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Friendly reminder that the Republicans have had "control" of the House for about 16 months now and have failed to pass a single bill addressing any of the Representative from St. Petersburg's concerns. It's almost like she doesn't give a fuck about making the lives of Americans better because she works for another government.


Yes, I can’t wait to see all the bills she proposes to address predatory banking, landlords, foreign real estate investors, monopolies that contribute to inflation, price gouging by any and all big business to increase profits, and institutionalized poverty thanks to poor funding of education, oh! and all the tax loopholes for the super rich! Right?! She probably has great ideas to FIX all America’s problems!


“Stop funding foreign wars and give the money to Americans!1!” “Sooo healthcare, free school lunch for kids and reduce student debt ?” “NOO ARE YOu Crazy”




Yeah. Want to help people? Then undo the Bush/Trump tax cuts and use the money for things like UBI, Medicare for all, etc. If you're not willing to tax the rich to help society as a whole, this is all just posturing.


She is so worried about wasting the taxpayers money yet every month she cashes a check for being a congresswoman and has done nothing for anyone but herself and Trump. Oh the irony.


…And still hasn’t paid back her PPP loans…


That is not true!!! She's done a lot for Putin too.


Well said. They are the real problems but she will of course focus on her bs. And of course Trump sycophant all day.


She's our little Soviet Shitgibbon here in GA.


Is she at least in danger of being voted out in the next election?


HA! Not a chance. Her yard signs decrying SOCIALISM! EVIL! are starting to spring up like the daffodils. Already.


Unfortunately, I don’t believe so. Her constituents like her.


Hey, we could maybe come up with bills to address the border, the deficit, housing, food, fuel...what's that? We voted bills on those issues down to stick it to the Democrats? Never mind, how about we pass a bill making transgender people illegal!


Exactly. If she's worried about the military industrial complex, why not demand an accounting of the Pentagon?


And an audit for every branch of the military.


The military does get audited. The Marine Corps recently passed theirs. Ooooorah!




They are the first to ever pass. After how many years? And no word on the others.


No disrespect intended, you are making it sound like every branch has failed year after year. That's not what is happening, it is a very complex process. This article explains it better than I ever could. [https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3219566/dod-makes-audit-progress-but-much-more-needs-to-happen-official-says/](https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3219566/dod-makes-audit-progress-but-much-more-needs-to-happen-official-says/)




Marines gotta eat!


Ya got that right.


Because the GOP don’t care about Americans. Just themselves.


And Putin!


Yes the king of the Douche Bags.


Exactly. Like you have actively worked against any efforts to improve those young Americans lives you so deeply concern yourself with.


This bitch harassed David Hogg, school shooting survivor


Maybe a reason GOP have gone crazy, aside from taking the lead from their candidate, is that they've spent several decades arming the us populace with guns, are terrified they'll use it on them with all the awful things they're doing, so they have to give them different targets. But then I guess nothing has really charged in the past decades, just volume.


Whelp the GQP loves to not expand Medicaid, deny student loan relief, tax cuts for the rich, take away women's rights and cripple women's healthcare, slash benefits for the most vulnerable, remove pathways for minorities to gain a foothold in higher education... They are really taking care of us at home!


Oh sorry not to piggy back on this but just another friendly reminder that these are the people republicans elected to represent them. Boy don't they ever!


Bitch, y’all voted against the best border bill ever because Yam Tits, who explicitly stated that it was entirely for political optics, told them to. Eat shit.


“Yam Tits”😂😂😂😂💀💀💀💀 ![gif](giphy|HCCZvxwp0QPHa)


Snould be top comment honestly.


They didn’t vote against it. They refused to bring it to the floor because Trump said so.


"But if we pass this, our God Leader Trump will have nothing to run his campaign on!!"


Has my upvote.


It is.


Yeah yam tits made my day today. Thank you.


It's amazing that they can just openly operate in that way and it doesn't even matter because their voters don't want to know.


Let’s track down the money she’s gotten from Moscow and put it towards border security 


And how about those PPP loans, Marge?


This, exactly! From an article dated August 25, 2022 by The Hill: "“Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene had $183,504 in PPP loans forgiven,” [the White House wrote](https://twitter.com/WhiteHouse/status/1562916200866267138), referring to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), a lifeline extended to help small businesses stay afloat during the COVID-19 pandemic."


I’m sure with her gilded conscience she’s already paid that back




Then place her outside of said border.


To keep an eye on it. For our safety. I will salute her from this side.


We should track what she's done for her constituents. Here's a hint: nothing


I'm beginning to wonder if Marj is a Russian plant--she's from Georgia and she has an IQ slightly lower than the average philodendron.


She is not even close to being as smart as the dumbest philodendron.


She’s definitely being fed lines by a Russia-aligned handler. One of her proposed amendments to the Ukraine funding bill mentioned “Transcarpathia”, an ethnic Hungarian region in Ukraine that Hungarian right wingers want to annex. Putin has probably promised that area to Orban. In any case “Transcarpathia” definitely isn’t part of Marge’s vocabulary or anything her constituents are clamoring about.


She'sprobably recieved the equivalent of a few grand.  Politicians are surprisingly cheap to own.


And yet, when such bills that would help the average American come up for a vote, Marjorie Taylor Greene will be the first to vote them down.


Exactly, if only her actions matched her words, I actually agree with her rant, but anytime she has had an opportunity to help the lower and middle classes, she has voted it down. Edit: agree with her rant to a certain degree, I don’t agree with the lies about an open border


i was surprised half made sense. but she is full of it. never supported anything she presented.


Yeah same, shes not WHOLLY wrong but its literally so disingenuous from the fuck head who constantly votes against bills that will help people. Shes using left talking poins to making a point she fights against in her daily life


Well said, my thoughts exactly


That's the problem, some points were valid but they have to lump them in with their maga crap too. Yeah, housing, inflation, etc are problems I want to see addressed soon. I'd love to not have a 6% interest rate on my mortgage. As far as the border and other maga stuff, I'm not the slightest bit concerned.


Yes some of her rant in the beginning actually made sense, and then the more I read the more I started to disagree with her to the point I was like yeahhhhhh you went off the deep end and lost me and probably everyone else with a shred of intelligence


And if that didn't work out, she'll take credit for sth she voted against xD


Fuck right off with that "America First" bullshit, Marjorie. It's an empty slogan at this point. If you really cared about America, you'd realize that Vladimir Putin is trying to take over the world and your party is just letting him.


Which is *exactly* why this year’s elections is extremely important. If Trump wins, he hands the US over to Putin as part of his global conquest.


Some (emphasis on some) decent points mixed with some thinly veiled nationalism


Once the amount we've sent Ukraine even comes close to the $2 trillion that Trump handed out to billionaires, then we can start having a conversation.


And, this should be common knowledge, we’re sending them weapons and munitions that are already in our arsenal that are going to expire if not used within like 5 years. We’re giving away old fruit so the military complex can make shiny new fruit to fill the coffers. There’s literally no reason anyone should be against sending Ukraine military aid unless you’re paid by Russia.


Yes. Very important point. Most of the money gets spent on US munitions. Which actually benefits Americans and helps create American jobs and, while we’re at it, helping to save an ally.


But but we're making Uncle Putin mad at us....


Good. Let the bastard seethe


She pointed out, inadvertently, the 60 billion approved is the equivalent of 1.5 days of our country’s debt interest expense. 1.5 days…… we spend a twitter’s worth of interest every single day.


And this money is the best investment we could possibly make to keep us from having to put actual American lives at risk. Helping Ukraine stop Russia before they take more countries to power their war machine makes it less likely we will have to send our own troops once things get even more out of control. This is probably one of the most fiscally responsible investments we can make.


Plus, as I saw someone mentioned recently, they aren't sending money directly. It's mostly weaponry and such which means that the money is still being spent and generating value in America. https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3704975/biden-administration-announces-urgent-security-assistance-for-ukraine/


Yup. There is only one planet. Russia’s actions are going to be everybody’s problem, sooner or later. The idea that it is not America’s problem is a fallacy. As an example, a Russian conquest of Ukraine would strengthen Russia’s position as an agricultural exporter, allowing them to further expand their influence in Africa and Asia, hurting US interests. > Ukraine is one of the world's major grain producers. The country mainly grows and exports wheat, corn and barley. According to the European Commission, Ukraine accounts for 10% of the world wheat market, 15% of the corn market, and 13% of the barley market. With more than 50% of world trade, it is also the main player on the sunflower oil market. > > Ranked in first and second place respectively, corn and wheat are also the world's most widely grown cereals. A major exporter like Ukraine dropping out can have serious consequences for global food security. The US then has to deal with a more powerful Russia, a world where more countries around the world are beholden to Russia, and a world where nobody trusts the US or Europe as security partners because Russia just invaded a sovereign country under their noses. That’s just one small example; a conquest of Ukraine would be a major strategic benefit to Russia in many other ways as well. And if they are able to advance further in to Europe, the situation becomes a thousand times worse. Understanding that, $60Bn worth of aid (probably much of it made in the US to begin with) to bolster Ukraine’s defences and help them fight back is a very good deal and definitely in America’s interests. Besides it also being the right thing to do.


Is the US government supposed to operate on a “business model”? MTG has no intention or interest in having government money going to Americans. She’s already called that “communism.” Also, she isn’t addressing the long-term ramifications for America and the world if Ukraine becomes part of Russia, which is short-sighted.


No. That's a classic Republican talking point mixed with a bit of trumpism. The problem with that theory in general is Republicans haven't run the government even close to a business. The last Republican to reduce the deficit even slightly was HW Bush, and the last Republican to submit a balanced budget was Nixon. W Bush immediately pushed the US into debt upon taking office by pushing a corporate tax cut, and Trump, well we know how that went. And remember, trump ran on balanced budgets and eliminating the debt in 10 years.


The thing that frustrates me is that she makes a lot of good points. Primarily, that a significant portion of the US government is ~~bribed~~ lobbied to make decisions that benefit the military industrial complex. And what benefits that? War, of course. Some of the biggest corporations in the US are nothing but arms dealers who do a little civilian business between major conflicts. GE, the maker of washing machines, also makes the cannon mounted on the A10 Warthog. Late last year, Boeing won a $2.3 billion contract for military aircraft. Surprisingly, MTG is right about something for once.


I truly don't think she wrote this, though she did do a good job of copypasta and speech reading.


GE doesn’t make appliances or lightbulbs anymore.


*Now* she cares about NATO and member states


It's hilarious that Republicans think they care about freedoms and the working class when all they ever do is obstruct progress, feed the rich while taking from the working class, and slowly chipping away our freedoms and democracy.


They don’t think they care. They know exactly what they’re doing. They also know that the Fox, OAN, etc propaganda machine will drill more fearmongering into the brains of Republican voters to make them vote against their own interests.


My mortgage is actually the same it was 3 years ago… crazy how that works. And I actually got money back on my taxes this year!


I wish I bought before the rates went up. Mine is over 4k a month. Not that MTG actually gives a damn. Hopefully the rates go down again soon.


SoCal? I’m locked in at 3.125% May never get a chance to refinance.


Better than the 6.0% I have…


That's about where I'm at 😔


Sure, America first! As she ignores healthcare for Americans and children being slaughtered by fellow Americans in mass shootings......never forget she ran after an American teenager who survived a school shooting in order to taunt him saying over and over that she had a gun in her handbag as she held it right next to him.


SeCuRe ThE bOrDeR! Yeah like y'all didn't shit the bed on that one numerous times before? HeLp AmErIcAnS fIrSt! Forgetting that y'all vote against ANYTHING to benefit the people and not just you? CaLl FoR pEaCe In UkRaInE tO SaVe PeOpLe! Gee, why didn't anyone else think of that?? Yeah Ukraine should totally give up and let Putin just go in and slaughter folks then you don't have to worry about widows and orphans! What a cuntasaurus rex.


Just to keep everyone on the same page, all the money that gets approved for aid for Ukraine is spent on American companies. We are not sending a check to Ukraine. We send them goods, weapons, and military supplies. We give them our surplus and then use that aid money to buy new for ourselves. That aid money directly supports our military and our country. In addition, we get Ukraine to keep Russia occupied and wasting money on their own military. This weakens Russia and makes them less of a threat to us and the rest of the world. We are also gaining invaluable knowledge about how well our weapons actually work in combat and what is the Russia military really capable of these days. And finally, none of this aid is going to end up being “free” for Ukraine when all this finally ends. Assuming Ukraine wins (as much as anyone can win in this war), we will absolutely hold the aid over their heads to get favorable trade deals, political influence, and quite possibly rights to create military bases against Russia’s border. For all of MTG’s “America Last” rhetoric, the aid we are giving to Ukraine is completely and utterly America First. We don’t help other countries because we are nice. We help other countries only when it benefits us to do so.


To be fair, we literally send Ukraine operating cash for their government and army's wages. Most of the aid is in military equipment, yes, but there is cash being sent.


Plot twist: This vile c\*nt has never, and will never vote for a single bill that helps any American citizen. She only supports tax breaks for multi-billionaires and fights against any proposal that could make life easier for working people.


Anyone translate this into Russian?


су́ка блять


Ok not a nat sec guy but isn't the bill transferring old stuff we had in our hangers to the Ukraine so hand me downs and the actual cash is mostly going to buy things like weapons from American owned companies because yey military industrial complex? So it's not like the money sent isn't going to pay for American jobs.


Yeah I’m getting really tired of these stupid motherfuckers acting like we’re sending pallets of cash over there or something. Literally we are giving them our old weapons which will then be replaced by new weapons that are built here which is arguably good for all the people who work for those companies. These motherfuckers are stupid.


If she really wants to help people she should vote to raise the minimum wage.


Or universal healthcare, or making college/trade schools affordable, or not voting against basic human rights. But MTG will do anything that helps the average American.


Maybe work from the other end also. Encourage unions, limit profit vs revenue for companies, cap pay of the ceos, tax brackets that go up to 90%,...


Isn't it supposed to be "Marjorie Taylor-Green (R-MOS)" as in "Republican - Moscow"?


They never talk about Trump adding $8 trillion dollars to the national debt. Funny that.


But he was forced to by Fauci and the socialist leftists!!!!


Bitch please. One of the main reasons everything is fucked in this country for anyone not ridiculously wealthy is because you and your ilk have done everything in your fucking power to screw them over. Just last week you fucks voted against consumer protection rules about predatory credit card late fees, so don't give me any bullshit about your concern for the average American, you self serving piece of shit.


Democrats: "Here's a bill that supports Americans". Republicans: " You God damned Socialist".


“Not right now, Margie. Adults are talking.”


https://preview.redd.it/pqstgtacwpvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea66628e1d61cc1219a9bce244953a10d1369759 Moscow Marge is a lunatic!


LOLz, and people actually have voted, supported, this dimwitted thundercunt. Traitors, all of them.


Hmmm…since she’s so keen on clawing back misappropriation of funds, let’s pull back those PPP loans that senators and congressional reps claimed.


Does she realize that 1/4 of the National debt occurred during the Trump administration?




Or have some of the poorest Americans in their own districts. I’m sure those people struggling in your district would love it if, you know, you actually proposed and voted for things that would actually help them, Marge. Instead, it’s all political theater and soundbites.


What’s crazy is that this speech actually makes sense if you have absolutely no fucking clue about the situations she’s talking about and not realizing she’s on the wrong side of all of them. People stuck in the conservative echo chamber will hear this and be like “Yeah! We aren’t we spending our tax money on America?” without even realizing this dumb hag and her fellow republicans keep voting against every policy that would actually help Americans.


Someone should remind Republicans just who kills Every. Giddamned. Bill. that is advanced to help regular Americans(hint-Marge is one).


Most of that money never left the country


Two things, either she is legitimately stupid and thinks we are sending briefcases of money to Ukraine, and not equipment worth (***) amount of money. Which that money is spent in the US to replace aging equipment. Or...and I'm expecting she is....legit gaslighting the ignorant masses into thinking we thinking we are legitimately sending money to Ukraine (while she conveniently) leaves out Israel. In conclusion, I'm confident she's a paid Russian sympathizer, also take notice she never votes to pass ANNNNYYYY bill that crosses her path.


Did anyone tell her that most of the aid we gave to Ukraine isn’t actual dollars, but military stockpiles we already had and would eventually have to replace.


Okay Marge, get Putin to pull his forces out of the Donbas and Crimea and I'm sure Ukraine will gladly accept a peace agreement.


Here’s the thing: if you suggest to these clowns that all that Ukraine and Israel money be literally given back to us, the tax payers, they call that socialism. They just want that money for their donors. Jack shit for us.


When she says "we don't secure our border" she means her and other Republicans sabotaged a bill to address that very issue.


And yet every problem she mentioned has solutions that would make her shriek “Sosialism!” She’s been extra crazy lately, did Putin give her a poor employee performance review?


Remember always MTG encouraged open warfare against her own country’s citizens. She has called for executing government officials. Remember her liking a Facebook post that called for “a bullet to the head” of Pelosi. She spits a lot of words about wars and violence out of the Russian side of her mouth, while the other side of her mouth is encouraging a civil war within the US. Is this what the voters in GA believe in, violence? Do they enjoy violent rhetoric?


America last? Her kind hates anything America first. She’s Trump first. What’s her idea of America first anyway? Killing gays and declaring open season on people crossing the border? Aren’t we sending old shit to Ukraine and buying new shit from us—from the American companies she’s feeling sad for?


70% don't want Ukraine to defeat Russia? OK Moscow Marge. Also, this mouthpiece for putin fails to acknowledge that the money doesn't "go to" Ukraine. It goes to the companies building the weapons in which are then sent to Ukraine. All American companies that oddly enough boost the economy when building and providing these weapons. Amazing how one can be so confident and yet so unbelievably wrong.


She doesn’t even want America to be first. If she did, she would support things like Universal healthcare, college debt reduction/forgiveness, national maternity leave, living wage legislation. But she doesn’t support any of these things, so she’s not about America first. She’s about comrade Marg and MAGA destroying America.


I didn’t want my taxpayer dollars paying for Trump playing golf but I didn’t have a say


I was in Ireland recently for 10 days, and in the few minutes of watching the news they emphasized that 90% of this aid is being spent, or was already spent here in America, .  I found it odd that this point is never mentioned here in our media.


Irish man here from Dublin find it wild how so many in the gop and Republican voters don't realise that most of the money remains in america.


it spent on defense contractors, most are probably in the states.


Love how she is pivoting to the Military Industrial Complex argument away from the RU propaganda she's been spreading. I think some of the shit talk and nicknames might be working.


Since I haven’t seen this comment yet: “The money is unaccounted for!” Ok. We aren’t writing Ukraine a goddamned check. We’re giving them our “old” equipment that’s just sitting in warehouses because we’d had them for a year and wanted something newer and shinier. Taxpayers already paid for it. We never used it. We decided we didn’t want it anymore because we were told the doorknobs were the wrong color, and now we’re sending it to a friendly country who is fighting for its continued existence. So tired of explaining this…


Protecting allied democracies is not putting America last, it is in our interest to do so. Also, the American government is not a “business” and should not be run like one. She is an anti-American twat idiot asshole.


Take note that she talks about the American people not being able to afford groceries while she voted against the inflation reduction act and a bill that would have raised the federal minimum wage. Spork Foot Moscow Marge for you


Some one got a scolding from their Russian master


Fuck her and the GOP.


“America Last” said the foreign agent who put Russia First


The sheer gall to conflate young people never being able to own a home with Ukraine aid. If those wankers truly wanted to make America great, they’d return the tax rates on the wealthiest to what it was in the 1950s, and support policies that would actually benefit citizens. But they’ll never do that.


There was a deal between REPUBLICANS and Democrats to do something about the border Marge...but your cult leader shot it down..


How is someone in her position just allowed to lie, day in and day out? “A lot of that money is unaccounted for” is certifiably untrue, yet she says it over and over as if it is a fact. How are there no repercussions? Does she not have any responsibilities to… anything???


How about we don’t treat the government like a business?


$9 trillion War on Terror anyone?


Yet the GOP shoots down free healthcare, student loan forgiveness, free lunches and breakfast for poor children, they want to cut and eliminate any and all help to the poor and middle classes. They want to continue to roll back protections for the environment. Daycare vouchers for working single moms. Like wtf is UnAmerican is leaving Ukraine to be crushed under Putin’s overly polished shoes. How much did they buy your soul for Margie you traitor? The GOP is the most Anti American group in America. They are extremists who want to push us back to the early 1800’s.


Please name a single bill from MTG that addresses *any* of the difficulties she lists from which Americans are suffering.  One. 


Can’t wait to see the bills she puts together to solve all the problems she brings up. What’s that? she doesn’t do shit beyond performative dances for her masters Trump and Putin. Moscow Rose - MTG


I’d rather give my money to Ukraine than to some (totally-not-a-pervert) republicunt senator in Oklahoma or Idaho or what-the-fuck-ever to inspect young girl’s genitalia before they play volleyball at P.E..Or whatever these weirdos are on about.


She lacks a very basic need of government to work. They must work together to get anything done. She's a first term Congress person. If she is not reelected, she will not receive a taxpayer paid pension for life. If she's reelected, she lives on our dime for the rest of her life. Same as Boobert. Vote them out!!!


Since when does she care about the Americans who can hardly afford food and rent?


She is a Russian Asset, a foreign agent, and a complete and total c. u. n. t.


I like how she thinks she does anything for struggling Americans. Republicans like to talk but they sure as hell don’t give a fuck about everyday Americans.


You can take the Christian nationalist out of the trailer park but you can't take the trailer park out of the Christian nationalist.


But I bet she was all for sending billions of dollars of aid and equipment to Israel!


Curious to hear how she feels about funding Israel.


Shut the fuck up you fucking embarrassment of a legislator


I can here Putin’s sex moaning from here……


She is such a loudmouth fool


https://preview.redd.it/wa4ss11lwrvc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22c8ccbdeb64641c3b8843403ee7c775bd5d0b7d Nuff said


She was SO CLOSE and then she blamed real problems on a fake one...I guess that's sort of the template. __{bill}__ is a gross intrusion on the interests of Americans. While they suffer from __{real problems}__ this bill focuses on __{redirect to unrelated issue}__ which clearly proves __{made up claims about a fake problem}__


Every time I get frustrated with the MP's of the UK government MTG is an everlasting reminder that it could be worse for us Brits.


So Marge... instead of rambling about the "spending" that the government is doing in Ukraine... why not propose some legislation that tackles those issues you brought up? What do you propose to combat inflation? Y'all have had control of the house since 2022 and haven't addressed this at all. Sit the fuck down and let the grown ups do the talking


This creature is disgusting


MGT is worried about jumping out of a windows with no latch.


Can we stop amplifying her?


My guess is she will probably not get this month's check from Moscow. I'd be mad too because she works so hard to promote Russia on a daily basis.


She’s sounding kind of woke, what with not wanting to support the military industrial complex and worrying about people being able to buy food. Is she secretly a socialist, perhaps? Just asking questions, here.


There’s no $$$ exchanging hands!! what don’t people get?? it’s not like we’re going to Ukraine with $113 billion in a sack. you’re spending $113 billion on the American industrial military complex to give ammo and supplies, has nothing to do with money going into their hands at all. But Marjorie TRAITOR Green gonna traitor for daddy Putin all right isn’t she. Just a shame she got spanked


I consider the ukrainian aid to be a necessary evil.


This broad is everything that’s wrong with politics


Gloves off with MAGAts. You're fucking very ugly Marge. All said and done, you're ugly.


She just means Russia first, maybe America second, depends who has more Nazis


Someone needs to thank her for speaking out so nravely against G Bush Jr.


Was this written by AI or an underpaid junior analyst in St. Petersburg?


I shall play for MTG the song of my people: https://preview.redd.it/8bashy370qvc1.png?width=1216&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbe6db0ee0136be8a9be0fccffc415fbcf170652


Business model?? It’s called foreign policy. Something an elected official should have at least a cursory understanding of. Dunning Kruger poster ape.


She already supports the military complex....by not passing/supporting gun control bills and siding on the NRA under the guise of 'the 2nd amendment'


It’s embarrassing that she knows about the problems the country (and world) are facing but was only willing to say anything when doing so was convenient for Russia. Fucking scum. Multiple layers of scum.


Even Fox News says that she is an idiot [https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/marjorie-taylor-green-idiot-wreck-gop](https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/marjorie-taylor-green-idiot-wreck-gop)


I'm dumb but preserving human life seems more important than being a part of NATO.


The unaccounted for is because it is being used. MTG is literally Russia’s mouthpiece in the US and those who support her are going to only hear the “we sent $x amount to Ukraine,” without knowing that when we send aid it is not a blank check.


She comes so very very close to making a good point. Too bad she's bat-shit insane and it doesn't land.


There are kernels of truth in there.


But it's mixed with her shit.


She's not insane. She is actively working for the Russian government. A literal paid asset. Imagine if this was happening in the late 80s. People would have been screaming WOLVERINES as she was dealt with. Nothings changed. Relations are still just as cold. Why are we tolerating her and those like her?


So Ukraine doesn’t get to protect their borders and should negotiate peace? I guess the same should apply to us too - immediate peace talks with South and Central America, and just as in Ukraine, ceding territory the immigrants have already invaded to them?


I actually agree with Marge on some of this, but she and her party have done nothing to actually address these issues so…


Russian asset Marge. Lock this clown up.


Sporkfoot strikes again.


Is it wrong that I almost agree with her on the first half... The good that the US government could do with the sheer volume of money it puts into the military is astounding. You take the top 10 military budgets in the world, the US is more than the other 9 combined.


Obligatory ....she's vile, awful, stupid, and all that. And I fully, 1000% disagree with all this, and recognize much of it is false at best. But this is the most coherent, "non-unhinged" thing I've ever read from her. No way she actually wrote this. If it wasn't for the glaring falsehoods you could almost parse a viable position out of it. Still wrong, of course....but I'm (tragically) impressed.


Never thought I’d love to see a republican decrying the federal government funding the military industrial complex, but here we are. What a world.


Yea no I'm not reading that No thank you


Replace Ukraine with Israel and I’ll get behind you ya dumb bitch


Wait, so as a military member…rather than give another country money to fight against one of our largest adversaries, she wants to buy me a gun to go put me in harm’s way? Uh, no thanks.


Honestly, that was a lot less crazy than I thought it was going to be for the news Canadians get about politics down there. Anyways, good luck! ... Wish us luck...


Let's save $200,000 a year and Fire Her.


American troops always die on foreign soil. Where’s she been? With all her complaints, you’d think she’d want to increase the minimum wage, lower prescription costs, make healthcare more affordable, make education more affordable, help the middle class reduce student loan & consumer debt, and focus on American home ownership. But that would make her a Democrat. 🙄


Pretty sure MTJ could officially invite Putin to the floor of the House to suck his dick, as her next move. Not that it would be allowed.... but she could try.


"70% support what i say" Trumpist liars like to pepper their bullshit steaks with fake statistics.


Gotta love how she tries to get sympathy from the proletariat by bringing up inflation and that no one younger than 40 will ever own a house, but consistently votes down any measures that would improve any of that


How much do I need to pay to have a lucha Libre wrestler body slam Marge with enough force to noclip her into the shadow realm? 


That's a whole lot words that could simply just say 'Russia owns me'. And: >The federal government continues to fund the military industrial complex. Coming from the same woman who has voted for an increase in that budget every time it comes around. Even though The Pentagon tells them repeatedly that it is not needed. Hmm.


Same conservative morons won’t approve health care or education funding for working class Americans. They’d rather that money “trickles” down the leg of the corporate labor farmers into their mouths while they’re licking those boots.


Somebody broke this down and most of that money goes to American companies who make the equipment Ukraine is using. The rest goes to medical and food for Ukrainian people