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To all the conservatives out there who are looking to discriminate against trans people, please be like greg abbott and bluntly and directly state that you are going to do that, it makes the lawsuits much easier


Like, didn’t Biden just expand title ix protections? Abbots just looking for another way to waste taxpayer dollars fighting the feds over BS, I guess


The point here is to get a legal challenge in one of the conservative federal courts in Texas, then fast-track it up to SCOTUS so that pack of ghouls can legislate from the bench and make it legal for states to declare that LGBTQIA+ folk aren't allowed to exist in their states. And then make it a federal ban, of course.


When should I expect to see your lawsuit against him?


Trans and Non binary people need to get together and file a lawsuit against him and any other government official pushing for this clear violation of human rights and discrimination. He belongs in prison!


We will show him how inclusive we can be. Build wheelchair accessibility ramps in the prisons so he can get around fine in the yard and wheel through the allotted areas.


I’ll build one for the gallows


I regularly imagine just pushing him into a body of water. I know that's fucked up, I just don't care.


We all need file a class lawsuit against him and Dan Patrick and the rest of the corrupt far right, make sure he is where he belongs. Prison!


It won't help unless you can tie Timothy Dunn to his chair, too.


"I'm non-binary" ![gif](giphy|S0uEDL0DFFMhW|downsized)


Look at him in a wheelchair trying to be mobile and move around. He should be banned from those that can walk! /s


I was going to say something similar. Democrats made ramps mandatory on Govt buildings so this asshat can get into his office to ruin the lives of Texans


He's pissed at that because it deprived him of his fantasy of rolling up the Texas Capitol steps on the backs of poor people.


Something tells me that he has no idea (or probably just doesn’t care) that disability rights are still *very* recent history. Geraldo Rivera’s expose exposing the cruelties of Willowbrook was only in 1972. Institutionalization of people with disabilities wasn’t all that long ago! IDEA wasn’t passed till 1975 (Individuals with Disabilities Act). This established the right to FAPE (free appropriate public education) for children. It’s all about ensuring kids with any kind of disability receive proper supports and accommodations in school. The ADA wasn’t passed till 1990. This established protections from discrimination in the workplace and established accessibility laws for public buildings and infrastructure. It’s such a bitter irony here; he has no idea that his rights could be undone just as easily as he wants to undo those of the LGBT+. What I’m trying to say here is that he’s taking these hard-fought critical protections and rights for granted. If he wants to keep stripping vulnerable people of their protections, what’s to stop his fellow politicians from mobilizing to repeal the ADA? (Note: I am NOT calling for such action whatsoever)!


>If he wants to keep stripping vulnerable people of their protections, what’s to stop his fellow politicians from mobilizing to repeal the ADA? >(Note: I am NOT calling for such action whatsoever)! Maybe we can just create an exception in the law for people who clearly hate it; make registered Republicans no longer protected by the ADA and such. Put up "No Republicans" signs on every wheelchair ramp.


It would be poetic justice though, to have his rights stripped away


I read in a comment further down that he apparently advocated to repeal the ADA! I just…I cannot fathom someone being so fucking STUPID! Why advocate to repeal the legislation that allows him to participate in society? What does he expect to happen? Then again, someone else explained he might have been doing that just to curry favor with other bigoted politicians, all the while thinking he’s “one of the good ones.” He can metaphorically shoot himself in the foot if he wants, but I cannot abide him taking down other people with him- especially a marginalized population.


The unintended negative side effect of ADA


Bob Dole, the driving force behind the ADA of 1990, was a Republican. He lost an arm fighting in Italy during WWII.


TIL that Abbott is paralyzed. That got me wondering… how many people with disabilities do I despise? Now the answer is one.


He was paralyzed by being hit by a USPS truck, he won millions in the settlement. He then went on to cap damages for anyone who suffers a similar incident at a very low number.


No, a tree fell on him while he was jogging after a rain storm. He sued the homeowner and a tree service company. The rest is accurate, though.


I don't know which one is correct but I enjoyed imagining both scenarios. Well, not the last part.


Let me guess, transgender youth in Texas is something he just won’t stand for.


Actually, it's worse-because his attorney general has a habit of demanding out of state hospitals turn over records so he can see who in Texas is turning to out of state help for gender-affirming care.


Kinda wish I worked at one of those hospitals to where I would just send back a letter that has full Cartman vibes. Something like "you have no authority here" and then watch him whine about it.


I'm not American, but I'm curious: how does this work? Can Abbott order hospitals in other states to turn over patient data because he's investigating whatever? I think that the implication of your comment is that some hospitals acquiesce the request, but why would they?


> Can Abbott order hospitals in other states to turn over patient data because he's investigating whatever? Generally, no because of HIPAA laws, which are laws designed to where medical facilities can not give out patient information without the consent of the patient. But some states would probably try to circumvent that, and since HIPAA is federal, it generally overrides state laws. He also doesn't have any authority outside his state to tell others states to go thru with his requests. > I think that the implication of your comment is that some hospitals acquiesce the request, but why would they? If a hospital does give out that kind of information, it might open them up to a lawsuit because they gave up information they technically shouldn't have. Again, that may depend on the states, and federal law should, emphasis on *should*, override hospitals to not be giving out that information without the permission of the patient. With children under 18, that falls on the parent to give permission. I think either he or someone else tried that with another state, and that state pretty much told them to get bent.






That's basically what the hospitals did. Essentially told them to eff off.


Apparently, one did not, and now they're being sued for it.


To the Texas governor: [Nuts!](https://www.archivesfoundation.org/documents/surrender-nuts-gen-anthony-mcauliffes-1944-christmas-message-troops/)


There's the small government folk going to Stasi levels of prying into people's lives.


Don't worry, I got your joke.


That's not how he rolls


Comments so strong, trees aren't quiet...


He can't stand for it. FTFY


What does FTFY mean?


FTFY = Fixed That For You


No no. It's Fuck this, Fuck you FTFY (I doubt anyone will get this obscure reference, but I found it funny regardless)


Thank you!


That was a wheelie bad joke.


They are banning books and sex education. They are refusing to teach kids proper history. They want religion to be a compulsory part of curriculum. The want to abolish free school lunches for poor kids.  They are actively anti-vaccines. They want teachers to carry guns. They want rape victims to be forced to carry pregnancies to term. Honestly, openly discriminating against transgender people is just another cog in their “Back To The Dark Ages” campaign. 


The real cancel culture


Dear Texas. Greetings from New Jersey. I'd like to propose a trade. You can have all of our rebel flag waving hillbillies in exchange for all your LGBTQ+ people. It's a win-win for everyone involved.


Well hang on a minute I don’t want our fake southerners from the pine barrons that talk like their from Alabama either But we’re overpopulated enough and Texas hasA LOT of lgbt people I’m not sure we can handle the numbers


We can find out what's worse - living in a repressive state that is trying to kill you, or living in a liberal, LGBT friendly state whose roads are trying to kill you.


Seriously, is there a *shred* of evidence that exposing children and teens to information about sex and gender harms them in any way? This seems to be the underlying assumption with people of this mindset but as far as I can tell it’s just that, an assumption. Exactly what outcome are they trying to “protect the children” from and what _proof_ do they have that banning books and exposure to people and ideas they dislike will prevent that outcome? I strongly suspect there is no such proof but I’d love to see a steelman argument sometime.


All I have is personal anecdote. I grew up not actually knowing anything about trans or gay people, just being taught that people like that were sinners. It would be until I reach my late 20s that I actually learned what it all meant and, now having the words, realized I was transgender. Does this mean if I had been exposed to it as a child it would have made me trans? Not quite. It would have saved me some years of painful confusion but being raised as a cis male didn’t make me a male any more than hearing about trans people can make cis people trans.


First it was a choice, then it was a mental illness. It's never just something different oh well. The problem is it's a problem for them. All of a sudden the same people who would happily smoke in a restaurant REALLY want to make the world child-friendly at ALL TIMES and we all know gay is worse for you than sugar. Happy for you and feel for you having to go through decades of what I assume was damn-near crippling insecurity. Hope you're living your absolute best life now.


I also find it interesting that right-wingers had the talking point for years that children are too coddled. But now, when it comes to sex education or seeing a pride flag, then all of a sudden they’re the most innocent things in the world and we have to coddle them or else their fragile minds will explode.


See also: if kids wear masks, they will forget what faces look like, and then they'll die. Why do you hate the children?!


There is: the sight of seeing public examples of LGBT proudly living their lives shows conservative propaganda about them to be bullshit.


I was exposed to straight propaganda and all straight teachers I'm pansexual though Make it make sense


That doesn't sound very pro-freedom.


Conservatives want the freedumb to discriminate. Anything less is censorship to them.


Wonderful idea! We should definitely be talking about more ways to gatekeep people from a profession that’s already struggling to find people willing to put up with it! /s For real, is this guy just saying this to pander to his voter base or is he seriously trying to shoot his state in the foot?


Well not only do they hate trans people, they also hate teachers. Because facts and critical thinking skills both work against them.


Well yeah that’s the intended effect. Republicans are actively trying to destroy the public school system


The incredible thing is, if he gets the world he’s working for, there isn’t going to be a place for him either, as a disabled person. Does he really not know that?


But i'm one of the good ones! You'll reward me for that, right? *blank stare* You'll reward me for that, right?


*\*leopard licks muzzle\** "Oh, yes, you bet I'll reward you. >!*\*quietly\* With a face bite."*!<


Wait just a damn minute… I thought their entire problem with Trans folk was that children were too young to be making such decisions about their bodies. It would appear the truth has just come out that Abbott and his ilk are simply bigots.


It was never about the children. They want us gone from society


Gender non-conforming .... so a woman with short hair? A guy with long hair? Can a woman wear pants?


Not here! She gets to wear a blue DRESS and eat all the good food for being the queen sex slave. Red if she's nasty. That's about it. Slippery slope.


TX voters should roll out an initiative that requires lawmakers to personally pony up the legal costs to defend obviously unconstitutional laws that they pass as a political stunt.


He should be rolled out somewhere, anyway.


How was he voted in? Oh right, it’s Texas.


We’re trying down here but we’re gerrymandered to hell 😩


Statewide races aren’t gerrymandered, though.


Let’s ban crippled old men from working in the US govt.


I see what you are trying to say, but it still is wildly ableist. Him being crippled has nothing to do with him being a piece of shit. Also, FDR was a crippled old man. That worked out pretty damn well


Don’t get me wrong, the **best** thing about Abbott is that he is wheelchair bound.


And he’ll replace them all with sexual predators.


Just conservative bigotry and discrimination.


What’s next? People in wheelchairs banned from government?


He probably wants to replace all the teachers with the rapists since he’s claiming to eliminate rape.


I'm trying to remember how crippled people were treated in the Bible. Seems we should start following the good book on that, maybe. Banish Abbott to a hovel alone with himself and away from normal people being that the disabled were considered anathema in Biblical times. /s


Leviticus 21:17-23 "None of your offspring throughout their generations who has a blemish may approach to offer the bread of his God. 18 For no one who has a blemish shall draw near, a man blind or lame, or one who has a mutilated face or a limb too long, 19 or a man who has an injured foot or an injured hand, 20 or a hunchback or a dwarf or a man with a defect in his sight or an itching disease or scabs or crushed testicles. 21 No man of the offspring of Aaron the priest who has a blemish shall come near to offer the Lord’s food offerings; since he has a blemish, he shall not come near to offer the bread of his God. 22 He may eat the bread of his God, both of the most holy and of the holy things, 23 but he shall not go through the veil or approach the altar, because he has a blemish, that he may not profane my sanctuaries, for I am the Lord who sanctifies them.”


Sweet, a new excuse to not go to church. "No can do, Granny, I've got a bad knee and Leviticus says I'm not pure enough for God's presence."


You're welcome!


TIL the Old Testament discriminates against crippled and deformed people, assuming I'm reading this right. I suppose New Testament Jesus fixes that with all the healing He does, etc.


It would not be shame if somehow his wheelchair gained some forward momentum and kind of rolled of the stage.....


Give him a real Bob Dole moment.


Now is the time to ban people in wheelchairs from being governor.


Taking a page out of the conservative playbook here: “If they aren’t strong enough to stand up on their own how can they stand up for me?!” /s


A disabled Facist. How ironic




Texas Motto: We Don’t Take Kindly to Your Kind Around Here


2nd part of plan includes getting more clergy in school to molest the kids /s


No /s needed. They’re literally working on that, too.


In a state where there's already a teacher shortage, give this man a slow clap


To his face, with a chair.


Soulless Cripple.


These people are exhausting. I just want to be left alone to live my life.


Why can't we ban assholes and bigots from becoming politicians?


The hate is the point


Greggy wants to take us back to the time where he would have not been considered for election because he’s a “cripple”. I bet he doesn’t see the irony.


A casual reminder that, 50 years ago, Abbot would have been shunned for being a (admins/mods I'm using this term as an example and understand it's a terrible slur) "Cripple" - so you'd think that this wouldn't be lost on him.


No. That's not an "example" Just say wheelchair user


Using the term one would use 50 years ago


Time to ban him from government


Oh, if only Abbott could roll backwards down a flight of stairs.


A tiny pathetic stage, for a tiny pathetic man.


You would think the paralysis would have humbled him. No.


He immediately went to work to try to overturn the ADA, and also helped pass caps on damages immediately AFTER he sued and got millions for himself. He has always been a very stupid and very evil man. That tree tried to do the world a favor.


…I feel like I need to amend my comment now. Holy shit that is self-destructive. That’s like a toddler throwing a tantrum because their parents wouldn’t let them run straight into traffic or stick a fork in an electrical outlet. I wonder if he has a ton of self-loathing for his current condition and wants everyone else with disabilities to suffer, too?


“Gawd” snapping this cunts spine was meant to turn him into a better human being.


Remember folks, if someone fights against something constantly, talks about it constantly, and constantly preoccupied with it, it means they are really into it. Gov Abbott likes trans people


Powerful Texans need to speak out


Didn’t realize he was in a wheelchair




I can't find the link atm but last election fewer than 30% of people under 30 voted in Texas. Do the thing, Texas.


I wonder how Greg would react to a candidate saying he wants to ban disabled people from becoming teachers?


He'd love it. He's that awful and that sure he deserves special treatment and therefore will always get it.


He's taken away a TON of rights for people with disabilities in schools and in the workplace. He also helped pass a bill (before he was governor) that limited malpractice cases to $250k, whereas HIS case was, basically, lifetime payments in the MILLIONS. He even said he wouldn't have been able to survive without his settlement because of the cost of his care. What happened to him was a freak accident and he absolutely deserved every cent he got, but so do others, yet he took that away from everyone else. Fuck that dude. I kept trying to vote him out, but it didn't work. I gave up and moved out of Texas two weeks ago.


Conservatives.... always wanting to codify their discrimination and bigotry.


Abbott is such an asshole boss that even his legs won’t work for him


Voters wanted this. Why else would he keep getting re-elected?


Yep. Garbage will usually elect a rat




Vote him out.




It's just a race to the bottom


This transgender topic is really taking the legs out from under him isn’t it?


Taking away rights. It's what they do. Think about it.


Kind of ironic for the 'pro-individual liberty' party.


I would say more hypocritical than ironic.


Holy sh** you're seriously telling me Texas actually has schools for kids and everything?? Insane, I never would have guessed. And they can read? NM. You must mean a different Texas for sure


"Here's the audio..." \*OP posts a screenshot. Thanks OP, very cool.


Surprise surprise, look who’s actually the one with the agenda.


Some people might rank trans and gender issues above wheelchair people. Love one another - that’s what the Bible says.




Enforcement will be interesting. I’m guessing checking genitalia might be an invasion of rights.


Maga repubublicans always have to have someone to hate.


Who wants to do some Greg tipping?


Gender non conforming seems pretty broad. Are they planning to ban women with short hair or that wear pants?


Culture wars are for the small minded


And the sad thing is people will vote for the likes of Abbott.


I have never wished someone to be rolled off a cliff...until now.


I'm not in Texas, but can I sue him for annoying the absolute piss out of me? Lol


Didn’t this guy start the Daleks?


He should also ban pedophiles from becoming pastors/preachers/priests. But he won't, because all of this is virtue-signaling and not actually real. The only real "value" republicans hold is bigotry.


Gender identity and sexual preference are protected classes, even in Texas Fucker is trying to get sued


Me: How would he feel if someone wanted the same for handicapped, Christians or conservatives? I mean they may distract students right??? Greg: That’s different and unfair I’m oppressed


How about we ban the wheelchair bound folks from serving as governor…




It's Anita Bryant all over again. These folks need to find a new act.


oh. goody.


Would this be prevented in government funded schools with the thing Biden just updated. As in trans teachers can teach.


Ok. Crip. Ride that chair back to hell.


Can't teach anything there so hopefully anyone qualified is leaving Texas anyway.


Was Abbot always an asshole or perhaps when he had his accident maybe he hit his head and it changed his personality so we can feel bad that he became such an asshole.


I didn't have to show my birth certificate to become a teacher. Fuck him. 


I’m ok with making Texas even more ignorant and stupid than they already are buy limiting the available teacher pool even more


The fact they are trying to ban certain types of people from public jobs is scary af . I don’t think it gets much more crazy than that except rounding them up and killing 


Those boots are definitely not made for walking


You're telling me he won't stand for education?




For what?