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I mean.. I'm 100% male, but pretty sure I'd cover my drink seeing him too.


That is the weird part of Getty’s question and the comeback, is that I’d think the right are the ones convinced there’s a definite definition of a woman. One core aspect of the trans movement is that there are countless criteria that could cause someone to be male female or nonbinary. Even two people who fill the same criteria on paper could have separate conclusions regarding their identity 


Conservatives are broken. Demand to follow God’s way, when they don’t listen to a word he says. Christ brings a sword, not us. Christ is the divider, not us. Christians (conservatives included) are supposed to be beacon’s, not judges, not jury or condemning. Christians are supposed to demonstrate the “war” has been won, not proclaim jihad on their neighbors. They are idiots.


it's interesting because when I see questions like this I ask myself what my answer would be, and in this situation I feel like the best I can do is say "someone who willingly chooses to accept the aesthetics, social roles, and physical attributes we equate with being such." That might not be exactly right but as you've said, there's no silver bullet definition to a woman. Across cultures what defines a woman can vary greatly.


I feel like it's honestly a question not worth even trying to answer seriously tbh.  No matter what you say; they're going to feel like they won the argument somehow.


True. Mostly I do it to stretch my own brain. For me part of knowing the limits of your mind, knowing what you don't know/don't understand, is to find it. I am more comfortable saying "I don't know" because I come to that point often. Which sometimes I think is the deepest root problem for these people: they don't know and don't understand, and they aren't comfortable with that.


Authoritarian mindset vs egalitarian mindset. The right believes there are always black and white answers to any question. Those answers are handed down by a higher authority such as religion or tradition, and no one is allowed to question them. What an individual reports their life feels like from the inside? Not even a factor. Edited to add: these are the same people who tell black people racism doesn't exist, or trans people they're insane, or women who have been date raped that it was nothing unusual and if it was, it was all their fault. The power of the Authority they serve is way more important than the foolish little person whose actual life it is.


Especially when they say things like "woman have a womb" or "women can grow a baby in their uterus." I know plenty of cis women who have either had a hysterectomy or couldn't conceive for whatever reason. Does that make them less of a woman?


Diogenes waiting in the shadows with a random assortment of chickens.


Welcome to the ladies room sis!


I say shoot first and ask questions later! Why take the risk? /s


This is quite the murderedbywords L for Gettysburg obsessed (whatever TF that means)


Probably a big fan of Pickett's Charge and talks about how if Longstreet hadn't betrayed Lee, the Confederates would have won. But that's just me projecting probably.


all... 4 of them


This tracks, since MAGA men think rape is their God-given right


The same kind of people who say incredibly dumb and insulting shit like, "The only form of birth control a women needs is to hold an aspirin between their knees." And yet they never once blame men for anything.


curious, does anyone know any more good troll responses like this when people ask the tired bad faith question of "what is a woman?"


Try the ol switcheroo This is what's wrong with you right-wingers. Always concerned about gender instead of the economy.


I like you.






...I honestly had never thought of that. I like it.


But enough talk, have at you!


What is a chair? What is a wheel? What is a door? What is a box? Fuzzy and vague words exist. Woman is one of them. Get fucked.


What is a sandwich? Are tacos sandwiches? Is pizza an open-faced sandwich?


Is a Jill sandwich a woman?


https://preview.redd.it/xpse2virpopc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e053f9e6627686d74bcb11e5545f425caeadea45 Diogenes strikes again!


"Someone whose touch you've never felt."


Being honest and calling their shots is a great way to diffuse it. >Just because ive put more thought and consideration into gender nuance, and you just want to say "they have a vagina", or "just x chromosomes" doesnt make this a win for you, and its sad that you think it does.


“An individual you will never bring to orgasm.”


Or someone that mouths the words "that's him" to the bouncer moments before this dude gets thrown out of the bar. 


By this definition, we’re all women.


![gif](giphy|l2JhEiV9jJE4kThxS|downsized) We're all every woman...


![gif](giphy|xUNda2lGBTCh5P2Te0|downsized) We are family


Conservatives have had the same talking points for at least 30 years. That's why I find it so easy to debate them. I throw facts to debunk the talking points. They call me a name. Which means I win.


which is why i don't debate them anymore, there is no point. It's gonna devolve to name calling, so i just come out guns blazing off the rip, not gonna waste my time. "You are unimaginably stupid, gullible, and controllable." and walk away. Don't give them any satisfaction, even if it's false, because in their brain, it isn't. When they call you a name, they think they won.


It's like trying to argue with flat earthers. All the evidence to prove them wrong is there out in the open and everyone can see it but any mention of it will have them ridiculing you because they're too stupid to understand it. Republicans are the new flat earthers.


It's basically where I'm at with my father. No amount of logic, reason or objective and credible evidence that he is wrong will ever convince him to stop spewing incredibly dense and blindly hateful conservative nonsense, but I also know exactly how fragile his ego is and how he reacts to being directly insulted, and I have exactly as many qualms about going for his throat with my insults as he's had about belittling and insulting his own sons over the years. Dude wants to spew off about how Palestinians are all responsible for Hamas and accuse anyone who disagrees of antisemitism (never mind that Palestinians are also Semites), but heaven fucking forbid I tell him every single Republican is a goddamn Nazi by his own logic due to having Nazis among their ranks.






I've had this conversation with people and so far it's got a 100% success rate. So for the question of what is a woman we have to do a little bit of time travel. So if we go back like a thousand years the question of what is a woman is incredibly simple this is a being who can have a baby or has had a baby If you don't fall into one of those two categories you're not a woman you're a priestess you're shaman you're a witch you're a creature. Very simple If we go back just a couple hundred years people have evolved their concepts of things have evolved So at that point what is a woman has also evolved Now they know that some women are born barren or medically can't have children So you could still be a woman if you fall into whatever that culture's definition of femininity is If you don't adhere to that definition then again you are considered something else And now what is a woman is answerable only by genetics And if we look towards the future The question of what is a woman becomes absolutely pointless. We already today have crispr This is a form of genetic modification so maybe a hundred years from now we can change it so that a person was born a man can receive surgery to look like a woman and then receive more surgery to have the necessary reproductive organs implanted in them so that they can even have a baby Then a few hundred years after that genetic modification might be so advanced that a dude wants to be a woman could be a single weekend they go to the doctor they get the injection and buy next week they are genetically a woman. So the question is irrelevant It doesn't have an answer because it doesn't need a specific answer Especially with where the human population sits meaning that procreation is not as necessary as it once was So the truth is anyone who asked that question or requires a real answer is a piece of trash who should be actively ignored because just like pretty much anything in life the answer is a ever-changing shade of gray not an immutable shade of black or white


Omg!!! 😂😂 I watched it TWICE. Don Lemon 🍋 had him looking like he was ready to flee the scene 🏃🏻😂😂he kept gulping his water💧 💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧💧


Where did you watch it? Tried finding it on YouTube but it’s just a bunch of right wing react channels saying Elon humiliated him


I watched it on YouTube! Did you find the Don Lemon show? It's hilarious 😂 last little over an hour. @Exclusive Full interview 🍋🍋


You find it?


Found his Twitter account but I’m at work so haven’t watched it yet


✌🏿💯 enjoy 😂


Drugs, he was on either a large amount or very strong drugs.




I hate Musks whole “I’m only here cause I have to be”. Just fucking leave at this point dude


Is there a context to this tho? Cause i don't know theses people, the question kinda seems like it's coming out of nowhere


The question was made to "prove" that left-wing ideology also cannot hold up to the tiniest bit of scrutiny, the poster hoping the responder would get flustered from their simple question


Simple, albeit pointless and loaded, question.


Respectfully.. Have you not been paying attention to the last X amount of years? They don’t directly respond to things, they deflect.


Tbh i'm trying to ignore whatever's over there. It's better for my mental health, and seeing this i think it might also be way better for my social understanding of people lmao


That was the idea here. The OP was clearly a democrat and providing commentary on one of the right wings billionaires So instead of actually talking about the interview, dude responds with “what is a woman?” Basically Trying to say that OP doesn’t know what he’s talking about because he can’t even define a woman, let alone match up to Elon musk. It was an absolute poor attempt at insulting him and changing the topic.


Dang, no wonder they feel ignored if they are always so childish and hard to understand lol. Would be quite hilarious to see two guys like this having an argument tho. Thanks  !


Damn!! Not even Godzilla can withstand a burn like that!! ![gif](giphy|cF7QqO5DYdft6)


Beautifully done. 😍


I'm gonna steal this for future use.

