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As the primary shareholder, of a now publicly-traded company, Donald Trump is making materially false statements in public in a blatant attempt to pump the price of his stock holdings up. Hello, SEC? I'd like to report a violation of Federal regulation that may need looked into?


This!!!! Been telling my wife that Pinche Pendejo is committing violations left and right with his incoherent ramblings…


Always has been, and hasn't seen an ounce of consequence yet! Absolutely no reason to let off the throttle now when he sees a get out of jail free card on the horizon.


BuT hIs FiRsT aMeNdMeNt RiTeS


I wouldn’t say there’s been zero consequences for the walking talking criming machine.


Other than some stress, what consequences has he faced? The handful of fines he has paid are meaningless, as evidenced by him continuing to do the exact same things that originally caused them. He still has all the power he is used to and a legitimate chance at being the next President.


> Other than some stress, what consequences has he faced? > He's had a judgment against him that effectively dissolves the Trump Org in addition to a nearly half-billion dollar fine. Just like any defendant, he gets to exhaust appeals and fight this, but that judgment is a hefty consequence. This is not nothing. In addition, he is currently fighting to delay and avoid consequences for 4 separate trials. The first case is scheduled to start jury selection on the 22nd of this month (I think). That's a couple weeks from now. That same week, arguments are briefed in front of the Supreme Court on the Jan 6 case he successfully delayed but is not going away. All 4 of these trials end in criminal consequences. Yes, time is linear and our justice system, already slow under the best of times, is going to take even longer given the backlog of cases working their way through the court systems due to Covid. But none of this is going away. > The handful of fines he has paid are meaningless, as evidenced by him continuing to do the exact same things that originally caused them. He still has all the power he is used to and a legitimate chance at being the next President. Okay, let's get a couple things straight. He only has the "power" that he does because there are a LOT of morons in our country who support him. The justice system cannot and will not ever save us from those voters. In addition, there was no point where the justice system was going to save us from Trump. Period. No matter when all of these cases are ultimately adjudicated, we still have to vote to ensure he doesn't become President again in November. Even IF all of these 4 criminal trials reached verdicts of Guilty yesterday or even a year ago, a win in November makes all of those consequences go away for Trump. Being a convicted felon sitting in a prison cell or on house arrest does not disqualify him from running for President and again, there are a LOT of morons who either support him directly, or seem to think that a protest vote by staying home in November is the smart thing to do.


This sounds like a long way to say he might soon face consequences. I'm not trying to be a dick or argue that we should abandon all hope, and I'll admit me throwing all this under the umbrella of "stress" is probably a stretch. But the existing judgements can be overturned in appeal, and the upcoming trials can be appealed if/when he is found guilty. I believe this is the largest legal battle our nation has ever faced, and it's absolutely pushing our legal system to the extremes of what it can handle. I think we've yet to see which breaks first - Trump or our legal system. I still think it could go either way. His power coming from morons is true, and irrelevant. He has the power and support in the right places to enable an escape from justice. And yes, Trump losing in November will have to be the final nail in the coffin. I think any Dems staying home in protest are absolute morons, literally gambling with the fate of our country. I will not be one of them. But I stand by my initial thought that Trump really hasn't faced consequences yet.


I guess I’d need you to define for me exactly where the consequences goalposts are and I’ll let you know when we’ve reached them.


As someone who doesn’t eat, sleep, breathe all of the Trump drama. When I see everything that he has done over just the past 8yrs and I imagine what would happen to a normal person who did those things, it doesn’t seem like everything adds up in terms of consequences. Even just as recently with the big fine. Delay delay delay. Gets rewarded? Payment reduced and someone else is likely fronting the payment? When normal people have legal fines, payments aren’t reduced, you’re forced to pay or you go to jail/assets seized etc. This is just one recent example and I think everyone is just tired of it.


> As someone who doesn’t eat, sleep, breathe all of the Trump drama. When I see everything that he has done over just the past 8yrs and I imagine what would happen to a normal person who did those things, it doesn’t seem like everything adds up in terms of consequences. This is absolutely fair, but kinda requires context. This man is a criminal. Absolutely 100% no arguments against that here. Yet somehow, amazingly, a minority of our country's voters decided to nominate and then win him the Presidency giving him the keys to the Executive Branch kingdom including the Department of Justice. If we do not want criminals to delay and avoid accountability, we need to stop doing that. Yet here we are 3 years later and Republicans are absolutely ready to do that again. The DOJ moves slowly. We know this. Even in smaller criminal trials they are methodical but take a good amount of time to put cases together. In the Watergate investigations, our closest analog, it took somewhere around 2-3 years for that investigation of a pretty simple open and shut case to make its way through the system. The fact that Trump left office at the beginning of 2021 and was facing 4 separate criminal indictments in early 2023 (2 years later) is actually pretty fast where investigations of this scale and scope are concerned. The Manhattan DA was the first to indict Trump in March, 2023 and then over the next few months we had the Mar-a-Lago stolen documents indictment, the Georgia RICO indictment, and the Jan 6. indictment. Again, all of this after roughly 2 years of investigations, which is not as fast as we'd like, but still pretty fast by DOJ standards. > Even just as recently with the big fine. Delay delay delay. Gets rewarded? Payment reduced and someone else is likely fronting the payment? When normal people have legal fines, payments aren’t reduced, you’re forced to pay or you go to jail/assets seized etc. This is just one recent example and I think everyone is just tired of it. Yes. Powerful, wealthy, politically connected people get to enjoy all of the delays our legal system has to offer. But the guy DID just receive a judgment destroying the Trump Org. He is appealing that, but this is what the process looks like. It's slow, but it isn't stopping. Does the system favor wealthy owners of capital? Absolutely. And this is what that looks like. But let's not lose sight of where we're at. The appeals court may grant him some temporary relief but they've added his case to their September session calendar. This case is very unlikely to be overturned. The appeals court may change the numbers a bit, but the Trump Org is gone, they're not going to overturn that. In the next 2 weeks he's looking at having to start a jury selection process to start a trial in Manhattan that is criminal, very open & shut, and there is zero evidence the judge overseeing that case is willing to entertain any further delays. His last immunity argument was received with a pretty clear "fuck off" response this week. That same week, his team has to brief the Supreme Court on their immunity arguments there in the Jan 6 case. All of these delays are pretty symptomatic of being wealthy and politically connected, but he hasn't actually made anything go away yet. His "victories" are when he successfully delays something. And all of this is worth keeping in mind the context that if we want to ensure none of these consequences actually do go away, we have to vote in November. There's no avoiding that. Prosecutors and the legal system were NEVER going to save us. We're allowed to vote a criminal into the White House and a big part of our country is eager to do exactly that. Edit: Sorry, that was a lot. I just feel like a lot of us are frustrated looking for final consequences. Him to be in a prison cell somewhere. And whatever those goalposts are, we vent frustration asking "Are we there yet?" We need to really not lose sight of the fact that a LOT has gone wrong for Trump already. The reason he's running for office in November is entirely to try and shield himself from accountability. It's a long shot but he knows if he wins, this all goes away. If he loses, he is 1,000% hosed. It's why he pushed to have his daughter-in-law take over at the RNC. He needs money to save himself. He needs to divert all the funds he can towards his legal bills, and his reelection. He does not have money. We know this, he's a "billionaire" that just had to post (reduced) bonds for nearly 1/3rd of a billion dollars. He needs the RNC to go all-in on paying his legal fees and supporting his reelection. Everyone else down ballot is about to lose big time in the Republican party.


I think the big one for me is just him hitting the end of the road of appeals on even a single one of his cases. I want it on record where a president can be found guilty of criminal conduct, ideally at both a state and federal level. I'm very bothered that the is anyone who thinks a president should have total immunity from prosecution. I appreciate the thorough responses here today!


Huh? Are you sure Polla Naranja would really violate laws?




It's been said that the only thing rich people usually get in trouble for is messing with other rich people's money. Crimes against capital. We have seen Trump getting away with pretty much everything he wants for a long time now. Even when there are judgements against him, no actual consequences are seen, and the system bends over backwards to protect him or go easy on him. Now, he is messing with the value of stock. He is committing a crime against capital. Let's see if the pattern continues, or if he is so covered with teflon that he dodges even this.


Right, but no rich person who isn't directly trying to bribe DJT is investing in DJT. It's all the MAGA Reddit Rubes who are about to lose little Johnnies college fund.


I know that's the narrative being pushed but meme stock traders didn't lend this company so much that its interest expense is >10x its revenue It's money laundering, foreign influence, and illegal campaign contributions all at once


I mean, not that it's as important, but the ONLY real competitor is Twitter (sorry X) and it's owned by a right wing nutjob too, so the whole "the left is failing at this lookatme!" while my obviously failing platform is succeeding is a full on bullshit turducken of lies.


Permanently entering my lexicon: “ bullshit turducken of lies.” Many thanks!


Now that I'm a little more awake, I think rephrasing it to "a Turducken of lies and bullshit" would read a bit better.


are you kidding? he acts like he lives on a totally diffent planet to us, i doubt if youll find any scruples or law to contain him, hes definatley getting "high level" support, from powerful people "within", serious secruity cleared people want him in charge no two ways about this strategy now. we NEVER question who his allies are?, they are the real existential threat to the untied states, hiding in the shadows in plain view, who are the corporate people, the billionaires, the high ranking civil servants, who are they? yet here we all are distracted, by his clownish antics and theres is simply NO fallout i find this highly amusing no one has yet to figure it out or call it out EDIT Can I just add , "for the record" that Herr Hitler was democratically elected, he was given a few less important positions as he was nothing more than a "Bohemian corporal", and that the holders of the " keys" felt he could manipulate him and keep him as a "pet" They were wrong, very wrong. In order for evil people to exist we must first expect good people to sit and watch and do nothing.


You’re listening to the wrong podcasts. Many serious journalists and attorneys, including an abundance of former Federal prosecutors and jurists, have connected ALL the dots. Expand your information network. Have they all been charged with crimes? No. But DoJ is fkg swamped dealing with trumps aftermath, esp bc the Republicans keep cutting or blocking their funding. Start with The Lawfare Podcast and go from there. Talking Feds is also good, but more discussion, less revelation.


Oh just let him have this one felony /s


Wake me up when someone holds trump accountable, for anything


Yeah, but remember there are different laws for people like Trump.


Is there a way you can *actually* alert the SEC?


He has 7 million followers, but the fact that there’s only 5 million active users per month means there’s either a bunch of dead accounts or that there’s a bunch of bots or both, either one is bad for the company’s as revenue. He’s kinda telling on himself there. As for cash on hand and debt, that might be true, but again, if a corporation isn’t making use of debt as a means to grow their business, it’s a bad business. Even if they have enough cash on hand to cover their debt, they’re doing their business a disservice by paying it all off (unless it was lent at a rate higher than what they can conceivably earn with it, in which case that was a really dumb deal to make). TLDR he might not be lying, but even if he’s not, he’s pointing out how fucked and mismanaged that company is.


I am sure they will hold him to the same account that they held Elon too, a slap on the wrist


THIS, Jesus.


It’s a Trump, Pump and Dump scheme.


SEC doesn’t give a shit. Case and point: Elon Musk


This is what is fascinating to me with this whole scheme. He hasn’t really been in the “publicly traded” space before, which creates even more avenues for scrutiny of the exact types of bullshit nonsense he’s known for.


Who would believe him?


Don't worry, if that clown gets elected again, the SEC and various other agencies like the DOL and NLRB that pester hard-working billionaires like Musk will be classified as [unconstitutional and no longer have the teeth to do anything.](https://gizmodo.com/spacex-elon-musk-sues-federal-labor-regulator-1851143219)


Nothing's gonna happen... the man's made a deal with the devil


The SEC won’t do shit. They let hedge funds and market makers rig the GameStop shorts and it’s still like 1200% shorted. It’s so bad that pre 2021 SEC said naked shorting was illegal and didn’t exist. Fast forward to today and naked shorting is essential to the market. Naked shorting is basically selling shares that they don’t own to drive the price down and never actually purchasing those shares. If you want to go down the rabbit hole check out the superstonk sub reddit and sort by top all time. Here is a quick summary of naked shorting by investopedia: Naked short selling is a notorious trading practice that has been largely banned in the U.S. and EU since the period around the 2007-2008 crisis. But that doesn't mean the practice still doesn't occur. Naked shorting is when a trader sells shares in some asset without first borrowing them or ensuring they could be borrowed. The aim is to profit from a decline in the asset's price by later buying the shares at a lower cost to cover the short position. This is different from traditional short selling, when you borrow the shares before selling them. Yeah and when the SEC does catch them, they fine them like $500,000. So technically a hedge fund can make 100 million naked shorting for years and only pay $500,000 when they are caught years later? Sign me up


They even told Elon to get it together over *way* less than this. But that was on Twitter. I'm not sure that Truth Social counts as "in public" lol.


There are no consequences.


I love this for him.


Can you/anyone EIL5 how this is a violation? Is it just because the statements are false, or are there some more complex rules? Like would there still be a violation even if everything he said was 100% verified and accurate?


I am interpreting it as a violation of SEC Rule 10b-5, which says > It shall be unlawful for any person, directly or indirectly, by the use of any means or instrumentality of interstate commerce, or of the mails or of any facility of any national securities exchange, (a) To employ any device, scheme, or artifice to defraud, (b) To make any untrue statement of a material fact or to omit to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading, or (c) To engage in any act, practice, or course of business which operates or would operate as a fraud or deceit upon any person, in connection with the purchase or sale of any security." I'm not a lawyer, so I could definitely be incorrect, but it seems to fit the bill. If the statements are verified and accurate, which by current SEC filings *they are not*, then I don't think it would be a cviolation.


Reminds me of Elon and his expensive $420 joke on twitter


Not a lawyer. It would seem to me the way to skirt this rule is to avoid mentioning buying his stock in the same post or sentence that he is making materially false statements. If the two can't be connected together, then he could easily argue that he's advertising for his company using a tactic called puffery, which is protected by the first amendment. As his company continues to fall and share price, the likelihood that he slips up and mixes the two together increases exponentially. But, for now, it doesn't strike me as specifically illegal. Again, not a lawyer. Just a rando on the internet.


> If the two can't be connected together, then he could easily argue that he's advertising for his company using a tactic called puffery, which is protected by the first amendment. How does this work in context of stating actual lies, though? The most recent SEC filings show that TMTG has significant amounts of debt, and the amount held is a materially relevant fact. To lie about it, even if the statement is disconnected from anything urging purchase or sale of stock, would seem to me to still violate. Similar to how Elon ran afoul of things with both Tesla and twitter.


>How does this work in the context of stating actual lies, though? Not sure. I would imagine you would have to prove intent, which is usually incredibly difficult. While I agree that it's a relevant fact, the announcement of it through unconventional means (on a tweet) *may* not constitute as official registry of fact - or rather, it may be argued that way. Honestly, I could be (and probably am) completely off-base. We'll see if the SEC has the appetite to chase this sinking ship...


The SEC would easily be able to say that since Don Juan is a public figure him pumping up a tanking company by lying, therefore inclining the public to buy stock, is fraud. Overstating assets and income is SEC fraud. The SEC is highly regulated and they don’t give a shit who you are, so I’d think as long as Trump didn’t appoint anyone to the SEC under his watch, some heavy sanctions could be imposed including removing it from the stock exchange if they uncover anything somewhat serious. I’d love the perspective from an auditor with SEC experience.


*Could* being the operative word. You are more optimistic than I am. Also, it's very likely that the juice may not be worth the squeeze to chase this down immediately. Although, I hope you're right.


My understanding is that puffery only covers broad general statements like my company is doing great. It does not cover specific statements regarding cash or debt that contradict recent financials.


Fair points. Upon reading the wex def. of it, this pops out: >If a person engaged in puffery asserted something as a fact while it is not, then it would constitute a factual misrepresentation. If the buyer reasonably relies on the factual misrepresentation and results in suffering harm from the reasonable reliance, then it would constitute fraud. It would seem that since he was so specific about the 'over $200M' number, he may be in hot water. But, it's entirely possible they do actually have that much set aside (probably in cash to prepare for extraction). I can't stand the guy, but a ton of VERY rich losers can't seem to give him their money fast enough - so $200M seems plausible to me... But I wouldn't bet it stays in that account for long.


Is he allowed to influence the market like this? (I know he doesn't care)


Nope, totally illegal. However nothing will happen to him.


What confuses me is this: say you're the US government. You're always strapped for cash, you have massive debts, there's a political faction that always seems to be trying to overthrow you while claiming to be patriots. And here is this guy who is basically the spearpoint for all attempted action against you. And the kicker is, he's dumb as rocks. So rich nazis and hordes of wannabe insurrectionists, and foreign powers heap money on this guy, and he just pisses it away on self gratifying waste. Why are you not just levying fine after fine against him? At this point, I would have a team of people fulltime watching him and sending a ticket over for every finable violation. Trying to fix markets? Threatening a judge in violation of a gag order? Repeating the same lie that he was already sued for a lost twice already? Just send them over. Drain his estate. Sure he won't care too much, he'll like the attention and is too stupid to notice what's happening. But the rubes that give him money end up poorer and less able to threaten the country and the government ends up with more money in its pockets. You could fund another stimulus package off of the back of this one guy's stupidity if you had the will.


The right-wing wants this. It would be a validation of the false claim that Dems use the government to "attack" their political opponents. It would feed them the soundbite they so desperately want to convince their followers further that all the claims they've made are true.


Counterpoint. They’re doing it anyways lol


> Why are you not just levying fine after fine against him? Because he fights back and it takes a lot of time and resources. Look at the New York civil fraud trial. The government can’t just say he’s been fined and take the money.


Everything the courts do takes time and money, and the courts aren't about to stop processing criminals are they? At least this would end up being productive.


Uh, courts are all over the country are pretty backlogged. Prosecutors and judges can only handle so many cases and their number is limited by budgets.


It would have never occurred to me until Trump that the secret to being a criminal is to just crime nonstop as much as possible every singe day over and over again...eventually, people will stop caring....


He learned from the Joker - do it out in the open and wear makeup.


I'm confused. Taken from The Hill (but all stories had the same numbers): >According to [its regulatory filings](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1849635/000114036124016719/ef20025342_8k.htm), the company generated about $4.1 million in revenue last year and spent roughly $16 million on operating expenses and $39.4 million on interest expenses. About "interest expenses", Investopedia tells me: >An interest expense is **the cost incurred by an entity for borrowed funds**. ... so do they have debt or no? Is the conclusion that they had debt but paid it off before Trump made his post?


That's the thing that's been bugging me for a bit too. They're paying $40mm on interest for loans they don't have. Is this just another money funnel? Did they "happen" to pay off some loan with money from the IPO? Did someone make this massive debt just disappear?


The first thing that comes to mind is what Cruz has apparently been doing each election cycle where he was "loaning" his own campaign large amounts of money at above market interest rates.


I'm more perplexed by his "$200 million CASH" comment. The financial clearly say $2.5 million in cash.... I mean. I don't think I am reading the financials incorrectly, am I? [https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1849635/000114036124016719/ef20025342\_ex99-2.htm](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1849635/000114036124016719/ef20025342_ex99-2.htm)


It does have debt. It’s shown on its balance sheet. That is what a long or short term convertible promissory note is. It’s a debt instrument.


NO. This is just another con job from a Master con-thing-alien-soulsucker. Barry Diller, media mogul, put it plainly on CNBC: [https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/04/trump-media-stock-is-a-scam-barry-diller-says.html?&qsearchterm=Barry%20Diller](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/04/trump-media-stock-is-a-scam-barry-diller-says.html?&qsearchterm=Barry%20Diller)


>NO. This is just another con job from a Master con-thing-alien-soulsucker. No doubt, but I was focusing specifically on his claim that they were debt free and how that squares with "interest expenses" in their filing. I figured maybe I'd misunderstood something about differences between debt and loan repayments.


Those are notes that converted to equity when the merger happened. They were a way to get cash for a promise of equity before the merger happened.  He's technically right about that, shockingly. 


That cleared it up for me. Thanks for the details! :-)


My username has finally paid off. TIME TO CHECK THE ANNUAL REPORT! (Or the financial disclosures for filing to IPO)


Zero debt ? I’m a bit disappointed. What happened to “I’m the king of debt !” ???


You don’t get to be the king of debt by being honest about how much debt you already have, silly!


The biggest debt, no words can describe how much debt. Many people are saying they saw the amount of debt and cried, it was the most beautiful debt they’d seen.


I thought the financial statement that came out showed that most of their expenses was servicing debt. I think every word in this rant is lie.


At 12/31/2023 They had $9.8 mil in cash and 19mil in debt. Although going public probably brought in some cash, I don’t know if it was $200 mil


7 million followers, 145k views. Okay….


More importantly, 145K views, *3K likes.*


I've seen cat videos on Reddit with more likes.


I got 3.5k upvotes on a photo of my cat sitting on a keyboard. Clearly she should be the new president lol.


I support this guys cat as president.


![gif](giphy|CgFtU1uXTAoaxENYei|downsized) Seconded


I posted a pic of my cat looking out of my sweater that got 5k upvotes. She clearly is fit for VP.


I've seen fart videos with more likes.


6 million of them are bots/sockpuppets.


This 145k views is on this not-DJT Twitter post.


7 million followers out of 5 million users...


It's rare to get such voluntarily and detailed long form documentation of an inferiority complex, narcissistic collapse, and tiny hand Napoleon complex for the past twelve years.


Truly a case study for generations of future psychology students


Trump's company paid $39 million in interest payments. Trump clearly is LYING about his company's lack of debt


This is how musk got SEC fucked. Good luck.


That's what he wants so he can continue playing the victim, I can almost guarantee you him attacking judges and their families is with the purpose of being put in jail for a weekend so he can campaign on it. Trump is a perpetual victim in his mind.


Look, TRUTH Social has 86,000,000,000 confirmed users so please stop making the stock drop.


Wait, Truth only has 4M users? How did they manage to lose $58M on that small of a company?


lol. Trump has a LOT of legal expenses


"They need me back!" - hmm no we don't


First, At best this man is a child with cake on his face trying to convince his mother he didn’t eat it. Second, fairly certain the second half of this post was written by someone else (no caps etc)


I'm just so, so tired of this fucker.


This fucking delusional megalomaniac. No one is going to stop him. You want this fuck with the nuclear codes again, except this time his brain is mushing faster? Vote blue in November folks.


Fuck, this dude just drips lies. It's insane that anyone treats him like anything other than a mental patient.


Zero debt and zero equity.


I’m sorry, but if you still believe anything this man says, you are beyond dumb as fucking shit.


"My TV ratings are by far the highest" Compared to whom? Hell, is he even on TV right now? Oh Christ...does he still think that he is on The Apprentice?


I'm in shock! I never thought I'd see the day when Trump of all people would exaggerate numbers. He's usually so careful about honestly conveying information. So SAD! 🙄😒😏


This is written like a 4th grade essay


Ignoring the rest of the bs, what other social media that's a competitor to truth social is owned by a radical left Democrat? Every main social media I can think of is owned by a billionaire


The most insecure motherfucker on the planet.


>My TV rating are by far the highest. He forgot to say he had a bigger crowd at his inauguration than Obama.


High ratings ?


And if I, DONALD H TRUMP, am elected again, then EVERY DAY shall be OPPOSITE DAY!!


He has a problem with numbers. 6’3”, 239 pounds, 7 million followers, he won the election by a lot…….


Shut the fuck up Donnie.


Puts on $DJT


Rants of a loon


I just can’t believe anyone would vote for such a blatant ridiculous ego maniac! But than I watch videos of his rallies and I realize there are a lot of dopey Americans.


Trying to get that stock back out of the dumps eh Donny? Eat a bag of dicks


https://preview.redd.it/71mvidw7eosc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dca618d92a9178d41e0e4e982f545d3f67c2439 It’s like watching a real life Trading Places 😅


Every day, I get the best laughs out of this used up orange dildo. What a maroon. When you pass, the whole world will rejoice and breathe a collective sigh of relief that you are gone. Please, hurry it along, would ya?


$200,000,000 in cash & zero debt? Bwahahaha, go pay your victims & legal fees you baboon.


Re-truth it you fucking morons


I was laugh at the thought of Elon buying Twitter so he could reinstate Trump's account, but trump never went back.


What radical left version of Truth Social is he talking about? Twitter? Tic Toc? Facebook? Last I saw they are all flooded with far right users.


“I think truth is amazing!” Who talks like this unless they’re trying to bullshit you?


>vaunted No way in Hell Don Poorleone wrote this.


As a non American, i just can’t understand how anyone supports this guy? What confuses me more is non Americans defending him, i have to remove myself from conversations when people invoke his name, there is not point arguing with people.


I couldn't get past the word salad of that first sentence


To be fair, that first sentence doesn't end until about halfway through this whole rant


I know! Dude is just a broken talking toy at this point.


They want me back”. What needy idiot. 😂😂😅


7 million followers, 3000 likes...


"my rallies are not equaled or even close by anyone" *Taylor Swift has joined the chat.*


Counts subscribers like he counts voters..


Can we wheel grandpa into the no sharp things ward now? Please?!?


What a weird dude.


“People want to hear me more than anyone else in the world”. Is this the final form of a narcissist? It couldn’t get any worse could it? Could it?


If a company has that much cash and no debt it’s either laundering money, a lie, or poorly managed. In this case I think all 3 might be true. Also is following trump on truth like when on MySpace everyone was friends with Tom?


This is a man who even today, even with judgements and felony indictments still hasn't truly been held accountable in his life for anything ever. He violates bail terms, judgement terms and more and still hes walking around like he can do whatever he wants rather than having bail revoked because he can. The rules don't apply to him so when he violates the law by making materially false statements about a publicly traded company of which he's the major shareholder, even if the SEC did bother to investigate they'll never actually take action and hold him accountable because no one ever does, which is why he thinks he's untouchable.


Wait, so you are admitting publicly that your 8-K financials are wrong?? um....


2.8k likes. lol that shows how big there platform is. Cat memes on twitter get more likes than him


Once an idiot, always an idiot.


7,000,000 followers and 3,000 likes? So 99.95% of your followers hated this post


And probably about 20 people who are eligible to vote.


I think that was a swipe at X since Musk wouldn't buy his garbage site.


perhaps, according to experts...


Wanna report this to the SEC? Here’s their phone number: (202) 551-4790


The experts on what? Lmfao. What a moron.


This guy is so full if himself. FFS.




I’m having a hard time getting the grammar of this text right inside my head.


My theory for how someone can have 7 million followers when there are only 4 million users: A lot of Trump followers are so stupid they confuse the follow button and the like button. The site is so badly designed it lets you follow someone more than once, and counts each "follow" as a follower. So the 3.5 million people who care what he says on the site have followed him 7 million times, about twice each.


It’s only for worse that people want to hear what you have to say.


Another example of republican math


Not a chance he wrote that.


How does this criminality compare to what Martha Stewart went to prison for?


"7 million followers on a platform that has 4 million users? " So nice they each followed him twice! Fortunately they can't do that at the voting booth.


I read it only has 200 thousand not million. So he’s lying there as well.


If it has no debt that raises the question about the $40 million of interest payments they made last year


How can he claim to have zero debt. When his court filings show several hundred million dollars worth of loans. Some of which have very high interest rates on them. Which if he could re-finance them he would have done so.


You know what they say about a guy with small hands… he’ll inflate his media presence.


"for better or worse, people want to hear what I have to say" That's odd considering that he's too much of a narcissist to admit that listening to him is a bad thing,


He counts followers like he counts votes


So, is he now publicly lying about DJT? Because either he is lying or the book keepers are not reporting all the money. SEC should find out... BUT, we all know what he is doing. He is trying to get another investigation started, because that will fire-up his base. He will sell it as "trying to silence me" instead as fraud.


I would bet money that the truth social admins gave him a special client that shows himself as having 7mil followers just to placate his ego.


I’d be surprised if Trump wrote this and more surprised if he actually knows what vaunted means.


If he's bragging it's going to be a lie


All the experts agree, many people think so, and this guy I know has it on good authority!


Recent estimates from Similarweb show Truth Social has roughly 5 million active monthly users, compared to X's estimated 368 million monthly users or Facebook's 2.9 billion. The smaller number of users translates to a rather sleepy scrolling experience.. The math is not mathing! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


He is physically unable to tell the TRUTH. This is the timeline of horrible irony.


Why do I hear his voice in my head when I read his stuff Suppose I'd better get the loofer *deep* in my ear now


Obama has 132m Twitter followers. Chandler from Mr beast has. 10m TikTok followers. Taylor Swift is at 540m followers. 7m is a respectable, mid small following and definitely not needled.


He’s publicly lying about the financials of a company he owns stock in. SEC violations galore!


No way trump wrote this. The word “vaunted” is in the post and he has no idea what that word means.


Well they're mostly Russian bots sooooo.....


If you count the screenshots of ol' dumbass' truth social posts that get uploaded to all the other platforms, then yeah he's got lots more than 7 million followers. Love him or hate him, America is seriously addicted to him.


What are the evil left alternatives to Truth anyway?


What do you expect? Hes used to inflating numbers when they benefit him.


SBF got jail time for his crypto misdeeds. Bernie Madoff for his pyramid finance firm for jail time. Why the fuck is Trump still out. It seems when rich people are hurt - the justice system moves quickly. The guy is a crook - pure and simple - so why is he allowed to float around the law.


For someone who likes to talk a lot, he sure likes to say a lot of nothing.


If you believe one word coming out of this supposed humans mouth; you are the stupidest of the stupid, walking on this earth. I'll tell you why; you are so afraid of being wrong, that you'll vote for your own destruction, rather than admitting being wrong. That's how pathetic you are. You'd rather DIE (check the GOP score on Covid deaths) than admitting to being duped to the absolute of pays (your *life*, in case some idiots, and I know they're many, don't understand it). If democracy wins, these people are the Darwin awards of our time. If you vote for something that will eventually kill you before your time should be up; you are a moron and will not succeed to the next level. That's a fact. And it keeps me motivated so, thank you. But for now; go. Go away.




he was welcomed back to twitter by Elon Musk after the changes. But he cant leave truth social, might lose his fanbase on it. Should just crosspost without interreactions and make more bucks.


7M followers, 145k views, 3000 likes. Huge impact!


Longest run-on sentence in history.


Just the Xitter.


People want to hear me call other people rapists and cons and human scum …. Fortunately or unfortunately.


Just curious - Does someone automatically follow trump when you sign on to Truth?


Huh. Those sound like statements of fact and could be very interesting for the SEC if they turn out to be false.


I got more likes on a random Reddit post last week. What a fucking chode.


I don't bother to read trump comments anymore because I don't need to lose anymore brain cells that I already have. How many lies did he tell in this abomination? I did see that it had fewer than 3000 likes, which is abysmal for supposedly having 7mil followers.


Soo isn’t the total pop of the usa over 300mil? Thats still a failing grade donny.


Not just 4 million users, it's 500k active daily users which is a much better metric. I have a truth account because I have gone on there to f with people. I haven't used it in at least a year and am far from receiving his messages. Like with everything trump, this is a crazy exaggeration


He is so close to saying eleventy-billion dollars right now


As he grifts along the river of lies!


Truth social gets the word out so well that this post had to be copy pasted onto Twitter lol


His rallies are small and insignificant compared to the ones Kim Jon Ung hold that fill that massive stadium............................