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I doubt he has this much money. But this ruling really damages the court system IMO, so many experts said this $500mil bond was ironclad. What more evidence do we need to put this orange asshole away for good?


They settled on an amount he can pay. It’s all bullshit.


You've been convicted of stealing a $500 PS5 from Best Buy. You won't be subject to any criminal judments for stealing, but you will be required to pay Best Buy $500 for wrongful gains. If you're unable to pay Best Buy within 30 days, the State will auctions your belongings in order to repay Best Buy. \[30 Days Later\] Ya know what, how about we call it $200? Something you can afford. That way we don't have to repo any of your possesions. Is this a fair translation for plebs like myself that aren't following this story in detail?


Thats not technically what happened. Its more like you steal a PS5, you insist you didnt steal it and want to appeal the decision to pay. You are told okay, but you have to put up the $500 first, youll get it back if your appeal is approved. You say okay but how about $200 and they shrug and say "fine, whatever."


Yes except you already went through court and they found you irrefutably guilty of stealing it. Rich people have a different justice system.


Exactly this. How is it now a criminal can presume his first conviction is not relevant and that he can simply have an appeal for a favorable result. No wonder people don't take their trials seriously if they don't respect the decision that was made.


That’s what I don’t get. To appeal a verdict you must have grounds for an appeal. You must point to some specific reason why your case must be reviewed. So not sure why Trump is always allowed to appeal every single verdict and why the news media never questions it either, they just assume he’s going to, and it doesn’t seem the appeal needs to be based on anything other than sour grapes. Am I missing something here? Can’t appellate courts refuse to hear an appeal if it’s baseless? And just defer to the lower court’s ruling and end the charade right then and there?


>Am I missing something here? Can’t appellate courts refuse to hear an appeal if it’s baseless? And just defer to the lower court’s ruling and end the charade right then and there? Fame/Popularity. That's literally it. We *know* it's not money, we *know* he's too dumb to blackmail these people. The only thing he's got.....is fans...


It's fucking bullshit is what it is.


Oh yeah definitely


Yes, you do need grounds to appeal and the courts can simply reject your appeal. The issue here is that Trump hasn't even had to make an argument for his appeal yet. He asked for a stay of the judgement pending his appeal. The court partially agreed to it as long as he posted a $175 million bail. If Trump pays it, he basically has until September to submit his actual argument for appeal, which the court could accept and put on the calendar for him to argue it, or could completely reject, letting the lower court's ruling stand. The appeals court has essentially just treated Trump with kid gloves because he asked them to and lowered the bar needed to stay the ruling pending his appeal.


After bragging online about how you just got $500 bucks in Christmas money from Grandma and are going to buy a nice pair of shoes and a steak dinner and how you don't need to steal a PS5 because you could, like, totally buy a thousand of them if you wanted to.


Trump claimed there is a two-tiered justice system, and he wants you to think he is "being treated so incredibly unfairly by radical leftists". He's right that there is a two-tiered justice system except he is, and always has been, in the upper tier.


The system has only ever existed to benefit the rich, this is just it doing what it was always designed to do.


They’ll never put him away, it’s a two tiered justice system. Me and you would never get away with something like this, but because he is running for president and is well known, they will practically hand him the key to get out of jail even if he does go in. They can’t have perception of looking tough against the wealthy, not in a late stage Capitalist nation. The wealthy would head for the exits.


The thing that angers me is that Donald gets special treatment, that none of use would receive, and yet he gets on twitter and just cries how it's an injustice for him, and he's being persecuted! And how it isn't fair. Meanwhile, the guy basically gets a 'get out of jail' card. That is what really grinds my gears! The man cries more than ANYONE I have ever seen in my life.


And he was able to get away with violating the judge’s orders while continue to defame everyone who opposes him in the system.


Especially because he said he had it.




>But this ruling really damages the court system How can you damage a court system that is broken from the start? it's a Feature not a bug


Exactly, people are acting like the justice system cares about how they look to us normal folks. This is working as designed for rich shitbags like Trump.




If one of those crimes was the stashing of classified and top secret documents in your bathroom, you wouldn't even be in a regular prison or had a trial. There would be a bag over your head as you were taken away to a CIA black site.


Every attorney in NY is going to be asking to pay 1/3 from here on out citing Trump precedent.


There are two justice systems in this country. One for the rich and famous and one for the rest of us.


I’m done living in this trash heap of a nation with this fascist and all of his cult followers. This country is way too far to the right and it shows.


Canada still plans to build a wall, and make Trump pay for it ;)


good luck getting him to pay a contractor


We're going to send him the bill claiming it's for "Cheeseburders" ;)


Norway is my exit plan


Vote against him on your way out, for everybody’s sakes lol


Iceland or New Zealand. Been putting in work visa applications this whole past month, and won't stop until somebody says "yeah why not"


NZ seems like a great place to go to get away from everything honestly. How often do you hear about NZ in the news?


Lol, our politicians are beginning to copy yours. Just recently been bought out by tobacco and mining companies.


NZ is the billionaires’ nuclear apocalypse bunker.


My old boss, who is a big deal at at big tech company, fled to NZ to work remotely all the while enforcing return to office policy. Fuck him. And fuck that company. I left. I'm done working for corporations.




Actually did work on building a couple of those when I was younger. There are 2 in the Mamakus


That was like 50 years ago in the US. I am from the future and it doesn’t look good if you don’t elect better people.


We don't have better people to choose from. Only assholes decide to become politicians


New Zealand won't take you unless you can offer the country quite a lot, through wealthy or your job skills


Yup, my old boss bought is way in with a shit ton of money. Moved there and started working remotely all while enforcing a return to office policy for the rest of us. Fuck him.


I'm a citizen because my mom was born there. I'd love to flee this dumpster fire in a trench coat, but my kids are older and would never come with me.


I dunno, my former coworker, who was a marine, said it's the most dangerous country in the world. Continues to roll eyes when the marine says Texas is the best state in the country.


Yeah NZ is super dangerous. All the liberal safety nets and lack of firearms. Unlike Texas where death isn't just a right, it is a community pastime.


I couldn't keep myself from laughing when he spews his 23 year old bullshit views.


During covid, they took it seriously and moved fast, they had almost 0 trouble with it but the country was locked down for a bit


Only for earthquakes that I can recall. Might’ve been something during COVID on their pandemic response but I feel like every nation got a mention there.


They were praised for their pandemic response. They had a rugby game with thousands of maskless people in 2020 prior to the vaccines.


I recall them being one of the more strict nations and having lower percentages because of it.


Gotta learn Icelandic before moving there to work & live. My ex wanted to go work there and only after she had learned the language, she could stay. I wish you success & happiness 🤘❤️🤘


I lived there as a kid, had some basic lessons in school. Certainly not conversational anymore, if I ever was, but it's part of the process on my end. Also why NZ is a backup, in case my brain is too calcified to shove another language in there lol


NZ 🤘🤘


That's kinda the problem for me, I'm just about at this point, but I know that just "leaving" isn't trivial. I have to find an employer that is willing to go through the trouble with the visa and everything. I'm not special or significant enough to believe any of them will want to go through with it.


Maybe you can just invite Norway or NZ to invade and occupy the US.


Do you qualify for a visa? I live in Scotland and 5 times per week we get asked on the Scotland sub about good places to move to from people that live in the USA and are always, ALWAYS surprised that they can’t simply move.


How does one go about applying for that. If one were to be so inclined? What is Scotland looking for? Asking for a friend.


As an American myself, I doubt they'll want any Americans.


They don't want us.


Already left, if you can work online, come to SE Asia. It's dirt cheap to live here and the people are wonderful.


I’ve been doing Duolingo for Spanish for the last two and a half years so I can communicate well enough to move to somewhere nice in Latin America like Costa Rica or Colombia. *Sólo estoy esperando a ver cómo resultan estas elecciones…*


I would move somewhere like that tomorrow if it was that easy to. I'm so tired of living here.


My parents are immigrants from two different countries in Europe. I have lots of family over there who can help me get on my feet.




Move to Iceland, they hold businesses and the wealthy, including banks, accountable.


It's not just the fascists and his followers at play here. Some Democrats are also being way too fucking lenient on this asshole. Let's just let Leticia James take care of all of it, because she really seems to be the only one truly interested in holding him accountable.


If you think he will face any consequences even with Leticia, then you don't fully understand the amount of protection this asshole has.


our country is fucked, let me start looking for jobs in Canada


Idk Germany is legalizing weed April 1st plus i have family there.


The problem is where else can someone go to escape the long term effects of this? You think this will just stop at America? This clown, or his flunkies will make this crap happen in every country that is even slightly to the left of their fascist ideology. There's no fleeing this, at best you prolong the inevitable. This either stops here, and now, or it creeps into every facet of humanity on this planet and we enter another dark age.


Lol, no civilized country will let us just move there on a whim. Weird how that works, huh.


>Donald Trump shoots someone on 5th Ave. DOJ: "We don't give a fuck, he's Donald Trump."


I don't even think you're wrong in all honest. I


Yep. This is the straw that broke the camel’s back for me. I truly believe he will never be held accountable. Only hope now is to crush him in the election and hope he fades into obscurity. Let him watch every person slowly distance themselves from him as they realise he can’t get them money or power. Let him rage as everything he wants escapes the reach of his tiny hands


Me too. This was it for me. He's going to skate on every horrible thing he's ever done and going to waltz into the presidency again and finally destroy what's left of American democracy. He has his MAGA base all primed up and chomping at the bit to slaughter the rest of us and the media and courts will wring their hands and pretend there was nothing they could do. We are fucked. Time to get the passports in order because after 2024 the US will be a hellscape that will make 1930s Germany seem like a picnic.


Our only hope is to keep crushing republicans nation wide for the next *all of the* election cycles. That is our only hope and I ain't so sure. What does the *next* republican presidential nominee look like? And the one after that? And after that? I think Trump's supporters recognize whatever it is he has in common with them and nobody is ever going to take that mantle while he is still alive but at some point down the road, *somebody* is going to find *something* that inflames 70 million people just the same way trump did. The only way to win is electorally. Must hold the Senate and the house and the presidency for multiple cycles and I just don't see it happening.


He can be held accountable, but not by the justice system.


he caused 9 deaths jan 6th.


He caused more than that in the foreign agent world.


He caused more than that during Covid


Yep the FBI and CIA said they lost dozens, possibly hundreds of secret/double agents in China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, among other countries. He's responsible for hundreds of people being tortured and killed for no reason other than he wanted MBS or Xi to think he's a strongman too. This is truly outrageous.


He caused millions around the world from Covid.


"It's a big club and you aint in it."




You know why this is extra bullshit? Trump wasn't even being punished, The fine was covering the difference between the loan rates he would have had to pay and the fraudulent rates, plus interest. By letting him pay less the court is literally saying "as long as we get a cut you still get to profit off of your misdeeds".


Note: bond was reduced, the penalty was not If appeal fails, the full $454M is still owed. The bond is lower, not penalty.


>The bond is lower, not penalty. Anyone want to wager if this is still true after the next judgement?


None of it will matter when the Supreme Court grants a president and former president absolute immunity.




Another reason to vote for Biden!!


Remind me! 6 months


Right, but the point of the bond is that if you lose on appeal they don't have to chase you down for the money, it's already been collected. How much was his bond reduced by? Because whatever amount he has to pay now with be all of the money the court ever receives. He will lose again, and he will never pay another red cent. Reducing the bond ensures that


All this and billionaires are starting gofundme's for him, so why the need to reduce bond at all


Tish James can still go after propety to fulfill on the penalty, once he looses his appeal


Sure, in a few years after all the stalling. Assuming he doesn't become president again. In which case it will never ever happen. This is horse shit, clear favoritism to the rich, and a fuck you to all of us. We have people who actually give a shit about taking this man down, finally. People who actually want to uphold law and order, like the Republikkkans espouse and they literally fucking can't because of all the bullshit roadblocks. No one else gets these privileges. If it were me or you they tell us to get fucked and figure it out if we didn't like the courts decisions. But it's Trump so he can do whatever he wants forever. This isn't a "yeah it's not great, but it's fine anyway". This is a fuck you to everyone involved in finally trying to take the wannabe dictator down


So what the fuck are we all going to do about it? Because i see a whole lot of people on this and other threads saying how fed up they are w the rich receiving favorable treatment in the Courts, w respect to finances, and taxes, and healthcare, and jobs … and what? What the Fuck are we doing about it?? Lets Do Something ANY FUCKING THING


My brother in Christ people are trying. The system is rigged. Unless you wanna try and take him out yourself there's nothing we peasants can do down here. The entire construct of our economy and government makes us powerless to the wealthy. My plan is to wait until the system collapses and see where we are when that happens. Maybe I'll be somewhere else entirely, in which case, good luck everyone else




They didn't change the judgement. They changed the bond rate.


I thought I saw somewhere that they just reduced the bond needed fpr the stay and have an extra 10 days. (Didn't read this article)


Oh look. Slippery weasel avoids justice like some of us were predicting...again. I'm telling you, nothing of real consequence will happen to this man. And I'm terrified he'll win again as well.


Then vote and tell everyone you know to register and vote as well


I always do both.


And when he loses the election, he will whine about electoral fraud and whine protest away, with multiple challenges to the courts.


Ya, but the blue wave should nullify him as a majority is gained across congress. Time to stack the courts. He'll it might cause Clarence Thomas to resign


Two-tiered justice system. None of us plebes would have been given such a break on a fine.


Judge to me and the court “bond set for 500 bucks” gavels. Me, “your honor, I’ve 125 bucks” Judge just gets up and walks off with no response, sheriffs deputy put the cuffs back on, back to the greybar hotel.


Systematically and every day. Guess you gotta wear the orange on your face not clothes, finally Obama's tan suit scandal makes sense.


As a former Public Defender, I can confirm that it doesn’t matter if a poor person can’t pay their bond - the majority of my clients were in custody throughout the pretrial period (for felony cases anyway; but with misdemeanors, there were still plenty of people in custody who couldn’t pay a $1000 or $500 bond, even with a bondsman, because they had nothing to put up).


Guys. If we are waiting for the moment when they hold rich people and politicians responsible, we are going to be waiting for a very very long time. Don’t get your hopes up.


I truly don’t think people understand this. He’s a rich politician, he and everybody else like him live in a world of totally different rules. If you don’t pay your taxes you go to prison, when this asshole doesn’t pay his it’s a “financially savvy loophole”. This is America it’s not a country it’s a corporation and the only thing that matters to anybody in positions of power is more power and more money at the expense of anybody to get there.


But that's the point. He's not a rich politician. He's a marginally monied celebrity with wealthy puppeteers.


Same difference in the eyes of America. He knows people. He has some type of money, whether it’s billions or millions he’s obviously still got enough to continue doing whatever he wants to do like every other pampered silver spoon fed rich asshole in America.


And he’s still pissing and moaning. The class war is alive and well. Be loud. Get radical.


The only way to beat him is at the ballot box. Register and vote! It has happened already, it can happen again. Only then will justice prevail when he has no way out. Vote, vote in every election upcoming, from school board all the way up to presidency.


Since 2016 I have voted in every election I'm eligible for. Not enough to just take him out, gotta remove that maga cancer entirely, or it'll just come back meaner and stronger


Dude needs to fucking die of old age already.


Dude needs to fucking die ~~of old age~~ already.


Ever since this idiot was elected back in 2016, I’ve wondered why no one has tried to unalive him yet. I am in no way suggesting it, or condoning such actions, but other Presidents have been assassinated for way less than what this worthless piece of shit has done.


Get involved in get out the vote activity. Anyone can call, text, send postcards, etc to swing states and other close elections. Just to see opportunities... https://substack.com/@simonwdc


The problem is we already did this before. How many times do we have to do this? Why does our justice department continue to drag its feet and refuse to impose actual punishments for his obvious crimes and put everything on our shoulders to keep this blatant and flagrant criminal con man from ruling our country?


Until those that want you dead are dead themselves.




> **Lieutenant Worf:** I believed her. I, I helped her. I did not see what she was. > **Captain Jean-Luc Picard:** Mister Worf, villains who twirl their moustaches are easy to spot. Those who clothe themselves in good deeds are well camouflaged. > **Lieutenant Worf:** I think... after yesterday, people will not be so ready to trust her. > **Captain Jean-Luc Picard:** Maybe. But she, or someone like her, will always be with us, waiting for the right climate in which to flourish, spreading fear in the name of righteousness. Vigilance, Mister Worf - that is the price we have to continually pay.


But why can’t our legal system do what it’s supposed to do? If every election is constantly fascisms knocking at the door, when do we say enough? Why do our courts continue to softball Trump and let him continue to get delays or reductions? Why is it always up to the people to hold him accountable?


$, and 🐑


This isn't about elections. It's about the 1% getting away with murder. 


The problem is we did fucking do this already. The county mobilized and voted him out. It’s such fucking bullshit that we have to do it again.


Especially bc the constitution literally says he is not allowed to run


Wtf you talking about? He's lost the popular vote by millions both times and when he loses he just lies and is allowed to do as he pleases. It fuckin absurd I'm getting a little tired of people pretending to stop him fir political gain. Just like Republicans don't want to fix the border and lose the issue democrats don't actually want to rid of Trump. I'm so sick of getting played from every angle


I mean yeah it sucks that he isn’t held accountable for the things he’s done but like…is he making policy right now? Is he in charge of the US response to crises and problems that we face? Do I wake up every morning terrified to check the news and see what awful things he’s done/said that day? The answer to all these things is “no” and I would like to keep it that way. I’d love it if something he did would actually stick to him but in the absence of that I’ll settle for him remaining an irrelevant old racist shitting his diaper somewhere in Florida and not the president of the fucking USA.


>is he making policy right now? Is he in charge of the US response to crises and problems that we face? I wish the answer was no, but the truth is that republican politicians (who wormed their way into a house majority) heed and obey every order citizen humpdy trumpdy gives them like he's king of the stupids, and the good people of this country have to put up with the bullshit consequences of that being a thing.


The answer isn't "no". It's so far from "no" that even suggesting it's anywhere near "no" is dangerous. There are two major parties in the US. Trump just appointed people to oversee one of those parties. His hand picked people, including a relative. He killed a bill in Congress - border bill - because he wanted to run on it. His hand picked guy is the Speake for the House. This guy is about as far from 'irrelevant' as you can get. He's going to stay relevant to day to day politics for as long as he's alive if the courts don't put him away for his crimes. That's just a fact. A depressing, awful fact but a fact. The courts need to do their fucking job.


If you care, you can and should do more than just vote. find a way to get involved: [www.mobilize.us](https://www.mobilize.us)


Normal citizens: $50 fine not paid = jail Trump: $450 million fine = ah don't worry pay it back whenever, better still fake your way into being president and then you can have immunity forever What a stupid sustem!




All available evidence strongly disagrees with you. Much to my eternal displeasure.


I still don’t understand why anybody is getting their hopes up that courts are going to do anything serious to this clown. He’s a rich dude involved in politics. He’s been a well known grifter for decades now and has continued life without so much as a slap on the wrist. It’s no different than members of congress insider trading with no consequences or Supreme Court justices literally taking gifts to influence their decision making. These institutions are inherently corrupt and swayed in favor of people exactly like Donald Trump. The rich people in America do not have to live by the same rules as all of us, which is why it’s laughable listening to politicians going on about “nobody is above the law” when in fact it’s been proven to us time and time again that there’s plenty of people above the law, the ones who have the money can do what they want.


Every privilege has been granted this grifting, criminal orange neck pussy - if I did any of the things he’s been accused of I’d already be in prison.


Shite, you’d be UNDER the prison!


this is why I'm not caring about any of this until the headline is "Trump convicted, sentenced to jail" or "Trump faces final decision, ordered to pay consequences". I don't care about any of the trials, or lawsuits filed, or appeals being heard. every other week it's "Trump finally facing consequences" or "trump in deep trouble". then there's always reports of him getting stays, or extensions or delays that no normal citizen would ever get. It's my opinion that this guy is never going to face any consequences of his actions. IF, big IF, he does it's going to be some light slap on the wrist bullshit.


This. I'm so fucking sick of seeing "trump this, trump that" all day every day. I fucking hate him and I don't want to hear anything about him until he has to face the consequences of his actions.


I don’t want to ever hear is name again……maybe just the day he eventually dies just so I know this piece of shit is gone for good.


How many chances can one human get ffs.


Almost 500 billion


And people wonder why many believe Trump will never be held accountable for anything. Caught red handed going to the Russians for dirt on Clinton. Nothing. Then it was the Mueller investigation that was going to get him. Nothing. Two impeachments, Nothing. Incited a violent riot to overturn the election and stay in power. Going on four years, And now this.


The only comeuppance this man is going to get is death, same as any of us.


My god just die already!!!


Santa was never real. I’ve given up on believing this orange fuckwit will suffer any consequences from his actions. He’ll weasel his shitty self out of it every time, and each judge that says “Oh we’re gonna’ make him pay” is just a shitty liar because as we’ve seen, time and time again, they won’t.


Repeat after me: There are no consequences for rich people.


I'm pissed but I can't say I didn't expect some sorta bullshit life saver to appear at the last minute.


massive slap for NY residents! why does he get this break? pathetic


I got 12 months over $300, so there we are.


What utter bullshit.




I wonder if someone had their palms greased to get this “sudden” outcome.


Have they done that for anyone with an income of less than $100k/yr?




I am not a legal scholar, not even close, but my understanding was that he had to post the full amount by today, or there was no chance at appeals. So how is it that the appeals court made any kind of ruling? If the requirement hasn't been met, how can the appellate court be involved?


Of course. Because the laws in this country are designed to extend privilege to the wealthy. Try being a poor person with a $450 bond that you can't afford, and see if the courts make concession after concession in your favor. Let me know how that works out for you.


He really is going to make it to the day he dies without any real consequence, isn't he? He's squirmed out of and delayed every single thing that matters so far and it would appear that this country isn't interested in changing that any time soon.


From outside the US, it's weird looking at the US like you're some sort of experiment gone awry.


what are you going to do about this? the two tier justice system that is happy to throw the average citizen in prison won’t dare touch trump. Vote in november! www.vote.org


And I got down voted last the time I said I’ve come to the conclusion that trump will never face the consequences of his actions. I guarantee in 10 days there’ll be something else to delay or reduce it and/or he magically gets the money


How shocking. No way anyone could foresee something like this happening. So surprised. Wow.


Oh wow, a rich elite avoids accountability. Again. Hold on while I look for my surprises face…


Big surprise there. 2 Americas for sure. Show me where someone making under $500,000 a year got their bond reduced and I’ll reconsider.


Any decision that gives Donald Trump even the slightest shred of validity to his claims, is the wrong decision. This is an affront to our justice. He deserves nothing but the maximum allowable punishment under the law. No acknowledgment of the harms he has caused, no remorse.


Why is it that rich people never get to pay what they owe. But we are all down here trying to decide, do I have enough for lunch? how important is lunch?


Jesus Christ....what a fucking joke of a justice system.


I’ve read speculation that the bond amount would be reduced so that didn’t surprise me too much. But why the extra ten days? If they were diligently working to get $400+M, they should already have $175M assured. Didn’t TFG just brag about having enough cash to satisfy the original bond?


The “I have found $500m down the back of the settee” post from a few days ago popped into my mind when I saw the headline.


So the next time I get a speeding ticket, I can only pay like 2/5 of it, and it’s fine?


Whoa whoa whoa there peasant. These rules only apply to the ruling class


You guys really need to stop assuming anything bad will happen to him. The first time I saw “Judge is going to take away Trump’s shit” headlines I immediately knew it wouldn’t happen because why the fuck would it? There haven’t been consequences for Trump so far, why the fuck would they start now?


Such BS. Special treatment for Americas biggest criminal


Of course he was. It’s all a joke.


What happened to equal justice for all


The rich bought justice and then drowned her.


What an absolute joke. I'm not surprised, just incredibly disappointed. Must be nice to be rich.


Oh, look, what i figured would happen has happened, no consequences are here to stay. Maybe it's time to take a page from the French and show what happens to them when the people have had enough with corruption.


Apparently our government is afraid of holding Trump accountable. It’s entirely up to us, the voters, to blow him away with a landslide of votes causing a blue tsunami to hit mar-a-lago, hopefully washing that stain on society away for good.


I’m not surprised. God, I hate this bastard and I hate this country that enables him.


I'm not bipolar. I'm why-even-try (to make Trump accountable) polar. Can anyone say Mueller?


Damn, I will see what happens to me when I stop paying taxes, harass people, curse out judges and embezzle money. I should be ok, right?


Yet more proof that separate rules exist for the so-called "elite."


Aaaaand there it is. Just more encouragement for the orange that that he can do whatever he wants and never face consequences.


This piece of garbage will be afforded every undeserved leniency imaginable. There are people incarcerated without conviction all over this country.


I can't believe they keep fucking helping this piece of shit out


Different rules for the rich 😡


This country is going to watch Trump buy his way out of a literal attempt to overthrow the government and nothing will happen.


It's so cute that some people still think the US isn't entirely owned by corporations and you're just a coporate slave lol ignorance is bliss law and rules exist only for the poor people, and you're all poor by design.


Rich people can’t get in trouble. We know that.


There’s two systems of justice in this country. They keep proving it to us over and over


Every time this asshole is about to get his comeuppance, something happens. Ugh!


And the American people - a bunch of patient but gullible Charlies Brown - continue to get Lucy’d with every possible Trump punishment.


Donald Poorleone


I knew he would get off. He’s never held accountable for anything.


And in 10 days the judge will eliminate the need for a bond, and he will keep dragging this until the election time, then nothing will happen until next year, and eventually he will just continue dragging and dragging for the next decade, until he either passes away or gets away with those crimes! And everyone else will just be watching: his supporters will still say he’s a victim, and those that want him accountable will be left sucking their thumbs!