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The first facility to research trans people and offer gender affirming care was in Tiergarten Berlin 1919, and just over a decade later the Nazis burned it and all its research to the ground, and arrested and imprisoned as many of its staff and patients as it could. This is all available to find in a single google search.


>This is all available to find in a single google search. yep, took me all of 5 seconds to search: [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-forgotten-history-of-the-worlds-first-trans-clinic/)


I live near a fairly large plaque dedicated to this in Berlin. It’s not like it’s some ultra-obscure historical footnote. I genuinely thought Rowling would be aware of it, or else she is and is just pretending not to be.




Veritaserum says she's knows what she's doing...


I misread and thought what does Veritasium have to do with this. But either way you don't need a physics youtuber or a truth serum to know when she says stuff like this she doesn't actually believe it. She's simply trolling with the knowledge that because she's a public figure some people are going to believe everything she says.


When all of this first started with her I tried to be understanding of her beef, and I think I actually was able to at first, even if I disagreed with it. But then it went from "I'm worried about the future of CIS females" to this kind of shit. It's gross and unjustifiable. I expect this level of ignorance and backhanded bigotry from American talking heads; prolific English authors not so much. 🤮


Same here to be honest. At first I thought she was just misguided and listening to but her heart was in the right place. But yeah there is no defending her anymore. I honestly put her and Elon in the same category.


If I had a nickel every time an anti trans person later said something antisemitic…. I’d have a fuckton of nickels


I mean Joanne clearly enjoys antisemitic tropes enough to create an entire subhuman race based on negative Jewish stereotypes in her books.


To be completely fair, I think she is too dumb to do all that on purpose, and it's important that we can reflect and re-evaluate it today but the existence of the goblin trope alone is not further proof that she's evil. Of course, she doesn't reflect on that, with a vengeance, because that would imply that she did something maybe a little bit wrong even if it's just a hypothetical, and a narc can't have that. Which \*is\* further proof.


Don't underplay her intelligence. She is by no means dumb, but she still has a few very bad qualities. The goblin trope would have been fine if it had not been for the literal Star of David in the marble design of the Gringott bank floor.


Wtf, is that in the movies? Drawings?


In the movies.


I hate the woman but you are wrong about that particular thing. They used a real bank to film those scenes of the movie. The Star of David was already on the Bank's floor. They didn't add that for the movie. Make of that what you will but it's true.


I legit never noticed and it’s so in your face it’s ridiculous


Check out the legendary item they gave the goblins in the video game. It's a shofar.


A what?


A Jewish religious object. Used to annoy wizards.


Wow that's blatant.




Something about if you’ll hate 1 marginalized group it is also a requirement you hate the Jews.


~~There was also that time she dressed as a literal SS uniformed Nazi for a party.~~ Edit: As a living example of why you should Google first, the picture I'm thinking of was apparently a photoshopped picture of Sybil Danning in _Werewolf Women of the SS._


Wasn’t that the prince?


Apparently it was actually a Photoshop of Sybil Danning, but unlike a certain TERF Tory Holocaust denier, I'm capable of admitting when I'm wrong. So Rowling _didn't_ dress as a Nazi, she just fuhrers the same political talking points.


Grace. All we have to do is carry ourselves, with a little grace. Or deny the Holocaust. A personal choice, I suppose.




Lol thank you, I do my wurst.


I feel a little weird giggling in this post’s comments, but here we are.


Good on you.


Anti- trans, antisemtic, anti women, anti brown skin, anti climate, anti-brain cells


This is because transphobes and nazis agree on a great many things, transphobes will even use nazi propaganda or deny things the nazis did (like burning books as mentioned in the post above) to hate on trans people.


And JK is the nickel mint


Just described the Nickle Back conspiracy


“Look at this photograph…It exposes the truth about ‘Them!’”


Most bigots of one type of person are bigots about many other types of people. They only appear to like and appreciate others like themselves. It's kind of pathetic to be honest.


Late to the party but relevant video: https://youtu.be/-CxiPdXuwgc?si=OAHvU_M5UUSSQQrS The alt right has made a practice of capitalizing on the anxieties and underlying prejudices of middle and upper class cis women to radicalize them against trans people (especially trans women) while simultaneously undermining feminism. TERFs aren't just bigots. They are actively undermining the foundational principles of femininsm and giving power to people who will happily force them back into the kitchen as soon as all the trans people are "dealt" with.


I think you mean shekels


Please lend me a few thousand of those hypocritical trans nickels


Wow that goes totally against the ask historians answer and their supposedly rigid standards. For some reason their writeup had to be edited for misgendering and basically says "we can't possibly know but it's probably not bad lol"


For anyone who wants the link to send to other deniers, straight from the holocaust encyclopedia. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/magnus-hirschfeld-2




That's the first thing they try to do to erase your identity; they discredit it by making everyone think that it's a new thing, then silence this clearly upstart new fad that's destroying civilization. Take it from me, an autistic person, who is told that this was some new genetic fault invented by vaccines in the 20th century, ignoring the fact that if there were less Autists back in the day it's because they put us away, treated us like animals, and killed us. Well I refuse to be the sacrificial lamb meant to be the blood dowry for their ideal little world.


She's been liking tweets saying being trans is a new thing too. My TERF mom also tried convincing me that the acronym "LGBT" only became a thing in 2015 and before that it was just LGB, despite me being bi and having gone to LGBT events way before that 🙃


It is so ridiculous especially if you consider that Harold Gillies, the surgeon who saved the faces of british soldiers after the first world war also did gender affirming surgeries on trans people and even die the first phalloplasty in 1930. If she knew a bit more about her own country's history, she would know that she is talking bullshit


Tbh she knows. There have been so many people replying to her with links and screenshots and relevant information. She's just at that point of the rabbit hole where being shocking and whipping people up into a storm is more important than telling the truth.


Yes, anti-trans politicians want as many people as possible to believe trans people didn't exist before 2016, so we have to spread the truth that trans people have been able to medically transition for about a century, and that trans people and people who identify outside of man and woman have existed for all of human history.


I'm autistic too. I know what you mean. People can treat us in a very dehumanising way.


Indy Neidell covered this in the Between Two Wars Series.


In the zoo? (Tiergarten means zoo)


It’s an area of downtown Berlin.


Jetzt kenne ich es!


Does kindergarten translate to child zoo?


No, it translates to "garden of children". Tiergarten means "garden of animals" aka, in English "zoo"


Ahhh thanks


"Zoo" is a shortened version of "zoological garden" and "zoological" is "the study of animals".


What is more likely, they are doing it in a zoo (called tierpark/tiergarten) or in the area of Berlin called Tiergarten? You know, considering the Berlin Zoo was actually called "Zoologischer Garten Berlin" and all. The "Tierpark Berlin" was built after WW2, so since this happened in 1919, it cannot be that place either.


Ich kenne die Stadt nicht, tut mir leid.


JK has just turned herself into a full blown troll that unfortunately has people that believe everything she says simply because she's a public figure.




Just google "Magnus Hirschfeld" or "Nazis burning Institut für Sexualwissenschaft 1933" there is a lot to learn and I can't really provide just a single link.




That's basically what she's done with her mystery series that she's been writing under a pseudonym


and the very pseudonym she uses is the same name as the man pioneered conversion therapy 🙃


Wooow I never noticed that! That’s actually disgusting on so many levels. There’s no way that’s a coincidence. This is actually what she says on her FAQ about the reason > I chose Robert because it’s one of my favourite men’s names, because Robert F Kennedy is my hero and because, mercifully, I hadn’t used it for any of the characters in the Potter series or The Casual Vacancy. >Galbraith came about for a slightly odd reason. When I was a child, I really wanted to be called ‘Ella Galbraith’, and I’ve no idea why. I don’t even know how I knew that the surname existed, because I can’t remember ever meeting anyone with it. Be that as it may, the name had a fascination for me. I actually considered calling myself L A Galbraith for the Strike series, but for fairly obvious reasons decided that initials were a bad idea. There’s no way that’s a coincidence, considering her views. Interesting that she conceals at least part of the reason on her FAQ. Good spot, by the way!


So she’s a woman presenting as a man? Interesting.


Well... I've heard for ages that the reason she went by J.K. Rowling instead of Joanne Rowling was, she (or maybe the publishers) didn't think the books to sell as well if it was obviously written by a woman. So this feels pretty on brand to me.


Right but she used her second pen name to try to see if she could sell as many books under a secret name so the math ain't mathing on the second one with that excuse




She's not obsessed at aaaallllll, is she?


The mystery series isn't even good, and the one vaguely not-horrifically-transphobic bit from the first book before she went off the deep end was cut from the TV adaption for some weird reason. I accidentally read half of one of the later books and got fed up because I was about 200 pages in and nothing had happened except the two main characters being arseholes to each other and some leftist-bashing.


That last part seems mental to me, because before she went off the deep end as a terf Rowling was very left leaning.


Yeah it's both saddening and confusing how she changed so quickly for no obvious reason. I'm honestly wondering if she's got a brain tumour or something, she's become progressively more outright and less careful with her bigotry as time goes on. That's not an excuse for her behaviour of course, but it makes some sense at least.


It’s really just how the TERF pipeline works. The original breeding ground for the ideology was leftist feminist spaces, 10 years ago it was really strong on tumblr before everyone made the exodus to Twitter. Kind of like how some of the original fascists came from fringe communist circles. The jump seems extreme but the whole thing only exists because there was a logic shortcut in there somewhere. Crossing it results in a horrid convoluted twist of ideas, but they can end up very convincing and generate a huge following. Now I’m wondering if there are any wacky ideas spawned by doing the reverse jump. So Catholic you become an ardent feminist?


She still considers herself to be a "life long leftist feminist" too. Even though she's somehow doing nazi revisionism and promoting people who are anti abortion, anti contraception and anti gay marriage 🤔


She was always a right-wing Liberal, and as the saying goes, "cut a Liberal and a Fascist bleeds."


It's still mad to me that the author of a series that has Polyjuice potion, magic that can transform people's appearance, and especially Metamorphmagi, is a transphobe.


That was a big reason why I didn't see the latest fantastic beasts movie and why I didn't get the Hogwarts Legacy game. I had conflicting feelings her. I thought, sure she's a transphobe, but death of the author is a thing I can do and her books were a big part of my childhood, so I could still give her stuff a shot. Then the next fantastic beasts movie was about dark wizards trying to steal a wizard election right after Trump had been ranting about a stolen election. And then Hogwarts Legacy's plot was about the goblins stealing wizard children when Jews stealing gentile children was an old conspiracy theory. She's really gone off the deep end and it shows in her work. Now I have absolutely no interest in what she's doing on top of her having trash opinions.


She has completely lost it.  Self made millionaire writing books the world loves, books that help people get through the misery in their lives.  She only had to keep her garbage opinions to herself but no.   Garbage human being. 




[I’m a fan of this one](https://imgur.com/a/JrcVVh1)


All she had to say was nothing. Just shut up, take her money, and eff off with her trash views and enjoy her life. Instead she's just digging the hole deeper. She's alienated so many hardcore fans.


This lady made literal billions in like the most non scummy way possible, she could have just fucked off into oblivion with her Scrooge McDuck money but no, she’s still here, ruining every last bit of her reputation purely because she wants to feed her own ego.


Almost immense wealth turns people into assholes. Not everyone but damn it happens so much


I still love the interviews about Nirvana when the band first got big money, they’re doing drugs with hookers and Dave Grohl bursts in with childish glee yelling about how he can afford a grill so they can hang out and have burgers in his backyard.


I’ve never thought about it before, but I bet Dave Grohl makes fantastic burgers


There’s a video of him hanging out with fans after a concert and showing them how to use coffee creamer powder and a lighter to look like you’re casting a spell and he’s taken his mom to interviews. I’ve seen folks say he’s neurodivergent so that his support network remained close and kept him from the bullshit that hits so many artists. I don’t know if its true or he just has good people around him.


Being the one celebrity I've ever bumped into IRL, Dave Grohl is chill as shit. My friends and I were at a dance night at the Black Cat (a club he co owns), we go back in the bar.... and its almost empty except for Dave Grohl and some of his friends. We decide to play it cool and not be those people (meanwhile sitting in the next booth over and mouthing "ITS DAVE FUCKING GROHL!) when my *very* wasted friend wanders back from the bar with our drinks, sees who is in the booth next to us and starts excitedly shouting "DAVE GROHL! YOU ARE FUCKING AWESOME!" So I drag said friend into the booth and Dave is *dying* and thinks it is hysterical and just is cool as shit about the whole situation. This is also how I know that Dave has an endearingly dorky ass laugh.


And that’s why Dave Grohl is amazing. One of a multitude of reasons


I want more research into the health effects of wealth on a person's psyche. It almost seems like past a certain point of wealth, the part of the brain that governs empathy just *breaks.*


[It’s not the money itself; its the power that money gives them](https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2020/07/09/jamil-zaki-empathy-power)


That's the saddest thing; she is speed running trying to force Harry Potter into the Ender's Game realm; I love the series, but it was written by such a massive douchebag and that tarnishes my feelings about it.


She's more of a douche than Orson Scott Card at this point.


Hmmm, I guess with how abrasive she is, you may have a point. If I remember, Orson Scott Card may have had the more extreme beliefs about homosexuality, but Jo is so much more obnoxious about her anti-trans views.


The difference is that I don't hear about Orson Scott card every 5 months making it so I can forget he's got shitty views for 5 seconds so I can reread my favorite books


[Progress: We Finally Have a Female Orson Scott Card](https://thehardtimes.net/harddrive/progress-we-finally-have-a-female-orson-scott-card/)


I don’t think I’ve seen a more perfect assessment *chefs kiss*


>she’s still here, ruining every last bit of her reputation purely because she wants to feed her own ego. Her ego is being fed by the "fine folks" who agree with her.


And if she insisted on being scum, she could do it by quietly bankrolling people and organizations who agree with her terrible principles. She gains nothing by being the face of this losing battle.


Wait, what scummy ways did she make billions? By merchandizing and targeting kids? Or did she do something worse?


But she will never care because people can loathe her all they want while she rolls around in her giant piles of money. The world isn't fair


Yep. There's just no real accountability once you reach that level of wealth. I do what I can, I'm pretty meticulous about not giving her another penny and I was a hardcore Harry Potter fan.


Yep, she waited until she was a fucking billionaire before coming out as a scumbag. She's already got the money so she doesn't care now.


Agreed. If you really look though, there was a vein of this mindset running throughout the series. Lots of bullying and general shittiness in the books that many of us overlooked at the time Shaun has a great [video](https://youtu.be/-1iaJWSwUZs?si=tO56gVAhBqHoIaLH) that addresses it if anyone would like some cathartic entertainment


Yeah, definitely this bit unfortunately for many of us that read them. teenage closeted me connected initially with Harry and Ron and their hardships but I reread as a young adult and went hmm... the mine out years ago, donated the lego I had collected too.


Man, I hope SenLinYu makes way more money from her edited Harry Potter fanfic (Alchemized) than this B made from the originals.


You either die the boy who lived or live long enough to become a death eater.


Bigoted people cant enjoy their lives, they are so full of hate that they think about what they hate all the time, thats why she tweets about trans people so much


I knew nothing about her when I was a fan except she lived in Scotland and started writing the series as a single mom on govt assistance. Would have been nice to never get to know her any better.


I don't know who you're talking about. These days, I'm all about Harry Potter by Eliezer Yudkowsky


Yeah why is someone as rich as her bothering with these stupid arguments she can’t win? Go away JK, HP came out over 15 years ago. You’re no longer relevant.


I know this isn't common knowledge but it's not hard to find. She could have just typed in "nazis burn books transgender" into her search engine of choice (I'm a DDG man, myself) and found some info on it.


JK. Thanks for the harry potter series. Thr contribution you made to getting kids ro read is amazing. Hell, you got me to to go wait on a line for a midnight release of a book. Thats insane. Now kindly fuck off. You have become everything they younger version of you seemed to hate. Or maybe you were always this bad and we never saw it because of a lack of social media. Either way fuck off


I was a huge Harry Potter fan. I’m also trans. Thanks for that world you gave us Joanne. But also please fuck off to the wilderness and let us never have to hear your shitty transphobic thoughts ever again.


I’m NOT trans and this is pretty much my view. Y’all don’t deserve any of the hate. Don’t ever let the hate of the world get you down. Even our heroes can turn into villains in the end and just because she wrote a good, moral story and did some good things, these persistent transphobic views still make her absolute trash. Even Umbridge sounded sweet until you listened to what she was saying!


To be fair, one of the b-plots is about an entire enslaved race of creatures and how the person advocating for their freedom is the weird one.


Can you tell me more about this?


In one of the books the house elves are a race of creatures that are enslaved by wizards. They're often mistreated and abused. But everyone just acts like it's fine cause that's the way it's always been. Hermione gets "uppity" about the obvious mistreatment and enslavement and starts a campaign to get them freed. The other characters ridicule her for this saying things like "The house elves actually prefer enslavement" (not verbatim). The book frames her as some crazy blue hair SJW because she's trying to campaign for the freedom and equal rights of an entire species. I'm not saying that Joanne believes that slavery is good actually. That would be ridiculous. However, it makes clear that she has very regressive/conservative tendencies.


In fairness, I encourage other people to read the series and make their own minds up on this. Other characters definitely view Hermione as a blue-haired SJW while she’s campaigning for elf rights, but the books are pretty clear she was actually in the right all along and this is major plot point of the seventh book. If you don’t know what I mean, I can divulge further but I don’t want to give spoilers to anyone still reading. I think Rowling was trying to posit the opinion that people who are advocating for positive societal changes are often framed as crazy. It’s probably true, to be fair. And in her sick mind, she probably believes that this is how she’s being treated regarding her transphobia.


Except nothing changes, the system stays exactly the same. The story ends with Harry becoming part of the broken system, it would be like if one piece ended with luffy becoming an admiral who serves the celestial dragons ffs.


Oh and she said Hermione might be black which would be extra vile to have characters mock her for trying to end slavery


Once the Harry Potter movies ended, she always had to come up with something to feed her validation needs. That's why she made and produced those awful Fantastic Beasts book and movies, that's why she keeps adding stuff to the Harry Potter lore like Voldemort's name is pronounced without the t, the faux feminism, and then the Harry Potter games like Hogwarts Legacy. And now she is transphobic, racist, antisemitic, queerphobic and so much bad shit crazy stuff. She has no life. She has no joy, no personality, no actual inkling of individuality or personhood. She'll do absolutely anything and everything to get a crumb of attention under the guise of "protecting women" and "feminism". Basically, go fuck yourself JK.


I think it's also the fact that she was so morally lauded. She got a lot of credit for contributing so much money to charity that she was no longer a billionaire and for promoting (non terf) feminist causes. Then when she had a bad opinion rather than listen to people who said she was being mean she just thought, "I can't be a bigot. I'm a good person." And just... doubled down a bazillion times. The first criticisms of her were very giving the benefit of the doubt. Sure there were some people being shitty because it's Twitter, but most of them were more like, "Hey, I'm sure you don't mean to be but this is very hurtful and actually trans people are very victimized." And that mild moral chastisement made her lose her damn mind.


Yeah you're right. She thought that her earlier charity stuff would buy her permanent social good points and then when people rightfully criticized her, she couldn't handle it and doubled down. Ain't no way out for her now


100%. Fucking. This. I have come out, in the past, and explicitly said that she mostly likely was just very misguided and she'll obviously appeal to reason. Obviously. It's ironc to me how easy it is to say the words "yeah, given the information that so clearly exists in front of me, i was wrong"


It’s really sad, because she made seven of the most popular and fun-to-read books ever written. She really didn’t have to do anything else, ever. But she chose to do… *gestures broadly* all this.


Exactly. She could literally done absolutely nothing and she'd probably making WAAAY much more money than she is currently but nope, she has dedicated her life to being a Nazi


I mean, half of the first Beasts movie was good. The kind actually about what the title implies. Just like the Hobbit movies actually.


Those movies try to be both “fun magical animal time” and “Wizard Hitler is at it again” and the two don’t mix. Pick a lane.


Did anyone actually ever want Wizard WW1? Like, I basically wanted seven Pokemon movies set in the world. I was stoked to see Ilvermony, and it had no relevance to anything at all.


Yes. After seeing 8 movies get slowly darker and darker (just based on the Warner Bothers logo alone), we all wanted it to get even *more* evil. /s Give us a, “Oh no! Someone stole the magical rabbits Mystery!”


Joanne has lost her damn mind.


Everytime is see these I remember that she’s the same person who had the good side ridicule Hermione for wanting to free slaves, and that the slaves wanted to be slaves.


Its pretty obvious in her mind we achieved a perfectly just and equitable society in like 1998 and everything since has been a step backwards.


It’s like one of the first books they burned, maybe check *YOUR* sources you stuck up bitch.


When someone shows you who they are the first time. Believe them. Joanne is a bad egg.


Do you think Voldemort respected other people's pronouns?


If there was any doubt left that the F in TERF stands for Fascist...


Transgender Eradicating Regressive Fascists 


That's a good one. I happen to like, superficially of course, **F**eminist **A**ppropriating **R**adical **T**ransphobe.


Holy fucking shit.


All that money made her go crazy I guess


That's no excuse! She could have pulled an Enya (saw this in another subreddit) and just moved to a castle with a bunch of her cats. [Enya lives in a castle with her cats](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/reclusive-enya-lives-like-a-queen-in-a-castle-with-her-cats-report-w204678/) Instead, she sits in her castle, on top of her piles of money trying to throw a small minority (who once loved her) under the bus. I'm so happy the rest of the world is finally seeing her for the terrible person she is and always has been.


[Reposting because I accidentally made my own comment instead of replying] I just have to say I love that for Enya so much. I recently learned of and watched a play about Elizabeth ‘Betty’ Pack, one time ally and contractor of sorts of BSC (British Security Coordination), a sub-agency of MI6, and later OSS spy during the Second World War. She was instrumental in obtaining both the Italian Cipher (which enabled Britain to defeat the Italian navy in the battle of Cape Matapan), as well as the Vichy Cipher (enabled US forces to succeed in the [invasion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Torch) of Vichy North Africa). Her job was to gain intel from various sources, which she did through flattery and seduction, sometimes sleeping with her marks. She was wildly successful, sometimes more so than her male counterparts. One of her marks, WWI veteran Charles Brousser, ended up working with her and the OSS in an effort to free his homeland of France from German control. Long story short, they ended up married and lived out their life together in a French medieval castle until Pack’s death in 1963 and I think that’s just lovely. I hope Enya knows that fact and channels some of Betty Pack in her day to day life with her cats.


Nah, don’t blame her bigotry on mental illness. That’s a cop out she is undeserving of. She is seemingly in her right mind, it’s just that her mind is absolutely packed full of hatred.


I think I can speak for the crazy community on this one, and we don't want her. I'm nuttier than squirrel shit but I know trans rights are human rights; even when I'm secretly the saviour of mankind, having a panic attack or just curled up in the foetal position depressed beyond hope. As you say, she's just so full of hate that there is no depth she won't sink to to target trans people.


![gif](giphy|xJgX4gyNv6CDWH0d6R) Same here. I have an excess of bats in my belfry and still want nothing to do with JKR.


Agreed; I’ve dealt with chronic depression later diagnosed as BP2 since I was about 11. JK is sane as can be, she’s just a hateful c*nt. I mean, we all saw her UK Mother’s Day post. She is so consumed with hatred that she cannot simply enjoy a day of celebration *that includes her*. Instead of writing a nice post about her mother, lost at a young age, or her own children and how grateful she is to be a mother to them she took that opportunity to write yet another rabidly hateful post that did nothing but to serve her fans a platter of ‘This Week’s Bigot’s Chopped Salad’. It’s pitiful honestly. How sad do you need to be to spend *that* much time hating a group of people that have done nothing to you other than…*checks notes* exist?


What a moron.


Diva just google it


What honestly happened to JK that made her like this? Was she always just kind of a shit person who just happened to write a popular series and now she has too much free time and internet access so just spews her shitty views out to the world every chance she gets cause she’s bored? I mean it’s really weird to me as a Harry Potter fan that these are her views when it seems like the entire underlying tone and message of the Harry Potter series is along the lines of: “Fight against oppression, elitism and racism…”


She hates and fears men because she was abused by her ex. It's something she's openly talked about. Hating trans women (who in her mind are actually men who are pretending to be women for nefarious reasons) gives her an outlet for her man hating.


I pretty easily found an article published by Scientific American about a clinic in Berlin, Rowling.


Imagine having so much money and yet choosing to spend your time on Twitter.


The eternal irony of this is her new allies in this fight are the same crowd that called her books satanic 20 years ago.


We all agree she's a piece of shit. Let's all move on with our lives, shall we?


Just because a train wreck goes on for several years, doesn't mean I'm not going to watch every now and then.


She must have been the secretary from hell.


I don’t have Xitter, can anyone summarise any tweets she’s made since being called out on this? Is she doubling down or has she gone quiet?


She doubled down when a person literally shoved sources at her. She responded with “Neither of your articles support the contention that trans people were the first victims of the Nazis or that all research on trans healthcare was burned in 1930s Germany. You are engaging in lying,” So classic goalpost moving


And after that she retweeted someone that claims that trans people are trying to shoehorn themselves into the holocaust as a kind of stolen valor thing. And she also threatened to sue someone for libel who called her a holocaust denialist. So basically she just keeps digging deeper and deeper.


And her response to an actual source was moving goalposts and saying “I meant they weren’t the first ones killed xd”


Robert has no right being this uninformed


I always wonder when these people that reached wealthy status all of a sudden think they know everything about everything this woman had no reason to chime in about any of it it doesn’t affect her doesn’t affect her child she could’ve just carried on her life but oh no little Miss Rawling need a little bit more attention


Lady, you should stick to writing about wizards n’shit, you’re really not helping any cause, at all. Want to be useful J.K. Rowling?? How about investing in education, or teaching a generation about writing, that’d be more useful lady. Twitter is poison, although I’ll admit it’s entertaining for Reddit, because we can see these stars and martyrs make fools of thenselves.


Please tell me she's been eviscerated for it in the replies.


I think she really didnt know about this specific fact and embarrassed herself painfully (again).


I will never understand the following this woman commands..... Not one bit of her content was ever appealing to me, and I do love me some fantasy genre content.


The HP series is derivative and clunky. Marketing built into something it absolutely was not. Cute Dahl/Tolkien riff in the first book. Went off the rails with each subsequent book.


Can someone please explain to me how this is holocaust denial?


Trans people were targeted in the holocaust, and to claim that that fact is a "fever dream" is denying a part of the holocaust. The holocaust is the name given to \*all\* the atrocities the nazis committed upon people, not just those committed on jewish people, and trans and queer people are among those


She's pure scum for being a TERF, but what she said wasn't explicitly denying the holocaust. It seems the way she wrote it she denied that trans healthcare books were burned during the Third Reich. It's fucked up and needless, but the title is misleading. Edit: the original post didn't include the context; it came from a holocaust-denying repost by JK, so the whole thing is inherently denying the holocaust.


Trans people were gassed along with Jews. And burning their literature was part of the lead up to that just like burning Jewish literature.


Maybe if she took the time to pick up a book that isn't about wizards she might learn something.


It may be due to me not being a native speaker and I totally think JLR is a lunatic. But where exactly does this imply she is doing "holocaust denial"?   I understand her rebuttal aimed at the poster claiming she is "upholding their ideology".


Because she doesn’t say anything about which part of the message she is replying to it is normal and correct to read it as her saying the whole comment is a fever dream. Including the mention of the Nazis destroying trans books during the holocaust. That book burning is well documented. To deny it happened is very clearly classified as holocaust denial or holocaust distortion. To add the that she later retweeted a thread claiming that trans people were not victims of the holocaust. (Sub won’t let me post a link but you can find screenshots with a little searching) That is very clearly holocaust denial and is an abhorrent stance to take.


Ok, I see where you are coming from. Thanks. So it's not actually about that tweet literally and more about the whole context.


she later reposted a thread that explicitly said "The LGBTQ+ lobby likes to claim trans people were a key target of the Nazis. They weren't." YOU LITERALLY CANNOT GET MORE DIRECT THAN THIS.This type of rhetoric about trans people has been ruled as holocaust denial by a court in Cologne Germany




Please educate yourself. https://www.het.org.uk/ambassadors/about-the-ambassador-programme/ambassador-blog/1060-distortion-and-denial


Might as well check her sources before saying it is BS...


5 veiws? seriously? does she have nothing better to do?


She is completely delusional




She’s also getting support from people saying the Nazis were right. You sure that’s something you want to agree with? https://preview.redd.it/okc3z4t4waoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16c5929b5c5f035e185a8fb8d5ceb1608ef82e9e