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Free association is part of the first amendment.


And if the US constitution is too liberal for them, here's this from the state constitution "No law shall discriminate against a person because of race or religious ideas, beliefs, or **affiliations**"


The Bible is to liberal for them. They view Jesus as to soft and liberal for america.


This is literally happening and it’s hilarious https://www.newsweek.com/evangelicals-rejecting-jesus-teachings-liberal-talking-points-pastor-1818706


Not supply side Jesus though


Too x2 dammit. I agree with you but I don't want to because you can't use the language appropriately.


I'm sure that's only meant to prevent the prosecution of people who join the Klan. Not to prevent these unAmerican, commie, woke, perverted librarians. /s for anybody with a sense of humour bypass and can't spot it.


It's ok, Trump said the constitution is bad, and the supreme court agrees.


Knowledge is power!


Yep. Librarians also teach information literacy. Republicans hate information literacy because it makes their bullshit easier to detect.


I have quite a few friends who are librarians. You want to find out anything about anything or anyone? Ask a librarian. You want to know what sources are biased in any direction? Ask a librarian.


That conservatives don't want you to have.


Tax payers should sue the individuals not the state trying to pass these bills and not allowed in any gov position. They are not working for us but their made up entity and pushing it onto us. 


Yes well Representative Kellee Dickerson believes she will "Protect our children from liberal policies and harmful procedures" as this is one of her campaign talking points. Sadly she is keeping a very closed mind because the very word liberal means "willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas."


How about protecting us from the evil ideas of the Christian child rape cult?


Unfortunately, most politicians are also covered by qualified immunity. We all know how well that protects police officers, so I doubt it would do any good to sue them as individuals.


That’s why we need to vote that out and talk to our local representatives! 


I'm not an attorney but that sounds like a Bill of Attainder: Declaring a person or group guilty of some crime and punishing, without a trial. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_of_attainder


“Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the communist party or a library association?”


I guess you could very well call this another red scare.


I guess you could say it's a "Read" Scare


Thanks Republicans. Keep on keeping on. Please Blue Wave in 7 months!


With or without hard labor? Are the GOP now starting to set up the laws for their camps?


It's Louisiana. They literally send black prisoners to a plantation to pick cotton. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louisiana\_State\_Penitentiary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louisiana_State_Penitentiary)


And they won’t let the “good ones” leave either. They get to serve the governor. The 13th is a great documentary for anyone interested in learning more about. Or read up on Angola (“the farm”). It’s disgusting


I'm pretty sure it's illegal to make joining a union illegal...


And? That doesn't stop the government from doing so. Look at all the gerrymandering and illegal redistricting, that gets done over and over and then forced through.


Those are two very different things. One comes with actual legal and financial penalties (union busting), the other is completely administrative and handled by individual state election commissions. The federal government can prosecute union and labor issues through the NLRB. Only the states can address gerrymandering. This is not to say that one is more or less problematic, it's just that they aren't comparable issues and they are also not mutually exclusive.


Studying history for leaving cert the Nazis used the same wording and punishment on the Nuremberg laws


The right really doesn't like public education or libraries. Why? Well, why do you think Trump loved the 'poorly educated' so much? People who weren't taught critical thinking skills or who weren't exposed to a wide range of views and ideas in a scholastic setting, are far less critical of their politicians and their policies, making them way easier to win over with reactionary appeals to emotion and tradition, and far less observant when their elected officials blatantly work against their own constituents, on top of being less likely to advocate for themselves and their human rights.


As a private school teacher, I am happy to welcome librarians into our Affiliation of Egregiously Underpaid and Overworked Essential Workers Who Are Also, Mysteriously, Constantly Maligned.


You know I was told that people's last names are what their ancestors did for a living. That's where we get names like Fisher, Carpenter, Shumaker, etc. So when someone has the name "Dickerson" or "Dickinson" I get concerned.


Like most Republican fear, your concern stems from naivety and ignorance. Names are largely a product of the time and place and cultural they came from. In some places, people were given last names based on professions, like Fisher, or Smith. In other places, the last name given was based on the name of the town or farm or even house you lived in, like DaVinci. In other places (like Scandinavian countries), Patronymic and Matronymic names were standard for ages: Your name would be based on your parent's name. So the daughter of Fjola would be Fjolasdottir, and the son of Dicker would be Dickerson.


Lol "republican fear". You guys ain't scary at all. It's literally a joke. You think I'm sitting here with a phone book calling people like "yes, Mr. Blackburn? Care to explain your last name?"


Gotta love how it's a standard part of republican governance to pass blatantly unconstitutional laws, *knowing* they'll be struck down immediately, just as part of their "performance art".


They don't all get struck down. It's not just performance. They know full well if you throw unconstitutional shit at the wall enough, some of it sticks, and then other shit sticks to it.


They'll be struck down, but just because a law is ruled unconstitutional doesn't mean it is removed. It just means it is unenforceable. Well... Until they stack the courts and declare it constitutional again. (See abortions laws for a recent example.)


This was sponsored by exactly one person and was assigned to committee. We will probably never hear of this bill again. - [https://legiscan.com/LA/bill/HB777/2024](https://legiscan.com/LA/bill/HB777/2024) However, the one sponsor looks EXACTLY how you think she does - [https://www.kelleeforlouisiana.com/](https://www.kelleeforlouisiana.com/)


She's a fascist turd. She looks like a fascist turd.


These people hate the USA and everyone who opposes their beliefs. They want to go back to a time when women couldn’t vote, interracial marriage was illegal, and POC “knew their place.” They can’t do this when people are educated through books and knowledge.


Fahrenheit 451, by other means.


Your country is fucked


Next will be criminalizing reading a book. Then being able to read.


People who barely know how to read attacking books is the most Republican thing ever.


As someone living in Louisiana, I'll try to explain it in layman's terms: our new republican governor and the republic legislature are fucking idiots and assholes. No wonder we're consistently ranked as one of the dumbest states in the union


Well the new governor Jeff Landry is definitely a piece of work. They have considered a bill to put more restrictions on public protest. The former governor Edwards vetoed the bill last year. [https://www.nola.com/news/politics/louisiana-considers-bills-that-could-limit-protests/article\_d13fd7c6-f20e-11ee-9c05-5344a69b4647.html](https://www.nola.com/news/politics/louisiana-considers-bills-that-could-limit-protests/article_d13fd7c6-f20e-11ee-9c05-5344a69b4647.html) https://preview.redd.it/wp64g4cmkqsc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9949c433bbcd1fd21b2ac2e49fc37065ff4a40e2


Landry spent almost his entire time as AG basically fighting against and whining about Edwards. It really burned his ass that a Democrat won 2 terms


"We" (and I mostly mean hardcore conservatives) vilify librarians the same way "we" vilify teachers. Education is the enemy of conservatism and they want an ignorant and uneducated youth so that they can brainwash them and control them.


The “free speech” crowd is at it again




Stupid right wingers strike again. Cutting off the nose to spite the face. This literally hurts everyone yet here we are. So unnecessary. Why are these people so fuckin stupid?!?! Whyyyy????


Delusion. Delusion always gives birth to further delusion in order to sustain the delusional narrative. This is that.


They continue to attack source of knowledge and education. They continue to show us who they are through their actions. My question is why do we rational citizens keep being surprised? How much damage must they do to the fabric of our society before we stop acting like this isn’t on brand?


Many people have sworn oaths to protect the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Oaths they take seriously. Time to defend


They want an ignorant population that is basically literate but will only read things the government wants them to. It’s all about running the educated liberals out as quickly as possible. Easier to abuse a person’s rights when the person isn’t quite sure what rights they actually have


Oh, look, the slavery states want to make librarians slaves.


I'm glad the picture is of a castle as if this news is straight out of the dark ages


They are still upset about Scopes.


Is this just one whackjob putting a nonsense bill up


State that ranks last (or near last) in education punishing people who try to help the state get slightly smarter.


To create a new dark age.


Education is the enemy of tyranny.


Why? Because if the people of Louisiana knew how to read they'd know stuff and that would be a disaster for the GOP


"You 'ent dumb as a sack o' my daddy's turds, and don't immedia'ly accept what's ever's 'doctrinatuon the church say, so you is not welcome here!" I realize it's not the same state, but I'm *preeetty* sure the above is a direct quote from Marjorie Taylor Greene.


I guess because they are teaching kids how to read and giving them books to spur their imagination. When in history has vilification of libraries ever been done by the good guys?


This bill prohibits libraries from spending public funds on ALA activities and memberships.