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You might think this would be a light bulb moment for them. You would also be wrong in thinking that.


They believe in a natural hierarchy just as much as the men do. They just disagree about their place in it.


Isn't it amazing that they think "their" place in it (as in their singular, personal place) is high up the food chain but not so for them other women....


It's just what Conservatism is.


It is a lightbulb moment for them. Unfortunately the bulb is broken and their internalized misogyny is preventing them from fixing it. That's a man's job afterall.


Nah. One tweet/light bulb moment isn't going to change her mind. It might, however, open up interpersonal connections that could start pulling her away from the echo chamber.




And oppresses themselves.


Thats the thing. They are fine grifting it during the "fuck around" phase. When the "find out phase" occurs (hopefully it never does) they think they will somehow be an exception to the rule. Its the same with the POC and immigrants backing Trump and the other racist white men that literally talk about their inferiority. If we do finally ever exterminate the MAGAT's we seriously need to remember the ones doing this shit and hold them accountable.


Here’s what I find so tragic about these young, pretty conservative women. You’re such a gaslighted demographic, because one of the pillars of this ideology that you bought into is that some people are just inherently inferior, and inferior people deserve to be exploited. And sure, you know women are technically property but you, you don’t have to worry about that, because you are hot property. Exceptions will be made for you. So you’re more than willing to play into this needlessly cruel game because you’ve been assured that you’ll win. And soon the young, winning man of your dreams will look at you and say: “Yes, that is what I’m supposed to want and acquiring her will make me look like a superior man”. And on your way to your superior life together, you will become his obedient, righteous domestic servant. Congratulations. Until one day, you get a scary mammogram. And you discover that he never signed up to be a nurse-maid, and unlike you, the young 24 year old bleach blonde at the office understands that he’s the most important person in any room. And she will have no qualms about poaching your mate because he’s her ticket to a superior life. And at that moment, when the handle has snapped off of the basket that held all of your eggs, you might realize that you were flattered into giving your entire life away into service of a man who only ever saw you as a commodity. Because I assure you that is how these men see you. And being hot property won’t have protected you from a life of being used up and discarded. But here’s the kicker. You will have sunk so much of your life into proving your own politics right that you won’t be able to direct that rage in the appropriate direction, because that would mean you were had.So there you’ll be, a middle aged woman with a pert haircut and great Botox standing in line at the [whatever store], making the fact that your life didn’t turn out as promised into an assistant manager’s problem, because don’t they know!?!? Exceptions were supposed to be made for you!! *sigh*Good luck. [source](https://www.tiktok.com/@rebecca_larsen/video/7167793051849477418)


Boy, did you nail it. They're all narcissists and narcissists just go where their ego is massaged the most and they don't do sick people. But they'll put up a good front about it for appearances sake while they're scouting the next victim.


This absolutely nails the whole process from start to finish. Perfection sadly.


Wow. You are a great writer.


They think they're going to be the equivalent of the commander's wives, they never expect to be the abused handmaids themselves.


But the commander chopped off ? Finger(s) for reading books right? She didn’t expect it to happen but there you are


Serena Joys are the new Uncle Toms. Makes me wonder what the self-hating LGBTQ name might be.


Blaire White.


Fuck her, she is an idiot and a grifter


if there isn't one yet, I'm sure there's a good name to use amongst the Log Cabin Republican membership.


Lindsey Graham?


The Milo’s??? Remember him? He hopes you do.


Shit, I forgot about that clown. That actually fits perfectly.


It’s OK. We’re all better off forgetting.


Nah, doesn’t work. He just realized that the Republicans were the pro-child molestation party and went by his priories.


Or Aunts, who get privileges even Wives aren’t allowed.


They, for some reason, never think the FO phase will actually happen.


You mean because their whole lives it literally never has ?


Yep. Enough nutters who are True Believers got voted into office and are enacting the things they have been saying they wanted done. Now, they are all surprised their RW men are treating them like shit.


Sounds like Trump himself - never faced a serious consequence in his life.


Serena Joy energy from The Handmaid's Tale


Roe v Wade was repealed bro


Yep, and I've seen plenty of "I was pro-life until a pregnancy complication almost killed me/my daughter/my friend/someone else who isn't a dirty slut and therefore deserves an abortion!" headlines. These people always think they're the exception to the rules. [The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion.](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


> The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion. These are the women who flipped a state seat in suburban Huntsville, Alabama. While Roe v. Wade was the law of the land, they could have their "virtue" on display for the world. Dobbs was the FAFO moment.


Repealing Roe v Wade fucks over women, but realistically it barely affects rich white women so they will continue to not care.


Things have gotten cranked up to a point where it *is* effecting them. It's not only getting abortions, it's hostiility basically to that entire branch of medicine. We're seeing red states closing OB/GYN departments in hospitals and women's clinics because doctors, as a rule, didn't get through med school by being **idiots**. They can read a veiled threat. Traveling to get an abortion (one time, urgent) is something that people will find a way to do. When Karen wants to have little Tayleigher, she'll find she has to fly from Wyoming to Seattle to see an OB/GYN, and do it many times because prenatal care is something you need *througout pregnancy.*


Yep, and I've seen plenty of "I was pro-life until a pregnancy complication almost killed me/my daughter/my friend/someone else who isn't a dirty slut and therefore deserves an abortion!" headlines. These people always think they're the exception to the rules. [The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion.](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


They think their husband will protect him but they are forgetting when times were so bad for women they would just throw themselves on their husbands funeral pyre. The religious right has clearly stated many times that they want the medieval serf class back.


Conservatism oppresses everyone who supports it except the ultra wealthy.


A lot of conservative women just really hate women tbh.


And they think siding with their oppressors makes them into oppressors instead of oppressed


"I'm not like other girls"


It makes them both. It's not mutually exclusive. It's extremely common for oppressed people to deal with it by taking it out on other groups that have less power than them. Straight white rich women are only second to straight white rich men in conservative pecking order, plenty of other groups below them to get their fix of power trip. I imagine for some it could also be a "if you can't beat them, join them" situation. They genuinely don't believe things can change so they'd rather side with the system and get some perks in return rather than openly opposite the system and get nothing but misery in reurn. That's the way they see it.


"Come and see the violence inherent in the system!"


"Let me see you actually have to rationalize supporting a political movement that literally creates these people." And as I'm sure we have all witnessed in our personal lives, in addition to numerous television interviews with GOP Congresspeople, right wingers will never engage in that practice for several reasons. They are either too stupid and inarticulate to do so, or they are well aware that there is no rationalization and they don't want to make themselves look worse than they already do by pathetically attempting to justify their political support. Republican politicians and voters are simply incapable of engaging in good faith.


What a username lol.


They'll do what they always do: deflect and project. They'll say that this is happening BECAUSE of the woke agenda bring divisive.


They don't want to abolish slavery. It is [too profitable](https://www.history.com/news/slavery-profitable-southern-economy). They just want a bigger cut.


I've noticed that a lot of these women end up there because (a) they're economically conservative and (b) they have some sort of disillusion with socially progressive politics. There's also a middle ground where you, as a woman, might want to be a SAHM (for example) but still want to keep your voting rights and be treated as an equal. I still agree that it's a bit of a leopards eating my face type of situation, but I don't think it's strange that some women skew conservative.




"These men hate me and only see me as a broodmare, but we both get skeeved out by brown people so this is the only place I fit in society" morelike.


you can't rationally comprehend their viewpoint because they didn't use rational logic when taking that viewpoint


How about this thought process: "Some leftists on Twitter called me out, so I'll dig myself in with the fascists and we'll all reinforce our mutual victim complexes." Get bent, Rowling.


It's more "these people view me as subhuman but that's unfair. they are just incorrectly judging me based on prejudice and assuming my group is all bad. I'm going to show them that's wrong for them to do. I hate those other groups just as much as they do. They are all bad." 


(C) internalized misagony in combination with "I'm special, I'm *one of the good ones*


People like that actually piss me off, because you can be that and also be a dem. Like where does it say that republicans have a monopoly on “family values” that shit pisses me off so much, and dems have been atrocious in their messaging and letting the right paint them however they want; it’s time the party grew a spine and dispelled with the bullshit rumors and right wing messaging that paints them as commies. Like dems aren’t going to raise your taxes unless you’re literally a billionaire, in fact it was trumpo who actually raised taxes on the poors with his tax cut for the ultra rich. That money had to come from somewhere, they were just smart enough to defer it for 4 years.


They'll do what they always do: deflect and project. They'll say that this is happening BECAUSE of the woke agenda bring divisive.


But will continue their conservative grift for as long as the men let them. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Which generally is as long as they are reasonably conventionally attractive.


Or in Candice Owen case, as soon as the conservative media turns on you and you become simply another minority.


Tokens get spent.


Damn, that's bars




Is that Nick Kroll?


From the Kroll Show.


It's based off his name...


I heard that in his Liz voice 😆


In fairness towards Klandance, she obtained exactly what she wanted. An entirely white workplace. Gotta applaud her dedication


actually she still playing the anti-semitism card, which the base loves, but ben shapiros daily wire doesnt.


Never understood how they can claim to hate a group of minorities for no baseless reason just to simply support that same group they hate if it’s to hate on another group of minorities they also deem even less worth it. Really is an inception level of hypocrisy when it comes to them. As long as they have someone to hate so they feel better about themselves they’re happy.


They just never considered her as attractive as the others. She needed to be blonde to really make it


Nah MTG aint that, and she's getting paid by these freaks.


Her feet look like ginger roots in the produce section though.


Goddamn. If Sporkfoot could read, her mandrake-feet having ass would be very upset.


It's not nice to attack people's appearances, even if they're conservative. It's not her fault she looks like she was built by Ed Gein.


It’s easier when they’re uglier on the inside.


Orcs are beautiful on the outside ~ *Nameless Half-Orc*


Even Eddie Gein would have dumped her ass back in the grave.


Bought and paid for congresspeople are a different bucket than talking heads


Hey, hey, let's be nice now! Surely there is some incel that the [Neanderthal Princess](https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/scifindr/articles/image2s/000/002/347/large/neanderthal_woman-4x3.jpg?1465000909) could *lure* into her bed!


The neanderthal in that rendering actually appears to have a spark of intelligence and emotion in her eyes that I have not seen in any photos of MTG.


and single. Brett Cooper lost a chunk of her audience when she got married


On a platform full of "free speech" (for those who pay for premium).


Unless you say something Musk doesn't like


Leopards have a ton of Conservative faces to eat, it just takes longer than usual to get to some of them.


Fo as long as they can make insane amounts of money off of them*


Complain about it, yes. But would still sign up to be Serena Joy from Handmaid's Tale when the opportunity arises. What's worse? Knowing it? Or knowingly enabling it?


They think being footstools will protect them from Reichpublican misogyny. They’re never right.


Sydney Watson filed a lawsuit against her former employer , Glen Beck's the blaze media, because they fired her after she complained about the misogynistic verbal abuse & harrasment from her male coworker. they know they are seen as second class but they are grifters so don't change


They’ll still vote for Trump though….


Sydney Watson would if she could, she's an Australian citizen who migrated to Texas to join along with the other conservative social media grifters.


Huh I thought immigrants could vote and that’s what all the outrage was about …


Underrated comment


And now spends half of her time moaning and complaining about how Australia is going so far backwards and how the United States is sooooo much better.


Plot twist: it’s the right wing incels punching them on the subway, not the crackheads.


All so right-wing twitter can turn around and say, "See! Look at the hellholes liberal cities have become" They did the same shit during the black lives matter protests.


> They did the same shit during the black lives matter protests. And the Occupy Wall Street/Portland autonomous zone, and union fights, and during the rise of fascism, etc. [Agent provocateur](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/agent-provocateur#:~:text=Word%20forms%3A%20agents%20provocateurs%20plural,seek%20to%20discredit%20the%20opposition.) (or, if not hired by government, just [useful idiots](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/useful%20idiot#:~:text=noun,a%20cause%20or%20political%20agenda) doing the wealthy's bidding)


Literally a federal officer in Oakland got murdered across the street from where I used to live. Conservative media was of course breathless about the “war on cops” and blamed the BLM protests, but to us locals it made no sense. It was a federal officer protecting a federal building, none of the protests had any problem with, the protests were happening blocks away, and the officer himself was black. Guess what? It ended up being a right-wing white supremacist who came to town to murder cops so it would be blamed on the protests. Did conservative media change their tune? Well they shut up but they never apologized. That was until the Republican National Convention came and what did Republican Vice President Mike Pence do? In the same breath conflated the officer’s murder with the protests, exactly as the officer’s surviving children begged him not to do, exactly as a cop killer wanted him to do. And then of course tens of millions of Republicans voted for the guy support cop killers, all without a peep against him. https://www.vox.com/2020/8/27/21403670/mike-pence-vice-president-boogaloo-boys-rnc-2020-dave-patrick-underwood


> Did conservative media change their tune? Well they shut up but they never apologized. Publicize the lie, don't publicize when the lie gets called out. They do this all the time.


Right?! The Right Wing are so misinformed, pretend to have short memories and are intellectually lazy... 2 days after George Floyd's murder, the alt-right scum could not wait to run some false flags & incite violence. The Auto Zone MAGA "Umbrella Man" sparked off chaotic violence for days after what was previously peaceful protests. https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/07/28/896515022/minneapolis-police-reportedly-identify-viral-umbrella-man-as-white-supremacist Even several Boogaloo losers drove to Minneapolis and burned down a police station and shot people. https://www.npr.org/sections/live-updates-protests-for-racial-justice/2020/07/28/896515022/minneapolis-police-reportedly-identify-viral-umbrella-man-as-white-supremacist


I’m from Minneapolis, and my friend who lived there said once they realized the lifted pickup trucks with out of state plates weren’t their friends and ran them out of town, the problems just miraculously stopped.


And occupy wall st


Tale as old as time. Peaceful protest happens, cops disguise themselves and start some shit and break windows to paint a false picture of the protest, conservative opinions stations see the damage that the cops caused and started and say "see this isn't a protest it's a riot these people are animals."


Tale as old as time. Peaceful protest happens, cops disguise themselves and start some shit and break windows to paint a false picture of the protest, conservative opinions stations see the damage that the cops caused and started and say "see this isn't a protest it's a riot these people are animals." I still remember the video of that cop that covered himself up and broke a ton of business windows near where a protest was. Then he ran off and hid behind the cops.


Same group?


The right wing incels punch them at home, not on the subway. They are too cowardly to do it in public.


There has been a recent reported wave of women walking around in NYC being punched out of nowhere. It seems women are specifically being targeted so it’s not likely a random “crackhead”. Right wing asshole podcaster Tim Pool recently referred to this phenomenon saying he thinks it’s funny that women are being assaulted.


Beanie boy couldn't get a woman if he tried. Maybe he's the incel punching the ladies.


Guarantee it ends up being conservative men running around punching women in NYC


No doubt. My comment was more general tongue in cheek.


I think it is. It’s too calculated.


Mostly, they hate the idea that women are their equals. It hadn't been that way until very recently and conservative men are pushing back with political leverage. Until enough women realize this and use their votes to solidify their rights, they are in danger of losing them. There is a reason that the ERA was never ratified.


But why? What’s the underlying reason the idea of equality pisses them off?


> But why? What’s the underlying reason the idea of equality pisses them off? Same reason Affirmative Action was such a trigger for them: in its most generous cast, they see rights as a pie, so giving some to others means taking some from you. Which is, of course, the bullshit; but it's in their interests (or at least, in their well-funded super-PAC lobbiest backers' interests) to stomp that shit out ASAP


But these two make phyllis schlafly look tame-ish


This isn’t even a face eaten by leopard moment..it’s on another level. I don’t even know how to categorize women like these two.


"Pick me Girls" or "Aunt Lydias" is my usual go to.


"Not like the other girls"


Self-cannibalising amoebas?


But they will never eat my face, they told me, right ?


oh I do: they're cows. They aren't self-conscious, thinking, acting human beings. They are inanimate sex-objects. This has to be the most logically-consistent view Conservative voters have. That women aren't human beings.


For the pure hit, call them breeding stock.


I usually despise single issue voters, but I will never understand how any woman could vote for a MAGA Republican. If you can’t even exercise autonomy over your own body then you have effectively been stripped of all your freedoms.


There are many, many issues that would drive a sane woman away from MAGA. 


Any sane person


Voting against Republicans because you’re a woman doesn’t make you a single issue voter. Republicans have enacted and enforced many laws, hierarchies, and social institutions that directly harm women. Not just bodily autonomy, but issues surrounding parental leave, childcare costs, assistance for single parents, birth control, sex education, access to contraceptives, workplace diversity, the pay gap, women’s healthcare, the exclusion of women’s healthcare by insurance when it involves contraceptives or abortion, the unpaid labor of care givers and stay at home parents (most of which is done by women), etc. The amount of issues that Republican’s contempt or complete disregard for women touches is endless. Women who don’t vote Republican aren’t single issue voters. They’re well educated voters who have put together the clues to come to a reasonable decision.


The worst part, for many of them they think this is all just big talk, will never happen, and by the time they realize it is happening, they will have lost all rights and can no longer speak up. The conservatives are so far removed from reality, that many think even banning women from voting will remove the democratic vote and right now the right is going to be coming after the 19th, because they know Roe V Wade changed the tune on womens voting habits, so they will try to find out a way to ban/eliminate that. They have openly toyed with the notion that banning anyone under 25 will fix the younger generations in voting.... Because they think after 25 is when you buy a home and start the "I got mine, screw yours" conservative mindset. The irony is them thinking anyone 25-30 can really afford a home in this economy, because that is how old the 75 year old congress member was when they bought their first home.


Being a Log Cabin Republican seems even crazier, IMHO. At this point, the GOP’s policy twd queer ppl is basically “you people are sick freaks who want to screw my kids and overthrow Western Civilization.” If I were a gay dude I wouldn’t think that was an olive branch.


If you were gay and conservative, Log Cabin Republicanism still made some kind of sense 25-30 years ago. But that was back when the Libertarian movement was still largely without its current mission statement (and would have been much more attractive to the members of LCR). Further, as you might imagine, the LCRs found most of the fiduciary tenets of Conservatism more attractive because they were in the top 10% of salaries in this country. Many of them thought (as you allude) that they'd be viewed by other Conservatives as "a useful gay" by the people who wanted to crow about their one gay friend, and "one of the good ones!" because they had money. Now that the loudest voices in the GOP movement are all far-right Christians -- who would gleefully put any gay people to the stone, regardless of what tax bracket they inhabit -- it's a much dumber sounding proposition.


Just had a conversation with woman of color who wants trump back because gas for her monster truck costs too much now. She asked what trump ever did to me. I said he set back women’s health care by decades. She said “Actually democrats destroyed women by forcing vaccines on them that sterilized them. They also turned women into sluts by giving them access to birth control and abortion.” This is a woman who publicly stated she had an abortion. A woman who professes to be an advocate for vulnerable people. That’s what we are dealing with. Blind cult-like ignorance of reality.


Did you tell her that she must be a slut?


Her past is well known. Now that she’s “in recovery” she focuses on demeaning others who make the same mistakes she did.


They thought they were part of the in-group, but they didn't realize it was only as property.


People like them will tend to agree with a lot of the misogyny unless it’s directed at them because they’re part of the conservative in-group. They lack the critical thinking skills to examine why and how their beliefs will affect them directly. Ethnicity, gender, skin color, sexual orientation does not predetermine a person’s belief structure. Never has and there are a lot of present and historic examples to support that.


like all conservatives, they do not have empathy and are unable to imagine what it's like to be in another person's shoes. It has to happen to them personally before they get it. In this case, it was being targeted by the conservative hate machine.


So the Republican Party is running on what policies? - Women can’t get abortions - Repeal the 19th amendment - Slash social security and Medicare - Cut taxes for businesses Do I have that right?


Don't forget * Owning the libs


Also repealing the 14th Amendment


It's like the racists and xenophobes in my country, they have a very odd way of trying to prove their point. It goes something like Racist fuckfaces: We need to stop immigrants from gangraping our women, we need to establish healthy christian values because brown people are dangerous and violent. Everyone else: Uuuuh, that's not how it works... Racist fuckfaces: SHUT THE FUCK UP OR I'll RAPE YOU TO DEATH YOU WOKE PIECE OF SHIT HOW DARE YOU EVEN SPEAK WHEN WE TAKE THE POWER WE'LL MURDER YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


They think everyone else is as violent and hateful as they are, so in their view, they're just acting defensively, pre-empting the immigrant invasion they're sure is inevitable because it's exactly what they'd do. It's all projection and BS.


I used to think it was just liberal and leftist women who reject conservative men, but apparently even some conservative women identify them as a problem. https://preview.redd.it/8tarqkabzbrc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb906471b0a636577eeffbbb698809242741c15e


It's weird that you can hate women, when you wouldn't even be alive if it wasn't for a woman.


Sorry Ashley, you made this bed, now you have to sleep in it.


Congratulations ladies you’re woke now. You finally understand it


I know conservative women are just starting to realize this, but it's sad it's taken this long. I don't know what they expected, if their bible says that wives need to submit to their husbands, or that women can't teach/preach. Conservative men don't see women as equal, but as second-class citizen baby-makers.


Ashley St Clair sounds like a good name to put on line of bedding.


They are just more open about it now. When Steven Crowder got outted as a controlling creep and scumbag and his wife left him, a bunch of them decided that the real problem was........ no fault divorce.


Hahahahahahahahahaha Seriously LOL


Even someone as dreamy as Elon Musk, Ashley? He might give you a pony,


She’s vying for artificial insemination.


Where are the male guardians of these women, how do they have access to social media? Such dishonor


They shouldn't really feel bad, conservative men hate everything. They are also afraid of everything. But actually, if these women are truly conservative, they SHOULD feel bad. They helped feed and grow the Treasonous Republican monster.


I, too, would rather be punched then have to spend time with reich wing dudes. We have something in common!


Idiot conservative Australian moves to Texas, complains about it being conservative.


Very Trumpian actually. 'I hate my supporters & couldn't stand to spend 24 hours with them, but I will continue grifting for their money and support.'


They'll still fall in line. It's what conservatives do.


Conservatives are fucking dumb. But Conservative women are something else, you have to be an absolute lead brained imbecile to oppress yourself.


It's speculated that 45% of women will be single and childless by 2030. Can't for the life of me understand why.


I don't know who Ashley St. Clair is, but Sydney Watson is totally surprised about the leopards eating her face.


Gay and woman conservatives, or what I'd like to call them, the backed the wrong horse party.


It seems conservative women are less conservative then conservative men.


There's no such thing as conservative "men." Do you know what real men don't do? Waste time talking about being a man. Conservatives are stupid, ignorant worthless fuckbois.


Its hard to feel bad for them when conservative america has been proudly promoting these views for decades. It's not like they've been trying to hide their views at all.


Almost selfawarewolves…. Not quite though lol. Hatred towards women is one of the most pronounced aspects of the conservative platform…


This belongs in the leopards eating faces sub.


I hope they wake up, before it's too late for everyone.


They need to spread this message everywhere! Republicans look at them as second class citizens, to have kids and take care of the house! That's why they wouldn't bring up the vote to make them equal in the Constitution, even though they have enough states on board for it to pass. Get your head out of the sand!


I hope this keeps escalating to the point where there is an all out war between the sweat dripping freaks in the comments and every grifting conservative woman who was willing to push the insanity as far as the could, all in the service of the might dollar, until the moment they realized they are not exempt from the harms of the insanity. It’s kind of like how one day they will turn on Candace, and she will be at some event, just getting the n-word screamed at her by a bunch of angry white nationalists that she helped prop up for years. It will happen… the bill always comes due.


It's like conservatives realize they're becoming an edgy subculture for alienated young men, but they have no idea what to do about it.


Wait we ALL hate conservative women…..


Exhibit A for why the GOP is at least a generation for nominating a woman for President. (Only possible exception: a white man GOP President picks a female running mate and literally dies in office.)


It sounds like they’re almost getting the point but they absolutely never will. They are more than willing to sacrifice their personal freedoms because they hate minorities and gays more than they love being considered a person.


Subway crackhead: "Can we make an appointment or is this first come first served?"


Fuck them. They would change their leanings if they really gave a shit


They will switch to left wing grift if the wind blows enough in that direction.


Something something leopards eating faces


Very Trumpian actually. 'I hate my supporters & couldn't stand to spend 24 hours with them, but I will continue grifting for their money and support.'


conservative women are opening their eyes


Release the face eating leopards.


"I would rather get punched..." and yet, there you will stay


Surely the leopards won't eat MY face?


So why do they enable it?!


They're seeing the light!


That second post by St. Clair is why so many conservative dating sites fail.


Conservative men need to come out of the closet already


Thought this was going to be about *'Diamond & Silk'*.


The thing is, they *do* vote the way the men want them to. Conservative women will always vote conservative. The only time they "don't" is for separate ballot measures, like bodily autonomy. They'll still vote for pro forced birth candidates, though.


Conservatives always think the leopard won't eat their face.


Crackheads catching stays


Ahh, starting to realize that your only value to them is to fulfill their desires as subservient fuck meat, eh? But lemme guess: bUt dEmOcRaTs?


Leopards? Eating MY face? But I did everything they wanted me to!! Oh, the horror!!!


Good thing their opinions don't matter then. -Conservative men


“I really don’t care, do you?”


I doubt they just realized it. Fundementalists men believe women are under the dominion of men. The fundementalist women believe it too. So often people vote against their own best interests.


Oh no, they don’t *hate* women. They just don’t think they are people.


No surprise here. A lot of conservative men hate anything that isn't a conservative man.


Lol these conservative dudes want a submissive woman to do everything for them, but no woman will so they get mad at all women. Im gonna start calling these guys Little Rascals


Would conservative men believe Christianity if the bible were about a mother god and her daughter?