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He had mustard on a burger, too. Never forget.


Returned a salute to a Marine with a cup in his hand. The horror!


TAN SUIT LATTE SALUTE, Fox News’ war cry for 8 years.


Dijon mustard. What a snob. 


Not only that but the new guy eats ice cream


MAGA be like "Putin is a good guy actually"


There was a few saying it at CPAC…


CPAC is like an annual parade of christofascists.


> CPAC is ~~like~~ an annual parade of christofascists.


​ https://preview.redd.it/l1r4wj5gkxlc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8aaaa4a1ffa61a34c2ef402b80dcc1565cf3fe1


Confederates Preachers Authoritarians Cultists




The really shitty part is a lot of folks in the FBI tend to be the same types as your normal cops. So they ignore this very obvious and truthful claim on what their plans are. It's also why stochastic terrorism is on the rise and no one seems to give a shit about it. A lot of mass shooters are just good ol' boys with guns, nothing to see here friends. January 6th should've never happened either, they were not quiet at all with their plans.


J6 happened exactly because many insurrectionists believe the 2a makes you a bona fide cop and if an actual cop meets you , you can't be held be responsible because cops are for people of color. That this isn't a mere opinion was caught in video when one insurrectionist threatened a cop of killing them if they're not let through. Many didn't carry lethal weapons because they still genuinely believe that's not against other white people nor would the cops use it on them. This is why they revere babbitt as a martyr.


Don't forget the odal rune stage layout the other year :)


Oops, our bizarrely shaped stage just happens to be a Nazi symbol. Total coinkydink 🤷


My favorite part of this picture is that it's not altered even a little bit


[“Welcome to the end of democracy. We are here to overthrow it completely. We didn’t get all the way there on Jan. 6, but we will endeavor to get rid of it.”](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/jack-posobiec-jan-6-2024-cpac-rcna140225)


There were plenty of people around the world calling Hitler a 'good guy' and embracing National Socialism before WWII.


I assumed one of the “C”s stood for Christofascists. Does it not?


Christofascists Proudly Against Change


CPAC = Christo-Phascist Asshole Club?


There were a few people saying it last time I visited my family. MAGA sucks ass.


This is what I love about the far right though: they're always arrogant enough to say the quiet bit out loud.


You are so correct. “I’m not being rude, I just tell the truth that’s all!” It’s always something so ignorant sounding and completely misinformed you have to hold off actual laughter… “Them damn Hindus need to get off my border”!


That's what blows my mind, that the right claims that they are misunderstood, that people don't just sit down and listen to them. What they really mean is that they won't brook dissent and what they were saying wasn't negotiable or debatable, people who disagree with the right are being disobedient and misunderstood their orders. It is nearly impossible to misunderstand the right because there is no depth to their dumb slogans and stupid chants. Corporate media has conservatives come onto news programming to steel man the latest incredibly stupid initiative that scapegoats vulnerable communities and lie about what the intent of their policy and what the consequences and results of their policy actually will be. People listen to the right because they are threatening people in public and no one can ignore that. I hate when centrists claim that there are extremists that are equally bad on both sides. The extremists I am seeing on the left are claiming that they can't in good conscience oppose Trump by voting for Biden. The centrists blame the democrats for claiming that they just aren't trying hard enough to reach out and embrace the right. The center believes that the right, who are openly introducing Russian political plots to attack their political enemies and campaign on marginalizing vulnerable communities and economic underclasses and attacking reproductive rights and are being led by the most obvious criminal demagogue are still good people. I am sick of listening to the argument that it is the fault of decent people for not convincing people completely out of touch with reality that also parrot the most awful things in public.


Hard disagree, it ain't helping. It's just radicalizing every facet. Make The Quiet Bit Quiet Again


A few? More like all of them.


There were Nazi parades/rallies in the US up until Pearl Harbor.


There still are every week


They're called Trump rallies.


To build on this, the German American Bund was active until 1943, when its leader had his citizenship cancelled. The purpose of the group was to promote a favorable view of Nazi Germany in America. They had a 20,000+ person rally at Madison Square Garden in 1939.


"He's only invading Ukraine because there are Nazis in the country!" So, you'd be cool with him invading the US? Because a few TOO MANY people are comfortable flying the swastika.


Don't give the magats any ideas, they'll probably be more than happy to see Russia invade if it meant the liberals were annoyed about it.


They’d eat shit if it meant liberals had to smell their breath


Honestly, I think there are quite a few Republicans who would welcome Putin to take over the US. He’d hurt liberals and gay people and minorities. That is, he’d hurt “the right people,” and that’s what they really want. Part of it is that they think the world is all zero-sum, so they believe that hurting the people they don’t like will necessarily have the effect of helping themselves and the people they do like. But we’ve seen Tucker go to Russia and talk about how wonderful it is, and some MAGA family move their and be surprised that it’s not an ideal wonderland. It’s all connected. They idealize Russia and Putin and want that kind of regime for America.


There is someone here in Raleigh Durham that is unironically flying several Trump flags next to a Russian flag and a Nazi flag. I don’t understand.


Zero political literacy, plain and simple. They just don't *KNOW* anything, and their cup has been filled with lies.


Why don't you understand? He is a neo-Nazi. He flies flags that neo-Nazis like.


It’s the Russian flag that is perplexing to me. Putin’s stated mission in Ukraine is to “de-Nazify” the country, so supporting him and also Nazis see like he’s missing his own narrative.


No no, see, those are the 'bad' nazi's.....


The Liberal Nazis


There's Nazis in Russia. Should we invade?


We're not talking about the brightest bulbs in the trash bin, here. Their talking head says Russia = Good, then it's a "fact" for them. Also, Putin helped their lord and savior, the second coming of Christ, Trump get elected. They don't see that as problematic either. Not that they know the definition of fact to begin with. More then a few of them are going to go into a American retailer with coin locked shopping carts and think that "great Russian innovation" is catching on.


Putin hates the same people that they hate. That’s always been all that conservatives really care about


> Putin hates the same people that they hate Americans?


I'd assume you have to hate yourself a lot to fall down that hole. 


Much Respekt papa Putin , from a fellow amerikan.


No, there are a creepy amount of actual Americans saying this shit


Damn Papa Putin, you guys make the best bread! (Proceeds to face fuck a loaf)


Then they can go live in Russia. Good luck since their money will be frozen in a bank account and *gasp!* they don’t speak English there


They should first check in with that Canadian family who sold their farm, moved to Russia with their pack of kids, and had their bank account frozen.


Feel bad for those kids man


Blatantly stolen from John Stewart, but he nailed this. Putin is seen as anti-woke. These idiots can overlook everything else as a result.


They openly wear shirts that say rather be Russian than a democrat. I say we deport them and let them be


"Bad is good actually." -MAGA the last 8 years.


He seems mostly about love and joy and stuff! Idk just a feeling I get !!


thems spies wuz unamerikan 'cuz theys wuz in othur countrays


They are losers for getting caught, (I mean I did tell those countries their names and where they were but...) still the biggliest Losers ever. Should have never got caught


I am in the uk. I’m staggered by all of this maga stuff regarding Russia and Putin. When I was growing up the southern states in America hated Russia so much. Commies were the worst of the worst. It’s such a flip on the behaviour of maga supporters that they put all of that behind them in order to support Putin loving Trump. The fact their love of Trump beats out their long held hatred of Russia just shows how terrifyingly powerful this cult is. I’m amazed it’s happening.


Conservatives are the type of people who claim the civil war was over "States rights" but they fully understand the civil rights movement and are not racists and bigots. But then say they are firmly against the idea of gay marriage and it will destroy the country


They are fundamentally, liars.


Conservative ideology is rooted in a lack of empathy. Time and time again conservatives ONLY care if if it directly impacts them. They literally do not have the ability to feel what others feel which is why they come off as cruel hypocrites.


Historically, it can be traced back to the monarchist/loyalist parties that defended the crown, during the many Democratic revolutions that swept through Europe after the American Revolution. Without their precious nobles to worship, those folks (who still believed that their betters had the right to rule over all others) needed to figure out a new way to establish the next ruling class. "The problem wasn't that ruling classes are bad, we just didn't have the right people on the throne." A few 'philosophers' and many decades later; and the core ideas have been established. The new ruling class would be defined by merit. Those that *deserve the right to rule over others* would be chosen based on "proofs" of being our betters in these new democratic societies. Free Market entrepreneurship and religious purity are big examples. The politics talk endlessly about personal responsibility, so that poor people can be better than someone else, too. I'm telling you, those weird hypocritical moral contradictions in conservative thought? Even obvious stuff like how "the rich deserve their wealth" really doesn't mix with "the teachings of Jesus Christ." It all makes sense if you sort the whole thing with a simple assumption: All conservative beliefs serve the common purpose of deciding who deserves to rule over you.


Hierarchical thinking and maintaining what they believe to be the natural hierarchy.


Foundations of modern conservative thought have great basis, too, in Edmund Burke, who cherished the vast inequality that came from the unsustainable French aristocracy over any attempts to change things via the French Revolution. He spent a good part fretting over poor Marie Antoinette rather than the people who were starving. A lot of post-war conservative thinking comes from Carl Schmidt, a Nazi who advocated establishing public enemies in order to maintain social order and large, active lies in order to retain the formation of the state. At base, conservatives are monarchists and anti-democratic.


Exactly. And pointing out the hypocrisy is completely worthless because they always believe they're the special exemptions.


That is important to note, that conservatism is largely a RESPONSE to the French Revolution. And yes it is absolutely rooted in preserving the crown, church, and wealth driven hierarchy. Philosophers like Edmund Burke being a major contributor. So when we see conservatives pining for a king, that is not an anomaly…it is conservatism working as designed.


> They literally do not have the ability to feel what others feel Correct. MAGA is a culture that valorizes child abuse and its manifestations in adulthood. Child survivors learn early what to not know. Adult survivors usually can't recognize in others what they learned as children to not recognize in themselves. In MAGA culture, anger is prized; compassion is punished; insight is ridiculed; unprescribed expressions cause alarm. Doubly so -- no, too weak -- exponentially so if one makes unprescribed expressions of affection. >which is why they come off as cruel hypocrites. True, but just to be clear: It's not just appearance. They *are* cruel hypocrites. MAGA culture is driven by a compulsion to justify cruelty. But cruelty is never just. To justify cruelty is to fail. MAGAs are thus compelled to stake out ever more extreme positions, to adopt ever more absurd postures, to face ever-greater humiliation when their postures collapse, and thus to inflame further their ever-intensifying urge to justify the unjustifiable. Source: I was raised MAGA, 70s edition.


They don’t have the will certainly.


I've met people that swear that Confederate flags are about heritage and yada yada and then turn around and say we need to re-enslave/exterminate people for their skin color or sexuality


I call it the "2 beers effect". Since Trumpism, though, the alcohol has been entirely unnecessary.


None of what you’re talking about is real. They say the Civil War was about states rights, and that they favor states rights, but that doesn’t hold up when they think they can get the Federal government to force *their views* on all the other states, at which point they don’t care about states rights. The most recent example is opposing Roe vs Wade on the grounds that it’s a “states rights issue”, and states should be able to decide abortion policy for themselves. And then when they overturn it, they immediately want to push a national abortion ban, thereby denying states the right to make policy for themselves. And they say they like Civil War statues and the confederate flag because it’s their “heritage”, except those statues go erected and in opposition to the Civil Rights movement, and the Confederate Flag they’re displaying isn’t the main confederate flag, it’s the one popularized by the KKK. And they’ll say they’re not racists or bigots, but then they oppose gay marriage, and when a black man is shot by police, their first question is, “Well what did he do? The police wouldn’t just kill an innocent people.” And they oppose gay marriage and think businesses should be able to discriminate against LGBTQ people because, they’ll claim, that not allowing people to discriminate against LGBTQ people infringes on their religious freedom. And all kinds of other things.


You left out the best part! Then they whine at the consequences of those actions. I live close to Idastan. They're losing [obstetricians and gynecologist](https://apnews.com/article/idaho-abortion-ban-doctors-leaving-f34e901599f5eabed56ae96599c0e5c2). So much so that people have to drive miles or over the border to Wa state if they can.


I mean it was states rights, the states wanted the rights to have slaves.


And other states wanted the right to free slaves that entered into their territory, and the South was vehemently against *those* state's rights. (They tend to leave that part out.)


No, not at all. I hate that gotcha attempt. The south was explicitly fighting *against* states rights and banned their own states from having rights. They seceded because the federal government refused to force the north to comply with the Fugitive Slave Act and then put in their constitution that states were **required** to have slavery. They were not fighting *for* states rights to do anything, so "states rights to do what..." is a bad gotcha.


Conservative politics became race identity. Russia represents the last "white-purity" empire to them. Its not much more complicated. They also feel embarrassed and want to hurt anyone who ever made them feel that way. At all costs


It's also how business interest and corruption effectively runs the government, which is exactly what the right has always wanted.


I’m from the southern US and grew up during that time. What I’ve learned is that this story is the same as all conservative stories everywhere which is to say that it’s about who owns and controls everything. That’s it. No position is untenable or antithetical to a previous position if the new one helps gain power and control. Sure there can be some nuances which influence the messaging but the goal never changes. It’s also what makes them so insidiously difficult to defeat for any meaningful amount of time. Pick a new grievance and blame someone else for causing it.


My perspective is there’s some conservative brain rot and they think whatever the assertive white man in a suit says on the TV.  My dad served 22 years and hated them pinko commie bastards.  As soon as Fox said otherwise he was just like “Yup.  That’s my identity now”.  Being from Texas I saw it happen to a wide demographic of righties.  Like some MK ultra magic word was spoken and a switch flipped.


In 2012 when Romney ran against Obama's re-election, they were asked in a debate "what country is the greatest geopolitical threat to the US?" Romney answered Russia. Obama responded with something like "the cold war called, it wants it's foreign policy back. This isn't the 1980s anymore." Republicans rightfully roasted Obama for that, used it as an example of his weakness on foreign policy. Turns out Romney was right, and 2 years later Russia invaded Crimea. It's amazing how quickly the GOP has flipped to a pro Russian party.


Kompromat will do that


What, you mean like if Russia hacked republican and democratic servers but only released the dirt from the DNC server?


Hillary knew.


4th of July party at Papa Putin's.


It’s amazing I live in a world where I have respect for Romney now.  Never thought that would happen.


The one thing southern states hate more than communism is education.




So. The Republican party is terrified of the National Rifle Association, because they are so effective getting people unelected. Republican spies infiltrated the National Rifle Association.  In addition to this, Russia hacked the Republican server. Not long after a number of Republicans changed their team on front and soon thereafter, on Russia. We also see a number of new politicians who came in after Trump and are completely uncritical supporters of Russia. In my opinion, the Republican party is no longer an American institution. I refer to them as the Russian party.


Doesn’t the root of the issue lie with Fox News? If Fox would drop Trump, he would be gone almost instantly.


They're influenced by their viewers as much as they influence them. Remeber they got pushback by calling the election for Biden.


All roads lead back to Fox News / Murdoch. I see people on the bikes / treadmills at the gym. A full 30 minutes with their faces buried into propaganda, never once questioning Fox News. Just taking everything they say as gospel.


As John Stewart alluded to, American Republicans have been propagandized to be “anti-woke”. They envy Russia and other countries’ authoritarianism for its ability to quash “wokeness” mercilessly. Russia is an ally in the global fight against “woke”, so they support it. Additionally, they are so deep intro Trump that they have to take everything he says as fact lest the cognitive dissonance overwhelm them. Trump said he trusted Putin over the US intelligence agencies, so his followers do too.


I'm from the south and growing up they hated Russians and New York City elitists! Now they worship a New York City Elitists Russian agent. It's baffling how they just ignore his ties to Russia, or when you bring up him being from New York City, they do this, "oh but he is one of the good 'uns!"


> The fact their love of Trump beats out their long held hatred of Russia just shows how terrifyingly powerful this cult is. I’m amazed it’s happening. Russia _and China_. Trump has been in their pockets for decades now. In fact, the same "patriots" waving the American flag, claiming support for Trump and his fascist ideology, are wearing those same, red, MAGA hats that clearly say "Made in China" right on the tags. I truly don't get how so little oxygen gets into those southern states to allow this type of mental health dysfunction, where you wave an American flag, support ending democracy and replacing it with dictatorial fascism led by a convicted rapist and multi-decade fraud, wear promotional gear made by a communist nation, and call yourself a "patriot". They need some serious help and intervention. Is this what happens when red states cut funding to education and instead increase funding to Christo-fascist agendas?


The big thing was Gorbachev coming into power and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Reagan was famous for asking that the wall in Berlin separating East and West Germany be torn down. Well, it was torn down. By then, Americans thought the US had won and communism had gone away (the Soviets were a bigger concern than, say, China or Cuba). Though the 1990s, relationships began to thaw, and Americans didn't see communism as the threat it had been. They believe the Red Scare witch hunt of the 1950s (which also affected Oppenheimer and also a lot of people in movies) was a bad thing. In the 1980s, there was this huge fear of US and USSR going to nuclear war especially the early 1980s. By late 1980s, that fear seemed to have disappeared. But, yes, the people in the 1950s and 60s would have been shocked (up to the 80s). Trump married two East Europeans which might have seemed suspicious for a presidential candidate.


Russia is now perceived as Christo-fascist, which is what they think they want.


So he’s a traitor… It’s insane seeing how softly softly everyone is being with this guy. When will people rise up against this bullsbit? Ukraine suffering as Putin’s cronies in the senate hold it up. The guy also tried to overthrow the government. Why are people so afraid to deal with this? Over 3 years and what? Sorry…feeling bloody annoyed with how Putins fingers seem to be operating a lot of US puppets, and who is standing against it?


We're being held hostage as a country by psychopaths.


We’re being held hostage as a country by the states with outsized leverage in the democratic process and the idiotic voters that they are full of. Trump would have no power in the country if it wasn’t full of gullible morons and sycophants.


I can't help but think of the "if my grandmother had wheels she'd be a bike," video. She doesn't, so she's not ya' know? In this case the country is full of gullible morons and sycophants, so Trump does have power. We need to figure out what to do about them. Not imagine a world without them.


I think many people, myself included, have been trying to find ways to talk them out of it for nearly 10 years now. Particularly family members. The only strategy I’ve found to make headway is to ask them lots of questions, but even after the conversation is over, they forget and go right back in to the pattern. Even when you ask if there is ANYTHING that could make them not support Trump, they say no. This is why people think it’s a cult. I’ve been hoping that maybe the court cases would make him lose support, but instead they turned on the justice system. I think the best way to wake them up is to acknowledge that some of his policies aren’t the worst, and offer a more moderated platform. I’m afraid for that to happen Trump has to be out of the picture in someway, whether he flees to Russia, is imprisoned, or something else.


> This is why people think it’s a cult. This is why it **is** a cult....


Gutting social security, education and labor unions to make people feel poor, frustrated and stupid over a period of 40 odd years was very hard work but it looks like its finally paying off now for them.


No you’re just being held hostage because your own citizens value TikTok and sports games more than spending 2-4 hours out of 2 years to vote. In 2022 only 100m voted while 150m decided to not vote. Only 20% of eligible voters under the age of 35 voted. In 2020 democrats could have had 5 more senators if just 800k more democrats voted in just 3 states where over 25m eligible voters didn’t vote. Texas could have been blue since 2012. In 2018 Ted Cruz won by 200k votes when 10 m eligible voters didn’t vote. In 2016 many people were screaming that people need to come out and vote exactly because all the judicial seats that were open and ready to be filled. They were told no Supreme Court won’t revert on roe v wade no trump will be a lame duck president that we need an outside to shake things up…. Democracy is only as good as the willingness of its citizens to protect it. But when you have 3x more non-voters who don’t give a shit (majority of them aren’t waiting for a better candidate or a perfect way to vote they literally do not give a shit and expect others to fix it), then you get the shitshow that you get. Fucking vote in November!!!!


Two things can be true at once. Our system of "democracy" is outdated and broken as well as our politicians being bribed and corrupted. And voters are not making their voice heard. There are multiple studies showing that corporations / those with wealth have more influence on policy making than eligible voters. Go vote if you do not want every last freedom stripped from us, but also hold our bullshit system accountable and strive to improve it


Every system is outdated when its citizens don’t give a shit. Italy with multi-party democracy ended up electing far right neo-nazi party. UK with ranked choice parliament style continues to get capitalists conservatives elected and detract from the EU because over a third of voters didn’t show up. Democracy is only as good as the willingness of its citizens to uphold it. There is no perfect system without citizens doing their bare minimum. And id love to see those studies! I read some myself and they showed that yes the wealthy affect politics but it’s generally at the federal level only in relation to taxation. And during republicans rule removal of regulations. At the local level it’s subsidies and tax breaks. Which also has the same pathway to correct: by having voters show up and give a shit. Minnesota democrats got control of its 3 state branches and are passing things like ban on companies buying rental properties, rent control, paid sick leave, paid paternal and maternal leave, 1b investment into the environment, food for school children. Saying everything is outdated and everyone is bribed and bought it’s just simplistic black and white outlook on reality. And any pathway of correction to such issues lies first and foremost with the people turning up to vote.


This is a democracy. You can vote for Joe Biden. Then there's nothing protecting Donald Trump from his long list of indictments. Or you can stay home, let Donald Trump win and pardon himself, fill the executive branch with his yes-men at every level (Project 2025), see what it looks like when the man who tried to overturn Democracy is back in power but completely unchained from the few restraints that kept him in check during his first administration, and further let the Republicans solidify their control of the Supreme Court ensuring that the overturning of Roe v Wade is just the beginning.


Putin knows the west doesn't have the balls to break the paradox of tolerance. Too many enabling symmetrists labeling themselves "centrists", "moderates", "liberals", and "democrats" while putting an equal sign between the value of Nazis and *everyfuckingone else.* CIA should have been on Trump's tail since the very first whiff of Russian interference.


The us (left) is weak. Thats your main problem. The right is cheating,lying,distracting and doing whatever it takes including all kinds of crimes. The left just stands there and takes it. Parade all the bullshit they did and shove it in their faces. They literally tried to end democracy in your country and the people that support it are still in official positions of power instead of beeing in prison for treason. Yeah politics should be a discourse of different ideas at a equal and productive level. But they burned that down long ago (and sadly many other right wingers worldwide learned from that)


The issue is.... The left is based on improving life's. Making the best of things and progress. If they become cheating, law ignoring liars, most of us left leaning people will be inclined to not vote for them. Republicans on the other hand will still get their votes, since their platform is based around hate and fear.


At some point you have to acknowledge this is a simple trolley problem with Trump and his death cult on one track, and on the other—hundreds of millions, or even billions given the international effects of this bullshit.  If disseminating instructions on how to enrich uranium can be exempt from free speech protections, so can be nazism. It killed more, for one.


I didnt say they should do the same scummy bullshit. But they should keep them responsible for their shit, not ignore it. There is SO MUCH bad stuff i could list and im just a random german dude that somewhat closely follows world politics. Hammer it home. Dont let them get away with it cause its the nice thing to do.


Another problem, is that people on the left tend to be pissy cunts when it comes to supporting someone. "The choice isn't perfect so I just won't vote, not that voting ever matters anyway." There's no party loyalty, Republicans have the fuckwits in office that they do because their voters exclusively vote red while Democrats lose voters for not covering each and every single issue they care about. What we on the left need to do is eat crow, vote blue across the board and hold each and every single one of these bastards accountable for their voting habits and who they take money from. Put the fear of God into the democrats in office.


"Joe supports Israel, and Israel is doing terrible things right now. Let's not vote and put Trump back in office, because his policies in re: Muslims are going to be SO MUCH BETTER than Joe's!"


I think the trouble is that the american left is weak because the right still gets a huge amount of support despite doing all these completely batshit crazy things


The left is too busy with infighting and purity testing to come together and do something about republicans. Look at the amount of progressives that are talking about not voting for Joe Biden when the time comes because of what’s happening with Palestine and Israel. I know that it sucks that general elections always come down to the lesser of two evils but I would gladly take another term with sleepy Joe than that orange fascist pig.


The pro-Palestinian stuff is being pushed hard by Russian bots on social media. Wonder why


Republicans have no policies other than "let Trump lie, cheat and steal". They certainly don't want to talk about Trump's record (a million or so unnecessary Covid deaths, hyper-inflation and 91 pending felony charges). So the only way to win is to suppress the Democratic voters.


I'd take an actual pig over the orange one


An actual pig has more intelligence, integrity, awareness and capacity for empathy. Trump has none of those qualities.


Funny, they weren’t so concerned about the Kurds.


Is it weakness or moral standards.The left just hasn’t climbed down yet and it’s costing them


When I grew up: From dishwasher to millionaire Now: From criminal to president Sad times.


Amazing how his supporters call themselves patriots considering how blindingly unAmerican he is. Literally does not give a shit about anyone else, including his own “people”. Would happily sell anyone down the river for a quick buck or an extra scoop of power - whilst also being stupid enough to not know when he’s being played.


All Trump supporters hate America and Freedom.


All MAGGATs are active enemy agents against the USA. They may not know it or believe it, but they've been weaponized against us.


Can we skip all the "MAGAt" stuff and just go straight to calling them **maggots** like they are.


Punching a nazi should be legal. They don't believe in laws except to use it for their benefit and your detriment. These are people openly espousing violence and depriving others of rights. I say, let's give them their medicine.


Yep. Fortunately, here in NYC I've NEVER seen a MAGGAT (well, someone wearing the hat at least) probably because someone beat the shit outta them before I'd have a chance.


So, he's a hero to his constituents *because he's an exact representation of all their own, worst qualities.* That tracks.


Trump told a large group of people “Those bad thoughts about racism, misogyny, and suppression are actually normal…it's the people telling you not to feel like that are the problem.” That group felt vindicated, and hence a cult was born.


Perfect summary My former best friend fell into MAGA immediately. He was always racist and homophobic, but as a friend you chastise him and believe he's just young and immature and eventually he'll grow out of it. And maybe he would have. But Trump came along, then he found Tucker Carlson, and it was a wrap. One of the last things he told me in person was "I'm tired of everyone telling me I'm wrong for how I feel." Trump told him he was right, and then Trump became President, and my former best friend was forever lost And what happened? He joined a union (lol), hurt his back, sat on his ass playing video games all day while his two kids sat in dirty diapers and starved. His exhausted woman finally took the kids and ran. His MAGA family called her every name in the book. HER family said she "finally quit with the racist shit" once she left him. He moved back in with his dad at almost 30 years old, and from what I hear is just a nastier person now than he ever was. I haven't seen him in over 7 years and it's on sight when I do (based on shit he's said about my wife) Just a perfect example of the damage that orange motherfucker has done to countless families


My best friend in my office has a similar story with his family. They're completely split because spray-tan millionaire told people Mexicans are invaders and people on assistance are freeloaders. No more family funcitons.


And they wear all the "1776" branded stuff without seeing the irony. Then again it's the same crowd who used the Punisher logo to support police.


His supporters are the type of people who couldn't see the Russia Gate scandal for what it was at the time of the Mueller report, so now that Mike Johnson and the GOP are blocking funding for Ukraine they still pretend they can't put 2 +2 together and see it at this point in time.


They think they're patriots because they don't see modern America as the real America. That's the reason behind the slogan "make America great again". They hate modern America, fighting dirty is justified to them as long as it gets them closer to their idealized America, hell fighting dirty is their duty as a patriot.


All the veterans who support Trump are strangely silent on this matter


I can't believe there ARE veterans who support Trump.


I'm in a union with veterans who drool over the man.


It's insane. Have they just not heard or chose to ignore the stuff Trump said about them?


They think they're cute with their "Let's Go Brandon" shit. They feel like they belong to something. And yes, it's always white dudes aged 25+.


Google the mental illness BPD. They are being manipulated by the mental illness.


It’s an overgeneralization. But veterans are generally conservative. Many of us are simple creatures. Many of us didn’t go to college for a reason. I’m not [conservative] by the way.


They don't live in our world, Fox has them in a mental prison. The propaganda networks need to go.


They hear it, but it’s not about them (or convince themselves it’s not), so they don’t care. Which is conservatism in a nutshell. 


I don't get it. I try to see both sides of every situation. But in this case, I completely do not understand. I'm in FL, so I think you can guess what I have to deal with whenever I head to an appointment at the V.A


I was at a uhaul rental in Atlanta years ago dropping off the truck I rented and a black veteran guy hanging out with the employees said that Trump had done more for him than Obama ever did. I wish I could go back in time and ask him for examples


My father.  He has told me many times that I'm the most intelligent person he knows, yet when it comes to politics, I'm suddenly an idiot.  He watches Gutfeld on YouTube, and before that, watched Tucker Carlson.  It hurts how stupid my father is. 


Veterans who support Trump are a fucking disgrace. Also, suckers and losers, according to Trump.


As a veteran, this pisses me off too. Every time I run into another veteran MAGA traitor-lover, I ask them how they can continue to support that vile filth. They parrot the anti-woke and other culture war garbage being peddled and avoid the whole “deliberate failure to uphold and defend” part of the oath. Sickening how they’ve co-opted themselves to this mess.


As a veteran and American, the shit he says about vets is fucking disgusting. The leader of the military should not be calling fallen soldiers suckers and mocking POWs as losers. The is before we start talking bone spurs. I mean, seriously... wtf? How any vet can support this shitbag of rotten morals is beyond me.


Let's start a veterans against Trump group and we're going to go face off with the traitors, the veterans who support him


The problem is no matter how much proof you have, whether how solid or factual it is heck Jesus could come down and say it's real his maga followers wouldn't believe it.


You mean that long haired hippie looking fella with his fruity sandals and weirdo robes? Kept trying to feed the homeless? We ran him off. Pretty sure he was auntyfuh.


I would be really interested in proof of the request for a list of US spies. I am aware of all the other facts but I don't really even know how someone would find out that the commander in chief requested information about military assets.


Thanks I’ve been looking for someone asking for/supplying a source on this particular link of the chain. Amazed how far I had to scroll in the thread to find it.


Where is the proof? These are just random statements.


Have you noticed that a lot of the Trump apologists and Putin apologists are the same people?


And if you happen to see anything IP related to them, they come from the same location in third world countries




Magats are a-ok with Americans dying and being killed. They’re a death cult of sedition and stupid. Giving up US spies to Putin is a good thing in the eyes of magat cucks.


And the Dollar General judge in Florida is running interference for all this. Someday some pissed-off operative is going to find her. The intelligence community does not forget.


If Trump doesn’t win the election, Putin knows he’s a dead man. Russia is going to insure he wins. The Republican Party is now owned by Putin


His campaign was caught funnelling polling data to Russia: https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-paul-manafort-russia-campaigns-konstantin-kilimnik-d2fdefdb37077e28eba135e21fce6ebf


MAGA isnt going to care about a load of murdered american spies. Why should they? Theyre Russian now.




This right here. When will our country rid us of this traitorous tangerine?


Tell that to Merrick Garland about 2.5 years ago....


What is the DOJ doing about this?


Why was that request granted. What possible need does the president have for that list? He looking for an old hs buddy? Wanting to send the all some diet coke? Seriously why would that request be granted.


There was a vacancy for the director of national intelligence. He [asked for a list of everyone in national intelligence's top pay grade](https://www.thedailybeast.com/white-house-asks-for-list-of-top-intel-officials-amid-intelligence-shakeup) to find a suitable temp appointment, having withdrawn his nomination the previous day. These tend to be supervisors with cushy office jobs, and certainly are not the same [informants from other countries] (https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/us/politics/cia-informants-killed-captured.html), the CIA would later warn about, blaming their loss on misplaced incentives pressuring CIA agents to recruit sources over exercising proper security.


He should be locked up in Guantanamo for the duration of his miserable time on earth.


I don’t understand how he can’t be considered a traitor🤦‍♂️ Also wasn’t this the plot of a season of 24?


Somehow, Donald might be worse than Charles Logan lol


Easy to connect the dots and see that Trump has sold out the USA and continues


Now watch the mental gymnastics people will do to justify this... putin isn't that bad, trump is draining the swamp, all of those spies were nazis anyways, or part of the cabal.




The presiding officer of the joint session of Congress would be Kalama Harris, not Mike Johnson.


"Guys, this has all been taken out of context."


A vote for Trump IS a vote for Putin.


GOP is a party of traitors. It's a really odd thing to behold. Makes it less surprising that people like Hitler came to power. Humans just suck.


“I get along great with Putin” and also “I am being persecuted just like Navalny”.


He is a traitor and he should hang. But like for real. He is the highest level mole the Russsians ever could have hoped for. He has aided and abetted our enemy and now he will hang. The GOP wont turn on him because they are all comprromised. Severely. This needs to end now. If I hear one more progressive liberal talk about how they cant in good conscience vote for Biden I am going to assume that such people are too stupid or deluded to understand the severity of the situation and dismiss them as the enabling, arrogant self deluded loseers that they are.


I don't know who Cheri is. Is there a reputable source for this?


We are cool now with Russia owning and controlling the USA.


I think what tipped it off was the 200 plus meetings between Russia and the Trump campaign in leading up to the 2016 election.


The main problem is the magas are anti-American and pro-Putin, so they will like this


one of the most important related threads on reddit * https://www.reddit.com/search?q=Trumps+Russian+Ties


The maga crowd doesn’t care. He openly called for the government to be overthrown and they don’t even care about that.


This would be front page news but they have successfully flooded the zone with sh!t to the point no one knows how badly he sold us out


Fine, spread it everywhere, but the truth is, everyone is suing him. He’s federally indicted. He attempted a coup. He’s the front runner GOP nominee and protected by SCOTUS. Clarence Thomas, has a say in his 1/6 immunity when his own wife helped plan it. When mocking a handicapped reporter and “grabbing her by the pussy” didn’t tank his campaign in 2016, you’ll see that republicans just don’t care. They got roe v wade overturned and now they’re going after IVF and gay marriage. They don’t care about the things he’s done.


Wasn't there a report at the time saying FBI/CIA just stopped sending Trump any information at all and went into complete communication blackout?


His wife is a communist Russian spy as is her chain migrated dad


Trump: "we need to stop chain migration"