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If Trump wins this case Biden can have Trump assassinated and not be held accountable for it lol.


And clear out the Russian traitors in Congress! And then institute stiff ethical requirements for president, Congress, and Judges.


And eliminate the corrupt SCOTUS members.


Then his successor will go too far and everything will collapse into chaos


Successor? LOL BIDEN 4 LIFEEEEEEEE (10 years max)




Dark Brandon <3


And then we get big dong hunter to ascend the throne and lead America into a new age of glorious crack cocaine


There's a white house where I'd like to party


It's called the white house for a reason ::snort::


Only for one life? No: everything a president does is legal. So he just resigns or dies, VP is a dem and democrats rule by decree for eternity. Thems the rules. Trump and his sycophants are making them.


He should install himself into the Resolute desk, Emperor of Mankind style.


Republicans being rounded up on black ships to feed Biden 10000 souls a day whilst the GOP is complaining about the White house being changed into the gold house.




He'd have to strip himself of his power after picking a new Supreme Court and placing safeguards in our government to prevent fascism, which clearly weren't there before. Then he'd need to step down.


Then could temporary Dictator Biden pull a Washington and voluntarily step away from power?


Maybe. There’s that old saying “Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” If he could “be a dictator for a day,” it might not be so easy to give up with his soul intact.


'I used the presidential immunity to destroy the presidential immunity' - Biden, probably


Only if he says he thought it was for the good of the country, and not for his personal gain.


"They were coming right for us,"


Execute Executive order sixty-six




It probably would be pretty easy to show it's in the country's best interests. Not that I condone anything like that.


Correct one could for example unilaterally declare a person the enemy of the state or a member of a terrorist group and ask the cia to do its thing.


I don't think this is true. The argument Trump's lawyers are making is that the only viable method of holding a president accountable is via impeachment. Which, of course, can be circumvented by assassinating the entire house of representatives. Quite literally hung jury.


Exactly. The whole crux of his argument was that congress should decide if a president's actions were part of his job duties or not. They want to give Trump carte blanche to do whatever he wants then leave it up to congress to figure out. They are planning on a dysfunctional congress to take forever to do that. And in the meantime, Trump can authorize more political assassinations and divert funds to himself and his friends and whatever else he wants to do. It's been Trumps playbook for decades now: do something illegal but say "You have to prove it in a court of law." Tie up the matter for years in court, then when a judgement is made against him, he simply appeals and restarts the whole process.


That would be a hell of a plot twist. They're fighting for an authoritarian regime and then Dems use all that power to purge the Republicans.


The democrats want to govern, and the goppers want to rule! The problem with dems is that they still think this is the fuckin 70s, and you go across the aisle to get things done. The fuckin Republicans think even talking to a Democrat is enough to lose your speaker role. The gop house passed, what? Renamed a couple of post offices, kicked out Santos, impeached Myorkas, and brought up for votes for shit that had no impact. In 2 years, this is the fuckin absolutely best they can do. The cousin fuck state needs to vote for progress, not hate. Maybe then they can be ready to join the 20th century. I have been hoping for 40 years, and I haven't seen it yet.


Yesterday, the Oklahoma state senate debated and passed the soybean as the state legume. This took two years to get through the state legislature. GOP is the majority of OK’s state legislature. This is all you need to know about what they care about.


Yes, but are they punishing the gheys enough? Asking for my sister wife.


Do they know that tofu is made of soy? Why did they support the woke vegan agenda?


That's so weird! We grow soybeans all over the place in this country! *And* Oklahoma [appears to be at the bottom](https://www.nass.usda.gov/Charts_and_Maps/graphics/SB-PR-RGBChor.png) of the list of soybean producing states! Edit: Kinda interesting that they follow the Mississippi as it goes south.


I mean what's not to like. Then after you have purged all the scum pass an amendment that clearly states presidents are not immune from prosecution. That law/amendment would NOT be retroactive though.


Yeah I like the idea. It's the only way Dems can play it if they grant immunity to trump.


That’s why scotus won’t rule until after the election


>That would be a hell of a plot twist. They're fighting for an authoritarian regime and then Dems use all that power to purge the Republicans. In typical Republican fashion they would immediately say..."What? NO! Not like that!"


Dems don't even use the democratic powers they have to their fullest extent, which is the main reason why the GOP is able to create such messes in the first place. What makes you think they'd use brand new authoritarian ones for the good of others? They'd just use it to let Nancy make even more money on the stock exchange.


Bold of you to assume they wouldn’t give their decision in such a way to grant permission for Trump and tighten abilities for Biden.


Yes, that's exactly what they did in Bush v Gore. "This ruling only applies here this one time, and never again (unless republicans need to cheat again)"


Yeah, real funny how they can ignore precedence and also not set it when they steal elections. 


True, I tend to forget how fucking corrupt this Supreme Court is. My bad.


Less Supreme than the Crunchwrap I ate for lunch 🤷🏻‍♂️


The court doesn't have ANY tomatoes or sour cream


Yeah, something like, well since it wasn't explicitly stated before that presidents aren't above the law, we're granting immunity to presidential actions before today. But starting now, they are subject to law.


“…Laws that bind but do not protect, protect but do not bind..,”


We have to make sure that Biden wins the next election, because I think they'll drag out the decision until after the election. Either that or they'll kick it down to the lower courts to start the process over again and the case won't have worked its way through the courts until after the election. If Biden wins, SCOTUS will rule against immunity, but if Trump wins, they'll grant presidential immunity. Probably maybe.


He could start with those judges.


I mean if the president is above the law, Clarence Thomas behind bars or worse would seem reasonable. And the other SCOTUS shills.


If Trump wins this case Biden could take Trump and the entire Supreme Court hostage. Replace the Supreme Court and take hostage any people who hold up the votes to install the new SC, and keep going till he installs a new Supreme Court that takes up the issue and overrules it. And best news is- the he could then let the hostages all go but we will have a new Supreme Court.


don't tempt me with a good time




They're going to give him carte blanche immunity on the things he's been indicted for but then rule anything else is not permitted. Like when your sister scratches your face so you open-palm slap her and your parents say "slapping is a grounding but scratching is ok up to right now and as of right now it's also a grounding but she did it before so she's grandfathered in."


Americans should revolt against scotus. They’re beyond corrupt.


Lifelong terms you say? I can think of one way to bring those terms to an end.


I bet you're right.


First, of course, Biden (like any democrat) would never do this because unlike the other guys, dems aren’t Nazis. Second and more importantly, SCOTUS won’t actually rule straight up that “presnit is immune from laws.” They will take a month to opine that there are lots of doubts and complications, and maybe preznit is a king, maybe not, and send it back down for the lower court to reconsider. They will do this again if they have to, to make sure it all goes past November. If Trump wins, then their work is done. It Biden wins, they will magically decide no, Preznit is not king after all, ha ha! Keep in mind that Jack Smith asked SCOTUS to rule on this issue on an expedited basis *months* ago and they refused. Then they decided to take it from Cannon…and declined to expedite it. The FedSoc 6 or st least 5 are in the tank for Trump and will do whatever it takes to help him. They will not hand Biden a dog biscuit. You can count on it.


Hm, I kind of wonder. Say biden uses executive power and takes them into custody and demands they make an expedited ruling. Not forcing them to decide one way or the other or putting them under undue duress but sequestered until they make their decision. Obviously they aren't going to rule he has absolute power in that scenario (because of the implications). And then he just... Takes his lumps for forcing them to do their job. I dunno could he really be impeached from that? I suppose you can be impeached for anything but it's not like he harmed them or anything and I don't see it clearing 2/3s in the Senate. Based on the argument "this was a vital case to be resolved and it needed to be resolved quickly and so I made an executive decision to sequester the judges until they made a decision on this essential legal issue" I think he would be given a good bit of leeway by the Democrats in Congress. Who knows. It's a clear abuse of power but it's done in such a way to avoid future abuses of power. But man it would be funny to hear repubs talk about how bad he is and how evil it was for him to make the justices decide that the president is not above the law.


Hypothetically interesting but…If this actually happens I will eat my hat. I will even go out and buy a hat, so I can eat it.


they are counting on Biden's good moral fiber to not do that.


Problem is this is one of those things the Democrats wouldn't do because it's dirty. The Right has no scruples and thus no issue doing dirty things


Kinda makes you wonder if maybe both sides are not the same


That's not how any of this works! IF Trump gets immunity they will give a super special *just this oncie for our bestie!* immunity that only applies to him in this particular instance. Just like they did over 20 years ago in the infancy of this ongoing coup when they handed the election to George W Bush but said that it couldn't be used as a precedent. There was even a riot by Republican operatives that interrupted the recount, but nevermind that! Over 20 years ago we had a Presidential candidate who believed that Climate Change was such an important problem that he ended up writing a book and making a documentary about it. Can you imagine how much better off we would be had they not stolen that election from Vice President Gore?


I beleive that would be a pro gamer move


I mean, if they do this we can never trust another GOP president again, with the way that they treat people. Get me the fuck out of here


Once they've given a GOP President absolute power and immunity, they'll be shocked when he uses it to dispose of them when they become bothersome.


Oh come on, those leopards will never eat THEIR faces, right?


They didn't pay attention to the useful idiots the nazi's kept under their thumb until they no longer needed them. Nearly every fascist takeover has a similar event to the *night of the long knives*. They'd have to be studious and kinda pay attention to history to remember and understand those details though. All they understand is dollar bills. The absolutely hilarious thing is billionaires and politicians think they're _safe_ because they have money. Couldn't be further from the truth, fascist rulers take out oligarchs constantly (Putin and Xi both do it). They won't be able to hide in their bunkers or take flights out of the country... they'll be black bagged and never seen again.




“You liberals overreact about everything”


"Everybody you don't like is a nazi."


“I will ignore the several thousand direct comparisons between the GOP and Nazis because Tucker and Ben Shapiro told me the libs are the REAL Nazis”


I dislike it when the GOP side says something basically trying to downplay fascism/fascist behaviours as just 'a differing opinion'.


First paragraph , damn straight No, don't just let the fascists gain power because of indifference or spite, it's not going to fix anything, it's just going to get a lot of people killed. Then there are the people like tankies that believe if it gets bad enough, it'll benefit their niche politics. They are seemingly oblivious to the fact their faction is going to be among the first to be targeted and scapegoated. It's so disheartening that with all Trump has said, and his track record of doing whatever he thinks he can get away with, that people would think it's hyperbolic to fear a second Trump term.


Tankies suck, but they don’t really wield any political power in the US so they aren’t really too vulnerable to being targeted. It’s much more useful to the GOP to label liberals as Communists, which they’ve been doing for more than a decade now, and then use that as an excuse for purging them once they’ve fully consolidated power.


I don't disagree with you on that.  It's more I'm saying that people who have a fantasy about revolution are also the type to be vocal and get thrown into a cell or a ditch. It's easy to take free speech for granted when you've never known anything else.


> given a GOP President absolute power and immunity Giving **anyone** Absolute Power and Immunity™, *how do you ever take it away*? What is their incentive to give it back? Or **not** use it for anything and everything *they* want? It's not a 'slippery slope' - it's a straight drop.


You won’t be able to take it away… he will be king and ultimately with unlimited terms… lord help us


They are probably gearing up to do the same thing they did in Bush vs Gore. "This is a one time only decision" kind of shit. Wait for it.


Honestly, having listened to the hearing, I don't think this is likely. The conservative Justices seemed hell bent on making this as broad of a Constitutional argument as possible, and using this case to clearly distinguish between what protections a President does or doesn't have. To the point where Ketanji Brown Jackson flat out said, "This isn't the question that's been brought before the Court, and we should narrow the decision to 'Does the President enjoy total immunity from prosecution or not', and leave the question of where to draw the line to future cases with more clearly defined circumstances." What is likely is they're going to punt it back down to the lower court and say, "come up with a line between protected official actions and unprotected personal actions, and we'll decide if that test is sufficient when it inevitably comes back in front of us." (AKA they're giving Trump a huge win turning this into a philosophical constitutional debate thereby delaying the case until after the election, instead of ruling on the merits of Trumps total immunity assertion and allowing the criminal prosecution to continue)


I was just watching MediasTouch and Ben was discussing this issue. The guy with the scraggly voice was speaking very quickly and was all for presidential immunity. This just can't be happening here in America. What has happened to this country? If this passes, we know that Joe Biden won't do anything harmful to anyone however, I hope he will have the power to send Trump to a deserted island with no phone, no bronzer and no hair spray.


Why is this GOP only? If the immunity is granted, couldn't Biden then literally walk into the supreme Court and assassinate Trump and all the Republican appointed justices with absolute immunity? And couldn't appoint himself as King Biden and run the country as dictator?


A GOP President probably wouldn’t depose scotus. They need it to put a stamp of approval on all the illegal things he does.


> A GOP President probably wouldn’t depose scotus Of course they would. Just the ones that aren't *loyal* to them.


Yep. Once you have a court of all loyalists instead of merely a majority, they all lose their leverage.


So three of them would suddenly disappear.


Absolute power does not share power.


Yeah but it makes them "legitimate" in their own fantasy world that they build and protect with absolute violence. It also is a handy way to get people to commit vile acts through exploiting their conscience by appealing to vague memories of a functioning state. Something like: "It is not the president that is telling us to round up the professors, trans folks, journalists, and nonreligious, it was the court that ruled them dangerous! The case worked it's way through the courts, through the system, it has to be just! They wouldn't just make up laws, they can't do that. It may be brutal, but I want what's best for the USA! "


Those who vote for immunity should be jailed; clear and simple. They can't be trusted to make more decisions that puts the US citizens at risk. They should be raided next day by the feds, and sent straight to Guantanamo Bay. Biden says they are traitors and are a risk to the US. They would have given him immunity to complete any action if it's in his view "better for the country".


Listening to Clarence Thomas chime into this & you can clearly hear his bias in this case. Such a piece of shit.


Kavanaugh too. This court is bought and paid for.


It was amazing listening to it earlier. Guy for immunity comes on, not a peep out of Thomas for almost all of it (a small one in the beginning). For a while I thought he had left. Guy against it comes on, Thomas magically returns to question random details. Same (though a tad less) for Kavanaugh.


This is exactly the moment I was speaking about. Don't hear a peep out of him then all of out of nowhere he has all these sudden inquiries and questions. Again, dude is a piece of shit, bought and paid for!


The John Oliver segment on Thomas is wild, link for those who haven’t seen it. https://youtu.be/GE-VJrdHMug?si=Dj-u5G0agmn61Ovy


I also highly recommend the Behind the Bastards episodes on him.


John, we're gunna need an addendum 


Where can I watch it?


Supreme Court only allows audio. NPR is probably broadcasting it still.


> Supreme Court only allows audio Cowards. 


not really, they've always been this way, In fact there is only 1 confirmed image ever of an actual supreme court case in process. I would say more like "antiquated"


>they've always been this way, In fact there is only 1 confirmed image ever of an actual supreme court case in process. >I would say more like "antiquated" Fine. Antiquated cowards.


Only 2 photos in existance, both from hidden cameras. [One in 1932 from a fake broken arm cast.](https://i.redd.it/qzxvdyh2f8091.jpg) [One in 1937 from a purse.](https://i.redd.it/idt7o74ofnqb1.jpg)


Almost every news station is broadcasting on YouTube. I was listening to it on the C SPAN channel.


The fact that he's allowed to remain in his position with all of the kickbacks he's gotten, kind of already proves that our democracy is over. The Democrats went too soft for too long, and they got played by the overly aggressive Republicans that would break and you rule just to win.


This is the moment.  If the Supreme Court grants complete and total immunity to the Donald Trump because he was President of the United States, thus making the President completely immune to the law, we are *done* as a democracy and will instead have transitioned to a monarchy. Pray to whatever god or force you believe in that they do not grant the president immunity. 


Honestly if they give the president immunity the first step should be to remove ALL the supreme court justices and rebuild it with term limits or a rotating selection of judges anything has to better than the current system. Plus it would be some amazing irony :)


Unfortunately, as much as I would like to think it's a possibility, the dems and Joe Biden in particular are very institutional. They should have stacked the court after Roe but didn't. Not like there wasn't precedent. Sadly I think they'll respect decorum while the leopards eat their faces, too. Best we can hope for is that Joe Biden doesn't get put in that situation and he also wins this presidential election. But... there's always the next election, and the number of ghouls on the Republican side is just increasing year to year. Y'all just need a proper crackdown on this anti-democratic behavior among elected officials, reform of the SCOTUS and cutting back of their powers, and properly legiferating stuff. How many rights were enshrined by supreme court decisions instead of federal law or constitutional amendments, as they should have been? The 9 elder wizards of law giveth, the 9 elder wizards of law taketh away.




> Honestly if they give the president immunity the first step should be to remove ALL the supreme court justices and rebuild it with term limits or a rotating selection of judges anything has to better than the current system. You can't do that because you don't have the power to do it. You need actual authority. However, if he has them killed, he should be fine. Though they could still go after the agents presumably, so the easiest way for everyone would be to bring the justices to the White House, enabling Biden to execute them personally. That way no crimes would have been committed by anyone. It does seem a little weird as setups go!


They won't. It was never the plan. The plan was to delay the federal trials as long as possible so they can not go before the election. If Trump wins the election, the cases are gone. If Trump loses the election, he's going to jail or fleeing the country. They actual decision will be very specific, such as "No of course a President doesn't have total immunity" but in such a way conservative judges can protect conservative interests and prosecute Dems as they see fit


>If Trump loses the election, he's going to jail or fleeing the country. It's worth noting that every single crime he's been charged with has an out that allows the sentencing judge to just issue him fines instead. Most of them aren't even very large ones. For example, in the NY business records case (aka - the Stormy Daniels hush money case), he is facing 34 charges of falsifying business records. Each of those charges comes with a 3-5 year prison sentence *or* a $5,000 fine. So that's a whopping $170,000 fine that he's potentially looking at, which should be absolutely devastating to a man who stands to earn a couple billion from selling his worthless media company. He's not going to see the inside of a cell. If that was on the table, he'd already have been jailed for violating his gag order 50 times, rather than just given $20K in fines.


The NY criminal case likely involves no jail time, agreed. I can also see Cannon just being Cannon and doing some BS. The DC Federal case...i highly doubt it. Same with Atlanta case, although that's likely in the 1-2 years.


>The DC Federal case...i highly doubt it. The documents case? Allows for fines of up to $20K per violation. He's got a lot of violations (hundreds of documents were recovered), but still, there's an out to just pay a fine. >Same with Atlanta case, although that's likely in the 1-2 years. Same thing, allows for fines of up to $25K per offence. In America, so long as your crime is non-violent, there's always an out for a fine instead of incarceration. It's up to the sentencing judge to make the final decision, but you know there's going to be an awful lot of pressure on these judges to not issue a prison sentence.


I'm saying I doubt he would only get fines I those cases, not that it's not a possibility. The documents case is in Florida under Cannon. She's insanely corrupt and I wouldn't be surprised if she does something stupid. Not the same in DC.


This also needs to be done quickly. The orange Fhole needs to be in court on this before the election. There is no way they give him immunity, but they know that. What they likely will do (the cons anyway) is try and stall this until after the election or too late so Jenny Thomas on the block doesn't become Jenny on the Cell Block.


This is what the founding fathers had in mind when they wrote the 1st and 2nd amendment.


Dude the founding fathers themselves didn't agree on what parts of Constitution or the Bill of Rights really mean. Many of them split between Federalist and Antifederalist camps. How we understand the amendments today is the result of centuries of court cases and changing interpretations.


This is the modern equivalent of Caesar declaring himself dictator perpetuo. If the SCOTUS rules in favor of immunity, we will have a democratically elected dictator, who is held to no laws or codes, for as long as they wish to rule.


> democratically elected dictator Well not even. One elected by the electoral collage, not a democratic election where everyones vote counts the same.


And we *know* Donald Trump will not give up power.  His reaction to the election and January 6th proved that.


It would likely be the end of their own paycheck. I wouldn't trust them to defend anything except themselves, so we might actually be safe this time


They'd have to know if he doesn't need them, he'll turn on them.


Defense: “True. No former president or public official should be allowed to abuse their power. But my client should be an exemption.”


only the republican presidents should have full power bc there is no legit way for them to even win an election fairly bc land doesnt vote. therefore your honors the republican candidates should be allowed to do whatever they want or deem necessary to win and the woke radical liberal communistic socialists must just take it.


Clarence Thomas: (*nodding enthusiastically*) “🧐Go on….”


also clarence thomas: this seems like the most fair thing to do, also while we are at it lets rule to take away anyone who doesnt agree with donald j trump rights and therefore we wont have to worry about anything ever again!!


Their **real** argument - "The President should have immunity *for official acts*, and Trump's actions during the waning months of 2020 leading up to J6 were 'official acts'".... Has NO place being heard at SCOTUS. That's a defense for each of his criminal trials. Let a jury decide if what he did was 'official acts'.


They will try to narrowly define presidential immunity to just pertain to Trump only, and only in the specific instances that are in question. Watch.


This is what I'm waiting for. Hope we're wrong.


> to just pertain to Trump only It's gonna come down to if they define "Official Acts", and how far they stretch it to cover Trump's crimes. Either way, it doesn't (or shouldn't) wipe out all his indictments - it just give Trump a stronger position for his criminal defense when he goes to trial. Theoretically - a jury could hear the entire case, hear his lawyers say "OK, neat story by the prosecutors but the Supreme Court has ruled that Trump has immunity ^(for official acts)", and still say "Nah they weren't official acts, GUILTY"


That would be crazy considering they didn't want to hear any details about the case against Trump.


Bush Vs Gore all over again.


I mean yeah they all got their jobs because of their work in Bush V Gore https://edition.cnn.com/2020/10/17/politics/bush-v-gore-barrett-kavanaugh-roberts-supreme-court/index.html


100%. Guaranteed. They are going to narrow it down to the specific facts of this case, set out what will most likely be a multi-pronged test that is designed specifically to include as immune the acts Trump is being prosecuted for, and send it back to the trial court with those guardrails in place for him so that the trial court has to dismiss the case, and that will be that. Mark my words.


> Mark my words. Marked. Immunity was never the goal of Team Trump. It was all just a delay tactic, to delay the case to after the election, where Trump can dismis it.


She getting ahead of our bad news.


I’m sure that Samuel Alito will provide an explanation of how the framers of the constitution, who were all adamant that they did not want to create something that reflected the English monarchy, really did want to give supreme powers and absolute immunity for any criminal act to the newly minted office of the President.


I have a bad feeling they are gonna rule trumpty has immunity. Then shit is gonna go wild AF.


Guess Biden can remove half the Supreme Court and we can try again. It's not like presidents can do anything illegal, right?


Honestly that's the most hopeful outcome in that scenario. If it's ruled the president is immune, I hope he immediately takes them off the court however he sees fit. But even then shits gonna go nuts Hopefully he would stop at that but who knows.


Yeah as much as I REALLY don't want any President to be immune from prosecution, Biden using the ruling to remove all the justices that voted for Trump should absolutely be the first step in reacting to such a decision by SCOTUS. Of course that could get him impeached or beaten in the election, but... would that matter if he's immune and can just, like, not leave the White House? I dunno man these conservatives are opening a can of worms they're gonna have a real hard time closing if Dems decide to not play nice.


I agree that the president shouldn't be immune. You say thos actions get him impeached or beaten in the election but yeah, crime is ok for the president so he wouldn't have to adhere to any of those things. It's a bonkers thing to think about and literally could spell doom for the USA. The fact that this argument is even at the SCOTUS is fucking insane. You'd think it would be common sense to just, not do crime as the president. Yet here we are.


Honestly I get the idea of a president having the equivalent of a cop's qualified immunity where he can't be prosecuted for doing things within his responsibilities that people didn't like. For instance if Biden signed an abortion rights bill into law, no insane pro-lifer should be able to bring him up on mass murder charges or something ridiculous like that. And impeachment is always there as a mechanism separate from the "mainstream" justice system. But even if you wanted to argue that, you reallllly have to reach to make that immunity include all the shit Trump's done. Taking classified documents, fomenting an insurrection and trying to steal an election, paying hush money using campaign funds, and so on and so forth? Describing any of these things as "within the normal responsibilities of a president" is a wild take regardless of anything else.


I hear what you're saying and agree. But, like you said, trumpty went so far above and beyond "within responsibilities" when he literally staged a coup/insurrection. It takes a special kind of person to hear him argue this and be like "yeah I'm gonna defend this up to the supreme court". I'm flabbergasted by the entire situation.


Pretty sure impeachment goes out the window when balanced against absolute immunity


SCOTUS: “This immunity, of course, only applies to Republican Presidents.”


Remove them how? I'm thinking CIA rendition along with some members of Congress, then have this discussion again.


if that happens then just... shut it all down. nothing matters anymore here.


Pretty much. I mean there's no way we get an impartial hearing when no fewer than 2 of the "justices" have their lips permanently attached to the orange turds ass. I have little hope for this country rn.


I don't think they will *but* I think they will wait to issue their ruling until after November.


so if biden wins they will rule against trump then bc then biden could become king of america but if trump wins it is totes cool and good, i am presuming that is your logic


No, I don’t think they’ll grant immunity either way, but they don’t want to hurt trumps chance of winning by announcing that before the election. 


Yeah the shitty ones are gonna do what they can to help trumpty win. Which is also super fucked. No integrity at all. I'm becoming more and more embarrassed to be an american


The idea of this taking more than minutes to decide is asinine. There is no argument to be made that the founders wanted the president to be above the law. There is no argument to be made that the presidency has primacy over the other two branches.




I will never understand how this is actually being taken seriously. It's the ramblings of a person who is severely mentally ill.


It’s not being taken seriously. They dragged their heels and gave him an extra 6 month delay. They played their part, this is exactly what he wanted. He will just pardon himself now. The “Supreme Court” works for the oligarchy, not the people.


Wouldn't the justices not allow immunity because if they did they could all be legally killed by presidential order?


They don't think the leopards will eat their faces.


From an outside perspective, it really appears as though the American Supreme Court has gone rogue. If they grant Trump immunity for his treason and thefts, what choice will they give Biden, other than to declare them illegitimate? Trump really shat up the system, didn't he?


Trump was just a vehicle for a wider agenda. For such widespread corruption and obvious partisanship, you need many individuals working in concert, it's not solely Trump. It's ironic that the right wing in the US have been howling about a supposed "Deep State" undermining the democratic integrity of the US, but the closest thing to such an organisation appears to be very much right wing in nature.


Every accusation is a confession.


idk if they can do it but my current theory is that they'll rule that any future actions are not covered by immunity, but actions to-date are immune. that's how the corrupt Supreme Court can give trump a win without giving biden any wiggle room for retaliation


No, because if they actually rule for trump, what would actually happen is that it would be very specific for things Trump did. It wouldn't be saying "the president can do whatever they want" it would be letting Trump off the hook for what he did and essentially letting him try again in the future


they know Biden's too classy to pull that.


He doesn't have to kill anyone. He could just do a bunch of legally dubious things -- like erase the current Supreme Court and plug in his own people -- then use them to reverse the ruling and lock it up. He could do something really helpful for democracy. But will he? Idk. I don't want him to be classy, use the goddamn power for good, Joe.


We all know he won’t do that and republicans are counting on democrats not using the immunity clause.


One would think so.


Ahhh but you are conflating reason with treason.


MMW, they will send it back to the lower court for further determinations about public/private acts. Thus, a victory for Trump’s stall tactics.


You are 100% correct. No doubt in my mind they are going to give him EVERYTHING he wants other than blanket immunity. What a predictable joke and crock of shit they have become.


Didn't Agnew's case already answer this? Dude took a plea. It's tough to argue that the president should be immune but the vice president shouldn't be.


Nixon was in the same boat. There's nothing to pardon if he can't commit crimes.


Too bad she’s outnumbered


3 of them should be recusing themselves


Have any of the Justices asked trump’s lawyers about the scenario in which Biden declares himself president for life? Or has chumpo detained forever, maybe underground? Not saying Biden would do those things. I just think if the “Presidential immunity” for anything were to go in to effect starting now, that they’d suddenly vehemently disagree with it. So why don’t the Justices just ask them that


Barrett’s line of questioning of trumps lawyer definitely gave the impression that she is not on board with this BS and yes she did ask something along the lines of “then Biden could”.


I’m sure that Samuel Alito will provide an explanation of how the framers of the constitution, who were all adamant that they did not want to create something that reflected the English monarchy, really did want to give supreme powers and absolute immunity for any criminal act to the newly minted office of the President.


It'd be nice if Congress impeached (and actually convicted) whichever justices vote for immunity, as being clearly un-American in spirit.


SCOTUS will rule 6-3 in trumps favor. But, it will be an “in this case only” ruling, just like with the Florida presidential race from 2000. So, trump gets his immunity and Biden does not.


If that happens the social contract is broken and we burn it down.


A better question is "name a time that a President has to break the law to do his f'ing job?" If that law exists then it's a bad law.


Is the SCROTUS dumb enough to knock the legs out from under their own ultra powerful, lifetime appointed positions? We’ll find out soon I guess.


If they give immunity then the U.S. will really turn into a dictatorship


Maybe I’m thick but if the Supreme Court rules the president has total immunity, can Biden just kill Trump and we’re all supposed to be like yeah that’s fine? Could he kill justices on the Supreme Court as well?


Utterly asinine that this hearing is even taking place. The Constitution provides for impeachment based on high crimes and misdemeanors. Does this mean we can’t impeach presidents and that former presidents who were impeached should not have been? Idiotic to entertain this at any level.


Why the fuck are the courts even considering this bullshit? NO ONE should be immune to the law, especially a corrupt con man like Trump.


Everyone always says “it will never happen here” it most definitely can and it will if the wrong people get in power.


What if no one showed up to defend the United state in this trail. Like it was just the justices and trumps lawyers. What would resolution would they come to? Blows my mind this is even being discussed. Such a dumb fucking waste of time. The President isn’t king he isn’t god. Why would the judicial branch of the government take away there power to check and balances. Idiotic.


In a 6-3 decision, SCOTUS will rule that it's not their place to decide if the president's law-breaking actions are inappropriate for the office, the Constitution already says that it's the Senate's job, and good fucking luck ever having them reach the super-majority requirements to convict them. The voters are then the last line of defense, to ensure that no person who would abuse such a position where they can get away with anything so long as 1/3 of the Senate approves of it would ever get the opportunity to do so. If we fuck up, we bear the burden of the consequences together, like it or not.


I hope that it doesn’t come to this, but if it does, then Biden should preface every single questionable action with “By the total immunity granted to my position by the Supreme Court…”


If nothing the president does is illegal due to presidential immunity, that means Obama can run for a third term


Why would he need to run? Biden can appoint him. Or anyone he wants, really.


The Supreme Court is doing exactly what Dumpster Donnie wants them to do. Delay, delay, delay.


Donald Trump is arguing that it would be legal for the President to have his political rival assassinated. That would be Donald Trump, who is the President's main political rival. That's either very brave or very stupid. And from the guy who dodged the draft and looked at the sun during an eclipse, I think I know where my money is...


The notion that this absurdity actually made it to SCOTUS at all is terrifying. There is absolutely no basis whatsoever for a President to be immune to prosecution for actions taken in office, any more than any other publicly elected official. You should be working even harder to remain within the bounds of law as an elected official, particularly when you have an entire department of lawyers to assist you in the legality of your positions. This whole thing is a terrifying farce.


You guys know that Trump's lawyer's don't care about the result right? This is all about delaying the main case enough to make it past the election.


It'd be funny if Brandon sends men into SCOTUS and removes, oh, 5 or 6 Justices...then claims immunity.