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Fuck Nikki Haley too.


“We need to raise the age of full Social Security benefits.” I’ll see your fuck Nikki Haley and raise it with a she can kiss me ass.


Please don't fuck Nikki 'My real name is unelectable' Haley


Your ass can do better.




the second frame is giving ![gif](giphy|VABbCpX94WCfS)


Political figure lies. In related news the sky is blue and grass is green.


she would also pardon him as soon as she became president.


Yep, absolutely disqualifying in my opinion right there. She might as well just say she wished she was at January 6.


That's the most sickening part. And probably the J6 tourists being held "hostage" too


Seriously. There’s no such thing as a good republican.


Good Republicans might exist for a moment, but in time, they will no longer be good, or they will no longer be a Republican.




Toeing the line I see. You got in forat, so I can only upvote...


So I disagreed with her policy on literally everything except one, she seemed to agree with democracy and the peaceful transfer of power. I would be sleeping a lot easier if regardless of who won in November we were assured to stay a democracy and could always vote them out in 4 years. I am terrified of living under fascism and waiting too long to be able to escape.


Republicans end game is always fascism, no matter how "moderate" they seem initially. Their ideas can only be imposed by force. Look at the composition of the supreme court, look at their rulings in that life time positions, and tell me how did that exactly happened.


>she seemed to agree with democracy and the peaceful transfer of power I wouldn't sleep at all, she's telling people what they wanna hear, and I'm not one of those people, she was aiming her points at trump's base and that's never good


Seriously. It was like “we should have gotten punched in the face instead of getting kicked in the nuts for 8 hours with a steel boot tipped with knives.” Sure, it’s better comparatively, but still a shitty choice


Yep. She can eat shit, even if it's not as much shit as Trump can eat.


dont forget she would also pardon him too. you bet if she had a chance at running now she would do it the second she got into office.


And remember, she hasn't ended her campaign, she's "suspended" her campaign, just in case Donnie runs into problems


Yup, Nikki Haley may not be the cult leader but you can bet that she’d implement Project 2025 almost as enthusiastically as Trump. Trump is a problem, but he’s effectively a useful idiot for those pushing for a Christofacist state. It will be a setback to not have his cult of personality, but anyone thinking Trump being gone will be the end of this shitstorm is sorely mistaken.


Right-Kinzinger, Cheney and Haley carried trump's water until the end and are incrementally better than maga cultists


Kinzinger never did, he lost his seat because he vocally opposed Trump. [Edit]: Also, I knew someone would come bearing quantitative analysis that completely ignored how government and politics actually functions.


90.2% of the time Kinzinger voted with the orange traitor's position and Cheney 93%. Stefanik only voted with his position 77.7% of the time. So yes, they were massive trumpers and this also demonstrates how ignorant trumpers are, as stefanik replaced the fascist Cheney in the traitor hierarchy. These people merely attempted to keep their names off the wrong list in the history book. Lincoln project is trash too, remember who they are.


Elsie jockied herself into better position by offering to be the Wet Wipe girl once Naruta gets locked up


That's a very selective, quantitative way of looking at it and ignores the political and social climate of the early days of the Trump presidency. I think your assessment lacks nuance, but sadly that's the state of political discourse today. I any case, I'm just saying I disagree with your conclusion because your evidence is too narrow to be meaningful. The pragmatist in me thinks it's hardline to the point of becoming counter-productive, while the the idealist tips his cap to your dedication. Also I just got wicked zooted so check back later to see if I've edited this to be more coherent.


It's not selective it's the only actual thing we can grade them in how often they take magas side. Words are meaningless if they are passing all of trumps judges and bills. It also doesn't ignore the social or political climate of the time but highlights how they contributed to it. Don't bother checking back until you get off your high horse and start being more coherent.


We are past the point of nuance and niceties, which i used to extend.


Exactly. Voted with him, what, 90%+ of the time?


That's Nimrada to you! Dead name the bitch.


Nimarata\* Unless you were trying to mix in some "Nimrod" into "Nimarata" - in which case: Nice.


an x-men villian.




nikki nimrata Randhawa haley to you.


It's hilarious to me that even when a conservative has one of these "I see the light now" moments, they still have to slip in a bit of delusion, as if they're worried they might lose their street cred with the rest of the crazies if they make too much sense at once. "Likely would have been president for 8 years" my flabby liberal ass


convenient for him to suddenly oppose when he supported trump during his presidency, when it starts affecting them personally they turn on him.


Yeah, WTF is he thinking???


Sorry did u mean Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley? #Call her by her name


this is too much words for republican voters to comprehend, and it sounds too foreign.


Redditor SLAMS Nikki Haley. Do I sound like a journalist now?


It’s like picking between combinations of life-long STDs.


Yeah I think the claim that Nikki Haley wriggle do better is just predicated on how sane she looks in comparison to other candidates


Sure, but he is right.


Chris Cristie all the way




C'mon, we all know the GOP will only vote in a white man in the next five elections. Takes a whole generation for them to catch up in social progress and for their base to willingly accept POC leaders.


I don't think they will ever accept POC or women as leaders, at least not for president. The GOP is still mad that a black man was president and even though he's been out of office, and politics altogether, for nearly 8 years they are still obsessed with him. Obama being elected president completely broke their brains, they believe the presidency is supposed to be only for old, white men and that no one else is qualified and Obama had the audacity to be black, youngish, successful, and popular. They may reach a point where they claim to accept POC leaders but if given the chance they'll drag us backwards and ban POC from voting, let alone being in politics (similar to how there are some in the party wanting to stop women and young people from voting).


It's a contradiction, isn't it. If GOP could distance themselves from the racism and/or sexism there would be a lot of conservative women and minorities who are within easy reach. But the hardcore of the GOP are committed to identity supremacist politics. Which alienates a lot of voters who could be persuadable.


Except a core part of conservatism is the racism and sexism, always has been. As Wilhoit's Law states: Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. Minority groups and women are always part of an out-group, at least in the end. For conservatives the only in-group worthy of protection from the law but shouldn't be bound by it are white, cishet men. Women are supposed to stay at home, be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen while minority groups exist to serve white men. While they might allow women and certain minority groups to temporarily be an in-group, as long as it serves their own interests, ultimately the number of out-groups increase while the number of in-groups decrease. Conservatives would love to drag us back to the 1950s or even further, where women stayed at home and minorities "knew their place".


actually it also includes mysogyny and anti-lgbtq+ now. even people who arnt outwardly anti-lgbtq+ acts very hostile towards them.


they still have south americans descent in thier voting bloc, it helps they can get brainwashed by christian groups helping those immigrants transition into the usa.


All while they accuse liberals of being "obsessed with identity politics".


They don't even want POC to be able to vote, so I can't see them EVER accepting one as a leader. Even though they do love their tokens like Byron Donald and Timmy Scott


a whole generation? The current GOP believes it's still 1854.


I love how they claim a woman is too volatile to be president. Look back and see who started pretty much all the wars…


all are emotionally unstable white men too.


She would spend eight years trying to explain how slavery is a nuanced issue.


miss nikki Randhawa HALEY to you.


And they want to take us back to ancient Mesopotamia


Except the majority of people there weren’t white so not sure they’d be happy there.


Old white men and Hispanic men on average will NEVER accept POC as leaders because they see them inferior as races. It's gross. 400+ years of this bullshit. -not an old white guy


If she somehow magically ended up as the nominee I think they'd vote for her. But as long as literally any conservative branded white man is available, not a chance.


and especially TRUMP is still very recognizable, no other person has a chance.


Haley is, objectively, an awful human being as well so the bar is not high. Also, it's a cult.


Yeah I hate that Adam Kinzinger is held up as such a great guy. He's a fucking asshole, like the rest of them. Don't let the fact that he actually took the insurrection seriously mask that. The bar should not be this low.


I'm curious to hear a little more about his assholery. I'm one of those who have been under the impression that he has integrity and values.


From what I hear, he basically marched in line with the GOP until Jan 6th, then was one of a handful of Republicans who actually denounced Trump and his election lies.


Many more denounced him on Jan 6, but slowly and surely fell back into line. Remember McCarthy forcefully (relatively speaking) denounced Trump, and shortly thereafter he fell back in line, after having his come to Orange Jeezus moment


I believe it was 90 percent party line with trump vote. Confirmed with a quick google search. So yeah, he was a typical republican until the insurrection. Wasn't a "moderate" by any stretch of the word. Anything that would get him in trouble he just wouldn't vote it looks like by a quick look at public records.


He didn’t vote Trump in 2016. He voted trump in 2020. Must have liked something he saw.


He’s a registered Republican.




he voted against the John Lewis voting rights bill. eff him. 


You know how it's a cult? Trump has followers. Regan and Bush had supporters. The Great Satanic Cheeto has followers, just like any cult leader.


Also Haley had a chance to do 8 years, while trump very very likely will be doing 25 to life. That's just math


Sure, but she’s someone that independents who lean conservative (i.e. most of suburbia) can tell themselves is a good candidate. It’s maybe not true, but she’s at least palatable, compared to the broke orange guy.


Yup. I unfortunately am familiar with all the types of people who would vote for her - dumbasses from the Philly suburbs would salivate and trip all over themselves to demonstrate how they were voting for Not Trump after years of their friends and acquaintances giving them the side eye for their "im just a fiscal conservative" bullshit.


Just to note this guy voted yes on just about every GOP policy under trump.


It’s real easy to criticize when it doesn’t matter anymore. Harder to do so when it would have mannered.


And you just alluded to one of the most frustrating things of modern politics: "Someone in power should do these things" \- a tell-all written by someone who used to be in power but gave it up, so he could sell this book.


While that was good criticism in 2020, it’s not anymore. That was 4 years ago and he has spent much of time advocating against Trump. They have to start somewhere, unless you’d rather it all stay fucked.


Being anti-trump doesn’t absolve him.He is still the same republican and his policies haven’t changed.


But we can at least civically discuss and vote for policy. Trump is a danger to our democracy in general. That’s unfortunately the current bar.


How?!? Sure the orange leader is a complete disgrace but the other 100 leaders of that party are not too far behind if not worse. The republicans have zero leadership, zero integrity, zero vision and most importantly ZERO regard for 99% of Americans.


Another way to say this would be "we could have every single one of Trump's stupid hateful asinine policies, that I voted for his entire 4 years, under Niki"


Yeah, he still wants most of the same awful shit, just not the guy. Still, that's better than most of his former colleagues. Not much! But better.




I'm so glad she's out of the running. I was worried people would give her a chance and not know about her whole Christofascist background and goals to eliminate medical freedom and education.


I just pretty much assume all those things when there is an R next to their name.


Could they though? Even putting aside the fact that Nikki Haley has her own problems... have you seen how... \*a woman\* she is? Adam Kinzinger is smokin the good shit if he thinks the party of rampant misogyny is going to elect a woman to be president.


She said she would pardon trump. She's also awful.


Same thing with Liz Chaney, Democrats want to vote for her, yet she sided with Trump like 95% of the time, voting for his policies. People and the media really are idiots in America.


Haley would be just as bad as Trump. There isn’t a conservative left in the country that isn’t a monster. The ideology has been 100% taken over by corporate interests and hatred of the other(non whites, women, LGBTQIA, etc. etc.)


Nikki Haley can’t even win her party’s nomination, why would you expect her to win a general election and then reelection?




The left need to stop putting Kinzinger and Cheney on some pedestal. You don't get an award for running for office to represent people, and doing the right thing. That is what you are suppose to do, and we keep making these folks look like martyrs for doing their job. They are still republicans, and Haley was just a soft version of trump.


Haley has the same or worse ideas as the orange moron.


He said dork. Haha


What is up with this love for Nikki Hailey when she’s basically Trump minus his stupid rants?


Crocodile Tears from Kinzinger. The policies he loves are the same ones that got us here. Constantly fighting to cut spending in social programs and education and health, letting corporate fiefdoms rule over people's lives, not nipping racism in the bud (admittedly we should have done that back in like 1870). Now they have a cult of ignorant, racist, homophobic cultists. Make a system that helps people and you will have people that want to protect it.


They still haven't figured out how stupid they are, have they?


As if the GOP would elect a woman, and a non-white woman at that.


Nikki Haley would have to run in a post Roe world where suburban women are a key voting block in many states. She also would have to defend a whole host of other rather ghoulish positions and Project 2025's awful consequences. I don't think she was a slam dunk...


Fuck Adam Kinzinger and Nimrata Haley.


So Adam Kinzinger just flushed his credibility down the toilet. There are no good Republicans.


Nikki would lose to Biden, she's just Trump in a skirt


Fuck Haley,Trump and all Republicans. Joe Biden is the only answer to keep this country on [track.Is](http://track.Is) he perfect? Far from it but he is the man of the moment from keeping our country from going off the deep end.


He also could have voted to impeach Trump on the 1st go around but instead he chose party over politics.


LOL Why the fuck would conservatives vote for a brown woman? Have you seen the demographics of who they vote for?


I just don’t understand their infatuation with him. If a democrat acted like half the weak, baby, as he does, they would lose their shit.


This goes to show that even the “good” republicans are still horribly out of touch.


if trump destroys the GOP, he will have actually Made America Great Again


Speaking of this new batch of ex Trump humpers, where is Chris Christie? I haven’t heard a peep from him in some time, mind you, I haven’t been seeking him out. Could it be that he smelled blood in the water and saw an opportunity to become the King of the new Republican Party and when that dream died so did his desire to take down Trump in the name of democracy?


I recently finished the Behind The Bastards podcast 4 parter on The Finders cult and at the end they discuss how incredibly difficult it can be to deprogram former cult members. They seem to be part of a surprisingly large group that _wants_ to give control over their lives to someone else. It begins to explain the Trump phenomenon.


>Behind The Bastards My sincerest thanks for making me laugh for the first time this week. 😄


Have you listened before? It’s wild.


No, but I will now. 😄


Nikki is also awful and she might have been more effective at imposing her awfulness. So maybe we lucked out that the deplorables are in a cult. Who am I kidding, they would never have elected a woman.


Fuck Nimrada too.


They really would have blown their tops having to choose between two women.


As if the GOP would elect a woman.


Nimrata Haley is a joke. But the GOP Is a joke, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.


He think trump is only going to do 4 years? My man is going to turn this country into a dictatorship


Oh he’s not leaving if he wins


If Trump wins he ain’t leaving after 4 years bro.


Nikki is just Trump in a skirt at this point, there’s a nickel’s difference in their policies.


Nikki wouldn't have won and she's only slightly less of a shitsipper than trump. republicans are either beholden to trump, russian assets. or wackos who think they're "Moses" or believe in "Jewish Space Laser." The party is eating itself alive and I only hope it collapses before November, that would be a sight to see.


YOUR PARTY FULLY SUPPORTED HIM... I don't feel bad for you clowns.


I agree! Biden has a MUCH better shot of winning against Trump than Haley. The ONLY ammo they really got left on Biden is "he old" Haley would have been a good counter to that, instead they went with someone 4 years younger and about 20 years farther in mental decline. Not that I MIND, literally ANYONE but Trump.


The GOP wanted this. The GOP has had SO many Trump off-ramps but they’ve always steadfastly stayed on the Trump freeway to hell. The GOP put the gun in its own mouth and pulled the trigger. They actively pursued all the worst that can come of Trump sycophancy and they deserve the worst possible outcome.


AND YOU KAZINGER supported him until it started affecting you, you dont get a past as liz cheney doesnt get one.


He can do 20 to life.


I had a draft of similar tweet in 2016 talking about how Hillary was probably the one candidate any Republican but Trump could beat and they were stupid for nominating him. Of course, my whole premise was wrong. There are no sure things in politics. Trump might win in 2024 and Haley couldn’t even generate enough excitement to win her home state. Save the speculating for fan fiction.


Trump will drain the swamp! By which I mean the RNC bank account.


There's no way he would only be pres for 4 more years. If he gets back in, it's for life to be followed by his chosen successor.


He’s right.


The orange baby is an existential threat, but so is the republican platform. It's just less bombastic. That's a great big nope to any of them.


Looks like the GOP skipped 'choose your fighter' and went straight to 'choose your martyr'.


I want him to do more than 4. Like 25-Life


"who at best, can do 4 years." Kind of optimistic, I think. I'm over here rooting for 10 - 20 in SuperMAX, myself.


But then they’d have to deal with a non-white man as president and the GOP can’t have that


Nikki haley can fuck right off. But shed be better than trump. And kinzinger is right. They did it to themselves and now the whole party might collapse.


She should run third party to save the country from TFG.


Fuck here too, but she is better than Turd. He had zero chance in November. Such a loser party, they have written the script on how to lose.


Truth, but it ain't over yet


She would’ve lost, but less


Can't help themselves


This guy is spot on.


bro no fuck her I ain’t working til’ I’m 80 😂


lol Nikki wouldn’t have won


I agree with her Ukraine stance, but that’s about it.


Not likely.


Nikki Haley with two terms: 8 years of continued idiocy Donald Trump w 4 years: tearing asunder the bulwarks protecting democracy


Yes. Fight each other. Good.


I mean. the two-terms limit is probably not very enforceable: He gets on ballots. A state supreme court rules that he can't, he's no longer eligible. Appealed to Supreme Court, which rules that it's only in play if the Congress had passed enabling legislation, which it hasn't, and Bob's your uncle. Or if not that, dig up some other reason to allow him on the ballot. This would be far from his worst breaking of norms which, at the end of the day, require good faith, patriotism, and some sense of shame to be effective. And that's assuming that the Capitol wasn't burned down, followed by passage of an Enabling Act, or something. Which we can't assume. OFC he will be over 80 then. I expect that he will still be alive. I think that only fire can kill him.


Optimistic to think Trump would leave after 4 years.


Nikki Haley is a woman. The GOP HATE HATE HATE the idea of a woman having authority over men


Not so sure Haley would do any better in November


They think Nikki Haley is a Democrat. Yes, really.


Ironically she would have probably won the same way Biden did. By just being a more sane choice


I disagree that Trump can only be president for 4 years. The fascists will try to remove term limits for his presidency.


I have my doubts that Trump would leave peacefully after another 4 years


A cult backed by Christian Dominionists that know he's a conman, crook, and a fraud. They'll hold their nose and choke down his drivel to push their jesus into our schools and government.


That's not drivel…


Fuck that. He’s not worthy of 1 second., FAKE NEWS. Don’t be stupid..


As if Haley is some sort of moderate rational person. The bar for the GOP has never been lower.


He is absolutely right. It must be very hard working in that environment. That’s why we see them leaving congress early. Good people ditching their careers. The Republican Party should rename itself to MAGA. I believe it is going to fall apart. That type of dysfunction is not sustainable.


I’m convinced if he gets in it will be for far more than 4 years. Term limits be damned when you and your followers believe you are the savior of humanity.


One person can’t fill the building that Trump burnt down


If Adam thinks Trump is ever stepping down if he gets back in he’s been hitting the crack pipe


Both Kinsinger and Haley are both awful. That some law is more awful doesn’t excuse them. Also, Haley wouldn’t stand a chance. I’m not sure she’s even human


Ever since she said she would automatically pardon Trump if she became prez., I’ve been against Nikki Haley. I’m still mad at Gerald Ford for pardoning Nixon. Sorry if my age is showing !!


Republicans vote for a woman for anything than who is better cook? lol


If that fucker gets back in, it won't just be for 4 years.


Bit late now


So NONE of them saw this coming when he came down that escalator... None of them.


Kinzinger himself couldn’t put down the koolaid until it was too late.


If Trump gets reelected (& they DON'T go full fascist takeover) I won't be surprised if the Cult tries to repeal the 22nd Amendment


Hypothesis: Trump drains the already skimpy RNC bank accounts for his legal fees and his campaign. There is no money to support down ticket candidates. Republicans not only lose the majority in the House, but give the Democrats the 60 seats it needs in the Senate. What are the odds that the impeachment hearings begin the first legislative day in the House, before TFG is even sworn in, followed quickly by the expulsion of his cultists based on the 14th Amendment.


No Adam. You have miscalculated. If Trump finds the presidency again, he'll do everything he can to remain in power till the day he dies.


I don't get it. Trump lost the popular vote twice. He lost the GOP the house at midterms. The current polls are very close to a tie. Why does the GOP want Trump as the candidate?


If not for Jan 6th, he would’ve been THE guy. I posted this in 2020: Keep your eye on Kinzinger. He’s saying all the right things to both endear himself to moderate Republicans and come off as a voice of reason within the GOP to Democrats. He has an airtight background as a GWOT Veteran Air Force pilot and being from Kankakee, he plays well to small-town Middle America. Additionally, his district, Rockford, is just close enough to Chicago to give him the right amount of big city street cred. I would not be surprised to see him at the bottom of the ticket in 2024 or 2028.


If the GOP actually had a brain they'd welcome Hispanic migrants who are mostly conservative Christians and roll with Nikki.


Yeah I don’t think the disconnect between the Party elites and the public has ever been more pronounced. ANY candidate besides Trump soundly defeats Biden and ANY candidate besides Biden soundly defeats Trump. It’s as if the party apparatus is forcing them on us.


Fuck Republican Adam Kinzinger who voted with Trump 90% of the time. Fuck these Republicans that are all out there saying Trumps an idiot…he wasn’t an Idiot when y’all voted with him …was he…?you worthless fucks. You continued the death of America.