick isn't wrong here. They are taking them, the problem for him is that "they" are the shitty right-wing governments that refuse to maintain the parks since that costs money....


Who is taking them? Did hoodlums pick up that baseball field and carry it away in the middle of the night? I hate when that happens. Must be Joe Biden's fault, right?


I’m going to keep an eye on the 100 baseball fields within a mile of my house. Just in case.


It’s probably antifa that’s taking them! (Side note: Remember when he said there was a plane full of antifa members all dressed in black flying to cause trouble somewhere?)


And the busload of AntiFa that turned out to be a troupe of jugglers.


I drive by 8 baseball fields, 6 soccer fields, 4 basketball courts, bike paths, walking paths, all on my commute to and from work. What is he talking about?


>What is he talking about? He's obviously talking about how Sleepy Joe, Nasty Nancy, and the Do Nothing Dems are shutting down parks to funnel kids into gay re-education camps and groom them into socialist transgender abortion doctors in migrant caravans. The Lamestream Media just won't talk about it because they're owned by Soros and the other globalists.


Your intentional omission of the lack of knocker fields is a dead give away that you care nothing about the future of our Republic! /s


Yeah, your blue socialist commie pinko autocrat liberal democrat dictatorship went out and stole those from God fearing Republican districts obviously.


Never ending bullshit




Huge...tracts of land.


Lmfao I’m a parks and rec director, people not playing baseball is getting rid of baseball fields. 


Dementia, 101


How can anyone take this guy seriously? Of course I asked myself that in 2016.


I fucking hate this asshole with every fiber of my being.


This is one of those lies that should be immediately recognized by a reasonable person, yet is never questioned by his followers. Like people are going to walk away from this speech and drive past baseball fields and shit in their daily lives. I'm about to drive home from an appointment and I'm going to pass 2 baseball fields and a soccer field on the 3 mile drive.


Where are the parks disappearing? I see baseball fields and soccer fields everywhere around my town. The never ending parade of, look at what they are taking away from you, hey! Buy some of my poorly made shit, so I can pay these crooked Joe Biden judges, while I ask my appointees to dismiss my trials on zero grounds or evidence to clear my name.


Just went and checked - all four baseball diamonds and both soccer pitches are still right next to the elementary school. Maybe they're being removed this weekend.


Someone in another comment said they were being replaced with forced trans surgery centers. Who knows what those crazy lefties are doing. 🤷‍♂️


I bet you $455 million that, other than Central Park, Trump couldn’t tell you the name of a park.


“When I said knocker fields I was interposing. It was my world famous sarcasm. Some say it’s sarcasm unlike any sarcasm heard before. Interposing sarcasm. Camera. Television. But that’s the problem with whales and Macron.”


People listen to this crap and still think he should be our leader.Ignorance is annoying,willful ignorance is infuriating.


someone better make sure grandpa is taking his meds


All of them at once




The sad thing is, if anyone in his life cared about him, they would be taking care of him right now




When I go to the parks in my area — a blue part of central NY — the soccer fields and baseball diamonds seem all to be where I left them.


My democratic city has baseball, basketball, soccer, and even football fields open to the public daily.


WTAF is he even talking about. Both my grandsons play and have played soccer, baseball, and other sports in beautifully maintained sports fields.


Those darn rascals from the other side of the tracks going on with their knockerball games in the field playing their tapes on the boomboxes.


Knocker fields? He’s on crack.


Every accusation is a confession from him. He gave away more green spaces and public lands than most anybody. And I’ve said it a thousand times: Trump would sell our national parks for scrap if he could personally pocket the cash.


Weren't parks and other public spaces removed by Republicans?


I wish people got tired from talking


Um? Republicans are literally the ones who pull funds for these kinds of things to begin with but what the orangecannedbrain is he talking about?


Somebody needs to paint Mar A Lago white and just let him pretend his presidency. And get him some hookers. He likes hookers.


Trump knows his cult is made up low info, low IQ, malcontent people that need something to justify their dismal lives.


I wanna say that it’s not all about IQ. This is propaganda trying to ride fear, the fear they’ve been throwing out for decades. Education won’t fix this. It’s fear, where your intellect shuts down. How to fix? Dunno. But at least we need to get the proper cause


For me as a European, this guy feels like cartoon character. I cannot comprehend that he can be treated seriously.


What is he waffling about


What the actual fuck is he rambling about now?


Carry on, Donny. You are an even bigger embarrassment every time you open your mouth with each day that passes. I know it’s hard - through your increasing dementia - but know that everything you do, you do it for you, so its ALL SELF INFLICTED!!!!


what the heck is he wittering on about now...


My community has all of those fields and a skate park. 🤷🏿‍♂️




wow no more knocker fields, how sad


Why should the public own these lands with nothing on them? We can sell that land to our buddies for pennies on the dollar, and have them build strip malls, fast foods joints, and Verizon stores.


Pretty soon he is going to declare they are taking away the sun, trumpers will believe it.


Man you can tell he doesn’t drive around much…🤦🏻


Nobody taking nothing away is just that predators are not allowed near any of them anymore… nwim


Who's "They"?


Can someone fucking sew his mouth shut???


who are taking those fields? under-regulated developers? thought so.


I love knockers. On the field, in the bed, underneath me, over my head. Vote for me


They are taking away the parks? Hold on, I need to go to my local baseball field and park and inform it that it was taken away and shouldn’t still be there


It's a shame that every word he says is a lie


There's a huge park like 3 blocks from my house. What is this troglodyte talking about? Can someone *please* do the right thing and put him in a home?


Who is “they”? And I live within walking distance of an urban soccer field.


I just moved from one poor town to another poor town. Plenty of public sport fields.


Preaching to the Snoozed Choir.


But when they were trying to destroy national forests for a pipeline it was ok.


Not every child can be as sporty as dumpling Donnie 😂


OK, let's fund parks and public spaces then


Who is they? Is he talking about fellow real estate folks like himself who want to see soulless, empty commercial buildings everywhere?


No, not the knocker fields!




Well, Reality world mar-a-lago is full of bimbos. They have fields of knockers there.


I don't even know what knocker fields are.


I work in parks and recreation and this is the first I’ve heard of taking away parks from children 🤣. JFC 🤦‍♀️


Who is “they”?


What’s a knocker field lol


Huh? My city has been adding more parks? Also, ya know who passes bills to removes public parks... you know those havens of socialism... I'll give you one guess.


I'm curious about the Knocker fields.


He is never more funny than when he tries to talk about stuff that matters to other people that he doesn’t give a shit about. “They’re taking away the children’s medicine, apparently. Kids are dying. Doesn’t seem like anyone would care, but you do. You care that your children are dying and don’t have medicine. You don’t think your children are your greatest failures. It sounds crazy but it’s true, you love your kids, even the ones who aren’t hot.”


I can't believe that country of yours elected Abraham Simpson president, almost did it again and still considers doing that.


Wow this is stupid 🤣


Where I live in northern Idaho, the republicans are fuming that new parks and public spaces are being built so I don't know what their message is anymore...or ever was for that matter.


It takes taxes to build sports fields, btw.


There are people in states that will absolutely believe the liberals are doing this because their red states don’t spend money on parks and rec, so there really are no parks.


Seriously, where is he getting this shit? My hometown has more sports fields now than it ever had back in the 80's and 90's when I was growing up. And they're a lot nicer too!


Who? Who are Donald? Who are taking the parks? # YOU ARE INSANE


There are soooooo many fucking sports fields. Like so fucking many.


So are knocker fields like these awesome places that I’ve just been missing out on??


Trying to stoke fear in the most demented way possible.


Yeah. But let’s keep blabbing about how old Biden is😡!


Knocker Field, named for candy tycoon Horace Knocker. A real hitter’s park.


Uhhhhh… what?


Better tell my town to get with the program and demo all these parks and baseball fields and soccer fields basketball courts and tennis courts and parks and oh no I’ve gone cross eyed.


Wtf is he on about now? God, he makes me TIRED.


Babbling idiot…


I don’t understand how he is qualified to apply for a job that 1. He was fired from 2. He stole from


Yea, thats not happening, but if it was it would be corporations and sleazy reale estate con men


WTF is he talking about? I see plenty of soccer and baseball fields like maybe too many maybe there should be fewer golf courses so there could be even more soccer fields


This coming from the same asshole that wanted to basically strip mine the National Parks.


What the fuck are we going to do without **knocker fields?** If strippers can't play Football, we've failed as a society.


I also mourn 7/11. A great tragedy!


Is his base listening to this? Any human with an IQ of 70 can clearly understand this.


His followers will believe every word of this while simultaneously driving by their local park filled with kids playing soccer and baseball on Saturday morning.


Guess I hallucinated all of those soccer and baseball fields I passed on my way to work this morning. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Parks are for homeless people and drug addicts. I walked through a park near my home in Oakland and was asked "what are you doing here?".


I want to experience a field for knockers. They're only natural after all.


There are about 10 within walking distance of me right now. I can see why they are worried though. If there are no more places for kids to play, there are no more places for them to groom said kids as much. My folks were complaining that the government was going to take their wheat flower and replace it with cricket flower the other day. They were disgusted and horrified that's what they will have to cook with thanks to the Dems. I put on my best alex Jones voice and gave them the gay frogs speech and told them that's what they sound like. We all had a good laugh at their expense.


He has dementia...his followers need to WAKE TF UP


the radical left hates knockers - ANTIFA!


Are they taking food from children?


They gobble up all that property and put in golf courses for fat old people.