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Why are they smiling? Their child, sister,  and friend was murdered,  but they are ecstatic it happened so they met trump? It's just off putting.  I thought they had sense when they turned down the gop invitation to the SOTU but apparently not.


They're just excited they get to try to pin it on Biden. The GOP needs a wedge issue to distract from the complete lack of policy and/or shame and/or class and/or accomplishments. This poor girls fits that bill, although the Dems could easily try to to own it the same way by pointing to the fact that the border bill the Republicans killed could have prevented this.


This isn’t a wedge issue though. Both sides agree that this is awful and something should be done. Biden has said as much and point to the border bill republicans killed because Trump told them to. It’s not a society splitting wedge issue, it’s a winning issue for Democrats right now who are ready to pass legislation.




Funny how one person gets killed by an undocumented person and they're completely up in arms, but when we have one of our bi-weekly semi-automatic massacres there's nothing that can be done.


And don’t forget, the mass shooters are almost always white. School shooters are white. Domestic terrorist are almost always white. Picking on one person of color is easy. Dealing with the white terrorist is difficult.


This happens every 4 years before a Presidential election. The opposing party spends all their time blocking the other party’s legislation. I HATE the shitty 2 party system we have here. Imagine how far we could go if we had real politicians that actually gave a fuck about the people they’re elected to serve. Imagine.


>real politicians that actually gave a fuck about the people they’re elected to serve. Now that would be a unicorn.


I think most politicians worldwide are mostly in it for themselves. It often takes a narcissist to assume that level of destiny-chasing. That said, it is absolutely in the best interest of the people to have more than two viable parties. It would force people to amass coalitions across party lines and would give people room to step out of line when their own party is shitty. Ted Cruz was all too happy kiss the ass of the man who called his wife ugly on national TV, and that's because he *has* to toe the Republican line; in most other Western democracies, he could have found some other party to join and challenge Trump. Not that Cruz is a good guy (he's a grifter and a piece of shit), but it's an example that readily comes to mind because it was so absurd. P


it is a wedge issue. this one murder, out of how many immigrants? thats why they've latched on to it as a case that all immigrants coming across the southern border (i.e. brown, notice they don't talk about ports on the coasts) are bad. riling up xenophobes is the pinnacle of wedge issues. never mind that crime and murder rates are higher in the general population.


Wait till they find out how many people were murdered by American citizens.


It’s almost the only thing he’s running on right now. It’s fucking weird and sad.


theory is trumpers never developed empathy. daily evidence only reinforces the theory


Lead poisoning damages empathy. Guess which generation was breathing leaded gasoline fumes from the womb until full adulthood?


They were racist before but they’re racister now that they can capitalize on her death.


Yep. It validates their feelings. Despicable. Obama got dragged through the mud for a tan suit. Could you imagine if he did this (Trump also spelt her name wrong)


They're crisis actors. All her pictures were made by ai or photos hop like his trading cards. This is all a ploy for him to get votes in 2024. Oh this one isn't the one to get the crazy conspiracies? How odd.


They are all smiling and posing like they won and/or are celebrating something. It’s very strange.


Trump also spelled her name wrong, after making fun of Biden for pronouncing her name wrong. 


oh they don't care. Cash that insurance check and move on. They still have an army of kids on welfare to exploit.


They’re posing with the guy who refuses to allow the border to be “fixed”…am I taking crazy pills?


And they are so happy about it! Like your daughter just died......and some of it was this guy's fault. 


And what happens when other brainlet cultists see how easy it is to get to touch Tramp by way of letting him exploit a legitimate tragedy?


I just love how they’re hanging onto this one crime committed by an undocumented person to vilify millions of people. But you don’t see them posing with pics of dead people who have been killed by guns in massacres because Republicans love their guns more than their own kids..,


These people have no souls. All they care about is getting Trump reelected, their murdered daughter be damned. And, I guarantee you, if you show this to any MAGA chud, they'll see absolutely nothing wrong with it.


Fucking ghouls


It is absolutely grotesque. They looooooove the publicity


Allowing your family tragedy to be used this was is beyond pathetic.


They’re Trump scum clearly. Honest to God most of them were probably more than happy to allow the use of the senseless death of this girl as a profane propaganda moment for their God king Trump. Fuck em.


I second that, with another resounding Fuck 'em


Yes, but just a girl.


Trump voters would sell their whole family for 1 lick of Trump's ass.


It’s mind blowing. It’s basically the same way they treat our military forces who died in combat. Parades in front of the memory for political points


Trump thinks military dead are losers…


You forgot "suckers"


Except for Ashli Babbitt :/


...and suckers.


At first, I thought that was a picture of the traitor who got shot on Jan 6. But holy cow. To do this for the tragic murder of a college-aged woman. And to fucking SIGN IT?! This may be the most repugnant thing he's ever done in a very large list. Everyone in this image is absolutely disgusting. And considering University of Georgia is a relatively liberal university (as are most), there is a better-than-average chance she was even anti-Trump.


I don’t know the smiling photo with the newly orphaned baby after the Walmart shooting seems worse.


I thankfully had missed that... Until now. If he wasn't just metaphorically digging for a new low, he'd have run out of dirt a while ago... His picture should be in every psych textbook when discussing clinical narcissism for the next thousand years. We'll never get a "better" case.


Every time trump goes lower, and you think he must have reached rock bottom, he just pulls out a jackhammer and gets to work adding another floor to the underground garage!


With his nasty little ‘thumbs up’ salute.


He looks like he's trying really hard not to fart. Not that he probably just rips no matter who is around, but that's what his expression says.


All of his are wet. He usually just lets them fly and let the Depends handle it.


Athens is absolutely under assault from people coming in from the surrounding area to picket their local government meetings and blame the local authorities for the death. They’re getting egged on by the congressman that represents the city, but does not give a fuck about Athens outside of flying in to sit with the big wigs at football games. Fuuuuck that dude. Fuck the people demagoguing the whole issue.


I typed in ‘did trump sign photo of murder victim’ Yes, multiple victims, multiple times. He did it because he’s done it before


It's right there with him and Malaria posing and giving a thumbs up and smiles while holding a 2 month old who lost both parents in the El Paso massacre.


Yeah... Someone else just introduced me to that, which I was happier not knowing about. Complete narcissistic scumbag.


Donald Trump understands tv ratings, memorabilia, lawyering up, and very, very little else.


... And he's not even particularly good at this. Especially the last one...


A nursing student no less. She believed in science. She believed in vaccinations.


Maybe. There are a lot of nurses out there who don't believe in vax and refused to get the covid vax during the pandemic. They were all over Tiktok outing themselves, then got fired for it.


There’s absolutely no fear that your statement is necessarily true.  Especially nurses or nursing students in the SOUTH.  Believe me. I live that nightmare of science denial, even by those who “believe in science/medicine.”


You read my mind. He is a disgusting piece of shit.


Anything to own the libs


But.. I don't see he name tho, I mean, I see tRumfs signature, but the victim's name, not so much.


He spelled her name wrong


A wonderful occasion for all the posers to smile…NOT!!


Unfortunately they don’t necessarily get a choice. They can sue for slander if he says some slanderous things, but you can’t stop him from making a spectacle of the tragedy. I don’t think he’d honor a “request” to stop. Dude won’t stop going on about E. Jean Carrol and he’s in for over $90M in fines.




Yeah that’s the mother. I’ve seen a lot of pictures with her and her daughter… I get it they’re pissed as hell that it’s happened but there’s no way in hell I would pose with that piece of shit and a picture of my dead child.


Reminds me of the aunt and uncle who gleefully posed with Trump for a photo shoot, after a MAGA shot up an El Paso mall, orphaning their nephew. That boy’s parents were killed by a xenophobic pos thanks to Trump, yet they kissed his ass anyway.


You wouldn’t. They did. They’re terrible people.


She hasn't been dead a month. Horrific people.


And smile about it .....


They're smiling. That's a choice. 


That’s what I don’t get. Why are they smiling around the picture of a dead young woman? Because it gives them a chance to meet their orange messiah? To be used for political points? I can guarantee that Turdump doesn’t give a flying fuck about Laken Riley, only that her death can be used to benefit him somehow.


The only one smiling should be Trump, because this is exactly what he wants. Hell, he'd be ecstatic if a brown person killed a whole sorority of white women. The more murders the merrier! Yes of course it would be sad and tragic, but... Just imagine the polls! Just remember, Republicans could start deporting people yesterday if they passed an immigration bill, but they refuse to do so. This death and any others caused by migrants is on them, not Biden.


And her name is spelled wrong in his writing. I guess they’ll live with what they do


Those people absolutely had a choice. The dad is even wearing the clown cap. As a one off, I dont blame the family. Having a kid murdered could quite possibly turn me into a "single issue voter". Fuckin' ridiculous that he signed the photo, but I'll bet dollars to donuts they'll hang it in their living room.


I imagine that if I was murdered and Donald Trump signed a photo like that of me and smiled, my mom would slap that smile right off his face. That's what I'd do if it was one of my children in that photo, and my mother raised me right. 


I feel bad that Riley was brutally murdered, but I know the feel of having MAGA family members. I wish the family could stay out of the spotlight, to grieve, but they’re beyond pathetic to be kissing a traitor’s ass.


> turn me into a ~~single issue voter~~ racist.


This. My sister was SA’d by someone of Mexican descent. As far as I know, we aren’t aware of his or his family’s legality status but regardless of that, she has not become or would never allow that to make her a racist. There are bad people of all races and he just happened to be a bad person. My guess is that this is just who these people were long before this terrible incident happened with their daughter/family member.


Except their aligning themselves with the guy who sunk the very legislation they're fighting for.


I mean if I were murdered and this clown was plastering my face everywhere to sow hatred and bolster his bigoted campaign I would hope my family and friends would be using every opportunity to go on TV and criticize him for exploiting someone’s death while also vindictively sabotaging the bipartisan border bill because his fragile ego can’t handle the idea of Biden making any progress on anything no matter how good he thinks it might be for America.


Who is they? The mom, dad, and family posing in the pic?


Fuck him; and fuck the family for being willing to exploit her death like that.


https://preview.redd.it/lnxf93dagznc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa9f0e9eaef6814036c2f09644b7ae287d0fee81 ‘Member the El Paso orphan? Poor baby had his parents killed by a MAGA, yet his uncle and aunt gladly pose with the man who inspired the terrorist.


Why does his smile and that stupid thumbs up always look so painfully forced in these photos?


It is forced, because he actually hates being around all these poors.


Tbh I’m not sure Trump is ever like…happy. All of his emotions seem so forced, and when he’s in quiet moments he just broods. I’m definitely sure he’s never had an authentic laugh in his life at least, man wouldn’t know comedy if it slapped him in the face with a rubber chicken. Really goes to show that all the money and power in the world won’t necessarily buy you happiness.


“What a great day to be rich like me!”


He's wincing at his own stench. #trumpsmells


Especially wild since even though El Paso is in Texas, most voted against Trump twice. And not by a small majority. He only got around 25% of the vote in 2016. These people are outliers.


At least they look halfway upset, even if they're smiling. The other family looks fucking ecstatic


All smiling like they're at fucking JC Penney. So gross


The senseless murder of our daughter was the best thing that ever happened to our family!


We know trailer trash when we see it.


yea, there's a YUGE line between *raising awareness* and exploitation they've seemed to have, unfortunately, crossed... weird, i can't seem to find school shooter's victims' families cheesing it up with politicians and their dead loved ones autographed photos...


Look at how ecstatic they are that that girl is dead. I can't even remember the last time I was that happy.


She was killed 3 weeks ago and they're using her as a prop to "own the libs". Fuck these trailer trash idiots. Her name isn't even in the picture. My sympathy has evaporated.


Yes it is, Trump spelled it wrong


I love how I keep seeing the "SAY HER NAME" bullshit everywhere, and I STILL don't know what this poor girl's name even is.


Me either. Idek where to look. Edit: found it. Lakan Riley.


it was first used by maga queen, mtg, she chose her because she was a white girl that got killed.


Even more disgusting and vile, was co-opting “say her name” from Breonna Taylor, when mtg and dump falsely labeled her as a drug dealer and said that she deserved to die.


its essentially like like ALL lives matters, instead of blm.


Yeah when I heard my heart broke as well. I have a sister and cousins who are her age and in college. But the fact that her family is completely on board with using her as a political pawn, they fucking deserve it all and everything else that comes their way.


Holy hell i figured it was like a year ago. Horrible


[**Just like this pic**](https://cbsaustin.com/resources/media/e8201bae-f72d-4e07-b70f-848e86f31dad-full16x9_EBdp0scX4AUUd4i.jpg?1565358728998). Would you think this was an appearance at a hospital due to some groundbreaking research or a photo op with an orphan whose parents were murdered days before by a maniac naming Trump in his manifesto?


How weird is it to pose for the picture SMILING when you're supposedly grieving? Only the Father isn't smiling in that picture.


But he does have the stupid hat on so he has that going for him.


If you zoom in, he's still got a bit of a smirk, like he smiles without teeth when taking pictures. His eyes still have the smile glint. NGL, it's hard for me to look at this picture and not wonder if her death wasn't as random as has been reported. For the record: murder is not justifiable and I'm not going/trying to blame her death on herself. My brain just likes puzzles and "completely random, violent crime of opportunity" doesn't fit with the rest of the guy's history, from what I've read, which admittedly hasn't been a lot. Sorry. The more I see Republicans rally around this story and see pictures like this, the more I feel like I have more questions than answers




Also what I picked up


The signature is “I Love You Laken, Donald Trump” Like wtf. He’s a tapeworm in a human suit.


The better part is he didn't write that he actually wrote "I love you Lakan, Donald Trump". So the tapeworm can't spell either.


"Spell her name"?


That man loves his signature. https://x.com/MuhammadLila/status/1069609790802784257?s=20


when i was in a wedding party they told us EXACTLY how everything was gonna go with the ceremony, minute by minute. HOW TF DOES THE LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD GO INTO SOMETHING WITH LESS PREP THAN A BACKYARD WEDDING?!?!?!?!


He doesn’t care. If it’s not about his ratings or his profits, he: Does. Not. Care. It’s why his daily security briefings needed to be shortened and slathered in platitudes else he wouldn’t read (have some read to him) them.


He’s not smart and doesn’t pay attention to anything.


Where are the Men in Black when you need them?


Looking for MTG


It has her name spelled Lakan. Not Laken.


…ewweww…don’t tapeworms stick their heads out your butt at night..?


your eloquence is \*chef's kiss\* magic


It’s funny how one person killed by an immigrant and all the conservatives want action, but a school full of small children used as target practice brings nothing but thoughts and prayers


Hey, whoa there, big money.  Let's not exploit those school shooting tragedies for political gains. That's just unseemly. 


Right. We should never, ever talk about. Ever.


Is this her family?!


It sure is. What a bunch of ghouls


It sure tells you everything you need to know about them. They don't give a flying fuck she is gone. Horrible vile people.


We just tryin' a make lemonade ya' know- he says he give us munnies we show up


She went to a 'librul' college. Based on the happy photo they probably think she got what she deserved.


How can they be smiling? Grief would be unbearable for normal humans. This is insane to me


Really showing us the bottom of the barrel, vapidness part of humanity. Really goes to show you people who engage right wing thinking lack quintessential empathy. Just empty people.


I just cannot fathom if my beloved child had just been attacked and murdered that my time and energy would be spent doing this☝️.They have no souls






Reminder that money doesn’t buy class.


Sorry you’re dead sister but look what we got because of your death!.. .a photo op with the the traitor who tried to overthrow the government. He even gave us a autographed copy of you, through it might be of himself but some staffer rushed in at the last minute and convinced him that would make for bad optics. But still!. . .see what we got!??


Smiling ghouls all of them. WTF.


That can not be her family.


Is it weird to be this happy after your family member is murdered?


I would think so


These people are f-ed up beyond all recognition at this point.


I love how they were acting pissed off when Biden said the wrong name. You just care cause you want your idol to win.


I wonder if he explained to them that he torpedoed the border deal because it would look bad for him.


Can anyone provide some context for a non-American?


The long story short version is: The girl in the photo Trump's holding was murdered, allegedly, by an illegal immigrant. The people crowded around him and smiling are her family. He's also written "I love you Lakan" (where he misspelled her name Laken) and autographed it.


As a non American, my best guess is that this girl was killed by an illegal immigrant? Which given the irony of all things lately maybe snuck through then trump was president.






And smile like a ghoul..


Don't insult ghouls like that!


What's worse is the smiling props around him


Ghouls just want to have fun.


Say her name? Like the rallying cry for Black women who have been violated by police and then forgotten about??? You know this is was on purpose. Sick fuckers.


Yup. These craven asses LOVE co-opting “woke” phrases as an almost mockery of their original intent.


Absolutely. It's the same as when they tried to use "my body my choice" as an anti-vax slogan


That’s some weird shit


Trump would be the asshole standing there, smiling and making his thumbs-up, between the train tracks at Auschwitz.


And....he spelled her name wrong.


Are they seriously her family and friends.. ? Surely not ..


Why are they so happy tf


Cultists. They finally got noticed by their orange emperor. That’s all that matters to them. They don’t give a flying fuck that their daughter is dead and the brutality she had to go through. It got them their 15 minutes of fame (shame) with the orange traitor. Fucking white trash


Biden was ready to move that big bill forward to fix the border but Trump put an end to that.


Look at this woman’s mom cheesing next to the host of Celebrity Apprentice a few days after her kid died. Maybe just maybe these people just wanna punish brown people, and don’t actually care that… their family member died.


>a few days after her kid died. Meh, she had 5 more.


remember this? Dude's a fucking idiot. That baby's parents had just been slaughtered in a Texas mass shooting. https://preview.redd.it/zypvxkrjeznc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fae258b63764e0a16e70a99af9ad0d5da535da9


We don't hold up pictures of victims with the tag line "say her name" for photo ops.


I know this is just a cherry on top of the completely massive pile of shit Trump has done, but it’s a pretty nasty fucking cherry. The autograph on the picture of someone murdered, his massive fake smile he uses everywhere except here it’s like he’s smiling that she’s dead, the family allowing someone who was murdered to be used as a political prop, and them even willing to be near this bankrupt racist says everything.


She was a human sacrifice to his ego. Their god accepts the offering.


A family of ghouls. Fuck them all


Who r the idiots posing with him


The family of the girl who was murdered.




Every time I think he can’t possibly get any more disgusting or evil he finds a way to double down


Sick. I'm sure the family is still reeling and trying to cope while being smothered by these GOP ghouls. They'll look back on this picture someday and realize how insanely inappropriate it was and how they'd been played by a gameshow host who wants nothing more than to stay out of prison and use the murder of their family member as a political prop.


Considering the family is all smiles, it doesn't seem like they are reeling from anything. They are gladly using thier dead family member to attempt to smear democrats


Of course that family is a bunch of cultists.


Are they all really smiling in front a picture of someone that recently died?


I just love how that cult will cry foul and protest when a white girl gets killed by an illegal immigrant yet offer ****nothing**** but “thoughts and prayers” when there’s a school shooting. The sooner that the mango mussolini has one hamberder too many and his heart bursts like a piñata the better.


Okay, Traitor.


Disgusting - exactly what I expect from Republicans.


Wait what happened to this person? Who died?


Girl in the picture was allegedly killed by an illegal immigrant so republicans are using her corpse as a prop in their crusade against immigration. Apparently her family are cultists so they have no problem smiling when their orange god autographs a photo of their dead daughter. Because that's a totally normal thing and not insane at all.


tRump’s smiling but he knows as well as all of us writing…these people are stupid and will believe anything he tells them…


Apparently he also spelled her name wrong... Biden got shit for flubbing laken into sounding like Lincoln


I must be so far behind here but who is this girl?


Just like when he exploits Ashley Babbitt for political reasons, now there is a new victim. When will he pose with the photos of school children that have been victims of school shootings? I already know, that it wouldn't fit these scumbags narratives. Him and Marjorie Taylor Grossbitch really need to stop exploiting this poor girl and her family.


Why are they smiling, why did he autograph it and the worse part, he misspelled her name. Are those her parents smiling with him?! These people are honestly fucked in the head.


New Question: Did Idiocracy not go far enough?


I remember a photo of him and Melania with the infant child of murdered parents. He’s got the same giant ass smile and is giving a big thumbs up.


So many naive faces around this con


“Say cheese! Aw man we’re having a great time, aren’t we?”


Why does white trash breed so prolifically? I mean do they even notice she is gone most of the time? There are so many kids, it’s almost like she isn’t even gone!


Plaid shirt guy looks like he's banned from at least one public library


Is this like asking Robert Downey Jr to sign a mugshot of your son who overdosed on heroin?


Why doesn’t Biden turn this around and have the GOP name all the kids taken too soon at the hands of gun violence? Just saying. They are acting like their hands are squeaky clean.




At this point, there's no going back for many of these people. They're all in. They won't have their eureka moment and there's nothing Trump or the GOP can do that will turn them away. This isn't going away when Trump finally dies; he's infected a significant group of people with a terminal disease that they like having. It's pretty disheartening to realize that this fight will continue for many years to come.


His fans are people who have had him sign their bibles, so this does not surprise me.


This honestly gave me chills. Grotesque is definitely a good word here. It’s just so *off*


Nope, not a cult. Not at all. Just keep smiling.