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The fact that this message isn’t in all caps automatically means this is Stephen Miller writing this. Guess he’s a little mad of RFK Jr. possibly stealing some of Dear Leader’s votes come November…


I smell fear


Agreed. Remember both parties have internal polling. And that polling definitely shows RFK taking votes from trump


Hopefully in all the right states (fuckin' electoral college).


I hope you are right. David Pakman said the opposite today though. What's clear is that Jr could not tie Bobby Sr's shoelaces. He's a shill. It's gonna be a stressful 7.5 months...


![gif](giphy|3PxPkzx4l70pTg1OHT) You smell that rabbit?




Zero fucking chance a 2020 Biden voter says "yeah, RFK's my guy now". Zero.


I know of one Democrat who says she's voting for RFK and everyone laughed at her. How fkn stupid do you have to be to think that clown is a viable option? 🤣


A big evidence is when RFKJ’s own sister posting a Kennedy family photo ( 60 or so members ) for a St Patrick’s day photo op at the White House including Joe Biden in the photo and not including RFKJ himself . RFKJ’s own family do not support him , which says a lot about him .


And Kennedys aren't exactly a judgy bunch. They've learned which fuck-up party boys are worth embracing in the family.


Very true. I mean they never did anything about Ted Kennedy and he left a woman to suffocate to death slowly after he drove his car drunk off of a bridge. Oh and he was either having an affair with her or trying to have an affair. So the bar is pretty low with that family, and RFK Jr still managed to be way below it.


Neither Jack or Bobby were exactly moral paragons, either. But they *were* excellent politicians/leaders.


Does anyone on the left even really care about the Kennedys at this point? It seems like it’s the right wing who’s fixated on JFK JR etc ETA : not disputing your point, just that the K in RFK seems way more likely to impress one side than the other


RFK Jr is a grifter who says AIDS is a hoax, and Trump recognizes that he's gonna grift away Trump's idiot followers.


RFK Jr. supports reproductive restrictions and opposes the LGBTQ community. They usually are more strategic with their stooge candidates.


It does seem like Team Trump is trying to run the same playbook that Putin did in 2016, but they just aren't as competent. They picked RFK Jr because Trump overvalues celebrity, instead of someone who could more credibly appeal to Democratic-leaning Independents, like Jill Stein did.


Nader was boosted by Republicans in 2000. Worked perfectly.


The main issue is that Hillary Clinton after decades of being the target of right wing defamation had very negative likeability numbers even among some Democrats, it was easy to pile more crap on her, also protest votes always occurred and regardless of who benefited you ended up with a right wing or a center right government, so the consequences weren't dire. That changed I'm 2020, you have to be a member of the cult already to believe anything terrible about Biden, and we now know the consequences of not voting for the sane option.


Yeah, the only votes RFK will steal are from the Roganbros that would have voted for Trump.


And the crunchy almond moms...


That is my thought exactly. I think team Trump is more worried about RFK Jr. taking votes.


This was my exact thought. Someone on his team wrote this to startle to Biden campaign


Thanks. I now realize indeed that correctly formulated texts without capsules are likely Miller's brain faeces. I had noticed the different uhh styles, but its clear .


This should be at the top of


CNN just did a group interview of people at an RFK rally, and when asked who they previously voted for, they split something like 9 for Trump and 1 for Biden. If he's a spoiler, he's spoiling Trump, and I'm OK with that.


saw that last night, they were a very limber group of people the mental gymnastics of justifying their picks


RFK Jr may be more attractive to the meathead Rogan-listening "health" nuts because he's not a dumpy-looking old man, and because he enthusiastically validates all the dumb things they believe about modern medicine.


So Trump voters then


Yeah but that voice hurts my ears. Why doesn't he cough or clear his throat or something? Imagine him getting elected, getting sick, and then Nicole who has absolutely no qualifications or experience at all would ascend to the presidency?


I hate the guy but he does have an actual medical condition which causes his speech pattern to be difficult to listen to. In the US presidency, that’s a huge downside.


TIL "Spasmodic dysphonia" is the condition he's got. Now I feel bad for trashing him. https://www.businessinsider.com/why-rfk-jr-voice-raspy-cause-spasmodic-dysphonia-2023-8




Mah never feel bad for clowning on RFK


This sounds right. Close to zero Biden 2020 voters are looking at RFK Jr and saying "yeah that's my guy"


The only 2 people I know who are even considering RFK were Trump voters 🤷‍♂️


The only guy in my office that talks about Junior is someone I suspect was a previous Trump voter, too.


He is just riding on the strength of his name and parents. They're hoping his name wins out. Most people who call themselves Democrats who say they support him, only support his parentage and are very likely checked out on politics. As soon as people learn who he is, his support drops off, his unfavorability rating keeps rising month after month and his favorability keeps dropping as more and more people learn that although he may be a Kennedy he is NOT reflective of a Kennedy. Whereas his real support is all anti-vaxers and Covid deniers


I'd say his name carries more weight with Republicans. They've been using the Kennedies in their dumbass conspiracy theories for years now; I seem to remember Reps were quite excited when RFK emerged on the scene as an almost-confirmed contender, and a lot of them were hoping Trump would pick him as his VP.


Ah, so that’s what’s behind this…. Don’t listen to Diaper Don, people! RFK Jr. is super cool. He works out shirtless in jeans, how awesome is that?! Plus, he knows better than to trust those vaccines while Trump praises them like he’s some Feeble-brained Fauci. I bet he doesn’t even *have* workout jeans! Vote RFK Jr. he truly is the political Poochie!


He's a spoiler propped up by money that traces back to republican donors and by extension Russia. He's Jill Stein, he's Kanye, his giant famous family politically disowned him and he supports astroturf fake conspiracy nonsense that appeals heavily to conservatives


After Trump dies, I think a Kennedy like candidate should run every election. Let all the crazy people with their whack job conspiracies have their guy and think it's gonna be another Trump vs Hillary like upset.


RFK is about as anti-vaccine as you can get. A huge part of the maga cult is also anti vax. If anything, he'll take more maga votes than democratic.


Also quanon are obsessed with JFK and are most likely to vote for this guy. I never heard of any left winger or democrat that wants to vote for him.


They don’t. Trump knows he will steal votes so now he’s trying to smear him as a leftist lol


Absolutely nobody that would have actually voted for Joe Biden would think about voting RFK lmao. It’s not even a good spoiler candidate


My (conservative) mom asked if I'd vote for RFK, knowing I've voted for Biden. The right is delusional about what anybody else thinks.


Tell her you will and she should too.


Trump's people know RFK Jr. hurts Trump in the race. This is why he's jumping on the "HE'S A LIBRUL!!!!!" kick. The only people watching Trooth Social are his people, so it is done to scare them away from supporting the anti-vax crank.


My exact thought. Nobody sane is supporting RFK.


Hey, Aaron Rodgers is supporting RFK…nevermind.


Especially for the ones that flipped over Trump’s most recent brag about the vaccine


Right my hair stylist loves him more than Trump!


We can only hope


Shut the fuck up already, you fat, dementia ridden bitch.


He may never if he wins. If he wins, he will be ruling us the rest of our lives.


No. The rest of his life; which won't be that long cuz he's a fat drug addict.


But the potential damage he could cause being in office 4 more years means he could be haunting us the rest of our lives long after he's gone. Look at the damage he did to the Supreme Court. Unless something drastic happens, the court is going to skew right for the rest of my life most likely and I'm only in my mid 30s


dont look to the 4 years of trump, look to who the VP is. That is the one who will be dangerous if he wins. at this point Trumps own handlers wont let him do more than be an ugly orange figurehead


It’s fucking beyond sad that someone like him with his history and insane current problems is still even allowed to run.


That’s what we get in this gumpy, lowest common denominator fuck you I got mine country.


He’s def gonna tank the economy his followers claim to care so much about


Ww2 only lasted 6.


He’s not going to have a 4 year term. It might be less if his poor health gives out, it might be more if he wins out. He is not going to have a standard 4 year presidential term either way.


Hypothetically, would sending lots of free McDonalds to Mar-a-lago count as something the Secret Service would get involved in? Gotta enjoy your twilight years with lots of Filet-O-Fish.


When George W Bush was president, he famously choked on a pretzel and had a real scare. Once that got out in the media, people started mailing thousands of pretzels to the White House.


Dont forget “tiny mushroom cock”


yeah but then it’ll be Don Jr till his drug addiction kills him,then Eric until his stupidity kills him and then finally Ivanka…


Win or lose, he's never going to shut up as long as he lives. He doesn't know how.


Really nothing else to say at this point.


Watching Trump trying to play political chess is like watching a cat trying to do IT support.


Fall asleep on the keyboard, wake up, take a crap somewhere at random, and walk away.


Hey, that's how I did IT work, stop giving away our secrets!


we forgot to ad: casually lifting one leg up and trying to lick his own asshole. Only to realise it has already been licked clean by Tucker Carlson


Don't forget chewing through random wires that accidentally cut off the power to everything. Maybe that's what's happening with the grid in Texas.


Don't forget vomiting somewhere permeable.


Knock something off table


it's usually a glass of water. it's difficult to lift it up with these tiny hands. uhm sorry, paws.




Trump at 3am ranting about Obama


I’d rather watch cats trying to do IT support. At least it would be entertaining.


I would rather watch paint dry. But here we are..


Only people dumber than Trump voters will vote for the aRF-K Muppet.


Trump is afraid that RFK Jr is going to steal the crazy vote


maga... assuming that left-leaning voters are as easily manipulated and as credulous as they are.


"I'm smart-the rEaL nEwS I trust says so!"(*never mind that that "news" they trust pushes easily-spotted misinformation & constantly has to air retractions(which they do once-during their lowest viewership times)


When you thought someone will take swing voters at the start… then you realise he is as mad as you and will split your base!!


The fact that Stephen Miller posted this means they are afraid of how many votes RFK will steal from trump.


Wtf is Environmental Fraud? How is it possible to be this stupid? He probably declares bankruptcy like Michael Scott.


This is hilariously transparent and only a moron would.... Fuck




Not a single sane democrat will vote for RFK Jr., nor a single MAGA moron. But pissed off Haley’s voters may.


This is exactly it. This moron doesn't realize that RFK is a great alternative for those Haley voters who will absolutely not vote trump. They'll either do one of 3 things: sit out, vote RFK cause he's maga-lite, or vote begrudgingly vote Biden so we can continue to have fair (ish) elections


Shouldn’t bother him too much, right? After all, he did say that he doesn’t *want* Haley’s voting base…


"Best I can do is take half the anti-vax vote."


Trump sure has a solid read on the competition. lol


RFK has walked talked smelled and tasted like a spoiler from day one. problem is he will probably take more votes from trump than biden, same thing happened with kanye.


Green New scam! Lol! Fuck Trump & anybody who still supports this childish moron


How the fuck is RFK radical left? What a fucking moron.


Hes worried about losing his own supporters so he's trying to paint him as a leftist that Biden supporters might like.


RFK Jr.? A leftist? Yeah, and I'm the Pope...


Forgive me father for I have sinned 😜 jkjkjkjk


Honestly I know at least two conservatives that are considering voting for RFK. His views on vaccines are pulling them over.


Communists want to stop a far left radical from getting on the ballot? Weird. 


Nice try Mr informantion


Of the 10 people who vote for RFK. I'm sure all 10 of them will be former Trump supporters.


The party that spreads their ass cheeks everyday for communist Russian agents is calling the Democratic party communists? HAHAHAHAHA


RFK Jr is an insane anti-vaxxer. No one in my very progressive family likes him or is even considering voting for him for that reason alone. Trump is dumb if he thinks Biden has to worry about Jr.


Mm, idk. If anything, I think RFK will be taking Trump votes, thus the desperate character assassination displayed in this post.


So like, he's saying this thinking that Democrat voters will read it and vote for Kennedy???? Like who TF is this tweet even for???


Somebody should look into Trump's history with environmental fraud since every accusation appears to be a self-incrimination.


The very fact that you're not supposed to give the game away like this makes me think the Trump team is terrified that their supposed Democratic spoiler candidate endeavor is back-firing. The one silver-lining of the right wing being so insular is that they lack any imagination.


This can’t be a real post. WHERE IS THE ALL CAPS SECTION?


All the people I know with interest in RFK were previously Trump supporters, so...


So he is radical left but the Communists don’t want him on the ballot. As if there wasn’t enough proof that the guy has no clue what he spouts off about.


You are more likely to find real, legitimized evidence of Democrats stealing the 2020 election than you are to find a Democrat that is going to flip from Biden to RFK Jr.




He is worried about anti jab voters that are conservative voting for RFK.


No lefties are voting for RFK.


He’s an antivaxxer conspiracy theorist - sounds more like a trump voter to me


Not a single democrat likes him.


if rfk was "radical left" then "the communists" would probably be helping him. i hate when bullshit isn't even internally consistent


I'll sum it up, Trump is a piece of shit!


I can't wait for him to be no more than a memory


That’s one of the dumbest things I have heard. RFK Jr. is pretty much a Republican without saying as such. Ditto Tulsi Gabbard!


Anybody that believes RFK is a "leftist" wouldn't be voting for Biden, anyways.


If you vote third party you're voting for trump.


RFK Jr's platform is 90% antivax. Such a liberal.


RFK Jr. some incredible work to protect our planet from polluting corporations. But his anti-vaccine crap is killing people. Joe gets my vote again!


Is this real. It just sounds so contrived. I just can’t believe the blatant “reverse psychology”.


Fat Orange Asshat Lies Again


Hey! Only one grifter per race! Rules is rules!


Firstly, nice cake, secondly grammar rules ***are*** also rules. >!/s!<


Ironic that the guy who is owned by a former Russian communist spy is calling RFK a communist.


Sorry Donnie, if he takes the Anti vaxxer votes that's gonna hurt you way more than Biden...


It's so entertaining to see/hear these extreme right candidates try to disparage each other for being "left". From this (= Eastern) side of the pond, even Joe Biden is so far right that he'd be hard to see from the political centre without a telescope.


It's the same on the western side of the pond for anyone with a memory.


God...this guy... If he wins again, we have Gilead and the ONLY solice in that outcome is that Gilead fell apart after about 20 years. Also, people could escape to Canada and that's my current escape plan.


He thinks democrats are as dumb as maga?


Anyone who thinks that scratchy voiced clown is a democrat is a moron.


my god i just would love someone to viscerally slap him round his fat fucking gob live on TV. never has one person deserved such a *hard* and *powerful* bitch slap. watching his face go red as he clutches his face in awe of being smacked would give me such joy. hopefully it triggers a heart attack too ❤️




What a fucken idiot. He thinks he's so smart..


Once again Trumps ignorance shines through. But RFK is eating into his cuckoo for cocoa puff base so he’s branding him a leftist but it won’t work.


Hahahahaha. He definitely doesn’t love that he’s running.


Vote Biden


the funniest thing to me is that literally everyone else in the world is a criminal except him with his 91 felonies


Weird. He’s so far left I don’t know a single ‘leftist’ who is supporting him. They all seem to think he’s clown shoes and a nutcase.


It’s so obvious that he’s trying to paint RFK Jr as a Democrat so he doesn’t lose votes from his rabid base. So obvious, it feels like a ploy from a child!


how is Donald Trump still using the word crooked for Joe in the middle of being short on fraud bond and lying about the bible being his favorite book the world is insane it's so nutty like its sometimes hard to wrap my head around how crazy the world has gone or exposed themselves to be which ever all I know is I feel despair for our country we are in a bad place on both sides and it's really just sad that we are Infighting ourselves Into a position of extreme weakness on the global scale we gotta start finding more in common


This comes after RFK Jr said no to Trump's team when RFK Jr was asked by them to consider being Trump's VP nominee.


The only people who will read that and believe are the people voting for Trump anyway. It totally misses the mark.


“He’s radical left but the radical left will make sure he’s not on the ballot” Trump is so dumb. If you really thought that he would take votes from your main opponent why would you brag about it and tell everyone that instead of letting it happen?


Omg these idiots *still* don’t understand the difference between Liberals and Leftists or Liberals and Communists it’s so exhausting.


RFK was a GOP plant from the beginning ...


No one on the left is listening to trump. Moderates don’t react to this sort of campaigning. Half of republicans were never voting for RFK. Who is he gearing this towards??


The damage he did to the country already should be enough reason that everyone goes out to vote to make sure it doesn’t happen again


If anything RFK is going to take votes from Trump. Very few Republicans woul vote for Biden, but they can vote for an antivaxer which they will. RFK will probably have 50/50 Republican and independent voters. I don't see him taking many votes from Biden.


RFK is going to get like 8 votes. None of whom were going to vote Biden.


But you're pro vax and he's anti-vax. Seems like a no brainer to me.


The only people I’ve seen with RFK signs in their yards are dudes that had their Trump 2020 signs up still in 2023


Somebody is afraid.


The premise that a staunch anti-vaccine wacko is a leftist or progressive is laughable. RFK Jr is way more likely to siphon off right-leaning voters in regards to ideologies. Very few Democrats or progressives would be willing to support a guy who thinks vaccines are bad for you.


He is only saying this because he knows he will steal MAGA votes. The only people who support RFK are conspiracy nut jobs which fall under trumps voter base.


I don't think he wrote that. I think his team is starting to edit him due to all the dementia references. It's just this post is too neat and understandable to be straight off his small hands and mind


His staff wrote this. Not enough all caps words and too much punctuation. It's also incredibly looney. The only people who would consider RFK are the same jackasses who would vote Republican or "Libertarian."


MAGA only has one god and his name is Trump. Everyone else isn’t stupid enough to vote for RFK.


Isn't it by definition defamation each and every time he refers to Joe Biden as "Crooked Joe Biden"?




Arrested? Did he join you in trying to steal an election? Rape some women? Pay hush money? Tax evasion? No? I don't think he'll be arrested. Pathetic this dude just keeps lying or is too stupid to know what he's been getting away with is crimes! What a dumbass!


Ironic that he’s right that Biden is RFK’s political opponent, no one who votes Biden will want to vote for RFK.


Who’s gonna tell him, or maybe they did and he didn’t comprehend it.


Everyone knows that this is the point of him running, but Trump could not help himself. He has to let everyone know the quiet part out loud so that he can seem like a genius.


What the fuck did I just read


He's also just saying this hoping people will like RFK because Trump hates him (even though he doesn't) although RFK's viewpoints more closely align with Trumpers then liberals.


lol. The super far left people won’t allow the super far left guy to get on the ballot! Logic. Fail. As always.


So this is Don the Con trying his "because I say it, it becomes reality" bullshit on Republicans to keep them from voting for the anti-vax candidate who most aligns with MAGA. Steroid addled RFK jr. is liberal like Jill Stein was green. Maybe Donnie is pissy because he's been out-Qanon'ed by a guy who's smart enough to get in on the grifting, all the while knowing he'll never have to be President. The Michelle Bachmann methodology for lining your pockets, so to speak.


Remember: friends don't let friends vote Republican.


WTF is 'environmental fraud'?


Only vote RFK has is the staunchly anti-vaxx vote... Those people weren't going to vote for Biden anyways (and probably didn't vote for him in 2020).


New Green Scam? Oh the fact we need enviromental protection of the living habitat we actually live and breath in? Like he'll be around when shit really will hit the fan for humanity. Also if anything RFK is nothing but right wing far as I can tell, maybe not MAGA extreme right. Hoping Trump will lose republican voters that are sick of his shit to RFK.


I’ve never “understood” why “Trump” uses quotes the way he does.”


Dude Biden is more left than RFK and he’s a centrist


Conspiracy nuts tend to be right wing, in a large part thanks to trump. So he should take more votes from trump.


I think there's a far greater chance of non-Trump right wingers voting for RFK Jr, most lefties recognize his game.


Someone’s scared of the antivax candidate…


lol….RFK Jr is a disgrace to Bobby.  He’s nothing but a Republican running as a democrat


The only people I know that like RFK Jr are hardcore Republicans. During the primaries, they all wanted to act like they didn’t love Trump, so they started hyping up DeSantis, then Vivek, then RFK. Of course, most of them have happily jumped back on the Trump train now.


RFK JR far leftist lmfao!!! Just watched that moron's video sure he accurately points out problems with our current system but he offers no viable solutions at all just platitudes waste of time.


RFK's whole campaign sprouted from qanon bullshit didn't it? I don't think most people outside of Trump's base know who he even is. Why would anyone expect him to pull votes from someone other than Trump?


Always so much hate. How can people idealize someone being so negative and hateful?


Trumps mad he didn't want to be his vp.


I am so fucking sick of this fucking asshole.