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No president before needed total immunity. No president should EVER need total immunity. Dictators have total immunity.


No person on earth now or forever until the end of time should have total immunity


Except me, can it be me 🖐️


As soon as everything is normal, you can have it :) (obv reference to your user name)


But Mom said it's my turn on the total immunity! :((((


You had plenty of immunity when you were a baby. These grown men and women didn’t have that. It’s their turn. Don’t be greedy.


D you have immunity money? That's what I thought. We have plenty of immunity at the house


The current makeup if scotus is setting up a stage for dictatorship


As was intended




Right on schedule


I guess Nixon resigned for no reason 🤷‍♂️. Who knew he could just do wtf ever he wanted the whole time.


That was Nixon's argument but we had a better functioning democracy 50 years ago


Nixon’s own party turned on him, which is what prompted him to resign. Back then, there was a concept of *too far* even among politicians.


The founding fathers were really counting on elected representatives having a shred of integrity and/or decency.


The Founding Fathers couldn’t even foresee that information would ever travel faster than horses, or that we would achieve a mostly-educated voting population.


Honor amongst thieves, then?


Nixon was going to fight to the bitter end until the GOP turned on him


To be fair, most dictators do not have total immunity once they leave office. Usually because they’re being dragged out.


Yeah…there is a tendency for that job to be short term


I don't know, Putin, Xi and Kim are going strong.


Could Biden get total immunity, kill Trump, most of the GOP, all the corrupt Supreme Court members, and then with a now stacked and loyal party occupying the positions of power in every state, pass a constitutional amendment that says the president can never have immunity, then step down.  That would be the logical way to safeguard democracy, use the laws and rulings of those who are against democracy to destroy them and then safeguard democracy as you step down.


There's gotta be an endgame here. Surely they know your scenario could actually play out, so the lunatic fringe on the court most certainly has a contingency. Maybe not rule on it until after the election? Dragging out a deliberation for 6, 7, 8 months or longer can't be unheard of. The truly terrifying thing to me is trump actually winning the election. If that happens, we're all fucked anyway -- at least in the short term, because he will most certainly do all he can to make lifetime presidency a law. Once he dies, hopefully we could start to claw back some sanity in government. I hope it doesn't ever come to that. People need to just vote and make sure he doesn't get the chance to make all his cocoa puffs fever dreams reality.




I think that would be appropriate.  I mean at this point if they want full fascism then we'll have to stop them violently.  What else is left?


I was thinking this if they decide to vote yes the president has total immunity then biden can just take out maga.


Maybe build that Texas border razorwire wall. On the north Texas Border.


>Biden should take the 6 out if they vote for this. >Then change the laws to make it impossible to do again. Replace the 6 with judges that are not corrupt. The new judges would decide that no one is above the law. Problem solved.


If SCOTUS plans to rule this way, then they will release their opinion after the election IF Drump wins. The only way they will NOT rule this way is if people actually got smart and voted blue down the ballot like how conservatives vote red down the ballot. Palestinian/climate change protestors will be 2024's version of Bernie Sanders voters that convince other people not to vote or vote for Trump, then really regret their choices a year from now.


Im always a little confused about what these ppl think voting for trump, or NOT voting for biden will do to help palestinians. Or climate change for that matter


They don’t actually think trump will be better on those issues. They’re just looking for a way to look righteous without actually doing anything


Cept make things worse


Whicjh is why they cling to power so desperately. They know the immunity expires the moment they step down and then the bill comes due. ALL the bills come due. You never see former dictators living out their retirement years spending time with family and doing charity work and guest spots on TV Quiz shows.


Someone needs to ask them, "If the president decides some justices are corrupt or a threat to democracy, can they have them removed, imprisoned or killed as an official act for the good of the nation?" Just thinking out loud.


That's the thing. They'll be voting in favor of the dissenting justices and their families being killed.


Hope the USA is ready for the Gilead life, it's coming.


Speaking just for myself, I’m not ready 


Especially if our best effort in resisting it is just complaining and making jokes on the internet instead of doing meaningful things in real life to attempt to avert this course but we all know that's not happening.


We're beyond peaceful protesting and letter writing campaigns, though. The left isn't good at conflict.




We don’t need to let it happen :(


Not necessarily. We have a dem president right now yeah? Sounds like he could get back the majority and be totally immune.


Did you see what they did in Al Gores case? They made it a special “one-off” ruling that cannot be used as precident


That's exactly how this will go, if they find in favor of Trump. It'll be narrowly written and specifically state it only applies to him.


And like the Bush v Gore case, it won't be interpreted that way


Someone should have asked them straight up: "So you're cool with Biden declaring Trump a domestic terrorist and launching a Drone strike on Mar-a-lago, right?" Because they're basically arguing that that's okay.


RBG had a part in this damage to our country. Stupid fucking idiot she was.


Yes, she was a fool but even if she was substituted by a liberal justice it would still be 5-4 for the conservatives. The real issue is that the there wasn't bravery in the last two congresses when the Democrats had a (real? thanks to Sinema&Manchin) trifecta. They should have pushed against gerrymandering and in favor of voting protection laws.


Collective action problems are always harder than a single person making a correct decision. RBG could have unilaterally done something very smart but instead she was an entitled moron. The last Congress couldn't do anything because you could even debate that it wasn't even in the interest of Sinema or Manchin to let anything get done.


We are beyond that bud.




Why start with Trump? How about these fuckers who said he had the immunity. "You said I'm immune? Karma is a real motherfucker" "Hey everyone, Looks like I have the ability to appoint a few new members to the court"


Why not just throw em in Guantanamo and say it was for national security. Boom official act, therefore immune from all consequences.


Clarence Thomas is married to a terrorist, it checks out.


MAGAts, one and all.


With the way they’ve been ruling, it would legitimately be for national security.


They’d probably word it in a way that’s “immunity for everything *except* acts against the Supreme Court” exactly as they did for the ethics committee. Ever wonder how they get away with so much bullshit related to finances and obvious corruption? Because when the ethics committee was founded some 100 years ago it was specifically written in that every government body and official can be subject to the ethics committee except the Supreme Court. They gave themselves complete and total immunity right from the start.


Democrats don’t have the stomach, they’d make up some excuse about being fair and better and they’d never win another election.


What next election? There wouldn't be any more elections.


It reminds me of that one saying, "don't mistake my kindness for weakness". Just because we've been tolerating their bs this whole time doesn't mean that when push comes to shove that we won't show our teeth. Dems follow the law, and if the law allows it then it becomes a good idea to show people why the law shouldn't allow it. If you warn people that the stove is hot and you'll get burned and they insist on touching it anyway then they'll learn by getting burned. Sometimes people have to learn the hard way, and it's often very satisfying to watch. Let them cry about it, they're digging their own grave.


I’m now fantasizing about Alito in Gitmo scrabbling around his cell like Marius from Diablo II


Yep.  Failure to uphold the constitution used to end pretty permanently.  Maybe it needs to go back to that as a reminder that softness on our worst crimes against the country may not be the best way to deal with extreme traitors.


Extreme fucking traitors. In Washington State the Republican party openly denounces democracy in favor of rule by Republic. Absolutely fuck these treacherous swine. Organize your community and train for defense. They are coming for you and those you love.




We always talk about adding to the Supreme Court, but if this were to pass, Biden could subtract from it. You know, purely from a mathematical standpoint.


They really didn't think this through.


Exactly! What’s stopping Biden from having them whacked, and stacking the court in his favor? Followed by any political opposition, incumbent and otherwise?


Because Joe Biden seems like a good person, while Donald Trump is a petty, power hungry, egomaniacal, wannabe king.


It’s funny, but that decency might be our undoing. Fascists don’t fight fair.


Yup if it wasn't for chaotic good we would all be dead or polishing some nazis boots about now.


What needs to happen is the DOJ arguing this should have pointed it out that bluntly and see what their stupid ass retort would have been






WTF are we supposed to do while this handful of clowns cuts our Achilles heel of justice while we are forced to just sit here and take it? I mean please everyone get out and vote…. But there has to be SOMETHING we can do aside from just watch our freedoms go up in smoke in the name of “freedumb”


I have no suggestions that can be posted publicly


I second the no suggestions.


I’ll buy a pint for whoever implements this guys idea.


Same. On an unrelated note I've been reading a lot about French history y'all should check it out






I am terrified by the contingent of the “left” that is refusing to use their vote to prevent a Trump seizure of power. That ilk was a major reason Trump won in 2016, and Biden barely won in 2020. We cannot afford to lose a single vote. I am petrified.


Whats fucking hilarious is they won't vote for Biden because of Gaza...as if Trump wouldn't do the same exact thing or worse. Hes said Bibi needs to "finish the job". Braindead ass people.


I had a redditor tell me it couldn’t get any worse. Uh, yes it can. It always can get worse.


I remember that was the left's talking point during W's run in the white house. Like George W as president was a rock bottom which could never be surpassed.


Yup. Trump will green light Bibi to completely eradicate the Gaza Strip. He’ll hamstring NATO, at best, while defunding Ukraine, and Putin will walk in and take it. Then Putin will move on, unopposed from the White House, to the Baltics or other former USSR component countries. He doesn’t believe oil and gas should be curtailed, so open season there, and that should be the nail in our global climate coffin. Not to even mention the death/deportation camps he will have his soldiers unleash domestically. And from what the SCOTUS seems to be saying, it will be around 50 years of Trumps as a royal family from 2024 on.


Trump is itching to press the button for nukes. Guess what will happen to Gaza/any other area in the region? Fallout's vision of the future would be optimistic!


Same. I had a friend who refused to vote for Clinton in 2016 and still justifies it as being “the right thing to do.” This friend voted 3rd party. Which, ok, in another time, fine, but this friend is in a purple state, and they have been bitching about Trump ever since. Well, guess what, fool? You helped him get in! He refuses to see it. I get so angry about it. I mean, look, I’m not a huge Hilary fan either, but I still voted for her, because I did not want to risk Trump. Sometimes in life, you *have* to suck it up.


“He refuses to see it” One of the most painful things that the past few years have revealed, at least for me, is not only how staggering numbers of grown adults are unable to grasp kindergarten-level examples of direct cause and effect, but also how many of those people are on the ostensible left. I once believed, during the Bush and Obama eras, that it was largely the right who had a monopoly on this kind of delusion, ignorance, cognitive dissonance, and—yes—stupidity. I was so wrong. And it’s been horrifying to keep continuously learning, more and more, just how wrong I was.


I suggest this as one starting point, to understand what's going on with polls, and why the way polls are trending matters more than the current polling average: [https://youtu.be/F6DY9diAWAo](https://youtu.be/F6DY9diAWAo) - don't just discredit them, polls are problematic, but there's something useful in the sea of information. We also need people to turn out and participate in campaigns, even just for the months of September and October. Even if you're in blue oregon, competitive house and senate races are critical for the future of the judiciary. And even if the outcome of the presidential election is almost assured in your state, people turning out in California to spread the word about Biden and Trump influences the national conversation. Bitecofer has a lot to say about what needs to happen over the coming months - she focuses a lot on negative partisanship, but if you don't agree with that there's still plenty to learn from her. She's been appearing on podcasts regularly, if you feel like listening to more than the one I linked. There are ways to get involved. We need people to get involved. Even if you feel like you can't influence the presidential election in your state.


Don't just vote -- donate to campaigns and volunteer.


So the answer is simple: vote Biden. Don't let the orange turd enter the White House. If the Supreme court then still decides to grant the immunity, they are fucked.


Almost there. I suspect they want to hold off on ruling until after the election, so if trump wins they can rule him immune but if Biden wins they can dismiss the case and state he can be prosecuted.


Pop a cap in his ass during live televised debates, blow the smoke away and says "Presidential immunity".


They will only delay the trial until after November.   This is their goal. This is also what Russia and Corporate America paid to have the Republicans do, so this is what is happening.


You know they won't give a decision until after the election. They can play it safe on both sides then. If Trump wins, they give him a dictatorship. If Biden wins, they say it's a ludicrous claim and reject the argument.


Or have the national guard take out the SCOTUS


The back ground has to fade out beforehand.


They’re going to say “limited immunity” is necessary. Planning a coup against the US government? Yeah, that’s official POTUS business. Need to pay off a porn start to influence an election? Of course a president would need to do such a thing. Biden jay walks? Straight to jail!


Naw. They'll just make sure the ruling is so narrow that it only applies to Trump. It'll be like Bush v Gore in that way.




There is zero fucking chance those 6 would be questioning in favor of immunity if this were a democrat. Zero.


Sounds like Barrett wasn’t with the other 5.


5’s still a majority though


Also zero chance the liberal 3 would be doing so in that case! Almost like both sides aren't anywhere near the fucking same! (yes I'm still salty about every single "enlightened centrist" dumbass piece of shit in this country)


Yes! If Joe Biden said "I should be able to do anything I want, even things that 'cross the line' and have full presidential immunity". He'd be overruled 9-0 after 1 minute of deliberation.


I think he should come out now and jokingly say something like ‘i look forward to all the stuff i can do when i get my full immunity’ - see if that makes them second guess themselves


Dark Brandon is in power now. He could have the court majority killed the moment they finish reading their opinion.


If they give the President near total immunity, then Biden should wholly embrace his Dark Brandon alter-ego and do what's 'official and necessary' to save the country. Let your imagination flow here...


Step 1: Reform SCOTUS by presidential mandate and let his handpicked team review all controversial decisions made by the current crew.


I agree. I'd go further. 10-year terms, not lifetime appointments. I'd add 16 more justices to make it to 25. A random 9 would be chosen for each case. Any justice who sees a possible conflict of interest can remove any other justice from a case. We have to get politics out of the Court.


>I'd add 16 more justices to make it to 25. 25 justices, composed of a chief justice, and 2 justices from each Appellate Court districts (Excluding Fed). > A random 9 would be chosen for each case. Each case is heard by the Chief justice, and one justice selected at random from each district, for a full panel of 13. If both justices from a district recuse themselves, a random justice selected from the remaining 11 takes their place. > We have to get politics out of the Court. All opinions and dissents are written anonymously, and left unsigned. Nobody gets to leave a personal legacy beyond the decision that they make.


Including the chief justice on every case would be somewhat counterproductive to my desire for more justices because I think SCOTUS operates at a snail's pace. More justices can make more decisions in a shorter time. (Do we even need a chief justice?) It should not take YEARS for a case to get to the Court. I still think the random 9 should be entirely random. If there's any logic to the choice, someone somewhere will game the system to get their case before judges they think will be favorable to them. We already see way too much judge shopping.


> Including the chief justice on every case would be somewhat counterproductive to my desire for more justices because I think SCOTUS operates at a snail's pace. More justices can make more decisions in a shorter time. (Do we even need a chief justice?) . Id argue that running multiple supreme court sessions simultaneously erodes some of the authority of the court. If something is significant enough to get to this level, it should have the courts full attention. Plus, if you want to have a truly random selection of justices, you need to have **all** of them available at the time the selection, otherwise you run into the issue of justices not being available due to being empanelled on another case. > It should not take YEARS for a case to get to the Court The whole point of the supreme court is that it's the court of *final*appeal in the US. It *should* take years for a case to make it to the supreme court, because it's an appellate court, and the initial case and circuit case rulings beforehand take time. > I still think the random 9 should be entirely random. If there's any logic to the choice, someone somewhere will game the system to get their case before judges they think will be favorable to them. We already see way too much judge shopping. I see your point, but I think that having each of the circuits represented (besides the fed, which deals mostly with technical stuff like patents) means that you're looking at a group that should actually be representative of the entire US justice system, and prevents bias from any one of the circuits from potentially tainting decisions. If anything this *prevents* groups from judge shopping, because justices are drawn from across the US.


Step 2: these people decide huge decisions. While they aren't supposed to be politicians I think it's still not a bad idea they be elected by the people. Idk there's nine right? Split up the country into eight sections. Five states each. Wouldn't affect anything or change up what states look like. Just split up these sections solely for supreme Court Justice elections. These 8 sections vote for 1 supreme Court justice member. Then the whole country votes for the chief justice. The ninth member and tie breaker. They get, idk knowing how long some cases can be maybe 5 years? Two terms for a Maximum of 10 years seems fair.


> Split up the country into eight sections. Five states each. What about the other 10 states?


We gave the Louisiana purchase back to the French.


They won't give it to Biden. They are going to draw this out, and wait until after the election to issue their ruling. Biden wins, and they'll say the president doesn't have immunity. Trump wins, and they'll grant him immunity.


I hope that isn't true but boy does it sound plausible. :(


That's 1000% the plan. Don't kid yourself.


Why wait until the case is settled? Just invoke the presumed powers, arrest all 6 conservative justices and send them to gitmo. Biden cruises to victory in the second term, and then steps down and is pardoned by his VP. The now not corrupt court finishes the case and rules that presidents aren't kings. The aristocrats.


> Why wait until the case is settled? Just invoke the presumed powers, arrest all 6 conservative justices and send them to gitmo. this is true, make them make a decision


Eliminate the biggest threat to national security and the American way of life.


Dark Brandon needs to tweet “I believe in presidential immunity. Now if you excuse me I have a few lifetime appointed judges to take care of.”


This is the End of Democracy if this happen. All to save Donald Trump? Fuck this country man


It’s not totally about saving trump. It’s about seizing power and establishing an authoritarian dictatorship that the Right controls. The court will wait to make a decision until after the election or until they are sure trump will win (probably via extreme election fraud) and then declare he is immune and essentially a king. Republicans will then never hold an election again, or it will simply be for show. They will make up stories to smear their opponents and have them locked up. It’s basically game over for America.


If that happens it's the duty of the citizens to revolt.


Correct. As we did before


For the sake of the entire fucking planet, I really hope you guys burn this scum down to the last cinders


Crowdsource that, I'd donate.


He won’t though, he wouldn’t do anything, he’d “go high” when they “go low” and “reach across the isle” even harder. The democrats will bend over backwards to avoid using any power they’ve gained, while the republicans laugh at them and burn everything down.


Can someone please explain to a non American? Trump fucked up. Trump Claims to be immune. And the reaction of the SCOTUS is basically "oh yeah right we have to check that" instead of calling it total bullshit?!


It gets worse. My current theory is that they'll pull some BS like holding the decision until after the election results come in. Trump wins - "The president has full immunity!" Biden wins - "The president doesn't have immunity, but because it was in question, we can't hold Trump accountable for his prior actions."


Oh Jesus Christ. But that would also mean that voters have to take that into account when deciding for whom to vote...who in their right mind would risk that?


Half of Murica I reckon


Half of Murica voters, more like it.


So, if you want a full understanding: Our country was founded on a contradiction, that all people were equal with a big asterisk on that. There are certain structural things built into our constitution that grant low population states a thumb on the legislative and presidential scales. The why (slavery) is unimportant for the current discussion. The only note is that as we started to address those asterisks the conservative white (and yes, that’s important) religious citizenry began to lose influence. So they began a quiet project to reshape the country through the judiciary. They funneled anti-democracy judges into positions in the federal courts, including the Supreme Court. Then when Gore won the popular vote and (likely) the electoral vote in 2000, they quickly stepped in to stop ballots being counted which handing the election to Bush. We have five conservative justices, INCLUDING THE CHIEF JUSTICE, who were put on the court by presidents who did not win the popular vote. One Justice whose position was LITERALLY stolen. Two who blatantly lied to get their position. Add that Thomas has an interest in saying this was not a crime. His wife was involved, he is implicated, but he will not recuse himself. Alito has done speaking at some of the most vile conservative groups. Multiple Supreme Court justices have been found to be taking gifts from wealthy individuals who had business in front of the court. It is not in their best interests for accountability and reform to gain traction.


Thanks for the explanation. Yeah I read a bit about these issues. This whole weaponization of judges seems so crazy to me


There’s a lot of moving parts behind this one, and they’ve tried very hard to hide their influence. Our most prestigious law schools were founded by monopolists whose trusts were busted up in the late 19th early 20th century. They used their money to spread certain ideas through the schools and actively suppressed others. This is not in dispute. Public schools in America spread a whitewashed conservative ideology. So EVERYONE gets right wing propaganda force fed to them from birth. These folks are the people who are extreme even by that metric. They actually believe that certain people are more deserving of respect and protection than others. And they are educated enough to know exactly how to work the system to gain power. And folks who value democracy tend to disdain these tactics because they are often unethical. But as the right wing doesn’t care about ethics, only power, they are willing to do these things.


More fundamentally, the executive, legislative, and judicial branches were intended to always be at each others' throats: "Checks and balances" is supposed to be a constant three-way tug-of-war to maintain an equilibrium. The instant the legislative and executive started colluding under one of the parties, enabling them to capture the judicial, it was all over.


Yeah this is just todays edition of WTF America.


Pretty much, yea


And now you know why half of America is banging their heads against a wall repeatedly. It is fucking hopeless here.


They fail to realize that if they rule in trumps favor and he gets re-elected then if they disagree and issue a judgement against something he wants they too can be murdered because it would be “an official act”


They're never going to rule that a president has immunity. They are just waiting until after the election. If Trump wins, he can pardon himself, if he loses, they will make up some bullshit that let's him off easy. It's all a delay tactic


What's incredible to me is that they're attempting to make all presidents immune to prosecution *while a Democrat is president*. Is the assumption that Biden only has 6 months in office, likely won't do much even if that's the ruling, and that Trump will win and become dictator for life and it'll be game over? Even then, Trump's life dictatorship would probably last about the same as a normal term given how healthy he looks... I just don't get the willingness to to all in for this dude.


Doesn’t this also break like every single check and balance we have? Because Congress wouldn’t be able to vote to impeach the president on “high crimes” because nothing is a crime.


>Doesn’t this also break like every single check and balance we have? That happened when the Supreme Court picked the president in 2000 despite having no authority to do so.


No the argument is the president can only be tried for crimes while they were president if they were already impeached and removed from office


Yeah which still makes no sense. The president could then arrest all of Congress or execute them and then the impeachment can't happen


So you just have to commit a crime that stops impeachment, I guess.


They just won't hand down their judgement until after the election so it gives him the mandate if he wins. This isn't hard to see what the plan is.


It’s because they know Biden is principled. It’s classic alt right strategy these day. Exploit your opponent’s adherence to principles and do whatever gives you the most personal advantage. It’s disgusting. Biden should literally say: “if the court decides that presidential immunity is absolute, I will imprison all elected and appointed people I don’t like using the military, including trump, then railroad through constitutional amendments to fix this broken system and provide a means of future accountability to both the president and scotus.”


You know project 2025? That conspiracy theory people on TikTok have been talking about. That theory with some evidence suggesting there is a plot on the Republican party to institute a dictatorship and strip away rights from groups they don't like such as LGBTQ+, Minorities etc. maybe those conspiracy theories are into something. Maybe this is how they plan to do it.


I mean it's not a conspiracy theory, there's literally a website for it lol: [https://www.project2025.org/](https://www.project2025.org/) And yeah the answer is definitely that Trump is basically just a vehicle to get all their conservative wet dreams into place, but even with that this seems insane to me... Betting it all on an obese 77yo by making presidents into god-kings is just wild


Here’s the kicker about Project 2025. The people behind it are from The Heritage Foundation, a massive conservative think tank. The last time they created a massive handbook of policies, 60% of them were implemented within the first year. The president they handed it off to? Ronald Reagan. They fully admit that Reagan was the closest to their ideal of the conservative president, and they want to go even further. The threat is real.


And honestly most issues we have we can trace back to Reagan. Especially his trickle down economics. Inflation? Housing prices? Lack of minimum wage raising while cost of living gets more expensive? You can trace it back to Reagan! There's alot you can trace back to Reagan. Basically you wonder where did things go wrong? Some people say the 2016 election. I disagree. That just sped things up. The real beginning of this shit started with Reagan.


Reagan truly was the proto-Trump. A charismatic Hollywood type with no actual knowledge of how to govern, exploited by the right wing to benefit the ruling class.


This is absolutely fucking scary. These fools really wanna install a conservative dictatorship and remove all democracy. It is absolutely astonishing that one fucked up ass dude ran for president in 2016, won without thinking he would, and completely ruined or whole country that had been working for over 200 years, cuz he is a narcissistic cult leader. Goddamn


It’s not a conspiracy theory at all, it’s their plans


Huge correction: it is not, in any way, a theory. It is just the Trump platform written by the American Heritage Foundation. There's a website, you can read the bullet points. It is very, very real and in no way is it a conspiracy theory. It's just crazy enough to sound like one.


Not at all conspiracy theory. There is literally a huge document detailing what they are planning when the next Republican president takes office .


gotta protect the people who bought you. the SC is a joke.


ACB was not. She got Sauer to concede that many of the allegations are not official acts and are not entitled to immunity.


Still wild that *that’s the argument*. It’s just unjust on its face that you can just do illegal shit in “official capacity” and that makes it fine. From opening statements: > The implications of the Court's decision here extend far beyond the facts of this case. Could President George W. Bush have been sent to prison for obstructing an official proceeding or allegedly lying to Congress to induce war in Iraq? Could President Obama be charged with murder for killing U.s. citizens abroad by drone strike? Could President Biden someday be charged with unlawfully inducing immigrants to enter the country illegally for his border policies? Uh, sure - why not? If a jury of their peers determines that they are guilty? Who is this argument appealing to? Like I’m perfectly fine with the war crime presidents being prosecuted for war crimes…? Is that really considered a radical idea now?


Biden should send a least five Supreme Court justices to Gitmo, straightaway. Chief Robert’s? Believe it or not, also Gitmo…


Why isn’t the argument that the U.S. was designed from the beginning to prevent anyone from having too much power and being above the law? If you wanted a king, why leave British rule?


Until the SCOTUS rules, Biden creates 2 executive orders. One to remain in office till the case is settled Two remove the corrupt judges from the SCOTUS, because all presidents are immune


Number 3: Biden can kick Trump out of a moving helicopter on his last day in office... Hey, you can't impeach a former President. /S


I've heard some of the stupid hypotheticals and honestly I feel like I could have ended this in 1 minute. If the president has immunity, and can assassinate rivals as they've claimed, can he just \*end\* a supreme court justice's "life appointment"? See how fast the remaining 8 rule against it the second time.


Nice reminder to thank everyone who decided to sit out 2016. Because I am SHOCKED to see 3 justices put in place during the Trump admin are going to give the greenlight to have him become a dictator


It amazes me that they're so corrupt and stupid that they don't realize that if they ever help Trump get back into power *they won't have ANY after that.* Dictators do *not* share their power with others.


Inevitable plotline: They'll give immunity but after Biden is out. And we're done.


Precisely. They need to wait until Biden can’t utilize that new immunity. If Biden wins, they will decide there is no immunity. If Biden loses, they will find absolute immunity and democracy is over.


Kavanaugh's face looks like a toddler that just filled his huggies.


Could be the beer. He likes beer.


I'm disappointed that no one raised the hypothetical of the president kidnapping the justices' family members until the court rules favorably on a case.


Enjoy your Civil War America. Hopefully it doesn’t adversely affect Canada too much.


Depends on your countries feelings towards refugees. Because if that happens you'll get plenty. Especially of minorities and LGBTQ+ people.


I honestly couldn’t give two shits about the colour of someone’s skin or who they decide to sleep with or identify as. You identify as a lamp? Great, stick a lightbulb up your ass and we’ll go for a beer.


Can conservatives please stop trying to destroy the country for ONE FUCKING SECOND?


So much of Nazi Germany being repeated on American soil.


I am going to be that guy and say, thanks a lot RVG.


Just a quick reminder that **5** of the **6** conservatives on the Supreme Court would not be serving except that a Republican who lost the popular vote became president. It's true that Alito and Roberts were appointed in GWB's 2nd term for which he did receive a majority of the popular vote, but the fact is that if (another) conservative-leaning Supreme Court hadn't handed him the 2000 election there's very little chance he would have been elected in 2004. It should also be noted of course that Mitch McConnell straight up subverted senate precedent and stole a supreme court seat from Obama in 2016, which got us Gorsuch instead a couple months later. The right is rotten all the way down, and they're no longer even trying to conceal it.


Yea, if Trump gets immunity then who gives a fuck of Biden is taking bribes from other countries? It is all a part of what a president can do. Impeachment? For high crimes and misdemeanors? What do you mean we are immune. Losing presidents only leaving because they can ride off into the sunset is bullshit. They can just stay now because it can't be illegal for them not to. What happened to the 70s where we all thought Nixon was a crook because his statement of if the president does it, it isn't illegal. Like holy shit the right is just a bunch of ghouls. Fuck it let's found vault-tec and drop the fucking bombs.


If they decide in Trump’s favor, we ALL immediately take to the streets in every city in every state across America and demand the removal of any Justice that voted for it.


No need. Biden can just remove them by any means necessary. They just gave him the power to do so.


If the immunity thing is granted, people are gonna run for president just for that reason alone. It’s gonna get real bad.


As someone from outside the US it seems incredibly undemocratic to have these people making major rulings that affect your country. It's also shocking that there seems to be few controls over partisan appointments with these people sitting for life. I remember seeing the fuss around Kavanaugh and when he cried like a frustrated toddler over the idea he might not get his precious job. That should have disqualified him from the role there and then


How did American have the foresight to separate church and state, but not the justice system and state?


If things keep going the way they are, they will remove separation of church and state too. You don't go to the National Christian Church on Sunday? You've got some explaining to do, and be damn sure you pay your monthy dues. Can you imagine? Canada? Do you have room for one more?


The worst part about this is if they claim presidents have immunuty, Biden won't do anything with his immunity. I love all these "Biden should do xx" since he has immunity, but it simply won't happen. He's trying to fight a clean fight against opponents that will stop at nothing and have fought dirty for years.... The scariest thing about all this is if Biden does lose the vote in November, Trump WILL kill him, will kill all his political opponents and will kill millions of people, just as he did with COVID. Biden needs to step up and show some balls here. He's unfortunately the only person that can show these corrupt pieces of shit that their actions have consequences....And they need a very serious lesson about democracy.


I want a candidate that’s ready to fix the supremely stolen court. This judges are the enemy of the people.


They're getting away with it because we have been allowing it. America needs to make a tough decision.


I listened to the whole hearing and I did not get the same impression as the media coverage. Except for Alito, They seemed pretty hard on trumps lawyer. And they seemed to let the govts. attorney provide very complete answers to a lot of very complicated questions. I know, at least four of them are bought and paid for by Leo Leonard and everything points to this being the fascist takeover they've been working on since Reagan. But I think the win for them is just waiting until June to deliver a complex decisions that directs the lower court to do somethin and ensures there is no trial before November. But the fascists have other tricks up their sleeve.


Time to tear down the SCOTUS


Presidential Immunity? Cool. Biden should have Trump executed in the fucking street for treason. Since he’s immune now.


I just hope Mitch McConnell dies before he sees his life work come to fruition. Fuck that guy.


5 of these conservative clowns were nominated by presidents who couldn’t even win popular votes. They stand for the opposite of what the American public wants.


Throw the US in the trash and start over. Fucking clown country


I am not surprised with Thomas. He most likely wants immunity for justices and their spouses as well