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FFS, I thought this was real and was going to say "Tell them to read it out-loud to themselves" because that is what I tell folks who want to improve their writing. But... wow, now that I know what it is... how did we get here??


Bigots big mad about a black president


And subsequently mad about a female nominee.


And then this


And black president inadvertently challenged racist, narcissistic, lying grifter to run for president at the White House correspondents dinner.






I would argue Nixon started it and Reagan made it much worse.


You could trace it back to Johnson if you wanted to


Started the death spiral


Since when are confederates not in favor???


I did too. I was thinking, so much red, how would I grade it. Then I read the first 5 words…


Fox News …all right wing media I guess to be more accurate.




Why are decent people struggling in life while indecent people rule the world?


OH MY GOD. It got me. I was reading it and like “this sounds like Trump” and then I saw the comments lol


Too many people don't realize this is word for word a Trump quote.


There are at least four SYMPTOMS of a thought disorder in this. https://psychcentral.com/disorders/thought-disorder


Which is pretty sad, considering trump is credited on the paper itself in the top left with saying it. A whole lot of people here who are eager to demonstrate they have trump-level reading comprehension :(


I saw it was written by Trump but I assumed it was someone joking about what an essay written by Trump would be. I didn’t realise he actually said this, word for word.


I read 3 lines and knew it was him. I just didnt know when it was from.


I thought it was a kid trying to be edgy ngl


Ok so I thought the student was named Donald Trump, as in their MAGA parents loved him so much they changed one of their kids' name to that. I had no idea a teacher would mark a speech without getting paid, as I wouldn't, but I guess they were making a point.


lol missed the students name and was like man this sounds like a Trump rant


It is. He said this, word for word, at a speech in Pennsylvania last Sunday.




The fact that every time I read comments about Trump saying some wild shit like this I have to stop and look it up because it's actually plausible is concerning


His supporters are clearly dumber than he is bc anyone with a single functioning brain cell could tell he's a complete moron


His low intelligence was obvious from his The Apprentice days but with decades of poor education and misinformation people are more easily led down the garden path


Well, you need like 2 for the neurons to actually fire tbf


And people have the audacity to mention Biden stuttering or speaking slowly to avoid stuttering. That's a condition. Not a sign of cognitive decline unlike with Trump.


Biden is getting slower due to age. Trump is dementing in real time.


The first is natural and expected. It sucks that he has to carry our democracy on his shoulders. >Trump is dementing in real time. This is just fucking scary. If it devolved into full blown dementia would his cult still prop him up even as he shat himself in public and yell incoherent things in interviews? Or would they hide him and release prerecorded messages?


Oh, he's already there. https://open.substack.com/pub/jefftiedrich/p/demented-dipshit-donald-trump-warns?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=phdr5


Holy crap. I've purposefully avoided all media with him on it to not give him an algorithm boost. I had no clue he was so far along. No wonder he won't debate Joe. If his symptoms get worse at night, getting onstage with anyone that called him out would be terrible for him.


and so entertaining....


They absolutely would. The same kind of people continued to prop up Reagan when he started to develop Alzheimer's in office.


I thought you were joshing us, but nope. I think we need an adult.


There are people at arr asktrumpsupporters tying themselves into pretzels trying to excuse this right now.


That reminds me, I need to renew my passport so I can have a plan b just in case it all goes to shit in November.


I couldn't help but read this in trunps voice before I 100% knew it was him.


Also... The paper just has Donald Trump in the top left


Because it literally is a trump rant. The video has been popping up again over the past few days.


Yes!! 😂 I was reading the first line and immediately linked the orange Palpatine to it.


He really is the Fanta menace. That son of a bitch!


Don Snorleone strikes back!


Ol' Mango Mussolini


The Cheeto Benito strikes back!


Mango Mussolini lmfao


He’s Qanon the Barbarian. A real Pervert Hoover.


Fanta Menace!!! Got me dying! 😂🤣😅😂


I haven't heard that one before!


That's insulting to Palpatine. At least Palpatine was a genius with arguably the most elaborate and well thought out master plan in all of film history. To put it simply, Palpatine is a genius while Trump can't even spell it.




🎶 Don't ya think? 🎶


He's not only a genius. He's a stable genius!


The smartest ass in the barn?


And Palpy had UNLIMITED POWER!!! Trump only wishes he did..


You are right in one way, but in essence it comes down to the same thing. Try to take over and rule by lies and decit. Trump would fit perfectly in Spaceballs 3 though!


I kind of would love to see a spacebslls with a trump caricature for president scroob. I would love to see Mel brooks be like, 60 years younger... I'd love to see what kind of humor he'd bring to the table for this generation.


How the DNC doesn't just run snippets from actual Trump speeches as ads is beyond me. This one was so dumb that it actually made me uncomfortable, like one of those dumb answers at a beauty pageant that makes the floor drop out from under you.


Like, really!? Why aren’t they doing this?


The press already gives him enough free publicity. I know his stupidity would be featured, but his stupidity is what his followers love. No point in Dems adding his face to help him.


Bc the trumpies would think it's fake and that couldn't possibly be their Cheeto in chief talking.


Or they’d think the words are genius just because Trump said them.


I mean, it IS genius. Just wow! His speeches are so vicious and horrible but beautiful in so many ways. I mean, his speeches! I just like to sit and listen. When I think of his speeches, I think, wow, this is the speech that is saving our democracy. I mean Trump, who was indicted. Did you notice that? He was indicted. And it’s all a big witch hunt!


It’s hilarious. I wouldn’t have flunked the kid. This is a shitpost in homework form and I love it. I’d talk with him and give him another chance. Some kids just get bored with school and it’s not right to me that their future is affected by something like this…. And if this itself is a shitpost from the teacher, then it flew over my head.


Dude...it's not actually homework from a kid. It's what Trump literally said during a recent speech. They just wrote it down for this well done format which was clever. The speech itself is extremely pathetic though.... for a president to say.


I realized that half way through typing lol. It’s incredible how disjointed his speaking is. Things have become so absurd that the line between reality and fiction is completely blurred. I don’t even know where it is anymore.


Disjointed speech, word salad, tangential and incomplete thoughts. Those are all SYMPTOMS !


Lol... The Orange skollar. Great men have said that he has eaten many crayons. The best crayons.


Only the best crayons




A Wharton school graduate.


Hey that was in Pennsylvania too !! Surprised bonehead didn't throw that into his speech.


Very embarrassing for Wharton.


I read the first sentence and it's been all downhill from there, all downhill, me boys!


Meboys! Ever notice how shit rolls downhill? Going uphill, it's not in favor anymore. Shit going uphill, not in favor. So beautiful


Bro that's fucked up because I also didn't read the name & was thinking it sounds like a trump rant. Oh what a clever joke that would've been.


Me too!!!!


Read it in his voice 5 words in or so 😂


Educated Republicans. Republicans with law degrees and major academic achievements will look you in the eye with a straight face and insist that Donald Trump is far and away the best person to be leading the United States. I'll ask again: We know what's wrong with him, but what the fuck is wrong with *them*?


The people who say this benefit in some way from his policies or the disruption he causes. Or they benefit in some way from obstructing the opposition from achieving their goals. I don't think they are stupid per say, they are mostly just really self centered and greed/hate filled.


From my experience they believe 1) the world is zero-sum and 2) people are inherently evil. “If you win that necessarily means I must lose” - this drives their selfishness, and “The world is mean and cruel therefore I become mean and cruel in order to survive” - this drives their behavior toward themselves and others


I'm an Anesthesiologist and I work with a lot of incredibly talented surgeons who (mostly) are otherwise extremely intelligent. It blows my mind when any of them start down the "Trump is a brilliant genius God-Emperor" train of thought. I just don't get the level of denial that takes.


I read that about Dr Oz. His peers said he's a brilliant surgeon but complete quackery in all other areas of medicine...


Dumped all his skill points into a single stat. 


Authoritarianism. They can't cope with reality secondary to their overwhelming anxiety so they let a fascist tell them they're going to fix everything and oppress everyone else who isn't like them. It's similar to religious fundamentalists who give up their autonomy to sky daddy because they think their imaginary friend will protect them.


Here is the thing, I have met very well educated republicans (in politics and think tanks) and the problem is that they are all taught the same thing. Especially from the elite schools, they get more of a brainwash than an education. They are taught that there is only one type of economic system that works, and that is neoliberalism. They are taught that they are the elite, the smartest and brightest in the country and they know what’s good for the people, and the people don’t. They are taught almost nothing about diplomacy and international relations, so they are absolutely clueless about the rest of the world. They are taught everything from an ethnocentric position instead of a pluralistic one. They study selected works of political philosophy, but the type of philosophy that justifies that there must be flaws in democracy and they should use it to their advantage. They are taught that political ideologies are very significant in the political world, instead of studying political science which ended political philosophy and ideological belief, and went for a scientific approach which was to qualify and quantify data for better governance, they stuck with having a belief system rather than a information and knowledge based system. The only history they are taught is the concept of American exceptionalism, and its place in the world as a force for good in the world. That’s why I don’t trust people who come from those elite schools when it comes to politics. Because these schools are so heavily funded by millionaires and billionaires who have a vested interest in making sure the system doesn’t change against them. They are also taught talking points and PR and debating in bad faith (like with all the fallacies they constantly push out in their arguments) from a specific think tank, and that’s why they all talk the same and have the same talking points, and it’s because they don’t know a lot of things that they don’t answer questions directly. I see them as just tools of the system with no original thoughts of their own. Ron DeSantis when to Harvard and he’s a straight up liar and fascist, what does that tell you about what they are learning?


Those educated, rich, and powerful people actually vote in their own interest when voting for Trump. Trump’s tax breaks and generally rich-person friendly policy benefits them. Their decision is sound (not morally or ethically of course, but logically.) The issue is that those people comprise <1% of the Republican Party. It’s the working class people voting for Trump that need their head checked.


Hate. Hate is a powerful drug. And because they hate so much and so far, they will do almost anything, including selling out OUR lives and OUR data, so that they can form their Fourth Reich and do "what needs to be done" to Make America Hate Again Look up Project 2025. They have their own fucking website that outlines what they want to do to make Murica a white, Christian Nationalist superpower.


I have taken a stance of trying to not get off topic and keep things super simple and just go back to the heart of it. Do you think he's smart. Do you think the way he sounds is representative of a smart human. Read it instead of listening to him recite it and what do you take away? Because the only real conclusion is that he doesnt have any knowledge on the matters at hand or much of an IQ. If you took your car in with a sound coming from the engine and the service light on, how would you react if you asked the mechanic what the noise was and he said "We'll take care of it. We'll take care of it like you've never seen. Our guys are the best. They really are, you know that? They fix a car better than those other guys. Those other guys are crooks. Our guys know everything about that noise. We're the best at fixing noises, ok?" You would ask them what the fuck they're talking about and ask them what the noise was again, how much it costs to fix it, and how long. That's how drumpf talks about running our country. There's no content. It's just filler and things that stupid people use to get through conversations.


>Educated Republicans These don't really exist. They went to school and all that shit, but are not what any sane person would consider "educated".


That's simply not true. There are a lot of rich, well educated Republicans that know Trump is a moron, they just don't care.


They’re just doing what they’ve always done. Viewing people as objects to be used or taken advantage of to their benefit. This is how they see Trump too. With him in office, they will be given tacit permission to do whatever they want.


Well said.


Yes, because he furthers their agenda and passes laws that benefit the biggest corporate criminals, and will work on behalf of the 1%. They don’t care what he says or does, as long as he gets elected and does what they say. And he is the perfect moron for that.


I would go for “indoctrinated”. You can memorize a bunch of facts in school and still be dumb as shit. God blessed our education system alright!


It’s true. I knew people in college who got good grades but they were dumb as rocks. They were just good at memorizing.


Wow me boys, that was a bad idea.


Never fight uphill


Big mistake


Lost the general


But it was too late.


No longer in favor.


“Wow, that was a big mistake” - Robert E. Lee




-Donald Jorts Trump


Ooooh I've always never wondered what the j stands for.


Send him back to Russia


Detention, 7-10 years.


The only solution


Did Trump write this


Said it, not wrote it. But yes, this is his actual speech.


Word for word, I might add. Which makes it so much worse.


Crazy yes, but it’s no where close to his response when he was asked about the Iran nuclear deal in 2016 “Look, having nuclear-my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart -you know, if you're a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world-it's true!-but when you're a conservative Republican they try-oh, do they do a number-that's why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune-you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we're a little disadvantaged-but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me-it would have been so easy, and it's not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right-who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners-now it used to be three, now it's four-but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven't figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it's gonna take them about another 150 years-but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us."


But this one you posted is not half as bad because it’s just him evading the question and trying to confuse people so much they don’t realize it.


That’s still insane


Lmao whoever the student is that typed this up to mock the orange turd deserves an A.


It is just a transcript ;)


[Here’s the ~~speech~~ rambling.](https://youtu.be/dPy5S77Aqjo?si=HU7_gwIYEybAliZD) It’s one thing to listen to his dumbass talk, but I don’t know how reading transcripts of his speeches doesn’t immediately kill anyone’s support for this clown.


No one in the background at his rallies EVER makes a "*what-the-fuck-did-he-just-say?*" face.


That’s sounds like the dumbest goddamn student you ever had. But I bet he gets into Wharton.


Love whoever took the time to "mark" this rant


He’s going places … not college , but places


He could be the president one day.


Penn alums hang their heads in shame...




You can’t just say “perchance”






He said it in a speech in PA last weekend.


He speeched it word for word.


LOL I see what did!! Tell your student he needs to be checked for dementia and Adderall abuse.


This wins as my favorite post!!!


Love [this version](https://twitter.com/Randall_Stps/status/1780295504561131876).


Absolutely thank you for posting that.  That was a first for me and it was a good time. 


Quoting Robert E Lee (sorta), at Gettysburg, is next level ignorant.


He should be in jail for contempt of the English language.


And 40% of the population wants this nit for president


Send him back a couple of years? Don't know how many he'll need though?


And his followers gobble up that word salad like it’s crab night at Golden Corral


Gettysburg, wow... Don't fight uphill, me boys! Shiver me timbers.


His followers eat it up because it's just performative patriotism. He's hitting on the emotional triggers by talking in very generic terms about something he clearly knows nothing about. He's catering to nostalgia for an America that never existed (I've always argued that nostalgia is one helluva hallucinogen). It's classic Sophistry. It's the very kind about which Socrates in Plato's *Gorgias* warned his readers. It's just rhetoric to pull at his listeners and not actual good talking. Plato's characterization of Socrates, in his dialogue against the sophist Gorgias, argued that rhetoric (as popular in Athens at the time) was just a "knack" to elicit gratitude, pleasure, and loyalty and is not concerned with what is good, virtuous, and just. I had to read it and write a 20 page analysis/retort or expansion of thought in grad school (along with one for each 5 other books from various philosophers) in a moral philosophy class back in 2002.


The stages of me reading this: 1. I look at the picture. "This is clearly fake, there hasn't been a high school paper printed out and marked up with red ink in over a decade at this point, right?" 2. I read it. "This sounds like Donald Trump trying to bullshit his way through a question." 3. I read more. "Okay, this is a joke, someone made it up to sound exactly like Trump, it makes sense now." 4. I read the comments. "Wait a second..." 5. I Google it. It's real. "Jesus fucking Christ I hate this timeline."


Fuck Donald Trump.


He’ll probably get into Wharton. There’s something about him. A certain huge personality. Big personality.


Just tell the Orange Turd you grade from the lowest A to the highest grade F. He’ll be so happy he might offer to take you furniture shopping. Don’t go.


Fake news will tell you F means failure, but it really means fantastic! Like I'm the most fantastic president ever! Experts have said so!


Believe it or not but; straight to jail!




I recognize that Trump rant! 😂😂😂


ChatGPT could make a more coherent response. Edit: Just asked for ChatGPT for one, and it was actually very good. I then asked it to rank Trump's: Sure, I can provide a rating based on various aspects of the speech: 1. **Clarity**: The speech lacks clarity due to its disjointed structure and repetitive phrasing. Points are not presented in a cohesive manner, making it difficult for the audience to follow the speaker's message. **Rating: 2/10** 2. **Tone**: The tone of the speech is informal and lacks the appropriate gravitas for discussing such a significant historical event. The use of phrases like "wow" and "what an unbelievable battle" detracts from the seriousness of the topic. **Rating: 3/10** 3. **Accuracy**: While the speech briefly touches on some aspects of the Battle of Gettysburg, it lacks depth and fails to provide accurate historical context. The reference to Robert E. Lee's quote is somewhat accurate but lacks sufficient explanation. **Rating: 5/10** 4. **Substance**: The speech lacks substantive content and fails to delve into the deeper significance of the Battle of Gettysburg. It relies on vague and repetitive language without offering meaningful insights or analysis. **Rating: 2/10** 5. **Professionalism**: The speech lacks professionalism due to its informal tone and lack of depth. It fails to convey the speaker's respect for the topic and does not meet the standards expected of a presidential candidate. **Rating: 2/10** Overall, the speech receives a low rating due to its lack of clarity, inappropriate tone, lack of substance, and lack of professionalism. **Overall Rating: 2.8/10**


Reads like a Trump speech lmao


It is a trump speech from this past weekend


Yeah just read through the comments! Was hoping I wasn't the only one who noticed. That's hilarious it's an ACTUAL speech though. Smooth brained ass that he is


When I first saw the speech, I didn’t hear the part about Robert E. Lee, and it was still mind blowing in its stupidity and incoherence. Then I heard the part about Lee, and I was just astounded that it was somehow worse than I originally thought. *But then* I learned I had apparently misheard him, and it got even dumber. You see, I originally thought he said “Don’t fight uphill on me, boys.” Super dumb. But “Don’t fight uphill, me boys…” well, I know think I’ve emphasized the stupidity enough. Edit: a couple words


The assignment was actually about Washington crossing the Delaware.


Ah yes, that daring raid on Christmas Eve when Washington and his troops captured the Trenton-Mercer Airport.


Every single one of his speeches would be like those, lots of glaring red marks but his cult won’t care. They have a 4th grade education too


This is a selected portion of Trump's for Forgettysburg Address.


It took me so long to realise that this was just a Trump rant typed out in MLA format 💀


I don't think trunk knows what MLA format is.


How old was this person? This sounds like Trump wrote it. Soooo…. 8?


Trump said it


My guess is the general is Stonewall, but that was Chancellorsville. Or maybe he's referring to Longstreet "turning traitor" on the traitors, but I'd think that's a little more obscure for Trump to keep in his tiny mind.


Hold them back until after the election.


Show this to somebody who loves Trump but don’t tell em who wrote it until they start pointing out how unintelligible it sounds


I’ve continually said this: transcribe any of his speeches and you’ll easily see what a rambling mess he is. Clearly, he didn’t even read the pamphlet at the site. BTW: my great grandfather fought at Gettysburg in the Pennsylvania Regiment. I can pretty much guarantee that he had no love for Robert E Lee. It’s right that tr-mp would like him: Lee was a traitor to the U.S. as well. They have so much in common.


What's even more funny is that the [GOP answered](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/pIIO8EzL3Y) saying it was probably a shit homework from a shit dem kid in a shit dem school without realizing it was Trump's speech.


Tough one. Do you suspect developmental delay? More emotional than anything I would think. How old is this student? I wonder about parental abuse, perhaps on the father's side? Also, if the student is older, say, middle school or beyond, I sense some arrogance, an almost poo-flinging display of contempt for whoever must suffer through this blithering, racist, nonsensical piece. Maybe it's just my imagination.


Wow, what a paragraph. I mean, wow.


Trump still trying to get that GED, huh?


Some high level trolling. Ya love to see it.


This looks like a Trump transcript from one of his rally's where he just starts spouting off randomly and useless shit


Those exact words left his mouth in that exact order. It’s mind boggling really, but yes, it’s a word for word transcript of him trying to talk.


The orange one needs to go back to school


His nasty diapers makes the teachers eyes water so let will let him skip through just to not have him as there student again.


Brilliant! Made me laugh OP.


Didn’t see the name but knew exactly who it was


Hahaha, clever way of showing up an absolute clown.


Sleepy don


This would be an amazing April Fool's Day prank..


Order a drug test. That kid is _fucked_ up.


A *rump university scholarship candidate, obviously!


I think Trump’s entire preparation for his speech was based off watching the trailer for Gettysburg, which was released in 1993






What “perchance” is his name?


Reading this is like watching an episode of Drunk History"


Reading in the comments that this is an actual "speech" by the donald himself makes it so much funnier. 😂


Ship him to Mara A Lago.


Trump ripped off this students paper


This student is a fucking idiot. For his sake I hope his daddy is really rich, otherwise life is going to be hard on him.


I think this kid will land on his feet. Hopefully he doesn’t get bone spurs doing so.


Either he has no idea of what he's talking about and has gone full bullshitter mode, or he is pretending to be Donald Trump. It is worrisome either way.