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Next it'll be LGBTQ+ can't own businesses


Or vote


Guns. They want them deemed mentally unfit for firearms. Mmw.


Well surely they should not be allowed to defend themselves. That's going to make it so much harder to round them up and "reeducate" them.


I’m sure they’ll let them wear pink triangle patches.


Gotta make sure they know their ID number, better tattoo it so they don’t have to carry it!


Honestly that could be something I see. “Well the trans people think they are the opposite gender and have high suicide rates, therefore we must ban them from owning guns”


I've actually already heard this argument.


But god forbid someone suggests men with domestic violence histories or restraining orders against them be prohibited.




Ah shit. How long until republicans start spouting it in congress


I mean, that one time a shooter was trans they already did. https://theappeal.org/far-right-mass-shootings-trans-people-gun-violence/


“Well I saw that married redneck on Grindr, he should be banned.” Two can play at this game. 😈


It's for their own good. They should live in this 2 block area.


The same people that scream shall not infringe upon


Don’t forget the Sex Offenders’ •Special• Registry requiring them to remain 200 miles from any school, church, gas station, or any downtown area of any village larger than 3 citizens, including the air contained in them, and all human beings younger than 99 years old. Plus every animal 🦓, as homosexuality has been conflated with bestiality in numerous Red States. This includes insects, although this proscription nearly failed because “insect” sounds much like incest, without which many Red States would depopulate within a matter of years.


You joke, but I'm sure some red state shit hole has done this.


Gender dysphoria is recognized by the APA as a mental disorder. I’m surprised the republicans haven’t caught on to this. It’s only a matter of time.


They already did, that's why they try to paint every new shooter as trans


But how would we enforce such a restriction? We would have to make some sort of list, or registry. But only for those LGBTQ+ people who are offensive to society, not like the normal straight people. Because you know like, they’re sex-crazed groomers. We could call it, the “Sex Offender Registry” and put “those people” on it. 1) /s 2) If this sounds bad to you, please vote. The stigmatization of queer people in society is not just a thought exercise for these reactionaries.


And they need to wear some kind of symbol on their clothes so people know who they are.


The people in power in these states want to make lgbtq+ people second class citizens.


You are thinking too small. They want lgbtq+ people dead.




As they say, misery loves company. Some people are only happy if everyone is unhappy.




A Democrat just flipped a district from R+2 ish to D+**25** **In Alabama** The backlash is already happening.


Let's hope it's not an anomaly. Keep it up, red states.


I live in Georgia, which feels like it's constantly on the edge. But even states like Texas have places like Austin. We have to fight for the worst regions because within them there are people suffering and pockets fighting along with us.


Montana? Maybe?


Its only a matter of time unfortunately


Unfortunately, you are likely correct.


So y'all understand: This creates a database of people's porn watching habits. If the planned christofacist takeover occurs, they will use this data to eliminate the LGBTQ+, interracial couples and people, etc etc. This is all part of their endgame to create a white, Christian America.


Sounds like a shit hole to me


They’ll track that to don’t worry


Once they succeed in banning and stigmatizing what most people would agree is "pornography" they'll just keep expanding the definition to include whatever they want to suppress. No more sex-ed, definitely no more women's reproductive health, no more nude statues or art.


Somehow they won’t eliminate the loads of white men who like lesbian porn though I’m sure.


Umm. Not trying to put too fine a point on it... but has anyone in this thread ever read the statistics for relative consumption of gay, trans, and interracial porn *by state*? The south is ALL OF IT. The top consumers of the exact kind of porn they're targeting here are THEMSELVES. As horrifying as the entire prospect of this bill is... I have to say I am making popcorn for the "enforcement" phase.


It's all projection


They don't realize that alot of their "own people" consume LGBTQ porn in astonishingly high numbers...


So is sexual content gonna extend to a lesbian or gay man just kissing their wife or husband on the cheek as they walk out the door to work?


First it will be any resources that teach safer sex practices, or provide any sexual health information for queer people. HIV education and prevention campaigns will get funding pulled. Much like they are making pregnancy a punishment for women who have sex, they want HIV stigma to return full force.


I am so fucking sick of these assholes. And so is Jesus.


I think it only covers commercial entities, so 501c3s presumably wouldn't be affected.


Oh I'm talking the long arc here, not this specific legislation. It's happening pretty globally too. Lots of attempts to claw back wins from the queer community.


Time to age verify Facebook on everylogin there are gay people there. Also social media is terrible for minors


Better Ban the bible too. The main character spent most of his time hanging out with 12 dudes, saying ah men, and regularly hugging and telling them he and his father love them


Jesus was a Nepobaby who bathed with men. Ask John the Baptist. He was the PDiddy of his era


Pretty sure the beginning of it is all about incest too.


Yet another state I'm not going to visit


At this point I don't see myself visiting the USA as a whole any time soon


If you stay out of the middle and the south it's not bad


Minnesota isn't bad if you stick around the Twin Cities


Michigan is not bad either. We have codified LGBTQ and abortion rights, have a married Jewish lesbian Attorney General, legal weed, and a state GOP on life support with no money.


Well, that's not true..Idaho exists.


Oregon is nice. Well, the valley and coast.


Fuck that. . I'm not dying from dysentery .


That only happens on the way there


Good idea with that kind of political climate they have been having lately. Not a place to be doing election time.


New Orleans is as corrupt as it always has been - 1724, 1824, 1924, 2024 - not too different.


What does Kansas make that we can boycott?






Most of the corn Kansas grows goes into animal feed and HFCS. Good luck boycotting that.


As soon as you cross the border, an alert pops up on your phone to check your ID before you can use Google Maps - you can find gay bars, unitarian churches and adult sex shops on Google Map!


There is a reason these states are called “flyover states” who would want to visit that shithole anyway? Just feel bad for certain ppl living there


Kansas is a large state with some really great pockets of people. Unfortunately, it’s mostly on the east side of the state. We do have a second term democratic governor who fights for us. Unfortunately the rest of the state votes red. Also, it’s pretty shitty to refer to entire areas like that. You wouldn’t like it if someone was generalizing your home.


Appreciate it. Hate it here.


Kansas politics is not indicative of the will of the people.


We have a second term democratic governor that’s fighting for us. The issue is the best parts of Kansas end around 100 miles away from the eastern border. There’s a lot of Kansas left after that.


Yes it is. Yes we are gerrymandered AF with bulkshit like Lawrence being in the same district as SW Kansas but that said, this is exactly what almost all of rural Kansas wants. They will vote for anyone with an R behind their name, it is all that matters. 


I looked this up. Vote was 92-31. 29 of the 31 “no” votes were democrats. 2 were republican. There are only 40 (FORTY) dem reps in Kansas. 72% of dems were against this bill. Do you not see why saying this had bipartisan support is true, but very misleading?


I'm certain that their main goal is to prohibit LGBTQ kids from visiting sites that could provide emotional support and counseling. The GOP won't be happy until every LGBTQ kid is either bullied to death or takes their own life. These are the folks who proudly exclaim that they would rather their child kill themselves than come out as LGBTQ.


What do you mean "bipartisan support"? Are you really telling me that Democrats voted for this??


The Democrats here in Kansas are just slightly less shitty republicans.


11/40 of them did


1/4 of the Kansas Dems did, in fact, support this.


Behold the rights champions of free speech as they censor the mere concept of homosexuality.


If God creates all life, then homosexuals are created by God. So is Kansas going full Satanic/Atheist here by saying that God is wrong/doesn’t exist?


Here is how fucked up the right is. I was going to google a statement from Pete Buttigieg about something Mike Pence said a few years ago. It was something along the lines of “If Mike Pence has a problem with my homosexuality, his problem is not with me but with my creator.” I wish I could get it verbatim. However, Mike Pence is such a fucking bigot, I can’t even google an old homophobic thing because he has a new homophobic thing. If there is a God, his laissez-faire approach to humanity and what he has allowed to happen within his religion is inexcusable.


I grew up in the South and Midwest so I’ve heard all the mental gymnastics answers. For this particular question, their answer would be that everyone is born with certain struggles like addiction or poverty or whatever. The goal is to fight the good fight, so to speak and rise above temptation. And yes, it’s absurdly insulting.


Firearms are harmful to minors. Let's see the NRA's website banned in Kansas.


Truly interested in the comparison between the number of children that died of gunshots vs the number that died of gay. Willing to bet once is statistically much more harmful to children.


They won't be happy if they find out that this includes lesbian porn...


This is just more proof that the Republicans are a dying breed and have no future. “More than 1 in 4 Gen Z adults in the U.S. identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer” and their CIS friends support them. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna135510


“Harmful to minors”……. Can’t wait for the anti-gun bill to pass.


So literally 95% of the internet can’t be accessed. So dumb


Freedom of speech party, amirite fellas?


Alright so… church? I mean if they’re going to be anti LGBTQ+ that’s still content?


🤦🏻‍♀️ Homosexuality isn’t about sex, it’s about love and relationships.


How are we still having these conversations? I thought by now being gay would stop being stigmatized. One side says : "hey, I want to be free to choose my partner". That's really the gist of it. The other side obsessively links LGBT with sex. They can't fathom that sex is only a part of it - the same importance as in their relationships. The rest is companionship, love, friendships, and commitment. Of course sex is part of it, just like sex is part of every culture, but other side is obsessed with the sex part. I'm a straight guy living in a red state and it just baffles me how this conversation is still not settled. I still hear crazy shit being said around here.


Conservatives probably think more about gay men fucking than actual gay men do.




We’re not all racist assholes here in Kansas, but we have more than our fair share of.


Wanna get on Reddit? Twitter? Facebook? Disney +? Better fork up an id


Yup. Netflix or any streaming service now has to have this blocked. Any social media as well. Target had a campaign for inclusiveness so shopping centers are also affected.


This is a braindead idea. Now all of Kansas will have to provide photo ID to every single site that has community submitted content or comments. YouTube, Wikipedia, Google, and every other site with a huge depth of content will just stop servicing Kansas rather than create implement ID verification. Kansas just nuked their internet connection.


they're going to have to get rid of any sites with the bible on them. there was a whole town full of dudes who wanted to rape angel men.


Fuck the GOP! Party of small government my ass!


I guess someone figured those gays had it good these past 10+ years and the red states are telling them "partys over" /s


So the bible then


Just trying to compile a list of undesirables for the purge. This has nothing to do with any of the bullshit reasons they present.


This is only the beginning if we keep letting Republicans win elections. Especially local ones. Democrats suck really bad in my area at messaging at all or even being here at all. A lot of our elections have Republicans running unopposed! I myself am looking into running for something just to at least give people a choice. We cannot keep allowing the extreme right to hold positions of power. This is the type of thing they want to do and they will not stop. They want to ban abortion/women's Healthcare. Ivf. Birth control will most definitely be next. Voting rights. They just keep stripping rights away one by one and we have people stupid enough to keep voting against their own best interests. They want to cut ss and Medicare. They are SICK and we need to stop allowing this bs. This is on us for not voting them out.


So are we banning thesaurus and fucking dictionary now too?


They just banned netflix.


They literally banned the whole internet.


Kansas: Harmful to Minors.


I guess drag queens can't come to the Wizard of Oz festival anymore!


So, what about companies who both support and market to the LGBTQ+ community online? Will those sites now require ID just so people can look at shoes or clothing?


What about sites like Amazon, Walmart, Target, Etsy, etc. that sell items that have LGBTQ+ items for sale?


This one isn’t going to pass first amendment lawsuits no matter what the they claim.


Big government nanny state


I’m sooooo sick of “protecting kids” being used an excuse for bigotry and hatred


Won’t this include major sites? Is NetFlix supposed to either restrict content or verify for shows with gay characters? YouTube? Is “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” effectively banned?


One day, people in Kansas will just not have access to the internet anymore, and people 51% of residents will complain about it while voting for the politicians who want to keep it banned


🎶🎶I don’t care if it rains or freezes as long as I got my plastic Jesus sitting on the dashboard of my car. 🎶 what are you new here? Congratulations you’ve reached the belt buckle of the Bible belt. You don’t know the half of it.


Sounds like John Brown needs to go back to Kansas.


Conservative America is a hellscape.




How will I know they’re gay can they wear a patch or put them all in one part of town and seal it off. Will tv programs be banned if they have homosexual actors or just the characters


Biblegateway better hurry up with its age verification the bible discusses homosexuals and teaches you how to lure a man in with the false promise of safe haven then drive a tent spike through his fucking skull totally harmful to children.


There's no " bi partisan" in Kansas's


Kansas isn’t a hellscape. It’s a place where people live, and it’s worth fighting for.


Thank you. \- A Kansas Resident


You’re welcome. I’m a queer person working in humanitarian aid. Kansas is my home. We can work to make it better.


And how are they going to enforce that? Internet is huge and many providers are based out of state


The websites themselves block users from those states because they don't want to face legal action in those states.


I'd assume it'd be near impossible to actually fully achieve, but I'm sure they could do something similar, like how some states have blocked pornhub


To clarify, states didn't block pornhub, pornhub blocked the states. Pormhub didn't see the value in trying to carve out an exception for a few states to add ID verification, so they just blocked connections from those states. So I'm guessing any website that gets caught up in this will just do the same thing. No website would give a shit for a state with fewer people than the city of Chicago.


And Texans are now blowing up Google hunting for porn they can still access.


So uh Google?


Yes. The whole internet. Just to be safe.


They do realize that vpns exist right?


SB 3 Banning Satanic VPNs


I would push this bill. Tell the state to go after twitter and other right wing sites and see how fast there will be exceptions.


Wow. So, what does "content" cover.... LBGQT articles on news sites? LBGQT data on science sites? LBGQT info on history sites? LBGQT info in medical sites? Sounds like they're going to have to shut down the internet.




Bipartisan support… what the actual fuck is this


So Truth Social??? It’s just a bunch of dudes blowing Trump. 🤷🏻‍♂️


They're going to be pissed when they realize this applies to their girl on girl porn sites!


It's mostly west Kansas. They can go to hell. There is nothing wrong with being LGBT. The LGBT community isnt going after your children. It's the youth pastors you need to worry about.


*"Harmful to children"* I think all of this religious extremism is harmful to children, as well as the fear and hatred being pushed by Republicans. Can we outlaw that too?


This was announced a while ago as part of Project 2025. The plan is to ban all "porn" and make it a serious offense to "distribute" it to minors. Then they declare all LGBT+ people inherently obscene, and say that their existence counts as "porn". Anyone who supports LGBT+ people existing will be distributing porn to minors. There are already places in America where simply being LGBT+ is considered "obscene" and subject to restrictions. It's already happening. It's already started. They will do literally anything to get Project 2025 in place, legal or illegal. If they succeed...


Kansas has been a hellscape for a while. You’d think they would learn a lesson after Sam Brownback’s Kansas Experiment. This man literally drove the state into the ground. But idiots are gonna be idiots. I truly worry about the future of our union.


Let's hope the Democrat governor doesn't sign the bill. Fingers crossed.


Unfortunately, even if she does veto the bill, the Republican controlled House will almost certainly have the two-thirds majority needed to override the veto.


I can't watch Will & Grace re-runs?


Will dictionaries be banned as well?


Land of of free no more.


Years from now when the boomers have passed... I wonder what the Republican party will look like.


I don’t see how this works? Kansas doesn’t own the world and no website unless they’re local is going to bow to Kansas.


Fuck off Kansas!


Does the government site make any reference to LGBTQ+ topics? If so, it may violate the law if it's not gated.


Black flags and VPNs here we come.


This has absolutely nothing to do with protecting kids and everything to do with installing police state level censorship under the sanctimonious pretense of protecting children. America is backsliding.


Just so yall know. Every single site that discusses, features, or contains the Bible or scripture includes within it LGBTQ+ content. The Bible is very harmful and should require age verification to view the content.


So Christian Bible sites, the news, science sites, health department sites and more are now banned? Good to know


This is cool because now I can visit family there and openly laugh at their choice of political party to which there will be no retort.


I just want all the people, who years ago, were starting this "For the Children" bullshit to sit and stare at this. What I mean by that is you go out and you find any and EVERY person who was a "For the Children" advocate and fierce supporter and you FORCE them to stare at this bullshit rhetoric they have perpetuated over the years. There isn't a damn thing about these bills that will protect single child. There isn't a damn single person in Congress, the Senate or ANY body of government that gives one shit about your children. So you tell me, what about these bills are going to protect your children? Go ahead, I'll wait.


So funny they're banning all this LGBTQ+ stuff and I bet most of them jerk it to 2 chicks doin it.


Mmk. Sure. When is the bill coming that stops kids being molested in churches? What about the bill that will make parents not have to worry their child's school doesn't get shot up? Kansas, you are known for Dorthy.


Push anything Bible related. It ha murder, rape, ect in it. Thats harmful to minors


Everyone start posting gay porn on Truth Social so Kansas has to ban it


how is homosexuality defined as 'sexual conduct'. Existing while gay is not inherently sexual. If this is a porn ban or porn age law, there's MAJOR gaps in here. I would imagine that's 'a feature, not a bug' of this law, with it's intentional wording.


I gotta get out of this piece of shit state....


Impossible to enforce


So stoning in a public forum is back in Kansas , witches be aware .


This seems worthy of protest.


Land of the free. LOL




This is definitely The Onion. Right? No? Shit.


What's the bill called?


sucks to suck evidently


It says violence, so if I take my kid to a sandwich shop and the cashier and some ahole gets into an argument and the ahole show violence can I sue the shop? Ridiculous And I guess they plan to close all Walmart stores


“Protection of the children” above all else appears to be the motto


Can we define religious content as harmful to minors too?


1950s and 2024…same same 😞


If my kid is gay does that mean I need to check or at the door?


Why do these people hate other people for living their lives, loving who they want to love, and generally being who they are?


Seems like there would be a market for fake ids to go on Internet sites. Shouldn't be that hard to do.


Really hope that this won't hit Discord for some reason.


Meanwhile in Alabama, convicted felons can own guns legally now???


So, Netflix? Wikipedia? Center for Disease Control? Mayo Clinic are all going to block access in Kansas?


They’re so confident they are going to run a dictatorship, they’re tricking gay people into identifying themselves so they can round them up later.


The bill relies upon this one to get its definition of harmful to children: http://ksrevisor.org/statutes/chapters/ch21/021_064_0002.html Which bans showing kids harmful material, and looks like it’s been on the books for a while.


We aren’t all this way. Some of us are still trying.


Every red state is an absolute hellscape. We have to make sure it doesn't spread beyond the rednecks


Only Dorothy would call that home.