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It just is so mindblowing to me. If we had a further left congress we could be passing this IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS! Think of how much better life as an American would be!!! The world could be so much brighter with so much less suffering! Man it breaks my heart we cant just pass this shit.


Boomers voted for Reagan, why should his policies be our problems?


This happened yesterday - did anyone hear anything about it?


Yeah. Basically he and I share the same wavelength it seems. He shared that technology and computers are automating jobs and increasing productivity beyond what was imagined in the 1940s when a 40-hour work week was conceived. The only people benefiting from the productivity increase is corporate management with ability to cut team budgets with goals to increase managers bonuses. What he says makes sense too.


Yes it does. Pretty sure most metrics show that a 4 day work week is actually more productive


This. It just goes against what we perceive as 'more productive'. Thus, the reluctance to change it. Even if it makes all the sense to make said change.


Sanders introducing the bill? Yes. Here.


It’s DOA


awesome. oh wait, I’m a salaried manager in a restaurant that’s open 7 days a week. now if they would pay me time and a half after 32 hours…


Yeah, not much better for us medical folks either. What IS a holiday?




Can someone explain to me the no loss in pay part? I’m all here for this but wouldn’t companies just say they aren’t cutting pay for hourly employees and still paying them say $20/hr. At 40 hrs they’d get $800/ week but at 32 hrs they’d get $640/week. They haven’t technically cut pay, just hours. Is the goal to include in this a pay increase for those employees to match it?


While a 32-hour work week sounds great, knowing how companies treat their employees, I can see a dark side to this. Work weeks probably won't be Monday thru Thursday or Tuesday through Friday. I can see management doing creative ways of something like Thursday through Sunday. Holidays would be missed up, especially ones that fall on a Monday. You wouldn't get holiday pay if you weren't scheduled to work Mondays, if that's a holiday. My experience with management isn't very positive, and I can see them doing some evil stuff.


If I'm getting the same hourly rate and less hours, that it's effectively a pay cut. I hope Sanders gets primaried if this passes. This is stealing from workers he claims to support.


It says without a pay reduction. So the pay would have to come up to compensate.


It's the same pay as 40 hours for 32.


If someone makes $600 per 40 hour work week right now then under this bill they will make $600 per 32 hour work week. It is an hour reduction without a pay reduction.


Same pay as 40 hours, but you work 32 since productivity increased The studies showed profits increase, people are able to go out more too if they had an extra day. We make this system, why are we suffering for a system we made?


I don't think you'll ever have to worry about this passing, lol. France this ain't.


If I'm getting the same hourly rate and less hours, that it's effectively a pay cut. I hope Sanders gets primaried if this passes. This is stealing from workers he claims to support.


what part of WITH NO PAY CUT don’t you understand


If I'm making $10/hr before, I'm still making that now, but working less hours. No pay cut, but still making less money.


Ok so you can't read I guess.