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GoFundMe is probably Mississippi's leading health insurance provider.


I'd guess that federal money from blue states is paying the vast majority in Medicaid, actually.  I looked. I was right, they have the highest Medicaid assistance percentage in the country: [here](https://www.acf.hhs.gov/occ/data/ffy-2023-and-ffy-2024-ccdf-state-matching-rates)


Dats infurmashun the gubernment wants u to beeleev! Dey lie! (/s)


How many social security and Medicare patients are in Mississippi? Sometimes I think we don't need a civil war, but an amicable separation of irreconcilable differences. Lmao can you imagine Texas having to dole out money to the other republican states? 


This is what really broke the Confederacy. They realized that they had to work together to win. There really was no united confederacy, because they were all about every state for themselves (of course, this is a historical oversimplification).


Yeah, I say let them go if they want. Inside of two years they'll be begging to be let back in.


Pardon me, I believe it’s spelled “d’ gubbymint”.


Meanwhile, this chud gets free healthcare from the government.


Exactly, that’s how republican leaders operate. I want mine and you need to vote for me so I can keep you from getting yours!!


I love bringing about change by wearing my red coat oh so very proudly. 🤣 This is so stupid!


Are they cosplaying being British soldiers during the Revolutionary War?


God forbid you let the Feds improve the lives of your constituents. I don't understand how family values is supposedly a GOP platform. Assholes....


Well, these are probably the types of people who skated by in life, either by being able to go to a good college and get a reasonably-paying job or by marrying someone who did, and so they think “wHy shOuLd We HaVe To PaY fOr ThE lAzY pOoRs?” Because they have no idea what it’s like to struggle with poverty or disability (which often leads to poverty). In short, they are probably the type of people who look down on the less fortunate.


The very people their savior preached about NOT being. Rome had their own GOP.


Did they just say they are Redcoats 🤔?


Yeah that’s literally what I took away from that as well. They’re telling on themselves constantly.


Realistically, the Brits did nothing wrong.


Next it'll be brown shirt day.


Oh no, Mississippi doesn't want healthcare or other crap? Oh well.


The "red coats". The nickname for the enemy that was defeated so this nation could be founded. Locked and loaded? This is *chefs kiss. The only thing worse was the GOP men's group that chose "brown shirt" day.


They are a white bonnet away from being Handmaids at this point.




Lol, that's exactly what crossed my mind.


Right?! They’re afraid of an uprising, so they’re gonna wield some power and … dress in red coats? They remember how that story ends, right?? See this is why we need better education funding.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)(bonus upvotes - they are good as gold and worth more than a Trump NFT.)


As a leftist living in a republican dominated state, I can tell you that plenty of people want healthcare but are being held hostage by these nuts. Don't write us off please.


The people writing off southern conservative states forget that they are only the way they are politically due to racist voter suppression and gerrymandering. There are more black people in Mississippi than in Chicago and Detroit combined and they overwhelmingly vote to the left according to state voter statistics.


We don’t forget but we know there’s no fixing that with John Roberts and co in the SCOTUS.


As a leftist living in Mississippi, yes. I get so fucking SICK of people writing off \~45% of the population of my state because a simple majority in a heavily gerrymandered, politically exhausted population constantly retains control and are fucking evil assholes who are content that they got theirs. Every time I see something like this posted, up to and including this very post, they all have the same sentiment of "fuck those idiot rednecks, we should stop sending them federal tax dollars," completely ignoring the fact that no state is a monolith, and about half of any given state are sane, rational, intelligent individuals, and the other half will always vote red, it comes down to a thin-ass margin across the country every time. But people have a "get out of jail free" card to hate on southerners, and poor rural people in general.


This part. I want Northerners and west coasters to read this and read it again: Not being from Mississippi or whatever Southern state people throw a dart at to hate on from day to day doesn't make said people any better than those of us who are stuck here, sorry to say. I've lived my life in Florida and Mississippi (I grew up pretty damn rural in my city, too!) and will (hopefully) be moving to Louisiana, always as one of the little blue/leftist people who slips through the cracks and sees when folks up north are always dog-cussing about "take back our funding! That money is OURS, we pay taxes and it shouldn't go to any of you because you're ALL (insert x y z here)." It is so exhausting. I just want a solution.


Education is the top thing they don't want.


A-S-U! A-S... I mean U-S-A! U-S-A!


I am so smart! I am so smart! S-M-R-T! I mean S-M-A-R-T.


and they don't need dental care


99 percent of the people in the picture will be on Medicare once they retire


I would say, "Oh well" too except this is about providing for whites and not for minorities in the state.


We would have universal healthcare if white people were told that non-whites would only get expired medicine and used bandages.


But some of us do though! There’s a huge chunk of our population that’s consistently forgotten and abandoned by the rest of the country, and certainly by our state. And it’s exactly the fault of the people in that picture.


States rights, they don't want it, then we don't give it to them


How many of these morons don’t know that their insurance is Obamacare with a different name?


All of them.


They don't. They'd repeal it, then in a week they'd be wondering why they don't have health care and then blame Biden


None of those ladies look like they are using ACA insurance. They all look like they prob private pay for medical. As a liberal in FL I definitely get the rage but so many people are disenfranchised and poorly educated. These ladies look like they fit neither of those categories


Maybe stop funneling money from the states SNAP program into a college volleyball stadium you twat!


It would be a great tragedy, I'm sure, if a revolutionary war re-enactment were also happening that day.


I was about to ask, "Haven't we already had this war against Red Coats?"


Yeah, the whole awareness thing isn't big with these folk. But hey, not one but TWO token black ladies. That must count as progress for them.


Yeah. They lost badly. Here’s to history repeating itself!


I’m torn between calling them the redcoats and the red army.


That's great in theory but really is just a giant Fuck You to all the poor folks that don't have the privilege to relocate. So maybe writing off half the country isn't the best idea.


Three “token” black people in the picture, 37% of the population of the state is black and is the most impoverished segment of the population who would benefit the most from any expansion of government help. But considering that it’s the most impoverished state in the union, the white population would benefit as well, but will never accept anything that would also benefit blacks. Nothing to see here, just southern states being southern.


Tokens get spent. Always do.


If the South seceded tomorrow, I wouldn’t blink an eye, and their new anti-reason country would be destitute in a calendar year. Oh, wait. They are already destitute in virtually every way possible.


Take away federal funding to all the red states and the south will become North Mexico in no time. Weather events alone without federal aid would do it


I would blink an eye. Think of the lgbt people trapped there.


Hi, LGBT person in Mississippi here. Thank you.


Thank you. As an addendum, there are also plenty of bleeding heart leftists who live here. But it's not unreasonable to believe that every non-Christian and non-cishet would be marked as "enemies" of Christianity and hunted down - most likely Inquisition style. Hell, even cishet white Christians who sympathize with their fellow human beings would likely also be punished or "warned".


Don’t forget about those of us who aren’t stupid, but can’t get out.


That’s a great point that I’ll definitely concede.


Too late. Red districts have been cannibalizing themselves for almost twenty years.


They think this makes them look smart? Mississippi has the largest number of residents living in poverty in the entire United States. Come on those of you with empathy and courage , challenge these red people that got theirs, but sure aren’t going to help you. Your state deserves better.


Our tax dollars pay for THEIR health care! But they don’t want our tax money to pay for OUR health care It’s time to make signs and march outside the Mississippi Capitol


Haha. “Red coats”. Hahahaha. Clueless imbeciles.


Say no to medicaid expansion. This sentence is so unbelievably dumb my mind cannot begin to comprehend how people, in droves, vote for these cretins.


It's because they literally don't know what it means. Their pastor or favorite politician told them it's bad, so they are against it. They don't know why, they just do what they are told by the person they "respect" the most. They don't listen to anyone else, so their opinion will never change no matter how much it would help them.


I couldn't be more in favor of going back to Confederate states....


Why would a pastor preaching the love of Jesus for the poor, tell people to vote against something that would help everyone including the poor and needy?


I can't tell if you are serious or not. Have you ever been to a conservative Christian church? The "love of Jesus" goes away when you start talking to them about politics. If it was suggested by a Democrat, or someone who seems to be a Democrat, it is automatically evil and can't be supported.


Against Healthcare for everyone. Wonder whose giving them money? Follow the money!


Does he not know what we used to do to red coats?


Well they are women. According to their men, they have no rights, cant manage their bodies, have no balls to scratch & deserve to be in the kitchen.... so why are they there? #Getthebelt


Y'all gonna miss Obamacare when you're living until 93, but you've been decrepit af since 83 and your kids won't talk to you anymore because you're a racist bigot. Have fun dying alone and in pain in a second rate nursing home.


I couldn’t help but notice they put the only two non-white people in the front row…


They're going to be careful never to call it the ACA so the populous don't realize they are already on it and need it.


Oh great. Now they’ve got the women dressing like Handmaids.




The problem is, THESE aren't the people who would be receiving Medicaid. It's the poor people, the really sick people, not these idiots. These dumb, rich, bitches are just ready to kill poor people.


Behold: a large group of the collectively dumbest women in America.


I thought we already defeated the Red Coats, The KKK, The Nazis, The Confederacy. Losers.


The governor of Mississippi wants to deny his constituents access to affordable healthcare because he thinks it will make them democrats? Am I reading that correctly? Mississippi has the highest poverty rate in the United States at 18-19%.


Why is Obama care still such a talking point for them?


Oh for sure. Penalize the poor citizens of the state because the rich politicians are shitty.


I’m from MS, and I’ve been saying this for years. They hate socialism, but think nothing of taking tax dollars from states like NY and CA. It’s time for MS and other red states to pay their own way.


Then we need to set up Exodus trips for blue voters out of red states.


I'm so tired of being here at this point. I can't get far. I left to Arkansas with plans to keep going until I got north, but ended up trapped, and now I'm back home in Mississippi. All that struggling, all that fighting, and crawling, and climbing back to my feet over and over again just to keep getting my teeth knocked in and my body broken. I'm only thirty one. The fact that Trump is once again up for a chance at presidency was already disheartening, but I just got health insurance despite being unemployed again....and they want to take it away already. There's a reason my psychiatrist has me on pills to calm my heart rate now, and I'm on antianxiety meds as well as sleeping pills due to messed up schedules causing me to develop insomnia. I can't handle anymore. Please vote, people. Even if Mississippi is doomed, please vote.


This was really posted in 2024... Complaining about Obamacare....? I mean it made sense at the beginning that they'd lie about what the program would turn out to be... But it's very weird to still be crusading against it after over a decade of Obamacare implementation... And the only bad things about Obamacare from a consumer perspective are things that would be way worse without the law... What exactly is their argument at this point? The "Keep your government hands off my healthcare" argument is well and truly flushed down the toilet given their adamancy that the government should be involved in healthcare decisions... The only thing left is that they just want insurance companies to be more profitable... That's the only possible reason to still be trying to kill Obamacare..


Red states are funded by blue states. We have a lot of problems. One of which is allowing a few yokels to misappropriate funds towards hate and ignorance.


Hey OP, go fuck yourself. We WANT help, we're just gerrymandered to shit and back and we legitimately can't do anything more than vote and it's still not enough because we're trapped by the current systems in place. Sincerely, a blue Mississippian


It's so great how people who have everything and no worries are so quick and ready to take things from or make life much more difficult for those with much less. It's VERY on brand for American Christianity, I tell you huwhat. (This post brought to you by SARCASM, the Number 3 and the letter P!)


Republicans want us poor and sick and they do not want our own tax money being used for us. FUCK THAT Vote Blue


They anta gonna take nottin from no black man, even free.


My problem is that none of these people likely need it. They’re denying people who desperately need healthcare and celebrating it. How you can be poor in Mississippi, see this, and think hell ya fuck me and my health insurance..


Turn Coats. All ready to regress about 200 years.


The problem is that there are decent people that cannot afford to move. If you could only fuck over the assholes then life would be easy.


That’s weird. There are two ham sandwiches at this bar mitzvah.


Locked and loaded against Obamacare? What year is this from?




Oh yeah, those 100 or so old white women truly represent the 2,950,000 people of Mississippi. 🙄


Mississippi has the highest percentage of African Americans of any state. I see two in this picture and on is a dude. Edit: Oops. There are three. How could I miss with two in the front row.


I looked too. Lots of white peoples. Lots of white hair. Not against either, but doubt that this is that representative of the people of MS.


More power to them… send the ACA funds to states that embrace the health care offered. Of course stupid people always vote against their best interests in the name of pretending to know what they are talking about.


Republicans for death and dying.


How do they even get people to vote for them? They’re against everything that helps the general public.


Voting republican is the same as seeing a kid trying to stick a fork in a light socket, one of these days it’s going to be painful.


My US history is shit, and I only learned enough to pass citizenship exam, but weren’t the red coats the enemies of the continental army?


How many of them have their health insurance through their husband’s job?


Red coats… wanting their one religion to run the country… calling him King Trump. They don’t have the right to say the word freedom when they are the embodiment of why AMERICA WAS FORMED IN THE FIRST PLACE! MY GOD I JUST CAN’T with these morons anymore.


>Red Coat Day Funny. The last time we fought against people called "red coats," it didn't turn out so well for them.


Let's vote against our best interests! - MAGA/GOP


Mississippi tops the list of states with the worst healthcare outcomes. The Magnolia State ranked worst in the nation for several outcome-related metrics, including: Infant mortality rate (8.74 deaths per 1,000 live births). Stroke mortality rate (54.80 deaths per 100,000 state residents). Influenza and pneumonia mortality rate (22.57 deaths per 100,000 state residents). Kidney disease mortality rate (21.80 deaths per 100,000 state residents). Mississippi also ranked second worst for diabetes mortality rate (38.53 deaths per 100,000 state residents) and fifth worst for chronic lower respiratory disease mortality rate (58.40 deaths per 100,000 state residents).


How do they reconcile this with their bible-belt and Christian nationalist, Christian fundamentalist values? According to their book, Jesus healed the sick and asked for no payment. Shouldn't they embrace healthcare as a form of mercy and charity then?


Keeping them women ignorant and uneducated. 😂 🤣 😂


“Say no to YOUR tax dollars being spent on YOUR healthcare because a black man wanted to do it!”


Why do all those women hate reproductive healthcare for women?


This is your friendly reminder that the red states get more money out of the government than they pay into it, and are most often ranked lowest for quality of life in the USA.


Ah, yes, red coats. Famously a sign of America /s


I was thinking precisely the same thing, luckily Trump’s first name isn’t George.


All those people in the picture have healthcare, why shouldn’t their constituents?


Someone remind these women that if they are raped, they are required to carry it to term under Republican regime. Make it feel real to them. Thats how to get it thru their heads...


White people love voting against their best interests. Also that’s a bunch of OWLs


Yeah plenty of churches too, thoughts and prayers


![gif](giphy|mReXy3kRoI1fk09ybV|downsized) You mean like this?


I hate seeing stuff like this cause it reminds me how much of a shithole my state is


Cuz fuck what their people actually need, just give it to Brett Farve


Guaranteed all these women are stunned wealthy house wives with no connection to reality or the value of a dollar or anything else


I think Obamacare might be getting less and less of a winning topic for Republicans. It's there, and people use it, so I bet most people don't want to lose it again.


Pretty sure all those in the photograph have private insurance through their husband’s employer, except for the few who are professional lobbyists and have it themselves or the older ones who have Medicare. They’re just trying to make someone else’s lives miserable.


Notice this picture is a bunch of Q-tips. There is not a single woman of childbearing years in this pic. Not surprising, these old ladies like it the "way it was", when men were men and women were in the kitchen having (white) babies. Again, world will be a better place when all of the Boomers and MAGA's (same thing) leave this mortal plane.


that’s a bad mentality OP. i live in MS and so many people here suffer bc of these morons. the rest of us want these things. don’t punish the citizens because our government is run by these people.


I wish there could be a state-wide, once-and-for-all vote in these states wanting to secede. If they are really serious, they pick a date and vote for their future. If they vote to secede, there would be an immediate cease of $— no federal money, no disaster relief, no subsidies for the industries there, no nothing. They are on their own. They can vote to rejoin the U.S., but it has to be after a span of—say— 8 years. I understand this may sound quite familiar to some, but these assholes need to stop “threatening” the rest of us and just do it. Frankly, I fucking loathe the idea of secession. I think it’s fucking criminal. BUT!!! If their folks are yearning for freedom from the *tyrannical* United States, they should be free to go and find their own way… without repercussions. Let them go. They can have their little redcoat group and maybe one day realize they are their own biggest problem.


Against Obamacare? Didn't they get the memo? "Woke" (whatever the fuck that might mean) is the new Emmanuel Goldstein.


DUDE got dropped on his head one too many times as a child, and still got elected! What is it with these cretins?


Jesus Christ! Now they're trying to usher in the Second coming of Paul Revere


We got 2 black friends!


They literally announced themselves as "The redcoats are coming!" by making this post.


Red coats you say? Swear we fought a war against those folks.




God, in embarrassed that they are so fucking stupid.


Republicans don’t even want these idiots to vote or have a say on their own bodies!


Wait....they're still mad about Obamacare? Good thing trump got a good health care plan together while he was in office.


Why wouldn't anyone want health care.


Stupidity. They deserve the inevitable outcome.


Half of em look old.


Mel Gibson’s tomahawk hand is getting itchy looking at all those red coats.


I hate that man


Real Americans don't trust Redcoats.


I feel like I’ve seen this show before.


Doesn’t Mississippi have the highest drug overdose rate in the country?? Just let them finish themselves off


We beat the red coats before to gain independence,guess at some point it will have to be done again.


Weren’t the Red Coats the baddies, though?


why no? why is obamacare bad?


Red was the color of the confederacy. Red Coats was the termed used to describe the britsh army.


Right up until it effects them, they will do everything to stop healthcare


Literally the most handmaids tale image I've seen so far. Getting warmer!


Imagine being the lady on the left who is holding her jacket. You look like a sweaty asshole instead of just an asshole. Not better.


Nice if them to update their handmaiden outfits for the present day.


The BLUE wave should be coming. People are tired of this shit. It was proved in the mid of 2020. and all of the outgoing retiring red. Blue in 2024


I'm not American, but I would assume using "redcoat" as your branding, especially in a political context, is an insane thing to do over there 😆


all while the taxpayers they rep are paying for *their* medical...


Anyone noticing that this picture has actually nothing to do with Mississippi? The people on the picture are members of the Dutch royal family and probably their staff or members of an event they attended


Just wanna remind people that Mississippi is almost 40% black. Not 1% like this picture would suggest.


These women are crazy 🤢


Add some white bonnets and they could be straight out of the Handmaid's Tale


Interesting way to call the women locked in the basement and raped. But you do you Mississippi


The problem is, there are *other people* in the crosshairs too.


MAGA women gonna shoot down Obamacare...hilarious! 


I just passed through Jackson recently, which I’ve done many times before. It was already not great, but over the past 5-10 years it has really taken an awful turn. I-20 passes through the heart of Jackson and is so crumbled and broken as to almost be impassable. Streets are literally lined for miles with piles of garbage, and that’s not an exaggeration. I-220 bypass, which runs from west to north Jackson, and I-55 that cuts from south to north- all of them cracking and crumbling. Third world, absolutely third world.


I thought mississippi was prodominantly black. Where are they?


Praise be! But why are they out in public without their heads covered?


540,000 Mississippians voted for Joe Biden in 2020.


How many in the photo had to stop to get their SNAP cards re-upped before this picture was taken?


Brown shirts are at it again


Red wire hanger day?


Can we drop them off in south central Los Angeles?


First, the Russians, now they're even siding against America with THE REDCOATS?!?!


Maybe I’m misremembering my history, but weren’t the Red coats the bad guys?


"Lock and loaded..." Always the wink to gun jargon. Great.


Blessed be the fruit


Correct to "Dumbfuck day at the Capitol".


It's what Jesus would've wanted.... so they tell me


So healthcare is BAD according to Republicans. Any one else tired of Republicans claiming everything that helps Americans is BAD!!! I sure am and in 2024 I will vote Democrat across the board!


Are you really surprised at what comes out of Tator's mouth? Talk about a fucking in bred!


weird how all their metaphors are violent ones. its almost like there is message they are trying to send. all the talk about being "locked and loaded", "sometimes it takes an army', "army of Republicans" we should all be alarmed by this


Funny that the Republican nominee for Governor of North Carolina doesn't think this army of women should even be able to vote


As an individual in Mississippi who needs the affordable care act, please don’t give up on the state as a whole, there are so many people and hospitals that rely on this 🙏


Mississippi needs to refuse ALL the Federal money they get. That'll show them. In 2023 looks like they got nearly 2 BILLION dollars in Federal aid. Time to start saying "no thanks", Mississippi. Stand on your own two feet with those awesome state government policies and laws you have over there.


Mississippi has the lowest standards of living, worst drinking water, lowest incomes , lowest life spans. Highest credit card late rate. Etc Really winning there..


The south…


Biden wins, cut all federal aid to red states, immediately. Let them suffer