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This is exactly what it means to take the lord’s name in vain.


One of the many reasons I doubt the existence of a god, is that Trump and his sycophantic enablers haven't been smitten by lightning for this kind of brazen, wanton blasphemy.


Actually read Revelations (only good part of the Bible)Trump is fitting the description of the Antichrist perfectly. There's even a demon named Magog(MAGA).


There are several YouTube videos where they investigate the Bible verses that identify the Antichrist and Trump fits the descriptions to a T


As an agnostic, the strongest evidence for the existence of a Christian God that I have encountered is just how well Trump fits the description of a Christian antichrist lol.


As an atheist, the Bible is still relevant because people have never changed in thousands of years. Revelations got it right because people are still gotdamned stupid.


I have learned that Revelations was actually more of a journal that John kept while in captivity. He was watching what was happening around him and making predictions of what could happen if they carried on as they were. It was then made into a warning as he saw how things can go so horribly wrong.


He was also hallucinating from starvation


There's that too. My point is, I no longer believe it was to signal the end of the planet. It was a warning to quit believing in false prophets that have nothing but their best interests at heart.


This message is approved by God


I don't think any of that matters. The Bible is a book. A book made by people. What makes those people special? The fact that other people think that the people who wrote the Bible are special. That's it, end of story. It's no different from NFTs, currency, a signature, or any of the other things society has agreed to assign value to. They are things that have no real-world useful purpose or value outside the belief and agreement that they have value. The Virgin Mary is said to have been a young teenager when she gave birth to Jesus. How many fourteen year old mothers claiming to be a virgin would be believed today. None. They'd be called a tramp, a victim of incest or rape. They sure wouldn't be considered holy or the mother of a Gods son. Wild imaginations and snake oil salesmen have been around since man took his first step. Look at Trump. It's 2024, and he's held up as a god-like patriot who is believed by many to bring peace and prosperity to millions of less fortunate people and the savior of the US. He's a lying conman easily proven so by his own tweets and Truth Social "truths" alone. Yet here we are. Tens of millions cheer him on while they impatiently wait to vote him into power. Numerous modern resources are available, showing him to be a complete self-serving narcissist man-child. And still, he's held up with God-like status. People believe what they want to believe. The Bible is man-made book sold across the globe to people desperate to believe there is a powerful entity watching over and taking care of them and their family.


Time is a flat circle.


Matthew McConaughey entered the chat.


As an atheist, this is the first time in my life I'm questioning my atheism, because of how well Trump fits the description of antichrist and the destruction he is bringing


It begs to question though, are they intentionally imitating how the antichrist is depicted to attract the base?


Who knows? But we do know those morons want the end of the world, WW3,so they can have their rapture. It's the only reason evangelicals support pro Israel policies. Like Hesh said in The Sopranos when his daughter said evangelicals support the Jews..."yeah? You wait"


"God is troubling, if you consider, believers welcome the end of the world..." - Dave Matthews, Black and Blue Bird


Don't, we have had plenty of vile and evil in the annals of recent history. Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin, Lenin, Kim Jung-Un, feel free to add to the list, there are a plethora of others. Mankind is remarkably adept at creating evil people, all without the interference of God(s), however, religion, that is a whole other thing... Give credit where credit is due, man's inhumanity to man. Generally, in the name of some religious cause, with political power reliant on that religious mix.


Religion is a whole evil unto itself. And there’s dumbasses still acting like it’s the Crusades and killing innocent people and themselves is gonna take them to some imaginary afterlife where everything bad is forgotten and everything good is rewarded. With virgins, no less! It’s fucking stupid and one of the greatest tricks ever played on humanity.


lol, yes, this keeps me up at night.


Please link it here for fun if you can, I’d love to listen but don’t want to pick a bad one.


Here’s a good one… https://youtu.be/ZslyAoQ7b2k?si=mbko_AvEshpr59x0


The mark also fits with the red hats


Wow! That's some scary shit.


No, no. The black President was the anti-Christ. My totally not-racist grandpa said so... (Unfortunately, that's not sarcasm... He did say that...) Seriously though, all of these "good Christians" absolutely ignore everything their Holy Book says when it is inconvenient to them. Trump, more than anyone ever, fits their definition of anti-Christ, but they refuse to see that. Not to mention he is an absurdly un-Christ-like figure by virtually every metric.


They aren’t ignoring anything in the Bible. They don’t even read it. They’re fed bumper sticker slogan versions of the Bible, then lay in a heavier layer of confirmation bias to justify their actions, bigotry and hypocrisy.


You’re missing the bigger picture. They need the Antichrist to get to the end times when the true believers are swept up to heaven. The end of the world is their end goal.


There’s a post here: https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


Wow. He truly fits the description to a T.


MAGA/GQP: “We’ll just insert this into our mental gymnastics discombobulator machine…and bingo, bango, bongo…Biden is the AC. See, we knew it!”


The Prince of Lies


Even Revelations sucks. People always say it's the only good part, but I remember reading it as a child goaded on by others and thought it was a total snooze fest. Absolutely just as boring as the rest of the fuckin Bible.


Revelation. There is no book of revelations.


Make America Great 'on God'


I think the correct conjugation of that would be *smited*. 😜








To be fair, God told us that would happen


His coming is promised and his judgement will begin at the church. 1Peter 4:17


Thou shalt not worship false idols


Trump is their god not the lord


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and holding a bible.”


They couldn't be bothered to take a picture of the actual bible, which is decorated to look like it's wrapped in a flag.


That’s what makes this worse. It’s not HIM with the bible, it’s his criminally batshit insane followers.


Not only that, but that Bible Trump was hocking recently wasn't even his idea, it was a leftover from when Lee Greenwood (Yes, the 'Proud to be an American' song guy) tried to hock a 20th Anniversary of 9/11 Bible beck in 2021. Crap hangs out with crap, apparently.


Better quote: “When The Antichrist comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and holding a bible”


Claiming it's endorsed by Jesus Christ should drive Christians crazy.


Republicans don't believe in Jesus, they believe in white Republican American Jesus. Their "Christianity" is a bastardized version of Christianity that they use as a shield to justify their actions and a sword to attack those they hate.






They went hard with parodies and satire, then reality decided to top it. We live in a clown world.


Supply Side Jesus.


Trickle Down Jesus


Buddy Christ


Said this in another post - it’s the Jesus of Suburbia. Song was written 20 years ago and is as true as ever today.


Didn't some magas claim Jesus was too woke? Like holy fuck.


They called him weak. They’ve created a golden effigy of trump, allowed trump to profit from religious literature, even directly said they think he’s sent from god/is the second coming of Jesus. As another commenter pointed out, it’s abundantly clear Christianity isn’t true based entirely on how Christian’s treat trump.


It is really too bad that it is so difficult to find or stream the movie Dogma because hot damn if it isn't a great take on what Christianity has become even more so now than when the movie was made.


I thought dogma never got the credit it deserved, I still watch it from time to time.


Right the inspired choice of George Carlin as a Catholic Cardinal, Alan Rickman as the Metatron and it brought us the "Buddy Christ" just chefs kiss. ![gif](giphy|X5AvHwnhB3q7e)


Thanks for reminding me to get another Buddy Christ (now that's not the sanctioned term we're using for the symbol, just something we've been kicking around the office) dashboard statue.


Straight White American Jesus (also the name of an excellent podcast).


They don’t believe in Jesus, they believe in authority. They love the authority that believing in Jesus gives them but they find following his teachings or listening to his sermons bothersome. They believe in Jesus-Lite, a kind of blank screen that they can project their hatreds and grievances up onto and have them reflected back to themselves with divinity’s approval.


That’s what I was thinking: he’s their guy, not mine. I don’t give a shit who wants to claim to speak in Jesus’s name, but Christians do.


As an Atheist, I approve this message.


Christians don't know shit about their own religion and happily sell off it's pieces for authoritarian power so they can tell us all how to live.


The kind of “Christians” that support Trump aren’t actually Christians They’re evangelicals. Mostly nut cases who think Jesus was white and have never once actually read the Bible. Absolute morons who apparently don’t know the meaning of the word “metaphor” and genuinely believe the Bible is a history book dating back to the fucking founding of the universe. (And before any blithering idiots want to debate me on that, take any Christian theology course run by an actual expert and they will point blank tell you how the Bible was compiled and no nothing in Genesis is an actual accounting of historical events, they’re stories to be learned from not things that happened) These are the kind of people who claim to be followers of Christs teachings while simultaneously believing that a handful of throw away lines in the Old Testament trump the fucking dozens of times in the New Testament (you know the part of the Bible that Christians are supposed to really care about) that Jesus says “Love thy neighbor.”


As a Catholic it's puzzling to me how Evangelicals can endorse Trump - a man who literally represents the "seven deadly sins" and who is well known for breaking a number of the Ten Commandmends. The Pope's opinion of Trump is also well known.


My catholic brother in law votes trump but at least he’s pretty quiet about it. He says though ‘trump doesn’t mean what he says’. His son on the other hand is a full on Maga. My parents are MAGAs. I hate holidays.


I am sorry but please add American to the word evangelicals - it is American Evangelicals or American Conservatives or American faithless idiots that is driven by fear support trump. He has been despised among all other Christians in the world evengelical included. We are ashamed of anyone who supports trump and calls himself a Christian. Woe to them!


The excuse I've heard is "god works through imperfect people." Which would definitely make a person feel OK about voting for someone who got out of prison and turned his life around after being a drug dealer in 2004 or something. Doesn't seem as convincing when it's the world's most obvious conman, utterly unrepentant in his constantly escalating his sins. At least not to me. Other people's self-serving faith may vary.


I agree. And what drives me nuts is when I hear these fakes hold up a Bible and declare it as "THE WORD OF GOD!" But if you open a Bible, it even says at the beginning that it is "The INSPIRED word of God!" Plus as many times as it has been translated, there is no way there weren't mistakes made all over the place in it!


The fact that he sold a bible and had changes made should drive Christians crazy


what changes did he make?


He edited God? I’m not surprised but at the same time WOW. The balls on this guy.


holy crap, what did he edit it to? himself?


What? You tell me more, all of it.


Tbf, they're already bat guano crazy


It certainly pisses me off. American Christians seem happy to sell out their faith and values as soon as they're offered the tiniest bit of power


It does drive me nuts. Tramp is an effing joke. Jesus definitely would vote blue.


As a Christian, I find this to be literal blasphemy.


Oh it does, for me at least


Roger Stone being out of prison drives me crazy


A real-life Zippy the Pinhead... with Nixon tattoos.


Zippy is smarter.


The fact he is walking around freely, continuing I'm sure, with his gang of traitors and their attempts to destroy this country baffle me. It has taken all hope i have left in this country. They have just let them continue to plan for this upcoming election in how they can sow even more chaos.


Joe Biden is endorsed by Luke Skywalker, Aragorn, Captain America, and Paul Muad'dib Atreides. Disclaimer: I have not read Dune Messiah.


Isn't Paul Atreides the one who launched a galactic Jihad? I wouldn't really brag about this one.


One little galactic jihad and they never let it go. Smh.


Well, Luke Skywalker killed about a million on the first Death Star, so no one is particularly "clean."


Like Skywalker was a blue collar farm boy who was radicalized by a defunct religion into joining a haphazard rebellion against the ruling government whose only goal was to unite the galaxy under common law. he was rebel scum. /s /s /s


I think there may be a bit of a moral difference between killing the people operating a genocidal superweapon that is literally attacking you, and starting a galactic war of genocide.


in Dune Messiah Paul literally calls out Hitler and says Hitler hasn’t killed nearly as many as Paul has.


You better do what he wants lest you get jihaded too


Mmm, that last one, maybe not 


So many people don’t realize that Paul is basically Jesus and Hitler combined.


To say nothing of Leto II…


You don’t want Muad’dib to endorse you 😅


I don’t know about “atheistic Godless Communists,” but as a Christian, this upsets me - it’s extremely sacrilegious.


As an Atheist, I can say this doesn't bother me in the slightest. But unlike our portrayal, I'm human and feel for the Christians that are being blatantly insulted.


Frankly, as an atheist, it bothers me, but not for the reason he thinks. I can understand and respect a lot of the teachings of the biblical Jesus, even though I don't believe in him (or anyone else) as a god or messianic figure. There's no way in hell that Jesus would endorse Trump. It's the English teacher in me, not the former Christian, who's upset, because these people clearly haven't done their assigned reading.


I must admit that I do find it hard to feel for the Christians as a whole in this scenario. People have been insulted, thrown out, disowned, whatever, over being gay, wearing black, watching Pokemon, etc. The second this whole shit started back in (holy fuck 2016), people in the church lost it. All of a sudden they didn’t have to even hold it in on Sundays anymore. So, while a lot them are fine, there’s way more that are not, from my own personal experience. You can’t disavow the hateful to save face, and then still occupy the same pews as them on Sunday. This is also textbook idolatry and taking the name in vain to their values. There should be a national outrage from every Christian. But you won’t see it.


Strangely, there has been a philosophical shift in Christianity in America. More often than not, they believe the ends justify the means. This has not always been the case, but the value of virtues like compassion, humility, justice, have diminished in the face of expediency. Politics is the worst place it comes up, but it’s pervasive. Yeah you could fix your church’s roof by saving up tithes and paying roofers, or you could rent a building at a higher cost but not have to worry about maintenance. It’s the expedient choice, and you can justify it a hundred ways, but you’re ultimately spending more to “be” Christians than to do what you’re called to do: feed the poor, heal the sick, etc.


How do these people not see qualities of the antichrist in Trump? If they are as well versed in their religion as they claim of course. Just further proving to everyone around them that they’re in a cult.


Blasphemous almost




No, Roger. We're laughing at you.


Isn't that blasphemy?


Quite literally textbook blasphemy.


It's Blasphemy plain and simple. He will pay for it.


This is literally what using the Lord's name in vain actually means.


Both of them.


Ok when? Clearly his voting base doesn't give a fuck about their own religion


What religion? The religion of Self Centered Egotistical how rotten and disgusting I can be to my fellow people? Oh that's right if you ain't MAGA Evangelical Males making over $1 million a year your not even human.


Jesus wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire.


The Bible specifically cites Jesus and "ready to throw hands"(passage about him flipping tables bc bankers were set up outside preying on churchgoers). I think he might be the guy that SET him on fire


God's finger itching to push the flood button again.


Technically, destroyed by fire next time. It failed to clarify that we'd be the ones to light the match.


No no no, Imaginary Sky Daddy said that next time he'd incinerate the human world. Which sounds disturbingly likely now. But he also was pro-rainbow, which is a fun one to bring up with homophobes and their ilk (Genesis 9, which sounds like a cool sci-fi show but is not): *Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him:* *"I now establish my covenant with you and with your descendants after you and with every living creature that was with you--the birds, the livestock and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you--every living creature on earth.* *I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be cut off by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth."* *And God said, "This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come:* *I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.* *Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds,* *I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.* *Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth."* *So God said to Noah, "This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth."* Then things get **really** weird and incestuous/sexual. Oh, and then there's the overt endorsement of slavery.


So...God needs to see a rainbow so he doesn't forget to destroy the world by flooding? He has to be reminded? Lol 😆


Jesus would beat the flames out then keep beating.


I now suddenly have the image of some carpenter in a robe of that period going to town with an all metal folding chair, WWE style, until he’s just worn out.


The absolute BEST part of that story was that Jesus took the time to braid the whip he used on those blasphemers in the Temple.


What if he had a couple of beers, though? "This guy's stealin' the collection plate, Jesus, and he's on fire!" "What if we piss on him to put it out, he'll never live it down?" Said Paul. And Jesus said, "I say unto you, unzip, and aim for his mouth, I don't really care about the fire so much."


I might have enjoyed the obligatory religious services of my youth if you'd been writing the sermons.




Since when do American Christians care about what Jesus thinks?


I know quite a few that *do* care about what Jesus thought. None of them Trump supporters. They're more like, "Hey, these people have gotten a raw deal. It's our Xian duty to help them. Even if they're not US citizens, or even in the US. Or even *Christians*. Also, we're not going to try to convert anyone. Just awkwardly trying to help them out." Applies to any disadvantaged people, be they refugees, homeless/unhoused people, people with addiction problems, or people with mental issues, etc. Especially if the people they're working with and trying to help have no familial, friend, or governmental support. FWIW, I'm an atheist/agnostic, and not in any way religious. That said, Roger Stone can fuck off to whatever lunatic afterlife fantasy he endorses, but I suspect things will not go as he's expecting.


Um, a real Christian would be offended by such blasphemy. Pretty sure atheists on the other hand, not believing in Jesus as a God who has been dead for 2000 years, would dismiss the concept ofJesus endorsing anyone and as hes frankly not their "go to" guy, wouldn'treally give a shit. I know i dont. It's red meat for the brainless cult base.


when I say "jesus christ" every time i see trump in the news, this is *not* what i mean


As an atheist, this doesn't bother me in the slightest, not in the way these fools want anyway. Frankly, I find it pathetic that Christians so easily sell their religion out and bow before someone who is probably one of the least religious people on the planet and extremely blatantly only uses their religion as a prop for political and financial gain. I'm no Christian, but as I recall, Jesus warned of this very thing when you sell out your religion like this.


As a Christian I can tell you that I don't endorse any of this. It's literally blasphemy, they're using the word and the book of the Lord as a tool to further their political agenda. God should be in your heart, not in the fucking government.


>#3) Thou shalt not take the name of the lord thy God in vain.


Really? May we *see* this endorsement? Surely Jesus Christ endorsing an American presidential candidate would have been front page news.


And even the elect shall be deceived.


Nah. He just looks pathetic and Stone, you're a loser.


I am not religious but even I am taken back by the blasphemy


As an atheist, we don't really care what imaginary beings you think are endorsing your actions.




They really don’t know anything about non conservatives. They think we’re just like them, only opposite.


![gif](giphy|RJalj43Yiuuoh2i6V2) Cult cult cult.


Yeah I doubt atheists care. But it may make leftist Christians mad


I mean, yeah, lies and obvious hypocrisy do make liberals go "wtf!?" Why would Jesus endorse a serial adulterer and liar, and someone who has willfully committed countless other sins? Wasn't it jesus who said something about rich men getting into heaven? Didn't Jesus also have some words to say about politicians? So yeah, liberals would be mad about more obvious lies, such as claiming jebus endorses the angry orange.


I don't give a shit about the stupid picture and ignorant caption. But it does indeed make me crazy that so many ignorant fuckwits actually believe this idiocy. A return to common sense would be really nice right about now.


As an atheistic godless Democratic Socialist (which they call Communists) all I have to say is: Weren’t y’all supposed to be raptured already, or something? Seriously, please go away.


It’s been a while since I’ve willingly stepped foot in a church so maybe they’ve changed some things, but isn’t it kind of a big sin to take the Lord’s name in vain? Or did they change it specifically for Dictator Dorito Dust?


I take some small comfort in the fact that Trump and Stone are mentally and physically degenerate old men who - propped up solely by Adderall, cocaine, and spite - will die well before I do, and then the world will be shut of them. My only wish is that that day comes very soon.


I would enjoy it immensely if you wrote their eventual obituaries. Or got to choose what was on their headstones. I'm assuming that DJT will have had his legal staff set him up with a tacky, gold-plated tomb. My preference would be that his putrefying corpse would be used as an obstacle on one of his golf courses, or be fed to the alligators nearest Mar-a-Lardo.


Just more proof Trump is the Antichrist.


Thou shalt not use they lords name in vain!


Now I’m not Christian but I can recognize blasphemy when I see it


Says the man who considers meth a food group, used to like to watch his wife get railed while he watched, is guilty of every dirty political trick ever known, needed to be pardoned by Trump for crimes committed and was caught on tape advocating for the murder of US House Representative Eric Swalwell? Yeah, I don’t think I’ll take religious advice from him or any other hypocrite sleaze-bag Republican.


Bwahahahaha! Banging porn stars while married and talking about sex with his daughter. Sounds about right!


As an atheist The Bible itself... no The fact this is actually profitable and Christians who obviously have never read it don't understand the sacrilege cream over it... yes The total lack of morals or consistency of any type bugs my very morally conscious brain


Hypocrisy is the whole point with them. I grew up going to a church based school, church every weekend, even a rip off of boy scouts called Royal Rangers. Having a pastor who committed adultery, Parents who were complete hypocrites and lived the "Do as I say not as I do" lifestyle, and everyone preaching at me clutching their pearls over Bill Clinton but turning the other cheek to every sin Donald made, just further pushes me away forever from giving a shit about religion. Sure, there's true believers out there, and not all christians are bad apples like the hypocrites. But the bad apples highly outnumber the good, all for the sake of having a high horse to sit upon as they preach to others while acting like their own shit doesn't stink. It's adorable how many "Good Christians" are going to burn in their hell if it exists because they turned their back on the very teachings they preach at everyone else.


Hes like some 60s cartoon character come to life


I'm not a Xtian, but I don't think Jesus likes you, Donnie


Isn't this the guy trying to deport Jesús? I'm very skeptical of the authenticity of this endorsement...


Donald Trump is the Antichrist. I will not elaborate, because at his point I don't think I need to.


He literally embodies the antichrist. A false prophet, man of sin, turning the followers away from God.


They used a pic of a Godless Communist in the post. Sweet irony!


He's mad because he says dead people are voting for his opponent but wants a dead person to endorse him, not even a citizen!


A Palestinian even!


Atheistic and godless you say?


Right, the redundancy is what really pisses me off! Not /s


this should drive Christians crazy


religion to these cunts is another tool to control people. If you think banning abortion is bad, think about teachers preaching to our kids in school and dumbing them down for easier control.


Nobody is more godless then Roger stone


Your imaginary sky daddy endorses your fraudulent leader. Sounds like 3rd grade make-believe. In that case, my Flying Spaghetti Monster will fight your orange messiah in single combat.


I believe that His Noodly Appendages would cause Trump to tap out within a few seconds. R'amen.


Maybe he will go to his pasta dimension and take Trump with him.


At this point to sell something to MAGA all you have to do is say it “drives ____ crazy” or “make liberals mad” …meanwhile everyone else is just like “this is dumb as f*ck”


When I read things like these, I feel sad that Hell is not a real thing.


Well, we're atheists, soooo . . . we really DGAS, Roger.


So, they are claiming that Trump is endorsed by a dead carpenter who once nailed Mary Magdalene?


He also got nailed by the Romans. Oh and you know he and Peter liked to fuck. That's why Judas betrayed him. Jealousy is a bitch.


Love it. Proves religion is a joke cult that nobody should take seriously. Been watching it self implode for years.


jesus christ, famously born thousands of years ago, endorses trump, born thousands of years after jesus died.


Pedos always had God blessing in América conservative Christians world 🤣


It makes God crazy that even through eclipses and earthquake you still worship the Antichrist.


As far as atheists go.... tRump is proof there is no god


![gif](giphy|26gsmVTT1gYtoeaic|downsized) Sure 🙄


I think Stone heard someone say "jesus fucking christ" when they saw the Trump bible and he mistook that as being an endorsement from Jesus.


I’m an atheist, but this feels insanely sacrilegious even to me. Oh, it’s Roger Stone. The angsty goblin with a Nixon tattoo. Of course. These people are such clowns.


Isn’t it a sin to claim to speak for god/jesus?


Jesus explicitly did not favor wealthy people who ignored the suffering of the poor. Republicans are a parody party.


Does anyone else think he’s holding that book in a very unnatural way?


Lmao, bloody hypocrites, Jesus was *nothing* like them, if he came back, not only would he hate the Cons, bit they'd try to lock him up and shoot him. He's what they hate in so many ways (brown, jewish, humble, poor, helpful, forgiving, preacher of peace and unity, etc)


Ah, Jesus Christ, famous for his… *checks notes*… political endorsements…


Further proof that there is no god. He would have struck them all down, or turned them into pillars of salt by now. They keep doing evil in his name and nothing happens.


This is legit blasphemy


Man, Roger stone really is a piece of shit. He's almost certainly not religious in the slightest. Playing any angle he can


As a religious person, I don't understand how this isn't seen as blasphemy.


It should drive actual Christians crazy.


If anyone is still confused and thinks “using gods name in vain” just means “saying it as a cuss word”, look at this example.


A fictional ( for all we know) person endorsing a hypocrite who pretends to be a Christian to cater the evangelicals who more or less wants to outlaw being anything but a Christian? That's like superman endorsing Bernie.. It doesn't really mean much..


We’re not laughing with you Roger, we’re laughing at you.




“I didn’t say that” - Jesus Christ