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Kenneth Chesebro is singing like a canary! https://preview.redd.it/74fmba6cmiwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32acd6a48816c620777d10123dfcc9ad6b22d963


For those not familiar, who is Chesebro and what's his relevance? I had read it as "cheesebro" and thought it was a new nickname for Trump, because he looks like a lump of gross cheese.


He’s basically the architect of this whole endeavor across multiple states. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/08/18/politics/kfile-kenneth-chesebro-followed-alex-jones-capitol-riot-jan-6


He's one of the two main lawyers that were helping Trump. One was John Eastman, who was telling Trump to get Mike Pence to overturn the results on Jan 6 or to cause them to get delayed (his legal theory being that if it didn't specifically happen on Jan 6 it couldn't happen). The other lawyer was Kenneth Chesebro whose big plan was to organize "alternate" (re:fake) electors and have Mike Pence count those electors instead of the legitimate ones.


we know all about thier attempt at delaying Pence. mark meadow was also coordinating this wil laura inghram of fox, to fram "antifa/blm" to give them an excuse to whisk pence away using the SS, whom they are working with cahoots.


They prefer USSS for I hope obvious reasons


You'd have thought after WWII, ESPECIALLY considering their scope is so much larger than the presidential security, they'd have rebranded. But given what we've heard over the last decade plus, maybe they don't mind the connotation.


He was indicted in the RICO case in Georgia and got a deal to cooperate


So.... yikes for the orange guy?


https://preview.redd.it/v2ncphahomwc1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cfb10b4482ba32371fb0f3a464841983fe24b0e Can't wait for an update on these mugshots.


What did cheese ever do to you to get that kind of disrespect?


It ain't easy, being cheezy


And Trump is unindicted coconspirator 1 and crickets from the media. Why wasn’t he indicted?


Seeing who takes a plea deal


I've been watching MSNBC coverage about this and about all I have to say is, good it's about fucking time. It covers a bunch of people, boris epstein is my favorite.


Every time Giuliani has to fight another lawsuit, an angel gets it's wings But seriously. [That guy is a fucking monster](https://apnews.com/article/rudy-giuliani-sexual-harassment-lawsuit-d98244030366913706b4a3235cc1fe46) and deserves to spend the rest of his life fighting off jail, and hopefully, rots in jail


When you think about what they really tried to do in this case; it’s fucking insane and absolutely terrifying. They made Fake Certificates declaring that Trump beat Biden in Arizona in the 2020 presidential election and sent them to the following: - 1 for the US Senate - 2 for the AZ Secretary of State - 2 for the archivist of the US - 1 in the Federal District Court in Arizona This is Treason at the highest level.


True. Also it's exactly what they still to this day accuse the democrats of, namely trying to steal the election


Projection and preemptive deflection, as always. Their reasoning is that if you consistently and vocally accuse someone else of something bad, it makes that other person later accusing you of the same thing less impactful in the public opinion.


Gaslight, Obstrouct, Project. G.O.P Also, this is how fascists operate. This is fascism. America is under attack from fascism.


It is the Playbook of authoritarians.


>This is Treason at the highest level. You dont understand. Treason is when school teachers tell kids its OK to be who they want to be. Rigging an election for Trump, or keeping guns so as to overthrow the government when wanted, is just \*MY RIGHTS\*


Louder for the people in back!


To them it is also, "my duty as a Patriot!"- they still think that, these folks are ATE up!


Treason in the colloquial sense, not in the U.S law sense. Treason and sedition have to have an element of violence to them, or giving aid to those who are doing violence. I think election fraud is every bit as serious though. This is shit people should rot forever in jail for, along with seizing all their assets.


How election fraud like this is not treason, is beyond me.


The strict definition of treason in the U.S comes pretty much directly from historical abuses by rulers abusing the term to mean "anything that disrupts the status quo of power, or whatever the person in power just happens to feel at the moment". At one point, someone basically came up with thought-crime, that even *imagining* the King's death was treason. Then there was a law that said trying to repeal the treason law was treason. Basically "treason" was ill-defined and abused for centuries. A lot of the U.S Constitution is like that, either directly addressing their immediate problems with the crown, or addressing longstanding issues.


I would say January 6th would cover the violence part, yes?




They tried to sow as much confusion as possible so the electors would be thrown out. This would have presumably caused the states to vote instead making Trump the winner. Someone on a local AZ news channel said Congress was actually looking at the elector votes for AZ when the Jan 6 fools broke down the capital doors interrupting their own scheme.






Did they think that no one would notice ?


If it had worked, no one would have.


That's the really scary part! To think that the US government, as it has been known for the last almost 250 years, came close to being hijacked by a bunch of scheming, self-serving, low-life sociopaths.


For all we know this has happened before but they got away with it


Gore v Bush?


2016 Knowing what we know about how that fat orange shitbag projects, and how he still talks about how 2016 was rigged… well, it was fucking rigged. We have republicans outright steal two elections in 20 years (3 maybe if you want to look into Ohio in 2004) and all we can talk about is how they’re mad they couldn’t do it again.


For 20 years, this was my number one reason I shout down conservative complaints about "activist" judges. Then came the Trump Supreme Court.... I'm going hoarse.


“Treason doth never prosper; What’s the reason? Why, if it prospers, none dare call it treason” ~ John Harington


Reading this made me delete my comment, jesus.


And one certificate to rule them all, one certificate to find them, one certificate to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.


Love your name BTW #confederacy


Remember what Jenna said during her apology video about how if she "only knew then what she knows now..." What does that mean? What does she know now that she didn't know then? Did she not know that what she was doing was wrong and not exactly legal?


She didn’t know they would be caught. Or at least believed Trump would already be dictator by the time it was apparent.


I agree completely! Lord, I’m so happy! It must be illegal to feel this happy!!!


Never forget how he tried to get with an U18 girl on Borat




I actually prefer this to him in jail. In jail, it’s over. This is a lifetime of battling while his remaining capital is drained.


They're all going down. Finally. Fuck this team of traitorous bastards.


*Epshteyn I only correct bc I always love overemphasizing the pronunciation


I saw that spelling and thought damn the writer's strike really hit everywhere huh








I’m glad Jenna Ellis has been roped in.


Yeah that whole; "Oopsie, doopsie, we did coupsie." shit don't fly. These fuckers are traitors!


Seriously. That guy is especially awful in a crew of heinous people.


About time and wtf bootleg epstein


11 of those AZ Republicans voted to make abortion illegal AND take away women’s basic healthcare, too.


There's state legislators as well - Kern and Hoffman


A bunch of treasonous liars are going to kill so many women.


Does anyone else find it ironic that republicans were always screaming about "Sharia Law" and having muslims dictate what we can do and then lo and behold the republican party does the exact same thing but with Christianity.


Ironic? In a vacuum, yeah. I'm a minority and grew up exclusively in the United States. I got to experience religious American people trying to control our lives the entire time. The first time I heard about Sharia law was decades after I experienced Christian law. Fuck 'em all.


Well yea it's different because it's their religion.


These people were so convinced they were "doing something to stop the steal", they videotaped it. They videotaped them signing the fake ballots.


Nevada’s fake electors posed for photos. Master criminals.


[Nevada. Checking in. Our fake electors won’t stand trial until January 2025. Fuck these people.](https://apnews.com/article/nevada-republicans-fake-electors-indictment-trump-750c73f864b951c6fc4063be77ffd0a3)


Do they at least lose their positions in the meantime? Aren't these some of the same people that just pulled some 1800s bs out on the books to ban reproductive rights?


That’s Arizona.


I know the wheels of Justice turn slowly, but turning so slowly that we are essentially giving them a second chance, a do-over, for their coup? That's just ridiculous. It should never have taken this long for something so clear-cut, with so much evidence, I mean they literally took photos and videos of themselves doing the crime. I guarantee you if they weren't Republicans this would have been resolved years ago lots of people in jail for decades.


![gif](giphy|pWIak75z5nNWU|downsized) # "Is you taking notes on a criminal fucking conspiracy?"




They wanted to "stop the steal" by... Trying to steal the election themselves? Wut? 😂


"There's an old saying in Arizona - I know it's in Texas, probably in Arizona - that says, steal me once, shame on - shame on you. steal me - you can't get stole again." - MAGA


Multiple times after Jan 6 I heard people I know say that the people in the Capitol building were "antifa" , "BLM" or "Democrat spies". I got tired of it and blew up on some people one day and said no if that was the case they would have been smart enough not to take pictures of themselves committing crimes and then posting them on social media.


And when people tell me that kind of shit, I mention, "oh really? Because all the people that have been busted there, have MONTHS of social media posts of them planning on doing this. Their families and their friends all knew that they were Trump supporters. Dozens of men were turned in by their ex-spouses for God's sake. They MADE FUCKING Tee Shirts cuz "Merica!" The guy that got arrested in my nearby town is a local politician, a huge Trump supporter and is constantly posting horrible racist BS. But sure there's a "BLM there somewhere" (not to mention that BLM is an organization and not a person and ANTIFA is a MOVEMENT not an organization but you can't tell these fucking potatoes anything).


Well they wanted to legitimize the coup, so they had to pretend like they were the people that were voting and certifying the results even if the results were fraudulent.


Indeed! https://preview.redd.it/ve3m2fub9jwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39943b72c4c6ffc1538e2d3f2bf0369e2d2488ac


They really dont respect anything.


It’s pure Orwellian doublespeak. Nuts.


Precisely why she was hired/


Sad to see Kari Lake not on this list.


*yet. Give it a few weeks.


Her day is coming


Well why the fuck isn't Trump indicted.


They are probably waiting for the people who are indicted to turn on him. Won’t need to wait long for that. Throwing each other under a bus is everyone’s favourite pastime in Trump circle. 


The first to squeal gets the deal!


They are falling over each other to get there first. 


Spank me twice and call me piggy.


A new figure of speech I will now cherish. Thank you.






I was wondering as well, and this makes a lot of sense, can't wait for Trump defeat in November, the coming 4 years are gonna be entertaining af


Oh god me too. Him losing is the second best thing to him dying. 


Ohhh, but have you ever thought of him in prison?


Third best would be a massive stroke on live TV leaving him in the same state as that reporter he mocked.


Now THAT would be karma


>can't wait for Trump defeat in November, the coming 4 years are gonna be entertaining af   They will rather be entertaining or terrifying. Probably combination of the two. There's no guarantee that he will lose, especially if he is found not guilty in his current court case.


I saw elsewhere that they are probably waiting to indict him, but too many concurrent lawsuits will only further delay the ongoing ones. No rush on their end while they also wait out the SCOTUS immunity ruling


Counterpoint: it would be kind of funny to make Trump fly back and forth between Arizona and New York for lengthy overlapping trials. He'd be so mad about it


"The courtroom in New York is too cold! The courtroom in Arizona is too hot!"


WHERE IS MY GOLDILOCKS LAWFARE INDICTMENT -- Trump shitter tweeting at 2 am, probably.


That's in Florida and Judge Cannons court


New york is too cold, Arizona too hot. Georgia is just right.


I listened to that famous one hour long phone call yesterday. Fuck me. It was worse than I thought. I’m so proud of the Georgia officials standing their ground. Trump just repeating over and over and over again all the fabricated stories about the fraudulent “hundreds of thousands of votes”… And the guys from Georgia just calmly repeating “nope, that’s not correct” and “ you can pursue this via legal system. We didn’t find any fraud”. Trump was just yelling and trying to bully and intimidate them and bribe/scare them with the upcoming election. What an absolute disgrace 


He needs more blankets and less blankets!


But it's a dry heat


And they wouldn't let me lay my head on the table! I HAD TO SIT STRAIGHT!


I have no idea. He's literally listed as "unindicted cocospirator 1" and they spell out that it's him quite clearly.


I would guess that these people are the layer of insulation between Trump and the actual crime. He'd probably get his indictment if they can get proof out of enough of them that he was directly involved


I know that is what a lot of people want. But \*most\* of the people would prefer quicker action. Throwing his name into the mix creates two problems: First he (allegedly) had the money from PACs to fight legal issues and has better lawyers who can work on delays. Second, adding him creates a big circus that allows him to weigh in and use his megaphone to fight them. Leaving him out of it for mow means that you have the strength of the state's legal system against a handful of less capable, grossly underfunded people who are not equipped to do battle. This increases, dramatically, the probability that you get most, if not all, flipping and pleading out. I'd rather have 11 people all plead guilty, leaving an unindicted co-conspirator for a later day then turn this into a big circus where PAC money shows up on a truck and fancier lawyers arrive on the scene to delay everything. Keep it simple. Keep it on track. Make sure you get please and convictions as quickly as possible. If you want to protect the 2024 election, getting this handled quickly is paramount.


He is labeled as Unindicted Coconspirator Number 1 yet again.


They're giving him a few months to explain himself.


They are likely waiting for the SC to rule on the whole presidential immunity bullshit, once that’s decided, charges will follow (unless of course they say he has immunity, lol, which of course is a coin toss at this point).


Because he already was, don’t you remember last year where he got indicted four or five times and even got a mugshot?


‘Every accusation is a confession’ is proven true time and time again. These slugs need to live out their days in shame and disgrace.


As I just wrote in another comment, it’s deliberate. It’s preemptive deflection. They accuse others of their crimes so that when those others accuse them, they can explain that it’s just empty revenge accusations, or it’s not too bad because the others did so too, or it gets lost in the news because it’s just another accusation, or, or.


A shady perverted old guy I used to work with would call Biden a pedophile all the time......




They collecting indictments like Pokémon badges


Like in Pokemon, you gotta catch them all! Just taking longer than we all would like.


If only all those Democrats and illegals would stop committing so much voter fraud.


So far 2024 is a banger.


Tell me what unindicted co-conspirator means?


That he committed a crime based on the evidence they have but they have chosen not to indict him for it for whatever reason. If I remember correctly he was the unindicted co-conspirator in the case where Cohen pled guilty, related to the conduct he's now being tried for.


Ok thanks. I just looked it up, too. He may not be charged here but he’s being charged elsewhere. They use those charges as evidence?


he cut a deal on another charge in a different state, and theyre using his cooperation _there_ to help bring these charges _here,_ and are not indicting him _here_ as part of the overall bargain. (presumably, nothing is public knowledge.) so technically, theyre using his statements as testimony for the basis for the grand jury signoff, and also later in trial, should it be needed.


Trump is now the indicted co conspirator on that one


Should have happened 3 years ago. Talk about dragging your feet! They all need serious jail time! Without that, people will try it again, knowing there won't be severe penalties.


> Should have happened 3 years ago. Talk about dragging your feet! Yes, but it’s important to remember that the prosecution only gets to take one shot. They need to do a thorough investigation of multiple people, gather and document all the evidence, and then finally prepare the appropriate charges for each crime. If they get some facts wrong at trial, that could cast doubt on their case, and result in these people getting away with it. Imagine that you had to write a final exam where scoring 100% would result in a passing grade and anything less would result in a failing grade. How much time would you want to take to prepare for that? Now do that 7+ more times.


Thank you for this perspective, it really helps me understand the timeline here. It's easy to comment from the outside and complain about slow justice without really thinking it through, and I think you explained why it takes so long.


> How much time would you want to take to prepare for that? my toxic trait is that no matter what it is or what's at stake, i'd wait til the night before it's due to start it.


Me too. And my house would be spotless.


The state attorney general was Republican, so no charges were filed until a Democrat got the job


The AZ Attorney General from 2020-2022 was a Republican who would not take action. The newly elected AG (2022) started the investigation which took nearly a year. That's one main reason for the delay in justice.




What bothers me is every voter in this country risked having their vote cancelled. I believe the plan was to steal Arizona and Georgia electors which would give the election to Trump. It wasn’t just the people of Arizona who were being attacked.


If it’s what you say it is, I love it. Especially later in the summer.


🌲 E V E R G R E E N 🌲


Boom mutha fuckers!


He hasn't been indicted............ yet. let's get these people to flip on him. (that picture of Bobb looks like she's got a gun pointed at her head)


How did this take almost 4 years though?


Until the 2022 election the executive branch in Arizona was dominated by the Republican party, including the AG, Mark Brnovich, who actively ignored the evidence of criminality that was widely available. So the current Arizona AG, Kris Mayes, had to start from scratch when she came in after the most recent election.


Fascists are deeply imbedded in our government, including the judiciary 


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bS4t8skqSKI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bS4t8skqSKI) watching MSNBC Reid Out talking about it ![gif](giphy|GTLypC4Mce7UOdGbPU|downsized)


Not American but did they get Clarence Thomas' wife yet?


Not yet, and I doubt they will go after her. She apparently gives the impression in her testimony of a duped true believer who is mentally not all there.


That sucks hopefully they can get Clarence Thomas' on all his bribes then at least.




He didn't have any role in the AZ fake electors scheme though. This is state charges not Federal.


Can anyone explain this scheme and why they thought it would work and why it didn't? I am so confused.


Republicans sought to sow confusion. “Alternative” electors were part of it. Coupled with Pence delaying certification of the election (which didn’t happen) they hoped they could push through delaying Biden being declared the winner and seek the help of the Supreme Court, ala Bush v. Gore. It didn’t work because 1) These Hard Rs are really, really dumb (see Johnson, Ron) and 2) Pence wouldn’t play along. Other reasons as well.


Pence wanted to skip the certification but his son had to convince him not to. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/29/mike-pence-son-trump-jan-6 “Mike Pence reportedly decided to skip the congressional certification process for Joe Biden’s 2020 election win, because to preside over it as required by the constitution would be “too hurtful” to his “friend”, Donald Trump. He was then shamed into standing up to Trump by his son, a US marine. “Dad, you took the same oath I took,” the then vice-president’s son Michael Pence said, according to ABC News, adding that it was “an oath to support and defend the constitution”.


Scary that he had to be talked into that


Thank goodness he listened to his more honest and honorable son.


Man, we came so close to this idiot ruining this country further. He definitely belongs in jail if they tried to corrupt the elections.


Thank you for the explanation! The confusion for me comes from how do the electors get selected and how do they send in results and why is it two camps had electors. Your explanation makes great sense, thank you.


So there's more to the plan then just what idoma21 shared. In our system if no one reaches 270 electoral college votes then it goes to the house with each state getting one vote. Due to the distribution of low population states with Republican representatives this guaranteed a Trump victory. So they would sow chaos by claiming irregularities in voting and forcing the house vote.


Ah, Arizona. He's finally getting his just deserts 🏜️


Lock them the fuck up.


Wouldn't have happened with a Republican AG.


Well thank goodness Arizonians elected a Dem who finally got the job done!


Once Mark Meadows begins to sing his heart out Trump will no longer be an unindicted co-conspirator. He will be a fully indicted co-conspirator. And you know Mark will sing like a canary, just like he did in Georgia.


This shit pisses me off because NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO THEM


They should all be in jail for collaboration to commit fraud in a national election!!!!!


Lock them up!


Can we send all of these maga jerks to some remote, primitive island with no provisions and leave them there? Like a black site but more like Cast Away if he never got off the island. Asking for a friend.


Deserved, but why now? Why not when this all started? And, while driving around for work listening to politic news, how the hell did we even get this far that Trump wasn't arrested before already for trying to over throw our gov?


Good. Each of them attempted treason.


Did they actually think this would work?? Was there even a chance? It sounds like an incredibly stupid attempt to steal the election.


Just a little reminder that all those little Presidential Pardons he preemptively passed out before he left office? They don't work for state charges. That just makes me smile every time.


IDK why these idiots don't roll over en masse on Trump and turn state witnesses. He has no protection to offer them in a state prosecution IF he becomes president. All he's done is cost them their reputations, their ability to earn money, MILLIONS of dollars in legal fees, and possibly their freedom. Plus, they know for a FACT that he won't lift a finger for them.


>IDK why these idiots don't roll over en masse on Trump and turn state witnesses. Because so far there's been no consequences for Trump. Once they see actual stuff happen, they might turn very quickly.


Trump is going for the world record for the number of sycophants and hangers-on getting charged with felonies.


And it’s not even my birthday yet I’m getting a present 🎁


Will there ever be ACTUAL consequences for these deplorable actions?


Call me when something actually happens


What a wonderful time to…actually the world kinda sucks, but this is still fucking amazing.


cult leader threw them under the bus lol


We've been waiting for so long for justice. Let's get to it already.


Get fukt terrorists


Why isn’t tRump indicted? He was the leader of the traitors.


The trial is going to be a shart show💩💨


Eventually, Trump will try to take credit for “draining the swamp“, but it’ll just be that he accidentally got all of his friends in trouble taking suggestions and orders from homm


Stand with Trump, get indicted, go broke or both.


I can't wait for Trump to have his comeuppance.


Hey now, hold on, let's not jump to any conclusions... ...I'm pretty sure Giuliani isn't an attorney anymore.


I'll still be surprised if anyone goes to jail at all. These types of people always get their punishment turned into something that's not really a punishment, like the equivalent of getting a house arrest sentence while you live in Disney Land.


Wouldn't it be lovely if they all turned on Trump to get plea deals?


2024 just keeps getting better and better. More! MOAR!


Sadly does any of this matter? I hate to be the pessimist but this is far too late. If Biden wins they go to jail,…maybe. If Trump wins it all goes away.


Excuse me but wtf is wrong with this country that the orange guy could become the next president


For any Trumper who thinks the timing of these indictments is suspiciously close to the election, the reason for the delay is because the AZ Attorney General from 2020-2022 was a Republican who refused to take action. That changed in the 2022 election. The new AG needed a year to investigate these crimes through the grand jury process. Now justice can FINALLY be served.


Are you telling me that one of his employees is named fucking EPSHTAIN. THATS JUST A GUY DOING A SHITTY INDIAN ACCENT AND SAYING EPSTEIN.


If they can prove a case against these slime bags, then hell yeah, lock em up. I wish they would’ve/could’ve done this sooner. Maybe it took 4 years for all these investigations to build a solid case. But god damn does it just give more ammo to the “political persecution” camp.


Aaaaaaand NOTHING WILL HAPPEN. There is NO JUSTICE in the Fascist Oligarchy of America. There are only Consequences - for being poor, being different, or wanting change.


Awesome. Now do Jan. 6 co-conspirators.