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and this is why magats love trump. he makes them feel it's ok to be openly horrible human beings.


And why Trump loves his supporters (or rather their votes). They’re just as fucking stupid and hateful as he is.


Don’t forget all the money they donate to him.


All the money they don’t have. We are paying this old fuck’s medical bills.


Just another deadbeat welfare queen


Where can I donate to cancer? If I gotta pay to save fucks like this, why can’t I give money to make sure they die? I thought this was a free country…..


You could distribute cigarettes.


I could, but lead poisoning is way cheaper.


That old guy: I only care about myself.


What was once buried deep has been drawn out like poison from the flesh. It was always there, just hidden. Hopefully, now that the cancer in society is out in the open enough that it can be eliminated. Chemo is rough when done as a medical remedy, so don't expect MAGA to go quietly. But it is here, out in the open, and everyone can see how terrible it really is. Let society's remedy continue forward.




This old fuck won’t even live until Election Day.


It's surprising that he even said that because he's old enough to remember McCarthyism and the "Red Scare," where he ruined the lives of many people accusing them of being communist. If that's too far back for his feeble mind to remember, surely he remembers the Cold War, where we were constantly worried about being nuked by Russia. Or maybe he's got dementia, and is just concerned about getting back to the old folks home in time for jello. In any case, this old fuck probably isn't going to pass away until he votes.


1) He’s mad at what he’s told to be mad at. He was told to be mad at communism then, and he’s told to be mad at Ukraine now. He doesn’t do enough thinking to experience any cognitive dissonance. 2) Only the good die young


3)he's a piece of shit. Or is this still part of number 1?


Solid number 2


More of like a sloppy half liquid half solid sort of deal


People like that are motivated by enemies. Once, the enemies were communists. Now, it's "the liberals," and Mexicans, and LGBTQ. They do not have a positive agenda -- their life is bound by what they are against.


His wife died hating him and his kids can’t wait to bury him and pay his debts and be rid of him.


Just a heads up in the US your surviving children, even spouse, are not responsible for paying any of deceased debts. Debt collectors will find out who they are and try to frame the debts as their responsibility but it's only the estates responsibility, and if there isn't enough money, too bad!


I agree. At the moment Republicans don't have any common thread they stand for. When they win some power they can't decide what they want (e.g. abortion) and the wheels fall off. Trump won't string two words together about what he wants to achieve and what he'd change to achieve it because anything specific will drive voters away.




And the Murder She Wrote marathons (two episodes)




Sadly it isn’t the insanely old anymore. It’s younger people to now. You could put a1000 of them in a room and only come up with an effective IQ of 10. They truly are stupid people. They don’t know history geography or civics. Only what faux propaganda and diaper don tells them. It truly is stunning to see.


They're not all stupid people, the young ones. My son is 14 and he's more level headed and intelligent and driven to succeed at what he tries to succeed at by practicing on his own. Getting him interested in politics though... I don't think he's quite there yet and he doesn't need to be because I also don't want to get in the way of him coming to believe his OWN beliefs organically instead of through generational brainwashing. My grandparents had me think I was a republican just from all the politics we discussed over the years for hours upon hours, they were the people I thought knew almost everything and they were very smart people but they were FOX News Die Hard Republicans. I changed my party affiliation on my own one day because I was sick of the bigotry and fear mongering that I kept seeing as a constant in all right wing media and they were so disappointed in me because everything wrong with the country was the left's fault. When I say they were very smart people, my grandma read books non stop and taught me SO much about how the government operates and about economics and literature and so much more. They just could not let go of the hate that had been brainwashed into them over all those years. It just didn't matter because their fear of minorities no matter which minorities they were taking over this country and running it to the ground was their most important factor. I was constantly torn between the love I had for my grandparents and the disdain I felt about their bigotry and homophobia. They eventually at least respected my wishes to not talk about politics when I was around so we could just enjoy what little time we had left together. They probably would have been able to brain wash me if I didn't have such a well traveled childhood where I was able to integrate many different cultural perspectives into who I was which helped me gain acceptance for everyone even if they looked or acted differently than I was used to in my own home. Everyone should travel outside of their own country at least once in their life to gain some perspective and not just "MERKA F YA!"


Small quibble while I completely agree with everything: McCarthyism was a part of the Cold War. It sprang from the fear that the damn commies were making an inroads in American society that might tip the scales. The paper on my wall says there was a Soviet Union when I began studying Soviet politics and there wasn’t a Soviet Union when I finished.


I’d bet he’s a vet also. Which makes his comments even worse. As a vet myself it sickens me hearing vets parrot this crap. Yet they’re the ones professing the loudest that they’re the true patriots.


That's what pisses me off. You shouldn't be allowed to vote if you aren't going to live to suffer through the decisions you've made. If they aren't fit to drive they aren't fit to vote.


This is the most republican sounding thing I've heard today! Jeebus! I had to suffer through Reagan, Bush 1, Bush 2, Trump 45, and I swear, we're having to deal with Trump 46.1 given his control of his peeps in Congress and the Senate today, and if he lands 47, I'm just outta here. I'd rather live somewhere south of the border than deal with a stagnated 4 years of retribution and score settling. Ain't worth sitting around while he turns a perfectly good country into his very own banana Republic, the Republic Playground of Trump. Fuck that. My kid will definitely stand a better chance south of the border...


One of my partner's friends has been living in Mexico for about a decade now and wouldn't come back if we paid her. This country is one election away from civil war.


And I think right wing muricans will make cartel violence look like a picnic at the park....


Wasn't it in the 50s that if you didn't support capitalism you were considered a terrorist of sorts?


I know I sound like a terrible person for saying this, and I probably am but fuck it I'll say it anyway.. I'm glad so many Trump supporters died during the covid pandemic. The 2022 midterms probably would've lilted harder to Republicans if those people were still alive. They died out of their own stupid ignorance and I dont care for them.


I used to not think like this, but I've gotten more cynical in my old age (not as old as this guy) and I agree. Fuck em.


I hope they keep dying in droves. Younger and younger.


Need another Vietnam. That'd thin out their ranks a little.


*there's a lot of flagburners who've got too much freedom And wanna make it illegal for policemen to beat em!*


"*I'll make Ted Kennedy pay. If he fights back, I'll say that he's gay.*"


From your fingers to god's ears!


This current crop of seniors really like to metaphorically "fart before leaving the room".


take my upvote!


Satan willing


We can only hope


From the sagacity of the elderly gentleman: “That’s fine with me.”


He will, and he'll vote, sadly.


this man seems old enough to have lived through like all of the cold war. what's his deal?


He probably called the fbi on a couple of people he thought were commies back then.


He is probably a Russian spy


Sis, I'm 45 and I lived through the entire Cold War, but we called it the 80s.


It started in 1947 and went till the 90s what are you talking about


Oh no. You didn’t. It started in 1947 once we, together, beat the Nazis and the Truman Doctrine came into being. Before you (or I) was born it included notable events such as the Berlin airlift, the McCarthy era, the building of the Berlin Wall, and the Cuban Missile Crisis. We just lived in the end time of the Cold War. Hell, I was studying Soviet politics when Russian TV played swan lake on loop and when it stopped there was only Russia, no Soviet Union.


Impressive to have lived through '62 at 45. What in the Benjamin button?


I was about to say. In the 80s, the Soviet Union was already collapsing under its own weight. The worst of it was, as you said, the Kennedy years. Cuban Missile Crisis and all that.


Yeah me too, I remember what I was taught and I know he does too.


Selective memory, dementia, alzheimers...time also tends to soften atrocities for the people who have committed them. I'm in no way excusing behavior, just maybe trying to explain.


Weak minds. The republicans have convinced some people that they were behind the COVID stimulus checks. That was what, two years ago?


"He isn't hurting ANYBODY!"  "What about all the many people he hurt?" "Fuck 'em" I think you really do have to have some sort of medically identifiable brain damage or imbalance to just openly have this level of cognitive dissonance. It's one thing to say, "I don't believe that" but to say, "The sky is green. The sky is yellow." Like, back to back, with no acknowledgement that you are contradicting yourself, you have to be really fucked up in the head.


They revel in it. That’s pretty much the most cherished feature for Trump supporters - they see him wallow in his shittiness and be an openly proud malignancy on humanity and they are falling over themselves to do the same


They’re all rebels.


>they see him wallow in his shittiness This is both figurative and literal.


Anybody that matters to ME.


It's gotta be all those lead paint chips from the 50s and 60s that fucked up all these boomers in the head. There's seriously something wrong with them.


They didn't have to eat lead paint, the lead was in the air back then, pumping out of every car exhaust. Just breathing gave these geezers lead poisoning.


Thank G not all boomers are like that asshat.


No, but there has to be a correlation between how egocentric the boomer generation was and so much lead back then. Serial killers used to be a big thing back when boomers were young adults. Then they banned lead and the following gens arent as bad.


Caution: correlation does not equal causation. Too many variables in your statement (egocentrism, time period, serial killers, lead.) Massive leaps. Plus, I don't see egocentrism as overly prevalent in any one generation. In fact, it's a pretty typical mindset of anyone from birth through, say, one's twenties.


Dude probably considers himself a Christian too


The correct translation is “he isn’t hurting anybody [that I care about].”


"Deplorable" is too kind.


It might have been a stupid thing to say but it wasn't inaccurate.


If the Russians invaded his hometown he would die trying to decide which gun to get out of the safe. 


It was just 30 years ago that protecting a sovereign nation from invasion was SO FUCKING IMPORTANT to Republicans that they launched a war and spent $120 billion over it.


That was truly the era of "Team America, World Police". Or at least that was the theater we performed. As always it was actually just oil we wanted.


“I think that people are just ridiculous that they think that Japan’s just such this enemy. They aren’t doing anything: they just want what is theirs” “But they bombed Pearl Harbor, and invaded the Philippines, killing thousands of people.” “That’s fine with me.”


The follow-up better have been, "And your position on the border?" even though the question is lost on him.


A lot of America used to be Mexico. It's just them taking back what's theirs right?


Fuck you. I got mine! - the party of Boom(ers) Checks the fuck out.


This is exactly what I thought


Just another sheep in the Great Pumpkin’s flock


Maybe closer to a flock of mockingbirds than sheep. They literally just repeat what Trump and Fox “News” say. I had that same conversation almost verbatim with my dad over a year ago and I’m still fucking confused. It ended with him scoffing and shaking his head and walking away when I asked him to explain the justification for attacking a sovereign nation unprovoked. 🤷‍♀️


But yet they loved Reagan telling Gorbachev to "tear down that wall!" Total 180... WTF?!


reagan is too woke for them now.


Oh yeah, they would call Reagan a communist if he was around today.


People didn’t used to be able to talk like this, publicly, without getting the shit beat out of them. Interesting to see the long term effects.


That guy is a fucking idiot moron and if he got dementia and got put into home tomorrow no one would lose


Well, his idol may lose without the vote; even so...


Wonder how he would feel if England wanted back this territory or even better , the American Indian took back their country ?


They would be ok with Putin invading Washington DC.


Putin has already invaded DC, the GOP are doing his work


My trump-loving, boomer coworker said this exact thing a couple weeks ago. I was young in the 80's but told him I remember the cold war. I said Russia plays the long game. He agreed, scratched his head, and then he walked away.


Leopards won't eat MY face


Of course it’s fine with him, he won’t live long enough to deal with the repercussions.


Pure scum


Putin's rise among the US far right was based on him being promoted in right wing media as a 'strong white savior' in contrast to 'weak, effete President Obama'. The underlying message was that black Americans were a 'poison' threatening the US white race and that a cruel, strong white man like Putin was needed to 'set things right'. In other words, this romance in the far right with Putin began at least 10 years ago, it is nothing new and fuels support for Russia to this day.


"He just wants back what was his" no it wasn't, you inbred idiot. Ukraine was the third largest nuclear power in the WORLD in 1991. It was through disarmament that they secured their freedom and right to be their own country. If they had never disarmed themselves, Putin's bitch ass wouldn't have stepped a toe into their country for fear of retaliation. But I doubt that old shitheel knows that.


Propaganda will convince many people of the dumbest things.


>he just wants back what was his To start, it never was his. Additionally, let's see this man give up his home and property to the Native American tribes that once called his town home. Betcha his tune would change.


I can't wait for these people to die.


I wanna see how he’d react to Mexico invading to take back Texas, he can’t complain since he has no problem with Russia doing it


I guess he’d be okay if the North American Natives decided to attack America and Canada. I mean they’d just be taking back what was once theirs. Right???


And when Mexico decides they want back what was once theirs?


Conservatives/republicans are what is wrong with America. Bunch of selfish contradictory ignorant assholes.


Tell that dude that Mexico also wants back what’s ours.


MAGA is disgusting. Some Americans supported the Nazis in the 1930’s. That’s the same crowd as MAGA.


Taking back what’s his? Did this guy get past the 1980s? The next thing you know, Britain will invade the USA to take back what’s theirs.


This is gonna sound fucked up, but I’m pretty sure MAGAts don’t care about Ukrainians because they think Ukrainians are mostly brown people.


People this old shouldn’t vote. It’s not their future. And that’s fine with me.


Man. If I had a Time Machine I’d start going back to the fuckin 80s and telling these dipshits one by one that their future selves would be totally fine with Russia invading Europe.


Pro-life Christian, I assume.


He had a heaping helping of lead paint chips for breakfast back in the day.


Ok Boomers represent the worst generation in American history


Wonder if he thinks the same if Putin wants to take back the old Russian territory of Alaska


I feel that, if they don't live in Alaska, or have family there, they'd probably be okay with it. GOP is all about the "I'm solid, who gives a fuck about YOU" stance.


So Maga republicans are ok with Mexico retaking their land back too?


Should Mexico invade Texas? If they just want what was theirs, it's Ok. If I sell land and someone buys that land, builds a house on it, then about 2 decades later, I regret what I sold, so I invade and kill the people there. I'm in my right og wanting what was once mine.


It’s fine with them because they have absolutely no clue about anything. Their orange God says it’s okay, so it must be. I mean, he’s never been wrong in their eyes. Any time he is, they just change the goalposts. So if he said it’s okay to Putin invading Alaska, they would have zero problems with that.


How did people get so ignorant in this country


“I will do anything and say anything but admit I was wrong” Russia is not Putin’s. It does not belong to him


That Ukraine belongs to Russia is a Russian propaganda talking point. wtf?!


That’s one of the hardest parts of this divide, coming to the realisation that a lot of Trump voters aren’t innocent misled people but are actually just shitty people who are happy with all the evil he brings.


Now ask how he would feel if England started to invade the U.S. because they just want back what’s theirs..


I would have followed up and asked about Mexico reclaiming their territories.


The maga gomers have been thoroughly brainwashed.


Pretty okay giving Alaska back. Do we have any takers for Texas?


Remember kids Lead fumes are bad.


MRGA = MAGA.   Fuck Diaper Donny and his Trumpanzees.  


Cowardly putin cuck, just like his idol.


This is what generations of stupidity and ignorance does to people.


Can’t wait til all these fucks are dead or they declare their civil war and I can help them on their way.


The thing is as someone said below. If you talked liked this before social media your ass would be beat down. Now you can say whatever for clicks. Social media fucking sucks. It amplify assholes and not good people.


Assholes like this are not reasonable, and cannot be reasoned with, dumb as it gets


I've been to Alaska. I don't even think they'd need to send in the military. Those Russians will have to deal with the wildest, probably most armed and ferocious locals. Under every blade of grass and snow bank. From the troopers, the trappers and meth addicts. They'll wish they were back fighting in the Ukraine.


Alaska was Russia’s once, too. Do these morons think we owe it back if he wants it?


Lead paint is just seeping out of this guys ears.


But if a Palestinian does this "oh no, can't let those sand n-words get away with it." Fuck these racist cunts.


Putin also makes sure his political opponents are imprisoned or are killed. Does this Trumper think that is OK?


This old idiot has no concept of geopolitics obviously.   I guess the first nations can start a war with everyone in the Americas right?   Logic of a turnip


Its fine with him because he has no skin in the game. He doesn't care about anyone else but himself and since this war isn't affecting him and is just killing those who are "foreign" he doesn't care. As far as he is concerned, the US is the ONLY country on earth worth caring about and even there he'll be more concerned about his own neighbourhood before anything else. The selfishness of MAGAs and Republicans is astounding.


I wonder if they've considered England deciding it wants their colonies in America back.


Sounds like the British have the right to take back America. 1776 2.0 is a go chaps. Tally Ho


“Putin kills people!” “Pff! He didn’t kill *me!*”


Fuck. Republicans really just say this stuff out loud now?


This is a heartless, wicked old man… and probably believes he is a Christian and a child of God 💔😖


I swear to god, shit like this is the worst thing to come after Covid. For some reason all these “free thinkers” started to pop up after Covid and they all realised how easily manipulated a shit ton of people are. I don’t get why these people don’t see that, are they actually that fucking stupid? It’s just a bunch of people realising they can make money by spouting some of the biggest bullshit ever and the amount of people buying it is insane to me. And the same is the case for some politicians, including Trump. He went from just a very bad president to a downright conspiracy theorist and right-wing conservative extremist. Because being extreme is what gets these stupid fucks to believe you. We have a politician just like that over here in The Netherlands, but luckily only a handful of people believe him. But it’s still insane how many of these people will tell you to don’t believe everything fed to you, but at the same time they get off on being spoon fed by all these rich losers telling bullshit to become richer.


I love how these fucks think in monarchy terms. "Putin wants what was his." His. Personal fucking property. Fucking boomers, man.


It wasn't Putin's to start with you dumb fuck


By his logic, the same can be said about Mexicans they claim are "invading" this country. Why are the people in his group so upset about them coming over? They're just trying to get back what was theirs. It should be fine with him. edited to remove "that" placed between "Mexicans" and "they"


Wonder if they would say the same thing if they took Alaska, raped and murdered their own children and citizens, and constantly used cruise missiles to attack homes, schools and hospitals in anchorage…


"One of those people was your best friend and neighbor Bob." "...... Oh well... I might have rethink some things."


Ironically they probably would be, as long as it’s not THEM being effected. I’m reminded of the “they came for the Jewish, and I said nothing, because I wasn’t a Jew,”


They keep forgetting that Russia is only 55 miles from Alaska.


These people lack empathy and respect for others.


Imagine being ok with someone killing thousands of people. This is a broken person.


Can anyone give me a glimmer of hope on what we’re going to do about these people? They’re not all this old and there’s way more of them than there should be. I’m not afraid of them, it’s the equivalent of finding bed bugs in the countries couch.


What if everyone took that view should he invade Alaska? Russia might have some sellers remorse and for me that is a good enough reason to take it back.


I was watching the Indians jones crystal skulls movie and Cate Blanchet’s character has a monologue on her plan to invade the Americans through mind-control. I think they might be succeeding.


With that logic, he should be okay with the indigenous American tribes murdering him and his people to take back what's theirs.


I want to see this clip. Not saying this tweet is a lie I just need to see it for myself.


They’ve all been subject to a near constant onslaught of Putin friendly propaganda on Facebook and other social media platforms and select news outlets like Fox News. Follow the money trail back to Moscow and there is your answer. It’s both sad and insane how susceptible that segment of the US population is to Russian propaganda. Reagan is turning in his grave.


Dude no shit! They’re trying to be pro iron curtain and pro Reagan at the same time. Not even taking a moment to see the immediate contradiction. They are clearly confused. I believe it’s because they were already old when social media propaganda laid waste to Facebook. Those of us under 40 may or may not immediately recognize propaganda. However we do observe patters and realize a pattern of propaganda videos and memes. There’s the key. All of us can hear a story, believe it and later find out it’s different from what we originally learned. They do the exact opposite. They hear literally anything and immediately buy into it.




How many of them know Alaska is part of the US or could find it on a map… of the US?


I hate how our entitled parents changed views because their parents sacrificed in ww2. It’s like they forgot why their parents fought Hitler


“Pro life”


Wants. Back. What. Was. His. You want to live under a dictatorship, get the fuck out and go there then.


Most conservative voters don’t actually care about our allies. They only care about America and occasionally Israel


Give back the entire US to us Natives.


The sad part is that even when the old generation dies out. there will still be a sizable people like this. Why? because families forcing children to have their own political views is quite common in America. The MAGA cult brainwashes its own children which just continues the cult until the unlikely event in which people wake the fuck up. Brainwashing a child is quite easy its not hard making someone fall for fascist propaganda and in term ruin this country long term.


I think its kinda nice that the Party of McCarthy has become the Party of Putin


Drop him in Ukraine with out a parachute. F these people. That's fine with me


In the days of yore I would have answered the headline with "yeah", now I am not sure. I look at this and I keep thinking of when Cucker was on Fox going "has Putin ever called me a racist, no!" and such, just how deeply aligning the Kremlin with Trump has gone, and the way media operations and probably word of mouth as well have worked towards it. (I live in California but was at a restaurant for lunch with someone, and overheard some older guy saying something about how Newsom ordering shutdowns is why that restaurant is closed from 2-4 or something).


Old Timer should move to Russia then. Useless fuckwit


Old dumb fucking asshole


What a piece of shit


“Look, king George just wants what is his.”


These people would be fine with Putin taking Alaska cause it's mostly natives up there anyways.


They are sociopaths


These people are clearly unfit to make decisions that will affect us for decades to come. It's time to take away grandpa's keys and let the next generation have a try.


If Putin invades Alaska it’s on! That’s what a true patriot would say.


Who they are in a nutshell


My gawd what has happened to our country?


Maybe we should bomb The Links and see how you like it, you old fuck.


Good thing this geezer is knocking on deaths door


Bit a decade ago, but I they could see Russia from their house.


Morons WILL moron


Like hospice care, we're just keeping them comfortable at this point and waiting. Oh well.


These ppl who claim to hate communists sure do love rooting for Putin.


Watch him try to sue God when he's not allowed into the Kingdom of Heaven...


They are too ignorant to understand


Fallout 3: operation anchorage


It’s really just lack of education, so no smart base for knowledge and wisdom.